The Socialize Podcast

Today’s episode of the Socialize Forecast covers this week’s trends, original content ideas, and social media updates!
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Welcome to the socialized forecast, Tuesday, July 2nd. And, yes, it's a Tuesday, so we're doing trends and content ideas and all of that. And I am going to do some questions at the end. So please stick around because I got some really good questions this week and I want to make sure I can get to them in this episode. So before I start, I want to make sure you are aware that our next expert workshop will feature a talent agent who handles influencers.


I am so excited about this. Joanna b Voss is going to join us and I'm gonna have a lot of questions to ask her about what it takes to get an agent, who she takes on and why, what kinds of things the agent actually does for the talent? So I'm going to find out a lot personally. And if you join live, it's free to register. And if you join the session while we're recording it, it turns into a podcast later.


But what's really nice about being at it live and in the moment is that you can get your questions answered because we go into the chat and we pull out questions so you can get your specific question answered if you are interested in this topic. So join us if you can and, sign up. Again, it's free and it's in the newsletter today. If you are not getting the newsletter and you're listening to this podcast, go to and make sure you're subscribed so that you get links to everything that I'm talking about in the episode. The other thing I wanna make sure to mention is that for some reason, the link to our creator, roster that we're creating, it was working and we have sign ups.


But then all of a sudden, some people are saying the link wasn't working for them. So we're putting it in the newsletter again today. If you get the newsletter and you had trouble last week, please try the link today and let us know if it works. And if for some reason it's still not working, you can always reply to the email and I can email you the link directly. So do that if you're having trouble, but it should be working.


And note that it might seem weird and it might come up that you have to put in your email before you can do the application. But that's because we're only offering this opportunity to our email subscribers. So you do have to put your email in first to verify that you're a subscriber, and then you will receive the form to sign up. Alright. Yay.


I just had a day. I was at 6 flags with my son for his birthday. And as of my recording of this, I just literally walked in from hours on my feet riding roller coasters. I don't even know. My head might be scrambled, so I'm gonna do my best.


I do love roller coasters, so I have no problem with it. But that's a lot of walking and it's, it was a nice and steamy it was a bit of a steamy day, in the park. So that's where I'm coming from on a personal note. But we had a great birthday and Jonathan loved it. Okay.


Let's talk trends. The first 1 today is called, but on a deeper level. And this is a fun trend. That's a photo carousel, and we seem to have a photo carousel every week. So hopefully, that's helpful to people who really just like to pull photos out of their phone and put some text on.


We try to mix it up so that you're not always having to do a trend that is challenging or takes too too much time. So this 1, you follow the formative format of the creator that we have shown in the sample. And she shares why she thinks reality TV is actually more interesting and sophisticated than you think. So the first thing is to say what you if someone asked you about reality TV or someone asked you about x topic, you might say a very surface answer. But then in your next slide, but on a deeper level, And then you talk about why and maybe there's a paragraph explaining why you like this topic or whatever this interest is on a deeper level.


And, it's a good 1. And there's could be some a lot of creativity with that 1. And it can be really done in any niche. It's very, very versatile. I love when there's a trend that can work for anything.


Because a lot of times I'll see a trend and I'll think, oh, this doesn't work for me. But trends like this, they're very, very widespread. They can hit any topic. The next 1 is, this is funny. The next 1 is anything can be an album cover.


And if you've been on TikTok or the Instagram reels platforms for years, you will know that this is 1 that was trending years ago, and it's back. And I like to watch this because now I I feel that, yes, I've been around the block. I've seen it, and, it's back again. And so it's fun to see a trend that gets recycled and see the period of time that it takes for it to recycle back. And it makes me think I should go back to some of my old videos and see if there's something a trend that maybe I can bring back.


Something that I really liked at the time. So I might have to do that. But this 1 is easy. It comes back all the time and it's a cap cut template. So it's very easy this time around to create your album cover by using a photo.


And it the the joke is that anything can be an album cover and some people's look really great and other people's just don't work. So you can have a lot of fun with this because it does a video and then it freezes the video and it turns your picture into an album cover. It's very easy to do. And the more crazy and weird and chaotic it is, sometimes the funnier and better traction you might have on the video. So take take a try at it and see if see if anything you have can be an album cover.


It could be an interesting experiment. And that could also be done for many niches. You can do that in a business. You can do that with a hobby. You can do that at work.


You can do it in your home life. If you're in your kitchen, there's a lot of things that you can do with that 1. Another very, very versatile trend. The third 1 is a bit more specific. So I'm not gonna say anyone can do this.


You have to be very creative if you can, if you don't have the scenario in your, in your life to do this 1, but it's called woo 44. That's me. The sound is a funny lip sync. And the way it works is usually typically it's a parent and a child or a child and a parent, whatever the order is. And 1 of them is much taller and bigger whether in size, and then the other person is behind hiding.


And so when the text might say you're if when you're 7 foot 3 and your dad your dad must be tall, so it didn't quotes. And then the dad is behind and he's literally like, I don't even know how big this this dad is because the man is so tall. 7 foot 3 is very tall. So this guy looks very short, but I'm sure he's probably like 6 foot himself. Anyway, the idea is that you have someone that's behind you that jumps out and it's a great reveal.


