News and Events from Westmeath Libraries

Hello and welcome to Westmeath Libraries' podcast. My name is Caroline Barry. Can you believe we're in the month of December, December 2023? So we're leading up to Christmas. And naturally here in Westmeath Libraries we have lots planned for younger people, toddlers and tots and primary school children and some older children as well. So stay tuned and I'll go through the events with you.

What is News and Events from Westmeath Libraries?

What's happening in your local Westmeath Library

Hello and welcome to Westmeath Libraries' podcast. My name is Caroline Barry. Can you believe we're in the month of December, December 2023? So we're leading up to Christmas. And naturally here in Westmeath Libraries we have lots planned for younger people, toddlers and tots and primary school children and some older children as well. So stay tuned and I'll go through the events with you.

Well, it's the Christmas season, so naturally we have lots on for young people. We do run regular toddlers and young people's sing alongs and storytime in the libraries, in the different branches throughout Westmeath Libraries. So to find out what's happening in your local area that would suit your child go to So for example this 1st of December this Friday we have tiny tots and storytime and sing along in Castlepollard you don't need to register for these.

It starts at ten a in the morning until 1030. And it's a wonderful way for parents to meet other parents and for children to interact. Also on the 1st of December in Mullingar, there's baby book club and toddler group and that's extremely popular. At one point there was 24 little toddlers crawling around and lots of adults getting to know one another.
So it's practically like a party. So do find out when and where it's happening in your area. In Moate the toddler and baby Storytime Club happens every Tuesday between 10 a.m. and 12 p.m., and then we have the breastfeeding meet up, that group meet in Mullingar Library on the 1st of December at 11:00 in the morning until 12 in the afternoon.
You don't need to register for the breastfeeding meet up. It's a wonderful way to meet other mothers to gain support and just to share knowledge and wisdom. Likewise, the Cuidiu, also a breast feeding meet up happens in Athlone and that will be taking place on the 5th of December. It's a monthly meet up and it happens at 10.30 in the morning until 12 in the afternoon.

So if you're a new mother and you are breastfeeding and you are looking for support and shared knowledge, go on to to find out when the next meeting is. But they're the two that's coming up in December.

It's going to be great fun here in Kilbeggan Library on the 2nd of December, that's Saturday morning at 1030 to 1130, because we have Ready Steady Play coming to the library.
Ready Steady Play are an organization, a group of experts that host sensory play and music classes using musical instruments and other props to encourage learning and developmental physical development through play and music. The program has been designed and developed by a team of child experts, and they've extensive firsthand knowledge of working with children. So all the activities support your child and their five key areas of development.
So it supports them socially, emotionally, cognitive, physical and language development. So if you are interested in coming along to that workshop here in Kilbeggan library on the 2nd of December at 1030 to 1130 in the morning, you have to go online and register and you go on to and you find the workshop and you register for it.

Now, if you can't make it to Kilbeggan on this Saturday and December the second, you can go to Moate Library on December the ninth and Ready, Steady, Play will be hosting a workshop there at 10:00 in the morning until 11:00. So this is a fantastic opportunity to get your children into a workshop where they can play and explore and have tons of fun.

As you know, Christmas is all about storytelling and the Christmas narrative. Now, I'm not sure what this next person is going to be telling stories about, but I do believe there'll be some kind of Christmas theme. His name is Eoghan Burke. He's a renowned actor. He's also a singer songwriter. So he's composed four albums, I believe, that have been critically acclaimed.
He also wrote a play, and that was performed in New York in 2019. And he's going to be in Westmeath libraries for the month of December. So it's a fantastic opportunity for Family Time, to bring the children along to the library and to experience raw storytelling with Eoghan Burke. So Eoghanwill be in Kilbeggan library on the 1st of December at 2 p.m., and then he'll go straight from us on over to Mullingar on the same day at 3.30 he'll be in Mullingar and then the following day on the 2nd of December, he's going to be performing in Athlone, and that happens at 1130 in the morning.

