Veteran's Affairs Plus W/ David L. Washington

What is Veteran's Affairs Plus W/ David L. Washington?

Veteran's Affairs Plus discusses the issues that veterans in Las Vegas deal with on a daily basis. Your host, David L. Washington connects listeners with relevant community resources and information that they need to help veterans or themselves.

Unknown Speaker 0:00
You're listening to locally produced programming created in KU NBC Studios on public radio K, u and v 91.5.

Unknown Speaker 0:11
You're listening to special programming sponsored by making moves life coaching services, the content of this program does not reflect the views or opinions of 91.5 Jazz and more the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, or the Board of Regents of the Nevada System of Higher Education.

Unknown Speaker 0:41
You can see what's going on what's going on what's going on. Good morning, Las Vegas. This is Veterans Affairs plus on 91.5 jazz. And I'm Dave Washington, your host, a couple of quick announcements. And then we got some wonderful guests in house. And then we got our Service Officer, Mr. Tony Marshall, who will give us some comments and a briefing on some of the things that he's working on at the present time. The Scott family discard family, we want to express condolences to them, they lost the I believe he's the last of the brothers, Ricky Scott passed away most recently, and we just, again, express condolences to the fent the Scott family. Congratulations to Commission Commissioner William McCurdy and his staff on the opening of the Melbourne Venus in his Recreation Center at vontobel. Park. As we all know, and those who don't know, Beetle was a great champion of youth in our community, he passed away, not just a year and a half, two years ago. And we certainly want to acknowledge his wife Wendy and their family. We're keeping Beatles legacy alive because the brother did a lot he put one heck of a footprint on our community overall. So thank you for that Commissioner. Our first guest, as I mentioned, called him will be Mr. Tony, Marcia, how you doing, Tony?

Unknown Speaker 2:15
Yeah, how's everybody this morning?

Unknown Speaker 2:17
Doing? Well, my brother, just want to get you on Tony, like we do, because I try to have you on here more times than a lot of other folks. Because you have a lot to say. And it's what this show was about trying to make sure we can help our veterans. So give us an update my brother.

Unknown Speaker 2:33
All right. I know time is tight, man, I just got a couple of real good things I wanted to lay out there. Number one, the fact that I'm sure everybody's heard about the PAC DAC, and there was a deadline that came up on the ninth and then it extended to the 14th. What I wanted people to understand is even though those deadlines are gone, you can still file for your PAC that illnesses. The only difference is it will not you won't get the bag paid back to 2022 when they first pack past the pack that but you still can file for the pack stack illnesses. So please don't don't don't hold up your claims come on in and get that done. And the second thing I wanted to bring up was, within a month, I'm expanding services. Due to the fact that I'll be going in going into Annapolis, Maryland, middle of September, to finish my certification, I will become a Certified Service Officer here in Southern Nevada. So you guys will not only get the great service that you've already been getting, but it'll be even better.

Unknown Speaker 3:39
Certified, get that certification, my brother. Cool, great, wonderful.

Unknown Speaker 3:44
So you figure in about another month, I'll be working out at three different locations over here at the Vet Center in North Las Vegas, and I'll be at the hospital. I'll have a couple of days working out of the Veterans Hospital Center on Pecos. And I'll again be at American Legion Post 10. So we're gonna we're gonna up the services for you guys out here in the bottom. Well,

Unknown Speaker 4:08
I know the last time I was over there, I said, Man, when you come in into the post, he said, Man, I've been in here while you out here having your little brewski I'm in the office taking care of business, I said but we appreciate you Tony so much because you're doing one heck of a job and I know that those vets out there who've made contact with you already, really appreciate your services and those who haven't. Again, Tony, if you give me your contact information, and again, we appreciate you so much brother.

Unknown Speaker 4:39
Okay, again, don't don't get stressed out over it over this next month or so because like I said, I don't want to be out of town to finish my certification, but it's 30015379465 and you can call in most of the time just about anytime, but if I tell you to stay To me, that means I'm busy, but 301379465 and we'll be we'll get you taken care of I guarantee it.

