Listen to Rick Beaudry, Pastor of Calvary Chapel Bremerton, teach the Word of God cover to cover, chapter by chapter, and verse by verse. Be edified and built up in your faith with solid Bible teaching. New episodes on Mondays in the Pacific Standard Timezone.
1st Corinthians 15:35 through 49, would you please stand with me as we read God's holy word, together? But some men will say, how art the dead raised up, and with what body do they come?
Thou fool, that which thou sowest is not quickened, except it die. And that which thou sowest, thou sowest not that body shall be, but bear grain, it may by chance of wheat or some other grain.
But god gives it a body as it has pleased him, and to every seed his own body. All flesh is not the same flesh, but there is one kind of flesh of man.
Another another flesh of beasts, another of fish, another of birds. There are also celestial bodies and bodies terrestrial. But the glory of the celestial is 1. The glory of the terrestrial, another.
There's one glory of the sun, another glory of the moon, another glory of the stars. For one star differs from another star in glory. So also is the resurrection of the dead. It is sown in corruption.
It is raised in incorruption. It is sown in dishonor. It is raised in glory. It is sown in weakness. It is raised in power. It is sown a natural body. It is raised a spiritual body. There's a natural body and there's a spiritual body.
And so it is written, the first man Adam was made a living soul. The last Adam was made a quickening spirit. Howbeit that, was not the first which is spiritual, but that which is natural, and afterward that which is spiritual.
The first man of the earth is earthy. The second man is the Lord from heaven. As is the earthy, such are they also that are earthy. And as is the heavenly, such are they also that are heavenly.
And as we have born the image of the earthy, we shall also bear the image of the heavenly. Father, thank you for your Holy Word. Thank you, Lord, that we don't have to follow a dead end, a dead savior, a guru, a philosopher, away.
Lord, we have you as our risen savior, a living way, a new and a living way. And Lord, we thank you for the hope that is ours of the resurrection. We pray this morning as we study the, the inevitability of a new glorified body.
Excuse me, Lord, as we're praying for all the folks of us, all of us that are sick, family members sick, and, the solution, Lord, is our new, glorified body, Lord.
And I just pray that come quickly, Lord Jesus. We need our new bodies. We need to enter into all of, the benefits of our new citizenship and such. And Lord, while we are in these bodies, we pray that you keep these tents going.
We pray that, excuse me, That you help my throat, Lord. Help my throat. And, help all of our throats this time of year. And just bless bless your word and encourage us, Lord, that that, soon, very soon, you're coming for us, your bride.
And, all the little babies, all the children, all those susceptible disease, and and all because of the fall of man, because of Adam.
Lord, we yearn to be made whole. We learn to be perfected in you. And we thank you that we have the earnest of the holy spirit to remind us, Lord, that we're marked out that we belong to you.
And that soon, very soon, very, very soon, Lord, we're on tiptoes. We're looking up, knowing our redemption draws nigh. So bless now we pray, pour out your spirit.
In Jesus' name, amen. Would you please be seated? The cemetery is filled with decomposing bodies, buried in coffins 6 feet underground. Some return to the dust much quicker by means of cremation, being cremated.
And others are sometimes, put into the ocean, you know, as a means of burial. And, supposedly Osama bin Laden was buried out in sea, you know. We don't know. We weren't there.
But some men will say, verse 35, how are the dead raised up and with what body do they come? Paul answers the question of what will our new resurrected bodies be like. He provides four characteristics of our new, glorified bodies.
You guys anxious for your new body? Yeah. Yeah. Me too. It's, the glory of a young man is his strength, and an old man has gray hair. And I don't have either anymore. So I wanna I wanna get that new body.
And we love on each other and we see all the doctor appointments and all the the visits and the pills and all the stuff, you know, and the real solution, as we're praying for the Lord to heal, the real solution is come quick, Lord.
Get us get all of us in a safe place, that you've designed, that you've made.
We're living in a fallen world, in a body that serves us. And I'm I'm, I'm hearing some of the older pastors, saying stuff like, they're going back to the gym.
They're exercising because maybe they can serve the Lord for 10 more years. Because if you neglect these bodies, they go back to the dust much sooner. And I'm not I'm not into, the health kick from a standpoint of how long can I live?
I'm into it for my quality. I don't like being in pain. I finally got past that sciatic pain after 6 months of not even able to hardly drive in a car. You know, I'm finally past that now again.
And it's glorious. It's awesome. And then my shoulders started bothering me. And, I've been watching a lot of videos and doing things to try and alleviate the the impingement in my right shoulder.
And, Friday, I got some, some videos I watched and some stretching and things. And, you know, and I to me, that stuff's like rock star stuff.
It's, like, amazing to me the way these bodies work and that we can do our part. And sometimes they respond. Other times, there's just nothing they can do. They send you home, and they say, get ready to die.
You know? Well, you and I are prepared for that eventuality, aren't we? To be asked of the bodies to be present with the Lord. So we want to make sure that if we were to die today, that, hey.
I'm gonna be in my new glorified body. But meanwhile, I want to do whatever I can to patch this temple up and keep it keep it as a place that where I can think and operate and move.
And, it's no fun, walking like an old man. Let me tell you, that sciatic, it changed the way I walked.
It changed my whole right side. It was just it was I'm not ready for that. I don't want that. Then Christy's here with a with a cane, and and a lot of us have things that we we need help.
We need lots of help. Our bodies are breaking down. And, then you got the young people who think they're invincible. They think it's never gonna happen to them.
And, and then they get that back injury in their thirties, you know. And that back injury is just unbelievable, you know, and the surgeries and all. I read a thing about, about, Gronk who played for the Patriots with Tom Brady.
When he's 19 years old, he was exercising with a barbell squat and he blew out his back. An athlete blowing out his back at 19. You know, high school age, early college. He went and had 3 surgeries on his back.
And, never again could he do barbell squats, but he did. He he found a way. He found a way to be able to play as a A listed, you know, athlete for the for the, you know, hall of famer by doing belt squats. And so there is a way.
There's there's people out there that can teach us how to stretch, how to walk, how to rehab. And that's what I describe myself in. I sat for over 25 years. I sat because of the pain. You guys didn't know that, didn't you?
And then I almost got diabetes by sitting and eating wrong. And it scared me. It scared me bad. So I I started to, investigate. Alright. My young days are over. I'm in my forties now, and, fifties, actually.
And, and if I don't if I don't change my ways, I'm gonna go into the ground sooner. And Kathy and I always joke that, the thing about us is if we ever got in a car accident, it wouldn't be that we died and got to go to heaven.
It would be that we'd be, you know, a life support for the rest of our life, you know. We'd be stuck. And, that's kind of a joke, inside joke we have.
It'd be so good to go to be with the Lord. Right? But, in any event, so I had to I had to insurance bank came into my office and checked my blood. And I had a policy for the church and a policy for my wife and family.
And, they canceled me. And, something was wrong in those numbers. And so Cathy says, your eyes are all, you know, glassy, Rick. And let me check your blood sugar. Her mom had diabetes.
Diabetes is very serious. Type 2 can be changed. And so in any event, I changed my diet. I was I was living off of mochas. Had a coffee house, and I was living off those big bad boy 16 ounce mochas all day with tons of chocolate in it.
And I did the Breve. I did the half and half and huge amount of calories. I got up over £300. I was sedentary. If I tried to walk, my ankles would swell up and things like that.
So a lot of a lot of, warning signs. You know, warning. And, so any event, changing my diet, getting rid of the sugar, going to more of a keto, and then getting on the treadmill, just simply walking.
