Peaches Pit Party

Today's topics - Josh from Classy 97 and Viktor join the program to talk more on how I'm trolling the r/Boise subreddit, the Hawk Tuah girl NEEDS to get off my feed permanently, VR is causing a whole bunch of injuries, my friends like to troll me when it comes to travelling, one of the 6 Wienermobiles flipped over, Gary Holt of Slayer says he loves Taylor Swift, and today's To Peach Their Own question - What's the WORST movie you have ever seen in your life?

What is Peaches Pit Party?

A replay of Peaches Pit Party which you can hear on KBEAR 101 weekday afternoons 2pm - 7pm MST

It's Peaches here, and this is Peaches Pit Party, the podcast. A lot of puh sounds with that title. A replay of today's full show, which you can hear weekday afternoons live on k Bear 101. I hope you like what I have to say. And if not, well, then I'm sorry, not sorry.

Enjoy. Victor, thanks for joining the show. You're welcome, Peaches. You're welcome. We're, continuing the discussion of the, the r slash Boise post, the troll post, feeling disheartened as a California transplant in Boise, which I was very happy to see a lot of people being positive within this, comment section here talking about, hey.

It's hard to make friends, but get out there. Yeah. Yeah. Put yourself out there. Expose yourself.

Not not expose yourself. Yeah. No. No. Don't don't do that.

Make friends in jail. Yeah. Yeah. Different kind of friends. Yeah.

This has been the funniest post to me today. I can't look at it because I get distracted and I just start laughing. Jade would be very upset with my level of productivity today. I've been getting some things done, but not near enough because I just keep laughing. And then Josh came by.

Did you see what Josh posted in the classy, pull up the classy community? Oh, the Facebook group? Yeah. I was laughing at mister mister Lamedum's comment. So you don't really know anyone.

Certainly don't know anyone enough to trust them at your home, but you were expecting them to come to a birthday party of yours at a budget end. So quick recap for everybody. Last week, we saw a post on the Arizona subreddit where somebody was going to Kingman, which is in the middle of nowhere, and they wanted to throw a birthday party and wanted some people to come hang out with them. We thought it was strange. So, we decided to throw birthday party in Idaho Falls.

Just make one up. And then we decided to make one up for Boise on Reddit. And then today, Peach has posted, after no one showed up at his birthday, that he was, you know, feeling down, Feeling a little bit down. And we we made sure to emphasize California transplant just to rile up the people from here that are like, get back to your home state there, pal. Yeah.

And for some reason, I'm I can't find the post on my phone. Oh, here we go. Feeling disheartened as a California transplant in Boise. What what did you want me to pull up on the Classy 90 7 community? Okay.

Josh made a post. Where? It's an it it's like a reel. It it'd be a recent post. Sort by new.

The seagulls as soon as they get a whiff of a turkey, something like that. Laugh too. Turn up the sound and make sure you can listen to the sound. K. Here we go.

You've never seen this one before? The owl. Basically, some dude will make, like, this super loud noise, a very a super loud noise within, like, the subway, a crowded area, maybe even outside a restaurant. He'll he'll do, like, this loud whistle, and then that old guy's with him, and he'll just laugh like that. And then everyone else doesn't know what to do because he's laughing like a weirdo.

Just just just sounding like the Like a seagull that sees the sandwich. That's what you wanted me to pull up? I thought it was regarding this post. No. Just Josh brought that by, and that made me laugh more.

So I'm like, go post that in a classy group. Yeah. So far, only only one reaction. There we go. Is it me?

No. It's a lady named Christina. Shout out to her. Oh, I I need to go give it a react. I need to help that post out.

That's a good one. Okay. So people have, been accusing you, peaches, of using AI How dare you? Your responses on the feeling disheartened as a California transplant in Boise Post. Yamelo said, if you were a real person, your comments read as AI written more than anyone else I've ever seen.

And what's funny enough is that we're gonna be or I'm gonna be copying his comment and and then putting it in the chat GPT and replying back to him. With an AI response. I like this one, where you responded to somebody accusing you of being a troll, and you're like, not in the least bit. This was a planned event that my buddies Big Jay and Adam were also going to DJ from 100.3dx, but they didn't show up either, unfortunately. The whole thing was just a big bust.

