Public Sector Executive News

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And here’s today’s news from Public Sector Executive – on Tuesday the 14th May 2024.
A devolution deal for Norfolk is to be considered when the county council’s Infrastructure and Development Select Committee meets tomorrow.
Three reports are to be considered, as they look to open the doors to major investment across the region in things such as infrastructure, skills, housing, and transport. The devolution deal was originally supported by councillors in December last year, with that being subject to a vote on a new publicly elected leader this July.
Benefits of the devolution deal are that more decisions can be made by local leaders who know what is best for their communities, as well as injecting more than £600 million of investment over the course of 30 years.

Wales has become the first nation in the UK, and potentially in Europe, to use a groundbreaking new way of advertising itself to drive the visitor economy.
The Welsh Government, and Visit Wales, have come together to promote the nation through the metaverse, which offers users the opportunity to experience Wales in virtual reality. Through the metaverse, users will be able to access a range of features and experiences that show off the country’s culture and heritage.
Around 600 million people use the metaverse every year, showcasing Wales’ tourism offering to a vast audience. This development has come as the Welsh Government is working to increase the number of ways that it is advertising itself to increase tourism and investment into the country.

The UK Space Agency has announced that millions of pounds are being committed to projects that will improve the UK’s ability to monitor crucial aspects of the earth as the government works to further understand and protect the planet.
12 projects are going to be supported with £9 million, with this ensuring the measuring of critical emissions such as carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrogen dioxide. By doing this, a clearer picture can be built of where different levels of emissions are being produced, enabling a more effective climate response.
This funding consolidates the UK’s position as one of the world’s leaders in Earth observation, with £314 million already being pledged to programmes as part of the European Space Agency’s £1.8 billion investment.
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