Flip the Script with Vic

The Akashic Records are one of my favorite tools of healing and empowerment, helping you build trust in your intuition. In this week's episode we'll chat about what they are and how they can help you, serving as a personal guidebook to your soul's true essence. Tune in as I share my personal journey with the Records and how they have transformed my life. Plus, learn how you can open your own Records and tap into the wisdom of the Ascended Masters and loved ones on the other side. Get ready to flip the script and unlock the power of the Akashic Records.

Click here to book a 1:1 Embodied Akashic Records session with Victoria and experience the power of the Records for yourself.

Join The Portal Collective, Victoria's new on-demand kundalini and breathwork membership to help you access your highest self with a daily meditation practice, for the special founder's rate of $17/mo.

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email: victoriamargauxnielsen@gmail.com

Cover art: @house.of.morgan

What is Flip the Script with Vic?

Welcome to Flip the Script with Vic, your weekly pep talk to expand and shift your perspective. I’m your host, Victoria Nielsen. Together, we’ll unwind all the things you thought you knew, and awaken to what’s truly possible when you flip the script on your reality and take control of your own life.

Speaker A [00:00:00]:

Hi, loves. Welcome to another episode of Flip the script with Vic. I'm your host, Victoria Nielsen. This week we are talking about one of my favorite tools of healing and empowerment, the Akashic Records. If you have never heard of the Akashic Records, don't worry. I had never heard of it until 2018 when I kept seeing signs from the universe everywhere. I would pull the Akasha card from my Oracle card deck. I listened to a podcast about the Akashic Records, and I felt like it just kept coming up in all of the spiritual books and things that I was reading, and I had to learn more about it.

Speaker A [00:00:42]:

And so the Akashic Records are an energetic frequency. They contain everything that has happened, can happen and will happen. And a lot of people like to describe them as the great big library in the sky and that each person has their own book or Akashic record that contains all of this information. And after working with the records, since I became certified, I guess, for lack of a better word, or trained, I should say, in opening the records, I've come to find that actually it's a bit more fluid than that. I think of the records now more like your specific note in the symphony of all of the notes of the universe. And that when you are opening the records, so to speak, you are just tapping into that energy and attuning yourself to your soul's true essence, to your true energetic frequency, to the information that is pertinent to your soul and true to you. And the reason I really love the records is because absolutely anyone can be trained to open them. And they came to me in a time of need after my miscarriage at the end of 2018, i, like I said, was seeing kind of the Akashic Records everywhere, didn't really know what they were.

Speaker A [00:02:06]:

And after listening to a podcast, I reached out to my now mentor for an Akashic Records reading without really knowing what to expect. And the energy and the information that came through in the session was so healing and really the guidance that I needed in the moment about the fact that I was going to be a mom and actually that I was going to lead women's circles one day, which at the time was very far fetched. I was kind of like, okay, sure. But everything that happened in that reading came to fruition in its own way. And at the end of the session, my mentor was like, I feel really called to tell you that next week I'm starting this training. And I took it as a sign that that was what I was meant to do next. And so I did train with her and have since then opened the records of hundreds of people to share guidance and information. And I teach many of my clients how to open their own records because I feel like it was the first spiritual tool for me that allowed me to trust the information that I was receiving and begin to really trust my intuition and that innate inner knowing.

Speaker A [00:03:18]:

Because the Akashic Records you're connecting to, yes, your higher self, but you're also connecting to the ascended masters, teachers and any of your loved ones that want to come through. And the information that is shared with you, like in a channeled, intuitive reading, almost like you're going to a psychic, is how I like to think about it. It's that kind of information. But it is not psychic information, if that makes sense. It's the guidance that you need in the moment from all of these teachers and spirits on the other side that are here to support you. And I say that because you could open the records one day and ask a specific set of questions and get answers, and then the very next day you could open the records again, ask the same questions and receive different answers, because you need different guidance in the moment, but also because the records are mutable. And that's why I like to think of them more as this music. Note that's fluid versus a book that's stagnant because your records change from moment to moment based on your energy, any energy work that you're doing and the choices that you make.

Speaker A [00:04:29]:

You have free will here on Earth. And so the records will never tell you what you should or shouldn't do. They will just let you know how something will feel. So when you are working with the records, you ask questions like, why is X happening? What do I need to learn from this situation? How would it feel if I moved to California versus staying where I'm living right now? And the way that the information is transmuted to you depends on you. So just like you use your five senses for your intuition, the records will speak to you in those senses. So you may get sensations within the body. You may have a deep inner knowing, you may see visuals. I kind of have a combination of all of them.

Speaker A [00:05:20]:

But when I was first wanting to use the records, I would joke that I would word vomit because my inner knowing would just be lit all the way up and I couldn't talk fast enough or get the information out fast enough. And it was just channeling through me. And I teach women to do the same thing because we all have this innate power within to not only connect to ourselves, but connect to this guidance. And the Akashic Records live, quote unquote, in the pleiades star formation. So they do have a metaphysical house in the sky, if you will, and you're really opening your crown chakra at the top of your head to connect to that energy in the cosmos. And I've asked the records before to kind of explain what they are, who they are, and it's everything but also nothing at the same time. It is all the answers in the world, but also one single answer. And so it's a really big mind fuck kind of conundrum if you think about it.