Which that was my legitimate reply, Zach. I was gonna say that one didn't seem like AI. Because, like, if you guys want an example of an AI response, let's find one here that's pretty funny. Alright. Peaches.

You've got Idaho is not a social state, we are a live and let live state. If you want interpersonal connections you're going to have to get involved in shared common realities like religious services, shared hobbies, etcetera. Most people here prefer to be left alone, and then you respond with chat gpt, and all of your responses sound like this. Thank you for sharing your perspective. It sounds like Idaho has a unique culture of independence and respecting personal space.

I appreciate the advice about getting involved in shared hobbies or religious services to connect with others. It is definitely a different pace from what I'm used to in California, but I'm eager to explore these avenues to find my place here. Any specific recommendations for community activities or groups I should look into? And survive 1014 has not responded to that. Oh, I'm I'm laughing over here too because I see the potato law and mock death arguing back and forth with each other.

Yeah. Potato law is on your side. Yeah. Potato law is like, hey, man. You know, things can be a little bit rough, and then he starts yelling he or she starts yelling at mock death.

Don't blame OP, the original poster, about not having people over to their house if they don't know him well enough because, mock death was mad that you didn't want people over at your house because you don't trust anyone, and then they just continue going back and forth. I do like the comment from no topic 2208. Like I said, no cake, no show at a creepy hotel. Cautious Hurry wrote, yeah. Boise is full of jerks.

Nobody shows up to anything. Trout Angler wrote, good luck and happy 28. This post doesn't have enough upvotes. Like, there's tons of comments and people are really enjoying themselves here. And, people in Boise I knew that they would downvote this post.

Which is funny because, like, I'll show this California transplant, downvote the post. I wish I wish it would be it would show up in the negatives. I just see 0. It it won't show you the actual action if you go in to look to the, stats of your post. Where do I go to find that?

Oh, I'm not logged in. Here. Let me go to my phone. Yeah. I think there's a way to see if you're looking at your own post.

Wait. Josh Tyler's walking into the studio here. I don't know, Josh. Your lame dumbass all over this post. Dude He said, oh, come on.

Wait. If you have any questions or wanna chat about the topic, feel free to ask in when I said when I wrote interesting tool involving the, the website. Yeah. Where he accused you of, using chat GPT Yeah. Because he found that website that will detect AI usage.

So he respond did he respond to you saying nice tool? No. He's a middle school teacher. No. I said I said interesting tool.

That one comment from chat GPT. Yeah. I got one other thing through, through an AI detector. Yeah. Josh, is there is there a way on your own Reddit on your own profile, can you see the amount of upvotes and downvotes on a post?

You should be able to on your your post. I use the old version of Reddit. The app is terrible. I Yeah. I I miss my third party app, but they made their API impossibly hard to use and wanted to, charge people a bunch of money to use their API.

So all the 3rd party apps went away, which bums me out. Yeah. I'm looking at this. It only shows the views. When I click on stats It only shows the views.

3,000 total views, about 450 in the past hour. There's only 51 comments now. Are you Oh, it was it was shared in one community. Oh, really? Yeah.

Nice. Never. Is it? Are you logged in on the computer? I am not.

That's the problem. I am logged in on the Cannonball studio, but yeah. Alright. Because I was gonna say you could go to old dot Reddit blah blah blah blah blah and, and see that old information. It would show you up votes and down votes on your posts Really?

On the right on the screen. Because it'd be interesting to see, you know, how the battle is going right now, how far below the threshold we are to get this some positive My comments are in the negatives. I just saw. Your comments are in the negatives? Minus 2, minus 1.

Oh, you're people are downloading my karma is in the tank, dude. My chat GPT generated comments are driving my karma way down. You have terrible karma. I just wanna know what the overall post upvotes and downvotes are. I wanna know how We can dig that up here in because we've been right?

Yeah. We we should be able to pull it up. Yeah. We'll we'll be back. Peach's pit party on k Bear 101.

Once again, we're at it again. Looking at the, Boise subreddit. Continuing on with this post. Peach's birthday birthday party. Peach's birthday party continues.

It's been a weeklong celebration of Peach's birthday. Peaches, you got some stats on this post. You said 40 people were looking at it. That's what Josh pointed out to me. Just a few minutes ago.