And then on the 6th of December he's going to Castlepollard and then on the 14th of December he's going to Moate library. So in Castlepollard, it's a 3:00 show and in most library it's 3:00 as well. So what a fantastic opportunity to experience real time storytelling with your family and with your kids and it'll get you all set up for Christmas.

In Athlone Library on the 16th December, there's going to be a Lego blockbusters free pay. So this is extremely popular. In fact, it's so popular that you have to register for the event. It's going to take place at 1130 in the morning until 1230 in Athlone Lego blockbusters, Free Play sessions.
And they're going to be held on the third day of every month. So as you know, spaces are limited. So do go to to book your place today.

Now for my sins, I set up An under 12 book club here in Kilbeggan library, and I must say we are having fantastic fun. So if you are a young person and you're interested in reading and learning how to give a critique on a book, come along. We have a great laugh here in Kilbegan library. It takes place every Friday afternoon sometime after three, usually about 3:15. And we kind of wrap up at around 4:00. But it's a great way to hone your analytical skills. We are learning loads. We sometimes we will read a book, other times we will read on the spot and give our feedback there and then and we're also going to do a little bit of creative writing. And so it's not like school. Just to be really clear, it is about being creative and it is about developing storytelling skills. So from anybody who is under the age of 12 and who's a good reader, it's really suitable, I suppose for eight years, up to 12 years. So come along on Friday evenings at 3:15 and talk about and explore books.

Getting involved is hugely important in any community and Westmeath libraries really encourage people to get involved in shaping the library, in developing policy, in giving feedback and coming up with ideas. And one of the things that we're really focusing on at the moment is how we can provide meaningful and relevant and exciting opportunities and events for young people. So particularly for teenagers. So with that in mind, we have set up a teen advisory board, so it meets in Mullingar library and is going to be meeting this 4th of December at a 4:15. And it's really about encouraging teenagers from around the county to meet on a regular basis to make the library much more relevant to teenagers.So members would help plan and set up events. They'd work on skill sets and creativity, and they participate in projects and make recommendations, including your recommendations on what books the library should stock. So anyone who's aged between 13 and 18 is and who is interested in being proactive in their community. You do have to fill out an application form. The meetings will happen once a month and they'll happen in different library locations and it's a way of getting to know people around the county as much as sharing ideas and suggestions on how you can make the library a better place for teenagers. So we want to hear from you teenagers out there and we want to know what you would love to see in your local library, what books you love to read, the events that you want to hold. Because to be really clear, the library belongs to you. So we want to include your views and options. So please join our advisory board. You know, it's a wonderful way for you to develop skills. It's a great way for you to see how community operates and your voice is extremely important and very, very relevant. So if you want to find out more information, go on to, or just phone your local library and have a chat with them, you know, so be proactive, get involved, tell your friends and form a little movement and group of your own that will help really enrich and enhance your community.

Some of the things that are going on in local libraries, for example, in Moate, there are Pilates sessions that are taking place every Friday. Now that does require registration and I'm not sure, but I think this might be full. But I'll tell you about it anyway. Just keep an eye out and find out whether you may have a space in one of Nicola Ryan's Pilates classes.

So they're on most and they happen from 1230 until 130 and they started on Friday, the 24th of November. So there's another one on the 1st of December, the 8th of December and the 12th of December. But go on to just to see if there are any spaces left.

Many of the libraries in the county have regular knitting groups or craft groups that meet usually once a week. So in Moate they have the knit and natter group and they meet at 10 a.m. every Monday and they have a lovely meeting room and they go in there. They've about 12 members and they're absolutely delighted to welcome new members. In Kilbeggan we used to run the group earlier in the morning, but we've discovered that the Monday afternoon slot between after 2 p.m. really, really works so much better. So the Kilbeggan knitting group meet and crochet group meet every Monday afternoon at 2 p.m. and then over in Castlepollard every Thursday there is the M4 women's group and they meet for knitting and social contact. And all of these groups really do welcome new members. There's no registration required for them, so they meet every Thursday during the month of December.

