CJ & The Duke

We talk to Michele Wheeler of Sakon about their application on ServiceNow.  We discuss
- The nightmare of managing mobile lifecycles
- How terrifyingly manual these processes are today
- How manual processes undermine clear and effective asset management data.
- How it can all be fixed in a single, simple deployment.

Contact Sakon and get the service automation, end user experience, and golden asset data you deserve.

Cory and Robert are vendor agnostic freelance ServiceNow architects.
Cory is the founder of TekVoyant.
Robert is the founder of The Duke Digital Media

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What is CJ & The Duke?

Authentic, Authoritative, Unapologetic ServiceNow commentary by Cory "CJ" Wesley and Robert "The Duke" Fedoruk

CJ: All right.

Do this for something new.

Tell me, what are we talking about today?

Duke: I get to pick.

CJ: Yeah, man, you get to pick.

This is your time to shine.

Duke: All right.

So, I have been dying to
bring this to the ServiceNow

community for quite a long time.

I have been working with a
company that is just absolutely.

revolutionizing, service management
and asset management and automation

when it comes to, mobility and telecom
and, uh, the company's name is SACON.

And I am so pleased that we have Michelle
Wheeler from SACON to join us today

and talk about mobility and service.

Now it's going to be so awesome.

CJ: I can't wait.

Michelle, I've heard so many good things
about SACON and I am so looking forward

to just talk about, SACON a little
bit more in depth and get to know, um,

what you guys do more as a service.

Michele: Great.

Thank you so much.

It's a pleasure, , to be on this
famous or infamous, uh, podcast.


CJ: It's been both.

Duke: Good point.

Good point.


Why not both?


CJ: Definitely been both before.

Michele: Thanks

. Yeah, I can first tell you a
little bit about my role here at

SACON, which is a private company.

We've been in business
for around 20 years.

, I'm vice president of our products
and solutions for our device practice.

So, as you alluded to, Rob, we have
two, , distinct practices at SACON.

One is for telecom management,
which, , provides products and

solutions and services to help
enterprise manage everything telecom.

, and network management within their
environment, including, , network

inventory and then on the device side,
which is where I live and breathe,

it's all about helping enterprises
manage their enterprise mobility.

And I think that's what we'll dig into
today, the challenges of managing and

really a handle on your enterprise
mobility within the enterprise and really

how that relates back to service now.

Duke: And it's going to be such a
treat because every time I look at

ServiceNow's demo data and it's like,
Hey, let's order an iPhone five.

And everybody's like, yeah, we're
doing mobility management, baby.

Michele: Right.

I think it's a really interesting place to
start and this is a perfect place for me

to get on my soapbox a little bit because
when I'm doing client presentations,

I can't stay there too long, but so
this is a perfect opportunity for me.

But it's just so interesting.

If you look at the evolution of
the end user device, and probably

as early 5, 10 years ago, right?

Mobile devices, smartphones, tablets.

some other device types as well.

If you look at how they were
leveraged and the enterprise, they

were always a nice to have, right?

You would check your email.

Maybe you would be able to, I don't know,
submit an expense report or whatever.


But there has been a significant and
massive shift within the enterprise

where these devices are now literally
critical to running their business.

And, if you think about, what would
happen to an enterprise, right?

If all of their devices stopped
working, I got to tell you

that the lights would go off.

So that's how critical these devices are.

And it's across all industries, right?

And some of them are Very strategic
right in the health care industry now.

This is how doctors and nurses
right are leveraging the apps

on their tablets and smartphones
to provide health care services.

If you think about, , e commerce,
and, all of the delivery mechanisms,

they're all carrying a device
with them to scan packages, right?


Duke: it's not just a phone, right?

It's like point of sale systems
and in healthcare, they'll have

like, just a connected device on
a cart or a trolley or something.

And it's just, it's not a phone, right?

Or a tablet.

It's just a thing.

Michele: yeah, the airline industry, they
don't think about that, the pilots have

a tablet, obviously the flight attendants
are carrying around, some sort of

ruggedized, smartphone, things like that.

