The InForm Fitness Podcast

Episode 39 is inspired by the Functional Fitness Movement and for those who subscribe to the notion we should train and strengthen our bodies in ways that mimic the activities of our daily life. Adam Zickerman, Mike Rogers, and Sheila Melody discuss the dangers of participating in this form of exercise. Joining the conversation is InForm FItness client and filmmaker Davis Carlson. David has produced several amazing videos for InForm Fitness: Intensity - Mobile Gym - Testimonials: Adam mentioned in this episode that our old friend from Episode 19, Bill DeSimone, has a series of videos regarding congruent exercise: To find an Inform Fitness location nearest you visit To purchase Adam Zickerman’s book, Power of 10: The Once-a-Week Slow Motion Fitness Revolution click this link to visit Amazon: If you would like to produce a podcast of your own just like The Inform Fitness Podcast, please email Tim Edwards at or visit

Show Notes

Episode 39 is inspired by the Functional Fitness Movement and for those who subscribe to the notion we should train and strengthen our bodies in ways that mimic the activities of our daily life. Adam Zickerman, Mike Rogers, and Sheila Melody discuss the dangers of participating in this form of exercise.
Joining the conversation is InForm FItness client and filmmaker David Carlson. David has produced several amazing videos for InForm Fitness: Intensity - Mobile Gym - Testimonials:
Adam mentioned in this episode that our old friend from Episode 19, Bill DeSimone, has a series of videos regarding congruent exercise:

To find an Inform Fitness location nearest you visit
To purchase Adam Zickerman’s book, Power of 10: The Once-a-Week Slow Motion Fitness Revolution click this link to visit Amazon:

39 The Dangers of Functional Training Transcript

workout, exercise, deltoid, people, lifting, inform, muscle, david, carrying, functional, joint, adam, heavy, movement, strengthen, fitness, talking, lever, weight, aware