Speaker A [00:06:25]:

And so I tell all of my clients to dispel disbelief when you say a prayer to raise your frequency and connect to the records. And you trust that what's coming through is the guidance that you need in the moment, and you trust that you are connecting to the records and let anything else go. And I also tell them that take what resonates with you and leave what doesn't because there may be certain information that just doesn't jive with you in the moment and that's okay, it may come to fruition later or not at all because your energy changes. And so I get that question a lot too of like, well, these answers came through in the records. Are they wrong now because I'm receiving different information in another session? No, they were true in the moment that they came through. And now a new truth is emerging based on the guidance that you need, your energy, all of that kind of stuff. And I really feel like the records should be talked about more because they really helped me through a dark time in my life when I needed that reassurance. I needed to know that I was going to be a mom.

Speaker A [00:07:37]:

I needed to know that everything was going to be okay again. And it helped me again. Trust that muscle, that intuitive muscle that I was learning to build at the time, I was new to a spiritual awakening. I didn't really know anything else beyond that. Okay, I had this thing called my intuition, and I should be listening to it. But by practicing this and opening the records and getting used to channeling information, I now can do it without officially saying the prayer and opening the records. I'm always tapped in, and that is a state of being that I want for every single person. Because when we move from that state, when we make choices from that intuitive state, from our heart space rather than a logical mind, we are in the highest alignment with our soul and with our purpose here on Earth.

Speaker A [00:08:31]:

And not that we should never make decisions from the mind, but checking in with the heart first is going to help you come from a place that sometimes the mind doesn't always understand and allow you to make decisions that are of a deeper discernment and again, at a soul level that your mind just can't comprehend. Because your mind is here to protect you. Your ego is here to protect you. And a lot of people say that we should eradicate the ego. But I actually really believe my mentor, Meg Sylvester, has talked a lot about this, that we should make friends with our ego and with our inner critic and actually ask them what they're trying to show us or what's really going on, because then we can have a conversation and move past it versus trying to act like it's not there. Because here on Earth we have that duality. That's why we're here, is to experience the dual nature of being a human on this planet. So it's not meant to always be sunshine and roses.

Speaker A [00:09:35]:

And so allowing the ego in to question maybe some of these answers that come in from the Akashic Records is healthy and is actually really good because it's going to show you the opposite sides of the spectrum so that you can come back to a neutral point that is right for you. And that's another reason I really love the records, is it's a really personal experience as everything is on this planet, right? But you will come to know how the record speaks to you in your own way. And it's different for every person. So just because I have this inner knowing where I word vomit out all of the information, that may be really different for you. You may see visuals or again, you may feel things in the body. And it's just like your intuition, our intuition speaks differently to every single person. If you know your human design. I know I talk about human design a lot on this podcast, but I feel like understanding my human design profile has been such a game changer for me because I have an open spleen.

Speaker A [00:10:39]:

And when you have an open spleen center, your intuition speaks to you through many different things. There's not one specific way that your intuition speaks with you. So I've come to find that my intuition speaks through song lyrics, through animals, through other people, as messengers, through things I'm reading or scrolling on Instagram. Everything is speaking to me from my intuition. And if you have a defined spleen, if you've looked at your human design chart, your intuition speaks to you in one specific way. And so the Akashic Records is a great way to figure out the way that that intuition speaks to you. Because the way that the records are coming through to you is most likely going to be the same way that your intuition is speaking to you in everyday life. And the records are subtle.

Speaker A [00:11:27]:

Your intuition is subtle. A lot of clients, when they start working with the records, want to receive this mind blowing information, right? And sometimes it can be mind blowing, but a lot of the time it's actually stuff that you already innately know and just need gentle reminders of. That you are loved, that you are supported, that you are source energy, that you are God and God is you, and you are of that same presence and material, and that there is no disruption between you and others. That we are all connected, that we are all one and the same. And people can be not upset by that in readings, but sometimes they really want specific answers and sometimes that's just not the guidance that you need in the moment. I know that I have asked so many times about my past lives when I've opened my own records. And for the longest time it didn't want to share with me because it would say that it wasn't pertinent to my current reality. And that was really frustrating because I was like, what do you mean? It would just be super cool to know.

Speaker A [00:12:33]:

But it wasn't until actually I was opening the records of a client that it came through that we had a past life connection together. And it was really wild to hear what that past life was. And both of us got full body chills and knew in confirmation that that was true. And it was time for me to know because I was being introduced to something from my past life that needed to be healed in this current life. But until then, the records didn't want to share that information. And you can be trained like I was to open the records for other people. I really like to only train women to open their own records because there are karmic implications, right? When you're giving someone an intuitive reading of any kind, I hold that in the highest integrity. And I will say not all practitioners out there do that.