It's literally everywhere.

And point of sale devices have
become really, popular as well.

Duke: Hmm.

Michele: So that's the
evolution of the device.

What happens pretty much organically is
that when these devices become imperative

and so important to running businesses,
that means that the enterprise then pays

a lot more attention to these devices.

And there is a absolute need to be able to
have a solution and a product to be able

to manage everything about the device.


That leads into the 2nd, topic,
which is device life cycle.

What is device life cycle?

So if you think about any given
device type, , it goes through

different phases of its device life.

I like to talk about it and in terms
of pre life, active life and post life

and the pre life is really just about
starting even at the manufacturer.

it's being, developed,
It's being manufactured.

It's usually sent to some sort
of VAR value added reseller.

It might be put in some sort of stock
inventory for a particular enterprise.

Then it gets put into a box or even
before that it might be staged or kitted

with accessories, or you're installing
different applications on those devices.

And then it's going off into some
truck, Or plane to be delivered.

Then what's really interesting is that all
of a sudden, this device becomes active.

It lights up.

It's in the hands of the employee.

And now there's a whole other series of,
data, And, , interfaces and vendors and

carriers and things that you have to start
tracking now, because now it's being used.

So now there's, apps being used,
data being generated, costs being

incurred, And so there's that
whole active life part of it.

And a big piece of that is,
What happens when it breaks?

how do you get it replaced?

advanced exchange is what they call it.

And then, of course, there's the
post life, which is, what happens

to the devices when they're returned
or when the employee is off boarded.

And as, you know, enterprises
are really looking closer at and

finding sustainability and the
environmental impact of these devices.

even more important are putting
a lot more stress on it.

So that end of life for that post life is,
is becoming even more and more important

about where did these devices go?

Where's the data that's on these devices?

How do you wipe that data?

So that it becomes clean.

. And then where does that
piece of hardware go?

Is it remarketed?

Is it recycled?

And depending on your industry,
is it even, destroyed?

Duke: I want to break in here for a quick
moment, because that's 1 of the things

that really shocked me when I started
working with you guys is not only the fact

that there is this tremendous, gold mine
of data that should be in your system,

but isn't, but also that there are so many
more workflows to control, like, I think.

A lot of my industry might look at
something like mobility management.

It's just like, Oh yeah,
that's like ordering a phone.


And that's kind of the only,
window they have into the room.

But I wonder if you could talk to
us about some of the other industry

standard workflows that are part of
managing all your mobile devices.

Like what's the big capital M
managing what flows are part of that?

Michele: Yeah, I definitely will.

And I'm just going to finish capping
off that life cycle conversation,

if you don't mind, because again,

going back to the evolution of the device.

And that is.

That's also been a shift in the industry.


When devices weren't as strategic and
critical, Enterprises were probably

just okay with tracking the active life.

Once it was turned on.

Oh, it's an active device.

Maybe it has MDM on it and
they go on their merry way.

That is different now.

These enterprises want to micromanage
Every movement of that life cycle

from the time that device is born
to the time it's retired, and

there really is a demand for it.

But to your point, it is
extremely challenging.

So I wanted to set that scene
before talking about some of the

challenges because hopefully I've
illustrated in that device life cycle.

To your point, there's so many
moving parts and you're right.

It's not just 1 workflow.

The easy 1 obviously is
to use and very important.

Obviously is order a new device.

But there's a whole library of
transactions and workflows that make

up managing the device lifecycle.

and I've ticked off some of them, but I'll
just, I'll give you some more examples.

A workflow.

To upgrade your device, replace it, If
it's been, broken, suspend your line.

If it's a connected device with
the carrier and, and it's been lost

or stolen and you want to get it
suspended because of, security,

Duke: variables

Michele: it's been suspended, um,
there's disconnect, , transfer liability,

ports , and the list goes on, but those
are all workflows that must be managed

within the enterprise for those devices.

