Tune in to Your Insurance Connection with Donald Marquez, a seasoned insurance broker based in Southern Nevada. In this episode, Donald shares valuable insights into various insurance types, emphasizing the importance of understanding and reviewing your policies. From handling auto accident claims to demystifying homeowners insurance and providing solutions for life insurance, Donald's expertise guides listeners through the intricacies of coverage. Whether you're a seasoned policyholder or a first-time buyer, this show offers essential tips and considerations to ensure you make informed decisions about your insurance needs. Don't miss this episode that empowers you to take charge of your insurance choices.


We talk about saving money on auto insurance, homeowners insurance, and - yes - we talk about life insurance!

Unknown Speaker 0:00
You're listening to locally produced programming created in KU NBC Studios on public radio K, u and v. 91.5. The following is a paid program sponsored by your insurance connection. The content of this program does not reflect the views or opinions of 91.5 Jazz and more the University of Nevada, Las Vegas or the Board of Regents of the Nevada System of Higher Education.

Unknown Speaker 0:32
Good morning. This is your insurance connection. I'm your host. Donnell Marquez, on your insurance connection. We talk about saving money on auto insurance, homeowners insurance. Yes. And we talk about life insurance. Welcome to the show.

Unknown Speaker 0:52
Good morning. My name is Donald Marquez, and this is your insurance connection broadcasting that K u and v 91.5. Jazz and more Sunday morning from 8am to 830. Welcome to my show. Welcome. Welcome. And I want to thank to continue listeners that contact me about their insurance concerns. I am an insurance broker, right here in Southern Nevada born and raised my hometown, my beautiful city. And, you know, I've been servicing you with your life insurance, your homeowners, your auto insurance. And it's a pleasure to do it. I love when people listen to the program, they contact me come in on the appointment time on time. And we sit down and we take care of business. And the point of this show is to educate you about insurance, the listeners to educate you about you know, the insurances you pay for every month, or however you pay your insurance is something that we all have to have is there, I don't care if you drive a car, if you drive a car, you have to have insurance, right? You own a home, you have to have insurance, if you're a renter, you need renter's insurance, and everyone should have life insurance, that's just automatic. If you're on a boat or motorcycle, you need insurance, to cover the what ifs, insurance is there to cover the what ifs to cover the liability. Now, people say I've never had an accident before. You know, I've heard this over my 27 years in my career, I've never had an accident, there's no protective bubble for you, you know, when an accident occurs, then all of a sudden, what do I do next. And when you listen to this program, you'll know what to do next, you know, the first thing you want to do is contact your insurance agent. And find out whether an agent wants to find out whether you're at fault or not. That's the key right there. Now, when you're not at fault, and I can't stress this enough, do not file a claim against your own policy, file a claim against a person that hit you and your vehicle. Now, when you file a claim, and I've seen it many, many times in my career, on your own insurance policy, and you're not at fault, they put you at fault. I don't know why they do that. But they put you at fault. Now when you shop for insurance, because all of a sudden now your your insurance rate is just after your claim has closed out. He's all my insurance went up. And you contact your insurance company said Well, there was an accident reported. And did you have that accident occur? Yes, it did. But you don't realize when I run your driving history, another company Roger, right, run your driving history, they see that you were at fault, but you really wasn't at fault. Now, and I always tell my clients as well, did you have an accident on this particular date? And they say yes, I did. But you're at fault. And this is why your rates are going up? No, no, I was not at fault. That person hit me. They were sighted. However, I asked them, Did you file a claim against your own auto insurance policy? And they say yes, I did. That's why I pay for insurance. And it makes a lot of sense. But it doesn't work out that way from time to time. And I've seen this happen many times in my career. This is why it's important to have an insurance review. My name is Donald Marquez, this is your insurance connection, my contact number 702-236-2624 702-236-2624. What you would need from your insurance company is what we call a letter of experience. A letter of experience will we can take that claim off that file at fault and make it into a no fault with a proof of evidence have experienced on the evidence of experience from your current auto insurance carrier will tell us whether you have fault or not. And I don't know why the common practice is when you file a claim against