Clydesdale Media Podcast

In an effort to be as fit as possible Scott has agreed to do his weekly check-ins with Nutrition Coach Cheryl Nasso.

This last weekend Scott did a Demo project on his Deck, took 3 days and a ton of work but it was completed and Scott's body felt every bit of it.   Recovery has been good and is off to Michigan this weekend to do live quarterfinals shows from Redemption Fitness and our Versus Crew.

What is Clydesdale Media Podcast?

We cover the sport of CrossFit from all angles. We talk with athletes, coaches and celebrities that compete and surround in the sport of CrossFit at all levels. We also bring you Breaking News, Human Interest Stories and report on the Methodology of CrossFit. We also use the methodology to make ourselves the fittest we can be.

Welcome to the Clydesdale

Media Weight Loss Journey,

where Scott does his weekly

check-in with nutrition

coach Cheryl Nasso every

week live on our YouTube channel.

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what is going on everybody

welcome to the Clydesdale

media weight loss journey

my name is Scott her name

is Cheryl we hang out

together every Tuesday

afternoon um and good

excited to see her so here

we are yeah how's it going

uh just gotta have a stupid

meeting as everybody's

talking about in the

comments I did well that's

because they were making

they were asking where you

were I'm like he's probably

stuck in his stupid meeting

So if you look at the start time,

I started now at 4.05 to

give myself a couple

minutes to get out of that

meeting and get down here.

The guy who leads that

meeting loves his job,

which I'm happy for him.

And he loses track of time

every single week.

He's probably going to start

putting like a 10-minute countdown.

Last 10 minutes.


so what's funny is like the

executives at State had to

go back in office this week.

And they all wanted to be traffic.

So at four o'clock they all were like,

we're leaving because we

want to be traffic out of downtown.


And, uh, and the,

the meeting came to an abrupt end,

but I had to grab some

Welch's fruit snacks before I came down.

Well, I'm liking the glasses.

Those are new since Wednesday.


Do you feel like you're

seeing a whole new world?

so my eyesight's not

terrible but it did kind of

crisp everything up yeah if

I can figure them out

they're transition lenses

so for us old people that's

like like five different

lenses up and down the lens

so like I have readers at

the bottom far distance at

the top and then everything

kind of in between are in stages

So I'll be looking and I

have to kind of move my

head to find the right lens.

That's interesting.


I haven't had an eye exam

done in a long time.

And I'm kind of worried that

if I go get one, that they'd be like,

you're like half blind.

And that I haven't been seeing right.

Cause like one of my last

tests where you go to get

your driver's license

renewed and they make you

do that where you close one eye.

I remembered having a hard

time like seeing, and I'm like, Oh shit,

I can't fail this test.

But I'm like,

I should probably get my eyes checked.

But, uh,

So the cool thing was,

it's only been a year since I got mine,

but because of everything that happened,

it was directed by my

doctor to have this eye test done.

Yeah, good.

The technology had come in so far.

The one thing that always

freaked me out is when they

brought the blue light

right into your pupil and

they actually go in it.

They don't do that anymore.

They actually have

technology that can take

pictures of the back of

your eyeball without any invasive thing.

I just feel like I don't want to go on.

We're on a nutrition topic today,

but like eye surgery,

I think just sounds like

the most scary thing ever.

Like just how technical the eye is.

Like just, it's,

it's insane with doctors can do,

but we'll, uh, anyways, just,

just something that I just

was thinking about every time my eyes,

but so, um,

Let's fill the audience in a little bit.

We are kind of increasing

accountability a little bit

slash support.

So knowing how communication,

accountability, support, communication,

a little bit of everything,

knowing kind of how things

were going in towards the

end of last year.

we kind of decided you and I,

we're going to have

essentially two check-ins, right?

So you and I are going to be

touching base and we're

also going to be having

this check-in as well.

And we're going to be kind

of filling in the audience

on maybe some things that

we've discussed or goals

that we've set in our check-ins together.

And then also kind of just

chit-chatting about things

that have changed since

then and all that kind of stuff.

So I just wanted to kind of

put that out there.

So I know that this past

weekend you had... Before

we get into that, I want to explain like

yeah like I was all for like

putting myself out there

and doing these check-ins

on live on youtube and and

I'm still willing to do all

that but in the process I

lost some intimacy with my

coach I agree and like to

get some um intimate

feedback and tell her when I'm hurting,

tell her when I'm,

that maybe I wasn't sharing

as much online as I was

when we were just privately talking.

Because some of the stuff is

beyond nutrition.

Some of it's like,

I'm just in a bad head

space and I needed her,

my friend to talk to and

talk through that.

And I, and I lost that along the way.

I wanted to say right now,

thank you for describing

that and explaining that

because that was much

better than me trying to explain it.

So I would much rather put it out there.

And I agree 100% that I think that we all,

myself included,

what you're doing is a very brave thing.

you know, you're,

you're putting yourself out

there for everybody and

it's not easy to be like that.