CJ: I remember when I was
in, um, enterprise it.

and this is, I don't call it
10 years ago, uh, and we were

managing like a fleet of device.


And honestly, that, that became like
one of the biggest things that we did,

because it was in that time period , where
smartphones were really coming of age.


And you could start to do so much
more with the phone than you could

before, because everything prior to
that was really just a BlackBerry.

BlackBerrys were great, but They
were just email devices, right?

But then iPhone came around
and everyone wants an iPhone.

They got apps and so on and so forth.

And they're not all
everyone's got an iPhone.

And then there's the iPads, right?

And then those come out and the
company that I work for is very

much a white collar executive heavy.

And so everybody wanted the new tech.

And so the struggle we always had.

Was managing a lot of those workflows
that you just mentioned, not just

like, you know, the onboarding and
then, waiting for it to come back.

But what happens if one of these things
gets lost or what happens if someone's

traveling and it stops working?

How do we like shut that thing off?

How do we get a new one out there?

How do we even track it?

You know, a whole lot
of those things, right?

That it seems like SACON is really solved.

That, back in my day, you
know, we were doing manually.

And so, you know, I hear it.

Duke: That manually part though is huge.

And this is another thing that's like
why I say kind of just one of those apps.

I stopped got to be involved in this.

Because, Michelle, tell us
like how bad it is out there.

Like when we say it's manual stuff,
like all that stuff we just talked

about for ten whole minutes, right?

It's all manual.

And tell us how bad it is though.

Michele: I will.

I will.

But by the way, like the devices have
gotten cooler, and more exciting.

But if you look at how they're managed,
right, it's still manual, Corey.

So, um, kind of a
newsflash and you're right.

I mean, these enterprises find themselves
in a lot of pain, So if you would

ever do this kind of inside look
right within the inner workings of an

enterprise, what you would find is a
lot of frustration and a lot of chaos.

And a lot of decentralization.

So, remember all those
different device types.

They each have their
own device life cycle.

They each have their own set of vendors,
contracts, service providers, carriers.

And I'm just going to pause at carriers.

Because think about any device that's
connected, which simply means it's

connected to a carrier service, right?

each carrier, has its own portal, its
own set of data, its own regulations.

And if you're talking about a global
client now, just imagine how many

interfaces or integrations you would
need to do to pull in all of this

information about all of your devices.

So take a, enterprise that
might be in 40 countries.

Now you're looking at, you know,
40 to 50 carriers, That's providing

services to these different
devices in your organization.

How do you get all that data?

And then how do you get all
that data into a single place?

And they basically can't.

So what they find themselves in is this
very decentralized environment where

they have many different departments
or groups or by country that's trying

to manage all of this manually.

They're getting in spreadsheets.

They have their own.

processes and tools and things like that.

And so when these clients are
coming to us, they're like,

basically, like, help us, right?

Because they absolutely in
order to be able to manage

enterprise mobility effectively.

And obviously effectively in service
now, you have to be able to centralize

this data and to do it on your own
is, basically simply impossible.

Duke: Silence.

CJ: Yeah.

So you just described the company that
I used to work in when I said enterprise

IP, we're a multinational company, right?

We had offices across the world.

And, as you know, once you start going.

outside the U.


The number of carriers,
, really multiplies.

And so we had a person who was responsible
for telecom and basically the Americas

rice and from Canada down all the
way down to the tip of South America.

That was pretty easy to do, right?

Because America has like, I don't know,
for the big or whatever is really easy

to standardize on 1 or 2 of those.

Canada has 1 that you can
standardize so on and so forth.


Then you can go over to like, a Mia.



And each one of those like little places
that would be a state in America is a

country, And it's really prevalent to
go back and forth across country lines.

In the course of a day and
switch carriers back and forth.

And so not only.

We were managing the carriers, we
were managing the carriers according

to roaming rates as well, right?

Because you want it to be on the
carrier that had the right amount

of coverage in the right spot with
the least amount of roaming charges.

and, and, you know, and we would see
that you multiply that across however

many countries there are in the world.