Sheila, Tim Edwards, Mike, Adam, David

 Adam  00:05
Because what people are doing in these functional training gyms is doing the things that you would do in your backyard carrying stones and weakening you and weakening a joint and compromising the joint in this very insidious way time after time workout after workout and then you go to actually do something like that in your backyard. And that's when the straw breaks. And you're thinking, Oh, I don't understand, I was preparing for this and now I get hurt. Or you get hurt in a gym before that even happens. Because the thing is when you're not doing things in a biomechanically correct way you're wearing away and you're weakening the joint and functional training is serving to to screw you up.
Sheila  00:50
Episode 39 of the inform fitness podcast with Adam Zickerman is about to begin, heyy inform nation. Thanks for joining us. I am Tim Edwards with the inbound podcasting network and a client of inform fitness. Adam, Mike and Sheila will be with us in just a minute. And they'll be joined by a longtime inform fitness client, David Carlson. The discussion today is based off of a blog post written by Adam a few years back titled gyms have become dangerous playgrounds for grownups. The blog post stems from the functional fitness movement, and for those who subscribe to the notion that we should train and strengthen our bodies in ways that mimic the activities of our daily life. So what are the dangers of participating in this form of exercise? Well, you can read the blog post for yourself at And we begin the discussion right now here on the inform fitness podcast.
Adam  01:44
Yes, so you know, we talk about we talk about theory a lot, and a lot of, you know, academic things from time to time, and it's always good to just come back to, you know, where the rubber meets the road and talk to people that have actually experiencing this and this type of workout. And when we have talked about functional training in the past, and how this, you know, my opinion is that you strength train to build muscle, and then you and you do that in the safest way possible according to muscle and joint function as best as you can. And not necessarily try to mimic everyday life in the gym, which is what a lot of functional trainers are doing doing things that you kind of do in everyday life and but in the gym, you're doing with weights or extra resistance. And I've always said that that's dangerous for the joints, and the way you incorporate your life, or the way the way exercise helps you in your life is by again, safely strengthen the muscles according to its as best you can, according to its its function, and not to try to get fancy. So I was reminded of this when I was talking to David, client, longtime client, David's here with me right now. Hello, David.
David  02:59
Hi. Thanks for having me. Glad to be here.
Sheila  03:01
Now. Now, Adam, before you bring David in as a longtime client, let's also let our audience know that David also has produced several videos for you over there on the East Coast.
Adam  03:12
Yes, David is very well aware of our workout. He's intimately aware because we he is producing videos with us. And he obviously he's getting a technical background and all this stuff, obviously in order to shoot it properly. So yeah, he's a client and he just keeps learning more and more about it. And we were having a conversation yesterday about how he was doing some work in his backyard, and all this kind of stuff. And it made me think exactly of the point we've been making all this time about separating everyday life activities, and not necessarily trying to mimic those activities in the gym. And David is pretty much living proof of how this works and is based on what he was telling me yesterday, that current prompted me to invite him here today with us. So David, tell us what you were talking about yesterday.
David  04:01
So I have this house in Pennsylvania. And it's really great because I think this I you know, I do yard work. The one thing that I keep on, I'm reminded all the time of how effective this workout is. So last week I was in in Pennsylvania and I was harvesting I don't know these big stones to make these paths stones on my property and they're probably like 50 65 pounds each. They're pretty heavy. And I know that you know I'm in pretty good shape because I've been doing this workout for probably about four and a half years. But still something like that. You know, it really it made me think like you got to be really careful about this because you're picking up a big piece of stone from the ground, you're lifting it up your back isn't you know, could be in real trouble. But of course because I do this work now I'm actually even more focused on these kinds of things when they come into my world. So, you know, I like held my stomach and I picked it up and I did this all day and it was like I could do it but it was really really they were really really difficult. At the end of the day when I had the stones laid out I thought to myself, you know I'm really lucky I do this work workout because If I had not done this workout, I think this whole day would have killed me, you know, just just laying out those stones. And the funny thing about it the end of the day, I was a little sore, because it was a little awkward, you know, the, the positions I were in was in a couple of times, and, and I felt it, but I didn't feel destroyed. And I thought to myself, Man, if I had done this, and I wasn't in this kind of shape, I would, I don't think I don't think I'd be in good shape. So came I told Adam about this, because I was super excited about it. Because I thought to myself, I have to do this workout. So you can do life. You know, that's the thing you never think about you think I've heard people talk about, oh, you can have this, like really active lifestyle, and you can, you know, like, you can, you know lift rocks and things, you'll be in great shape. No, that's gonna kill you. The only way you can do that is if you are in great shape first, and then you can do this work without killing it.
Adam  05:49
See what I was happy about hearing that. That's the kind of the thing that made the light bulb go off on my head, he figured it out. Usually, I have to kind of teach that that correlation, which usually people have reversed, he realized that you don't exercise that way to prepare for that which so many people do, which is what this whole functional create functional training craze is all about. Like you have people lifting tires, and carrying rocks across football fields and anvils, and sandbags, and swinging ropes and kettlebells. And all those things which do in some ways mimic things that you do in life, like David carrying boulders around his back yard to plant a garden and things like that. The misnomer is that you have to do those similar type of activities with weights and in the gym so he can prepare you for what he did in a back yard. And no, because what he was doing in a back yard ultimately, is not good for you. If he kept doing that over and over again, day after day, like a manual laborer does, he's going to have problems, you're gonna have physical problems, whereas working out with us, or in a way that's according to muscle and joint function, whether it's with us or not, right, it's just doing according to muscle and joint function is going to prepare you for when you do have to move a rock, that is not going to be the straw that breaks the camel's back. Because what people are doing in these functional training gyms is doing the things that you would do in your backyard carrying stones, and weakening you and weakening a joint and compromising the joint in this very insidious way time after time week workout after workout. And then you go to actually do something like that in your backyard. And that's when the straw breaks. And you're thinking, Oh, I don't understand I was preparing for this. And now I get hurt. Well you got hurt in a gym before that even happens. Because the thing is when you're not doing things in a biomechanically correct way you're wearing away and you're weakening the joint and functional training is serving to screw you up. So here, David was working out doing a very safe leg press doing the deltoids according to muscle joint function and resistance is that the right weight at the right time, not too heavy at the weak point not too late at the strong point, not screwing up the rotator cuff muscles not screwing up the joint itself and all the connective tissue of that joint. By doing things on long levers with a weight is way too heavy, and the stabilizer muscles have to carry way too much load than they were meant to. And then and by not doing that by just strengthening the muscle he was prepared to to lift boulders in his backyard, and there was no straw that broke the camel's back. So that's what really kind of was impressed upon me when he was talking.
Mike  08:27
basically the the point of this, I think is that life, the majority of our life is in fact outside of muscle and joint function. And, and when we try to incorporate some of those, those things into our exercise, you're an exercising on an exercise regimen is something that is repetitive, you know whether it's once a week or three times a week, or whatever people do, but to do certain things, like carry boulders, which we want to be able to do when we have to do them within our within means. But that is a it's a great, it's a great testimonial to come to that conclusion, because a lot of people don't really come to that. Even after we tell them over and over and over again.
Adam  09:12
Yeah, usually usually it's like, you know, how is this helping me with doing all my gardening? Right? Don't? Shouldn't I be doing things like I do in the back yard? And gardening? Shouldn't I be jumping off boxes? Because that's kind of what happens when you kind of run after a bus or something like that? Should I be doing those kinds of ballistic movements to repair me for the ballistic movements of life? And I'm like, No.
Mike  09:35
The thing is these now, these things do occur in in life. And I think when we know something that is that can be destructive or risky. And as we get older things become that way. We have to make sure we are very careful with what with which ones we decide to do at that time in our life. And I think you know, you thought you knew that you could probably do this. But as you said before, if you were doing this all the time, or as Adam said, if you did this had to do this as a job all the time, you probably would hurt yourself, even if you were very strong. Yeah, because you're making, in essence, an exercise if you're doing it all the time.
David  10:11
Sure. And I guarantee you that I probably wouldn't even try to have done it. If I had not been if I hadn't felt strong, I mean, one of the things I have to say about this workout always, it always makes me feel really strong. Like I just feel like, okay, I'm gonna, I'm gonna, I'm a camera, man. So I'm carrying around gear all the time. The reason like, you know, the reason I, I maybe I got this is because I came to this workout, hoping to cure those kind of things. Like I remember, I couldn't carry gear, I was getting tired and, and then after about three months, I realized I started gaining the strength and then in my job became a lot easier. And then I started going like, Oh, holy hell, this is gonna, this is gonna bring back my life. You know? Let's see that window, I pull it down. As I pull it down. I go, Oh, my God, my core did that so easily.
Adam  10:54
Sheila reminds me of the story with Fitz Fitz, Patrick, the bass player for the Cult, right? Graham Fitzpatrick, the bass player for the Cult, and
Sheila  11:04
