The Jonathan Kogan Show

In this ⁠thought-provoking episode⁠, we delve into the unsettling events that have shaken the world of politics. Join us as we uncover the ⁠tragic story of an Ecuadorian politician⁠, a promising presidential candidate whose life was cut short by a shocking act of violence. As we investigate the circumstances surrounding their untimely demise, we'll strive to separate fact from speculation.

But that's not all – the political landscape is rife with turmoil as other world leaders find themselves entangled in a web of obstacles preventing them from participating in upcoming elections. Are these instances of election restrictions mere coincidences, or could there be a deeper, more complex narrative at play?

Drawing from reliable sources and expert insights, we aim to shed light on the realities of these situations without sensationalizing or jumping to conclusions. Our goal is to foster understanding and provide viewers with a well-rounded perspective on the challenges facing democracy worldwide.

Join us as we navigate through the twists and turns of this intricate global political web, seeking to unravel the truth behind these events and the potential impact they may have on the ⁠future of democratic processes⁠.
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The Jonathan Kogan Show brings you the most important, underreports news (and hot takes) that you need to know but the mainstream media is not covering. If you are searching for the truth, and of course the cold hard facts, then this podcast is for you. But, if you are looking for fake news and distractions from the real news, then you will be better off going to CNN, MSNBC, or Fox News. We do not cater to any corporations or powerful elites, but rather everyday peasants who simply want to know what is really going on without the propaganda.

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Jonathan Kogan:
We are broadcasting everywhere live on The Jonathan Kogan Show. What's up everybody? Welcome to The Jonathan Kogan Show. I'm your host, Johnny K. Yeah, we're everywhere because that's what we got to do. All right, let's jump right into it. By the way, if you haven't subscribed to The Jonathan Kogan Show podcast, review your podcast, subscribe if you like it, five star review. That's all I got to say. So you knew when things were a little bit quiet that it was a calm before the storm type situation, right? You know, when things are calm nowadays in 2023, when the whole world is unhinged, that something's coming. Okay. Something is coming. And guess what? That day has arrived. Now we're back. Okay. So in case you haven't noticed, there's a common theme going on. Is that these, these candidates to become presidents or whatever the, the leading position name is called in that particular country, like a president or prime minister. If the candidate is anti-establishment, right? Like anti the current way of things, not part of the establishment, you are seeing a concerted effort globally, perfectly coordinated to ensure that those people are either A, remove and or A, remove from office and, or not able to run in the next election. Okay. So what it seems like is, is that we talk about two parties on this podcast all time, the elites and the peasants. It seems like the elites know they need, they need, they're destroying everything during this election in all the countries and they need to win one more to get their full gray reset in so they can't have a trip up by having an anti-establishment person in office. Now I'm not saying I like these politicians. It doesn't have to do with that. I just talk to you in facts. Okay. And they might not even be anti-establishment. I'm just telling you how they are viewed. So, and another way to assess it is that if someone in a foreign country is considered the Trump of that country. that puts them in the same category. So for example, well, first of all, Trump, okay. They're trying to make sure he can run, lock him up. You got all these lawsuits, right? Now I'm not going into lawsuits, the value or not. Just listen, we have a person, we have a party in power in the United States that is trying to jail the political, the leading political opponent of the opposite party that is occurring. Okay. Now has nothing to do with who these people are. That's just crazy. All right. Let's go to Brazil, right? Bolsonaro is the Trump of Brazil. That's how he's known, right? He barely lost his election to Lula who came out of jail to run against him and won. Immediately Lula takes office. Now they're trying to jail Bolsonaro, but for sure he cannot run for, to be the leader of Brazil for another eight years. So he cannot run in the next election. So his, the opposite party took power and now made sure he cannot run in the next election. Okay? The other one, Pakistan, Imran Khan, right? was removed from office as being charged so he can't run in the next five years, so he can't run in the next election. Okay, and now what just happened is in Ecuador yesterday, the presidential candidate Fernando Villavicenzo, sorry if I mispronounced it, was killed in broad daylight at a rally, and he was known as the anti-establishment candidate, disrupting things, shot and killed. In fact, I'll start off with the video. If you don't want to watch it, don't watch it. But I got to play the facts for you. You need to see it from