And yes, we did have an entire
team that was doing this.

It was manual.

They were using spreadsheets.

, each country or each region did
have their own processes, and they

did collaborate vaguely and barely.


And it was always a challenge.

So everything you said, I can
completely and totally validate

was the state of enterprise.



The last time I was in it.

Michele: Right?

Duke: just imagine the pain, like, There's
more and more of these devices coming out.

We're buying more and more of
them, their assets, are they not?

CJ: Yep.

Duke: And, it's not just the black
rectangle sitting in my pocket.

It's the service line that's
part of that as well, right?

They're both assets.


Michele: That's right.

And actually, I'm going to tell you why
that carrier information that we get in.

Actually is so important to the
asset, because 1 might immediately

think of, oh, it's the service.

There's a plan and the enterprise
is getting charged for it.

By the way, that's a big piece of
our product and solution and service.

But it's also really important
being able to create and maintain

accurate asset information.

So maybe this will blow your mind
a little bit, because I think lots

of people think, oh, it's a laptop.

Oh, it's a smartphone.

And there might be 1 source that
makes up an accurate asset record

inside the surface now inside the, but
I'm here to tell you that it's not.

It's actually a representation.

Of multiple data sources that make up
an accurate device asset or service line

asset, and I'll give you some examples.

1 of the key data sources, ? Is HR
information or people information?

Why is that important?

Because typically all of these
devices, Are assigned to someone most

likely an end user and an employee.

And it's really important to have
that association for many things.

End user experience.

Employee satisfaction help desk calls.

but also from a auditing perspective, how
many active devices do you have out there?

active lines associated to an active user.

So that connection is really important.

So that's 1 data source that we pull in
to our SACON device platform to start

reconciling the device information.

We also pull in daily, through API
integration feeds from the MDM and

UEM, um, Clients that are installed on
those devices, and that brings into our

platform really valuable information
about device attributes, The status of

the device, confirming the number, the
serial number, things like that, but

also from a security and the compliance
perspective, enterprises really want

to know, are all my devices protected?

Do they all have the
client running on them?

When was the last time
that they logged in?

So that's really important.

And then.

Yeah, sorry,

Duke: Sorry, like, but how
are they doing that in service

now, right now, without SACON?

Michele: they're not right.

and that is the problem.

And when we're talking to enterprises
that have invested in service now,

and I think, you know, really expected
service now to, you know, maybe

magically be able to do it day 2, they
wake up and find themselves with a

big challenge on their hand because.

When they want to centralize their
assets, they are definitely thinking

it's going to include enterprise
mobility mobility devices, but it's

extremely complicated to get accurate
asset information in there without a

platform like that goes out and discovers
and ingest all of these different data

sources that we bring into our system.

Take those data sources, reconcile
them, find dispute, find discrepancies,

close those gaps and then provide
service now with real accurate.

And a real source of truth for their,
asset information about mobility devices.

CJ: can I tell you how cool it is and
how cool you have to, you know, I'm

sure you all feel when someone asks,
how do you do that without your product?

And the answer to that is you don't

Duke: I was sat down and like, thought
about like, put a serious amount of

thought into what it would be like.

What would I do to just
say like, screw it.

I'm going to do myself.

it's just, it's like the biggest
ServiceNow thing I have ever seen.

To do this on your own would be the
biggest, let's just like break it

down just a couple of ways, right?

It's just, okay, so SACON goes and
they integrate with all the carriers

and all the service providers, right?

So dozens, hundreds of
bidirectional integrations,

Michele: Yeah, I mean,

Duke: crazy.

Michele: yeah, it depends on the
enterprise, but yeah, but you're talking

about, a smaller enterprise, Might have
five, 10, 000 devices, But then you're

talking also about the enterprises that
have a hundred thousand devices or more.

And each one of those, has all
the different workflows that have,

hundreds of different, service
providers and carriers that you need

to connect with to get the data.

So it's vast.

