Peaches Pit Party

TODAY’S TOPICS INCLUDE - People going to the ER trying to recreate Olympic events, the top party schools in the US, a company is releasing caffeinated ramen for gamers, a Filipino gymnast is getting the hero’s treatment for winning the country’s first gold medal, Tom Delonge made fun of a terrible review of Blink-182’s performance at Lollapalooza, and today's To Peach Their Own question - What is the biggest – or most ferocious – animal you think you could fight with your bare hands … and survive?

What is Peaches Pit Party?

A replay of Peaches Pit Party which you can hear on KBEAR 101 weekday afternoons 2pm - 7pm MST

It's Peaches here, and this is Peaches Pit Party, the podcast. A lot of puh sounds with that title. A replay of today's full show, which you can hear weekday afternoons live on Kay Bear 101. I hope you like what I have to say. And if not, well, then I'm sorry, not sorry.

Enjoy. Kay Bear 101, Idaho's only rock station. Now I thought it was always dumb to see that constant warning before any wrestling event or any wrestling pay per view, I should say, that it says, hey. Please do not try this at home even with those, what I'm gonna call the Johnny Knoxville movies, the j word movies. It says, hey.

Please don't try this at home. And I'm thinking, who's stupid enough to try these stunts at home? Well, of, according to this, here article that the some doctors are seeing a rise in injuries from people trying to mimic the moves of Olympic athletes at home. People are attempting backflips, high jumps, dives, hopping on skateboards for the first time in years only to end up in the ER. I never once watched the Olympics and think, hey.

Maybe I could replicate what, what they're doing out there. Try swimming like one of the, Olympic swimmers. 1 of the doctors said, we frequently see people come to physical therapy after watching the Olympics neither revisiting a sport they have previously participated in or inspired to take up something new and are unfortunately affected by an injury during this activity. A backflip is a wonderful thing to watch for those who have practiced for many years but can be dangerous that this is new to you. Not once have I watched one of those gymnasts and said, hey, maybe I should attempt to back flip myself.

If I had tried doing a back flip in my living room, my feet would hit the ceiling. I'd launch myself into the floor. I'd end up with a broken neck, possibly even dead. What a way to go out attempting to recreate an Olympic event. Do you think colleges out there want to have or want to be the, the school that has the most parties.

The top party schools, I'm looking at a list here. 2024's top 10 party schools. The top 3 here are UC Santa Barbara at number 1, Florida State number 2, Tulane University at number 3. Do you think the, the staff there at the school say, hey. Come to our college.

We're we're the top one of the top party schools in the US. I wonder how they found this out. Says here from This is where they found, let's see here. Did they just take reviews from, students or former students?

Alumni, I should say? Oh, so they they took the grading. Wait. This makes no sense. Do they do they grade it themselves?

Do they show up to campus and say, hey. A a minus 4. Oh, no. It's a this, website ranks everything about the university. Overall, University of California Santa Barbara got an a for academics, a for diversity, a minus for athletics, a minus for value, a for campus, and a plus party scene.

It does seem like a great school to go to, and the, acceptance rate's pretty or the acceptance rate's pretty high. But, the the tuition also is not that all expensive compared to many other schools in the nation. Like USC. USC is a great school. I've always been a fan of UCLA.

USC is a great fantastic institution, but it's so weird to see that university in the middle of the hood. To have all that ghetto around USC, it's just it's very weird. People probably fantasize that, you know, UCLA and USC are great schools, and they have some great neighborhoods around the campus. You you show up to USC the first day, you're in for a treat. I I saw this news story, and I automatically thought it was fake.

It was from The Onion or some sort of satire website. But, no, this is 100% real. A Japanese company. What's their name again? Let me scroll down here.

Oh, I've lost it. No. Wait. Wait. It's back there.

Nippon Ham has launched caffeinated ramen built for gamers, and it's not the traditional cup of noodles that you can just eat with this chopsticks or spoon or whatever utensil you wanna use. It's more so like in a protein shake container that you just chug, and it's caffeinated. Yeah. Oh, boy. This, this description here is pretty, pretty spicy.

The squeezable ramen pouch features a 16 millimeter spout that lets noodles flow freely into your mouth. There you go. They knew what they were doing when they wrote this article. It is funny with the Olympics. If you win a gold medal here in the US, I think you earn, like, tens of 1,000 of dollars.