the source. Here is the video of him being assassinated. You don't see it, but if you're not watching it, you'll hear it. Here's him going to his car to leave, and then it happens. When you see people fall, chaos ensues. And that's it. That is a doornail. Done. Capiche. Over. All right? Anti-establishment. Now, what else has happened in the same time span, AKA like two days? Well, we have a breaking story. We're going to cover all of this stuff in detail. I'm just going high level, then we'll go deep. This is from the Intercept. All right? Secret Pakistan Cable Documents. US Pressure. to remove Imran Khan. Quote, a, all will be forgiven, said a US diplomat, if the no confidence vote against Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan succeeds. The US State Department encouraged the Pakistani government in a March 7th, 2022 meeting to remove Imran Khan as Prime Minister over his neutrality on the Russian invasion of Ukraine, according to a classified Pakistani government document obtained by The Intercept. And. We'll go into this further, but I want you, I came across this video to show you what type of person this guy is. All right. Just to show you this, this common theme between all these people that are being barred from running, by the way, protect democracy, oh my God, save democracy. You got to protect democracy, do anything to protect democracy. Democracy is when the people vote, the people choose. If you are jailing the opponent, that is the opposite of a democracy. Literally the opposite. So you can't say on one side of your mouth, we need to do everything to save democracy and the other side, jail the opponent. Like what kind of cognitive dissonance is going through people's heads? I don't even understand, it's so hard to fathom. You can't have like poor, you can't say like, oh man, I'm really tall, but guess what? I'm really short. Like what? They're just totally opposite things, it makes no sense. So this interview, I'm gonna play three parts because I want you to know who this person is or. You know, you could see the common thing between all these people. This is Julian Assange from WikiLeaks, who by the way, is a journalist being held without charge in a maximum security prison for like five years and no journalists are outraged or anything. They will, they're trying to kill him. Invert like, uh, you know, indirectly. Why aren't we freeing Julian Assange? Can we get some people to speak up? Is it only independent journalists that have morale now and ethics? and just doing the right thing and standing with each other. Julian Assange is a hero, man. He's a hero. Listen to this interview he did with Imran Khan. I'm going to play three parts. This is from, uh, 2012, 2012 with Imran Khan. And I just want you to get an idea of, you know, maybe why the, how he talks and why maybe he's being prevented from being in office and also a little bit of reminder of who Julian Assange was and the work he was doing because We forget nowadays. We don't remember things like more than a year. People have no idea that we were locked in our homes two years ago. And like the only way to leave was to get forced injections of an experimental mic, people don't even think about that. Anyways, here we go. Here's part one. I need to pause there for a second. So you know how today it just so happens that people on the left are the ones that are brainwashed and thinks that we really are spreading democracy, the FBI, CIA, they would never do anything wrong, and that we are in other countries and occupying them to spread democracy. We're there to help Ukraine spread democracy. He is saying how the US was involved in their elections to rig their elections, the Bush administration, the Bush We were rigging their elections in 2008. All right. We're going around rigging everyone's elections. This is what we do. This is what they mean by spreading democracy. It's always the opposite of what is really happening. You see what's going on and people just forget it's unbelievable, but we expose fraud on this podcast and we will never stop doing so even if our social credit score becomes negative 55. Wait, let me be politically correct. Imran Khan, there's only one word to describe him. He's an election denier. So hold on. So do you see the common theme here? When we have a massive war that we want other people to be a part of and we wanna do everything we can to expand that war. So in that time, it was the war on terror. We will do whatever it takes to get the leaders in place to ensure that we can keep this war going forever and feed the military industrial complex and play empire as long as possible. And if other elected leaders do not wanna play this game with us, we will oust them. We will get them out. We will rig the election. If we can't rig the election. We will jail them and if we can't jail them, we will kill them. And in today's podcast, all of those things are happening again, because we now have the Ukraine Russia war, right? The first big one since basically the war on terror. And now we're at it again. We're doing the same playbook again. And if a leader is against it, they must be removed. CIA needs to run their operations, get them out and install a puppet government. Everything we blame other people for like, Oh, Putin puts in a puppet government. Yes, that's probably true, but guess what? We do it also. All