Twist My Arm Podcast

Welcome back to Quest Me! The podcast that takes you on a quest through the latest Star Wars project!

For the next 7 weeks we will be discussing and breaking down The Acolyte episode by episode!

On this weeks episode Josh, Justin, and Phil are joined bySteve(Sinecera) to talk about episode 6 of The Acolyte: "Teach/Corrupt". Is the series starting to win over the fans? Can Manny boy get any hotter? What has our long time friend Steve thought of the series so far? Join us as we go on a Quest through the latest Disney+ series!

Be sure to follow Sinecera at the links below!

Listen to Josh's interview with Steve Below
Twist my 9 & 3/4 Feat. Steve(Sinecera)

Make sure to visit his shop below to see the pieces we discussed on the show!
Online Shop

Follow Justin on Instagram HERE
Follow Phil on
Twitter HERE
Take a peek at Phils Blog,
"The Swords of the Ancients" HERE

Be sure to follow Quest Me(TMA) at the links below!

Opening music
Arrival in utopia by soundbay

Closing Music
Mysterious Sci Fi

The opinions expressed in this podcast are just that, opinions. Copyright TMA Studios. All Rights Reserved

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What is Twist My Arm Podcast?

Welcome to the Twist My Arm Podcast! We're here to twist your arm into something new!

Hello, everyone,

and welcome back to Quest Me,

the TMA podcast that takes

you on a quest through Star

Wars legends and canon.

New canon.


My name is Josh.

I'm your forever host and friend.

And of course, like I said,

this is brought to you by Twist My Arm.

So you can find us anywhere

you listen to podcasts just

by searching Twist My Arm podcast.

Today, we are talking about the Acolyte,

episode six, Teach Me.

We're back to the slashes in the episodes.

The last two episodes did

not have a slash.

It was just one word.

And this time we're back to it, I guess.

So I wish the episodes were

longer and that there was

like a half hour of teach

and a half hour of corruption.

But I digress.

I cannot do this alone, obviously,

because look at me having a

hard time speaking alone.

So I have to bring in my

lovely co-host and friend.

His name is Justin.

How are you doing today?

I'm doing fantastic.

Thank you.

How are you?


I actually just got back in

town from your neck of the woods.

I was so busy.

I was so busy.

I just drove the whole time, I feel like.

There's just so much traffic

out there to begin with,

and then when you throw the

4th of July on top of it, it just... Man,

it was bad.

It was really bad.


But it's good to have you on.

And next time I'm in town,

we will make sure to hit up

lunch or something.

I would love that.


So Phil is normally here too,

but he works the Ren Faire.

And like I was just saying,

I was in Colorado through

the week for the 4th of July.

And so our episode got delayed to today,

which, you know...

That's why we're here on

Sunday instead of Thursday or Friday.

So as we wait for Phil to get in here,

we're going to talk to our

good friend and guest.

He's a returning quester.

His name is Steve, also known as Sincera.

How are you doing?

What's up, guys?

I'm on a podcasting roll

today because I've recorded

two episodes for my own,

and now I'm with you guys.

So I'm just coasting on through.

Still got the background up from that one.

So I was like, why change it?

Just keep it.

Yeah, never change it.

Yeah, it is.

The Battlestar?

Is that the Galactica or something?

That's the old girl Galactica.


I never saw that show.

I never watched it.


good thing there's a rewatch podcast

coming out shortly that you

can follow along.

Oh, interesting.

Wait, wait, wait.

The original or the reboot?

The 2004 one.

All right.

That's even better.


We're going to do a few

special episodes when we go

back to the original, but maybe two.

There's not much to find there.

I'm in that camp.

There's not an underlining

plot to the entire series.


but you've got to watch the show

to find that out.

I'll save that for when you

tune in to Battle Stage

Theatrica coming soon.

Is that what it's called?

Yeah, so my friend and I,

not only do we review the episodes,

but we act out a scene,

two scenes from each episode.

We're both theater majors.

That's amazing.

We do one scene before he's

watched the episode, and then we watch it,

and then we do a second one.

The first one is like, you know,

spoiler-free part of it.

It's just a good dramatic

scene or a fun scene, whatever the hell.

And then the second one,

obviously we can't do

before he watches it

because it'll give everything away.

But then we'll get into the

thick of things after he watches it.

Now your buddy is a brand new viewer?

Brand new viewer.

That's cool.

He has his own history

podcast and he's such a

his brain is just full of

endless knowledge that even

though we're watching,

like I'm watching the show

for like the sixth time, maybe more,

even I, I lost count.

And then he,

he's watching it for the first

time and he's like, Hey, look at,

look at that on the wall.

Like that's, that's reminiscent of,

of Hinduism.

And that over there is like, I'm like,

dude, you're seeing so many things.

I have not noticed.

So he it's, I, I, every episode I say,

I'm having so much fun

watching this with you because you're,

you're illuminating new

things with the show.

pointing stuff out.

That's great.

And maybe I will actually

have to start watching

Battlestar Galactica so I

can listen to the pod and

know what's going on.


It's on Amazon Prime.


Well, keep us posted on that.

I want to say hello to the

people in the chat,

but it's only one person.

It's Jesse.

Hello, Jesse.

And hello to everyone else watching.

Thank you for tuning in.

We are on Facebook, YouTube, Twitch,

Twitter, and Instagram today.

I'm just throwing everything at the wall.

So thanks for stopping in.

Wait, who's hitting on me in the chat?

Is that you?

Who's Sudden But Inevitable?

That's Jesse.

That's Jesse.

I'm like, what the hell?

Who's that?

I thought that was you.

no no no no he go he he

still does spi all no no no

no he go he he still does

spi all no no no no he go

he he still does spi all

the time that's his

incognito thing the time

that's his incognito thing

the time that's his

incognito thing that's like

his burner account now

that's like his burner

account now that's like his

burner account now now I

know that that's this

trolling now I know that

that's this trolling now I

know that that's this

trolling account account

account yeah so like I said

we are waiting for yeah so

like I said we are waiting

for yeah so like I said we

are waiting for phil to get

here and we're talking phil

to get here and we're

talking phil to get here

and we're talking about

episode six of the acolyte

um about episode six of the

acolyte um about episode

six of the acolyte um

normally we do a bar far

away normally we do a bar

far away normally we do a

bar far away right at the beginning but

The way that I'm doing this

episode is a little different.

I'm not going to... We're

not going to talk about the

whole episode and then do

segments at the end.

We're actually going to...

I've broken this up into

three different parts

because this episode was

three different storylines.

And we're going to talk

about each different part as a whole.

And then as the segments pop

up when we're talking about each section,

I will play those segments.


It's going to be a little

different this time.