Walking's revolutionary. Just walking. Getting on a treadmill 20, 30 minutes a day on an incline is what began to strengthen my hips and strengthen the supporting muscles around my injury, L4, L5.
And I began to regain some quality of life. And to me, that is so incredibly exciting because I felt like I was in prison. And, man, I was busy at church. I just sat in that desk and answered those phones and pray and meet with people.
And I was available 6 days a week to people. And Cathy said, Rick, I told her, I said, I should have joined the gym sooner. She said, Rick, you're too busy.
You never would have had time for it. And that was true. That season of my life wasn't just sitting. It was there was a lot going on. But, as time goes on, the things we defer, we defer our health, it, it catches up with us.
So, so in any event, Paul's talking about the, you know, as we're how many people I prayed for, how many hospital visits, how many funerals, how many of us, our loved ones, you know, going home to be with the Lord, hopefully.
And, what kind of bodies do they have? They're not gonna be in pain anymore.
We watch them go through cancer difficulties and they're in huge amount of pain. And I'll go into the room and they'll start putting patches of morphine on their chest and they'll give a little bit of more morphine.
They'll give them a pump thing to pump. And, it's all designed to try and make them comfortable while they're dying, you know, of cancer.
And, my father-in-law died quick with a heart attack. That happens. And then my mother-in-law, the dementia and the slower process of dying.
And, one of the highlights of all of this is that Jesus said, I let not your heart be troubled. You believe in God, believe also in me. My Father's house are many mansions. Now, we think in terms of housing. It means a dwelling place.
In my father's house are many mansions. If weren't so, I tell you. I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go to prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you unto myself that where I am, you know, there you may be also.
And in in second Corinthians 5, for we know that if our earthly house of this tabernacle were dissolved, we have a building of God, a house not made with hands, eternal in the heavens.
For in this, we groan earnestly, desiring to be clothed upon with our house which is from heaven. So I'm analyzing this. Is it a mansion, Lord, that I'm gonna live in during the millennium? No. It's in heaven.
Heavenly heavenly dwelling place. Is it my new body? You're going to prepare a new body for me? Could be. And if so be, that being clothed, we shall not be found naked. For we that are in this tabernacle so this tabernacle is a tent.
It's a temporary abode. This this body was not designed for all eternity, to groan, being burdened, not that we would be unclothed, but clothed upon, that mortality might be swallowed up of life.
Now he that has wrought us for the self same thing as god, who also has given to us the earnest of the spirit, the holy spirit. We've been given the Holy Spirit as a down payment.
Let us know that in our redemption, part of that redemption is a new body. He's coming for us. Therefore, we are always confident knowing that while we're at home in this body, we are absent from the Lord.
For we walk by faith, not by sight. We are confident, I say, and willing rather to be absent from the body and to be present with the Lord.
And so that's the that's the hope that we have is that because of Jesus raising himself from the dead, you and I have this hope that, hey, for me to live is Christ and to die is gain.
You threaten me. You wanna kill me. You wanna destroy this body. No big deal. I'm gonna be with Jesus. You're gonna do me a favor. I'm just gonna be moving on to this body into my new glorified body.
And, there's no such thing as soul sleep or any of that sort of thing. It's gonna be instantaneous. And, and so you do me a favor, basically, especially if, our bodies are ceasing to perform the way that that they're supposed to.
You know? Pastor Chuck lived to be 86 years old. And he said for 80 years, he had perfect health. And it was the last 6 years, back surgery, knee surgery.
He had cancer, lung cancer and things like that. And so, it came, you know, rushing in at him. And there's a lot of pastors, in the Calvary Chapels that I started out with that are that are in heaven now.
And I, typically, I I post Isaiah 57:1 in that they were taken, the righteous are taken, so they don't have to see the evil to come.
You know, they're in heaven. They don't have to see what we might see if we continue to live a little bit longer of, the crash of America or whatever.
But I don't wanna bum you out. This is supposed to be upbeat upbeat. New bodies. Alright. So Paul answers the question of what will our new resurrected bodies be like.
It provides four characteristics of our new bodies. Number 1, they're gonna be different. Verse 36. Thou fool, that which thou sowest is not quickened, except it die.
So it thou fool. You know? What a worthless argument. Any of you ever been in a worthless argument with fools? Happening all the time now. Everybody's an expert on the bible, the YouTube prophets and all.
And I'll tell you, I get I I get these questions. I get these people parading as some sort of authorities and all. And, you know, answer not a fool in his folly is the best way. Cathy says, answer not a fool in their folly, Rick.
Don't even don't even take the bait. They're baiting you to suck you into a stupid argument. You know? And, even nature demonstrates the resurrection. So yep. But you fool. Even nature. Study nature. You guys are all tree huggers.
You're worried about the planet worried about the planet, too much c02 and all that. You don't believe in the resurrection. Study nature. He said the seed the seed sown must first die, then god, notice he says, quickens it.
Means gives it life. So god is the giver of life. So it's first death, then the new life. You and I have to die before we can experience the new life. You know?
So the dead in Christ, those that are dead in 1st Thessalonians 4, dead in Christ should rise first, then we which are alive remain shall be caught up together, with him in the clouds and meet the Lord in the air, so shall we ever, you know, be with the Lord.
And so you have to die 1st. And spiritually speaking, you have to die before you really live.
You have to die not just body and soul, body, soul and spirit to be born again. And we'll look at that in a little bit here also. But his his his imagery here, the picture is that of a seed.
A seed has to first go on the ground and die, and then it's quickened. It germinates, and God gives it life. So God is the giver of life. And so first death, then the new life.
The flesh must die. There's no rehabilitation, only death. And so when we talk about, when we talk about the old Adam, the old sinful nature that all of us have, Some of us come to Christ with a lot of bad habits, maybe some addictions.
Maybe if you go to the psychiatrist, they probably got a whole list, American Medical Association, of what they call today diseases.
And then they'll work real hard to get the insurance companies to cover those diseases. They can be diseases of the brain. The brain, the way it thinks, they wanna make it a disease. It may not be a physiological problem with the brain.
Everything's functioning properly. They might subjectively tell you you got low serotonin. And you just say back to them, who doesn't living up here? You know? And, I need some I need some better lighting.
I need some sunshine. A friend of mine down in California, she sits out in the sun of 15 minutes a day. And when she went to the doctor, the doctor said, you have an abundance of vitamin d 3. You have more than your body needs.
We need magnesium and d 3 and all the supplements we can get living here. And, some of us need to take trips to Hawaii, need to take trips to Arizona periodically because 12 months of this can really cause us to to lag, you know.
And, you go to the doctor and they might give you a pill, but we might be better off just getting away every now and then and getting in the good old sunshine if we can.
Of course, we like reading books and wood burning stoves, and this time of year, it doesn't bother us that much. But, all of us get to know our bodies and, that's an important thing, getting to know, how our particular body, functions.
And so the point being that these diseases, it can be alcoholism, and the insurance companies will maybe fight that or maybe they they give into it.
And so pretty soon, your insurance plan is sending you to rehab to rehabilitate you because you have the disease of alcoholism. And it's a disease that you got from your parents and your grandparents and everybody.
And it's not your fault. That's one of them. Then you got the brain diseases and all this other stuff. And it becomes a means of, a mean a means of fixing you.
How are we gonna fix you? And if there's a pill that could fix you to take you from being an alcoholic to not an alcoholic, they'd give you a pill. But they haven't come up with the the pill for that. Or the drug addictions and stuff.
Even the brain stuff, they can best they can do is kinda calm you down a bit if you're manic depressive and things like that and try and keep you with lithium and other medications that try and keep you from, you know, hurting people.