your policy. These companies will put you at fault. I recommend if they if it's not your fault, you will you were not cited, file a claim against a person's policy. When you do file a claim against your own policy, there's a possibility that you will pay for your deductible. Now, when you file a claim against another person's policy that hit you, there's no deductible rental car, you can get a rental car, you don't pay any fees for the rental car. Keep in mind, the policy is only going to pay to the policy limits. Now, if you are injured in an accident, and the person is carrying the minimum state requirements on the auto insurance policy, we're talking about the person that you and the auto accident and they were cited, or they just gave you their information, because you know, they were at fault. And they have the minimum state requirements as far as the liability portion of their auto insurance policy. And that minimum is $25,000 per person $50,000 Each accident $20,000 property damage. Now your bodily injury because a person Ain't you keep in mind, stay with me here that the limits the max that they will pay out is $50,000 each occurrence. Fortunately, in the state of Nevada, they raised the limits of liability a couple of years ago. For many, many years, we had the minimum salary requirement at only $15,000 per person 30,000 Each accident $10,000 property damage with the cost of medical going up and the cost of vehicles going up. It made sense to increase the liability portion to what it is today at $25,000 per person 50,000 Each accident, but just say your injuries are not it not enough there at $50,000 to pay for your injuries. Now this is when you use the uninsured motorist portion of your auto insurance policy to pay for any additional bodily injury. Now, now uninsured and underinsured motorist is misunderstood coverage, because you know a lot of individuals think that it covers the damage to your vehicle from a driver that hit your car. No, it does not it covers you and the passengers for bodily injury. Now if the person has medical which most people don't have medical and their policy, you can file a claim against the medical or if you have medical on your own policy, you can file a claim against your medical now, their time wait, okay, I'm gonna wreck I go see an attorney, that's your option. However you can work with the insurance companies, you can work with the insurance companies with your bodily injuries, going to your doctor of choice. And Matt, perhaps your doctor of choice will refer you to physical therapy. Now, once they refer you to physical therapy, you have to go to physical therapy, you're creating a case for the adjuster to review and determine what your accident is worth. Now you can do this on your own, or you can do it with an attorney, it really doesn't matter. That's your choice. And I tell you this, because I've been in car accidents before myself. And I did not use an attorney. Because I know the insurance companies, what they will do and what they won't do based on 27 years of experience. However it doesn't make doesn't make sense to me to give an attorney 33% or 40% of my settlement. It does not does that mean an attorney is gonna get more money from me? Oh, you're or do I get less money. I've seen in many cases where our attorney gets more money than the person that was hitting the car or no money at all. No money at all. Now, this is factual. I'm not making this up. I've seen many years where the attorney will get paid, the doctors will get paid, and the person that was in the car accident gets absolutely nothing very little. This would happen. And when you're paying out 33 to 40% I think now you know you can have to talk to your attorney. If you do go to with an attorney, you may want to negotiate those extraordinary fees 33% 33% of your settlement. Let's break it down. Now you'd have $50,000 settlement, your attorney is going to take 40% of that in most cases 40% of $50,000 the doctor gets whatever the doctor gets, and because they're going to negotiate the attorney will negotiate the doctor's fees, you know and to get as low as they can and then you receive the balance. Even at 40% That's a lot on $50,000 40% You know that's that's $20,000 right off the top if I'm African Raise $50,000 That's that's a lot of money. And then let's say your doctor bill is 20,000. So now the lawyer he gets 20, the doctors get 20 And you're left with 10

Unknown Speaker 10:14