basically ruined his back was so bad that he couldn't even it was threatening his career, his his career playing bass on stage, you know, with traveling with bands and playing bass, he couldn't stand he couldn't walk around. His brother actually had a facility with this type of workout, this type of equipment, got him to get on the low back machine, which you're like, what? Why would you go on the low back machine when your back is in, you know, in bad shape. But his brother, knowing the benefits of this can, you know, convinced him to try it. And it was the thing that made him better and able to come back in his career and get back out on stage again. And so when he was traveling with the Cult, he would like every city, he would go to he would look for this equipment, that's how he found us in LA, by finding that we had this certain type of equipment. And, and he wanted that low back machine that was like his, that's his cure, you know, to come in and do that low back machine. And then when he's in New York key, he's called you guys several times and gone in there. And that's, he has to keep doing that in order to stay viable, you know, able to continue, because his back has, once you have a back thing. And it's been in that, you know, condition where it's, you're so scared, people are scared, Adam, you know, this whole, we have had that whole low back episode with you, Adam. And it's like, it's this the fear factor, so they don't move. But once you understand that the exercise is going to strengthen your back and make it better, then you're like, Okay, I got to keep doing this. One thing I wanted to just say about what Dave was saying that I thought was very important is that simply by doing this exercise, you become much more aware of safely doing things of safely lifting very heavy weights, you become much more aware of that perfect form. And then that That alone makes you much more aware when you're even moving a piece of furniture in your house or something like that.
Adam  13:21
it's true I'm sure David were like bending your knees properly.
David  13:24
yeah, even in New York, I mean, I find myself checking with checking in with myself as I'm walking upstairs. I'm feeling myself moving and mechanically in ways that are just sort of supporting me they're not there. You know, I'm careful. I'm careful because of this workout. I mean, it does come through in everyday life all the time.
Sheila  13:41
We actually had one new client, she was a younger girl, and she came in twice. And then she was she sent John her trainer, a text saying, I think I'm taller. I'm taller, could you measure me and and it was I was reading something about the benefits of when you start strength training. And part of that is that you're standing a little taller, because you're aware of your muscles,
David  14:08
I mean, I'm gonna jump on that because that that's been a huge change for me. So like, after I leave this place, I'm standing up in this very tall position. And walking around the tree. It's sort of like all of a sudden, my my musculature is holding my frame up. I just feel it like supporting me, it's sort of like this angel comes behind you and grabs your shoulders and sort of holds it up for you to show you like this is where you should be all your life.
Sheila  14:34
David  14:34
and, and I've noticed that even like if I want to get that feeling back during the week, if I just put myself into like a, like a plank position for you know, until I almost go to failure. If I stand up, I'm brought up into the same position again, it lifts me up. So it's like, if I want that instant, instant fix, I just go to that and all of a sudden I feel like I'm like two inches taller. I do feel that.
Sheila  14:56
That's awesome.
David  14:57
Yeah, it was a very exciting thing. And so as you bring it up that's that's One very exciting thing that I've, I've actually passed on to other people I've told other people about, because I'm generally like, my whole life has been like this, you know, so,
Adam  15:07
you know, a functional training, the concept of functional training was so good. And it worked, then things like, graham Fitzpatrick, and carrying a heavy guitar on his shoulders all the time, would be strengthening his back, not hurting his back. It wasn't until he started dealing according to muscle and joint function to truly strengthen back the right way that made him feel better. But functional training is saying mimic the activities of life that you know, so you can handle it. So he's like, Okay, I'm just gonna carry this really heavy guitar on my shoulders. And that should solve my back problems, right? No, it's actually causing his back problems. Reminds me of the bar owner that I trained for the last I don't know, eight years. Kirk, if you're listening, hello. You know, Kirk owns bars, he's carrying kegs all the time. Up and down the stairs. He's big kegs, half of carrying a keg is technique. Have you ever seen one of those guys pulling it off a truck, but they're heavy those things right? He was not getting stronger lifting kegs all day. Alright, and those guys that are heaving those kegs up and down on trucks, they aren't they have a lot of problems. Alright, it wasn't until he started doing again his workout here that he was able to handle that kind of work. So if functional training was valid, wouldn't all those really tough work that you doing all day long, when that'd be making you stronger and healthier and not not making you decrepit and crooked, we just think about it for a second. It doesn't make sense the whole functional training movement as as they basically stole that term memory functional training came from rehabilitation, where you're injured, and you can't do some very basic things. And you just practice, not just from a strengthening point of view. But from an even neurological point of view, a tactile point of view, you got to learn how to do a function again
Mike  15:08
more like occupational therapy
Adam  16:45
occupational therapy, therapy, it's about getting back to a certain level and then going from there. But once you get back to being able to move that joint appropriately, then you got to strengthen after that
Mike  16:54
right and, and one other whether it's a movement pattern, like a like an a job, like moving a keg or picking up rocks, or a sports move, you learn technique to make it more efficient, if it's something that you do have to do on a regular basis, like you still have to move kegs, like an athlete still have to, you know, run across the field, jump up in the air, catch a ball or something like that. And the idea is you want to learn how to do that activity as efficiently. And with as much technical expertise, which, you know, we learn how to do and one part of that is how to do it without hurting yourself or to minimize risk, I should say, because oftentimes a lot of things like sports, for example, that require extreme ranges of motion, in order to do the actual sport, there is an expectation that you're going to, that you may actually hurt yourself in the process of doing. So
Adam  17:51
again, here we are, you just touched upon something, Mike, that that is something we've touched upon before. And it's definitely worth repeating, because it's a basic tenant of what we're talking about. And that is the difference between recreation and exercise. And sports is part of that recreation. And athletes just like the bartender or the bar owner, I should say. And just like the musician, you the athlete, is also putting themselves in compromising positions during his sport for his sport. And again, to train in those compromising positions, it's just going to be piling on and just adding to the propensity for risk of getting injured, what that athlete should be doing, instead of working in these extreme ranges of motion to try to mimic what's happening, let's say on a basketball court
Mike  18:36
while they're training
Adam  18:37
while the training I'm saying is to just strengthen the muscle appropriately according to muscle and joint functions, avoiding extremes, avoiding the excessive force that's going to wear insidiously, possibly wear and tear away at the joints and then they get hurt during the game. And it's hard to prove right? That what the cause was, but more than likely, it's all that plyometric quote unquote, functional training that they're trying to mimic. And really what they're doing, according to,
Sheila  19:08
you know, tearing it down, wearing everything down.
Adam  19:10
You know, to me exercising like that all the time is not exercise, it's manual labor. We all know manual laborers are not necessarily in the greatest health as, as they as age
David  19:21
actually have that that's the initial conversation we had about that was the difference between manual labor and can exercise I was thinking about that
Sheila  19:28
getting paid to have somebody do maybe we should change the whole idea of it and just people will pay so that they can exercise but then we will get work done at the same time.
Adam  19:42
Well, exactly, you know, so for all of you that are doing all these functional training workouts, the boot camps across fits, you know what, become become a construction worker and add some value to society at least. If you're gonna beat yourself up, be so pumped to have something come from it. As opposed to just beating yourself up and not having any value come from it.
David  20:05
learn a craft
Adam  20:05
or learn a craft, you still manual labor is up to you, you're actually accomplishing something.
Sheila  20:11
So Adam, I just wanted to go back to maybe give the listeners a little one on one in biomechanical movement. And you talked earlier, you just mentioned long levers. So could you just kind of explain, give an example of a long lever, and how that would hurt?
Adam  20:29
Well, your thing is, when you have a weight in your hand, for example, and you're lifting it, your arm is the lever, right? So and the thing about a lever does is it multiplies the weights that you're holding by the length of that lever. So if you're doing, let's say, side raises with a dumbbell to work your deltoids. So you're holding a dumbbell by your size, and you're just lifting your arms straight out from your sides with a with a locked out elbow, so it's a straight arm. Alright? Well, you have to keep in mind is and what you have to know is where the deltoid the muscle that you're working your shoulder muscle, where its strong point is, and where it's weak point is. And the weight should be heaviest at the strong point of the deltoid, and it should be lighter at the weak point, because if the weight is too heavy at the weak point of the deltoid, that's where other things need to hold up that weight. And those other things like connective tissue and rotator cuff muscles, stabilizer muscles, smaller stabilizer muscles, they can't handle all that extra weight. So it's important to match how the weight changes to a range of motion and make sure that it's changing in accordance to the strength levels of that muscle that it's working. So what's happening here, when you do a lateral raise like that, the deltoid is strongest when you start the movement when it's by your sides, that's where your deltoid is really strong. But that's also where the weight is not really being multiplied by a long lever, because it's not out yet. So it's the weight itself, multiplied by the small, maybe an inch that is away from your side. But then when you pull it away from your side, your deltoid is getting weaker. And that weight as it's going away from your body, the further it gets away from your body, you have to multiply that weight by that distance. And the further and further it gets away from your body that weight gets heavier and heavier. At the same time, as your arm is going away from your body, your deltoid, your shoulder muscles getting weaker and weaker. So the here you have what they call incongruency, where the weight is way too heavy at that point for the muscle, see what people might not understand that the muscle doesn't have the same strength through a range of motion, it's stronger at the beginning of the range of motion usually gets weaker at the end of the range of motion, and the weight has to vary accordingly. And if it doesn't, if it varies the wrong way, where it gets heavier, where the muscle gets weaker, that's when you run into problems. And that's what happens very often when we don't lift weights according to our muscle and joint function. And there's ways to fix that problem doesn't mean you can't do a lateral raise, you just shouldn't do a lateral raise standing straight up like that. If you lean your body to a 45 degree angle or lay on your side. And you do a lateral raise that way. Now you change everything. Now the way it is heaviest at the beginning of the deltoid, and where the delts can handle that heavyweight. And then as the weight comes up as if you're laying on your side, the distance shortens as the deltoid gets weaker, and now you have congruent exercise. So it's just a matter of knowing how to shift your body position sometimes to make an exercise from safe to unsafe or and vice versa.