And one sweet gal in our church, she told me she says, pastor, you wouldn't like to see me off my meds. And I said, you're right. You're right. Stay on your meds, you know. You get on those meds for quite a while coming off of them.
I've had I had a guy come in my office once with a with a an ice pick, and he put it to the side of his head. And he said, I'm going over here to the Minette Bridge, and I'm gonna kill myself, you know.
So no, no, no. Don't cough your meds. Don't cough your meds. Don't cough your meds. And, but the whole point is that you gotta die first before you can live.
And in Christianity, the Lord doesn't have a rehab program. He doesn't have a means of rehabbing your old body. It's death. Once you die, you get your new body. So how do we get out of those those those ruts that we're in?
Well, we recognize that physiologically, when we do math, when we do alcohol, when we do pot, when we do these extracurricular kind of drugs, or even oxy, even pharmaceutical type drugs, that your body has a physical addiction to it.
So granted, go to jail, spend some time in jail, and you won't have that physical addiction anymore. Hopefully, you'll be clean by the time you come out.
So that's physiological. But then there's brain pathways. There's a way that you think. As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he. So now we gotta transform and change the way you think.
And, some well meaning groups have ways to go through these steps in the process and identifying things. But in the with Christianity, and a lot of them incorporated Christianity, basically, you gotta admit, hey, I'm a sinner.
I'm an alcoholic. I'm a rageaholic. I'm a whatever it might be. So that that's confession. You just confess and admit that, hey. I've got a problem. And now you're looking to Jesus. You're looking to God to give you the strength.
And so if any man be in Christ, he's a new creation. The old things are passed away. All things have become new. So many, many, many, many alcoholics become saints when they come to Christ.
They still might have some of those patterns in their brain that need to be changed. So that's where the word of god comes in and begins to transform and change the way that we think.
So be not conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind that you may prove as good and acceptable and perfect will of God.
So he's not gonna rehab the old you and make you feel like you're still a disease ridden person because you got the alcoholic gene or the alcoholic parents or grandparents.
What I was so blessed by is when I became a Christian, I was set free. Absolutely set free. There may be temptation, yeah, for certain things. But there's if any man, you know, there sin shall not have dominion over us.
And so when when we're born again, now we have the help of the Holy Spirit, we have a whole new appetite, a whole new means of of, of, approaching life. Jesus said, the thief comes up to steal, to kill, and to destroy.
But I've come that you might have life, that you might have it more abundantly. And so there has to be a death to self, an admission that, hey, I can't do it. And then there's the new life that begins to take shape within our lives.
And then if we need to go to Celebrate Recovery or some of these groups to be around some like minded people, you can be still in that mindset of a sober drunk, though.
You gotta be careful of not, you know, in arrested state of development as a Christian.
And, continue to go for it as a Christian. And, you know, I wouldn't advise, for anybody that's coming out of that kind of a lifestyle, to go hang out at bars.
You know? Stay away from bars. Stay away from people that are bringing lots of alcohol and things like that. And, but we see that. So, hey, I went to rehab. Praise the Lord. Did you come out sober?
My mom's husband went to rehab several times and, wound up walking in front of a bus and killed himself. So it it, you know, got him sober for a period of time. But really, the root the root issue there was he needed to be born again.
He needed to come to Christ. He was tormented inside because his first wife died of a brain tumor, and he never he never could reconcile with God. He was angry at God.
And the outplay of that was he'll drink himself to oblivion to try and deal with that. Well, Christ is a solution. The solution is Jesus. And that's who we point people to. But for that to happen, a person needs to die to self.
He needs to be able willing to take all of that baggage, all of that injustice, all the stuff that happened and bring it all to the cross and lay it there and allow God to give him a new life.
If any man be in Christ, he's a new creation. The old things are passed away.
All things are become new. And, I'm not gonna continue to live as a victim. Not gonna do it. I'm gonna walk in that newness of life. And that's what's available for us as Christians, but the prerequisite is death.
If you're trying to just approach Jesus to have a better sinful life, best life now, you're making a mistake. You're gonna you're gonna have to die to self.
You're gonna have to lay it all at the cross and then see what his plan and his purposes are for your life. And so he's a giver of life. In John 1223, Jesus said, the hour has come that the son of man should be glorified.
Verily, verily I say unto you, except the corn of wheat fall to the ground and die, it abides alone. But if it die, it brings forth much fruit. So if you insist upon saving your life, you're gonna lose your life.
He goes on to say, he that loves his life shall lose it, and he that hates his life in this world shall keep it until life eternal. So you gotta die and you can't be in love with the world.
You can't you gotta lose this life to gain the new life. The life of the spirit is what he's advocating here. And he gives the illustration in nature that except a corn of wheat fall on the ground and die, it abides alone.
But if it dies, it germinates and it brings forth much fruit. So an illustration of the resurrection. So this is a principle in nature, in the life of the spirit, and in the resurrection.
So death to the original form, the final form is different. Verse 37. And that which thou sowest, thou sowest not that body that shall be, but a bare grain, and may by chance of wheat or of some other grain.
So that which dies is nothing like that which appears. So some of you like to plant, gladiolas. You got these bulbs.
They're real crusty and everything, tulips and all that. And you plant that ugly looking seed, and you put it into the ground. And that which and it's gotta die, but that which comes forth from it doesn't look like that old crusty you.
Right? There's a whole new beautiful flower that stems from it. The bulbs look so ugly in the seed form, then causes it God causes it to burst forth with new life. And, boy, we love that.
At Easter time, all those bulbs start to come up, you know, in your gardens and around the community, people planting bulbs, and and it's very exciting. But if if you saw what the bulb looked like ahead of time, man, that's so ugly.
How can something so beautiful come forth from that? And then a caterpillar. You see the caterpillar. And it's so ugly, and it's a worm, and it's swishing along and everything.
And that caterpillar, especially a child, looking at that little caterpillar, when it becomes a butterfly, when it bursts out and comes out of that that cocoon, you know, this beautiful, beautiful butterfly coming forth from from a worm.
And as I said earlier, the drunk, the ugliness of being a drunk. How many of you grew up in alcoholic family and seen firsthand the ugliness of it's just horrible. Isn't it? It's just absolutely horrible.
Horrible. And, very embarrassing, very humbling. It, breaks my heart. Go into a lot of stories. You got stories. But it's just it's just ugly. It's heartbreaking. So when you go to a high school reunion I went to 1, couple summers ago.
And I I saw, you know, my classmates at the beach. They have one every year in in July at the beach in Huntington Beach. And, I went to 1 when I was 10 year old, 10 year reunion.
I was 20 27, 28. That was a little different. Couldn't see the contrast very much then. But 9th grade, I remember going off a PCH to a party. And I had Schlitz Malt Liquor the bowl with me.
Or no, it was it was, Old English 8 100. Old English 8 100. And, my parents always had a tapper. A lot of beer around the house and all that. But for social reasons as a high schooler, you know, you gotta have some beer.
And, I didn't do pot or any of that stuff. So you start to drink. Everybody's starting to drink, engage in drinking in high school. Then it goes into college, you know, for those who go to college.
Then it's a few DOIs, and then it's a few divorces and then rehab and whatever. And then you go see him 60 years old, 65 years old. What was I what? A couple years ago. 63 years old. Some of them are older me.
Some are younger me. And the part that broke my heart was what what was once fun and was a part of, you know, socialization, if you will, as an unbelieving kid, I could I could just see just how destructive it is.
How incredibly destructive it can be. How destructive it is. And every every you know, so that's that's where I say, hey.
All things are lawful for me, but all things are not expedient. And I won't be brought under the power of any. Many of these kids that started drinking in high school are so incredibly addicted to it and brought under the power thereof.