doesn't make a whole lot of sense to me. They've given up that much money on a percentage, you can do it yourself. Now for more information call 702-236-2624. My name is Don Marquez. Now I have nothing against attorneys don't get me wrong. Sometimes you do need attorneys, especially when it comes to filing a claim for the uninsured motorist portion of the policy. Sometimes you will need an attorney if there's you know, a serious car accident or by a commercial vehicle. Yes, you may need an attorney or if there's a fatality, you may need an attorney or that there are some permanent disabilities. That's when your lawyer comes in and, and helps you out with a for these minor fender bender. For these minor fender benders a lot of these minor fender benders, you could take care of yourself just by contacting your insurance agent. Or you can always contact me at 702-236-2624 702-236-2624 I'll guide you through the steps step by step. Now if you choose to go with an attorney, or somewhere down the line, that's your choice. Always your choice is not a requirement when you had a car accident, of course, we've been brainwashed, get a rat, get a check. We've heard that before, right. But again, you know, you get the you get the wreck. In most cases, the attorney gets the check. When you see these attorneys advertising on these buses going down the street, and billboards commercials on television, though that ad is not free. And it comes from somewhere. It comes from customers like you. And also it raises your car insurance rates. When we have all this litigation, it raises your car insurance rates people call me all the time say hey, why my rate is so expensive. I just moved to Vegas. And I thought I thought that in Vegas, Las Vegas, the rates would be a lot lower than where I came from. And regardless what where they came from moving to Las Vegas, for whatever reason, if you will think that car insurance rates are lower here. No, they're not every city has something. That's our something. And I try to do everything I can as an insurance professional, to help you understand your auto insurance. And when you bundle your home and auto together, meaning your home owners annual Auto is with the same company. It helps lower the rates, it up lowers the raise, let's talk about homeowners for a little bit. Because lately I have been receiving calls for people that asked me to give them a homeowner's quote. Now I don't mind giving you a homeowner's quote, I don't quote, life insurance quote. But when you come to me and you have three claims on your home, within the last five years, and I know your insurance company is non renewing you because you have three claims, and five years or you've had two claims, and five years and under some of these insurance companies underwriting guidelines, for homeowners, if you add, let's say two claims in a one year to claims and 12 months, they may or may not renew your homeowner's policy. Now when they do that to you, it makes it very difficult to fire for homeowners find a homeowner's insurance company that pay you're gonna pay the rate that you've been paying. I've had people call me up and say, you know, I've had two claims on my homeowners. I'm with company A, and I'm trying to put them with a different company. Right, the company that I don't represent, and I'm trying to I'm trying to place them with homeowners insurance, when you have claims, you have to examine those claims, is it worth filing the claim. Now, if your damage is only $1,500, for an example, I've seen this over and over, your damage to your home was only $1,500. Let's say you had a minor flood. Now your deductible on your homeowners insurance policy is $1,000. Now with the homeowners insurance policy, they're going to deduct that deductible from your settlement. So 50 $100 Claim your deductible is $1,000. The balance that you're going to receive is $500. Now you take that $500 And you go get your home fix whatever damage occurred or get your home or get your home repaired or whatever flood damage if for example for flood a minor flood, but this happens all the time people fall claims that I say you should have just taken care of this yourself. Because now you have one claim and then something else comes up. Maybe you have wind damage on your home. That's a significant claim. That's a 20 $30,000 claim because it would wind damage. Then now you have a small minor claim with a large claim and within 12 Almost the the homeowners insurance company, they do have the option to non renew you say thank you for your business. But no thanks. You know you have to find another company it makes it very difficult for you have fine insurance at the rates that you're accustomed to. Not I do my best to try to find the rates convenient, not only you know affordable, I use the word convenient but it's convenient to know that you know, you you have someone to talk to before you file a claim. It's convenient to know you can contact me at 70223626247022362624 Whether you my client or not, to make a decision what is best. Now, if you have a let's say a jewelry loss in your homeowners policy, the policy limits is going to be a certain it's going to be capped off at a certain dollar amount. And now if your jewelry was lost or stolen, or mysterious disappearance, there is a cap on your jewelry. Most of those caps are either 2500 or $5,000. If your homeowners insurance policy is not endorsed for large amounts of cover a large amount of jewelry. Now let's say a thief came in your home and you do not have the endorsement on your homeowners insurance policy. You have $30,000 worth of jewelry. A thief comes in your home, why are you away, takes $30,000 With your jewelry. But your homeowners insurance policy limit for jewelry is only $5,000. This is why it's good to get it review. Because you wouldn't have known you've only had $5,000 worth of coverage on your jewelry until you file a claim. Now you have $5,000 policy limits on