Empty Pages

In this episode, I discuss the best time to write.

Show Notes

Empty Pages

The personal podcast for Ian MacTire, writer / podcaster / werewolf. This podcast follows my journey from first draft to published novel and beyond.

In this episode, I discuss the best time to write.

The transcript for this episode can be found on my website at https://ianmactire.com/

If you wish to submit a question or topic for me to answer and/or discuss, please feel free to either send me an email  or message me on Twitter (links below).

Find Me Online:

Twitter: https://twitter.com/IanMactire
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ianmactire/
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCHynrTLeHLuyCicYfNyVg_Q
Website: https://ianmactire.com/


Hosted, produced, edited and engineered by Ian MacTire.

Intro music: Last Drink by Crowander (www.crowander.com )
Outro music: Bye Bye by Crowander (www.crowander.com )

About Me

You know those shows that feature some dude who gets turned into a werewolf and then spends the entire movie/series complaining about it? Eff those guys! I will gladly take on the burden of being a werewolf, as I legit see no downside to being one.

Anyway, I digress. Throughout my career, I have been a jack of all trades, master of none. I have worked in fields as diverse as customer service, IT, and medical credentialing. I have been writing on and off over the years, but have finally decided to get serious about it. I participated in my first NaNoWriMo in November 2020 and won (which was a pretty big deal for me, if not for anyone else).

When not writing or working, I can be found hosting the Empty Pages podcast, and co-hosting the Tricky Fish podcast (along with my daughter), learning to play guitar, and hanging out with my partner in crime, a Golden Retriever named Lord Bark Vader.

What is Empty Pages?

The personal podcast for Ian MacTire, writer / podcaster / werewolf. This podcast follows my journey from first draft to published novel and beyond.

If you're a return listener, welcome back, if this is your first time, welcome! I hope you find the information in these episodes to be useful. Also, if you are enjoying these, please leave a review and share with others, as that helps to get this podcast noticed. And if you're not enjoying them, feel free to drop me a line letting me know why.

This is episode 10, and in this episode, we'll be discussing the best time to write. Up to this point, we've discussed the tools we can use to write, how to get ideas, word counts, and a few other basic things that I have discovered since deciding to become serious with my writing. While all of it has been rather basic, they are all building blocks that taken together, have actually helped to set me up for success. I honestly believe that I would have had a harder time completing my first draft had I not had these in place when I started writing. It is my hope that by sharing these things with you, you will be set up for success as well.

Is there a best time to write? I think there is, but it's not a best time that applies to everyone. Some of us are night owls, and the more psychopathic among us are morning people. I kid, but seriously, how anyone can be so bright eyed and energetic so early in the morning is beyond me. But I digress.

Ask any writer, and I'm sure we'd all agree that the best time to write is whenever we get the chance.  However, life does get in the way for most of us, and as such, makes it difficult to be able to write whenever, although technology has given us something of the opportunity, as we can now use our smartphones to do some of our writing, even if it's just jotting down ideas or working on outlines. And yes, I said "we" when I said to ask any writer. If you are in the process of writing, then you my friend are a writer. You might not be a published writer, but a writer none the less. In fact, if you're in the process of writing? You're already way ahead of those who talk about it. And if you've completed any story? You're way ahead of both of those groups. So yeah, if you're writing, you're a writer. And if anyone asks who said you could claim to be a writer, feel free to tell them Ian said so.

That being said, I think that each of us has that sweet spot where we are most productive and efficient with our writing. For me personally, it's usually between 5 and 8 pm during the week, but usually only for about two hours, give or take. It's at the end of the day after work, and my brain has just enough juice left to do some writing. Weekends are usually a little more flexible, and that's usually when I can get a bit more writing done.

For some people, evenings will work just fine. For others, they may find that they do their best writing early in the morning, before anyone else has gotten up. I wish there was some magical formula that I could impart to you that would help you figure your best time. Unfortunately, you will have to spend some time figuring it out for yourself.  All I can say is that it is worth it to find that time frame, and to see if you can work that into your daily schedule, as this will help maximize your writing. At least until we become the kind of writers that can make enough of a living with our writing that we can make that our full time jobs. Wouldn't that be sweet? Hit me up on Twitter and Instagram and let me know what your best time to write is.

In  the meantime, stay classy and keep writing those stories!