So I think it's important to

have level of intimacy and privacy.

And there are parts of this

journey that need to be mine again.


And a lot of times I would,

I would put it out there

and I love the feedback in the chat.

I love it.


but sometimes I need to talk to my

coach about what I need and

what is best for me.

And so we're going to do

these check-ins privately,

then come on and discuss how it all went.

And I'll be as transparent

as I can be about that,

but we're going to have our

discussion about it first.



So we have a good, clear plan.


So last check in just to

kind of and I do have my notes filled up.

Main thing was you

definitely were getting some more hunger.

And I knew that this weekend

you were going into a very

active weekend.

So main goal for you was

just kind of having a plan

for those busy days.

You know,

I kind of encourage you to

possibly eat a your normal breakfast.

having something light throughout the day,

protein focused,

because you probably

weren't going to want to

stop working and that you

were going to probably work

most of the day and then

making sure that you're having a dinner.

And then other main goal was

getting back to daily

weigh-ins and updating that

for me and then keep

crushing it in the gym and yourself.

So those are the main things

that I talked about.

So how do you feel like you

did over the weekend with

the busy project?

Well, first off,

let's fill everybody in on

the weekend project and how you did.

So we've known that we

needed to take the deck off

of our house for probably a year.

It was here when we bought the house.

And we've lived here over 20 years.

We did resurface it about

halfway through that.

But the boards were starting

to get holes in them.

And then as we looked at it more closely,

we have some trees at the

end of the one side.

And that area was rotting pretty bad.

And we knew we had to get it

down or someone was going to get hurt.


Two weeks ago, I called for a dumpster.

This is when they could be there.

And I knew I had to get it

down and get it in a

dumpster and take it away.

So I thought it was going to

be pretty quick,

but it was a 15 by 20 deck

with an add-on stairs and ramp.

And we started at it.

It was just me and my mom

for like... So actually,

Friday was just me.

My wife's knees are in such bad shape.

It was just me prepping everything,

getting everything off the deck,

throwing what I could in

the dumpster from the deck,

all of that stuff.

Then Saturday, I got up.

And it was just me and my

mom for a couple hours working at it.

And I just had her like

using the screw gun,

trying to unscrew as much as she could.

And I was sawing through as

much as I could.

It was not moving as fast as

I thought it was going to move.

My buddy came over with a chainsaw.

He was there for a couple hours.

It was beating up his chainsaw, this wood,

and the nails and everything.

He had to sharpen it like

three or four times in what we were doing,

and it wasn't getting us anywhere.

Then my nephew showed up for

a couple hours,

and he was unscrewing boards,

and then him and his wife

were carrying them to the dumpster.

And then they had to leave.

And so then I worked another

couple hours into Saturday night.

And then on Sunday,

it was all me to finish it up.

And I put in probably four

or five hours to finish that up.

So it was a lot of work this weekend.

The cool thing, though,

is my heartbeat average

lowered the three days I worked.


So it was helping my fitness

every day to do that.

And the last day,

I was doing a lot of

trekking from the backyard

to the driveway to throw in the dumpster.

And it got so full,

we had to shut the door and

chuck it up over the top so

it wouldn't slide out the back.

And so I was throwing odd

objects one after another

into this dumpster.

That's awesome.

Getting ready for the CrossFit Games.

There we go.

So the day of Sunday, everything hurt.

Everything hurt that day.

Yesterday, I woke up, hamstrings, butt,


Today, all of that's good,

and it's just forearms, grip, and calves.

So you had a whole body

workout this weekend.


But I was surprised how

quickly my hamstrings and

my glutes and my back recovered.



How did you sleep?

Like a rock.

Up to my alarm both

yesterday and this morning.

And I haven't done that in over a year.

I wish.

I haven't set an alarm in...

I couldn't even tell you

how many years I haven't

had to set an alarm.


I wouldn't even know what

that would feel like to oversleep.

Yeah, it was pretty awesome.

Yeah, no, that's awesome.

So, um, I mean,

how did you handle the nutrition stuff?

I'm kind of looking at things now.

I mean,

I know your calories were a little

bit lower, right?

Saturday got away from me.

I didn't get breakfast and I ate an apple.



and then I stopped and I fed everybody

that was there cause

everybody kind of came in

that 10 to two window.


And I made sure I fed them and we had,

I smoked chicken wings and

they devoured those.

I had a couple.


and then that evening I think I ate

pretty good.

So you had sausage and peppers.


My wife made that dinner.

It was really good.


You didn't have any carbs with it?

Just the meat and the vegetables?



It was like a bowl.

Everything looked pretty good.

Looks like Sunday was kind

of a weird day as well,

just obviously with you moving.

It got really hot here Sunday.


Saturday was like 60s,

and then on Sunday was mid to upper 70s.


And I didn't want anything hot.