Like, at the time, 40 people were reading. Time, 40 people are on that page. We had to go to old Reddit, which is a a link that somehow Josh found out about that because this isn't like the way Reddit looks now. Hate new Reddit. I don't know how you look at old Reddit.

You go to old.reddit dotcom. No. I mean, I know how, but I don't know how you do it. I use my iPad. I hate the old look.

I I don't like dark mode. The new functionality. I I I'll get I'll give you that. Dark mode's where it's at. No.

But I can't with the layout. The user interface is terrible. Yeah. It is worse, and the app is junk. Yeah.

Like, the app's total garbage. It logs me out daily for some reason. I don't have that issue. I don't have that issue either. It that's weird.

It's I got issues with, this particular phone. The thing that drives me nuts, and they're getting a little better about it, but there were certain subreddits that didn't let's dive into the deep dive into the UI. When you would go to, like, the Boise subreddit or whatever Mhmm. And you're on that main page, you can now sort by rising top whatever. Yeah.

That functionality didn't exist until, I don't know, maybe a few weeks ago, maybe a month ago. And that's, like, simple Are you sure? Sort stuff. It came about through updates. It's just I thought ever, man.

I thought it's had that for a long time. I don't I don't know because I used to couple of months. I've I use it far too often. Time goes away when you're scrolling Reddit. Because I used to log in on, Chrome on my phone rather than use the app Right.

For Reddit because the app was so bad. Yeah. I had there were a couple of third party apps I really, really liked, and then, you know, they They took them away. Well, they they made they wanted all the 3rd party developers to pay an insane amount of money to use their API. And they went, it's not feasible.

We're not gonna because they were all free apps. Like Damn. They were just propagating content. Well, guys, I got some bad news. Mister Lame Dumb is busting us right now.

Mister Lame Dumb wants to He, no joke, said my prompt, and he put write me a Reddit post in the perspective of an unwelcomed Californian who just moved to Boise. They tried to host a birthday party, but no one showed up right about how unwelcome it made them feel. The result, and he shows Chad GPT, and it shows the entire post that's similar to what I posted. So I'm taking his entire post in a commenting bag of the champ GPT universe. You wanna go you wanna sort of war mister lame duck?

That's brutal. Oh, that's too funny. I love that there's so many people who are like, this is a troll post, but they keep commenting on it and keep going and letting it just build and, get out of control. Are you top of controversial yet? No.

I I sorted by controversial, and I couldn't find it in there. I don't know. You would think with the what was it? 34% upvote? Controversial Versal in the past hour.

It is not. I might just I don't think it's gotta be. Why are you trying to bully me in my post? You Boiesenians are terrible people. And then I feel like I should bring more Californians to this to this wonderful city to take over.

Yeah. Do something like that. As Pantera once said, we're taking over this town. We're taking over this town. Or use, the Kamala Harris new slogan.

No. I used to mention her We won't go back. Just start throwing that out there. We won't go back and see if they catch on to that too. Just put that?

Just yeah. Just just put simply that. We won't go back. Not gonna make any sense. That's fine.

Then they'll think it's chat gpt even more. Josh, what are you reading over there? You're I'm just trying to find your post. I'm just scrolling through. Yeah.

I had to go to the KayBear group and where we have pinned it there. It may have been been you may have been, choked. There there's still there's still people commenting. I'm getting emails left and right. There's up to 51 comments now.

Yeah. And it said people are viewing it. I I found it by going to new. Yeah. And then scrolling down.

Just down voted to oblivion. You know what? I'm gonna I'm gonna send this to Big Jay right now on Facebook. Be like, hey. Can you be a part of this too?

Big Jay, will you please chime in and explain more? The comment of me saying, hey. You tried DJing at my party. But you're supposed to DJ at my party, but didn't do it. See if he'll jump in and go Yeah.

Obviously, I didn't show up because I don't like you and have him be really rude. Do that, though? I don't know if he would if he would, like, play play the game and jump in and be rude to you because there's too many people in there that wouldn't understand what's happening. Maybe I should jump in and comment that, like, I know big j and Adam, and I'm sure they didn't show up just because you're unlikable and see if I can get some of those other people who are defending you mad at me. Like the potato law.

That guy has been Potato law. He's laying down the potato law. Yeah. Well, he's he's got your back. What'd it go, champ?