And it's sad to watch. It's very, very sad to watch. And so for me as a Christian, that newness of life, the Lord gave me something far, far greater, far, far better than the buzz of alcohol or drugs.
You know? I'm addicted to Jesus. I'm addicted to worship. I love worship music. When I'm at the gym, I listen to worship music. Sometimes I go, hey.
Listen to this. And what is that? You know? I love it. It just puts me in that spot, perfect spot I'm supposed to be. I can't typically listen to oldies. Because oldies remind me of those parties and people and things we did.
I don't I don't enjoy it. There's no enjoyment. If I'm traveling in the car and Kathy puts on some real oldies, you know, she's got one that the kids love and they they put it on there. Leader of the pack.
You know, they watch that one. You know, leader of the pack. And boom, boom, boom. You know, and then boom. Crash, crash, crash, and all that. So, you know, so or war. What is it? You know, they'll do stuff like that.
Absolutely nothing. You know? And so we do that, a little bit of that, with the grandkids. But but, for the most part, you you can't get me reminiscing about, Rod Stewart or Peter Frampton or any of the stuff that we used to listen to.
It means nothing to me. I'd I'd rather worship the Lord. And it feeds my spirit, and I enjoy it. And, I don't need wine or alcohol or any of those things because God's given me something better.
Much, much better. Just just the fellowship with the Lord. I mean, give me a rib eye. You know? That's that's really where it is for me. You know?
So so there's a principle of nature and life, the spirit, and of the resurrection. So in that which sows, it sows not the body that shall be, but bear grain at me by chance of wheat or some other grain. So we notice the difference.
The drunk becomes a saint. If any man be in Christ, he's a new creation. The old things are passed away. All things have become new. A lot of Calvary Chapel pastors came out in the early days of the hippie and drugs and all that.
And many, many testimonies of God, saving them, bringing them to a place of sobriety, and, where their lives began to bear fruit, for his kingdom and glory.
So that which dies is nothing like that which appears. The resurrected body of Jesus is radically different than the body before the resurrection. Verse 38. But God gives it a body as it has pleased him, and to every seed his own body.
So God's oversight, God gives according to his design, and yet different, yet similar, changed, yet the same life form so wheat doesn't come out as barley or barley as as corn on the corn seed.
Isaiah 6111. As the earth bringeth forth her bud and as the garden causes the things that are sown in it to spring forth, so the lord god will cause righteousness and praise to spring forth before all the nations.
So in the millennium, we're gonna be in our new glorified bodies.
And I I suspect we're gonna be having a lot of fun in those new glorified bodies. Do you think we're gonna be able to go up to heaven and see the new Jerusalem, the heavy heavenly Jerusalem during that 1000 years?
Think we're gonna be able to go around the galaxy and and see the different planets and different things that the Lord has out there?
I'm hoping so. I don't think we're just gonna be, relegated to to earth or earthbound. You know? It's gonna be so incredibly exciting, as we know that the Lord ascended up to heaven.
The apostle Paul described a man, whether in the body or out of the body, caught up in the third heaven where God's throne. He said he couldn't even describe with words that which he saw.
And so I'm looking forward to that. And looking forward to going to heaven where Jesus said, I go to prepare a place for you, and I get my new glorified body. And now I get to see some of the old patriarchs.
Right? You get to see Moses and ask some questions. And Noah and Jonah and and Enoch and Elijah and Elisha and so many Abraham and Sarah and just so many people, heroes of faith, Daniel, Shadrach, Meshach, Abednego.
You know? Just, hey, what was that like? What was it like, man? And, and meeting angels, Michael the archangel and Gabriel and this time of year, Clarence.
You know? We get to meet these angels. So our new our new body's different and yet distinct. Verse 39. All flesh is not the same flesh, but there's one kind of flesh of men, another flesh of beasts, another of fishes, another of birds.
So a distinct kind of flesh. Frog legs may taste like chicken, but it's not chicken. Right? And a, Department of Defense guy may dress up with a dress on, but it doesn't make him a woman, does it?
No. Doesn't make him a woman. And, a man in a dress is not a woman. May thinks he is, may parade around like he is, like a fairy or whatever, but it it doesn't change it.
The gender's the same. Verse 40. There are also celestial bodies, bodies terrestrial. But the glory of the celestial is 1. The glory of the terrestrial is another. So distinctions. The celestial is the heavenly bodies.
The terrestrial is the earthly bodies. Verse 41. There's one glory of the sun, another glory of the moon, another glory of the stars. For one star differs from another star in glory. So sun, moon, and stars, they're all distinct.
Like flowers, stars have their own colors. So there's a star named, Adelbaran, which is a color of a pale rose. Rigel is a bluish white. Betelgeuse is an orange, topaz in color. Verse 42. So also is the resurrection of the dead.
Different bodies, but distinguishable, recognizable. So in Matthew 17, when Jesus took Peter, James, and John up on the Mount of Transfiguration, they saw Moses and Elijah. Moses, the type of the law.
Elijah, representative of the prophets. And their bodies were glistening like that of Jesus, clean white, whiter than any fuller soap. You know? So clothed with light. And, and they they were talking with Jesus, so maybe overheard him.
But it would appear that they knew, just by looking at him, that, hey. There's Moses. There's Elijah. Look at that. How would you know what they looked like? They just knew.
They just knew that knew that they knew that they knew that that's who they were. In Daniel 12:3, they that be wise shall shine as the brightness of the firmament, and they that turn many to righteousness as the stars forever and ever.
You know, god's made you unique. There god doesn't make any junk, as they would say. So you don't have to be trying to be like somebody else.
You're not gonna look like another angel. You're not you're a human being and your distinctive look, that uniqueness is you, and God's gonna make a hybrid, you know, a hybrid in like like the body of Jesus.
A better you, a perfected you. You know? So whatever whatever weaknesses, no whatever blemishes, whatever things as a result of the fall that we've had to endure, the fall of man, we're gonna be perfected.
And your friends, your family, you're gonna know even as you are known. They're gonna recognize you immediately. And we're gonna be able to talk, and we're not gonna say, hey.
It's getting late. I gotta go home. You might not even need to be able to sleep anymore, you know, if you wanna sleep, maybe. But Jesus' new glorified body, totally different.
Right? And so he had a body like you and I, which is, you know, flesh and bone and blood. But after the resurrection, there's no more blood. It's flesh and bone and empowered by the Holy Spirit.
You know? And he can walk through walls, and he can send up to heaven. Gravity can't hold him down. Right? And, just so many characteristics of this new glorified body that we're and he's the prototype.
He's like he's like Elon Musk trying to make that truck look better. You know? That that ugly looking truck's gotta be a prototype. There's nobody that can stand back and say, hey.
That's me right there. You know? He's not gonna make you like that. The engineering is gonna be far, far, far greater than that sort of thing. You know? I mean, what is it, plywood? You know? He was thinking, I could build that.
I'm not a I'm not a nothing. You know? So so also is the resurrection of the dead. Different bodies, but distinguishable, recognizable. And, the righteous are gonna shine like the stars forever and ever.
In Matthew 1338, Jesus interprets for us the parable of the sower of the seed. And he gives this is I love this when he's actually interpreting one of his parables so that we don't need to, you know, to guess. So the field is the world.
So the sower is going out, and he's casting the seed in the world. You and I are taking the gospel, and we're casting the seed out, you know, into the world. And he describes the different types of soils, you know, that it hits.
So the field is the world. The good seed are the children of the kingdom. So those that responded to the first parable of the sowing of the seed, the those that do respond, to the seed of the gospel are the children of the kingdom.
