And She Spoke: Women. Money. Power.

Welcome to another edition of our Audience Audit, featuring high-performance coach, Christina Langdon.
In the Audience Audit series, you’ll see us applying our business framework to our audience’s businesses and hear our best thinking on how to apply our teachings to your own marketing and offerings.
Christina has multiple revenue streams- she offers one-on-one and group coaching programs for both business owners and those seeking to strengthen their leadership skills. Her biggest challenge is getting clear on what to focus on next and how to know what program to “green-light” first.

Here’s a sneak peek of what we discuss:
  • Overview of Christina’s audit submission
  • Suggestions for focusing on one thing
  • How to best optimize blog posts, opt-ins ect
  • Strategizing for Christina
Joy: The Anna Delvey Show
Hustle: Whats’ Our Problem?: A Self-Help Book for Societies

This podcast is brought to you by the Marvelous online teaching platform.
Marvelous is an easy-to-use platform that helps you build and sell your own courses, memberships, and live-streamed programs. Go from idea to open for business in just minutes. If you're looking for a simple, streamlined way to build and grow an online business. You can learn more at Marvelous.

What is And She Spoke: Women. Money. Power.?

For so many modern, driven women, life is about being more than one thing. We’re multidimensional—and so are our conversations. We carry multiple identities; we can be both mother and artist; both attorney and entrepreneur. Both clinician and CEO. Both humble and proud. Life for women like us is about both. About…all of the above. It’s about the “and”...

Welcome to the And She Spoke podcast today's episode is another popular edition of the audience audit and we are going to be diving deep into the presence. The online business of a coach named Christina Langford langdon

Welcome to the and she spoke podcast today's episode is another edition of our audience audit and today's episode is featuring a coach named Christina Langdon hey Sandy

Hi Jenny I'm excited to do this one I am actually shocked at how popular these business audits have been. This is only our second one and I just like we've just received so many submissions and and comments in our communities. What's that.

So much. Yep so much is what everybody wants from us is not for sale but maybe one day it'll be for sale. It is not for sale. You got to get picked for a podcast episode right now.

Oh so ah yes, it's just I like well could be apparently from the from the yeah, the the demand is there but okay, yeah, so ah Christina Langdon um


I think what would be helpful Jenny is maybe you I'm choosing you to just like loosely run through the framework that we are using when we do these audits.

Yes, yes, okay, so the framework that we're using is our marketing framework that we use in our businesses and that we use with our coaching clients and it is also in our signature course and program called visible and. It is essentially a long-term strategic framework for how to show up on the internet. How to be a thought leader how to be recognized and to grow a brand based on the work that you do in the world and so we'll just kind of break it apart? Um, the high thirty Thousand foot overview is that as an online creator. We recommend that you have a visibility vehicle where you are consistently at least weekly putting out content that is based on your work. What you do? What you believe kind of your signature way of thinking about something so this is usually in the form of either a blog. A podcast or a Youtube channel that those little details are maybe subject to change over time because you know like there could be a new Youtube or whatever in the future. But as of now in 2023 at the time of filming and for the last decade It's basically been these same 3 visibility vehicles. So we recommend that you as an online creator if you are drawn to writing that you become a blogger if you love podcasts and audio and like that's how you take in a lot of your information. We recommend that you're a podcaster and if you just love video and kind of love being on camera.

And your work lends itself to that and or we recommend that you become a youtuber and this is like a serious job and in our kind of strategy in the way that we think about business this is like more than half. Of what you do in your online business is to be this thing to be a podcaster to be a blogger or to be a youtuber.

I also just want to point out the reason that we are saying Youtube blog or podcast is that these vehicles as we call them allow you to be found so someone on Youtube could search Ceo leadership mindset and find you.

Oh yes.

Like that. Yes, just so.

Where if you are just solely of ah posting on Instagram nobody can find you honestly so we really want you to to put your thoughts your words your voice on places where people can discover you. It's always top a funnel problem and everybody has and this is a way.


Of being discoverable.