We're not going to have

those fun little intros to

one chimers or anything like that.

But I think it might be a little more fun.

So that being said, spoiler,

we didn't have any segments

in part three of this story.

So we're going to start with

part three while we wait

for Phil to get here.

And hopefully he gets here on time.

I guess.

Because we're just going to keep going.


the third is always the worst.

Most of the time, I suppose.

First is the worst.

Second is the best.

Third is the one in the polka dot dress.

Anyway, Steve,

what have been your thoughts

on... I haven't started drinking yet?

I'm sorry.

I'm still cold sober.

What have been your thoughts

on the Acolytes so far up to episode six?


Dangerous question.

I know.

Are you completely...

No, yes and no.

After the first episode,

I was on the internet like

you shouldn't do.

And I was like, man,

everyone's really hating on this.

And so I tried not to let it

affect my viewership.

And then I don't know if

it's a combination of that

and just being dog tired.

But for episodes two and three,

I fell asleep.

So I don't know if that's

anything to do with the poor writing,

the slow going,

or if it was just something

I wasn't enjoying.

But I woke up like, oh, what?

Something's on fire.

And then episode five hooked.

Tail end of episode four also hooked.

And then even this episode

was slower going.

We're like, okay,

we're getting into the meat

of the mystery.

Let's get it.

And of course,

when I was doing this

episode with you guys,

I went back and watched the

first three without falling asleep.

Because now I'm a little bit

more invested in the story.


I really think it just goes

to show that when did I text you?

When episode one dropped,

I think I saw a review

within five minutes.

Like an IMDB one that had

all the grammatical errors.


the show hasn't even had time to breathe.


I didn't necessarily enjoy it because

I just watched it and I fell asleep, but

There has been a significant

amount of hate.

There's been a lot of hate

on this for seemingly no reason.

I mean,

it just seems like the people with

their headcanon that have

this idea of how the story

should have gone 100 to 150 years ago,

it seems like

Those guys are the ones

getting the most upset

because the story isn't

what they want it to be.

And I think a lot of people

are forgetting the

fundamentals of Star Wars,

which is cheesy, bad writing,

stupid characters,

and a ridiculously easy plot to uncover.


I guess you could say the Darth Vader

storyline back in the day...

from episode when it was

just releasing of course

that empire strikes back

twist was not seen like no

one saw that coming at all

but if you watch episode

one through six in that

order then it's then you're

always gonna know so now I

like watching four or five

one two three six yeah I

know I know I know there's

like I talked about it a bit

There's certain orders to

watch it or whatever.

But that's just kind of my

theory is that people just

hate on it because it's not

what they wanted.

I think the hate is also coming from

especially the our

generation like we grew up

with the jedi as our heroes

and now we're revisiting

yeah we're revisiting a

time when the jedi are

actually I don't know if

they're just start they're

just starting to get bad at

their jobs but they're

they're leading they're

leading into the generation

that we also grew up with

in the prequels that

allowed the sith to grow

like they're they're starting to become

complacent cops.

And that fits, I think,

with the general narrative

of this country in present day.

And I think people just

don't want to see it.

They want Star Wars to be their fantasy.

They want the Jedi to be their heroes.

They're rocking a hard place

and trying to see it any other way.

I'm like, well,

as much as I don't want to

see my Jedi not being the heroes,

maybe it's nice to see

Or it's interesting to see

this potential Sith be a

hero or at least not black and white.

The protagonist instead of the antagonist.

And that was the whole point of this show.

That was the whole point of the show.

Jesse, we talked about this recently.

Oh, sorry.

It says, Jesse says,

my biggest issue with the

true whiners is that it's a

mystery show labeled as a

mystery and they whine that

they don't have all the

plot answers yet and they

say the pacing is bad.

yes that's very true um and

and another thing it's just

people that that want it

their way and they're not

getting it their way and

they're just whining about

it and I've avoided the

internet as well like well

especially when these

things drop but the

arguments that I've seen

they're really easy to tear

apart I usually don't

engage I don't engage but

it's also like could you

have you not seen the rest

like especially the first

the first episode was what

there's a fire in space

Death Star.

Star Destroyer crashing into Death Star.



Other Death Star.

Ring of Fire in the special edition.

Anything that blows up.

Any other sci-fi that has space battles,

there's fire.

I'm sorry.

It's divisible for people.

It can't start in space just randomly,

but it happens.

Even just saying it can't start in space,

it doesn't matter what our

physics and things are.

It's Star Wars.

It's a totally different set of rules.

We've talked about that

numerous times on this show.

The rules don't apply.

It doesn't matter.

They have lightsabers that

deflect laser bullets and

now they have... I digress.

Justin, what were you going to say?

so steve I thought it was

funny you mentioned you

falling asleep I fell

asleep in the theaters

three separate times to han

solo the movie and I

watched it at home finally

awake the entire time and I

loved it I just watched

that movie last week yeah

it's great yeah I like I

like the solo movie it's yeah

show about space magic and

people are asking questions

about realism.

And that's not even the

biggest arguments that I

see throughout the internet.

What was the other one?

One episode ago,

Jackie was using a wooden sword,

and now she's using a

lightsaber and fighting a Sith.

I'm like, okay.

Last Samurai.

She was training.

That's a training sword.

The Last Samurai were using wooden swords.

The experienced guys were

using wooden swords to

combat each other and train.

Yeah, they're training.

Maybe she should be using

the training blade.


We could have an entire

episode just based on haters.

Like, for real.

I really wish I would have

brought back the toxic

tweet of the week for this season.

Because it would have been... Yeah, oh,

that's good.

Oh, that's good.

No, I didn't... I'm taking that from you.

Oh, okay.

We came up with that during Ahsoka.

Don't give me credit for that.

That's yours.

Or maybe Nick did that.

I mean,

Toxic Tweet of the Week was during Kenobi,

which was a perfect time to

break out that segment.

And that was the other most

hated show so far was Kenobi.

So Kenobi and the Acolyte

share similarities in that sense.

Jesse says he's never seen Solo.

You should do it.

It's actually pretty fun.

To answer your full question,

I am enjoying it and I'm

just avoiding outside

influence to help me,

to keep me from enjoying it

because that might push me

and I just don't care.

Now that I'm awake

throughout all the episodes,

I'm having a good time.


And I've had a really good

time watching it, too.

I haven't been disappointed.

The only thing I was

disappointed in was...

We'll talk about it today.

It's the only thing,

and it was in this episode.

My wife can sit and watch it with me,

and I love that.

So I'm really digging this show so far.

My wife doesn't do that,

but we do our own things, so that's fine.

You want to talk about it

because it's in this episode.

