One Gospel Minute

One Gospel Minute Trailer Bonus Episode 29 Season 1

Be Thankful

Be ThankfulBe Thankful

Are you truly appreciative of God's will and blessings or do you dwell on dissatisfaction? Remember, our freedom is a divine gift. God's salvation plan calls for gratitude - that's the gospel message!

Read about this subject
  • Scripture: Colossians 3:15

What is One Gospel Minute?

Do you have a minute? You only need a minute to tune in to this show! Continuing his father's radio legacy, Tennessee Bible College President, David Hill, presents a brief daily Gospel podcast. Our aim is to inspire you to engage with the Word every day and nurture your faith. Just a minute can have a significant impact! One Gospel Minute Podcast is brought to you by Tennessee Bible College, offering Christian education in Cookeville, Tennessee since 1975.

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David Hill: [00:00:00] "Let the peace of God rule in your hearts to which you were called in one body and be thankful." (Colossians 3:15). Hi, I am David Hill. Be thankful. Are you obedient to the word and will of God? It's important. Then among all the other things mentioned by the Apostle Paul to the church at Colossae was be thankful.

So the question is, are you? Are you thankful for your daily bread, or do you complain? Are you thankful for the good things, luxuries we enjoy, or are you just never satisfied? Are you so busy complaining that you failed to see the marvelous blessings of liberty? No matter what a skeptic may say, our liberty came from nature's God, Almighty God, who provided a plan to save mankind.

One plan to put man into one body, the church. The good news is, we have a reason to be thankful. That's the gospel! Thank you for listening to One Gospel Minute. Stay in touch with our podcast on [00:01:00] our website and on Apple, Spotify, YouTube, or wherever fine podcasts are distributed. Tennessee Bible College, providing Christian education since 1975 in Cookeville, Tennessee, offers undergraduate and graduate programs. Study at your level. Aim higher. Get in touch with us today. Don't you want to go to heaven when you die?