And I wish Julie was near me because we could possibly do this 1 since she's so much shorter than me, and we could have some fun. I could put on some big shoes, and we can have some fun with this 1. But it's a really nice 1. You can do it with a friend and you get if you wanna go outside the box a little bit, you know, a partner, a coworker. Most people are doing it with a family member that it's that the dad is or the mom is shorter than the kid or vice versa.


Like you have tall parents and then you're the tiny child. So you can do it either way. It's a little more So it's not it's a trend for example, that's not as versatile in my opinion. You can be creative with it. But this is a good example of a trend that's more specific and not as versatile as the other 2 I mentioned.


Alright. Next up in the newsletter, we have the sign up for the expert workshop. So check that out. And by Friday, I am planning to schedule the next editing workshop. So you can look forward to that.


There is going to be a July editing workshop as well as a July expert workshop. Trying to do 2 workshops a month, 1 featuring experts because I think that the learning from people outside the editing and the production things that I'm teaching is very valuable. And there's things that I'm learning from the creators who are monetizing or an agent. I learned from a fashion stylist. We've learned from, younger creators and older creators.


We've learned from a business owner. Each 1 of these offers something very, very valuable because it's outside of what I'm teaching in terms of content creating, and I think what we're sharing in the newsletters. So we're just expanding the reach of our teachings and by expanding it to people who are other are experts in their field. So do join join those if you can, because they're so much fun and we have such good vibes. And and I'm told that I'm a really good interviewer.


I already know that I am because I do it for my day job. But when people listen to these workshops, they'll write me messages or send me Instagram messages telling me, my god. What what a good interview viewer you are. And it's because I listen to the person, and then I I don't have a list of questions that I stick to. I wait for how the conversation flows.


And then I lead to the next question that may not even be on my question sheet. And that's what I love about interviewing. It's really a conversation. I also, shared in the newsletter today that I was featured on a news segment and I forgot to mention that at the beginning, but I'm going to mention it now. And I was featured and it was a piece called granfluencers.


Never really liked that term. And if you follow my content, you know that already. And I just did the tutorial, which is pushing something off the screen and then popping something else on the screen. And I used the word granfluencer to push it off the screen and profluencer to put it on the screen. So at least suggest something else as a term for older, more experienced influencers that doesn't have such a negative connotation.


In the news piece, I loved that the anchor who was in charge of the news piece, she didn't even like the word. And she said, grandfluencer. I don't know if I like that. And I thought, yes, this is my opportunity to vocalize how I feel about it. So I really enjoyed that interview because I felt that we both saw it a certain way, and we both felt a certain way about it, that it seems to have a negative vibe attached to it.


And so she said, I think we need to reframe that. And I said, yes, we do. I've also asked her if she'll be on the podcast. Maybe I'll have an anchor on here soon enough, and we'll learn some things about anchoring the news and how that connects to social media. So I'm looking forward to hopefully convincing her to come on.


I mentioned that the tutorial today is the sliding, text. Why do I think this is important? 2 reasons, because there are fun things you can do with text that look like you're sliding it off, but it's a quick cheat and it's just timing the text so that it looks like it's popping off and you can make very engaging little bits on your videos if you do things like this. If there is a word, shoo, grandfluence, I'm getting rid of it. Shoop, profluencer, I'm bringing it in.


So something like that. You might have something that's, 1 of your products that you're featuring, like a new product. You can go like this too, and you can make it appear to pop on the screen using hand gestures. It's really an engaging tool and you don't have to use keyframes. You can do do it simply with timing your text.


So I explained this in the tutorial, and I also showed that if you want to move something slowly, the way to do that is with keyframes. So it's a double lesson. 1 is a more beginner lesson and 1 is more advanced, all in the same tutorial. So if you haven't seen it on TikTok or Instagram yet, you can check it out in the newsletter link. Now let's get to the original content ideas.


Whoo. So 4th July is coming up in 2 days and the holiday weekend is approaching here in the United States. Fun time to create videos about how you're spending your holiday weekend. And, yes, it's very US friendly, but also people in other countries do enjoy seeing customs from I enjoy seeing customs in other countries. So, of course, why wouldn't they enjoy seeing our customs?


So maybe there's something fun that you do that's a tradition that you can share with your followers. Be creative and have fun. There's also the June recap. There are a lot of this is like when I the June recap, and you're also halfway through 2024. So you can do a monthly recap, or you can do a whole half year recap.


And there's lots of cap cut templates. If you don't even see 1 on your TikTok or your Instagram, go over to capcut, tap on templates at the top, and scroll through some. You and you can just search by half year half year template, and it'll bring 1 up. Be creative and have some fun with that. It's so easy to do because you can just pull photos that you already have.


Go into each month. Hopefully, you've been saving some favorites, and that's a good 1. And then the last idea for you is a summer outfit inspiration. Like Julie also calls it summer outfit inspo. We gotta use the word inspo, but summer's officially here.