Yes, okay, and then the next part of the framework is very much the second part and that is that you should also then once you have a visibility vehicle established and you're promoting your content there creating content every week at least then you pick. Ideally, a social media platform or if you hate social something else some way of getting the word out that you amplify that content from your visibility vehicle onto a social platform to just get more people to like go out and shout with a megaphone like hey I made this hey made this come see it. And so that's really the role that we see social media playing. We recommend that everyone have one visibility vehicle and you are consistently posting and amplifying in that 1 place for at least a year before you consider other ones adding. But um. You know you can do this whole online business thing and be very successful with a single amplifier which is a single social channel and a single kind of content platform which is your visibility vehicle your blog your podcast or your Youtube channel. So that's like sort of like the crux of what we believe in our theory of the internet. And theory of marketing and so all of these audits and recommendations that we give are based and rooted in that theory right.

Right? Okay, so let's turn our attention to Christina Langdon and let's just do the high level. Let's introduce her to the audience who she is what she does all the numbers.

Okay, why don't you start with that Sandy because I I think you probably have those links pulled up more than quicker than I know. Yeah.

Okay, I've got in front of me. Yeah, no problem I got it so Christina has an email list of 729 she has um, a couple social media channel oh my god a couple social media channels she has um eleven forty five on Instagram.

Yes, composition.

1123 on Facebook and then Linkedin she has 3094 so her total audience um is about 6000 including that email list. Um, she is a coach for women ceos in the realm of leadership. And I think you've got up, um, some of her history.

Yes, her Linkedin. So um, Christina has a really rich career background. It's pretty it's pretty interesting she worked for looks like Martha Stewart's company for a long time like more than a decade. She worked. Fast company. Um, and it looks like she's had some other kind of consulting roles and other jobs as well. But she has like definitely sort of like the high powered career woman executive kind of level work experience that obviously lends itself well to her new coaching career. Newer coaching career.

Um, and I think when she wrote into us. She describes her problem as um, a little bit uncertain about where she should sort of take her time and promote she wants. She has a certain revenue goal. Um. And she's not quite there and she's kind of like circling around a couple ideas. So currently what she sells is 1 1 on 1 business coaching. Um, that's twelve thousand for six months she also has a group coaching program that is um, six months for 8000 I know that she operates that under someone else's sort of umbrella so she's kind of coming in and doing the coach for somebody else and then she's also thinking about doing like a six-week sprint I don't believe this exists yet. Um a six-week sprint I guess or course. Called success unleashed that is based on her book that she just recently published so we'll talk more about that. So I think what she's um, she she terms it as success intolerance. She's doing well. She has a goal. She's just under it and she wants to figure out how she can really become scalable. Ah you know beyond the 1 on one work and beyond working for someone else.

Yeah I mean this is kind of the perfect opportunity I feel like for coaches like us to swoop in and like share our vision of how online business works because she's kind of got all the pieces and like the history and all the things all the components but just kind of like.

Yeah, yep.

Hasn't put them together in our framework yet. So it's like super exciting to see this? Yeah ok so I think that the most interesting thing so far besides her work history which is super fascinating to me about her is the fact that she just published this book and this book is like.

Yeah, that's right.


Very emblematic. It sounds like of how she coaches executives and Ceos right? So she sort of has this like potential book funnel offer kind of waiting in the wings here but she had these other things and she's her offers are a little bit. Um.

Um, right I think so.


It's too many offers right? So we're really big fans of a single offer single scalable online offer and so she's gonna have to make some choices.

Right? right? So I just want to mention the book. It's called for success sake and if you are interested. It's about leadership. Um, simple. Simple steps for extraordinary possibilities and leadership in life so you can just go to Christina Langdon Dot Com if you're interested in that. But yes and I I want to just mention too like in her problem. Um in the form she filled out she said um.

Oh hold on Editors you're going to take this out because I've just lost it. Um, she she was saying that she um, one of the things she expressed was like should I make more things like do I need to have more things.

I have I have her problem open okay going.