Unknown Speaker 5:07
Alright, Tony, our service officer, thanks again, brother for your time and effort. Again, you know, I gave you a little bit more time versus two hours I gave you a day. And I hope you appreciate me for doing that. Because I call Tony, when someone knows sure I say Tony, I need you to fill in for me, brother and he always come through. Thank you so much, Tony. And good luck on your certification.

Unknown Speaker 5:29
Thank you again.

Unknown Speaker 5:32
Once again, Las Vegas this is Veterans Affairs plus on 91.5, jazz and more. I got three wonderful guests in the house that do a lot of work with the auxilary we have Miss sent Sandra Marshall. Give me and Jackson. Cheryl Brown. So we're gonna start with you, Madam President. Tell us give a little background on yourself. I know you've been on the show before but just to bring people back up to speed on you.

Unknown Speaker 5:59
Good morning. My name is Sandra Marshall. And this is my second year term as president with the American Legion Auxiliary unit 10. We are located at 1905 H Street and Las Vegas. Our hours of operation are Thursday through Sunday from 1pm till 11:30pm. I've been a member at large since 2010 Until I found a home with American Legion unit 10 and 2021.

Unknown Speaker 6:30
So 2021 is when you came to post in correct. Okay, so how long has the auxilary been in existence?

Unknown Speaker 6:39
The auxilary unit 10 has been instituted since February of 22,009. I current membership is 35. Members.

Unknown Speaker 6:51
Wonderful. We have two of your wonderful members right here at the table with us. Miss Vivian

Unknown Speaker 6:57
yes sir How you doing? I'm

Unknown Speaker 6:58
well give a little background on you. I know you are well known in the community like I am we've been around here since dirt. But tell folks a little bit about you.

Unknown Speaker 7:07
I am basically from here been here all my life School graduate and everything. Vivian Jackson. I've actually been in nickel jewelry. This is my second year with them. So trying to do great things and need more people to come in with

Unknown Speaker 7:21
us. We're all this wonderful. So where did you go to school?

Unknown Speaker 7:24
I went to rent a Rancho as well. I graduated Rancho High School that we have a 50 year anniversary coming up.

Unknown Speaker 7:30
KU Rancho High School. That's when we only had Rancho what we have Rancho Las Vegas high Western. There was one other Vegas you had Valley. No Valley came later because I've been in Noe Valley and Clark, which I went to great. Washington went to valley, Chaparral and all them had the same footprint built just like they've come up with some new stuff, Miss Sure. Tell our listening audience a little bit about yourself. Well, I was coming up to the microphone. I was

Unknown Speaker 8:02
born in Louisiana raised here. I became a member in 2002 when it was the VFW Post. And I've been a member ever since you

Unknown Speaker 8:11
say you from Louisiana would pass drop pass drop on for me with bass drop. I'm gonna deal Hi, dude, myself. Everybody thinks that I'm, you know, born and raised in Las Vegas tell them knew. I was I was born in Louisiana. In fact, when I became fire chief, people got a little upset with me, Vivian, because I said that. They asked him the question was, where are you from? I said from Dale, how Louisiana. People said, Man, why are you telling us from Las Vegas? They didn't ask me where I was raised. They said where are you from? I'm from. I'm a country. Boy. I'm very, very. So back to you, Madam President. Give us an indication of some of the things and I know you guys are very, very active because when I go about it is always a flyer hanging about something going on, talk to us.

Unknown Speaker 8:58
First, can I tell you our purpose? Sure, absolutely. The purpose of the American Legion Auxiliary is to volunteer with assistance, support, and we advocate for the American Legion veterans, their families and our community. We assist in providing an atmosphere of fellowship, patriotism, peace and security. The auxilary now has now established our own identity to work side by side with the veterans who belong to the American Legion. We empower each other to achieve personal fulfillment through service and not self. Let me tell you why I joined I joined because it's my way of honoring those veterans who have made the ultimate sacrifice for our country. My father, who was a world war two veteran, two brothers, and many family members and friends. who have served for our freedom? And I would like to say thank you.

Unknown Speaker 10:05
Sure. Now, let me ask you this. So you mentioned your family members as veterans. Are you a vet? Or do you have to be a vet to be a member of the auxilary? Just a question to me.