What what about some tenant Crane who's sitting on his computer? Potato law. That's lieutenant Crane's social media name. That's what I'm gonna start calling him. Oh, big potato law.

Oh, I got potato law in the house. He's no longer the mountain. He's now potato law. I'm sure people are getting sick and tired of hearing us talk about this No. I don't care.

This Reddit post, but we've, we've been talking quite a lot. It's been making me laugh for hours. So I sometimes, we just hammer a subject. See, I wish Jade had a sense of humor too and would join in on the fun. Maybe even get try to get Brad Royall in on the fun too.

But, see, the problem with Jade is now he feels like he has to set a good example or something and appear responsible. Trust me. He is down to be stupid. We got the main guy from classy 97 helping us out here. All I did was hit up.

And all he did was give it an up somewhat of a help. He didn't encourage our behavior. The guy that passed the ball to the guy who shot it. That there you go. Yeah.

There you go. He's just helping, and he's sitting in. We're doing team building activity here by Team building. By working on radio shows together. You're the social media director.

Why don't you mandate for Justin and Katie to join in on this too I should. And make it an obligatory, like, thing for them to comment on this post. Yeah. Because, you know, we don't have a lot of action for our channels on Reddit. So I know this isn't helping us build our channels in any way, but it's sure funny.

Alright. I'm populating to my I've got, like I told you, several different accounts here. So I'm I'm hitting up votes from other accounts. So life is, life is good. Where's your upvote percentage now?

Has the upvote percentage increased, Peaches? Let me let me go back to old for the, for the percentage there. Because I'm gonna have to try to remember some of my other logins. 40 percent. Look at that.

Did raise it up. By 2%. I did 2 upvotes. I did 2 other accounts, 2 upvotes, and that raised it 2%. So that tells me we've got 100.

Yeah. There's that much. There are 100. We've got 40 up, 60 down. So we just it's a game of numbers now.

K. So Kay Bear 50 people to go hit up. It'll hit it'll hit a plot it'll hit positive. Listeners, if you are a Reddit user, get into the KhabAir Group on Facebook. We've got the post pinned to the top, and you can jump in.

All you gotta do is upvote the Reddit post. It's all you gotta do. It's all we ask of you. Yeah. I've seen, Rogelio putting rolling.

He's laughing. John put one up attempt, so he was helping us out in the campground group. One up attempt. Alright. Yeah.

And then Sarah's saying, I tried, and then she sent a screenshot, and then she gave us David the upvote. She gave us an upvote too. So it's good for those people. We're gonna we're gonna take this post, and we're gonna make it an upvoted post in that Boise suburb. It's 1.

Even if it's 1. All the turns, build me a trophy. 1 upvote on Reddit. I have 1 karma. Josh and Victor have left.

They got they got work to do, same as me. I'm doing this show for crying out loud, and I appreciate them helping me out on this trolling of r slash Boise. If you want to, find the exact post, like we said, go to the k Bear 1 zero one Idaho rock and metal Facebook group, and then click on the link that I provided. It's pinned to the top right there. Hope your hump day is going well for you so far.

Second to last day before I leave for vacation Friday. I'm gonna be cleaning my place like a madman. For some reason, I have this this feeling inside me where I'm like, hey. You know what? Maybe if I do my work extra hard, I clean my place extra clean, that'll somehow help me, help my chances of the flight taking off and being able to be a success.

For some reason, like, oh, if my place is extra clean and I I I just put my heart and soul into making sure everything's all good to go, that it'll take off. I could do all this prep just for Friday to come around. And next thing you know, Allegion says something like, oh, we had to delay the flight by 3 hours because, blah blah blah blah blah or even worse, cancel the flight. Oh, if that happens, I'm gonna be so, so mad. So mad.

I don't even wanna say the c word. Not that c word, Jade. Don't don't get the, don't get all uptight now. Anyway, 208-535-1015 is the number to reach me. We'll be right back.

I'll be right back with Peach's pit party here on k Bear 101. And this right here is your shot clock sports update. The weekend ratings are in, and the WNBA all star game played on Saturday in Phoenix drew a record number of viewers. A total of 3,400,000 people watched the game, which topped the old record of 1,400,000 viewers set in 2003. That game featured a bunch of, current and future hall of fame members, including Don Staley, Cheryl Swoop, Cynthia Cooper, Lisa Leslie, and Sue Bird.