And the answer to that from us will always always be no so I totally understand that Christina is 1 on one. It's going well but she wants that next thing and we have a couple suggestions for you of like 1 more next thing that is scalable. You don't need to um.

No, why.

Make more little mini courses or something like that.

Yeah, so like let's just dive into that sandy I mean I think that first of all, you know we are big fans if you listen to our show. You know this about this idea of like self-funding or. Just did a podcast on this like having a job to help support you when you're growing your business and for Christina I think that her 1 on one work is like obviously like very lucrative. It's just that it comes at the cost of her time right? and it's it's a lot of um, like trading time for money which is what most of us want to get out of online business.



4 so I I think in her case like we're going to in my mind. We're not going to count that 1 on 1 work like as her 1 offer because like that's her like like that's sort of her safety net way of supporting herself while she builds out her scalable offer. So we're not saying to Kristina take away. 1 on 1 work because obviously you're selling these like very expensive 1 on one coaching packages that are very helpful for people and that's also the best way to get client kind of research like that's the best way for those of you who are in luminaries or who who've gone through our lunch with intention program in the past like she's doing her sleuthing.

Through 1 on 1

Naturally by being paid to do it through that 1 on one work. So that's that's like a pretty great thing. so so what what I would wish for Kristina is that she continues to do that work to sell those big high ticket packages to 1 on 1 clients. While she builds out the single scalable online offer.

Right? And so I think um and Jenny thinks we talked about this before is that that one scalable offer should be what you mentioned that. Course around your book. It is a natural fit. It makes sense. It's your body of work that book is like your thoughts and your thinking about leadership and success and so to have a program that like takes someone through the teaching of that book I think is a beautiful. Very simple, very clear model and thinking about it I actually just went to the store for lunch and drove back and while I was driving it occurred to me that terra Sophia Moore would be a great. Um.


Person to look at her website and her funnel and her like business model because it's very very similar to yours Christina and it's like her book playing playing big kind of she wrote the book and then all these other offerings came from that book so she if you were to go to her site. You could. It's.


Her site is really really well laid out and clear and you can just sort of click through and see what courses she offers based on the book. So some of them are for 1 of them is for the public. One of them is for coaches and 1 of them is for something else about coaching so there's 3 different courses. You don't need to do that. You can do one but it can be based on.

Yeah, and I believe that her book came from her 1 and work 1 on one coaching work with clients right? So it's the same trajectory. She did the 1 on one coaching realize that there were patterns and then created the book in the curriculum and then created from the book created the coach the group coaching program.

Ah, teaching in the book.

Right? right? right? Yes, right.

Yeah, and I think there's something so compelling about like reading a book like oh that was excellent and then like oh my God I can work with the author on these concepts for me personally like that is such a like you know in those I think.

Um, yeah, yes.

Um, terra Sophia Moore's book was like this like you get to the end. It's like you want to do more come I've got coach I've got coaching and and and courses based on this work and it's like oh my god I can actually talk to and work with the author like it's so so exciting so without and the be brought brown model same.

So like yeah like Rene Brown model similar to yeah yes, good.

Yeah, right? So I think I think that's interesting to explore for sure. So that's all I would do if it was me I would just as Jenny said keep the one on one coaching but add this new course this new I think you call a sprint. Um. On the work of your book and start to play with that and kind of evolve that into something that you can really scale.

Yeah, and I would think really I mean the work there for you. Krisina is figuring out what kind of program to turn that into right because ideally, that's another kind of high ticket offer in my mind that would replace your high ticket 1 on one work eventually. So you. So the idea of it being like a six week sprint is like my. I'm getting some yellow flags here because I just I think you should consider like what it would really take to turn that into a higher ticket program versus something that's like quick and less expensive and I don't know what you're thinking about in terms of pricing for that. But I would I would say like okay this is. If I'm going to I would almost think about like can I build like um, a mastermind model off of this book curriculum can I get you know people in here for six months or twelve months together and we go through it in a cohort like can I turn it into that.

That's great idea and.