And so I saw that... I

haven't bought a smoothie

in God knows how long.

But Planet Smoothie had recovery drinks.

And I was like,

that sounds better than

anything right now.

So I got a pineapple

recovery drink from Planet Smoothie.



I mean,

this past weekend was kind of like

mostly just kind of getting

you through that big...

you know, project, you know,

I think at the end of the day,

this weekend,

wasn't really so much about

like your nutrition as much

as it was you getting

through that project.

And then obviously this week,

how to see how things are

starting off with you being so sore.

Did you go to the gym yesterday or today?

I did not go yesterday.

I didn't go today, but I do have plans.

The workout today is pretty easy.

So I'm going to run through

it tonight because it's

still beautiful out.

Okay, good.

Mid to upper 70s and after I get off here.

All right, cool.

All right.

So it looks like it's going to be weird.

It sounds kind of weird,

but I'm looking at your

nutrition from yesterday.

You logged six ounces of turkey sausage,

and it's weird because it's

only showing up as

four grams of protein.

Cause I was taking a look at

your protein from yesterday

and that just doesn't make

any sense to me.

So I think that that

might've just been

something on the package

might've been off because

that wouldn't make sense.

There's no way that six

ounces of Turkey sausage is

only four grams of protein.

It's probably more like 28

to 35 grams of protein.

I'll have to look at that.

I didn't take it from the

package because I don't

have the barcode thing.


So I was just looking for

something similar to that in the list.



All right.

I think that our main focus

today is obviously you're

feeling recovered.

Sleep seems to be going well.

How's the sinus stuff going?

So because I'm traveling this week,

my dog is with my mom.


And so we've cleaned out the whole house.

The only time I get stuffed

up is when someone mows our grass.


But I can handle that

because it seems to go away

once they're done.


All right.

But I'm,

but it's still way better than it's been.

All right.

That's good.

And that's been a good thing.

And back is good.

So, okay.

Let's talk about this week.

You've got, you're traveling Thursday,


Or Wednesday?



So I really want this week to be,

what is your nutritional

plan going into the weekend?

So I need to sit down and do that.

It's been a busy couple of days with work,

but my wife and I talked

about packing some food.

We got a hotel with a

refrigerator and a microwave.

So if we can do some food prep,

we can have some stuff in the hotel.


I think that even if you don't food prep,

What I would recommend is

you can go to a grocery

store when you get there

and get things that are

easy enough that you don't have to prep.

Because one of the things I

will say is that this past weekend,

you know,

your protein intake was really low.

And even though

you know, you're like,

I want you thinking less about like, okay,

like I just eat, like,

let's just say for instance,

you want to have a smoothie.


Like how can we also add protein to that?

Like last weekend was fine.

But if this week you find

that that stuff is happening,

I still want to see you

having that balance in your meals.

That's for anybody like, okay,

if I want to have that,

there's not a whole bunch

of protein there.

How can I get protein?

So maybe,

what you could do is pack protein powder,

you know,

pack a couple of protein snacks.

And if you want it, like,

I just don't know that you

realistically are going to

have time to meal prep

before you get there.

You know, like if anything,

it might be a good idea for

you to maybe see about maybe there,

is there a meal prep

company near you that you

can pick up a couple of

meals from and just pack

them to have with you so

you don't have to worry about it.

So I know like our BJ's

Wholesale Club has pre-made

food where I can look and

see what they have.


I think that that might be a better

option for you or looking at what's near.

I always look at whenever I travel,

I always look at what

grocery store is near my hotel.

And I make that like one of

my stops on my way from the

airport or wherever I'm traveling from.

to get whatever I need.

And I kind of have,

and I think that you should,

you really need to develop

this is like when you're

not traveling for pleasure,

like you're not traveling

because you're on a

vacation on a beach somewhere,

you're traveling just to

what I like to call get shit done.

It's like, this is my go-to.

I go and I get these things.

And for me, I always get deli meat.

Like I'm going to,

I'm going to rely on deli meat, um,

for like sandwiches and salads.


I'll typically cook.

If I'm going to cook something,

I'm going to cook something

that just has to be sauteed in a pan,

like ground turkey or

ground beef or something.

And I'll buy things like

that that don't require a whole bunch of,

and I do frozen vegetables

because I don't want to be

spending a bunch of time cooking.

I usually, when I'm traveling,

I just don't want to be

thinking about that kinds of stuff.

You know,

you want to be able to enjoy the


So I would say, look,

So I have deli meat on the list.

And I was going to like salad kits,

like Judy said.

But I like the frozen

vegetable idea because

that's a quick microwave thing.

just throwing the microwave and it's easy,

you know?

Um, that's usually what I stick to.

And then, you know,

if you guys go out to eat a

couple of nights,

you can still make that work for you.

You're just, okay, where's my protein.

And then, you know,

where I'm getting my sides.