This time around, Caitlin Clark and Angel Reese were the big stars. And considering that both rookies will be playing for a while, increased interest in the league should continue for years to come. The University of Michigan sign stealing scandal is getting its own Netflix documentary. Sign the stealer will premiere August 27th, and Netflix says it's totally directed by viral villain Connor Stallions, who forever changed college football thanks to his role in the scandal. Now Stallions was accused of buying tickets for games involving Michigan's opponents and collecting video footage of opponent signals.

The film was directed by Micah Brown, a former Kansas football player. And last but not least, San Francisco 40 niners full back Kyle Uchac accepted a pay cut in his new contract with the team, but he doesn't seem too concerned about the loss in pay. That's because his wife, Kristen, has seen her, custom clothing line grow after making a custom jacket for Taylor Swift that the singer, wore to Kansas City's wild card showdown with the dolphins. Kyle says, quite frankly, she's already made up for my cut, so that definitely helps. He added that it stinks the team.

Told him he's not worth as much as last season, but when it comes down to purely financials, that softens softens the blow. Yeah. You're making a few $1,000,000, dude. You're doing just fine financially. That does it for your Shot Clock sports update right here on k Bear 101.

You know that Hochtuo girl? She's everywhere now. It's it's overwhelming how she's literally everywhere. You made, somehow we made a star out of a girl who just said one stupid thing into one of those, you know, the the the category of, those that category of TikToks or Instagram reels where you have, people walking around the streets, the crowded streets, interviewing random people. She just said that, and I think it has a lot of money now.

I mean, she got paid $30,000 to show up to a club in Las Vegas. And somehow this morning, I was I woke up. I was on Facebook, and I saw Kline and Ali of, K Roc in Los Angeles had her in studio on the show. Should I tell Victor or should I ask Victor, hey. Can we get the haktool girl on the noon hour of madness and mayhem powered by Jalisco's?

See how she'll fly out to, East Idaho to talk with us about that stupid thing. I can't imagine her making her way around the building talking about this of all the channels in the building here, going to z 103, talking with Katie Lee. Hi. I'm the Haktua girl. Haley Welch, and I'm z 103.

Oh, that'd be awful. I I don't even wanna support this just because she's making a whole bunch more money now only because she said something stupid online. So I'm guessing the the major topic on this show is the post I made in r slash Boise, on Reddit up to 54 comments at the time of this recording of this break. And it is pretty funny seeing how many people are just against me for trying to throw a fake birthday party. John Miller.

Who did who did you invite? How how did you know these people? And in diatonic I mean, I saw your post yesterday about a party that didn't mention a date. You expected a bunch of strangers to show up to something that you didn't even mention the date of, which most likely came off as a joke. And the funny thing is is that all I'm doing is just copying their comments, telling chat gpt to come up with a reply to those comments, and then putting those in the comment section.

And one guy even analyzed my my comments with some sort of website that detects AI. And he's like, yeah. This guy's a fraud. He he's a he's a Reddit fisher or I don't know. This has to be a troll post, and people are just I think people have given up now.

The comments haven't been coming in like they were before. I think they're just, you know, seeing the the post, and that's it now. I'm trying my best to defend it. That's all I'm doing. If you wanna join in on the fun, go to the link on the, K Barrett 101 Idaho Rock and Metal Facebook group.

You remember when the the Wii was new? People were throwing the Wii Remotes at their TV, breaking the screens, and all that. Well, we're sort of seeing the same thing with, the VR headsets. Injuries with them, injuries involving them are on the rise. People are getting hurt playing games on those headsets.

Like, they're they're breaking arms, breaking legs. They're kicking things in the real world, tripping over stuff. Says here that doctors' emergency rooms are dealing with broken bones, fractures, lacerations, contusions, along with strains and sprains, all from VR game mishaps. I do like the idea of VR gaming, but as soon as Victor told me, you get really dizzy. And I'm a guy who gets carsick very easily if I'm on a roller coaster.

If I'm on many different roller coasters all in one day, it affects me big time. I think it's gotten worse as I've gotten older too. Like, if I'm on a long road trip and I'm not the one driving, then I'll, I'll take one of those motion sickness pills. I can't imagine putting on that headset. And knowing me, I will be that guy that punches a hole in my wall.