But the tares are the children of the wicked one. So you got a dis a distinction there. You got the children of the kingdom.
You got the children of the wicked one. Isn't that amazing that Satan has his own children? In John 8, Jesus told the religious leaders who were priding themselves on being Jews that their father was the devil.
And the characteristic of their father is he's a liar and a murderer from the beginning, and you guys are just like him.
You know? Jesus didn't care what those guys think. He just told him the truth. You know? He said, you know, which of you are gonna be able to save yourselves from the fires of hell? You know? I mean, talk to someone like that.
See what happens. He wasn't afraid of, you know, being DEI or whatever it is we have, tolerant of evil. He just let him let him know. And the prouder you were around Jesus, the more he's gonna bring you down.
The humbler you are and the more broken you are, the more he's gonna raise you up, gonna build you up. You know? God resists the proud. He gives grace to the humble. Humble yourself in the sight of the Lord, and he will lift you up.
And so the enemy that sowed them is the devil. The harvest is the end of the world. And the reapers are the angels. As therefore the tares are gathered and burned in the fire, so shall it be at the end of the world.
So I'm told that wheat farmers, they have to wait for the tares to get a certain height that then the flowering part of it's distinctly different than that of wheat.
And so you gotta Jesus said you gotta let them both grow until the time of, you know, the harvest. And the angels are in there and they're reaping. They're bringing out the, the true wheat, the true children of god.
And they're bundling up the tares to, take to hell and to and to burn. So as therefore the tares gathered and burned in the fire, so shall it be at the end of the world.
The son of man shall send forth his angels, and they shall gather out of his kingdom all things that offend, and them which do iniquity, and shall cast them into a furnace of fire, and there should be wailing and ashen of teeth.
Then shall the righteous shine forth as the sun in the kingdom of their father. So different and yet distinct. There's a distinction there. You're either a saint or you're an ain't. Ain't.
Either gathering with him or you're scattering abroad. You're either for him or you're against him. And, unfortunately, many of us think that as a Republican or a Democrat, that somehow one means I'm for God and one means we're not.
And that Jesus is somehow an American. You know? No. You there's no middle ground. There's no washing your hands of evil and priding yourself on choosing the lesser of 2 evils.
That's man's logic, man's thinking. And somehow, it's promoted in the church during election cycle. You're either for him or you're against him. You're there all the way for him, not partway.
You don't you don't you don't make concessions for God. Well, we're going to concede that, you know, 15 weeks is more moral than You don't do that. It's either holy or it's unholy. God's distinctly different than the way we think.
You can't box him into our our thinking in a political arena. What if god had something outside the box you never thought of to heal America? You never thought of it because you weren't looking for it. May maybe it starts with r.
Maybe it starts with repentance. Maybe then we'll be able to hear from god. Our new bodies, different, distinct. And thirdly, dynamic. Paul uses 4 contrast of the old and new bodies to demonstrate the superiority superiority of the new.
42 b. It is sown in corruption. It is raised in incorruption. Our old body is corruptible. Ecclesiastes 3:20 says, all go onto one place and all are of the dust and shall return to the dust. And we use the phrase from dust to dust.
Started from the dust. God fashioned Adam from the dust. The value of this body, the intrinsic value of minerals, you know, is few cents. But the real value because of the price Jesus paid upon the cross at Calvary is ineffable.
What what price would you pay or give for blood bought saints that he purchased with his own blood. It's the purchase price of purchasing you and I out of sin, out of death, out of hell.
As the creator, he made you. And as your redeemer, he bought you. You're twice his. And you're very, very valuable because he went and he sold all that he had to purchase you.
Always, always, always. There's never such a thing as low self esteem for the Christian. If you look to the cross and you understand that he would have went to the cross to die just for you alone, you're distinctly different.
You're unique. And he would have went just for you. There's rejoicing in heaven among the angels when just one sinner repents. That's the value he places upon you and I.
No matter how much you've been rejected, no matter who divorced you, who beat you, who hurt you, who didn't like you. Jesus has been there all along saying, You're mine. You belong to me. Lazarus, 4 days in the grave.
Jesus said, take away the stone. Martha. Martha. Martha. Martha. Lord, by this time he stinketh. He stinketh, Lord. He's corrupting. We did real good in putting spices all over him and wrapped him real well and all that.
But, Lord, by this time, his body's breaking down and and he stinketh. I like the King James. He stinketh. Job knew. He says in Job 19, he says, though after my skin worms destroy this body, yet in my flesh shall I see God.
Job knew that the body would go back to the dust, but that the resurrection would take place, that Jesus would resurrect him and give him a new glorified body.
1st Peter 1 verse 3, blessed be the God and father of our Lord Jesus Christ, which according to his abundant mercy has begotten us again unto a lively hope.
So our hope is a lively hope, not a dead hope. We don't place our hope in this day in a dead politician, a dead savior, a dead guru, a dead philosopher.
You can go and you can find the grave of Buddha, for those that are Buddhist. You go find the grave of Joseph Smith, for those who are Mormons.
You can go to China maybe and find the grave of Confucius. Go to India. You go all over the world. These are dead men, dead religious leaders, People following dead men. The tomb is empty. Jesus threw the stone away.
He didn't throw the stone away so he could get out. He threw the stone away so the the critics could get in, so everyone could see. And the best way to become a Christian is to try to disprove the resurrection.
If you take the time in your argument to simply study the evidence, the overwhelming evidence of the resurrection, and then begin to study the the evidence, the more sure word of prophecy, you're gonna come to Christ.
But if you're just looking for an argument and don't investigate, then you're a foolish man, a foolish woman.
Because the evidence is overwhelming, and people far greater than you and I that have tried to disprove the bible and disprove the resurrection have wound up coming to Christ because it's overwhelming.
We don't follow a dead savior. Produce a body, you destroy Christianity. So all the enemies of the cross need do is produce a body. All the Romans need do is say, hey. We've got the body of Jesus here, and he's still dead.
And he still bears the the scars upon his hands and his feet and the scar that was in his side that the centurion pierced him, that Thomas said, my lord and my god, when Thomas saw him 8 days later.
Now we serve a resurrected savior. Job knew, a livelihood by the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead to an inheritance incorruptible, undefiled that fades not away, reserved in heaven for you.
Nobody can ever snatch you out of his hand. Nobody's ever gonna blot your name out of the lamb's book of life.
There's a body. There's a dwelling place. There's a mansion awaiting you that you are gonna pass out of this body. Your soul and your spirit are gonna go habitate, go into your new glorified body.
The old body, he's not gonna rehab. He's not gonna put it through rehab. He's not gonna put a chip in your head. He's not gonna use chirogenics or Botox or anything to keep you going longer and be prettier.
He says that part is going back to the dust, from dust to dust. But there's a similarity. There's a distinctiveness to who you are in this new body, so much so that people that once knew you recognize you.
Pastor Chuck always says, you might not recognize me, but I'm the guy with the brown, curly hair. You know? But we'll get to know each other even better than we know each other even now. Verse 43.
It is sown in dishonor. It is raised in glory. So no longer will we dishonor God in these bodies. That word dishonor is a Greek word, datimia, which speaks a loss of citizenship rights. A corpse has no rights. I mean, think about it.
You've gotta carry this corpse with you. You've you've you're you're a new creation in Christ, but you still got this old body with all of its impulses, warring and fighting with the new part of your being, the spiritual part.
You're in Galatians 5. You're in Romans 7. The things I wanna do, I don't do.
The things I don't wanna do, I do. And there's this battle going on. And you conclude, oh, wretched man that I am. Yeah. Who who not what not what program, not what drug. Who shall deliver me from the body of this death?