right. Let's just be honest. I don't know why we can't do that nowadays. So here's another clip. I mean, that's amazing. It's amazing. Nothing's changed. It's just that we're exposing in a real time now, which is fantastic. Here's clip number two. Same interview, Julian Assange, Imran Khan. You see the common theme here. What about your country? What about where you are? If you're an American, is society more polarized now? Is the same thing, is what he just said in 2012 with Pakistan happening where you are in the world? We have listeners all over the world. Is your country polarized? Huh? Are things worse off now than they were 20 years ago? Is the same thing happening? Now you see why he wants to be ousted? He doesn't want war. Now, for whatever you want to say, I mean, it doesn't matter. Trump also doesn't want the war. Okay. I mean, we just talk about facts here. We're not endorsed. We don't, we don't say anything. We just talk facts. If it's, if it, that's just a true statement. It is what it is. I don't know why that would make me a Trump supporter or something. It's just a true statement. We just talk about true statements and then people get all crazy in their, in their heads, the people who don't want war are being prevented from running for office ousted or murdered the anti-corruption people, the anti-establishment people are the ones being prevented from getting into office. And these rigging of elections all over the place in Pakistan, 2008. And to think that since then, we now have the safest, purest elections of all time. Like what is going on? Come on. Now here's the last part. I thought this was very interesting. When he signed off the interview, Julian Assange said, thank you. And listen to what Imran Khan says to Julian Assange. This is very interesting. This is the end of the interview. It's over. And it ends like this. Here we go. So we are controlled by people withholding information, talking about how the most important thing is to get the truth out there. That's why Assange is in jail and they had to shut down WikiLeaks. That's why they don't want this dude novice. I know very little about him, but if you listen to him, it makes perfect sense why you don't want that guy novice. He doesn't want the war that we want. We want it, we would kill, we would let so many people grind up and die just for the US to make more money. to all this stuff, do whatever we can to take Russia's natural resources. We would kill, I don't know, probably a billion people. We would cause famines. We don't even, we'll do a bunch of stuff. It's going to be bananas. And you're seeing it unfold. You're seeing famines being a massive risk in Africa. All this stuff's unfolding. We don't care. But all of a sudden this new quote unquote liberal life, but it's illiberal. It's illiberal, right? It judges people by enumerical characteristics of the color of their skin or something they can't control. It's anti-free speech. It's big pharma mandates. It's crazy. Everything's upside down. And it's the CIA is the best thing ever. Don't forget JFK is the one that wanted to smash it to a thousand pieces and blow it away with the wind. Everything has just inverted on its head, but it's time we come to terms with it and just talk objective facts. which is the purpose of this podcast, because in very few places can you get objective facts. So clearly that's why Imran Khan is being removed from office. So before we get to the assassination, I wanna go back to this Intercept article that broke yesterday, which is a big deal that shows the US got him removed. And now he's being charged with a crime so he cannot run in the next election. You cannot have this guy in office because it goes against what the empire wants. So let's go through this. This is from the Intercept. The meeting between the Pakistani ambassador to the United States and two State Department officials has been the subject of intense scrutiny, controversy and speculation in Pakistan over the past year and a half as supporters of Khan and his military and civilian opponents jockey for power. So they're election deniers. They're probably also insurrectionists. They're probably they are anti-democracy. Everyone should be in jail that supports this guy. You see the common theme. It's the same playbook happening everywhere. Whether you agree or not. with the opposing party has nothing to do with that. You have to realize we're all on the same team and we can't ban the other half of the argument. We need to discuss those things in the marketplace and let the people decide what they want. And whatever that is, it is. I don't care. Just let the people decide. We don't need people meddling in our elections, particularly the FBI and the CIA and all these government agencies, they cannot meddle and there's people in the United States specifically, which is supposed to be like the beacon of freedom are cheering it on. It is unbelievable. Not only is it short sighted because what if the person that you hate ends up getting back into power and then he reverses that on all the people that you like and you? Then what happens? What, are you going to speak out then? Too late. Way too late. And just not knowing history in the past literally just 100 years of what happens when these totalitarian regimes come to power. Like Mao wasn't exactly the best thing that happened in China. He killed