I have no idea where I'm at in my apartment. And the next thing you know, my apartment's ruined. I won't get my security deposit back. If you've missed out on what we've talked about today, man, oh, man, it has been just a funny, funny day today. I've made Victor laugh the hardest I have ever seen him laugh only because of one troll post I put in r slash Boise talking about how I was hosting a fake birthday party at the Budget Inn.

Then the following day, I made a post saying nobody showed up. I'm quite, sad about it. I'm a California transplant who's lonely, and it's generating a lot of feedback. I mean, a lot of feedback. There's been people commenting, you know, ridiculing me of using AI to generate comments, and I'm just using AI right back at them to generate replies to those comments saying I'm using AI.

One of them says, I'm as human as ever. Such a terrible post. Like I said, if you wanna see it, go check out our Facebook group at kbarrow 101 Idaho rock and metal. It's just so stupid how this all originated because of some story that Victor talked about where this guy in Kingman, Arizona or he was visiting Kingman, Arizona, and he wanted to throw a birthday party in Kingman, and that was the one post. So Victor and I said, hey.

Let's just post an r slash Idaho falls saying, hey. I'm throwing a birthday at insert cruddy hotel here. And I didn't even say I I didn't even choose a cruddy hotel. I just chose a hotel pool. And then the next day posted the same thing in Boise's subreddit, which everyone around here was super nice on Reddit.

Everyone over in Boise was shutting it down. 1 guy was being analytically or he's been all analytical about it. He had this he had this whole analysis that I was using chat GPT providing evidence throughout the entire comment section. The whole post is wild. If you really wanna read it, like I said, go to go to r slash Boise on Reddit or go to that, Facebook group, Kbert 101 Idaho rock and metal.

My friends now know that whenever I'm close to, traveling or whenever one of my trips back home is coming near, they know to send me articles about problems with airlines. My buddy, James, just sent me an article about how Delta is still dealing with the effects of the, a major IT outage that they had. There's been, like, 5,000 canceled flights, and I'm looking at it. It's a major airport that got affected. This one guy was, showing the line he was dealing with, and it just it just looks like a typical day at LAX.

I refuse to land or even go near LAX. I will always choose John Wayne in Santa Ana, that airport. And it's very weird. I was talking about with my friends how it's like $800 to fly from Idaho Falls to New York. But if I drive down to Salt Lake City and take a flight from Salt Lake City to New York, it's about $200 or so.

It's a whole lot cheaper, but it's more expensive to fly from Salt Lake City to Southern California. Isn't that weird? Just it it makes a big difference to go from one side to the other, I guess. I I truly don't I I really wanna know the explanation behind that. Why is it so much cheaper to go to New York than it is to, go to Southern California?

Maybe because many people go to Southern California from Salt Lake City. I I I wish I could know. I wish I could know. But I'm hoping that Friday, there's no delay. There's no cancellation.

There's nothing. There's just on time, plane arrives, people get off the plane, we get on the plane, takes off, lands in Santa Ana, no problems. I was, for some reason, developed major anxiety that something's gonna go wrong with the trip. And I just so desperately want to be out of town for a week just to have my mind, you know, be on vacation mode. I I I need it after all the work that I've been doing here for the past couple of months.

I just wanna take a nice big break. Kay Bear 101 at a hose only rock station. This was in the news yesterday. I meant to get talk about it on yesterday's show about the Wienermobile, the Oscar Mayer Wienermobile, just one of the Wienermobiles out there, rolled over on an Illinois highway. Fortunately, no one was injured.

It's, it's 23 feet long, of course, shaped like hot dog hot dog rolled over on the tristate tollway, and the highway was shut down for an hour while police investigated. There's 6 Wienermobiles currently traveling through the country spreading the word about Oscar Mayer. I really wanna know if they pass by each other. Do they wave and say nice, well, I can't say I don't know if I can say that on the air. Nice dog.

I'll I'll say an alternation of it, but, I'd be so mad. I I come on. If, every time I drive down Sunnyside, I feel like there's always construction or some sort of accident that that has happened and that I need to, like, now be be in heavy traffic because of it. Have your accident somewhere else. No.

I'm just messing. Please drive safely out there. Idaho Falls Community Hospital and Kay Bear 101 cares. You know, it's a 101 deadliest days of, driving out there. Let's be smart.

