National Health Executive News

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Daily News from National Health Executive

And here’s today’s news from National Health Executive on Monday the 1st of July 2024.
A new survey of more than 11,000 nurses has revealed that only a third of shifts have enough registered nurses on them, according to the Royal College of Nursing. The RCN said that its findings show that one in three hospital shifts were missing at least a quarter of the requisite registered nurses.
Numbers were even worse in the community, with nearly four in 10 shifts missing up to half of the planned number of nurses. Four in five of the surveyed RCN members also said there are not enough nurses to meet the needs of patient safety. The RCN has now called for safety-critical nurse-to-patient ratios to be enshrined into law.

Doctors in Wales have voted overwhelmingly in favour of accepting the Welsh Government’s pay offer, putting an end to three separate secondary care disputes. The decision from the British Medical Association’s Welsh consultant, junior doctor and SAS committees sees the possibility of any further strikes from the groups put to an end.
Following BMA Cymru Wales’ referendum, a massive 96% of junior doctors voted to accept the 7.4% additional pay uplift — this sees the total uplift for the 2023/24 financial year increase to 12.4%, which will be backdated to April 2023. Meanwhile, 86% of consultants voted to accept a revised pay scale that will improve early years pay and boost career average pay. SAS — otherwise known as specialist, association specialist, and specialty doctors — voted to the tune of 82% in favour of their offer, which will see pay increases between 6.1-9.2%.

NHS Shared Business Services has been named one of the best workplaces for employee wellbeing in the country. NHS SBS were placed 36th among 50 ‘super large organisations’ in the UK’s Best Workplaces for Wellbeing list.
The organisation was assessed in every aspect of wellbeing, including work-life balance, fulfilment, job satisfaction, financial stability, as well as consistency across departments and pay bands. The news comes after NHS SBS was named 27th in the UK’s Best Workplaces list, in addition to being recognised in the UK’s Best Workplaces for Development section.
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