Mike  23:38
That's I mean, Adam was just speaking in terms of exercise, but like going back to a practical life type of thing. Like what David was talking about moving rocks, like and talk to you about the lever that Adams talking about what David was, I guarantee I wasn't there, but I guarantee he wasn't he didn't have his arms extended way far away from his body carrying
Adam  23:57
he brought it closer to his body
Mike  23:58
he brought it closer body because that technique
Adam  24:01
you're not multiplying that boulder by the distance of your arm away from your body.
Mike  24:05
So the distance of His arm was shorter, because he held it closer, and therefore he could actually carry it. If he did it the other way, you would have made the lift much harder for himself and will likely hurt himself no matter how strong he is from this workout.
Adam  24:17
Exactly. So when you see a lot of these movements at boot camps and the CrossFit, you know, when you have medicine balls with outstretched arms twisting to the side, I mean, you're working your obliques minimally, but you're straining your lower back maximally. It's not even accomplishing and working the muscle that you're intending. And people don't realize that and you have these trainers that maybe most likely unintentionally, you're not even understanding of the forces that are involved in something like that. And that's the real danger of this functional training movement when you don't understand that there are going to be excessive forces on a muscle at the wrong time. So I have a little mantra where it's which you know, when I when I try to explain all this to my clients, as we go through the workout, it's, I always say the right resistance at the right time. And that's that that's important I point that out to them. And sometimes I'll even demonstrate doing a lateral raise and a standing position and then do the lateral raise in the side position. And they can feel the difference can feel how it straining a shoulder, you can feel how all of a sudden, when you'd make it do it the right way you feel it in the deltoid and not feel like your shoulder blade, or your collarbone is about to pop out of your out of its socket.
Mike  25:31
And the problem with, with what is not with what Adam is talking about, once again, the understanding of a lot of people when they exercise is that they associate being really, really sore with a great workout. And that's why sometimes, like doing extreme range of motion or incongruent exercise oftentimes makes people very sore, like, wow, that was a great workout. And then they go back to it, of course, and so that's the thing that we always want people to be very, very aware of when they're in if they're not doing what we're doing. Or if they're doing something similar to what we're doing. You have to be very aware of these types of things, no matter what type of program you're involved with. And that's something that we take very, very seriously. And we're very vigilant about.
Sheila  26:15
Right. And I think one of the classic things people do in that, you know, on that same line of speaking, is they reach too far forward, to pick something up, you know what I mean? Like they're reaching over, and then they pick it up, and then oh, God, it's too heavy, and your low back is strained. And you know what I mean, they're not like, centered in that, it just being aware, your whole body is the lever, they're like your arms outstretched and you're stretching over to pick something up, don't do it
Mike  26:51
comes back to the workout though. And I like the day it's going and it comes full circle to what Dave said in the beginning, was that his awareness for what he was doing when it was outside of muscle and joint function was much more conservative, he actually did things much safely in that world, because of the awareness he developed from this workout, which is what we do see that and then and this is a living proof of it right here.
David  27:15
Yeah, and when, you know, one of the great things about this place, I have to say that is, is always been about safety. So so I feel like here you get taken care of there, I mean, you can go any other place, and people will just lay on that line of advertising they've heard a million times before all over the place, then I've never seen any really results from but um, but here, you know, it's always been safety. It's always like, you take care of you, and then that starts getting pumped into you, you take care of yourself, you come here to take care of yourself. You know, it's great seeing you take that out with you.
Adam  27:49
I'm going to be producing some videos on this stuff and showing biomechanically correct exercises. So stay tuned for that. But in the meantime, until we start producing our videos, you know, I totally recommend that we interviewed Bill De Simone at one point. He has a whole host of videos, and he has a book called congruent exercise. He has several publications now on this subject. So if you want to get really specific and do exercises,
Mike  28:13
or reference our podcast too, remember we had a good interview with him,
Adam  28:16
we had an interview with him but I also recommend you going to Bill De Simone and looking up his his videos on all and you can see all types of exercise done properly and with explanations of why you're doing it this way and start engaging in some very effective but also safe ways of working these muscle groups and stay away from the idea of trying to mimic everyday activities including sports activities in the gym with weights and long levers now that you know what a lever does, alright, and do it save and like like we talked about with David you kind of intuitively understood that bring that keeps that way close to your body. And like you know, Sheila was just referencing about reaching out outstretched arms with heavy weights. You know, sometimes you just have to do that reminds me of myself when you know I had a reach you know you have kids and you have in the back seat and you're reaching behind you to grab something and, and I just remember you know, that's not good for your soul to reach only behind you with an outstretched arm and pick up this heavy backpack filled with who knows what you know, and you know, I wouldn't recommend people do that exercise. Except you have to do it in real life. And because I strengthen my shoulders and my neck and my arms in a safe way that every once in a while when I have to reach back in the backseat of the car and grab something heavy out of it. I can handle it. I don't want to do that on a regular basis, but I don't I didn't get hurt doing that and I could still get hurt doing that depending on how heavy the thing is. But that's how you prepare for everyday life by just making sure your shoulders are really strong so when you do have to reach behind the back seat and grab something heavy that you can handle it.
David  29:58
I have one more story I just want to share with you
Adam  29:59
And then we'll end with that because I think we don't want to beat a dead horse. But I think I think the point has been made, right?
Sheila  30:05
David  30:06
Well, so here this this thing happened. I never even shared this with anybody. But about a month ago, I was stepping up on the curb coming home from the supermarket. I had two bags with me. And I stepped on the curve, and I hit the curb incorrectly. And I remember my feet just kind of flipped up the I did this weird twist, you know, you know, when you fall, you're just like, you see it happening and the thing was it's cement, you know, and I tripped, I came down onto the pavement and my arms flipped out in front of me. And they put myself into this like plank position. It was the weirdest thing. It was like a cat. And I hit it. And then that moment, I thought to myself, oh my god, I'm glad I'm in shape. Because if I weren't in shape, I would have planted my face right on the cement probably, my my arms would have never supported me. In fact, this woman saw me down the street She came running, and said are you okay? And I was like, Yeah, I mean, I couldn't even believe it.
Sheila  31:03
Just decided to do a plank right now.
David  31:05
It was like I just fell into it.
Adam  31:08
spontaneous plank with groceries.
Sheila  31:10
I just planned that
David  31:11
because I think these are this is one of those miracle moments that you get that you're not aware of that you get when you do this. I think that's what I wanted to leave it on.
Sheila  31:21
Right. That's awesome. I love it.
Adam  31:24
Well, let's leave it there then.
David  31:26
It was a great miracle moment. I would say come have your own miracle moment.
Mike  31:30
I have had several miracle moments. One of the biggest one was I got hit by a car on my bike. I'm not kidding. I just think being like in shape. Like I literally flipped over the car, my hip, smashed the windshield, I rolled over the car and I landed on my feet on the other side of the car.
Tim Edwards  31:47
Oh my god really?
Adam  31:49
We call him MacGyver now.
Mike  31:54
On my hip, but to be honest with you, I was actually Totally 100% Totally fine. Yeah. And I think
Adam  32:01
Although Mike, if you I think if you're in better shape, you end up gotten that abrasion on your hip though. 
Mike  32:05
Yeah, exactly. I should not have had that.
David  32:06
It's like it's like a spider man moment. Oh, my God. I have Spider Man. I have spider man powers.
Mike  32:13
creating miracles every day. But there's a lot of moments like that in life. And people who are in shape they maybe they don't they're not that aware of it. But like, when you trip into catch yourself, maybe you're not falling into a plank, but you just stepped to the side. It's just having that that that ability to make that agile movement is oftentimes as a result of just having adequate strength, you know
Tim Edwards  32:40
And we invite you to start making miracles inside your own body, making that change with a slow motion high intensity strength training workout at inform fitness. Many thanks to inform nation member and longtime inform fitness client, David Carlson for joining us here on the podcast. Adam mentioned at the top of the show that he and David are currently working on filming a series of trainer certification videos. In the past, David has also produced several amazing videos for inform fitness. And we'll have links to David's inform fitness productions in the show notes. And I'm also mentioned earlier that our old friend from Episode 19 Bill De Simone has a great series of videos regarding congruent exercise. Those two will appear in the show notes for this episode. And while you're tuning around the show notes don't forget to check out the link to Amazon to pick up Adams book power of 10 the once a week slow motion fitness revolution. Or how about stopping by an inform fitness location nearest you. They have the books there along with some really cool inform fitness apparel, and of course your opportunity to try this workout for yourself. To find an inform fitness location nearest you just visit and next week we'll be joined by inform fitness client and New York City Theater lighting designer Ann Wrightson. Looking forward to talking to Ann next week. Until then, for Adam Mike and Sheila with inform fitness. I'm Tim Edwards with the inbound podcasting Network.