Buckle up. Don't text and drive. There's been so many people I've seen as of late driving while texting or driving while watching YouTube shorts, which is just downright stupid, if you ask me. You know, in most theft cases, I understand that people steal things in order to, make money or possibly even just to have the thing for free. Like, if you steal a PS 5 from Target, you have a free PlayStation 5.

Or if you steal a catalytic converter from any vehicle, you can sell the copper out of those and make some money. Hence, why mine got stolen back in California in, like, 2019 in the 2020. It was stolen from the bottom of my Honda Element, which was downright awful to deal with. But, I'm not understanding why exactly these 2 burglar burglars in Memphis, Tennessee stole a toilet from someone's home. The officers were officers were told that surveillance video captured a man and a woman who uninstalled and stole a toilet from the residence.

No arrests have been made, but police say that this is an ongoing investigation. And looking at these 2, I wouldn't think that these 2 right here are, plumbers. I don't think the guy's credit card was declined and they just decided, hey. You know what? We installed this toilet.

His credit card was declined. Let me just go ahead and take the toilet away. No. Why would you steal a toilet? Are you trying to make a profit off of the porcelain it's made out of?

I I don't know. And the article here even says, if you have any information that could help police, call crime stoppers at 901528 Cash. 4th 4th of I saw someone who walked in with the toilet down the street, or somebody had one too many toilets in their house, it'd be funny if, like, somehow, some way, they, went around town, went into peep went into, like, the suspect's home, saw an extra toilet just sitting there in the living room. The robber's like, what? I just wanted an extra seat for when I watch movies and TV shows in my big TV in my living room.

Why would you wanna steal a toilet? I should Google search that, see what pops up. So I Googled, why would you want to steal a toilet because of today's what the headline story involving 2 people out of Memphis stealing that toilet from somebody's home? And I guess somebody asked this question on Quora. How do I steal a toilet from an office building?

And one guy legitimately commented on it with a with a no. He legitimately gave a great response. You get a plumber's company van or your own made to look like one from a large company forged work order, go in full view of everyone, and just say you have been told to replace the toilet with a more modern one, take it and don't go back. Better idea would be go would be to, go to a plumbing store, buy one cheaper and less trouble than the van makeover, and forging paperwork plus point no risk. Why did why did this person give such an in-depth answer?

And his name pops up, Ron Angel. Says here. He's retired electrical electronic security systems at Freelance design, so he just installed those I'm scrolling down on Google still why do people steal toilets out of foreclosures before they, oh before they move out? Okay. Let's see here.

I've looked at a lot of foreclosures. Toilets are usually still there. The only times toilets are missing it are if the foreclosure was on a think I can investor that bit off more than they could chew. In these cases, for so people are stealing toilets if they're trying to upgrade the house, and they put that in there hoping the the house would be finished, and then, you know, we couldn't get the job done, so they decided to take their toilet back. Yeah.

Another guy named Andy Chiu. I do find it funny that people take toilets. Maybe they think it's actually worth something. As a listing broker for REOs, we would walk into a house and the appliances would be gone. Toilets are gone as well.

I get the appliance part, but not the other. So it's not only a mystery to me. It's a mystery to, those involved in real estate. This is legitimately the words from the Slayer guitarist Gary Holt that he loves Taylor Swift. He prefers listening to Taylor Swift over heavy metal.

There you go. He did some sort of interview on what SiriusXM channel it doesn't say? But he did say, and I, quote, I listen to pop mostly in the car. I don't listen to metal. There are some there's some heavy stuff on SiriusXM streaming.

So, you know, he was just being interviewed by some random person, but I'd rather listen to George Michael myself. Well, there you go. He continued, I love Taylor Swift. Why All the Hate? She's an extraordinary hard worker.

She's super nice to everybody, and people hate her. She's just the biggest pop star on earth, and more power to her are like the songs. Well, there you go. The guitarist for one of the, best thrash metal bands of all time, if not the best, Gary Holt saying he prefers Taylor Swift. Better than most elitists online.

I do love those. Every time we do, like, a Jank Show update, there's always that one person who messages us saying, what about, what about more sludge metal or something like I don't know. Some random band that has, like, 3 monthly listeners on Spotify. It could be good stuff. I'm not saying that the more popular, the better the artist.

