National Health Executive News

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Daily News from National Health Executive

And here’s today’s news from National Health Executive on Thursday the 27th of June 2024.
Trust leaders are warning that the next government will have to act swiftly and hit the ground running if it does not want its general election pledges to be blocked by the NHS’s ongoing workforce pressures. The call to action comes at the start of five-day-long strikes from British Medical Association junior doctors, which would bring the total number of days impacted by industrial action from the group up to over 40 since March 2023.
NHS Providers’ CEO, Sir Julian Hartley, said: "A week before the country goes to the polls, patients are likely to see tens of thousands more appointments postponed on top of the 1.5 million operations, scans and other care hit by industrial action across the NHS since December 2022. It's vital that the next government hits the ground running, investing in the workforce to restore staff confidence and reset the relationship with NHS employees. Otherwise political ambitions are at risk of being beyond reach."

As general election moves into its final stages, National Voices has set out how the next government can improve how the patient experiences diagnoses. It has set out a vision that includes nine recommendations which, if implemented, it believes will deliver significant improvements for the health and care sector on a wide level.
They include collecting better data, improving communication around diagnosis and listening to the patient. CEO at National Voices, Jacob Lant, said: “Our members from across the health and care spectrum often tell us that the process of diagnosis is not working for the people and communities they represent, leaving people anxious and uncertain of their future. To ensure individuals can live longer and healthier lives, it is vital that people feel well supported, listened to and empowered throughout the diagnosis process and beyond.”

The Welsh Government has launched a new set of resources it hopes healthcare organisations can use to reduce the use of restrictive practices and ultimately make a real difference to people’s lives. The Reducing Restrictive Practices Framework gives those working in adult and children’s healthcare, social care and educational settings guidance on restrictive practices — also known as restraint.
The inventory — which has been developed by the devolved government in partnership with the Restraint Reduction Network and Improvement Cymru — also aims to platform discussion on the topic and improve public knowledge. The three collaborators are expected to host a webinar on 24 July 2024 to officially launch the resources.
And that’s the latest – Don’t forget to like and subscribe to make sure you receive every new bulletin & check out our website National Health Executive .com