And I don't know because I've I did download the first chapter which you've made freely available on your website. It's great. But I don't know what the rest of it is I don't know kind of the curriculum you dive into whether it lends itself that to that. But I imagine it does like if you're working with 1 on 1 clients for six months you obviously have a process so I would just replicate I would try to replicate that mixed in with the book.

And then.

Yeah. Yeah, yeah, terror ters a few. The mores is six months her coaching one so that's yeah, so we're just going to copy Ter a few more.

And do another six month group program that's based on that curriculum. Yeah, okay, perfect. Yeah, we just going to emulate like this structure or certainly not copying their emulated stuff.

But I think I mean for for all the listeners Jenny and I do this all the time is like we will look like we don't sit here and like not all the time anyway, we don't come up with brand new ideas out of nowhere. We're always Jenny More than I looking at other. Niches businesses people like it's not all like saas software that we're watching or watching different um areas and niches and businesses and like oh you know what we could pull that in that's such a great idea like we don't have to um, invent reinvent the wheel every time so this I think for you would be just a great model to just to look.


Check it out. See something clearly that maybe you couldn't before right I forgot that that's where that came from. Yes.

Hat tip to Austin Cleon for steal like an artist. Everyone should have that on their desk at all times. Okay, yes, so I I think that that's I mean like if we were you we would be doing we like we will have this one day one day Sandy this.

Hundred percent was just because we want this model.

Is our model. It's coming the book will come and then the program based on the book will come and it's all coming. We just we just like did it in back a backwards order. But yeah, so book funnel. So so then I think when you think about your like audience and your public presence your work then becomes about.

Yeah, yeah.

Like taking bits and pieces of your book of your thought leadership and your authority that you're establishing in your book and um, creating blog content like rich blog content. That's easily searchable and findable and like every at least once a week publishing something. And when I say blog like I've noticed a lot of your posts are shorter on your site Christina and I think that there's potentially some overlap with your newsletter content in your blog. Um, just our thinking on this is that your blog is like a true blog. Your newsletter that you send out every week to your audience is. Referencing what you wrote in your blog that week but it's not the same content because your blog is probably going to be more thorough than what's in your newsletter and so I would really hone I think like there's a huge opportunity here for you to create kind of like what we call beacon weekly content blog posts based on. What you're doing here. we have a we have a template for that like we have a structure for how to create that content. It should be seo optimized like you should it should be someone is who's a Ceo and who's looking for a coach should be able to type in words in Google ask questions and then like some of those words should direct them back to your website. Sandy.

I would just like to ah give you Christina an example of what Jenny just said so I read through a bunch of blog posts and one of them was really good about how to write um emails as as a Ceo and the title of it is must haves and never agains. And that just like from a Ceo perspective that doesn't really say anything. No one's searching those words I then went to Google and and googled how to write an email like a Ceo and there's a whole Forbes article called how to email like a Ceo.

Yeah, that's what shows up in search. Yeah.

And you should be ranked. Yeah, the search shows up in search top and you should be among that because your content is almost a identical if not better than what the article in Forbes is. So we may want to get super creative with our titles but we have to remember that the blog is how people are finding you so you need to make sure that the title of the blog is like ultra ultra clear and is the phrasing the words that people are typing in to find you.

Yes, yeah I mean you can get a little more playful with your subtitle but even still I would I would like clarity over cleverness in kind of online marketing I would say like your sales emails and stuff that's like where the copywriting and the cleverness comes in.


But in this like discoverability like clarity is everything and so that's what the little robots understand because they are at least for now maybe with these like new language models and Ai they're going to be able to infer some of this stuff that we as humans can infer but I wouldn't count on it I certainly wouldn't rely on. The algorithm to be able to parse like a clever phrase. So I think that that's part of it and then I also think um I mean there's you know you can Google like basic Seo. There's tons of Youtube videos. There's tons of great posts. We teach that in our community um Seo basics.

And I thrive.

In in our um luminaries we've done workshops in there. So I just I think you can totally you know take an hour and get 80% of the way there with what you need to do in terms of Seo optimizing your content.