Show off your outfit inspiration, what you wear to the pool, beach, barbecue, hanging out with friends, whatever. Do you get newly rental? Do you go to did you do a shopping frenzy? Show us your haul. Do a transition.


Gosh. I love those. I wanna do 1. I'm trying to think about how I can do a transition every 5 or so videos because I do think sometimes people see I'll explain to them what I do here on TikTok and then I I have to scroll a bit to find 1 of my outfit transitions. So I'm gonna try and focus on doing more of those.


I'm gonna be hunting for some to bring up coming up soon. Alright. So now I before I wrap it up, I wanna go into some questions because we did have some good questions this week. And the first 1 is from Sandrisalin. She says, I put text on my videos, and then they are covered by the text from my caption or from the app, the program itself.


How do I figure it out so that my text is clear? Love this question, and I always go by the rule of the middle square. So if your video is a 6 a 9 by 16 shape of the phone, You cut out a middle square in your mind, and that is where you keep your text. Don't put it if if I was if this was my narrow frame, I don't know who forever is watching instead of listening. If this was my narrow frame, I would not be putting text up here.


It's too high. It's gonna be under, where it says Instagram, where it says for you feed, where all of that on TikTok. No no good. Also, you don't want it down here too low. It's going to be on your lower caption.


So make sure you think about your middle square on your on your your, feed. And that's where your text needs to be. You can always on the side of lower and smaller. Lower from the top and smaller in size or above the bottom and smaller in size. I have noticed that I might have my text a certain size, and then the minute I post it, it seems to have enlarged.


So that's another reason why I say go smaller because it seems to increase in size when you post it. I don't know why the app does that. Mostly TikTok does it. I didn't notice that as much on Instagram, but it Instagram's a little tricky because it gives you guidelines when you slide the text and it kind of locks in. But if you put it in that lock spot, I drop it down even lower because I noticed when I post it.


And if I'm looking in feed at the videos, if I'm not full screen, some of it's sometimes chopped off. So on the side of lower middle square. You can always consider it safe there. It's totally fine to put it over your neck area, your face if you're speaking. It's okay to put it.


Sometimes I have it over, like, my eyebrow almost because I'm afraid to put it too high. So you're better off covering it on top of your face. Also, a lot of times people are looking at your face and they're not really even noticing things on the top or the bottom. So if the close you have it to where they see your face, the better off you are at them reading it too. So it is a good idea to keep it, to keep it down in that middle square and keep it tight in from the sides.


Just go choop and you you'll going to be okay. Okay. Next question was, okay. This is a long 1, but it was about the opportunity for creators. I mentioned this in the beginning of the this episode where we're collecting creators who are interested in doing monetization opportunities, and we're creating a roster so that we can offer it to potential clients.


And so if you wanna get on that, apparently, the link from last week wasn't working. So, Doug, William, Doug, William, Doug, I got your message and it's being put back into the newsletter today. So you can get that link today and you can get it again. Fantastic. Now the next and last question for today is, is it best to shoot a reel separately, 1 on Facebook and 1 on Instagram or on Facebook and let it share to Instagram.


So let me say this VDC marketing. It depends on how you prefer to work. So if you are a Facebook heavy worker, and that's really your focus of your business, and you're getting most of your customers are there, or most of your viewers are there or followers, then post to Facebook and then share to Insta. It's it's a very useful tool to share. It saves you time.


It's the same thing as posting on both, in my opinion. Now for for me, I go the other way. I post on Instagram and I share to Facebook. And it doesn't change the engagement 1 bit, no matter which way you go or doing that instead of creating a separate post for each. It's gonna save you time.


That's why they set it up. Instagram and Facebook owned by the same company. Take advantage of the tool to save yourself time. So, yes, it's great. Do it.


Just hit click the little share button, that little share toggle so that it shares directly. That way you don't have to keep typing your captions over. The 1 thing I have noticed that's maybe problematic about it, if I was gonna say there was anything even problematic, is that if you tag someone on Facebook, that's not necessarily the same with tagging in Instagram. So then you'll have to go to your Instagram post and add the tag of the people. So this for me, it's the opposite.


I tag people on Instagram. And if I want them to be tagged on Facebook, I would have to go into the post on Facebook and then tag them. If anybody listening knows another way to do that, we would love to know. But it looks like you do have to manually change those tags after you post because it doesn't seem to be it's not automatic because somebody's username on Facebook might be different than someone's username on Instagram. So I hope that's clear, and I hope you enjoyed today's power episode.


I'm gonna call it the power 6 flags episode because I am, like, I am revved up with adrenaline from riding roller coasters. And hopefully, I didn't talk too fast. But thank you for listening. I am going to ask you to do me a huge favor. If you can review this podcast at some point, whether you're on Apple Podcasts or the Google Podcasts, you can give it 5 stars, I think, on the Spotify, platform.


But I think you can write a review on the Apple Podcasts. It really helps level the podcast up. So more viewers will find it. Have a great day, and I will see you on Friday. Bye.