What is The InForm Fitness Podcast?

Now listened to in 100 countries, The InForm Fitness Podcast with Adam Zickerman is a presentation of InForm Fitness Studios, specializing in safe, efficient, High Intensity strength training.
Adam discusses the latest findings in the areas of exercise, nutrition and recovery with leading experts and scientists. We aim to debunk the popular misconceptions and urban myths that are so prevalent in the fields of health and fitness and to replace those sacred cows with scientific-based, up-to-the-minute information on a variety of subjects. The topics covered include exercise protocols and techniques, nutrition, sleep, recovery, the role of genetics in the response to exercise, and much more.

39 The Dangers of Functional Training

workout, exercise, deltoid, people, lifting, inform, muscle, david, carrying, functional, joint, adam, heavy, movement, strengthen, fitness, talking, lever, weight, aware
Sheila, Tim Edwards, Mike, Adam, David

Adam 00:05
Because what people are doing in these functional training gyms is doing the things that you would do in your backyard carrying stones and weakening you and weakening a joint and compromising the joint in this very insidious way time after time workout after workout and then you go to actually do something like that in your backyard. And that's when the straw breaks. And you're thinking, Oh, I don't understand, I was preparing for this and now I get hurt. Or you get hurt in a gym before that even happens. Because the thing is when you're not doing things in a biomechanically correct way you're wearing away and you're weakening the joint and functional training is serving to to screw you up.

Sheila 00:50
Episode 39 of the inform fitness podcast with Adam Zickerman is about to begin, heyy inform nation. Thanks for joining us. I am Tim Edwards with the inbound podcasting network and a client of inform fitness. Adam, Mike and Sheila will be with us in just a minute. And they'll be joined by a longtime inform fitness client, David Carlson. The discussion today is based off of a blog post written by Adam a few years back titled gyms have become dangerous playgrounds for grownups. The blog post stems from the functional fitness movement, and for those who subscribe to the notion that we should train and strengthen our bodies in ways that mimic the activities of our daily life. So what are the dangers of participating in this form of exercise? Well, you can read the blog post for yourself at And we begin the discussion right now here on the inform fitness podcast.

Adam 01:44
Yes, so you know, we talk about we talk about theory a lot, and a lot of, you know, academic things from time to time, and it's always good to just come back to, you know, where the rubber meets the road and talk to people that have actually experiencing this and this type of workout. And when we have talked about functional training in the past, and how this, you know, my opinion is that you strength train to build muscle, and then you and you do that in the safest way possible according to muscle and joint function as best as you can. And not necessarily try to mimic everyday life in the gym, which is what a lot of functional trainers are doing doing things that you kind of do in everyday life and but in the gym, you're doing with weights or extra resistance. And I've always said that that's dangerous for the joints, and the way you incorporate your life, or the way the way exercise helps you in your life is by again, safely strengthen the muscles according to its as best you can, according to its its function, and not to try to get fancy. So I was reminded of this when I was talking to David, client, longtime client, David's here with me right now. Hello, David.

David 02:59
Hi. Thanks for having me. Glad to be here.

Sheila 03:01
Now. Now, Adam, before you bring David in as a longtime client, let's also let our audience know that David also has produced several videos for you over there on the East Coast.

Adam 03:12
Yes, David is very well aware of our workout. He's intimately aware because we he is producing videos with us. And he obviously he's getting a technical background and all this stuff, obviously in order to shoot it properly. So yeah, he's a client and he just keeps learning more and more about it. And we were having a conversation yesterday about how he was doing some work in his backyard, and all this kind of stuff. And it made me think exactly of the point we've been making all this time about separating everyday life activities, and not necessarily trying to mimic those activities in the gym. And David is pretty much living proof of how this works and is based on what he was telling me yesterday, that current prompted me to invite him here today with us. So David, tell us what you were talking about yesterday.

David 04:01
So I have this house in Pennsylvania. And it's really great because I think this I you know, I do yard work. The one thing that I keep on, I'm reminded all the time of how effective this workout is. So last week I was in in Pennsylvania and I was harvesting I don't know these big stones to make these paths stones on my property and they're probably like 50 65 pounds each. They're pretty heavy. And I know that you know I'm in pretty good shape because I've been doing this workout for probably about four and a half years. But still something like that. You know, it really it made me think like you got to be really careful about this because you're picking up a big piece of stone from the ground, you're lifting it up your back isn't you know, could be in real trouble. But of course because I do this work now I'm actually even more focused on these kinds of things when they come into my world. So, you know, I like held my stomach and I picked it up and I did this all day and it was like I could do it but it was really really they were really really difficult. At the end of the day when I had the stones laid out I thought to myself, you know I'm really lucky I do this work workout because If I had not done this workout, I think this whole day would have killed me, you know, just just laying out those stones. And the funny thing about it the end of the day, I was a little sore, because it was a little awkward, you know, the, the positions I were in was in a couple of times, and, and I felt it, but I didn't feel destroyed. And I thought to myself, Man, if I had done this, and I wasn't in this kind of shape, I would, I don't think I don't think I'd be in good shape. So came I told Adam about this, because I was super excited about it. Because I thought to myself, I have to do this workout. So you can do life. You know, that's the thing you never think about you think I've heard people talk about, oh, you can have this, like really active lifestyle, and you can, you know, like, you can, you know lift rocks and things, you'll be in great shape. No, that's gonna kill you. The only way you can do that is if you are in great shape first, and then you can do this work without killing it.

Adam 05:49
See what I was happy about hearing that. That's the kind of the thing that made the light bulb go off on my head, he figured it out. Usually, I have to kind of teach that that correlation, which usually people have reversed, he realized that you don't exercise that way to prepare for that which so many people do, which is what this whole functional create functional training craze is all about. Like you have people lifting tires, and carrying rocks across football fields and anvils, and sandbags, and swinging ropes and kettlebells. And all those things which do in some ways mimic things that you do in life, like David carrying boulders around his back yard to plant a garden and things like that. The misnomer is that you have to do those similar type of activities with weights and in the gym so he can prepare you for what he did in a back yard. And no, because what he was doing in a back yard ultimately, is not good for you. If he kept doing that over and over again, day after day, like a manual laborer does, he's going to have problems, you're gonna have physical problems, whereas working out with us, or in a way that's according to muscle and joint function, whether it's with us or not, right, it's just doing according to muscle and joint function is going to prepare you for when you do have to move a rock, that is not going to be the straw that breaks the camel's back. Because what people are doing in these functional training gyms is doing the things that you would do in your backyard carrying stones, and weakening you and weakening a joint and compromising the joint in this very insidious way time after time week workout after workout. And then you go to actually do something like that in your backyard. And that's when the straw breaks. And you're thinking, Oh, I don't understand I was preparing for this. And now I get hurt. Well you got hurt in a gym before that even happens. Because the thing is when you're not doing things in a biomechanically correct way you're wearing away and you're weakening the joint and functional training is serving to screw you up. So here, David was working out doing a very safe leg press doing the deltoids according to muscle joint function and resistance is that the right weight at the right time, not too heavy at the weak point not too late at the strong point, not screwing up the rotator cuff muscles not screwing up the joint itself and all the connective tissue of that joint. By doing things on long levers with a weight is way too heavy, and the stabilizer muscles have to carry way too much load than they were meant to. And then and by not doing that by just strengthening the muscle he was prepared to to lift boulders in his backyard, and there was no straw that broke the camel's back. So that's what really kind of was impressed upon me when he was talking.