Yeah, um, yes, okay and so with the blogs if we can go a little bit more deeper better keyworded. You can just take that because I know you're quite active on Linkedin. You can just take that and post it on like Linkedin you can take little bits of it and post it on social. So that's the amplifier amplification that Jenny was talking about is like you don't have to go and create new content for social. You just take bits of your blog post and put it out there and like call people back to your blog to read the full thing because I did notice at the but end of each blog which is exactly what you want to do. You have a great little blurb about you know if you're considering working with a high performance success coach you want to know more get on a coaching call with me blah blah blah like you do really really good call to actions in each of your blog posts but we want to just like pull people in from Instagram and Facebook in from Linkedin if those are your amplifiers. To to come to here and like get them on your email list.

Yeah, so I would say I think I found the amplification post for that blog. Sandy on Christina's Instagram and it's a slide. It's a carousel slider.

Um, oh ah, yeah yeah.

And I think it's the same thing. It's 5 email tactics for powerful leaders is is like the text on the first slide of the carousel which is a better title right? I would make that the blog title and then and then there's a bunch of slides like be direct, be curious um leave the dramat, etc, etc. And then I get to the last carousel and it's um.

That's a better title.

This is the call to action slide and it says ready to lead yourself so you can lead others book a call with me Lincoln Bio and as a great photo of you Christina holding your book. So I just I think you're like when we teach amplification we're sending people back to the blog and so in this case, you're just like sort of. Summarizing it sounds like high level summarizing your blog as ah as an Instagram carousel and then sending people to book a call which I think sometimes is okay, but for this like pillar beacon content I would send people back to the blog as your call to action like you want people to go because then they're going to click on your other posts like ideally there's like some. You know, an ecosystem of content there. You want people to like not want to leave um when when they're on Instagram they're in you know, a captive algorithm that's going to want them to like keep like see something else see something else see somebody's real whatever so you just you want to have them like come to your site obviously give an email. Um, but also like dive deep and start exploring your other content because again like the goal of your marketing in this way is to become a thought leader so you want people to be like wow she has something to say like I want to see what else she has to say like this is resonating with me and like.

Yeah, yeah.

Instagram is really not the best place to go deep with somebody like at this point in time this is not where those kinds of deep relationships you know with our clients are happening. so so I just encourage you to use that call to action space on your social content on your amplifying content to send people back to your to your blog

Yeah, and I think that's a great segue to the next part I Want to talk to talk about is her her her website and getting people onto her email list. So um, there's no opt in.

Um, you know.

Other than getting on the new like the newsletter which she calls Sunday sunshine and I believe this is quite popular I've heard her talk about this before and you know I think a lot of people do do read this but my challenge to you christina is to go over to terra site and when you get on there. Just going to get you the exact title terra's pop ah opt in is get terra's free. 10 rules for brilliant women workbook so specific so clear intriguing compelling I want it I'm going to pop my nit name in there. A lot of people try to get email lists.


Email addresses by encouraging people to sign up for their newsletter which I think you know can be done I believe from a copywriting perspective you have to be so specific and interesting and evoke curiosity for me to put. My email in just in quotations for a newsletter. So I love the the name of your newsletter Sunday Sunday sunshine and so your words are one a weekly dose of sunshine and.


That doesn't say enough but your second line is like sign up with your email address to receive inspiration and actionable advice on leading an extraordinary life I think that's very aspirational and beautiful. But I want more specifics. Everybody's giving that away. Everyone has inspiration. Everyone has advice. I want to know as a woman leader what like what are you going to like specifically why do I want this newsletter.

Yeah, and you know here's the other thing sandy is she has on another page somewhere on her website I remember this downloadable chapter of the first chapter of her book. So you don't even Christina need to make an opt in like Tara did if you don't want like you could literally just make your.

Um, and yes, right, right? Yes, that's true. That's true.