Unknown Speaker 10:15
No, I am not a vet.

Unknown Speaker 10:24
To join the auxilary you have to be a family member. That's Mother. Father. I mean, I'm sorry, mother, sister.

Unknown Speaker 10:34
Any family member that's been in the military? Female?

Unknown Speaker 10:37
Okay. Yes. To join.

Unknown Speaker 10:39
So tell me Vivian, why did you join? What What inspired you what was your, your, your thought process and saying, you know, what, I want to be a member of this organization.

Unknown Speaker 10:51
Well, my parents have been members forever. My dad, my at my uncle's, all of them. So I kind of grew up with. And last few years, all of them were passing, some of them are getting older. And I really wanted to keep it up, because they really enjoyed it. And so in honor of them, I wanted to keep it up. I didn't want it to dissolve, you know what I mean? We need a new blood, younger people, because some of the older people were, you know, getting elderly. And the reason I did was to keep it going, I didn't want to see it fail. I didn't want to see it stop. And we want to continue to help the vets

Unknown Speaker 11:23
were excellent. Mysuru, same question.

Unknown Speaker 11:28
It was a family Hangout. And back then, we did a lot for the community. And I enjoyed helping so I fit in perfectly.

Unknown Speaker 11:40
Now you mentioned but would you mention again, the number of members that you have? And what are you guys doing in terms of recruiting others? I know, Vivian, made the point that certainly it's certainly time to start getting some younger folks involved in the organization.

Unknown Speaker 11:56
We're always recruiting, we have applications that at the administrative staff at the at the post, they have applications, and I'm always willing to contact whoever is applying personally, to make sure that they are eligible to join and tell them of all the great things that we are doing. And I organization.

Unknown Speaker 12:22
So, Vivian and Cheryl, what specific roles are you playing in the organization at this stage of time? I'm

Unknown Speaker 12:30
actually the sergeant of arms. Okay. My role is to make sure that everybody comes in with proper ID and sign the role called look accordingly. And as Miss Madam President stated, I also need to make sure they're in uniform.

Unknown Speaker 12:43
Well, well. Because Vivian always been around China. No, that's wonderful. You know, that's, I've hailed many, many roles and in various nonprofit organizations, and one I never Hale was Sergeant at Arms, and one I really don't like and didn't like and continue not to like, and that is treasure. And I'm like, I'm holding down a treasury, a treasury position. As we just selected our new treasurer for what's called the Carl Holmes executive development institute is a nonprofit. We train and prepare individuals to move up in the fire service. I don't I don't imbalance my own check. I got it. And we've run quite a few dollars through this year or so I'm like, I don't want this. What are you up to?

Unknown Speaker 13:35
I'm the chaplain. Okay. Opening and closing prayers and duty is to take on a second shedding. excellent at it.

Unknown Speaker 13:44
So how many actual officers do you have in the organization? Do you recall off

Unknown Speaker 13:51
1010 officers? Okay. Yes. Anywhere from the President. First Vice second vice chaplain, treasurer, Secretary, guard.

Unknown Speaker 14:05
All the way down with you. Again, I think that's a perfect role for Vivian. I've been known her a long time. And she's always running around given water. So that's really perfect for

Unknown Speaker 14:18
That's correct. I'd like to say that we have a great group, a wonderful group of members, everybody, anything that we need done, all we have to do is just put it out there. And we have nothing but volunteers is exactly what we do. We volunteer to help our veterans and I have no problem with my members. If I ask that right there.

Unknown Speaker 14:41
That is, that is a wonderful thing. Because when you're in volunteer organization, sometimes getting things done because you know, people have jobs or they may even be retired. But they still sometimes people will talk a good game and when it comes down to it issue, you have to chase them down. If you got that kind of wherewithal going within your organization, that is a good thing. Absolutely. This is Veterans Affairs plus on 91.5, jazz and more. We have the president Sondra, Marshall, Miss Vivian Jackson and Mr. Brown in the House talking about what they're doing with the auxilary posts over it. The auxilary organization within post teen American Legion post here. So other thoughts ladies about particularly anything that you got going on that you want to start to promote at this stage of what's happening?