I'm just disappointed that

Kalnaka was killed off screen,

but apparently I've seen

trailer footage where he's not

done completely,

because there's going to be

some flashback stuff.

We're going to see him and

young Torben fighting, I think.

That's keeping me going,

but I really wanted to see

some Wookiee Jedi action,

and I better get it.

If I don't get Wookiee Jedi

action this season...

If I don't get my Wookiee action,

I'm going to scream.

I just want to see a Wookiee

yell and then him to go

charge in with the lightsaber.

Oh, yeah, for sure.

And that's not because I'm a

fan who's angry.

I was promised that.

And if I don't get it... I

saw a trailer and it was in it.

So let's get this thing started here.

I always have my own little synopses.


Phil's going to have some good words


So my synopsis this week for episode six,

which is called Teach Slash Corruption,

which I also renamed Darth

Riz to the rescue.

Because on this week's episode,

we get an extensive look at

the stranger and all of his...

assets uh the twins seem to

be heading in the old

switcheroo direction and

soul is looking more and

more sus by the minute um

we are going to start with

the vernestra row storyline

though so like I said

before I broke this down

into three different parts

I'm going to talk about

each different part oh look

at that phil's popping in

so part three is the vernestra row and

Mog storyline.

And it starts off like the

first time you see Ro,

it's talking about an

external review of the Jedi.

I hear that the senator that

she's talking to is named Whatchawan.

His name is Senator Whatchawan.

And apparently that's based

off the Beastie Boys song, Whatcha Want.

Whatcha Want.

This is a very late thing

that I just recently heard.

What's your stance on that?

I could see it's similar,

but I don't know.

Someone's got to be a big fan.

I'm pretty sure that Leslie

Hedlund said that she's a

really big fan of Beastie Boys.

There's another thing I'll

just caveat on with that is

that I don't know who Roe is.

So some of these characters

are kind of... No,

Vanessa's the green Jedi.


Who's Roe?

That's Vernestra Rowe.

Oh, God.

You made it seem like two people.


I'm sorry.

My bad.

It's okay.

I heard Vernestra Rowe and the Padawan.

That's on me.

There's a third person that

I didn't even notice.

Um, so like I said,

it starts off with Senator,

the Senator talking to Roe and he's like,

we're going to do a, an extensive,

what is it?

An extensive like review of the Jedi.

So they're going to, they're going to,


they're going to get a little audit.

He's going to be coming

through with his checkboard, the IRS,

you know, his little,

his little sheet is going to be like,

he's going to be like

wiping his hand on the top

of like banisters looking

for dust and being like, ah,

it's unclean in here.

Please don't trigger my PTSD.

I'm not actually PTSD ridden

from being forced to clean my room.

I'm just saying like.

Oh yeah, that makes sense.

So what do you think that

means for the Jedi here?

Because it seems like the

Senate is half of them kind

of trust the Jedi and half of them don't.

And from what we know right now,

the Jedi are a separate

entity from the Republic.

It's like they're their own thing,

private company.

And the Republic hires them sometimes.


As far as I understand,

that's kind of how it is.

Well, Episode 1,

they started... They're

always a neutral party.

They've been the ambassadors

for the Republic and

certain planet systems.

And to me,

I've always seen them as the

neutral party,

and so that's why they use them.

I've gotten a police force kind of vibe,

like a private security

force vibe this series.

It seems like Finestra's

goal is to get them into

the Senate to be more like

ambassadors as opposed to

I think it's the opposite.

I think she's trying to stay

out of the Senate because

the Senate would then start

using them for their own

benefit and stuff.

Kind of like how Palpatine did later on.

In the first episode when

she was discovering this

might be a Sith and we need to keep quiet,

to me it was like learning

that we let a Sith grow

would ruin our chances of

being elevated to that position of

right neutral hand of the Chancellor.

I could be misinterpreting,

but that's what I'm getting.

I don't think anyone has

ever said the word Sith

besides Chimera in the last

episode when he said,

you might call me Sith.

I think everyone else is

calling him like a fallen Jedi.

Yeah, a fallen Jedi.

I could be adding it.

What about in that room when

they were all standing

around the table and

everyone was mad that that

other Jedi was there,

even though he's not

supposed to be there?


yeah didn't they say sith in

front of him no that's why

everyone got mad I thought

was that if he knew there

was a sith out there then

and I think that's why

that's why everyone was

stupid for getting mad

about that because they had

just talked about a jedi

like he needed a master or

something like that I'm

pretty sure there was no

mention of sith other than

when chimera said you might call me sith

And I will go back and watch that episode.

There you go.

Jesse says she implies Sith

but never says it.

I'll have to go back and

watch and we'll do a recap next week,

I guess.

This is a Star Wars show.

We can't trust what Jesse's saying.

All fallen Jedi.

Yeah, I'm pretty sure it would be falling.

And what that would mean is

that the Senate would then

not trust the Jedi because

they are apt to falling.

Do they even know that the

dark side exists?

Do they even know what the dark side is?

Do they understand what

these deranged... Yeah,

but do they understand what

these deranged monks

actually control and how they can fall?

So has the Senate never

heard of a Jedi that's done bad things?

Because it's happened all the time.

I'm also getting vibes of

the company that doesn't

want to lose their 100% success rate,

and so they work really

hard to cover things up.

They're on day 1,020 of no incident,


More like if you see these

movies where the

prosecution cuts a deal

with the convict because we might lose,

and that'll...

I won't have my 100% case

closure success rate because if we lose,

then my reputation goes.

So Master Venostro is like,

we got to keep this wrapped up.

Can't tell the Senate.

Can't let the Senate in.

But I feel like she's also

trying to garner approval

from the Senate to elevate

the status of the Jedi.

I could be completely misinterpreting,

but that's what I'm getting.

It's possible.

What do you think about that, Justin?

About this whole them

getting an audit and

getting controlled by the Senate or...

things of that nature.

Now that Steve brings up Vanessa trying to

go that way with the Senate.

Your logic is sound.


I could see A to Z the way you

explained it.

I didn't realize it until

you did mention it.

I just thought she was

trying to politically even get involved.

I thought she was just

trying to cover shit up for her friends.

If it's not that,

it's my other theory that

Chimera is after her.

and she's trying to cover up

the whole thing.


that's something we'll talk about

later on in this episode.

Oh, I know where you're going.

Okay, okay.

I really, man, I like,

I like all those theories

to just kind of wrap that up.

I do personally, it's more of, I'm more,

it's more her.

And this is my own personal opinion that,

that she's trying to keep

away from the Senate and to

make sure that the high

council doesn't like also

figure out what's going on.

So, um, not a ton teen.

You want to start a spreadsheet?

Like we can place bets on,

we can on who's doing what.