Ah, chapter, you're opt in but as Sandy saying the copywriting around that matters like you have to be very specific and granular with why someone should read the first chapter of your book for free. So I would start with that like today when you you were when you're listening to this I would go make a pop up that's to send people. That book chapter because you already have I'm guessing like the sequence behind it although I don't know that I I don't I don't even know that I actually had to opt in I think I just clicked a link actually that's it's a good point.


Christina Christina Christina

And now that I'm thinking about it because I I went through your stuff a couple hours ago Christina and I think that I actually just clicked a link to download the chapter of the book and I didn't even have to put in my email. So if that is oh you do? Okay, okay, so then so then I don't see.

Here I'll I'll do it right now. Um.

Oh yes, you do you do you do.

I Don't see a sequence I don't think I've gotten a sequence. Yeah I don't have anything in my inbox from you. Well, how did I get the chapter. Are you sure? sandy.

Um, and ah well I just put my name and email in and it says thanks for signing up I haven't I havet. Yeah, it's Christina Laon coaching I got it? Yeah yeah, there is an email. Okay.

I can't remember what I did 2 hours ago

Oh you got it all right? all right? That's good. Okay, all right? So you already got this that you already got the sequence. You've already got the automation set up Christina I don't know how I where that went for me but I obviously got it because I got the chapter of the book. So um, yeah, like.

You're off the Hook Kristina all good so yeah I just it's on the homepage. It's on the homepage and I think you're right I think it should be a pop-up on maybe every page so that it's much more visible and.

Make it it make it I don't where did you even find it Sandy because I'm looking for it again. Oh got it? Okay, okay, got it. Oh got it? Yep, you're right? ah.

Christina I do like in your nav bar. You do have Sunday Sunday sunshine and so I'm not saying take that away like leave that um and leave the opt in on that page to join the newsletter but I would just um. Make the copywriting much more interesting about Sunday sunshine. So effectively, you would have to um places that people would pop their email in to and get on your list. 1 is a pop pop up for the book first chapter and 2 is like I would love to get a newsletter by Christina Langdon

Yes I think that's right? So yeah I mean that's that should be pretty easy. What is this site built on. Let's just see ah okay, it's a Squarespace site you can make that pop up in. Less than 2 minutes ok so so I think like those are a lot of the I think the main things right? Sandy do we want to do want to like I guess we should address the fact that Christina kind of has to amplifi her. She's on Linkedin and.

Squarespace. Yeah. Yeah, yeah.

Instagram I mean obviously because you're already doing both like I wouldn't tell you to stop if you were just starting. We would obviously like we would suggest that you pick one and in your case I probably would have picked Linkedin I think it's really smart that you're there based on the audience that you're targeting as. A Ceo I can tell you I'm much more likely to hire a coach off of Linkedin than Instagram. Um I think that makes a ton of sense that you're there and I love sandy's idea of like sort of using that almost as a set like thinking of it little a little less as an amplifier and more is just like a second place to post your blog.


Yeah, Linkedin is a little bit different that way because you can put like an entire article or a video or whatever. Whatever you're using for your visibility vehicle. So um, it just makes sense as she's looking for high performance women ceos that that's that's where she would would be. Yeah yeah.

Yeah, full blog. Yeah.

Yes, yes, yeah, and I think that that's just a good point to to to make too is like your amplifier should be somewhere that you're comfortable hanging out and spending some time but also like where your people are where your clients are so again Linkedin for Christina makes a ton of sense and then because you.


If you if you join Instagram and that's working for you in some way you feel happy about it. That's fine I would a hundred percent urge you not to add any other social platforms to your business for the kind of business. You have the kinds of money that you're charging people. You don't need to have a giant you know net to capture. You know millions of people in this audience like you just need the right people.

Okay, I'm going to just summarize it here I wrote it all down as you're talking. So our recommendations are one we would do a product based on your on your book that that course and just continue your 1 on one work. I would look at the Seo the all the blog titles and just improve the titles to be more clear and simple so that they they show up on Seo I would take a look at Terra Sophia Moore site I would think about or challenge you to go deeper more meaty in your blog post so that there's like a. Like a real beautiful body of work that people can spend and kind of get lost in and reading put a pop-up to get that first chapter of your book and just improve the copy and the like the compellingness if that's a word of of the Sunday sunshine to make it like an absolute no braininer. This is. I want to hear from this woman every Sunday I think that's everything.