Jesus. In Romans 8, the savior, the spirit, the holy spirit delivers us from the bondage that we that we experience, you know, in these bodies. And, and we get victory according to Galatians 5.
When we sow to the spirit, we get victory. When we sow to the flesh, we experience defeat. And then we dishonor god. We're all bummed out. How could I do that again? I promise I'd never do that again.
I promise I'd never think that way. I promise I'd never lose my temper. I promise I'd never this, never that, never this, never that. And for some of us, the lord cures you just like that when you get saved.
You have no propensity for whatever it was that held you in bondage before. But there's this other stuff going on over here that's a struggle the rest of your life.
And it keeps you really humble. And you can't you just can't wait to put off that old man. You can't wait till that new, perfected body's there. And every time I think, oh, I got it. I read enough pages of the bible today.
I prayed enough. I led 4 people to Christ. Man, my hair's growing back. My teeth are getting whiter. I'm getting really good at this. Then you go home and you beat the dog. Oh. Nobody beats a dog, do they?
Well, you didn't talk nice to the kitty. You know, you did something wrong. And it and it it it it bothers you. You're all back to square 1. You're back to square 1. Like, how could this be? I've walked with the Lord all this time.
Why do I still lose my temper? There's a time where I fell off a a ladder, real high up. Double ladder. And I could hear it in my head still. I had my arm through the rung. And I went to go put a curtain rung on there, and I reached.
And ladders are rated for weight. And this ladder wasn't rated for over £300. And God didn't make behemoth to fly. And so that ladder bent and it went ding ding ding ding ding ding ding. And I rode it down. And then boom.
And it crushed my arm. And then I landed, by a drum, you know, platform and all that. And one of the guys there says, man, you didn't even cuss. A a curse word didn't come out of me, you know, because I could have went into a tirade.
Right? That's how we talk before we're Christians. And, we talk like a sailor. Right? And you're working out in the yard and you think you got, oh, wow.
I didn't even cuss. And then you're doing something and hammering the nail and hits your thumb. Oh, man. You know, and you lose it. There's nobody around there, you think.
But, there's always somebody there. Right? And you're like, why is that still in there? For the bones of the heart, the mouth speaks. Lord, you got you gotta get me past this, man. You gotta change my vocabulary.
You gotta help me to get get past the ugliness that's there in me. You know, in my flesh dwells no good thing, Paul said. So quit looking for something good within. In me, that is in my flesh, dwells no good thing.
And the most deceitful and wicked thing in all the universe is Oprah's heart. The heart that she says, just follow your heart. No. The heart is deceitful above all things and desperately wicked.
Who can know it? So I need a new heart. I'm with David. I never thought I'd be such a wretched man after all that God's given me. Given me so much. And and I I betrayed Ahithophel, my counselor. I betrayed Uriah, one of my mighty men.
I betrayed my family by going into Bathsheba. I sinned against God. God created me a clean heart, oh God, and renew a right spirit within me. That's a penitent sinner crying out for God to change him from within.
And God does. God hears that cry and he does change us. And we're being changed. There's a metamorphosis taking place. We're being changed from glory to glory into the image of Christ.
I'm not the wretch I was back in 1980. There there are little little snippets and stuff still there from that Rick. But that Rick, to the present day, the present day Rick's nothing like that, Rick.
There's some changes taking place, but there's still a whole lot of wickedness. Paul said, I press toward the mark of the high calling of god in Christ Jesus.
I haven't apprehended that for which I was apprehended. I haven't reached the goal yet. I I'm not perfected yet. But this one thing I do, forgetting those things that were put behind, and I press forth.
I press toward the high calling of god in Christ Jesus. And part of that's the humility, the brokenness, and knowing, without me, you can do nothing, Jesus said. It's dependence upon God. It's an admission of my weakness.
When I'm weak, then I'm strong. God's grace is sufficient for me for his strength's perfected in weakness. I need god's help. My citizenship is in heaven, from whence also we look for the savior, the lord Jesus.
There's my politic. My citizenship is in heaven. I'm not an earth dweller anymore. I don't belong here. This isn't my home. Sodom and Gomorrah, this place is is crazy.
Lord Jesus, come back. I don't want my grandkids living here under this tyranny of the wicked one. Who shall change our vile body that it may be fashioned like unto his glorious body? So it's not just the physical.
It's the mind, the will, the emotions. It's the edemic nature, the fallen nature that goes with the body that he's gonna change. I hate being the old Rick. I want all those memories erased. I want all those things I've done erased.
I want all the regrets and all the failures. I want it all erased. I want every tear wiped away. I wanna start fresh. I wanna walk in that newness of life. It is sown in weakness. It is raised in power.
It's a dynamic body. A dunamis, dynamic, powerful body. No more sickness. No more funerals. No more hospital visits. Jesus is the great physician. He had great compassion toward the sick. In many cases, he would heal them all.
In other cases, he'd just heal a few of them. You know? The disciples went about doing good, but they couldn't reach into the bag of tricks. I say that loosely. And heal everybody. They couldn't raise everybody from the dead.
Paul had to tell Timothy, take a little wine for your stomach's sake. Medicinal. A medicinal methodology. Hey. If if if if Paul could heal everybody, then he wouldn't have left, you know, Epaphroditus sick.
At times, the lord gave him the power and the faith to heal people. At other times, the people die. James was executed by Herod in Acts 12, his time to go home.
That's why we pray, nevertheless, Lord, not our will, but thy will be done. The lord says, I am gonna heal him by giving him his new body. His time's up with you, Rick. I'm taking him home.
I'm taking her home. Lord, no. No, Lord. We need him. No. He fulfilled his plan and his purpose for me. You're still here, Rick, because there's so much more I gotta do in you. You know? Some graduate. You know? They get to go early.
The Lord takes the best ones quick, doesn't he? It's amazing. No cancer. No more vaccine jabs, man. You ever live in a time of jabs? What's with these guys? God's given us immune system. No cancer. No more pneumonia. No more paralysis.
No more Alzheimer's. No autistic children from the jabs. The schedule of jabs, the schedule of vaccines in children raised according to Russ doctor Russell Blalock, neurologist, increased the amount of autistic children by over 5,000%.
I don't even know what it is today. You have a little baby and they wanna immediately start jabbing them.
And pretty soon, before they're 2 years old, they've already got 42 different ones. And the state of Washington, they use a timirasol, which is a mercury which is toxic to the development of the neurological components of of a child.
And they package them, not just one at a time, but packaging them. And it overwhelms their nervous system before it can even form. You hear parents you hear parents describing their children just so bright, full of life.
And then they go in for that first round. And there's a dullness that comes over their eyes. It's like that brightness goes away. And some of them some of them can survive that.
And others succumb to autism and many other things as a result thereof. And yet, the pharmaceutical companies and our government continue to move in the direction of jabbing the whole planet.
Not gonna have to worry about that. No more fear of death. Not gonna be afraid of dying. Anybody here fear death? I don't fear death. I fear some of you dying because I'll miss you.
I certainly don't wanna see my wife or my my baby Britney with a blood clot dying. I was really worried about her, really worried about the babies. It's it's it's amazing how attached we are. How much we love.
How much we and I believe God makes us that way. Detaching a process of bereavement, of grieving, It comes in wave after wave, and it just knocks you out. And then there's a day where you wash your face, you get up, and and you move on.
And every now and then, it sneaks up on you. Maybe at the holidays, their birthdays, anniversaries. It just hurts. It just hurts so deeply that you you you wanna focus on the babies.