Mike 08:27
basically the the point of this, I think is that life, the majority of our life is in fact outside of muscle and joint function. And, and when we try to incorporate some of those, those things into our exercise, you're an exercising on an exercise regimen is something that is repetitive, you know whether it's once a week or three times a week, or whatever people do, but to do certain things, like carry boulders, which we want to be able to do when we have to do them within our within means. But that is a it's a great, it's a great testimonial to come to that conclusion, because a lot of people don't really come to that. Even after we tell them over and over and over again.

Adam 09:12
Yeah, usually usually it's like, you know, how is this helping me with doing all my gardening? Right? Don't? Shouldn't I be doing things like I do in the back yard? And gardening? Shouldn't I be jumping off boxes? Because that's kind of what happens when you kind of run after a bus or something like that? Should I be doing those kinds of ballistic movements to repair me for the ballistic movements of life? And I'm like, No.

Mike 09:35
The thing is these now, these things do occur in in life. And I think when we know something that is that can be destructive or risky. And as we get older things become that way. We have to make sure we are very careful with what with which ones we decide to do at that time in our life. And I think you know, you thought you knew that you could probably do this. But as you said before, if you were doing this all the time, or as Adam said, if you did this had to do this as a job all the time, you probably would hurt yourself, even if you were very strong. Yeah, because you're making, in essence, an exercise if you're doing it all the time.

David 10:11
Sure. And I guarantee you that I probably wouldn't even try to have done it. If I had not been if I hadn't felt strong, I mean, one of the things I have to say about this workout always, it always makes me feel really strong. Like I just feel like, okay, I'm gonna, I'm gonna, I'm a camera, man. So I'm carrying around gear all the time. The reason like, you know, the reason I, I maybe I got this is because I came to this workout, hoping to cure those kind of things. Like I remember, I couldn't carry gear, I was getting tired and, and then after about three months, I realized I started gaining the strength and then in my job became a lot easier. And then I started going like, Oh, holy hell, this is gonna, this is gonna bring back my life. You know? Let's see that window, I pull it down. As I pull it down. I go, Oh, my God, my core did that so easily.

Adam 10:54
Sheila reminds me of the story with Fitz Fitz, Patrick, the bass player for the Cult, right? Graham Fitzpatrick, the bass player for the Cult, and

Sheila 11:04
basically ruined his back was so bad that he couldn't even it was threatening his career, his his career playing bass on stage, you know, with traveling with bands and playing bass, he couldn't stand he couldn't walk around. His brother actually had a facility with this type of workout, this type of equipment, got him to get on the low back machine, which you're like, what? Why would you go on the low back machine when your back is in, you know, in bad shape. But his brother, knowing the benefits of this can, you know, convinced him to try it. And it was the thing that made him better and able to come back in his career and get back out on stage again. And so when he was traveling with the Cult, he would like every city, he would go to he would look for this equipment, that's how he found us in LA, by finding that we had this certain type of equipment. And, and he wanted that low back machine that was like his, that's his cure, you know, to come in and do that low back machine. And then when he's in New York key, he's called you guys several times and gone in there. And that's, he has to keep doing that in order to stay viable, you know, able to continue, because his back has, once you have a back thing. And it's been in that, you know, condition where it's, you're so scared, people are scared, Adam, you know, this whole, we have had that whole low back episode with you, Adam. And it's like, it's this the fear factor, so they don't move. But once you understand that the exercise is going to strengthen your back and make it better, then you're like, Okay, I got to keep doing this. One thing I wanted to just say about what Dave was saying that I thought was very important is that simply by doing this exercise, you become much more aware of safely doing things of safely lifting very heavy weights, you become much more aware of that perfect form. And then that That alone makes you much more aware when you're even moving a piece of furniture in your house or something like that.

Adam 13:21
it's true I'm sure David were like bending your knees properly.

David 13:24
yeah, even in New York, I mean, I find myself checking with checking in with myself as I'm walking upstairs. I'm feeling myself moving and mechanically in ways that are just sort of supporting me they're not there. You know, I'm careful. I'm careful because of this workout. I mean, it does come through in everyday life all the time.

Sheila 13:41
We actually had one new client, she was a younger girl, and she came in twice. And then she was she sent John her trainer, a text saying, I think I'm taller. I'm taller, could you measure me and and it was I was reading something about the benefits of when you start strength training. And part of that is that you're standing a little taller, because you're aware of your muscles,

David 14:08
I mean, I'm gonna jump on that because that that's been a huge change for me. So like, after I leave this place, I'm standing up in this very tall position. And walking around the tree. It's sort of like all of a sudden, my my musculature is holding my frame up. I just feel it like supporting me, it's sort of like this angel comes behind you and grabs your shoulders and sort of holds it up for you to show you like this is where you should be all your life.

Sheila 14:34

David 14:34
and, and I've noticed that even like if I want to get that feeling back during the week, if I just put myself into like a, like a plank position for you know, until I almost go to failure. If I stand up, I'm brought up into the same position again, it lifts me up. So it's like, if I want that instant, instant fix, I just go to that and all of a sudden I feel like I'm like two inches taller. I do feel that.

Sheila 14:56
That's awesome.

David 14:57
Yeah, it was a very exciting thing. And so as you bring it up that's that's One very exciting thing that I've, I've actually passed on to other people I've told other people about, because I'm generally like, my whole life has been like this, you know, so,

Adam 15:07
you know, a functional training, the concept of functional training was so good. And it worked, then things like, graham Fitzpatrick, and carrying a heavy guitar on his shoulders all the time, would be strengthening his back, not hurting his back. It wasn't until he started dealing according to muscle and joint function to truly strengthen back the right way that made him feel better. But functional training is saying mimic the activities of life that you know, so you can handle it. So he's like, Okay, I'm just gonna carry this really heavy guitar on my shoulders. And that should solve my back problems, right? No, it's actually causing his back problems. Reminds me of the bar owner that I trained for the last I don't know, eight years. Kirk, if you're listening, hello. You know, Kirk owns bars, he's carrying kegs all the time. Up and down the stairs. He's big kegs, half of carrying a keg is technique. Have you ever seen one of those guys pulling it off a truck, but they're heavy those things right? He was not getting stronger lifting kegs all day. Alright, and those guys that are heaving those kegs up and down on trucks, they aren't they have a lot of problems. Alright, it wasn't until he started doing again his workout here that he was able to handle that kind of work. So if functional training was valid, wouldn't all those really tough work that you doing all day long, when that'd be making you stronger and healthier and not not making you decrepit and crooked, we just think about it for a second. It doesn't make sense the whole functional training movement as as they basically stole that term memory functional training came from rehabilitation, where you're injured, and you can't do some very basic things. And you just practice, not just from a strengthening point of view. But from an even neurological point of view, a tactile point of view, you got to learn how to do a function again