Unknown Speaker 15:39
October 21, we have our western affair dance, it's a donation of $10. We will have light hors d'oeuvres and raffles. And that's October 21. From seven until they put us out at post.

Unknown Speaker 15:56
October 21. October

Unknown Speaker 15:58
2014. It's called What are Western affair dance? So we're gonna see a lot of cowboys and cowgirls.

Unknown Speaker 16:10
No, I want to have that because we do four shows a month. And I can certainly repeat that again. On the next show. Thank you

Unknown Speaker 16:19
October the 31st We're having our Halloween setup. And that will be in our parking lot. And we're going to give out little treats for all our young and upcoming, possibly members. So we are also going to be serving hot dogs and chips. And a light drink for our little children. November The 18th Keep rolling. Okay, well, we got a little scheduled on November the 18th. We're gonna have our Thanksgiving dinner for our veterans and families. Anything else?

Unknown Speaker 17:02
So I know that you guys if this My memory isn't letting me down. You guys have done something on toy type drives for for you?

Unknown Speaker 17:14
Oh, yeah, during Christmas, we did. We gave out a lot of toys and things to the Christmas up to the kids in the neighborhood. And our veterans children. Yeah, we do a lot of that.

Unknown Speaker 17:24
Excellent. Anything else you can think of Cheryl that's off the top of your head in terms of things that you guys have done in the past that you enjoy doing. Nothing that you that you enjoy, particularly enjoys cooking that

Unknown Speaker 17:38
does give me to cook and pour and

Unknown Speaker 17:40
notice Good. Well, that's what that's what the audience wants to hear. Because there's always something that that a person enjoys when they're involved in an organization. Most folks don't just join. Some do just to say, I'm a member will always say to the Member, what are you doing as a member? Because I you know, I've been in a number of organizations, particularly firefighter groups, where some guys they want to show up for the party for the gathering. And they'll do nothing to help nobody. And you know, I'm like, You mean you have similar personalities Vivi and I have no shame and saying, Hey, what you're gonna do, you're gonna ride our Kotel? Are you going to help?

Unknown Speaker 18:20
Exactly We need help? Exactly.

Unknown Speaker 18:24
I just finished reading a book. It's a short read about 75 pages by Richard was Richard last name. This brother he and what's his name? Pullum. He's a school teacher. And Richard is a counselor where they have Gentleman by choice. And these brothers are doing a phenomenal job because one of the things that he taught this this gentleman talks about in his book is that young black men in particular, when they're in school late, they cannot act out. And a lot of times, it's all because they don't have no male figure in the home. In fact, they have an office right over in the nucleus Plaza. And a lot of kids come from the projects around the corner. And they were talking about how some of that some of the boys in particular, they would act up in school. And Julie, white female teachers didn't understand the energy that these these young men had. And these guys started this program called again, Gentleman by choice. On certain days of school, they have to wear a leather jacket, a little tie. And they say in his book, he explains how it changes the thought process of these young men to stop being so you know, I gotta get in your face. Handshake look person in the eye. You know when you clean you Just act different. And I have a great appreciation there because I've been kind of Wow, dude myself throughout my life a car engineer produces over their life and with what we look like with apogee. Oh, really? They believe? Yeah. Ladies, I'm so pleased that you were able to come in is there any additional thoughts that you may have in terms of whatever may be on your mind, as relates to community and or the auxilary?

Unknown Speaker 20:39
I have one thought, I'm like you, we have those members. And I'm guilty of that, who have been what I call a card carrying member. I was that way when I first joined the auxilary, for the American Legion, until until I joined the American Legion, post 10 auxilary. I came home then I found my calling. And I wanted to say thank you, for sure.

Unknown Speaker 21:08
Now, I'm not gonna let you guys off the hook that easier, Cheryl and Vivian. In your mind, because there was something that touched each one of you guys that you mentioned, family keeping that legacy going, but is there anything else, any other reason that you think a woman would want to and you think should join the auxilary?

Unknown Speaker 21:28
It really gives me a lot to do. I retired last year, and that was one of the things that I was concerned about is some of the things that I was going to be able to do. And with this, and I do feel a certain fulfillment, you know, gratification that I do just from saying that I am a member of the ladies auxilary you know what I'm saying? It's really a proud moment to be a part of something that is given back to the community. And that's my goal.