Duke: getting, getting everything onto a
unified data model on top of that, right?

Because it's not like everybody, all
these people track it the same way.

it's mind boggling, mind boggling.

CJ: What I love about it, though, is
that it accentuates all the benefits

of a ServiceNow platform, that common
model that ServiceNow has, being

able to pull in all this data, right?

Across all these different
types of, , use cases.

Organizing it as Michelle, like you
said, the amdb, which I've never heard

it referred to that way, but I love it.

I'm going to probably use
that going forward, right?

Like the asset management database.

and, you know, I haven't normalized in
that across not just one country, right?

Normalize that across higher operation,
and then attacking workflows on that,

you know, having the integrations,
as you mentioned, Robert, like

underlying all of that and driving
the state models and the, um.

Um, and keeping the data up to date,
like all of that is what service

now was born and bred for, right?

Duke: the, the, the, the
customer experience too.


when we think about mobility,
we just think about that

one catalog item from 1912.

You know, do you want your iPhone five
and coal powered or wood pellet powered?

And it's just like, it's just like
the one device, but then you have,

you think about all those services,
Michelle mentioned and mind screw here.

Like how would you even contend
with a product catalog that size?

Like when they're putting out new
phones every quarter and it's just.

CJ: yeah, that's a good question, right?

Like, how would you keep up, right?

Because everything is BYOB now.

And there are so many different
types of phones out there.

How would you support a one plus phone
and an Apple iPhone and a pixel and a

Samsung and a LG LG is gone now, right?

Like, so how do you
support a legacy LG phone?


Like, you know, you've got all of these,
these different possibilities, right?

Like it.


Michele: I mean, one of them
has like a different policy and

eligibility rules and things

Duke: Oh, eligibility.

Like a whole other can of worms.

Michele: That's your favorite topic.


Duke: Yeah.

Michele: I liked it.

You're right.

it's a, it's a service that I
can tell you that enterprise is

gladly outsourced to us, right.

About managing the product catalog.

Um, a lot of the product catalog
is built from their current

contracts that they have with the
carriers and the service providers.

And to your point, we build a very diverse
product catalog for them that can contain

all of these different device types,
where they're coming from, what the price

is, the features and things like that.

And then we work with the clients
to determine what the policies are.

For retiring devices and
then bringing a new ones.

So we have some clients that, the day
that, the iPhone 15 comes out, they

want it to show up in their catalog.

And that's the beauty of our,
integration back to service.

Now, it's a bit of a,
marriage made in heaven.

It's the best of both worlds
because our scoped app, right.

Our integration back to service
now is nothing without the powerful

engine of the SACON device platform.

And they really work in
conjunction together.

So you can think about
the SACON device platform.

As working extremely hard on behalf of
the enterprise, to create and manage this

product catalog, , pull in all the data
that you need and into our platform and

then render, The really important data
that's already cleansed and reconciled

and that will fit into the service.

Now, a data model, right?

And, that enterprises once in service now
for asset management, but then Rob, as

you were mentioning, very important as
well is the self service experience and

having that accurate asset information,
having the latest and greatest product

catalog information about the latest
devices or devices that have been retired.

The eligibility rules, all of those
different workflows from those library

of transactions, having that all,
in a nice, package with the bow on

it and service now is exactly what
these enterprises are looking for.

CJ: there's exactly what these
enterprises are looking for.

I was actually going to say something
else, but I want to, I want to key in

on that last part of that statement.


Because, what enterprises are often
hit with is the question, on whether

or not they should build it or buy it.

And I think what SACON answers
here is that, If you want scale,

well, say what SACON answers is
what scale can do for you, right?

And why sometimes it's worth it to
buy the thing instead of trying to

build the thing on your own, right?

But because SACON has so many
different customers, right?

By the service to so many different
enterprises, you guys are doing all the

hard work, all the lead work of keeping
everything up to date, managing all of the

interactions with the phone makers and the
carriers and all of those things, right?

Like your.