It's not nowhere near what you'll earn if you, win a gold medal in another country. Like, China pays their their athletes, like, $800,000, something like that. But this Filipino gymnast, Carlos Yulo, is the 1st Olympic gold medalist in the history of the Philippines, and he's going home to a hero's welcome according to a local company's post on Twitter. Yulo will receive a lifetime of free buffet meals from Vikings, a fully furnished 2 bedroom condo from MegaWorld Corporation. That's a terrible name.

MegaWorld Corporation sounds like a cartoony, like, villain company. Lifetime free food and drinks at tipsy pig locations and a lifetime of free colonoscopies from doctor Virgil Lowe. You'll also receive a lifetime of free bock double double boxes from bock Korean fried chicken, a whole bunch of good stuff. The government will also give you a low $52,000 for his accomplishments. Good for him.

I feel like we should be, compensating these athletes pretty well. I mean, they're training every time the Olympics aren't on. And, of course, the Olympics are on every 4 years. They had to train all for that one moment. And then I talk about it with my parents.

I was having a heated debate with them when I was back at home talking about if I won bronze or silver, I wouldn't even want the medal because it's just, like, glorifying that I got 3rd or second place, and I didn't get first. You know? Ricky Bobby said it best. If you're not first, you're last. The Chicago white sox lost their 21st game in a row last night and continue to make history in a bad way.

Only 3 teams have lost 20 consecutive games in the last 80 years. The 1961 Phillies, where they lost 23 in a row, the 1988 royal Orioles, not Royals, Orioles, 21 in a row, and the 1969 expos where they just lost 20 who were an expansion team, so that barely counts. The White Sox haven't won a game in 27 days. The locker Kobe Bryant used at Staples Center from 2003 to 2016 sold at auction for a staggering $2,900,000, becoming the most valuable sports locker ever sold. The bidding started at $750,000 but skyrocketed in the last 20 minutes because of 4 eager and wealthy bidders.

A portion of the proceeds from the auction was donated to the Los Angeles Lakers Youth Foundation. What are you gonna do with that locker? I'm assuming some, like, rich old guy bought it, and he's gonna have it in his living room for bragging rights. Like, hey. This is the locker Kobe used when he was on the Lakers just killing it.

And last but not least, when it comes to Olympic gymnastics, Simone Biles' work, her work at the 2024 Summer Olympics is done, and she definitely made the most of her time in Paris. Biles is the most decorated gymnast of all time with 11 total Olympic medals, including 7 gold in Paris. She also became the oldest American gymnast to win a gold medal at 27. Her comeback this summer was remarkable and captured the imagination of America, especially since just a couple years ago she didn't think she would even compete. She competed and walked away with 4 medals.

Not too shabby. That does it for your Shot Clock Sports Update right here on KBUR 101. It makes me laugh to see, funny reviews about people going to see bands for the very first time, and then they come back and say, well, that wasn't what I expected. And this one lady, I don't know what she, wrote for. It was a BuzzFeed.

She did a review about Blink 182's performance, that closed Lollapalooza. And, well, part of her review says, why are 2 older men aged 52 and 48 respectively who have wives and children making jokes about each other's mothers? The crude the crude humor may have landed the sum, but to continue throughout the hour and 15 minute long set was a bit much. It's a question that was never answered. One would think maybe they'd stop and the joke may stand as a one time thing.

It wasn't the entire performance in between songs. De Laun and Happas made quips sticking to the vulgar theme. And, of course, Tom DeLonge responded on Instagram just laughing at this person's review because, clearly, I don't think she's ever heard of Blink 182 before and was just, like, told, hey. Go write a review of Lollapalooza, in which Lollapalooza overall is such a lame lame thing because it's like you got more so it's like it's like we got Coachella in what? Chicago?

That's what it basically is? You look at the lineup, and it's Tyler the Creator, Hozier, all these different pop artists that no one really cares about. We got the Killers in there. You got, yeah, the the rapper Future. It's just not appealing to me.