your homeowner's policy. Your deductible is $1,000. Your settlement is only $4,000. But the thieves took a lump sum of $30,000. Again, this is why it's a good reason to have a review that will go over your auto insurance, your homeowners insurance, I'm going to ask you those questions. Do you have jewelry, art collectibles, do you want to insure them. Now if you say yes to these items, and I have $30,000 worth of jewelry, and of course you know sometimes we need documentation or pictures, it's always good to have pictures of your jewelry, and documentation put together and put your jewelry in a safe place. Do not leave it in your jewelry box. When you leave, especially when you go out on vacation. Put your jewelry in the safe place. That's the first thing these thieves want to look at as your jewelry box. Take all your personal items, everything they can to make money off for you. And then when you get back from your vacation, or maybe sometimes it just going around a corner to the grocery store. It happens quick. And you find out quickly. your homeowners insurance policy may not have enough coverage to cover you. If you're just tuning in for the very first time. My name is Donald Marquez broadcasting right here at K u and v 91.5. Jazz and more every Sunday morning from 8am to 830. I'm a licensed insurance broker educating you about insurance, your options. As a consumer when it comes to purchasing insurance. And don't ever say to yourself, I'm good. I'm not worried about it. I've been with my company for many years. And when people tell me that you're the first ones are not so good. When you've been with your company for a very long time you didn't you know, I filed a few claims and and they took care of me. And that's all good. But you know, sometimes there are holes in your policy, there are holes in your policy that you need to review and make sure that you are fully covered. Now, in there are times when people can crease their deductible on their homeowners insurance policy to save money. Now I've seen you know up to $2,500 even $5,000 deductibles on homeowners insurance. Now homeowners insurance is not what it used to be like say 20 years ago. 20 years ago people you know, I mean when you go out and buy at 100 square foot home, your homeowners insurance is probably less than $500 a year. Those days are long gone. Now if you have a pet. Of course some of the insurance companies are taking a different avenue when it comes to pets, especially with what we call the the vicious dogs that Rottweilers, Doberman Pinschers, you know, and they're taking a different look, but it's always good to let you homeowners insurance company know that you do have a pit bull that you do have a rat Wilder, German Shepherd, that could be on a list of dogs that are not covered under the liability portion of a homeowner's or renter's insurance policy. Now as The landlord, you should encourage your tenants to carry renter's insurance, and because you're not responsible for their personal property, and if they do have a suffer loss, you can. For instance, let's say for an example of fire, they have a fire in your unit, you can file a claim against a renters insurance policy, the only thing you would need to do is add yourself on as additional named insured. Now it can be a requirement within your lease to have renter's insurance, renter's insurance is extremely affordable, it covers for damages that they may cause to your unit. And now, if they do cause damage to your unit, you can easily file a claim against their policy with cause you're now listed as what we call additional named insured. My name is Donnell Marquez, this is a your insurance connection. My contact number is 702-236-2624 702-236-2624 located on the corner of Sahara Rancho, in the US Bank Center, located on the eighth floor, I love what I do, I love to meet you. And I want to thank the listeners that came in and purchase. Home auto life insurance. It's 2024. Now it's time to get a home in order 2024. If you don't have life insurance, and you at the age of 6070. And even in your 80s up to 85 years on, I can get you a life insurance policy. And I'm targeting this age group because this is a sensitive age group without any type of life insurance protection. 70 years young 80 plus years young, no life insurance, who was going to pay for this very expensive funeral? Something that you should be responsible for taking care of yourself. Are you okay with leaving your loved ones in debt? Because you didn't take time I'd say you know what, I've kicked the can long enough. I've waited long enough to purchase life insurance. Now it's time I can find a life insurance policy that will fit in your budget will make it affordable, even if you have underlying health conditions. Lupus history lupus cancer, diabetes, type one type two diabetic. If you're on dialysis, we can get you a life insurance policy at your insurance connection. I'm a licensed broker, I represent multiple life insurance companies. up then six to seven I believe it is 67 Life insurance companies. I'll find a company that will fit your need. I need to know what medicines you're currently taking. Holly, I will ask a few questions about your history whether you're a smoker or not. I don't receive any calls from smokers. All my customers don't smoke. Lucky me. Right? When it comes to life insurance, I want to I'm fully transparent. You have to be transparent with me as well. I know when people come in and they smell I can smell it on. And when you don't smoke, you can smell the smoke. Now maybe you just love a casino. I'm gonna give you the benefit of that. I'm gonna ask you the question. Are you a smoker? Now some policies there's no health examination. Just a few health questions. And there yes or no questions. A one page easy application that I fill out for you and miss most people qualify even with health issues. 