But at the same time, I just I do not like at all people thinking that their music opinion is better than everyone else's. Like, I hate Sublime, but am I gonna are we still gonna play them on Cabaret? Of course. Because a ton of people love Sublime. A ton of people do.

Very glad that, you know, Gary Holt went out there and said that. Cool. We got today's to peach their own question up on our Facebook page this time at kbert one zero one FM. What's the worst movie you watched in your entire life? Something that still sticks in your head.

What's that first movie that just popped in your head right as I asked that question? For me, Jack and Jill with Adam Sandler. One of the worst movies, worst movies I have ever seen. My parents, I think it was more so my dad and my sister, thought they'd be nice and, buy that DVD for me. They saw it somewhere.

I said, hey, let's let's watch this together tonight. Let's all watch this together. We watched it and I sat there in complete boredom. It was one of the worst things I have ever seen ever. So I'm looking at the Facebook comments here.

I did see some people saying The Princess Bride, which I absolutely loved that movie. But I do have to agree with Tiffany's answer saying Monty Python and the Holy Grail, one of the worst movies to one one of my friends, my former friend Bobby, as a matter of fact. I've mentioned him on the show a bunch of times. We were supposed to I think we were driving to Yosemite because we're gonna go on a camping trip, and they he he wanted to watch Monty Python and the Holy Grail on the TV in the car. And I took the DVD away as he wasn't looking, and I just made sure to hide it until the day of the camping trip, and then he picked another movie.

And I put that Monty Python and the Holy Grail back into the shelf. I did not wanna watch that stupid movie on the drive to Yosemite. What's the worst movie you have watched in your entire life? 208-535 1015. Calling right now.

Hey, K Bear. What's the worst movie you've ever seen in your life? So, Peaches, it just gave me back to my years. The Brady Bunch movie was absolutely the worst. You know?

Because I grew up watching the Brady Bunch as, like, an after school thing, Gilligan's Island, Brady Bunch. The movie, The Brady Bunch was absolutely one of the worst. Now are you talking about the one from 1995? Well, yeah, the one that they made, like like, a remake of the Brit you know, I had all the the different over the course of the Brady Bunch series at, you know, like the when they went to Hawaii and they had the the bat mojo because of the the little Kiki doll that Peter found or whatever. But, Right.

Yeah. They did they did the remit. It was a movie. And then they think they did, like they tried to do another sequel to it, and it was like, no. They did do a sequel.

It was the I was looking at that. A very Brady sequel. Right. Yeah. They did.

It was like, oh my god. Those are the worst. Yeah. Like, when when Marcy I don't know if you're how familiar you are with The Brady Bunch, but, like, the episode where she gets hit in the nose with the football. You know, there's just and that was in the series, but they turned it in yeah.

The movies were horrible. I mean, the series was horrible. You know? It was K. Bear, how's it going?

Good, Peaches. How are you, man? Doing fantastic. What's the worst movie you've ever seen in your life? I I got 2, but the first one that comes to mind is Twister, the original Twister.

Bill Paxton in that movie is just trash. And then Helen Hunt just has, like, this permanent confused look on her face the whole time. I'm looking at a screenshot, and you're right. She totally does. I I I just Google searched Twister 1996, and there's literally a screenshot of her standing next to, one one of the lead guys.

And, yeah, she has this look of, like, right on her face. Is her mouth open? Yeah. A little bit. Oh, yeah.

Yep. Yep. That's it. And, like, the the audio in that movie is so terrible because they try to make Bill and sound like he's screaming, but you can tell that it isn't really the the real audio, you know. It's just terrible.

And then the original It, great movie about a clown, and then the very end is just ruined. I I haven't seen the OG It. I've only ever seen the one they put out recently as well as the, It number 2 movies, and I I I a number 2 movie. And I gotta say both those were really good. Yeah.

Yeah. It's it's that first one is great except for the end. Oh. So Yes, sir. Thanks for listening to Peach's Pit Party, the podcast.

If you enjoy the show, please share, subscribe, and rate the podcast. Peach's Pit Party is hosted by Me, Peaches, and is production of Riverbend Media Group. For more information or to contact the show, visit riverbendmediagroup dotcom. Until next time. Peach out.