It's like,

if people realize like last week

I made a post in the Facebook group,

you know, and I'm like, Hey,

this is a healthy meal.

And I had like burger and,

with sweet potatoes and

broccoli and some avocado.

I'm like, this is also a healthy meal.

And I had two slices of

pizza with a salad and I

had shrimp on it.

And they were almost

calorically the exact same amount,

but one was just because I wanted pizza.

And I'm like,

I had two slices of pizza and

I had the salad to have my

protein and my veggies with it.

Like that's kind of what you

can think about as well.

So I want you to have a

successful weekend this weekend.

And success is like enjoying yourself,

but like

I still got this under control.

So it's yeah.


And I don't know.

I don't even,

because nobody knows what the

workouts are.

I don't really even know

what the schedule is,

which makes it a little

more up in the air,

but I know like there's

plenty of time to get it done.


It's going to be like jam

packed weekend either.

It's only four workouts.


Maybe five.

It's going to be four.

It's probably going to be

four workouts though.

It's probably maybe going to

be four and something A or

something like that, or a two-parter.

I just feel like they're

keeping the quarterfinals somewhat lower.

I think it's a little bit

less because of the amount

of people that are doing it.

And for the affiliate owners,

I think it's going to be pretty simple.

So my guess is you're probably going to,

I'm not sure if they're

going to do them more than one time,

but I mean, they get released tomorrow.


probably do them what friday

and saturday yeah I know

they're planning on doing

one thursday probably

before I get there and

they're gonna film them

without me and then I think

like they're gonna go

through it pretty slow like

one today time not me I'm

getting that done yeah I'm

just telling you what

they're talking about


I feel like the workouts

aren't going to be that bad.

I mean, I guess I'm just used to volume.

So for me, it's going to be like,

let me see the workout.

This is where it gets

complicated this year.

And I know this is a tangent.


It's now have more members

that have qualified.


So like Jamie owns her gym.


More than just the elite

elite have qualified now.

So she has to worry about

them as well as her.



I gotcha.

And that's why it's,

they're spreading it out a little more.

See, that's where I'm the opposite.

I would say if it was me,

I'd get my workouts done first.

I'd say I would probably go

Thursday and Saturday and I

would make Friday be a day

where they're doing their thing.

And then Sunday be the day

where they're doing their thing.

I'd probably open up the gym

on Sunday and make it be

like that because that's what I would do.

You know,

so that's just how I kind of would roll.

If I was trying to qualify

for that spot and her gym

would probably understand, hey,

let me get it done first so

that I'm not stressed.

And then God forbid she has

to redo it again.

She's, you know, got time to redo it.

But yeah,

so I just want you feeling like

you have a plan this week.

You know, this way our next check in,

you're like, all right,

this is what I did.

And remember,

the best plan is still going

to get fucked up.

for lack of better terms, it's okay.

How can I make the best of the situation?

You know?

So how do you feel about

going into the weekend?

And you should feel like a

little bit stressed about it.

It's okay to say that.

I'm actually not stressed this time.

I think I'm going to have more time to,

to be able to worry about

me and not just what we're trying to do.

Yeah, I agree.

I just, I think that with that being said,

I can relate to being like,

I got all the time in the world.

And then before you know it, I'm like,

where'd all the time go?

So just make it a point to

either go to the store

before you leave or when

you get there before you

get into anything.

So if you're going to the gym,

first and foremost,

I would definitely pack

food for you for Thursday.

I'd make sure that you have

something to eat for dinner,

something to eat, you know,

that you can just throw in

the microwave when you get there.

You don't want to be

thinking about cooking that day.


And when do you come home?


Okay, all right.

So that's not too bad.

So Thursday, Friday, Saturday?


and then probably leave mid-afternoon


Okay, cool.

How many people are going to

be doing it there?

Are you going to watch the whole thing?

So we've been featuring the

three athletes from different age groups.

So we focus on them,

and I think they have like

seven others doing it.




And it's not a huge gym.

So, you know, there's limited space.


So you're going to do the

workout at home today, correct?


So you're going to the gym tomorrow.

And then are you going to go

on Thursday before you leave?

I won't have time.


I'm leaving pretty early.


All right.

So you probably won't work

out on Thursday.

You're going to get a

workout in while you're there?

Oh, yeah.

I'll work out at Jamie's gym.

You're going to take a class?


Either that or work out in

like an open gym at time.



Is her gym open all day?

I don't really know.

I know they have like some

mid-afternoon stuff and evening stuff.

And then like in between

that is when they all work out.

I gotcha.

How long is it for you?

I think it's a little over three hours.

That's not too bad.

It's not too bad at all.


Are there any other athletes?

I mean,

besides the three-year featuring

that are going to be there,

is it just Jamie and those, those two?

Just the people from her gym.


I gotcha.

Like Corey, he's going to video his stuff.

He's going to give me the link.

I'm going to give him a link.

We're probably,

we may talk to him this weekend too.