like 50 million of his own people. the Cultural Revolution. Do your research, do your homework. No, don't do your research, you're a far-right extremist psychopath Trump-er. Okay, here we go. The political struggle escalated on August 5th when Kahn was sentenced to three years in prison on corruption charges. Isn't it funny? Now, maybe he was corrupt, but it seems like the things that they're charging other people with are the things that they're doing themselves. It does, doesn't it? And taken into custody for the second time since his ouster, Kahn's defenders dismissed this charges as baseless. The sentence also blocks Kahn. Pakistan's most popular politician from contesting elections expected in Pakistan later this year. Oh my God. You got it specifically the Sen. Think about this. The Sen's blocks him. Who is he's the most popular politician, which means that you would probably be elected or should be in power because the most people want him. That's a democracy. And the one that he's banned from contesting elections, like, Oh, maybe if we were, if I was planning to meddle in an election, I would make sure. that the person who would oppose it that was the most popular person of that party that would oppose it, I'd make sure they were not allowed to do that. Right? Or is that too conspiratorial? Or is it right in front of your face and they're telling you don't believe your eyes in your own ears? One month after the meeting with US officials documented in the leaked Pakistani government document, a no confidence vote was held in parliament leading to Khan's removal from power. The vote is to believe to have been organized with the backing of Pakistan's powerful military. Oh, how about that? That's good. That's why you want the state to have minimal involvement in anything because they have a monopoly on violence. Do you understand? You don't want the organization that has a monopoly on violence to be involved in too much. And I think you know why. Since that time, Khan and his supporters have been engaged in a struggle with the military and its civilian allies, whom Khan claims engineer his removal of power at the request of the US. The text of the Pakistani cable produced from the meeting by the ambassador and transmitted to Pakistan has not previously been published. The cable, known internally as Cypher, reveals both the carrots and the sticks that the State Department deployed in its push against Khan, promising warmer relations if Khan was removed. And isolation, if you was not, if you don't do as we say, we're going to do everything we can to screw you over and make things as hard as possible. So do as we say, I'm just translating it for you in peasant language, because we're not smart enough to elect our own leaders, apparently, but we need to save democracy, double speak the document labeled quote secret. includes an account of the meeting between State Department officials, including Assistant Secretary of State for the Bureau of South and Central Asian Affairs, Donald Liu and Asad Mahid Khan, who at the time was Pakistan's ambassador to the U.S. The document was provided to the intercept by an anonymous source in the Pakistani military who said that they had no ties to Imran Khan or Khan's party. The intercept is publishing the body of the cable below, correcting minor typos in the text because such details can be used to watermark documents and track their dissemination. The contents of the document obtained by the intercept are consistent with reporting in the Pakistani newspaper Dawn and elsewhere describing the circumstances of the meeting and details in the cable itself, including in the classification markings omitted from the intercepts presentation, the dynamics of the relationship between Pakistan and the U S described in the cable were subsequently borne out by events in the cable. The U S objects to cons foreign policy because on the Ukraine war, because he wants peace. He's radical. These positions were quickly reversed after his removal, which was followed as promised in the meeting by a warming, by a warming, a warning, I think, but a warming between the U S and Pakistan. So immediately he's ousted and boom, they want more war. Come on. This is clear as day. The U S is meddling everywhere, but we're spreading democracy. So it's, it's good. We can do it. Everyone. Um, the diplomatic meeting came two weeks after the Russian invasion of Ukraine, which launched. as Khan was en route to Moscow, a visit that infuriated Washington. On March 2nd, just days before the meeting, Lew had been questioned at the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. That's where, by the way, that's the same place where Biden bragged about getting the attorney general of Ukraine, who was looking into his corruption and Burisma fired because he would withhold a billion dollars in aid if he didn't do it. That was, it was at the Council of Foreign Relations. Rockefeller's behind that, a lot of powerful people, but you could do your research. No, don't, foreign extremists. Just kidding. Hearing over the neutrality of India, Sri Lanka, Pakistan, the Ukraine conflict in response to a question from Senator Chris von Hollen, Democrat from Massachusetts, about a recent decision by Pakistan to abstain from a United Nations resolution condemning Russia's role in the conflict. Lew said, quote, Prime Minister Khan has