Unknown Speaker 21:55
We'll see. Sure, yeah.

Unknown Speaker 21:56
Me also, I have to say I was I've been there forever. And I've and when we're not walking in door, regardless of what somebody's asking me to do something, right. So I never say no, I might still do it. If like, I enjoy helping people, great.

Unknown Speaker 22:19
Well, ladies out there in the community, I trust that the doors are open, and we can always use more help there. They're 35 strong and willing to grow even stronger and, and larger. But you got to be willing to come and work now. You brought a guest with you. I

Unknown Speaker 22:37
did one of my members, our members, Miss Mary Brown, sees he's really quiet and laid back. But she's a worker bee. If we need anything we need to clung Mary, if possible, that she's always there, if possible, and she's always willing to step in and do anything and everything asked of her. So

Unknown Speaker 23:00
is she an officer or general member?

Unknown Speaker 23:06
She's a general member. Okay. But she's not a card carrying member. She's an active member.

Unknown Speaker 23:11
We'll see. We'll see. So, ladies, I thank you for coming. And again, Michos. The upcoming events that you have since we got a little time left, okay,

Unknown Speaker 23:24
that was October 21. We have the Western affair dance. And that's a $10 donation. And we are selling tickets. We will have light hors d'oeuvres and be raffles. And that's from 7pm until October the 31st. We will be having a Halloween in the parking lot for our children and community children and veterans, families and friends. We will be serving hot dogs chips, and light Brevard beverages. November The 18th. We will be having our Thanksgiving dinner for our veterans and families.

Unknown Speaker 24:09
That is excellent work, ladies. Excellent working. Proud of you guys. And I'm glad that I'm a member of American Legion Post 10. And I always enjoy interacting with you guys when I stopped by and certainly want to thank you for your time. And if you guys have no further to say, I'll close out now come back on the other side and have a few remarks about a couple things I've been involved in lately.

Unknown Speaker 24:34
Just once again, like to remind everyone that we do have applications and they are available at the post. So and I personally will follow up on those applications. The postal addresses again 1905 H Street, Las Vegas at

Unknown Speaker 24:53
the corner of Doolittle that's what all we that corner of Doolittle

Unknown Speaker 24:57
thank you so much for having us.

Unknown Speaker 24:59
Thank you. Appreciate it. This was fun.

Unknown Speaker 25:02
Hey, it was my pleasure. I'll be back on the other side once again, this is Veterans Affairs plus on 91.5 Jazz and.

Unknown Speaker 25:18
Good morning, once again, this is Veterans Affairs plus on 91.5, jazz and more in Dave Washington. Look, I wanted to, as we close out the show today, I had the distinct pleasure and honor to be invited to an alumni rate or alumni dinner with the former Raider called Frank Hawkins. And, excuse me, the interesting part of the dinner was when as I listened to these guys talk about injuries, man, some one guy talked about having had five surgeries, and any mention another guy, and I'm not saying this to be funny. This guy has had 21 surgeries, and I asked, was he still alive? Now Chuck will say yeah, he's still alive. But my point to all of this is, we should all applaud, because I know, most folks, myself included, especially my wife and my grand sons, they love some football. So I just want to say thank you to those folks who've served out there. I know they got paid. But that is a very, very tough and dangerous occupation. And we know that there's been a lot of hidden injuries as a result of a playing football, but I just wanted to say thank you guys, and hopefully they will get a chance to listen to the show because I just wanted to thank Frank and his and his fellow Raider alumni for again, inviting me to the dinner in the end just to hear some of the stories that Manny they had some stories that will just crack you up. But there's like a lot of different organizations you can tell that there's a real serious fellowship that goes on within those football organizations. And just want to say hey, man, thank you guys for for entertaining us. And as I mentioned, even though you get paid, we appreciate the work that you did. So with that, we will talk again next week. This is Veterans Affairs plus on 91.5 Jazz and more. And thank you once again, Wes for keeping me on track my friend appreciate.

Unknown Speaker 28:00
Smoking the tilde Hey,

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