Public Sector Executive News

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And here’s today’s news from Public Sector Executive – on Tuesday the 23rd July 2024.

West Midlands Combined Authority has confirmed that it has set plans in motion to bring the region’s bus network under public control.
Thanks to a decision made by the combined authority’s board on Friday, bus services around the West Midlands are to be brought under a franchising model in order to achieve the best value for money. The decision was made following a study into the services was conducted, as the combined authority currently pays private operators around £50 million a year to run services – with no control over reliability or price of those services.
Should final approval for the plans be granted at the end of next year, the combined authority is anticipating a two-year transition period.

West Berkshire Council has announced that schools in the area have voted in favour of a new proposal to redirect unused school funding.
This comes as many schools have been keeping leftover government grant funding in reserve, with some schools seeing their funding build-up tripled, rising from around £4 million, to £13 million, since 2015.
This investment will now be returned, so that the money can be spent on providing further support for students with additional needs.

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