You wanna focus on the new ones coming in. Hard to look back. And yet, if they're saved, we know that, hey, they're safe. They're safe. They're in good hands. They're not suffering anymore with that cancer.
They're not suffering with that pain anymore. They're in their perfected bodies. There's rejoicing in heaven, the excitement of worshiping around the throne of god. It is sown a natural body is raised to a spiritual body.
There's a natural body and there's a spiritual body. So not limited to the natural realm, perfectly suited for heavenly living. Ain't that great? Perfectly suited for heavenly living.
You're not gonna have to wear a space suit. You can go to the moon anytime you want. You know? You go to the other planets, the galaxy, you the New Jerusalem. You get to go up there and check it out.
New heaven, new earth, it's coming. Oh, man. What a great god we serve. Our new body's different, distinct, dynamic, and fourthly and finally, developed by Elon Musk. No. Developed by god. Verse 45.
And so it is written, the first man Adam was made a living soul. The last Adam was made a quickening spirit. So the first Adam has a natural body and his body suited for earth. And what an amazing, amazing creation that God has made.
The human body, the eye, the ear, the heart. All these guys with all their technology, they're not even close, are they? Not even close. Amazing. But Christ, the last Adam, was designed a life giving spirit.
Jesus is the prototype. He's the prototype. He's the first of the resurrection. First fruits of the resurrection. The first one to be resurrected with this kind of a body. Lazarus, he's resurrected in that old body, that old type.
The widow of Nain's son in that old type of body. Lazarus would die again. Right? The widow of Nain's son would die again. Jairus' daughter would die again in that in that body that was raised.
Elijah raised a person and and, the the son of the Shunammite, I think. And and same same thing. Old Testament, New Testament. The guys are gonna be resurrected in their old bodies.
But Jesus, the prototype of the new. Amazing. He could walk through walls. He could travel not at the speed of a 186000 miles a second, that of light, or 6,000,000,000,000 miles in a year, the speed of light.
And what's our national debt? Light travels a 186,000 miles a second and 6, 6,000,000,000 miles in 1 year.
36,000,000,000,000? Oh. That's called debt. That's a big, big number. And yet, our little galaxy is just one of billions of galaxies out there expanding. And we're gonna travel at the speed of what?
Thought. You think it, you're there. Ain't that amazing? Going through walls. I can't wait. I wanna see how far I could hit a baseball, you know? My eyes would be perfect seeing the seeing the threads of that ball coming in.
Oh. Amazing. Be fun. So howbeit verse 46, howbeit that was not first which is spiritual, but that which is natural, and afterward that which is spiritual. And so Jesus meets up with a guy, a Pharisee, a ruler.
In John chapter 3, his name is Nicodemus. Nick came to him at night. Nick at night. And he was afraid of the other religious leaders, so that's why he came to him at night. And he said, good master. And Nick is a natural man.
Nick is a religious man, but a natural man. And he recognized that Jesus is doing a lot of good. And you'll talk to people out there, and they'll say that, hey, my grandma, my mom, my dad, me, I'm gonna get to heaven because I'm good.
I'm a good person. Well, the Bible says there's none righteous. No, not one. The Bible says all we like sheep have gone astray. The Bible says all have sinned and come short of the glory of God.
There's only one righteous person, and he proved it by being crucified, buried, and raised from the dead. That's Jesus. The only one. The only one. And you don't get there by being good because there's none good.
And so Jesus told Nicodemus, Nick, you must, imperative, you must be born again. And he's thinking in the natural, well, how can a man that is old go a second time into his mother and be born a second time?
Well, the natural man, in 1st Corinthians chapter 2 verse 14, the natural man understands not the things of God, neither can he know them because they're spiritually discerned.
And you've confronted this. You've shared the gospel with people that just that that it doesn't register. They don't understand. They can't get it. And even a child could understand, but they just the concept, they can't get it.
But eye hasn't seen nor ear heard, neither has it entered in the hearts of men the things which God has prepared for them that loves them. But God has revealed them unto us by his spirit. Nicodemus, you must be born again.
You need to be born of the water. They broke Britney's water last Saturday. And then they did some other stuff I can't tell you. You're in trouble. They induced labor, but part of the inducing of that labor is, hey.
The water broke. You need to be born of the water. You need to have a natural birth, Nicodemus. And then you need to be born of the spirit, born from above. Gotta be born again.
Water and the spirit. Jesus became a man. He died in a body like ours, yet without sin, and was raised in a new, glorified, superhuman body. Life began in a natural body. And then Christ, Jesus, produced a super spiritual race.
Now do you think the devil's trying to duplicate that? Do you think the devil in Genesis 6 when the angels that left their first estate, these angels that left in Revelation 12, 1 third of the stars fell with Lucifer.
So Lucifer, son of the morning, Isaiah 14 and Ezekiel 28, a fallen angel, probably of the rank of Michael the archangel, a very exalted angel, but yet an angel.
And his I will statements, I will be as the most high god. He became the serpent, the dragon.
He became the devil, the adversary, Satan. And so the sons of God, just as Job described the sons of God as these angels, these fallen angels, the angels that walked in to the city of Sodom and Gomorrah appeared as men.
The angels that walked into the camp of Abraham and Sarah appeared as men.
In Hebrews 13, we're told to entertain strangers, for some have entertained angels unaware. So these angels come toward these women in a human form and have a sexual relationship with them.
And the offspring, Satan's desire, is to bring forth a superhuman offspring that's not human. That's part angel, part human being, the Nephilim, the giants, a superhuman race.
Do you think Elon Musk and the leaders of today would love to be able to produce 35 foot giants, superhuman race that could build the pyramids and all that again?
Certainly, they would. They'd love to. They'd love to be able to extend a man's lifespan beyond a 120 to 200, 250, whatever, 900.
And then you get to chapter 5 of and he died, and he died, and he died, and he died, and he died. Why'd they all die? Sin? Adam, the day you eat of it, you shall surely die. And so Jesus comes along. And he's he's offspring.
He's he's part of the DNA of human beings. Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord. Noah was perfect in his generations. So God stocked the ark with animals, but he stocked the ark with 8 people whose DNA was not tainted by the devil.
Perfect human DNA. Because in Genesis 315, the seed of the woman, the virgin born son of god, human being, would be the savior of the world.
His heel would be bruised, but he'd crush the serpent's head by raising himself from the dead. Born of a virgin, Isaiah 714. Isaiah 9 verse 6.
The virgin shall conceive and bring forth a son, and we'll call him Emmanuel, God with us. We're getting there. It's November, but December's coming. Right? The incarnation of god's only begotten son, fully god, fully man.
He set aside the free exercise of his deity as a human being, tempted in all points like we and yet without sin, for the very sole purpose of being glorified on the cross of Calvary.
To glorify his father. To die for your sins and my sins. Destroy this temple. In 3 days, I'll raise it up. A wicked and adulterous generation seeks after a sign and the only sign you're getting is the sign of the prophet Jonah.
As Jonah was 3 days 3 nights in the belly of that great fish, so shall the son of man be 3 days 3 nights in the heart of the earth.
That deceiver said, destroy this temple. In 3 days, I'll raise it up. We better put a seal, a Roman seal, upon that stone.
We better put a quaterina spec ops soldiers, lest his disciples steal the body and the end result be worse than we have right now. They did us a favor, didn't they? The keepers quaked. They fell on the ground, just quaked.
They're couldn't handle it. Just an angel came. Couple angels rolled away the stone. Why seek the living among the dead? He's not here. He is risen. I love that, don't you? Why seek the living among the dead? Oh, man. So much hope.