Oh, awesome.

Really cool.


Corey's in the age group qualifiers too.


Okay, cool.



Judy asked if you have to stop and eat

on the road,

what places will you try and find?

Um, so I always look for,

if I'm looking for a restaurant,

going to be honest,

I'll look for a chain like Chipotle,


Um, if I can, if I can,

time it right.

And I can't find something

like fast like that.

Um, I will look for like a,

a grill house or something

and order something to go.

Like I'll look,

usually if I'm traveling in

a car for a while, um,

I'll look for like a

Chili's or an Outback or something.

And I'll do like a call

ahead order for like

grilled chicken veggies and a potato and

That's like best case scenario.

But if it's just like, I'm stopping fast,

I will look for like a Chipotle.

I really don't love Panera bread,

but I'll do Panera bread if I have to.

You know, I look for places that I can get,

if I can find something simple,

like I can find some kind of a protein,

grilled protein, some kind of a veggie.

And that's kind of what I'll go to.

That's if I'm just trying to like, again,

get shit done.

That's a get shit done trip.

If I'm going somewhere and

there's things that I want to try,

then I will usually kind of

hold out to be able to do that stuff.

And I might just look for

like something at a gas

station to get me over.

So like it might be stopping

at like a Wawa's and grabbing something.

Subways actually also, well,

they don't have pub subs everywhere,

Kenneth, unfortunately,

unless you're in Florida or

where they have Publix.

But Subway is also a good option.

Anywhere that I can just

find something simple.

you know, that I, you know, can,

and for me, I'm a volume eater.

So whereas a lot of people are like,

I'll just grab like a sandwich or like a,

something from a Wawa's.

I'm sorry.

That one little piece of

food is not going to fill me up.

And I know that.

So I'm going to look for

where I can get more whole

foods because I want to

have a more satiating meal.

That's just me though.

So I'm not going to,

I'm just not going to make me feel full.

So it was funny this weekend

when I had pizza,

I was talking to my friend.

I'm like,

I ordered two pieces of pizza and I'm like,

cause you can order by the slice here.

I'm like, I was good after one,

but I'm like,

but I guess I should eat the other one.

Cause I already planned it.

But I,

cause I was honestly didn't think

that one was going to be enough.

So maybe I, maybe I was wrong on that.

Maybe I could have,

maybe I don't need that much volume,

but yeah, that's what I typically do.

So, you know, I don't know, Scott,

how do you,

how do you handle when you're on the road,

when you're thinking about nutrition,

what goes to your head?

you're trying to find

something quick so a lot of

times I'm in a group and I

don't have the choice so

then I just look at the

menu I look for grilled

chicken if at all possible

I look for if I can sub in

a veggie instead of fries

stuff like that yeah um and

then for fast food it's like chipotle or

You know, the one year at the games,

we did Panera salads just

because it was convenient.


And you can get grilled chicken at Panera.

You can pretty much... To be honest, guys,

you can pretty much find

something anywhere.

Like Chinese food.


Chinese food is probably the...

People think that Chinese

food is... The easiest

place to get healthy food,

if you're smart,

is a Chinese restaurant

because you can order...

any of their meals steamed.

So you can order chicken and

broccoli steamed,

or their chicken and veggies steamed,

and they don't put any oil in it,

they steam it.

You can keep all the sauces on the side.

You get plain white rice and

you're good to go.

It's really easy to eat healthy.

And if you wanted to,

you could ask them for a

side of avocado or something like that,

because they have that stuff there.

What I normally do is I

don't order off the menu.

I think about what I need and try and

I try and piece it together based on that.

But again, just like Scott said,

sometimes you don't have

control because you're just

left to the devices,

then it's just making the best choices.

And you're right.

A lot of restaurants have healthy choices.

They even have lighter fare

menus on a lot of things.


It's really not that hard.

Where you can't do it is like Burger King,


They've taken away all the

healthy options.

I know.

It's ridiculous.

Yeah, it really is.

You just have to avoid the

major burger chains.


But everybody else pretty much has.

Even Wendy's has salads and stuff.

That's why it's like, and it's really,

it's not that much harder.

Like I mentioned before,

looking for a grill house also,

if you have that option,

because even though it's

not a drive-through, it's not that quick,

you can call ahead or use

your phone now and order ahead.

And you're pretty much just

going to walk in and walk

out with the food anyways.

So if you know you're getting hungry,

what I've always done is

about 30 minutes before,

I'm going to pull out my

Google Maps and I'm going

to click restaurant.


It's going to pull up

whatever's locally and I'm

going to kind of look in my route.

Oh, that'll be a good place to stop.

And I'll pull it up and I'll

figure it out and order it, you know?

So that's usually how I get things done.

Here's a great example.

This happened not that long ago.

We went to a pub and on the

menu was fish and chips,

but they gave you the

option that you could get a grilled fish.

So I said, can I do that?