recently visited Moscow. And so I think we are trying to figure out how to engage specifically with the prime minister following that decision. Von Hollen appeared to be indignant that the officials from the state department were not in communication with Khan about the issue. The day before the meeting, Khan addressed a rally and responded directly to European calls that Pakistan rallied behind Ukraine. Are we your slaves, Khan thundered to the crowd? What do you think of us? That we are your slaves and that we will do whatever you ask of us, he asked? We are friends of Russia and we are also friends of the United States. We are friends of China and Europe. We are not part of any alliance. You see why this guy's got to go. So um. I mean, this is just breaking news. This is unbelievable. So we ousted. There was also a feeling that while the U S expected Pakistan support on all issues that were important to the U S it did not reciprocate. So let's, I mean, this is just unbelievable. And it's very, very long, but guess what happened? The New York times immediately denied this and said it wasn't true. Intercept fought back and the state department, all powerful politicians in the United States said this is completely false. In fact, I'll just read it for you right here. The state department has previously and on repeated occasions denied that Lou urged the Pakistani government to oust the prime minister on April 8th, 2022, after Khan alleged there was a cable proving his claim of us interference. State Department spokesperson Jelena Porter was asked about its veracity. Quote, let me just say very bluntly, there is absolutely no truth to these allegations, Porter said, and now we know that it's true because the intercept got a hold of it. In early June, 2023, Khan sat for an interview with the intercept and again repeated the allegation. The state department at the time referred to previous denials in response to a quest for comment. Khan has not backed off and the state department again denied the charge throughout June and July at least three times in a press conference and again in the speech. by a deputy assistant secretary for state for Pakistan, who referred to claims as quote, propaganda, misinformation and disinformation. Oh, so what does that mean? That means what we're talking about is probably true. And now it turns out that is a hundred percent true. You're gonna, if you keep, if you're one of the people that keeps buying into these mainstream institutions and these people in power that keep lying for the past four years, like it's nobody's business, then you deserve to be misled. You have to find alternative media sources. You can't take the Sam Harris approach and say, listen, when there's a lot of information in times of crisis, I need to trust the New York Times. I have to trust Apple. No, that's what they want you to do. If you default to that, you're playing right into the propaganda. You have to have the bravery to go outside and look at different sources and understand that these alternative sources are actually telling the truth. And the ones that used to be trusted are no longer. They're no longer to be trusted. You cannot trust them any longer. They have showed that they are criminals and they're defending anything that the power and the state wants. So while the drama over the cable has played out in public and in the press, the Pakistani military's launched an unprecedented assault on Pakistani civil society to silence whatever dissent and freak special had previously existed in the country. In recent months, the military led government crackdown, not just on but also on suspected leakers inside its own institutions passing a law last week that authorizes warrantless searches and lengthy jail terms for whistleblowers. This is exactly, but on a more minor scale, they're trying to do here and have tried to do in the United States, but there's been so much pushback and so many freedom fighters not only getting this information out there, but also just in government, other powerful voices, like in this case, Elon Musk buying X to protect free speech. We're fighting back, but they're doing this worldwide. It's 100% coordinated. This doesn't just happen all at once in every country. In the same way. They're trying to put in a global dictatorship. I don't know what to tell you. I even played on this podcast, the mouthpiece for the world economic forum, which is the public facing organization that speaks in straight up what's going to happen, then it always happens. Says that they're putting in place the guardrails for a digital dictatorship that could last forever. Go look at that podcast. I think you could search my podcast for digital dictatorship and you can learn what's going on. So let's stop there. And now let's go to, uh, let's go to Ecuador. All right. Now this is important. So a couple of articles from Ecuador, but we'll start with this one from Al Jazeer. So who was Fernando Villavicencio, presidential whole full shot dead in Ecuador, killing of Fernando, former journalist and union member who pledged to fight corruption comes days ahead of vote. Oh, interesting. What does he have in common with Imran? What does he have in common with these other people that are being jailed at the same exact time? This is crazy. And we have people in America cheering it on. It's unbelievable. People, do you