Mike 15:08
more like occupational therapy

Adam 16:45
occupational therapy, therapy, it's about getting back to a certain level and then going from there. But once you get back to being able to move that joint appropriately, then you got to strengthen after that

Mike 16:54
right and, and one other whether it's a movement pattern, like a like an a job, like moving a keg or picking up rocks, or a sports move, you learn technique to make it more efficient, if it's something that you do have to do on a regular basis, like you still have to move kegs, like an athlete still have to, you know, run across the field, jump up in the air, catch a ball or something like that. And the idea is you want to learn how to do that activity as efficiently. And with as much technical expertise, which, you know, we learn how to do and one part of that is how to do it without hurting yourself or to minimize risk, I should say, because oftentimes a lot of things like sports, for example, that require extreme ranges of motion, in order to do the actual sport, there is an expectation that you're going to, that you may actually hurt yourself in the process of doing. So

Adam 17:51
again, here we are, you just touched upon something, Mike, that that is something we've touched upon before. And it's definitely worth repeating, because it's a basic tenant of what we're talking about. And that is the difference between recreation and exercise. And sports is part of that recreation. And athletes just like the bartender or the bar owner, I should say. And just like the musician, you the athlete, is also putting themselves in compromising positions during his sport for his sport. And again, to train in those compromising positions, it's just going to be piling on and just adding to the propensity for risk of getting injured, what that athlete should be doing, instead of working in these extreme ranges of motion to try to mimic what's happening, let's say on a basketball court

Mike 18:36
while they're training

Adam 18:37
while the training I'm saying is to just strengthen the muscle appropriately according to muscle and joint functions, avoiding extremes, avoiding the excessive force that's going to wear insidiously, possibly wear and tear away at the joints and then they get hurt during the game. And it's hard to prove right? That what the cause was, but more than likely, it's all that plyometric quote unquote, functional training that they're trying to mimic. And really what they're doing, according to,

Sheila 19:08
you know, tearing it down, wearing everything down.

Adam 19:10
You know, to me exercising like that all the time is not exercise, it's manual labor. We all know manual laborers are not necessarily in the greatest health as, as they as age

David 19:21
actually have that that's the initial conversation we had about that was the difference between manual labor and can exercise I was thinking about that

Sheila 19:28
getting paid to have somebody do maybe we should change the whole idea of it and just people will pay so that they can exercise but then we will get work done at the same time.

Adam 19:42
Well, exactly, you know, so for all of you that are doing all these functional training workouts, the boot camps across fits, you know what, become become a construction worker and add some value to society at least. If you're gonna beat yourself up, be so pumped to have something come from it. As opposed to just beating yourself up and not having any value come from it.

David 20:05
learn a craft

Adam 20:05
or learn a craft, you still manual labor is up to you, you're actually accomplishing something.

Sheila 20:11
So Adam, I just wanted to go back to maybe give the listeners a little one on one in biomechanical movement. And you talked earlier, you just mentioned long levers. So could you just kind of explain, give an example of a long lever, and how that would hurt?

Adam 20:29
Well, your thing is, when you have a weight in your hand, for example, and you're lifting it, your arm is the lever, right? So and the thing about a lever does is it multiplies the weights that you're holding by the length of that lever. So if you're doing, let's say, side raises with a dumbbell to work your deltoids. So you're holding a dumbbell by your size, and you're just lifting your arms straight out from your sides with a with a locked out elbow, so it's a straight arm. Alright? Well, you have to keep in mind is and what you have to know is where the deltoid the muscle that you're working your shoulder muscle, where its strong point is, and where it's weak point is. And the weight should be heaviest at the strong point of the deltoid, and it should be lighter at the weak point, because if the weight is too heavy at the weak point of the deltoid, that's where other things need to hold up that weight. And those other things like connective tissue and rotator cuff muscles, stabilizer muscles, smaller stabilizer muscles, they can't handle all that extra weight. So it's important to match how the weight changes to a range of motion and make sure that it's changing in accordance to the strength levels of that muscle that it's working. So what's happening here, when you do a lateral raise like that, the deltoid is strongest when you start the movement when it's by your sides, that's where your deltoid is really strong. But that's also where the weight is not really being multiplied by a long lever, because it's not out yet. So it's the weight itself, multiplied by the small, maybe an inch that is away from your side. But then when you pull it away from your side, your deltoid is getting weaker. And that weight as it's going away from your body, the further it gets away from your body, you have to multiply that weight by that distance. And the further and further it gets away from your body that weight gets heavier and heavier. At the same time, as your arm is going away from your body, your deltoid, your shoulder muscles getting weaker and weaker. So the here you have what they call incongruency, where the weight is way too heavy at that point for the muscle, see what people might not understand that the muscle doesn't have the same strength through a range of motion, it's stronger at the beginning of the range of motion usually gets weaker at the end of the range of motion, and the weight has to vary accordingly. And if it doesn't, if it varies the wrong way, where it gets heavier, where the muscle gets weaker, that's when you run into problems. And that's what happens very often when we don't lift weights according to our muscle and joint function. And there's ways to fix that problem doesn't mean you can't do a lateral raise, you just shouldn't do a lateral raise standing straight up like that. If you lean your body to a 45 degree angle or lay on your side. And you do a lateral raise that way. Now you change everything. Now the way it is heaviest at the beginning of the deltoid, and where the delts can handle that heavyweight. And then as the weight comes up as if you're laying on your side, the distance shortens as the deltoid gets weaker, and now you have congruent exercise. So it's just a matter of knowing how to shift your body position sometimes to make an exercise from safe to unsafe or and vice versa.

Mike 23:38
That's I mean, Adam was just speaking in terms of exercise, but like going back to a practical life type of thing. Like what David was talking about moving rocks, like and talk to you about the lever that Adams talking about what David was, I guarantee I wasn't there, but I guarantee he wasn't he didn't have his arms extended way far away from his body carrying

Adam 23:57
he brought it closer to his body

Mike 23:58
he brought it closer body because that technique

Adam 24:01
you're not multiplying that boulder by the distance of your arm away from your body.

Mike 24:05
So the distance of His arm was shorter, because he held it closer, and therefore he could actually carry it. If he did it the other way, you would have made the lift much harder for himself and will likely hurt himself no matter how strong he is from this workout.

Adam 24:17
Exactly. So when you see a lot of these movements at boot camps and the CrossFit, you know, when you have medicine balls with outstretched arms twisting to the side, I mean, you're working your obliques minimally, but you're straining your lower back maximally. It's not even accomplishing and working the muscle that you're intending. And people don't realize that and you have these trainers that maybe most likely unintentionally, you're not even understanding of the forces that are involved in something like that. And that's the real danger of this functional training movement when you don't understand that there are going to be excessive forces on a muscle at the wrong time. So I have a little mantra where it's which you know, when I when I try to explain all this to my clients, as we go through the workout, it's, I always say the right resistance at the right time. And that's that that's important I point that out to them. And sometimes I'll even demonstrate doing a lateral raise and a standing position and then do the lateral raise in the side position. And they can feel the difference can feel how it straining a shoulder, you can feel how all of a sudden, when you'd make it do it the right way you feel it in the deltoid and not feel like your shoulder blade, or your collarbone is about to pop out of your out of its socket.