We should have a bingo card.

I'll bet you a ship in a bottle.

Ooh, a ship in a bottle.

Oh, that's a cool ship in a bottle.

Those are super cool.

Steve here does some really

fun artwork and stuff and woodwork,

and he's doing these cool

ships in bottles now.

Find one on his website.

This is our ad.

Sponsored by...

sponsored by yeah nine and

three quarters um which

that's something we'll

obviously get into later

but I want to talk about

this new jedi because he is

he's a dork I hate to say

it but this jedi that is

like talking to bro and

like help communicator guy

I just don't see him as a real Jedi.

That was me in middle school.

Just a nerd.

Just a dork.

Did you have the rat tail too?

No, I never have a rat tail.

But he looks like he gets swirlies.

He looks like he gets shoved

in Jedi lockers and things like that.

so um he just he's my least

favorite part of this

season this series right

now and it's everything

about him in this whole

episode from when he's

talking to roe at the

beginning to when he's

trying to predict what

happened with all the jedi

getting killed just

everything everything about

him just screamed at the door though

He had the rat tail.

He's got a ponytail.

I don't think he has the braid,

but I think he is her Padawan.

Her Padawan?

Yeah, she yells at him.

It is a funny relationship

between those two.

But I wholeheartedly agree.

I couldn't stand him.

Did you hear that you

thought he looked like a

guy you wanted to put in a locker?


It looks like me.

I'm telling you, dude.

That was me.

Still is me.

That's what I'm saying.

I could never be a Jedi.

I don't know.

I just don't like it.

They're showing that he's

hiding something.

Do you think he's hiding something, Steve?

Go on.

What do you think he's hiding?


Not really sure what, but he,

in more than one occasion,

this episode alone, he's like,

you want to go, Master?

You get sick when you space travel.

He's trying to keep her.

He's trying to keep her at home.

And then when they land on Kothor?

No, Khoroth.




Thank you.


Star Wars planets.

he seems to go off on his

own for a second and then

go oh there was a hatching

of this swarm that could be

why there was such a let's

go now he's trying to keep

Master Fernasta away and

it's either he's hiding

something or someone even

higher than her is pulling

a string saying like hey

you keep her out of this

because if she finds something out,

then it's all gone to shit.

I don't know.

Maybe Sol.

Is Mog her actual apprentice, though?

Because this would change my opinion.

You're right.

During that entire play out,

it seems like she's just

trying to teach him lessons

or get his opinion and whatnot.

What happened here?

What do you think happened?

And then she has him digress the scene.

Yeah, I feel like she's training him,

but someone elsewhere is

saying... I don't want to.

I can follow that.

I can totally follow that.

It's very misleading.


He's Darth Plagueis.



Stop it.

Oh, my God.

He's the original body that

they cloned Snoke from.

He's just waiting around in

a tank or somewhere.

I will say,

so my first opinion of him when

he popped up before he

started speaking was that

his name was going to be

Sheev and that he would

have been Palpatine.

That was my first initial

thought because he does kind of look,

in a way, at first,

he kind of looks like a young,

skinny Ian McKellen.

Or not Ian McKellen.

Ian McDermid.


Dylan McDermott.

So at first,

I kind of thought he might

have... But then he started speaking.

And now I'm trying to figure

out if he is actually the apprentice.

Because if he is actually Ro's apprentice,

Venestra's apprentice,

then that would make sense

that he's hiding something

and trying to keep her from going there.

Because he's trying to keep Chimere,


I think is more connected to

her than we all believe as well.

I think that would make

sense if he's trying to

keep her from discovering him.

If he's her apprentice, he said?

If Mog is Vernestra's apprentice.

No, I was trying to find that out.

If he's a full-fledged Jedi,

why is he trying to mislead

her kind of thing?

Because he's been bought and

paid for by someone else.

That's the only way.

But that's what I'm saying

is I don't think he would,

as just a normal Jedi,

just a normal dorky Jedi

that runs the books or whatever,

I don't think he would be

paid by an outside source.

I think the more logical

thing – I need Phil here.

Damn it, Phil,

get in here so you can figure this out.

Look, Sol is being suspicious,

and so is this Mog guy is

being just as suspicious.


If he just tried the one time to keep like,

hey, you get sick in hyperspace,

you should stay here.

I'll go look.

But he tried like two or

three times to keep her

away from the scene.

And to me, that was like,

that's three strikes, pal.

Like, what are you up to?


If someone told me three

times not to go somewhere, I'd be like,

all right, but why?

yeah but so here's let me

explain the first thing um

I did I did a little bit of

I did a little research on

her little sickness that

he's talking about and

that's been very well known

throughout the high

republic series comics that

she gets violently uh she

gets really bad force visit

force visions and it

disorients her like to the

point of being very very sick

And it's happened since the

very early days of when she

was introduced in the High Republic.

So it's very well known by

all the Jedi that she gets

sick and that she does not

like to travel and do any of that.

So he's probably just

looking out for her

well-being because she's

old as dirt as well.


that that isn't that's

explained away pretty

easily um now if again if

if if he was her apprentice

which I don't see that at

all in wikipedia or

anything like that so I i

think he's just a red shirt

that's gonna get mauled and

and it's gonna be the end

of him and that's fine

that's great yeah yeah I love it

I was not a fan.

Yeah, when he brought up the Umbermoth,

he's like,

it was an Umbermoth colony and

that could have killed them.

And she's like, yeah,

sure they could have.

No, like she's very much,

she knows I think what's

going on and he's just

there to tag along.

You know what I mean?

That's kind of where I'm at.

Fill out the spreadsheet.

I place my bet.

You place yours.

We'll find out at the end.

I'm taking a long shot that he's Plagueis.

Oh my god.

Great odds.

I'll give you all the ships

that I've made in the bottle so far.

Justin says Plagueis.

Steve says Mog is evil.

I think he dies.

I don't know if he's evil.

Okay, hiding something, sure.

So there's a really fun

cutscene from Chimera's

place to the forest,

and it's just dead Jackie.

And I know we talked about... Last week,

we talked about them maybe coming back.

I was like, ooh, maybe someone will...

resurrect them or whatever

no no they're they're dead

af for sure um but I'm

really glad that they

decided to bury the bodies

that was kind of an issue

that I was having last week

is what were they going to

do with all the dead bodies

and they buried them justin

you look like you have

something to say yeah I was

surprised that the director

or whoever uh did the scene

knew that jackie was going

to be a fan favorite

Because I think everyone

likes Jackie that is a fan of this show.

Oh, yeah.

On her dead body, open, cold eyes.

You're like, oh, that hurts.

That hurts.

And now, also, we know she did dead.

