Public Sector Executive News

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And here’s today’s news from Public Sector Executive – on Monday the 5th February 2024.

This week brings National Apprenticeship Week, allowing councils the opportunity to celebrate the impact that apprenticeships bring to local government workforces, as well as the opportunities they afford in communities.
Two of the councils that have been celebrating are Norwich and Derby City Councils, as they both outline the impacts that apprenticeships have had on both the council and wider community workforces.
Touching on the benefits of apprenticeships within the council, Norwich City Council Leader said that the contribution that apprentices make to the work of the council is invaluable and the apprenticeship programme is an integral part of operations.

Young people around the country are to benefit from further government funding to deliver new or refurbished youth centres.
Making up the largest round yet of the Youth Investment Fund, the latest funding boost of £90 million will support the delivery of 140 youth centres, benefitting almost 20,000 young people.
This funding is a key part of the government’s National Youth Guarantee, which is working to make sure that every person between the ages of 11 and 18 in England has the opportunity to access regular clubs and activities, adventures away from home, and volunteering.

Today sees Transport for the North’s Annual Conference, with Minister of State for Rail Huw Merriman playing his part as a keynote speaker.
Numerous other high-profile speakers and panellists from across the North of England will participate in the conference, with the theme exploring how leaders can ‘Transform the North’.
Some of the key speakers include Steve Rotheram, Andy Burnham, and Tracy Brabin, as well as Cllr Ann Handley, who featured on the most recent episode of the Public Sector Executive Podcast.

And that’s the latest – Don’t forget to like and subscribe to make sure you receive every new bulletin & check out our website Public Sector Executive .com