And instead of French fries,

can I have double broccoli?


And they said, sure.

So I had grilled fish and

double broccoli and super healthy meal.


And I think that people just

have to... Y'all, don't be afraid of...

asking for what you need, right?

Just because it's not on the

menu doesn't mean you can't order it.

It's just,

that's the menu because that's

what they put out there.

You know,

if they have those foods as a

component of things, they will send it,

they will be able to make it.


here's a funny story about that

because when I ordered pizza this weekend,

I was like, oh,

I'll just ask them for some

grilled chicken.

because I'll just throw it on my salad.


but there wasn't a way for me to order

grilled chicken.

I knew they had it because

they sold a grilled chicken salad.

So I put in, when I ordered it, I put,

can I get a side of grilled chicken?

And like this in the notes.

And when I got there,

this big Italian guy walks

out and I'm like, hi,

I ordered some pizza.

And I was just curious if

you saw him at the grilled chicken.

He's like,

it's raw.

I'm like, Oh,

you don't just have like grilled chicken.

He's like, no, we cook everything fresh.

So it was good to know that

at this local pizza place

that they don't just throw

frozen ass pre-cooked

grilled chicken on there.

They actually had to cook it.

But so just make sure that

you do ask ahead for things like that.

Cause sometimes they don't

just have it ready for you.

I assume that they've just

had like pre-made chicken

that they just threw on a salad,

but they don't.



so another thing is that I've learned

when you modify your order,

usually you get fresher food.



Although it does usually

cost you more money though, too.

I will say that.

I, I forgot there was a, there was a girl,

I forget where I follow her on.

It might've been Instagram.

She was talking about her

Chick-fil-A order.

And like a normal Chick-fil-A meal.

I don't even know how much normally is,

but the order ended up

costing her like $18 when

she was done for like the salad.

She ordered the grilled chicken.

It was just like funny,

but it was a really healthy meal.

It just, you know, whatever.


I could have gotten a side of the

fresh chicken,

but it wouldn't have been ready.

He was going to have to cook it.

And I was like, don't worry about it,


It's fine.

Don't, don't stress about it.

I'll just take my pizza.

And I had shrimp at home.

So it was fine.

I just threw shrimp on a salad.

It was fine.

And when I stayed with

Cheryl at the games in 22, 22, 20,

when she says she's a volume eater,

that's not an exaggeration.

Like she would sit down with a,

like a Tupperware bowl of salad.

I am.

It was massive.

If it was chicken and rice,

it was chicken and rice.

Like she doesn't, she didn't mess around.

My cereal at night is about

three servings of cereal.

Back then,

she was mixing it with Halo Top

ice cream.

She'd have dry cereal with

Halo Top ice cream mixed together.

She'd sit on the couch and

eat that for her night snack.

Now I do Ninja Creamy.

It saves me a bunch of money.

Scott, you've got to get the Ninja Creamy.

I got to get this deck fixed before.

We're going into the summer months.

Just think about how nice it

would be to have... You

don't have to convince me.

It's just my money has other priorities.


First form just came out with a new flavor,

peaches and cream.

And I've not really ever

been like a peaches and cream,

but I'm like,

that actually sounds kind of

refreshing to put in my

Ninja Creamy and maybe making like a...

peaches and cream ice cream.

But anyways, I don't know.

I sent Stephanie a recipe.

Stephanie is my assistant.

There was one I saw online

for like a homemade McFlurry,

an Oreo McFlurry.

And she's like,

you're going to put Oreos in it?

I'm like, it's only two Oreos.

Like, come on.

And she's like,

but that's a waste of calories.

I'm like, not really,

but it makes it taste good.

But anyways.

You broke two, you know, it's funny.

Why two, seven, four, two.

I broke, I broke my first ninja creamy.

I did.

I don't know how I did it.

I like,

I don't know what was up with like

the blade wasn't all the

way on or something.

So I started it and then I'm like,

this doesn't sound right.

And I go over there and it's

like catching on fire.

Like it was like red.

I'm like, Oh man, shit.

And I turned it off and it

like burned out the motor.

But, but yeah, my,

my back it or did you have

to get a new one?

I returned it.

They let me take it back, so it was fine.

It was my first time using it.

I obviously just didn't put it together,

but I was like, hey,

this thing is broken.

I just got a new one.

Lots of hotels with decent kitchens.

We know that.

That's what we did at the games that year.

We had a little kitchenette.

I always look for Residence Inn.

That's always my go-to.

They're usually...

They're not going to be bougie,

but they're pretty decent hotels.

They're usually better three stars plus.

The other thing is I know

that most of the residents in,

this is how I know a bad hotel.

I will not stay.

I've learned this.

I will not stay in a hotel

that does not have central

air conditioning.

So if there's one of those window units,

I'm not staying there.

I've learned that the hard way.

I know that's still an option.


I thought that was never, I'm just,

I was going to say a bad joke.