Like, there's no... Oh, yeah.

Her and Yord.

I kind of liked Yord.

I felt nothing when Yord died.

I felt everything when Jackie died.

I felt nothing.



He was the most annoying.

Is it the second episode

where she kills Master Torben,

or is that still the first episode?

It was the second one, yeah.

When she's being accused,

or when Osha's being accused, and he just,

like, walks down the stairs, I'm like,

dude, what are you...

no like you should have if

you were if you were

following her you should

have been there with like

you should have been

helping her out a little

sooner and have her freak

out and get three

lightsabers shoved in her

face and almost cut in half

be a be a better jedi you idiot yes

What'd you feel about that

whispering stuff going on

when Venestra and Dorkman

were walking through?

The whispering?

Oh, you mean the echoes?


I'm not quite sold on if it's an echo.

Oh, it absolutely is.

Venestra could see the echoes,

and she was just testing

her little dork Padawan or

whatever and seeing what

his thoughts were.

It was just a test for him,

but she knew exactly what was going on.

I'm totally fine with force

echoes those are like when

things of great evil or

tragedy happen in an area

the area becomes yeah and

it's it's the first time is

this the first time we've

seen it in live action live

action for sure I think it

was in rebels for sure and

then it was in a survivor

and now you know and all that


you know who would know that question?

Jason was doing it.


What's up, Phil?

Good evening.

Good evening.

He's just in the press from the run fair.

Phil is hot.

Thank you.

Thank you.

It's all good, Justin.

It's all good.

Yeah, no,

I had full on like Captain Hook kind of.

I love it.

Yeah, see, and that's perfect because,

you know,

the intro to the video says

you're the master of pirates.

So welcome in, Phil.

Thanks for joining us on

this random Sunday.

And thanks for rushing home

from work to be part of this podcast.

I have a question for you.

Is Mog Vernestra's

apprentice or just a dorky Janna?

Honestly, I think he's just a secretary.

It's even worse.

Just a secretary.

Give me my coffee.

I don't think he's her apprentice.


So then, yeah,

I really think he's just cannon fodder.

We got all the bases covered on our bets.

Place your bets, Phil.

I'll bet you all your pirate gold.

Steve says Mog is hiding something.

Justin says he's Plagueis.

That Mog is Plagueis?

Oh, that's fun.

No, that's...

that's him and and I just

think he's gonna die in the

end so are you on board

with any of those or do you

have a different theory for him i

I honestly have no theories

about this man so far.

I think he is... I think my

vibe from him was that he

is just part of the Jedi bureaucracy.

That he's just... The fact

that he accused Sol just eats away at me.

And I get that, but at the same time,

I think he was making a

reasonable deduction based

on the information he had.


and he probably just wants to be back

at his secretary desk and

not in that forest anymore

surrounded by giant bugs

that could possibly... He

didn't want to go in in the first place.

Yeah, no, I mean,

he definitely didn't want

to be around giant bugs.

Let's stay out here.

Well, anyway,

let's... I've been playing Gold Divers,


I'm desensitized to giant bugs.

Send me a list.

You should send me your info.

I'll add you and I'll get

back into that game.

I stopped playing it after

they tried to... I joined

the boycott for the PlayStation thing.

Oh, that didn't last.

I'm on PC.

No, that's what I'm saying.

They were going to try and

force all you guys to get PSN accounts,

but then they lost a lot of users.

Anyway, speaking of the bugs,

this is the scene where we

get to finally see the light whip.


we didn't get a lot of it

but it was it was pretty

cool it was pretty

satisfying to see a

different style of saber in

uh in the acolyte and it

was you know it's it was

purple and and it cut that

thing right in half and it

was pretty badass justin

what did you think of the

light whip um I've I've

seen it back in comics and

prior to and then uh became

canon in the the high republic I believe

But I thought it was cool

that just the dynamics of the scene.

And I've always wondered how it works,

which we have Phil for, I'm sure.

But it was just and she didn't even look.

I don't think she was like

just behind her back or something.

Yeah, she was good.

She was good with it.

We've seen a couple of

different light whips in an old canon.

We had Lumia,

who was a Sith lady who fought with one.


And Luke actually developed

a dual wielding lightsaber

fighting style where he had

a short bladed shoto

lightsaber that was like the

katana wakizashi kind of

pair to help counter her um

and then uh king fisto

actually in one of the old uh

like attack of the clones

era uh not tie-in novels

had kit fisto going

undercover and pretending

to be um like a rogue agent

uh and he had a like

modified light whip that he

fought with in that book as

well that's cool

That's awesome.

Sorry, this isn't Hunters.

My bad.

I forgot the settings on Twitch.

That's on me.

This is the Acolyte Episode 6.

I'll be playing Hunters tomorrow night.

I've been doing that.

That's good to know, though.

I didn't realize there were

so many quips out there in

the Star Wars universe.

Well, and the thing with those old ones,

though, and yes, the green squid head man,

the those light whips

actually had like a

physical structure to them,

to the whip portion of them

that the blade focused around.

where Master Vernestra Rowe

seems to have one that is

just fully blade, like, just fully, like,

lightsaber blade without

any kind of structure to carry.

Like, there was a core that, like,

went out with it.




The ones that Kit Fisto and

Lumia used would actually be like a whip.

Like a full metallic kind of thread whip.


It also looks like Master

Vanessa's lightsaber whip

could just be a lightsaber

if she wanted it to.


She could just sword fight

if she wanted to.

But she chose to

long-range attack that yeah

yeah apparently when she

when she dies it'll

everyone will forget it

ever existed I'm really

excited to see it used in

like a battle though for

yeah no I i cannot wait to

see more of it in action

are we gonna get one though

oh I we're gonna flashback

scene is gonna be something

yeah there are things that

we're about to talk about here flashback

no but they'll we'll get

there hang on just just

give it a second um I don't

have anything else to say

about about vernestra's story with


So I feel like we should... Oh, no,

I'm sorry.

I do have one more thing.

Mog does say, was it Master Sol?

And she goes, probably not.

And then he goes, well, who was it?

Blah, blah, blah.

And Vernestro responds with

something to tip the scales.

She knows something.

Which is also something that I believe...

kymere has said in the past

something to tip the scales

so there is some sort of

relation there between

those two and we're going

to get into it in part one

of this discussion actually

because we we just talked

about part three and now I

want to go back to part two

Which is the soul and May story in this.

Because it wasn't a lot.

We also had Pip and that otter.


Basil was a little obnoxious in this one.


he just kind of irritated me in this one.

He knew it was May.

He tried to fight her.

He looked like a dog humping her leg,

but he tried to fight her.

That's what I'm saying.