Well I Yes I think it's close I would also just encourage you Christina I can't tell from your blog. How frequently you're posting because they're not dated but I would you know I would make sure you're posting at least once a week So I'm not sure if you're already doing that or not but it sounds like maybe if it's the same as your newsletter you are.

Go ahead and.

Um, I think that consistency matters a tremendous amount so just reiterating That's part of what we teach.

I also this is Christina never asked about this but this is ah is just an opportunity to to discuss this with you jenny a lot of these coaches never post their pricing and you have to jump on a call to.


Um, you know have a discovery call or whatever and and then you learn and I I get that model I would just like to publicly say I hate that model like I hate it just tell me how much it is I may or may not jump on a call but that price of 12000

Me to? yeah.

For six months isn't going to scare me off and I just like I cannot tell you the number of times that I've gone to through through the years that I've been involved in with the coaching industry I've always wanted a 1 ne-on-one coach and I just go check them out I learn about someone or hear someone and there's I don't want to get on a call I want to I already decided they're my coach. Want to know the price and I will hire them sight unseen and I can never do that and dress me nuts. But I totally get the logic behind it and just like consider putting your prices on public.

So I had an amazing coach a few years ago who is in like the personal finance industry and a finance coach and she posted her prices and I immediately I never had talked to her and I immediately just signed up the second I was ready for the coaching.


And I just I had such a great experience and she's so transparent with everything and I just think I don't I don't believe she has an issue with finding clients based on my knowledge of her and her business and I just I just it was so just kind to me. It was like such a a nice gesture when I was ready I signed up and.

Um, clean, Yeah, um, yeah, sure.

I think she probably does have like some sort of book a call if you want to make sure she's a good fit and you can't tell already. But that's not it's not about it. What really wouldn't be a sales call in that that situation. So I think you you like I don't know I mean we are obviously as you said Krisy didn't ask for this.

Um, we might be the anomalies there been.

But I but I think you know we've wavered ourselves in our business with this issue over time and I think it's just it's such a relief to just post the price because you just you don't have to deal with people who are like shocked at the price of something that they never would have bought like you don't have to deal with it. They can just go do your free content.

Yeah, yeah, it's.

Yeah, and I'm not saying don't offer sales cause I think they're super valuable and there's different kind of buyers that just like want to have a talk totally get it because it's a very personal experience but even in Christina's um niche she's talking to like ceos and.


Like they're not afraid to spend money for the most part like if this is the person if they've heard her read her book like I will hire you you know and I and I know not everyone's like that. But I just wanted to voice that because there are coaches out there that have lost money from me because I didn't want to get on a call I Just tell me the price just make it super simple for me. So.

Um, yeah.

Yeah, me too same same? Yep Yeah I I actually am not sure I would even consider hiring a coach At this point who doesn't publicly post the prices all of the coaches that are sort of like in my you know.


View right now that I consider hiring in the next year or 2 are all people like I know what the prices are and it's just about budgeting and figuring out what order to work with those people.

Um, yeah, yeah, anyway, food for thought all right? Let's do join hustle.

Okay, you have the joy which I gave to you but I'll let you use it.

You gave it to me. You give me everything actually? Okay so one day one afternoon in my slack Sandy ah Jenny slacks me a link. To an article in Entrepreneur Magazine where it's called where is Anna Del V now she's launching her own podcast. Oh my god so Anna Del V was the subject of the um netflix show. What was it called? Oh I I know ah inventing Anna.

You know so excited.

Inventing Anna yeah.

And and Aa we did a whole podcast on it a while ago. Um, it's such a great show and she's like now under house arrest for fraud or whatever.

Yeah I know I Love this photo that I sent you of her with an ankle bracelet ankle monitor on and she's like launching her podcast I was like you go girl I Love it.