Mike 25:31
And the problem with, with what is not with what Adam is talking about, once again, the understanding of a lot of people when they exercise is that they associate being really, really sore with a great workout. And that's why sometimes, like doing extreme range of motion or incongruent exercise oftentimes makes people very sore, like, wow, that was a great workout. And then they go back to it, of course, and so that's the thing that we always want people to be very, very aware of when they're in if they're not doing what we're doing. Or if they're doing something similar to what we're doing. You have to be very aware of these types of things, no matter what type of program you're involved with. And that's something that we take very, very seriously. And we're very vigilant about.

Sheila 26:15
Right. And I think one of the classic things people do in that, you know, on that same line of speaking, is they reach too far forward, to pick something up, you know what I mean? Like they're reaching over, and then they pick it up, and then oh, God, it's too heavy, and your low back is strained. And you know what I mean, they're not like, centered in that, it just being aware, your whole body is the lever, they're like your arms outstretched and you're stretching over to pick something up, don't do it

Mike 26:51
comes back to the workout though. And I like the day it's going and it comes full circle to what Dave said in the beginning, was that his awareness for what he was doing when it was outside of muscle and joint function was much more conservative, he actually did things much safely in that world, because of the awareness he developed from this workout, which is what we do see that and then and this is a living proof of it right here.

David 27:15
Yeah, and when, you know, one of the great things about this place, I have to say that is, is always been about safety. So so I feel like here you get taken care of there, I mean, you can go any other place, and people will just lay on that line of advertising they've heard a million times before all over the place, then I've never seen any really results from but um, but here, you know, it's always been safety. It's always like, you take care of you, and then that starts getting pumped into you, you take care of yourself, you come here to take care of yourself. You know, it's great seeing you take that out with you.

Adam 27:49
I'm going to be producing some videos on this stuff and showing biomechanically correct exercises. So stay tuned for that. But in the meantime, until we start producing our videos, you know, I totally recommend that we interviewed Bill De Simone at one point. He has a whole host of videos, and he has a book called congruent exercise. He has several publications now on this subject. So if you want to get really specific and do exercises,

Mike 28:13
or reference our podcast too, remember we had a good interview with him,

Adam 28:16
we had an interview with him but I also recommend you going to Bill De Simone and looking up his his videos on all and you can see all types of exercise done properly and with explanations of why you're doing it this way and start engaging in some very effective but also safe ways of working these muscle groups and stay away from the idea of trying to mimic everyday activities including sports activities in the gym with weights and long levers now that you know what a lever does, alright, and do it save and like like we talked about with David you kind of intuitively understood that bring that keeps that way close to your body. And like you know, Sheila was just referencing about reaching out outstretched arms with heavy weights. You know, sometimes you just have to do that reminds me of myself when you know I had a reach you know you have kids and you have in the back seat and you're reaching behind you to grab something and, and I just remember you know, that's not good for your soul to reach only behind you with an outstretched arm and pick up this heavy backpack filled with who knows what you know, and you know, I wouldn't recommend people do that exercise. Except you have to do it in real life. And because I strengthen my shoulders and my neck and my arms in a safe way that every once in a while when I have to reach back in the backseat of the car and grab something heavy out of it. I can handle it. I don't want to do that on a regular basis, but I don't I didn't get hurt doing that and I could still get hurt doing that depending on how heavy the thing is. But that's how you prepare for everyday life by just making sure your shoulders are really strong so when you do have to reach behind the back seat and grab something heavy that you can handle it.

David 29:58
I have one more story I just want to share with you

Adam 29:59
And then we'll end with that because I think we don't want to beat a dead horse. But I think I think the point has been made, right?

Sheila 30:05

David 30:06
Well, so here this this thing happened. I never even shared this with anybody. But about a month ago, I was stepping up on the curb coming home from the supermarket. I had two bags with me. And I stepped on the curve, and I hit the curb incorrectly. And I remember my feet just kind of flipped up the I did this weird twist, you know, you know, when you fall, you're just like, you see it happening and the thing was it's cement, you know, and I tripped, I came down onto the pavement and my arms flipped out in front of me. And they put myself into this like plank position. It was the weirdest thing. It was like a cat. And I hit it. And then that moment, I thought to myself, oh my god, I'm glad I'm in shape. Because if I weren't in shape, I would have planted my face right on the cement probably, my my arms would have never supported me. In fact, this woman saw me down the street She came running, and said are you okay? And I was like, Yeah, I mean, I couldn't even believe it.

Sheila 31:03
Just decided to do a plank right now.

David 31:05
It was like I just fell into it.

Adam 31:08
spontaneous plank with groceries.

Sheila 31:10
I just planned that

David 31:11
because I think these are this is one of those miracle moments that you get that you're not aware of that you get when you do this. I think that's what I wanted to leave it on.

Sheila 31:21
Right. That's awesome. I love it.

Adam 31:24
Well, let's leave it there then.

David 31:26
It was a great miracle moment. I would say come have your own miracle moment.

Mike 31:30
I have had several miracle moments. One of the biggest one was I got hit by a car on my bike. I'm not kidding. I just think being like in shape. Like I literally flipped over the car, my hip, smashed the windshield, I rolled over the car and I landed on my feet on the other side of the car.

Tim Edwards 31:47
Oh my god really?

Adam 31:49
We call him MacGyver now.

Mike 31:54
On my hip, but to be honest with you, I was actually Totally 100% Totally fine. Yeah. And I think

Adam 32:01
Although Mike, if you I think if you're in better shape, you end up gotten that abrasion on your hip though.

Mike 32:05
Yeah, exactly. I should not have had that.

David 32:06
It's like it's like a spider man moment. Oh, my God. I have Spider Man. I have spider man powers.

Mike 32:13
creating miracles every day. But there's a lot of moments like that in life. And people who are in shape they maybe they don't they're not that aware of it. But like, when you trip into catch yourself, maybe you're not falling into a plank, but you just stepped to the side. It's just having that that that ability to make that agile movement is oftentimes as a result of just having adequate strength, you know

Tim Edwards 32:40
And we invite you to start making miracles inside your own body, making that change with a slow motion high intensity strength training workout at inform fitness. Many thanks to inform nation member and longtime inform fitness client, David Carlson for joining us here on the podcast. Adam mentioned at the top of the show that he and David are currently working on filming a series of trainer certification videos. In the past, David has also produced several amazing videos for inform fitness. And we'll have links to David's inform fitness productions in the show notes. And I'm also mentioned earlier that our old friend from Episode 19 Bill De Simone has a great series of videos regarding congruent exercise. Those two will appear in the show notes for this episode. And while you're tuning around the show notes don't forget to check out the link to Amazon to pick up Adams book power of 10 the once a week slow motion fitness revolution. Or how about stopping by an inform fitness location nearest you. They have the books there along with some really cool inform fitness apparel, and of course your opportunity to try this workout for yourself. To find an inform fitness location nearest you just visit and next week we'll be joined by inform fitness client and New York City Theater lighting designer Ann Wrightson. Looking forward to talking to Ann next week. Until then, for Adam Mike and Sheila with inform fitness. I'm Tim Edwards with the inbound podcasting Network.

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