He knew he couldn't do anything,

and he just ran into the tubes anyway,

like the shaft.

So he just seemed, I don't know,

a little pointless.

But I want to start off with

Saul was like the best in this.

He's by hands down the best

actor in this entire show, Lee Jung-jae.

Just this opening scene

where he's calling the Jedi

and saying there's been

a... And then he quivers.

The whole quiver in his

entire face was so powerful

when he says my entire team is dead.

You really believed him that

he was upset and sad.

Whereas you didn't really

believe Mog when he was

giving his description of

how all those Jedi died.

Because he was very unbelievable.


Saul, on the other hand,

was perfect in this, I think.

And he's been my favorite actor.

He was a little intense with

May at the beginning.

Do you think that he knew it

was her right there?

Do you think he knew

immediately that that was May?

Or was he still going

through his... Which I

loved your explanation last week, Justin,

of the PTSD thing.

Do you think he was still

kind of going through that?

Or do you think he knew, Justin?


For some reason,

I have a question about that.

Or actually not a question,

but I feel like Basil told.

well not directly like he

hinted at it like something

about basil's reaction to

her like clued him in yeah

well that was that was at

the end of this storyline

I'm talking about the very

beginning when soul

embraces may as hard as he

does and like grabs her

when she walks in and says

he's in distress he he just

lost an entire team of

jedis and his friends possibly like

His adrenaline is pumping and surging.

So he's in tunnel vision mode.

And he says that his past

apprentice survived.

So I think he's a little

delusioned at the time.


I mean, she did have a knife.

She had pulled a knife and was like there.

And you would think that her

Jedi soul would feel intentions, right?

or am I wrong there steve

what do you think I think

later on he was asking her

or describing pip to her

and something about her

reaction to that tip the

scales and gave it gave her

gave her away yeah yeah I

think osha would have

actually like to talk about

him a little bit more like

or you know it when when uh it's my

one-timer, but I think he used that to

I don't think he intended to,

but he was talking about it,

and then she had her kind

of cold reaction to Pip.

Like, he's all right now.

And that clued him in to, like, no,

that's May.

May doesn't care.

I mean, my notes here,

before I introduce your

Sarlacc killer scene, Steve,

says this otter is kind of stupid,

going back to Basil and stuff,

because this scene... Leave Basil alone.


um this this is basically

the scene where he figures

out that it's may and then

he runs runs away to tell

soul and so in the time

that he's in the in the

tubes or the pipes or

whatever um anyway your

scene comes in at the 16

minute and six second mark

where she's getting sprayed

is that by the pip droid

that's what we're just talking about

And then Basil, like Justin said,

runs in and tries to hump

her leg and then stomps on

her foot and does a bunch of things.

Why did you pick this scene

in particular as your

Starlight Killer scene, Steve?

I was just really going off of... Well,

I chose the Pip line as my

one-chimer later on.

And just... Something about

this new age of Star Wars

that all the droids seem to

have more personality than the people...

And I wish we could have a

balance of that.

But Pip is just so funny to me.

And the fact that even he, a droid,

knows that's not Osha.

And then the best he could

do with his tiny little body was,

I got an oil slick.

And he just hit her in the eye.

And then her reaction is just, what?

That made me laugh.

I would also say you can

kind of see that she's not

the one who grew up working

as a mechanic.


Just based on her reaction.

Yeah, no doubt.

I'm so glad you picked that shot.


Money shot!

Oh, jeez.

There was a lot of innuendo

in this episode in particular.

There really was.

It was kind of hilarious.

But it is a really funny shot.

And it was kind of comical

to see the otter try and do

anything to Mae because it

could have been like Austin

Powers where he just kicks

Mini-Me across the room and

Mae could have totally done

that to Basil and I think

that would have been

funnier to be honest with you.

I'm mildly disappointed in

the Basil scene just

because I thought he was

trying to pick her pocket.

There's no later on ending

where she tries to pull out

the knife and Basil has it.

Or he got pipped back for a few reasons.

Nope, he just ran at her and did nothing.

I was hoping it would be

something and it ended up being nothing.

Maybe it'll be something next episode,

but that's not how TV works.

If you're going to do

something like that in one episode,

you really need to wrap it

up by the end of the

episode that it's in.

The old hop and dump.

Unless you're doing a really long,

drawn-out thing.



I guess I just want these episodes to

be longer.

Because it feels like some

of these scenes are a little rushed, too.

I mean,

these episodes are only a half hour long.

Just make a movie, Disney.

It's not hard.

It should have been a movie.

It probably would have been cheaper.

I think it would have been

harder to get their ROI.

Yeah, I guess.

Just with reactions to

cinematic releases of things.

But I think the initial

crowd that would have

bought those pre-sale Thursday,

Friday tickets would have

probably gotten their return.

At least.

And then... I mean, it might...

Maybe it would have been

better as a movie so then

people could have seen the

whole story all at once

instead of it being broken up.

And everyone thinking that

Star Wars is being ruined

one way or the other

because the story isn't

finished yet and things

haven't been explained fully, you know?

But that's just me.


This is the second time.

Kenobi should have been a movie too.

I'm sorry.

I think Kenobi would have...

Kenobi would have fared

much better as a movie, I think.

Even if they broke up or

just put the six episodes together,

it would have still only

been two and a half hours

long or something like that.

There's plenty to cut out.


These last two episodes are

going to be 45 minutes,

so that's an hour and a half, which is...

you know so this episode

this if you cut out a bunch

of the nonsense this would

have been a two and a half

hour maybe two hour 45

minute long movie which

isn't too bad right that's

not too bad um I haven't

seen star wars in the

theaters again and that

would have been great yeah

yeah it's coming and we'll get there yeah

I do like this scene with Sol.

First, Jesse says it's nice that Basil,


and Sol all had different ways of

knowing it wasn't Osha.

That is very true.

There wasn't

I think Basil might have maybe told him,

but I think Sol kind of

figured out on his own.

If nothing else, I mean, seeing her,

you know.


That's what I've been

screaming since last week.

The tattoo on her forehead.

It's there.

I forgot about that.

So but but before he like

figures all that stuff out,

he has kind of this coming

to Jesus moment where he's

doubting himself and his

Jedi abilities saying things like,

you know,

why couldn't I sense his and his



why do you think Sol couldn't see

that Chimera was, you know,

a Sith slash dark Jedi when

I first met him?


I like to think that he's just

running on pure force instinct.

I like to think that he

doesn't have any detectable

enough intention for Saul to pick up on.

That is lent some credence

by Kyler's later

description when he's

talking about his helmet.


He kind of just wants to be left alone.

To turn off the dampeners or whatever.


Isolation helmet.

He's going full sensory deprivation,


That's what I was trying to say.