From her house and I so there is a Youtube um I guess so I that must be a link in that article like like there's a Youtube video of her like announcing it and she has little excerpts from people that she's interviewing. It's so funny and is not funny, but it's like.



Hurts her voice and she had a very distinct accent and and and then there's like women that she's interviewing and someone's like this is the best podcast ever already. This is the best and then in the comments are hilarious because people are like yeah no like there's so many people who are like this is the worst idea ever. And I'm like this is the best idea ever. Um, yeah, so we will oh God 100% I Am there.

You know I'm just ready for Elizabeth Holmes to launch her podcast from prison I wonder if there's a rule like I wonder if there's like actually I'm going to like talk to my like criminal lawyer friends and see if there's like rule against against like launching a podcast from prison.

Or doing a podcast. No because I know there was one I listened to um, but it was a woman producer that came into the prison and she did all these stories. Do you know what? I'm talking about.

Like I wonder if you.


And she did all these stories of the men in the prison and some of them really took to it and started to um, be really involved in the production and the editing and all the things but I don't know if that was allowed because there was an outside person coming in. Do you know what? I'm talking about. Do you remember it. It was ah it was years ago.

Yeah I don't know no I don't remember I don't know.

But it was fascinating and they loved it right? and it was their voices and their stories out in the world. It was amazing. It was amazing. But let's let's let's let's set that up for Elizabeth Holmes I don't care.

I Feel like I would not be bored in prison at all. I mean I mean you know we will be the most hated people on the internet if we do this I mean I kind of don't care anymore.

Um, my God I think that would be incorrect anyway. Okay, what is that we're getting off traffic here. What is the hassle.

Okay, well the hustle is the book by Tim Urban what's our problem a self-help book for societies. So the audio book is 14 hours long you're welcome and i.


I just like I feel like everyone needs to read this book and if like it's very controversial and I just think everyone who is like a thinking person needs to read this book and tim urban has one of the most popular blogs on the internet. Um wait. But why and he's. Like very controversial I'm just going to leave it at that. There is also um, a podcast that I sent to you sandy that's an interview with him on the honestly podcast with Barry wise um about free speech and it's the the name of the podcast episode is America needs a self-help book. So even though you're canadian I still think you need to listen to that.



And I just I think it's a really like appropriate conversation for all of us to be having regardless of your political beliefs at this moment in time and I mean like the general idea is that like the modern the history that we're living like our lives. What's happening the change that we've seen in our lives is like.


Such this tiny infinitesimal percentage of what's happened in human history and yet it's like this is a time of such intense social political environmental change that it's like worth understanding the context of the times that we're living in and then I think also just like it's also. Ah, commentary on the like decline of free speech and regardless again of your politics I think it's um, if you're in the western world and you're used to living in democracy. It is a it's it's a conversation that we all need to be having I think Sandy you and I will be talking more about this on this podcast. Um, yeah.

Yeah I was just gonna say more to come more to come on this top.

A lot more to come but certainly listening to this episode this interview that tim urban did with Barry Weiss would be would help you to prepare for the conversations that we're going to start to have on this show and then if you can you know dive into his book Tim's book I would encourage you to do it? Um I think everyone should read it and. Again, you can listen to it for 14 hours as an audio book on audible and I just you know let's debate. It. Let's talk about it. It's it's it took him like I think a decade to write this book. Um, and it was like something he's talked publicly about like it was a painful time of like it was hard for him to write and I think.


There's good reason it's up they I'm being a little like alluding to things but I do it's like too hard in a hustle to learn joy or whatever we're doing to dive into what this is really about more to come. Yeah, like this is a conversation that everyone needs to be having and like.

I know I know. But yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, but just we're just going to say more to come.

I do think it's like as a responsible human being as as an adult living in the world today in 2023 this we should read this book and talk about it.

On it. Okay, thank you Christina for submitting your um business loved doing it and that's it for now. Thanks everyone bye.

All right? We'll see you next time.