So a 6 year old was denied a passport because her name Khaleesi is trademarked by Warner Brothers. Her mother Lucy from England said her daughter's passport application was denied because, well, she was named after a Game of Thrones character. Here's that typical phrase, I was absolutely devastated. We were so looking forward to our first holiday together. That absolutely devastated comment is so overused.

Why would you give your daughter a stupid name, Khaleesi? Name it after a famous character and then wonder, oh, why why why couldn't she get a passport? I guess she was, planning a trip to Disneyland Paris where she received the devastating news. I never thought you could trademark a name. You're named Lucy, which is a common name, and then you're like, what can be extravagant and weird?

I don't wanna name my kid like Haley. That's h a l e I g h. Like that weird version of Haley. Let's go with Khaleesi because I love Game of Thrones. Most likely, this girl will have to legally change her name.

Why did the tortoise cross the road? Police in Oregon, they're trying to find that out. So cops in Portland found the runaway tortoise on side of interstate 205. Following a very slow speed chase, officers were able to wrangle him and hold on hold onto him until animal control officers arrived. They identified him as Bowser, a great name for a pet tortoise, that was reported missing 2 days earlier.

His home was located on the other side of I 205, which means that he managed to crawl across the very busy interstate and survived. A, a police spokesperson said it's not clear where Bowser has been for the past 2 days or how he traversed the interstate freeway, but PBP is, gratified that he is safe and sound and back home with his family. And to answer the question, the tortoise crossed the road to get to the Shell station. Of course, that's what this article says here at the very end. One of those terrible dad jokes that I regret saying live on air.

It is now that time for the peach their own, where I ask you, the listener, a question you give me your best or dumbest response on the air as long as it's, radio friendly. Right? Well, today's question, I saw this, and I was like, this should be interesting to see how tough you think you really are. What is the biggest or most ferocious animal you think you could fight with your bare hands and survive? I did see a few people say kangaroo, which, I don't know if you've ever seen a buff kangaroo, especially down in Australia, but, they're pretty big.

I feel like their kicks would be pretty lethal there. But if you wanna let me know your answer, call in live to the show at 208-535-1015. What is the biggest or most ferocious animal you think you could fight with your bare hands and survive? So if you were to, fight an animal, what is the biggest or most ferocious animal you think you could fight with your bare hands and survive? I'm gonna give a Victor Will dancer.

A kitty cat. That's more realistic than what some people are putting in this Facebook comment section. I saw the top answer was a kangaroo. The only reason I say that is because I had to wrestle with dogs when they've been ferocious and vicious, and I wouldn't even want to tangle with one of those. So I'm not too cool about that.

So I said a kitty cat. Because at least that one, you can grab it by the head and Yeah. Put it down. Wow. Crazy Jason, since I have you on the phone, do you wanna answer today's Depeach the Rhone?

Sure. Might as well. What what is the biggest or most ferocious animal you think you could fight with your bare hands and survive? I'd probably lose to it, but probably small gorilla. A small gorilla?

I would love to see that fight ever happen. I I just saw this whole thread on Twitter, I believe, of how big animals actually are. Like, you don't realize how big some of these animals are. And someone compared someone compared their hand to the size of a gorilla's, and the gorilla's paws or their hands are huge. I can't I can't imagine you taking on a small gorilla at all.

I could I could maybe see, like, a squirrel, a chihuahua, maybe even go on. And maybe even, like, a kangaroo. I would love to see Crazy Jay against the kangaroo. But, Kangaroo would be fine. Yeah.

But a small gorilla kangaroo kangaroo or roos are are mean. They are. They're terrible. There's there's so many of them in Australia. Of course, you could take care of 1, and it wouldn't do anything to the the kangaroo problem down there.

Hey, K Bear. How's it going? Good. How are you, peaches? I'm doing fantastic.

What is the biggest or most ferocious animal you think you could fight with your bare hands and survive? A wolf. A wolf, I think I think. If it's multiple, then no. But I think a person could fight off a wolf.

Alright. What would be your tactic? To punch it in the face? Punch it, choke it, whatever you gotta do. Probably probably try to choke it out.

I think that'd be your best chance. Try to hit it with the, Undertaker's tombstone pile driver? Yeah. Something like that. Powerball, but who knows?

Thanks for listening to Peach's Pit Party, the podcast. If you enjoy the show, please share, to contact the show, visit Until next time, Peach out.