I don't know what those words were.

He's learned to sensory

deprive himself without the helmet.

yeah or he's because he was

preaching a little bit

about how he just wants to

be left alone and maybe he

just he has no ill will

maybe towards these people

it was all may that wanted

the revenge and so he's

he's like he's just kind of

a tool of that yeah he's

like I just need to he

wants the power of two yeah

Maybe because he doesn't

have as much of a stake in

the game as Mei does,

he was able to kind of

shield himself from Sol and

Yord and all those Jedi.



I think his goal is something to do

more with Master Rho and her presence.

He's able to keep that tucked in.

I'm sure if she was there,

he would have been a little

more emotional.

And of course,

she probably would have recognized him,

if my theory is correct.


yep and we are getting there

I am trying yep and we are

getting there I am trying

yep and we are getting

there I am trying to move a

little bit quickly through

to move a little bit

quickly through to move a

little bit quickly through

part two because part two

and one part two because

part two and one part two

because part two and one

always they intertwine a

little bit always they

intertwine a little bit

always they intertwine a

little bit um um um but I i

do like the idea that but I

i do like the idea that but

I i do like the idea that

that he's just that he's

just that he's just been

under that helmet for so

long that been under that

helmet for so long that

been under that helmet for

so long that he's kind of

adapted to it and like he's

kind of adapted to it and

like he's kind of adapted

to it and like knows how to

shut everything else out

knows how to shut

everything else out knows

how to shut everything else

out nobody cared who I was

till I put on nobody cared

who I was till I put on

nobody cared who I was

The next time we see these two... Sorry.

He started the Bane train.

He did start the Bane train.

There needs to be a clip for that.

Just a little...

the bane train um the very

next scene though we we do

get to soul you know sees

that osha quote unquote

fixed her pip droid says

you found your pip droid um

and this is actually where

steve's one chimer comes in

so we're going to play that

real quick I noticed the

way you take care of him

talk to him love him even

though he's just a machine

Great set of dialogue on that, for sure.

Why did you pick that particular scene,


What I talked about before already,

the droid characters seem to be,

to almost have the most soul,

and all the newer Disney-era characters,

as well as that has been

kind of the theme

throughout Star Wars to begin with.

Like, Luke has a connection with R2-D2.

I'd say even Han has a

connection with D3PO,

even though it's more like just

despising each other but the

droids always this very

rare when a droid is just a

droid I mean there's 85

there's chopper they all

have personality they all

have soul and the fact that

in this area it seems to be

in this uh area in this era

there there seems to be a

a lack of that like it so

almost seems surprised that

that someone is caring for

a droid like that and I

just thought it was

interesting you know

because it's it's before

the time that we know but I

yeah I've always enjoyed

that in any story I've

always enjoyed that

dichotomy where it's like

is the machine does the

machine have a soul or does

it not and I've always kind

of landed on does it matter

you know like the replicants

Do they have a soul?

Are they human?

But who cares?

They can love, they can feel.

Cylons, do they have a soul?

We've proven they can love

and they can feel.

It really doesn't matter.

And that goes into the

grander scheme of things of like,

is my God real or is your God real?

And I just don't think it matters.

Small line, big theory.

Well, I think that,

like I said in the synopsis of this,

I think there's a bit of a

switcheroo happening here.

And the fact that May, I mean,

she basically helped fix the PIP drawer.

She factory reset it,

but now she fixed it.

You know what I mean?

It's working again.

And that was kind of her

first look at the light, I think.

I don't see that he fixed it.

I think she killed him.

You think she killed him

because she reset him?

Yeah, I'm sure Osha can get him back.

But I think he had too much

personality to do anything that May said.

So she reset him and he

turned all red and evil.

But I think Osha will be

able to restore him.

But at the same time, I also did think...

that bitch killed him.

That makes more sense for sure.

With this conversation with

Sol and stuff too,

I think that she was kind

of... It seems like she's

getting pulled a little bit

to a different direction.

She's seeing a different side of things.


I think she also realized

that she killed him.



She's like, Oh crap.

Like I killed my sister's

best friend instead of,

I didn't just reset his factory settings.

I killed him and I'm sad.


All right.


And that also,

that also might be the tell.

That was the tell.

That's fair.

That's fair.

Well, yeah, it was a great, uh,

it's a good scene for the

one Chimer for sure.

I, uh, I also think, uh,

That he might have been

baiting her a little bit with that line.

Even though he's just a machine.

Because I think Osho

probably would have said

something more in defense

of Pip at that point.

I agree.

That he's not just a machine.

He's a partner or something like that.

That makes sense.

Or he's my friend.


That was definitely...

Definitely the tipping point

where he was like,

I'm not sure this is Mae or Osha,

but now I know.


Well, after that,

Sol finally figures out that it is Mae.

It's basically like, you know,

he starts to say that he's

going to explain everything

that happened on Brendock.

He keeps saying that he's

going to explain what

happened on Brendock,

and then it never happens.



we see that in the next episode.

But then he figures out that it's Mei.

He shoots her with a stun.

And then he ties her to this table.

And then he turns off his transponder.

And he's going to where?

Where is he flying off to now?

And is he going to torture Mei?

Because it seems like he's

about to torture.

No, I know he's not.

just the way that he was

like you know we're you and

I are gonna have a

discussion I was like oh

god that sounds like a

james bond torture scene

like hello mr bond we are

going to discuss the terms

they spit off to the dragon

ball z universe we're gonna

have another episode of

just talking and then after

another episode of just

talking and then and then nothing

And I'm sorry if I'm

insulting any Dragon Ball Z fans,

but that is all I know about the show.

It is talking and talking

and talking and then

bullshit and then nothing.

And I'm sorry.

Maybe there's more.

But I've never seen anything

cool from that show.

It's all good.

Feels like you're muted.

Bye, Steve.

No, I mean,

that sort of thing is

unfortunately common in

storylines where they are

adapting weekly production

of source material and just

get ahead of themselves.

That's fair.

They could have flipped it.

They adapted Super Sentai

every day and it was just

the same action scene over

and over again.

I never watched Dragon Ball Z,

so I have no opinion.

I'm pretty bad with that,

but I think soul is about

to tell me the story of

what happened and that this

next episode is going to be

a flashback and it's going

to be like him telling that

story and it's going to be the real story,

which is sad because may is

going to know the truth and

OSHA is still left in the dark.

Unless Kymer knows something

about Brinrock as well.

Kymer's pretty deceptive.

I know we're going to get to it, but wow.

That closing shot.

See, that's what I'm saying.

May's about to get open to

the light and Osha is now

closed into the darkness.

It seems like they've

flipped a little bit.

That was actually something

I wrote down mid-episode.