Speaker A [00:13:23]:

And so if you are someone that has had an Akashic reading from someone else or any kind of intuitive reading, I always, always tell my clients, trust what feels true to you and what resonates with you. And like I said before, leave everything else because it is being skewed through the perception of that person that's doing the reading for you. And so I just don't teach others to open records other than their own because I don't want any of those karmic implications of, I don't know, someone passing along bad information or anything like that. And so when you open your own records again, you have free will. So you can choose to act on what comes through or you can choose not to, but it's going to be really subtle and it's going to be information that, again, you kind of already know at the soul level. And so this is a great tool for healing and empowerment because it's going to be really gentle and it's going to guide you into the areas of your life that you maybe need to put more focus on. I remember when I was trying to get pregnant with my second child, I opened the records a lot again to ask what I needed to do. And I kept hearing to cleanse the vessel, to cleanse the vessel.

Speaker A [00:14:34]:

And I was like, what the fuck does that even mean? Like, I eat really cleanly. I don't know what you're talking about. And then a friend of mine was leading a cleanse and I was like, okay, got it, universe. That's what you were trying to tell me. And so I feel like it just gives you these little breadcrumbs that you then can take and extrapolate from to figure out what that next step is for you, because that's all we're ever doing. No one knows the full picture or the full answer. We're following the little breadcrumbs like Hansel and Gretel to the next step, to the next thing that is going to reveal the next step to us. And so this is a tool that helps reveal that next step, and again, really empowers you to become your own healer and to find your own answers.

Speaker A [00:15:18]:

Because I was one of those people, especially when I became a new mom, I looked to everyone else for all of the answers, and even actually all through, I feel like my formative years, I wanted someone else to tell me what to do. It was too hard to think for myself. And that sounds terrible to say, but it's true. I didn't want to have to carry the burden of making a wrong decision. I was a people pleaser. I still am a little bit. I've gotten rid of a lot of those tendencies because it doesn't serve you. You're serving other people when you are bowing down to their wants and desires, when you are shrinking yourself to fit into this box or this mold that someone else has for you.

Speaker A [00:15:59]:

And it's only when you can begin listening to the whispers of your own soul and doing the things that feel good to you that you are going to expand, that you are going to be guided, that you are going to be in your full power and in your full sovereignty. We have discernment. And I feel like the Akashic Records allows you to tap into and become better at discerning what is for you and what is not. And in this day and age, that is vital, because we have so many things that are preaching to us and talking to us at all times. Your sovereignty and your discernment are of the utmost importance, because you have to decide what's true for you and then move from that place, because that's the only time you're going to be in your full power. And even listening to this episode, if there's parts of this episode that you're like, that fuck, no, victoria is wrong, makes no sense. That's awesome. I want you to have that level of knowing within your body that this is true or not true for you.

Speaker A [00:17:03]:

And that's what the Akashic Records can help you do. That's what the Akashic records can provide. And it also helped me with my anxiety, it helped me with my decision making. And I've gotten to a place now where I don't open the records as much as I used to. I used to open them, gosh every day, multiple times a day after my miscarriage, because I needed that reassurance that I was doing the right thing. But then it gets to a point where you just know. You know you're doing the right thing for you, and then you act from that place. And you don't need these tools, if you will.

Speaker A [00:17:38]:

That, to me, is the ultimate goal, is that you actually don't need me or sessions with me or any of these spiritual tools, because you're good on your own, because you know yourself, you know your energy, you know how to follow the signs. And yes, having these practices to fall back on is beautiful. I have a daily kundalini practice because it helps me form that muscle. It's like a workout. It's like a spiritual workout every day doing these things so that I know that I'm coming from that sovereign place, that I'm standing in my own energy and my own power when I'm making decisions for my life. Because you are the main character in your own life. If you are deferring to everyone else around you, to what they say that you do, you're now a secondary character. You're no longer the main character.

Speaker A [00:18:27]:

You're letting someone else be the main character in your story. Fuck that. You control your destiny. You control your life. You can choose in any moment to do things differently. And I hope that after listening to this episode, you're inspired to do just that. And if you would like to learn your own, learn your own well, learn to open your own Akashic records, I would love to help support you in that. I have one on one sessions, my embodied Akashic sessions, where I teach women to open their own records.

Speaker A [00:19:04]:

And I would be honored to help you on your spiritual journey. So check the show notes for how to schedule one of those with me. I hope that you do one intuitive thing today. Follow one intuitive ping, one intuitive nudge, even if it doesn't make sense to your logical mind. Take that one step, and I promise you, the universe will take ten more towards you. Thank you so much for listening today. I love being a part of your day. If you are enjoying the Pod cast peas, peas, peas, peas.

Speaker A [00:19:37]:

Like rate subscribe review and I will see you next week. Be good to one another. I love.