Then there's a couple of interesting things that are happening online. So for example, one of the things that is happening on the 12th of December online is an event called EcoBites. And that's going to happen from 7 p.m. in the evening until 8:15 p.m. And you're going to learn about in this Eco bite's online workshop, you're going to learn about the connection between climate change and food, and the benefits of eating local and seasonal. What is climate friendly eating and plenty of tips on how to reduce food waste. So that's really interesting. It's really focusing on sustainability and it's something we're all really trying our best to become much more aware of. So Westmeath Libraries are delighted to bring the Sustainable Life School for a virtual visit to Westmeath. And the Sustainable Life School is here to create happier lives for a happier planet.
And their mission is to help motivate and inspire those who want to live more sustainably and empower those who care about the climate crisis to take action through lifestyle, lifestyle changes and choices. So you join others to create a collective climate action. What a lovely thing to do. 12th of December at 7 p.m., you do have to go online to register, so go to and register there.

And then we have regular Bridge club here in Kilbeggan library and that is super popular. We have over 12 members that come along to the club and they're always delighted to welcome new members. The next meeting will be, well they meet every Thursday. They meet every Thursday and they meet at 230 until 430. And you don't need to register and if you just fancy coming along and learning and meeting new people, by all means do you're more than absolutely more than welcome.

And then directly after Bridge Club we have the Irish club. So where we speak a bit of Irish Déanaimid iarracht cúpla focail a labhairt. So we do our best to speak a few words in Irish. We're very, very lucky. We have Sister Michaelta in the group and Sister Michaelta also used to teach Irish here in the secondary school in Kilbeggan. And so we're totally spoiled with her fantastic knowledge. And all standards are present in the group, from complete beginners to people who can understand what's been said but can't speak a word of Irish back, to everybody just making an effort to learn a new word and do their best to string a sentence together in Irish. So whoever of you out there is interested in brushing up or trying or giving it a go, please do come along. It's every Thursday afternoon we meet here in Kilbeggan library from it's usually after bridge club, so it's usually 430 until 530 and you are more than welcome to join us.

There are plenty of support groups that utilize the library as a meeting space. So for example in Athlone Library on the 7th of December, the Shine Peer Support Group meet and they they are a group that helps support people who live with mental health challenges.
They meet at 130 in the afternoon until 330. And this group is open to all of those who experience mental health difficulties. And it provides a safe place and a confidential space for people to share their experiences. The group is led by a peer facilitator and the group focuses on recovery focus spaces where people can discuss some of the challenges they have faced in their journey in on their journey to recovery, and feel understood and supported by those who have similar experiences.
They also get to share tips and knowledge and help share anything that has worked for them with others. So if you are interested in joining the group, you can contact Jason at and there's also a phone number here that you can phone him on. So if you want to find out any more information, go on to

And likewise we would also give regular advice on your device. And I know for myself from older people in the community, they may not be that familiar with how to use tablets or how to download apps, particularly because Westmeath libraries do have a fantastic app called Borrow Books that has over 30,000 titles available to read. And there's also audio recordings on the app as well. So you can have books that you can listen to as audiobooks. So it's a fantastic app, but a lot of people are stumped by technology and we librarians are only too happy to help you come to terms with or get to know how to use technology and all the resources with the library has to offer. We offer regular advice on your device. It's quite casual. If the librarian is free you can pop in and ask the question of them if they've a bit of time. They're absolutely happy there and then on the spot. But if, for example, it's busy, there are regular slots kind of put into the day that you can attend to help you navigate your technology and the library.

So just look that up on or if it just flummoxes you call into your local library and have a chat with your local librarian, they definitely help you out.