Yeah, no, I won't.

I won't stay anymore.

I've learned that.

So now before I stay, I'm like,

I call him like,

do you guys have central

air conditioning?

If they don't, I'm like, nope,

I'm not going to like this

hotel and I won't go there.

So yeah, but.

So with LDY 2742, same, same blade broke.

They sent a new one,

but the blade stopped staying on.


I just,

I just literally took the whole

thing back.

I'm like, Hey, this thing isn't working.

And I got a new one.

I didn't even make a mention.

I'm like,

something's not right with this thing.

Target, that Target,

they don't say anything to you.

Most places will take everything back.

But yeah,

so I feel like this week's got

its recovery from the stress.

So let's go back to the

project before we finish up on this.

What's next with the project?

You got it all cleaned up.

So if you saw the pictures,

they're still like the posts.


So I have to get those out of the ground.

So it is, I just,

I have to buy a

sledgehammer and a pry bar.

And then I'm going to try to

get those up out of the ground.

You really are getting across the games.


So that is step, the next step.

Then it's build the mini

deck that's going to be just on the door.


Then it's going to be a

gravel and paver combo

floor with a gas fire pit in the middle.

And then it's going to have

flower boxes and veggie

boxes around the outside

that doesn't have trees already.

So you're planning on

becoming a little gardener.

We used to have a garden

when I first moved here,

but the animals would eat a

lot of what we did.

With this,

we're going to be able to raise

it up off the ground and

keep it out of the reach of

the little bunny rapids.

You know what I'm having an

issue with just talking

about this lawn stuff?

Two things.


I actually do want to take better care

of my lawn.

Anybody lawn specialist out there,

I got to figure out

how to get your lawn to grow

better when the soil's like not good.

And I've been reading about

like grass food and stuff that I,

I never thought I'd be

looking at this shit.

So I'm trying to take better

care of my lawn.

But two,

what is up with all the daddy long

legs in my house?

Not in my house, but like in my garage,

it's like I get them all out.

And two days later, there's 20 more again.

Can't figure it out.

They have lots and lots of

babies at a time.

It's driving me crazy.

I'm like, why are they, they're like,

they're freaking,

I literally get them all out today.

I'm going to move a dumbbell.

I'm like, Oh my God,

there's this freaking spider.

And I know that they're just

daddy long legs.

They don't really bother me that much,

but they're like everywhere in my garage.

And it's just driving me crazy.

So, so the grass thing,

there's actually a company

that makes the chemicals or yeah,

the chemicals for your lawn

based on where you live.

I think it's called Sunday.


And they send you a bag.

You hook it to your hose and

just spray it over the lawn.

And they send it to you for

each month for the climate, the area,

all that kind of stuff.

Oh, I just found it.

That's awesome.

Well, look at that.

I'm going to... You just

saved me the stress of...

Going on freaking and figuring

out what fertilizer I need

to get and all this stuff.

I'm just like not good at this stuff.


They just send it to your

home and you just hook it

to your hose and away you go.

That's awesome.

All right, cool.

Now you got to give me the

tips for the daddy long legs.

That I don't know.


I think it's something about eucalyptus.

I don't know, man.

They don't like the smell of

eucalyptus or something.


I guess I can buy like a bug spray too,

but my mom gets me all

freaked out about toxins.

My mom is very like weird about toxins.

It's funny because she's not

worried about toxins for people.

She's like, Cheryl,

you can't expose Jack to these toxins.

I'm like, what about me?

She's worried about the cat.

She's so worried about the

cats getting boys.

I'm like, what about me?

So anyways, all right,

we're getting off topic a little bit,

but it's all good.

So, um, yeah,

I feel like this week's got it's,

you've had a stressful

weekend labor wise.

Hopefully this weekend is fun.

not stress less.

Cause I'm sure there's going

to be some stress or trap,

but hopefully it's fun stress.

I mean,

you're going to be going watching

some cool people.

Maybe you guys do go out to dinner.

And that's the other thing

is like this weekend,

maybe you do have a night

out and you and Jamie and

your wife and y'all go out to get dinner.


Enjoy it a little bit.

That's what you work hard for.

We know Jamie's husband, Aaron,

very well now.

They're really good friends of ours.

And so part of this is just

going to get to see my friends.

Yeah, for sure.

I'm going to be watching.

Well, I don't know.

I haven't decided if I'm

doing the quarterfinals or not.

I'm going to be honest.

I know I need to.

I know I should,

if my goals are to get back

into competition, I need to do them.

Um, just sucks.

Like not feeling like I'm a

hundred percent healthy,

but just like I told you

doing the open workouts,

like it's not about that.

It's about just doing it.

So, um, workouts get released tomorrow.

I don't know exactly when

I'm doing it again.

They have a bunch of people

that are signed up for it.

I will probably try and go

around the time that the

other athletes are going there.

There is a core group of them,

so we'll see.