know where this goes? Please just learn a little bit of history. That's all I ask. Ecuadorians are reeling after presidential candidate Fernando Valenciancio was shot dead following a campaign event, prompting authorities to declare a nationwide state of emergency. Valenciancio. I don't know how to say his name. I'll say V. V, a 59 year old anti-corruption campaigner, had complained of receiving death threats before his assassination in the capital Quito on Wednesday evening, officials said. Outgoing president Yerma Elasso declared three days of mourning in a two month state of emergency early on Thursday following the killing, but said general elections scheduled for August 20th would be held as planned. Of course, of course they would. Now that he's dead. Quote, outraged and shocked by the assassination. of President candidate Fernando V, the president who is not seeking reelection, said in a statement post on social media. This is a political crime, which is the character of terrorism. And we do not doubt that this murder is an attempt to sabotage the electoral process, Lasso said in a video statement after meeting security and electoral officials, here is what to know about Villa Villenciencio, campaigner against corruption, hailing from the Indian prophets of Chimerazo. Fernando was one of Ecuador's most critical voices against corruption, especially during the presidency of Riaf of Korea between 2007 and 2017. He entered politics as an anti-corruption campaigner after years of investigating the government as an independent journalist. He also served as president of the Legislative Oversight Commission, where he continued to denounce corruption. Fernando filed many judicial complaints against high-ranking members of the Korea government, including against the ex-president himself. You see what type of guy this is? He has to be killed. Oh my gosh. That's why they won't give people like Kennedy secret service. There's a common theme. Can you piece them together? Just look, look for like a half a second at what's going on. He was sentenced to 18 months in prison for defamation over his criticisms of Korea and fled to an indigenous territory in Ecuador, later receiving asylum in neighboring Peru. Quote, Ecuador has become a failed state. Korea, who now lives in Belgium, said on X for mere known as Twitter after the assassination quote. Hopefully those who try to sow more hate with this new tragedy will understand that will only continue to destroy us. Edison Romo, a former military intelligence colonel, said the anti-corruption complaints made Valencioccio a threat to international criminal organizations, aka the people currently running the world and most likely your country as we speak. More recently, Fernando had on Tuesday made a report to the attorney general office about but no further details of his report were made public. He was a former union member at a state oil company purchased Corridor and had announced alleged millions in oil contract losses. He complained of threats and essentially at the end, he was murdered so they cannot vote for him. Like I said, Bolsonaro cannot run in the next election. Immediately, the opposing party takes power and bans him from the next election. Now, if you know one of those people that say, we need to do everything to protect democracy, like Sam Harris, and then subvert democracy, Completely. You have no credibility anymore, it's over. I don't know how you could take anything out of someone's mouth like that seriously. It's just over. And breaking news FBI agents to arrive to Ecuador in the next few hours. Is it from zero hedge? So Ecuador is about to have an insurrection. That's funny. That's really funny. So it's just amazing. It's really, really amazing. What's going on and speaking about just losing credibility and how things have changed and some certain mind, like Sam Harris used to be thought of as a, a really smart guy and one of the best thinkers, right? And he says these things that are basically he. So here's his argument about like RFK and how, you know, his reaction to the virus was, well, listen, if the one is it, what did the fatality rate was? A hundred percent. And, uh, the injection you had to get was perfect and had zero side effects and would save the world. Well, then RFK would look like a moron. Well, it's like, okay. Well, so our regime wants to go to war against Russia and Ukraine. Well, what if Russia. and Ukraine were best friends and the ultimate partnership and had a treaty where they can never go to war against each other and they respected that treaty. Well, then sending tanks and weapons to Ukraine would look really stupid, wouldn't it? Like, you understand? Like if the world was to if we lived on Jupiter, well, maybe people would live in different structures. Or, you know, if our planet didn't have water. Maybe there would be less human. Like, what are you talking about, Sam? What are you talking about? I mean, this is, this is what he says. I'm serious. You want to hear him say it? This is on Tom Billiou. And then I'm going to play you a clip of him saying how in times of need, when there's too much information, we must trust the New York Times and other old institutions. Here's the first one though. Oh my god! see where he this has just happened this was yesterday now it's not loading well but he's saying they're going to hold you down