Well, stick a pin in the map of Ireland and it's very likely if you're asked to stick it in the middle, it would land in Athlone. So Athlone is more or less right at the center of Ireland and as a result it means that it's a crossroads for transport and infrastructure with bridges and roads and rivers and railways being an integral part of the journey. What's that got to do with anything you might ask? Well, actually, we are celebrating the role that Bridges play in Westmeath Arts, Heritage and Libraries and we have developed a multidisciplinary project to shine a light on the importance of Athlone Bridges. And we will be examining the culture and social histories that connect us to our local infrastructure. So what that means is we have a wonderful exhibition. It'll be launched on the 19th of December and at 6:30 p.m. until 7:30 p.m. in Athlone Library. And the award winning photographer Paul Moore has been capturing aspects of Athlone Bridges. The exhibition will be launched in the Aidan Heavey Library and the town's social history is a crucial part of the project. In October, locals were invited to share their memories of the bridges through recollections and memorabilia for a radio documentary. And this will also be launched on the 19th of December and made available as a podcast. So that whole project was supported by Creative Ireland. You do not have to register to go to the launch and access to the launch is free.
So go support your local community. Go find out if you've contributed anything, has it been captured? and really enjoy the historical and important status of Athlone and Athlone Bridges in the social and geographical structure of the country.

And then we're on to the very, very Christmassy section of our events. So they're happening throughout the whole month of December, but I thought I'd cluster them all at the end just keep you in the Christmas spirit. So in Moate on the 2nd of December, we've of course Christmas story time and coloring and that will take place at 11 a.m. until 12 p.m. in Moate Library and then way over in Castlepollard on the 11th of December we have a Christmas art exhibition and that's been launched on the 11th of December at 11 a.m. and it'll run until the 18th of December and everybody is welcome to go to that. And that's a really Christmassy event. So go along and support your local artists at 11 a.m. on the 11th of December over in Castlepollard, and then on the 18th of December at 4:00 in the afternoon until 5:00 in the afternoon, we have a wonderful Christmasy reading of A Christmas Carol. So it's the Charles Dickens classic, and it'll be read, I would imagine, by a fantastic librarian over there called Rory. I would imagine he's doing the honors. So if you're in the humor of getting very Christmasy call over to Castlepollard Library at 4 p.m. on the 18th of December.

Then with regard to arts and crafts in Mullingar on the 14th of December, we have a Christmas arts and crafts hour and they're going to be making some fantastic, festive arts and crafts fun. It's suitable for children age 5 to 9. You do need to book for this and children must be accompanied by an adult. But it's a great family time at your library. Go on to and register for your Christmas arts and crafts and then the I know here in Kilbeggan we're going to have a Monster Christmas doodle so you can do as many Christmassy things as you like. And I think that is happening Tuesday. It's certainly happening on a Tuesday afternoon. And again, follow us online. That's the other thing you should do. You should follow us online. Westmeath Libraries. We have an Instagram, a Facebook and Twitter and a TikTOk account. So do follow us. And you stay up to date then with what's happening in your local library and what's going on.

Then in Moate library on the 15th of December, there's an adult Christmas craft. So that's for any of you who are interested in, you know, how to recycle old books and make decorations from them. So the materials would be supplied and there'll be light refreshments supplied. But you do need to book for that one as well. So that's adult Christmas Arts and Craft 11 and 12 on the 15th of December over in Moate library.

And then we have a Christmas movie morning that's also happening in Moate library and that's happening on the 16th of December at 11:00 until 1:00. So the librarians are going to get up to great Christmas spirit and have great fun over there on the 16th of December. Naturally, of course, adults must come along and you can also bring a drink or a snack to the event as well. So it's a wonderful time for the Family at the library. You don't need to register for that event and you don't have to pay in for that event. I don't actually know what the movie is, but I'm sure it's a wonderful Christmas movie.

And then in on the 20th of December in Athlone Library, there's a children's Christmas Crafternoon. So that takes place from 4 p.m. until 5 p.m.. So join the librarians there over in the Athlone Library at 4:00 for Christmas crafting. And it's suitable for children aged 5 to 8 and actually you have to register for this event. So again, anything with this kind of crafts and arts where there's supplies you may need to register. So for this particular crafternoon in Athlone Library on the 20th of December, you do need to book in for.

So in the meantime, that's all we have. If there's any other events on you might need to just check out on and I wish you all a very, very happy Christmas on behalf of all the hard working, wonderful librarians here in Westmeath libraries. And may your Christmas be full of joy and family and fun. And we look forward to starting off a new year in 2024 and bringing lots of of life and creativity into your life through Westmeath libraries.