But yeah, so.

Well, that's today.


Corey has a good point.


I don't think so.

In fact, Corey,

what's funny is I just

started a new Facebook group.

Anybody on here,

it's called CrossFit Nutrition.

It's a group dedicated just

to CrossFitters that are

looking to dial in their nutrition.

And yesterday I made a post

about essentially the

teeter-totter of where I

feel like we are all

looking to find balance of.

And on one side of this seesaw,

I had performance,

and the other side I had aesthetics.

And at the balance point, I had health.


And so the reason I

mentioned this is because Corey wrote,

if any,

is anyone ever 100% healthy in our space?

And the reality is,

is that most athletes are

not as healthy as they could be,

you know?


Athletes typically are

walking the fine line of

pushing themselves,

even if they are working a

full-time job and trying to

compete because they are

still doing things,

usually when their body's

telling them that they shouldn't be.

And they're doing that for

the state of competition or

for seeing what they're capable of.

And so actually, Corey,

most athletes are

borderline unhealthy at part of the year.

Hopefully at other parts of

the year that they do find

themselves healthier.

LDY with 499.

Thank you so much.

Do what you can support the masters.

Coffee time.


We always appreciate the support.


Love it.


And that's,

that's what our versus series

is or through the ages,

whatever you versus the ages, whatever.

I don't think we've settled on anything.

We have an 18 year old going this weekend.

We have a 67 year old going

this weekend and we have a 40 year old.

That's awesome.

So you see the range of ages.

That's what we're trying to

highlight this weekend.

67 years old.

So my dad's 60th birthday is coming up.

And if anybody has any ideas

for me for birthday ideas

for 60th birthday, let me know.

Judy, it's really simple.

CrossFit Nutrition.

Couldn't get more original than that.

What's the name of the Facebook group?

CrossFit Nutrition.


Try to keep it simple until

CrossFit tells me to take it down.

Corey says his right calf

and left shoulder is nagging right now,

but that ain't going to

stop me from going a hundred percent.


That was the key question.

Will it stop you from

dancing before each event?

So Corey, that was me last year.

And that's how, this is how this ended me.


See, we're getting off top of this.


November of 2022.

the shoulder injury that had

been bothering me from

three years finally got bad

enough to where I was like, I'm done.

Haven't been able to snatch

over 125 pounds because it hurts.

I'm done.

I'm going to have surgery.

And then my right hamstring

started to bother me a little bit.

Wasn't too bad.

I can push through.

Before I knew it,

I tore the right hamstring.

Left one was bothering me as well.

A couple of weeks later,

tore the other one.

And last year,

was healing a shoulder tear

surgery with bilateral hamstring tears.

And I kept going until I

developed such bad ankle

tendonitis that now I can't

even walk without pain.

That's just what happens

when you don't know how to stop.


but my hamstrings are almost better and

my shoulder feels great.

If I could just get the

ankle under control now,

I think I'll be back to 100% again.

Corey says,

I already know the answer to that.



He's going to dance for everything.

Oh, good.

Is he a dancer?

He dances when, so I, this is, I've only,

I've known Corey for a

little bit and I saw him at

masters fitness collective

compete for the first time.

What I'll tell you is when

Corey knows it's his event,

you'll see him dance right before it.


Like when he's in that groove,

like he's in that zone and he knows,

he's going to shake a tail feather.

It's funny.

We all have our thing.

So when I was competing,

whenever I compete,

when I'm getting ready to go,

I always shake my legs.

Like my legs, like you'll see me,

like my legs go like left and right.

Like I just can't stay still.

That's my like adrenaline rush before I,

I don't know, it's weird, but yeah.

Just can't.

But anyways, yeah, be careful, Corey.

It ain't worth it.

So it was fun getting to

meet him in a competition setting and the,

and the guy I don't think

had ever done a three day comp before.

And so he,

he smiled from Friday through

Saturday when Sunday came, it was,

he's like, boss, I'm tired.

And you could just see like

everything coming out of his body.


Like I just got to finish

and I don't know how.



It's three day competitions is no joke.

It's going to be kind of cool.

Semi-finals they're doing

like a community event.

I saw that.

That'll be kind of fun for

anybody that wants to go

watch and stuff like that.

I'm actually going to make

that my birthday present to

myself this year.

So I'm going to take a

little trip drive up to Tennessee and,

Get a little vacay in and

see some semifinals.

So, Kenneth,

I wouldn't call it an Irish jig.

I would call it more of a cha-cha.

So, yeah.

More of like a little tight

cha-cha where you just kind of, you know.


maybe this year Corey will be at the

Legends, right?

That's the goal, right?



Well, with that,

I'm going to get back to life.

We'll see everybody next week.

We'll report out how the weekend went.

And we'll have a full

check-in this Thursday to report back on.

With that, we'll see everybody then.

Thank you so much.

You guys are the best.

Love y'all.