you're not going to have a choice and they're going to vaccinate the crap out of you i mean i want to see if i could play the one uh that i clip which is uh from the same interview where he says uh you know we have to trust you know the old institutions otherwise we'll never know what's going on Let's see if we... here. I'm gonna try playing it. If it doesn't work, you got the gist. But this is bonus. This is the bonus feature. I mean, it's unbelievable. This blew my mind. Here we go. Yeah. So we might all have to default to. I'll tell you what we're going to do. We're going to just rely blindly on New York Times. and then he wants to use big words. So if you can't come to terms with the fact that institutions and media outlets that you trusted your whole life no longer tell the truth and are propaganda outlets for the state and you can't get the confidence to go elsewhere and realize that other independent media, independent creators and other outlets and alternative news are actually telling you the truth, if you can't get that through your head, you're going to have real struggle for the rest of your life because those days are over. Propaganda for the state and there's clearly coordination going on preventing Half of every country not to be able to run or elect their own leader and they're installing people everywhere Because there seems to be a concerted effort that there is some sort of global plan going on here I don't know how else to do it. How is this all happening at the same exact time? Against the opposition leader in like five major countries It's not a coincidence. That's so naive. That is so naive I don't even know what else to say. And it's just like crazy if you believe that. So this is breaking news. This is huge. Ecuador president shot and killed. Brazil's president can't run Pakistan's president was removed and it was broken that it was, that it was done at the behest of the United States. United States got the Pakistani military behind it and they ousted their elected their democratically elected leader and ensure that you can't even contest the next election, wait until you see what's going to, going to go on the civil. unrest that we're going to see in Pakistan and everywhere. We're seeing it everywhere because they're making half the country out to be criminals and bad people that can't even question an election. Every election ever in the United States is questioned in 2000. They said it was rigged that Gore won and that Bush rigged it because his brother was the one that counted in Florida. And maybe that's even true. It's possible. It's true. I wouldn't be shocked. They we have proof. We don't have proof, but we have Imran Khan saying Bush. The Bushes meddled in the Pakistani elections in 2008. Maybe they were just practicing in 2000. It was a little bit of a warmup. We're talking about practice. I mean, this is crazy. You're seeing all this coordination. You're seeing everything in plain sight and they're telling you do not trust your own eyes and your own ears. Are you going to be that stupid or are you going to rise up, spread the truth, share podcasts like this, share other great podcasts and not be blind to truth? like Sam Harris and be wrong on everything, literally wrong on everything. They have made people hate one person so much, Trump, that they're willing to disregard objective truth. That's unbelievable propaganda. That's amazing. I can never hate someone so much where I would disregard objective truth. All we care about on this podcast is objective truth, period. We have no emotions. This is a sociopathic, dispassionate assessment of all world events. I can't, I don't know where else you could find this analysis because it's just facts. And if you want to make a decision based on those facts, that's up to you. We don't care. We just care that you get the real information and the facts and help you connect the dots as much as possible. But that's really your job. So I don't know. What do you think? What should we do? Let me know. Tweet at me at KOGZ. You can find all the podcasts there as well, but crazy stuff, crazy, crazy stuff. Unbelievable. Good reporting by the intercept. What a shock actually. I was absolutely shocked that they're reporting very well, but listen, we're in this together, you and I, everybody, we're all in the same team, team human, team peasant, we need to stand together, lock arms, hold hands, and just, you know, keep freedom as much as possible worldwide. Uh, got a crazy podcast tomorrow on, uh, World War three, which has already started according to Dr. Uh, Pippi, I believe her name is, uh, very, very fascinating. Um, we'll get to that tomorrow and, uh, it's all I got for today. Please subscribe to John at the Cogan show. If you do like it, five star review. If you live on Apple podcasts, write a description about it. I'll read it on the next podcast. It helps it with the algorithm boost it up, whatever we could do to get truth to. The highest ranking on YouTube on rumble on apple pockets on Spotify. Please do it. That means giving it a thumbs up. That means giving it a five stars. That's all I ask. It's all I ask. If you want to donate to the production and you know, expanding this media outlet forward slash ownership economy, one word ownership economy, five bucks a month. It helps. That's it. Have an amazing day. You're blessed. I love you. Bye.