Putting your folks to use to
do that part of it, right?

And scaling because you have so many
different customers so that me as an

enterprise, like admin, if I come to
you and say, Hey, yeah, why don't you

say con is plug and play, Like I didn't
have to build those integrations.

I didn't have to determine like,
what phones I'm willing to actually

support any of that stuff, right?

Like I've got a ready built database that
you guys are just providing as a service.

This is what the cloud is about, right?

Like this is what as a service.


I love

Michele: I mean, I gotta
say, I like the enthusiasm.

I mean, I think it's a no brainer.

and I, you know, we have a lot of clients
that agree with us and you're so right.

I mean, it's basically.

Choosing between out of the box API
integration, out of the box workflows

that, where you can automatically,
you know, automate your ServiceNow

workflows, out of the box, catalog items,
out of the box product catalog, versus

having to, you know, not just build
all of that on your own in ServiceNow,

but to your point, , then trying to
somehow build those integrations to

those, dozens and sometimes hundreds
Of different, data sources, right?

Or service providers, vendors, carriers.

And also what I've learned too is,
and you guys probably know, you know,

better than me is that these service
now developers are in high demand.


And so.

CJ: the

Michele: And so what I have found is that
clients are delighted, When they, see that

there's a out of the box solution that can
still be customized to their environment.


But that SACON actually does
the work on, on behalf of them.

CJ: all of that, cause you're right.

I mean, it is really hard to find
a good, talented folks in the

service dot ecosystem, right?

Enough of them to build
this especially right.

Michele: I found is that they have their
ServiceNow developers, , very experienced.

But they have a long
list of projects, right?

And the fact that they don't have
to put this on their long list of

projects, Is a perk for the enterprise.

CJ: yeah.

And, and the fact that they don't have
to inherit the maintenance of it too.

Like we talked a lot about
like you all building.

At all, but you also
maintain it over time, right?

And, and look, if you're a techie, right?

Like the last thing you want
to do is actually maintain the

stuff that you build, right?

There's a whole problem with
that in Google culture, right?

Where folks build stuff and then, just to
get the promotion and move away from, and

that's why they closed so many, , shut
down so many different products, right?

It happens everywhere.

everybody wants to chase the
new and shiny and tech, right?

So, you know, this.


Michele: it really makes everyone happy.

Meaning, I think the office of the
CIO, when they see the scoped app in

action, and really being able to bring
in data that can centralize their IT

assets, when it brings in data and
automates the workflows to allow them

to provide their employees one place a
seamless experience to be able to, manage

everything it, including enterprise
mobility, they feel like they're making

the most out of their significant service.

Now, investment and on the business
side, They can leverage our SACON

device platform to be able to.

See a very complete end to end
picture, Of their ecosystem, right?

Of their end to end enterprise
mobility, And that's really

important to them, right?

To understand not just the
asset part, but the expenses.

CJ: Yes.

Michele: right.

And, and, and to be able to
optimize, all of the services that

they're getting from all of their
carriers and service providers.

CJ: And cyber security too, right?

Like, I'm sure that's a big
driver nowadays as well, because I

remember, like I said, years ago,
that that was 1 of the things that

we were that would, metaphorically
keep us up at night about, right?

Let's say what happens if 1 of
these folks who's the key to our,

enterprise loses their phone, right?

And this is before we had MDM and
then even after, phones loss, if you

get their Rolodex, so to speak, or
their email box, you could do some

serious damage to, to our business
because it was largely a people

business, Relationships hand to hand.

And so that contact information
was very valuable and.

This ability, to manage that end to
end, shut those things off, wipe them,

know where they are, know how they relate
to people, whether or not those people

are still employed with you, whether
they're, you know, off boarding with you

anytime soon, all of those things, right.

Being able to manage that without
having to, build all of that out house.

I think is a great selling
point and driving feature.

Michele: Yeah, what drives the enterprise
when it comes to devices is obviously it

enables their employees to work, right?

That's what that devices do nowadays,
but they care about employee experience.