702-236-2624 702-236-2624 My name is Don Marquez, this is your insurance connection. I'm an insurance broker 27 years in the business. Now I do have a life insurance policy. If you are a person that that no upper that you have a friend or maybe a family member with AIDS or HIV, we have a policy knock on wood. I have a policy now of between age 40 and 80 that will cover HIV or AIDS. Between 40 and 80 years old now every situation is different to contact me and I'll tell you what limits of coverage we can get for the person between ages of 40 and 80. If they have HIV or AIDS in the past I could not cover persons with HIV or AIDS but now I found a company that will cover between 40 years young and 80 years young. If you have or know someone that has HIV or AIDS don't give up even if you own cancer medications on your you know your stage one stage two with over 12 months to live with a stand your heart on blood thinners there's I still can get you a life insurance policy rates and benefits are locked in for the life of the policy 702 to three 620s takes 24 Just a few simple health questions. I mean, just let's go over a few right here. disease of the heart, including a heart attack, heart surgery, or congestive heart failure. That's one of the questions that's asked disease of the soul Kotori system, including stroke aneurysm, are being advised have surgery to improve circulation? That's a yes or no question. Cancer other than basal cell skin cancer, disease of the lungs, including COPD or emphysema. Other than asthma? This is one of the health insurance questions that's a yes or no answer. And here's another one disease of the liver or kidney, or I had an organ transplant. Now even if you answer yes to all those, you can still get a life insurance policy 702-236-2624 My name is Don Marquez, this is your insurance connection. Rates and benefits are locked in for the life of the policy. final expense. Everyone has final expenses. Everyone, when they when I want you around for a long time, when you pass away, someone is left with a bill. It's just the nature of what it is to bury you today. And to pave those additional expenses after you are buried. Now, the burial is a first expense. That's a huge, expensive way and we're talking about, you know what to own the traditional burial between 15 to $20,000. On average today, that's a lot of money to come up with all at once. A lot of money to come up with all at once. But you know, you've kicked the can so long. And you say well, I know it's gonna be expensive if I get life insurance, who's gonna pay for that? Who was going to pay this very expensive funeral, when you could chip away at a little bit at a time, this is what life insurance is here for? You know, I never was I don't want to get anybody rich, without getting rich, but don't put them in a poor house. Because when they take care of your final expenses, because you didn't know you putting them in the poor house, at least $20,000 Easy, even at the funeral is only only $12,000. Let's take for an example. The funeral is $12,000 Because you're a veteran, and they buried you in the Veterans Cemetery. So that was a substantial savings on the plot. But now, the funeral costs 12,000. They had to take time off from work to take care of your funeral. They had to pay your mortgage or your rent for a few months. The money adds up, you have a car, they have to make car payments, pay the car insurance, they have to move all the furniture out of your home. This is this is expensive. It's expensive lesson to learn. If you don't have any life insurance, and you say to yourself, you know I'm not going to worry about it. I don't want to talk about it. But you should talk about someone who is going to be left with that very expensive lesson. Because you didn't want to talk about life insurance. I can help you with a policy that that is affordable. You know we can make a monthly draft to fit in your account. You can select the due date between the first and the 28th of each month. My name is Don Marquez, this is your insurance connection. I wish everybody good luck today on football. I really do. Last week. There was multiple upsets. I'm glad I didn't bet. But you know this week. I hope it's a lot more predictable than it was last week. We got to broadcast next week from 830 From 830 to 830. My name is Don Marquez. This is your insurance connection. 702-236-2624 702-236-2624. Until next week, just keep it crispy. Thank you for listening

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