So much to be excited about. Jesus became a man. He died in a body like ours. He raised himself from the dead, a new, glorified superhuman body beginning in a natural body, but into a spiritual body, a spiritual race of people.
The devil, the AC, the false prophet Elon are unable, they're impotent to duplicate, to come even close to what God's doing in your life, in my life. Verse 47. The first man is of the earth, earthy.
The second man is the Lord from heaven. So Adam came from the earth. Jesus came from heaven. Verse 48. As is the earthy, such are they also that are earthy. And as is the heavenly, such are they also that are heavenly.
So Jesus is the prototype of the heavenly, the new heavenly bodies that we're gonna have. Able to go through walls. He just appears. He comes into a room without using the door.
I imagine in it with these new glorified bodies that all of us as men will just naturally put the toilet seat down. I think we'll finally get that. I don't even know if we go potty. I don't even know.
Probably not. Right? Able to send to heaven, to move quickly, not limited by time or space, speed of thought. You got demons out there acting like UFOs, confusing these guys. A greater appearance of demons all over the globe.
We're getting in a time of the beast system. Great demonic deception coming. God's gonna have his witnesses, the 144,000, 12,000 from each tribe that are untouchables, marked by the Lord, sharing the everlasting gospel.
He's gonna have his 2 witnesses for three and a half years, proclaiming the good news of Jesus Christ.
To the whole world watching for three and a half years tormenting those that that, try to disown God and all. And then they're executed by their champion, the AC. They have a big party with one another, giving gifts.
And the bodies lay in the street for 3 and a half days and then the Lord raised them up. The whole world's watching on their phones, watching on their electronics. The 2 witnesses, Moses and Elijah, Elijah and Enoch, Zerubbabel.
I know who it is, but I can't tell you yet. And as we have born the image of the earthy, we shall also bear the image of the heavenly. So throughout this life, we've habitually born the image of Adam.
In the next, that of Christ. First John 32. Beloved, now are we the sons of God. It does not yet appear what we shall be, but we know that when he shall appear, we shall be like him, For we shall see him as he is.
And he that has this hope in him, this hope of the rapture, this so this hope of the soon return of Jesus, just yearning to put on this new body. He that has this hope in him purifies himself even as he is pure.
It's a purifying hope. The Bible says in Titus 2 13, he's the blessed hope and the glorious appearing of our great god and savior, Jesus Christ. Are you content to remain like Adam? Fallen? Sinful? Unloving? Selfish?
Or do you yearn? Do you hope to be like Jesus? If so, you must be born again. No in betweeners. You must you must be born again. You can't get there by being good. If you could get there by being good, then you could resurrect yourself.
You could ascend to the right hand of the throne of God. And so he sent the Holy Spirit. Jesus said the comforter would come but he'd send the Holy Spirit that he would testify testify the world of righteousness.
That you have to be as righteous as him to get into heaven. He's the only one righteous enough. Of sin. Of righteousness and judgment. Of sin, because they believe not on me. Of righteousness, because I send to the father.
And of judgment, because the prince of this world is judged. The devil's judged. So the only way you get there is by believing. Salvation's a free gift For by by grace through faith alone, God's unmerited favor upon you.
As many as received him, to them gave he the power to become the sons of God, the children of God. Are you receiving Christ? To receive Christ means you're born again, no longer body and soul, but body, soul, and spirit.
The Holy Spirit comes to dwell within you. The Holy Spirit is alongside you, convicting you of sin, and then comes within, and then the epi upon you, the empowerment for service.
Within and upon. The Holy Spirit's bearing witness of Jesus. The Holy Spirit's showing you the cross even now. The Holy Spirit's showing you the only perfect man the world has ever seen was crucified by his own creation.
He said, father, forgive them for they know not what they do. He said, it is finished to tell us I paid in full. It's all been paid for. He's the savior of the whole world, but especially to those who believe.
Do you believe? If you believe and you're ready to surrender your heart and life unto him, as many as received him, to to them gave he the power to become the sons of God.
That's what it means to be born again, to be born of the spirit. Jesus wants to take that scaly bulb, the worm, the caterpillar you are now, and make you new.
It's interesting to me when they show pictures of all the celebrities, the icons, the idols, the Arnold Schwarzenegger when he's pumping iron as a young man, and Arnold Schwarzenegger is the old guy with his chest hanging down.
You know? These women, super beautiful, but now the Botox and all that stuff and oh, it's embarrassing. It's embarrassing. Just wear a mask, you know? Oh. It's it but it's the way we're all going.
We're all going the way from dust to dust. But God's got a new, glorified body. And, you know, it's not gonna be a body in its fifties. It's gonna be a body in its prime. Whatever Adam and Eve's prime was, it's prime.
Man, you're gonna be able to jump again. You know? For me, I'm gonna be able to bend over and put my shoes on, you know, without falling off the chair. Rick, did you do a header again? Yeah. I can't get my leg up there.
I'll say, Ezra, can you Ezra, can you please tie my shoe for me? You know, if I'm outside there, I can't bend over, you know. Hey, dad, pop your shoes into oh, honey, can you tie it for me? Won't do that anymore.
He wants to make you like him. Now the question, how? The devil wants to know how. The occult people wanna know how. How can we make a superhuman? How can we make a prototype? How can we duplicate that which Jesus does?
How? It comes by way of death. The answer is death. If you're willing to die, trust Jesus with all your heart, all your mind, all your soul, all your strength, he promises to raise you up, to transform you, to make you new.
And he's got a new, glorified body awaiting you. Verily, verily, I send you, except a corn of wheat falls to the ground and die, it abides alone.
But if it dies, it bears much fruit. He that loves his life is gonna lose it. He that loses his life, hates his life, in this world shall keep it unto life eternal. Are you ready to die, to live?
Ready to die to self? You ready to come to the cross? If any man come after me, let him deny himself daily, take up his cross daily, and follow me. That's the secret of the life of the spirit. Death to self.
No rehab of the old. If any man be in Christ, the old things are passed away. Behold, all things are become new. Isn't that great? Yeah. Oh, yes. I mean, a new creature in Christ Jesus. A new creation. It's so great to behold.
Those of you that I've I'm getting to know. Some of you got saved here. Some of you started out at various stages of growth. But it's so amazing for me to watch you mature and to grow and to become more like Jesus. It's fascinating.
It's the reward that Kathy and I cherish is being involved in people's lives, doing our part, you doing your part, and collectively, corporately standing back and glorifying the lord, praising the lord for the changes, transforming us from glory a transformation transforming us from glory to glory into the image of Christ.
One day, instantaneously. But meanwhile, we're being changed. We're being transformed. God's transforming your heart and mind even now.
Not your body, because he's got a new one. Say, oh, well, I'm I use a lot of duct tape. You know? Duct tape yeah. I know. No duct tape. No oils. Father, thank you so much. Thank you for so great a salvation.
A salvation in the past tense, Lord, you delivered us from the past penalty of sin. In the present tense, Lord, a salvation so great, you're delivering us from the power of sin. Sin shall not have dominion over us.
We can walk even now in that newness of life, gaining victory over the power of sin in our lives. And then, Lord, in the future tense, we're being delivered. We're gonna be delivered from the very presence of sin.
We're gonna be perfected in you. Being confident of this very thing that he that has begun a good work in me, that he will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ, the day when we see you face to face.
Lord, thank you that you're the one that works within us. Lord, we wanna cooperate. We wanna yield our members. We wanna yield our hearts and minds unto you that you would stimulate that growth within us.
Help us, Lord, we pray, to glorify you. To be able to love like you love, Lord. Be able to pray like you pray. To be able to walk and encourage and help like you, Lord. Make us like you. In Jesus' name we pray. Amen.