And to your point, they also care
about security and data security

and compliance, especially in
the healthcare industry, right?

So that's definitely in the
top 5 priorities for them.

And then I am seeing again, as I mentioned
before, this trend of also sustainability,

And the impact on the environment.

CJ: Oh, I love that too.



the 1 last thing I want to, touch on that
I was thinking about as, with some of

the points that you, mentioned is that
in my opinion, SACON really replicates

the ServiceNow business model, ? And
the way the ServiceNow Has become

successful and for the reasons that
ServiceNow has become successful is why

I see Saan being successful as well.


Like ServiceNow gives you a platform
to do work, and it provides a lot of

the stuff to you out of the box that
you otherwise have to build, yourself.

And then it maintains
those things as well.

. It abstracts all of that
hard work outta your hands.

And just gives you the ability to
engage with it and get the service

right and not have to actually
wonder how is working under the hood.

Seikan feels almost
exactly like that to me.

Michele: That's a beautiful.

Duke: Right.

Like, isn't it everything that
you imagined that you could put

on service now, when you got
service now, 10, 15 years ago.

We didn't imagine all
these mobile, workflows.

But we imagined every other workflow
and it would just, it would, it would

be a great experience requesting it.

It would automate a ton of stuff.

And then we'd have all the
data that we needed to make

business decisions off of it.

So it's like, that's what I love.


That's what I love about it.

It's just, it's everything
that ServiceNow should do.

But the only complication here is
that You've got to do it amongst

dozens or hundreds of entities,
and you've got to bring it back in

some kind of unified data model.

And I'm sorry, you just
can't build that on your own.

CJ: no, it goes back to the scale factor.


Duke: just like, yeah, exactly.

Why not get it from somebody who's been
doing it already for like 20 years?

CJ: now that I love this
conversation, right?

This conversation , there's
so many jewels in it, right?

Like if you're at home thinking
about starting a company, right?

Like starting a startup, there's
so much here about like how.

Product market fit scale, marketing,
selling that back, you know, being

useful, all of that stuff, right?

Like you could just look, you could
just listen to this conversation and

find points about all of those things
throughout the entire conversation.

It's amazing.

Duke: if you have a couple more minutes,
Michelle, I wonder if you could tell us

in a nutshell what a SACON implementation
looks like for a net new customer.

Michele: 1st of all, the audience
probably has already figured out Is

that the integration from service now
back to our platform relies on, and it's

dependent on the say, con device platform.

So the implementation actually
happens in parallel, right?

So we're standing up that
say, con device platform.

On behalf of the enterprise, getting in
all those data sources, building the,

asset database, building the catalog,
working with the client on all of those

different requirements and business rules.

And at the same time, we're
installing the scoped application

in their lower environment.

We're getting it configured.

We are customizing it
according to, requirements.

And, Because it's out of the box,
And because the scoped app comes

with, already built API integration
workflows out of the box catalog items.

They really don't have
to start from scratch.

And so our, our model and implementation
strategy is to work with the

client where , our SACON resources.

do the install configuration of the
scoped application and then package

it and then work with their service
now team to promote it to the higher

environments and onto production.

Duke: Awesome.

we're kind of at our limit
for recording time here.

So I want to thank you
for joining us, Michelle.

Any last words?

Michele: Well, 1st of all, it's
been a real honor and pleasure.

Thank you so much for having me.

And I'll just say, I, think
it was something that CJ

had said about how SACON.

Enable service now.

And I really like, you know, sometimes
you'll see a headline or tagline

from us service now, plus SACON.

I think what we do just, enables
service now, and to me kind of makes

their green just a little bit brighter.

So thanks so much for having me.

CJ: I love that they're
green a little bit brighter.

I love that.

Duke: All right, folks, if you want
to get in touch with Michelle at

SACON, we are going to have links
for that in the description below.

Thank you so much for watching.

We hope you're as excited as we
are to introduce SACON to the

ServiceNow ecosystem, and we
will see you on the next one.