I was like,

are we going to get a full flip here?

Oh shit, are we going to see a full flip?

man who knows it's very

possible especially if

there's he put the helmet

on come on I love that he's

curious um but what he said

he says I had 16 years to

think about what I would

tell you so does that mean

that he knows she was alive

the whole time

And what would that do to

Osha if that was the case,

where he kept that hidden from her?

That, oh, she was alive,

but we just kind of left her there.

No, I think that was more metaphorical,

like what I would say to you,

and then he found her alive,

and he has the opportunity.

I think it was more...

I guess that was a line from the soul.

I'm revealing that I knew

you were alive the whole time.

Because if he did,

then he would have kept

track of her and she never

would have wound up with

Chimera unless that was his

plan and he's the evil Sith Lord.

That's Mog.

Y'all said so.

I mean, he went a little bit.

I hope that's one of the episode titles.


Hire me, Disney.


it just seems like he had to have done

something so shady.

That's funny.

The backslash, too.

I love it.

But just the more that you

hear what he's saying,

it just seems like

something really shady went down.

And it's, I mean,

it's possible that he knew

that she was alive,

but maybe he knows that

they're a dyad and they're

truly powerful and he kept

them apart because he didn't want them to,


Could be something like that.

That could be why the other,

the other four have gone

off and done their own thing.

Like Torben went into his meditation.

Kalnaka went off and to just

be by himself and,

Carrie-Anne Moss is in all

the production stills and

is not in the show, and I'm confused.

She's got a couple episodes.

Sorry to tangent.

But as far as that storyline goes, too,

it was pretty cut and dry.

It was pretty quick.

The meat of this episode was

all about Chimera and Osha.

And this whole...

seduction I would say and

like and like seduction I

would say and like and like

seduction I would say and

like and like you know and

like and like you know and

like and like you know like

like like like real

seduction too like like

this real seduction too

like like this real

seduction too like like

this she's being she's

being she's being seduced

for sure you know I did

some seduced for sure you

know I did some seduced for

sure you know I did some

push-ups after the show I was seduced

I think everybody did, man.

So my first thought about

this opening scene,

they open up down on the

island or whatever.

I was like, oh, is that Ahch-To?

They have these cute little animals.

But it was confirmed by

Leslie Hedlund that it's not Ahch-To,

that it's an unknown planet.

So you guys have it.

Is it the version of Ahch-To?

Well, maybe.


do you have any theories of what this

planet could be?

Um, as far as an actual location?


Like, as far as, like, tying it to, like,

a canon,

a previously established canon location?


I specifically, like,

wrote a timestamp and wrote, not porgs!




They're a little, like, rats, though.

Yeah, they are weird little, like,



I thought they were cute.

They were fun.



do you have any theories of what

this planet could be?

I do, and I think I might know what it is.

Oh, wait, wait, wait.

Are we talking about because

of all the cortosis he has access to?

Just let me have this one, Phil.

No, go ahead.

I got you.

It's just a backwater planet

where he has his isolation, I feel like.

I'm boring with this one.


So I just recently drove out

to Colorado and I had an

eight hour trip to, you know,

listen to a lot of things.

And the Darth Plagueis novel

is free on Spotify if you

have the subscription.

So I started listening to it

and I started mentioning

this planet called Bal Demnik.

And Bal Demnik is an ocean

planet adorned with rocky

tropical islands.

And it is located in the

Outer Rim Territories.

And it is actually where

Plagueis killed his master, Tenebris.


And it's also where Cortosis is mined.

I dig it.


So I think that this planet

is actually a Baldemic,

and that Chimere might end

up being Darth Tenebrous.

And this also could be why

Sol knows where to go,

because he now knows that

this guy's got Kortos' armor.

And it's like, well,

where does Kortos' come from?

Or he read May's mind,

because May's been there, too.

May's been to this planet,

so he could have just read

her mind and knew where to go.

She was too powerful to do that.

Hear me out.


Hear me out.

Chimere is Tenebrous.

That's what I just said.



I thought you said that Chimera was


No, Chimera is Tenebrous.

Okay, no, no, no.

Then, yeah, yeah, yeah.

And Plagueis will be who he

actually... No.

Oh, my God.

Stop it.


Plagueis will be who

Tenebrous finds by the end

of this series or season or whatever.

And then...

If they decide to go that route.

Because technically none of

that stuff is canonized.

The Darth Plagueis novel isn't canonized.

But the planet kind of seems

pretty similar.

Pirates, we canonize stuff all the time.

But if they are pulling from

that novel and using that planet,

it would be very

interesting if he comes out and says,

well, my name's not really Chimera.

Or if Vernestra shows up and goes,

what are you doing here, Tenebris?

How cool is that?

He wouldn't still be doing

the Spike Spiegel thing.

I'm going to go by the same

name that I used when I was

killing for the mob.

I had theories when I saw

the island and I thought, you know,

there's Jedha and there's

Malachor and then there was Ahch-To.

Maybe this is the parallel to Ahch-To.

It's an island that has Sith

energy and that's just where he went to.

But at the same time,

why would you go somewhere?

he's rebuilding his helmet

for one and he's rebuilding

his helmet for one and he's

rebuilding his helmet for

one and they're in his

little layer his cave

they're in his little layer

his cave they're in his

little layer his cave or

whatever there are cortosis

veins or whatever there are

cortosis veins or whatever

there are cortosis veins on

the walls on the walls on

the walls like there are

little veins on the like

there are little veins on

the like there are little

veins on the walls of

cortosis walls of cortosis

walls of cortosis that and

so like he's mining that

that and so like he's

mining that that and so

like he's mining that stuff

and rebuilding his helmet

when stuff and rebuilding

his helmet when stuff and

rebuilding his helmet when

as needed you know what I

mean as needed you know what I mean

i got a question phil

probably has the answer is

is cortosis mined on one

planet or in very stone

very few planets yeah it's

there's not a whole lot

it's it's supposed to be uh

at least as uncommon if not

more stuff more uncommon than best car

And I believe in the

original... In that

original anime Clone Wars series,

I think it was that one,

they had a battle on a system.

Was it Baldemnic?

Well, that's not canonized either,

but it was for Cortosis, I believe.

The battle was there,

and they were trying to get

a Cortosis supply.

Because it's basically the primary...

like when you know you can

find stuff somewhere but

you could find it way more

readily in another place

where are you going to

focus yeah um but I i

really like that connection

and I find it ironic that

the dar's plague novel is

free this month on spot

could very be very interesting

I had one more answer to

your original question, Josh, about the,

like, what am I thinking of the series?

And just one thing that was missing for me,

I know that Tortosis has

been established in other canon,

and when I saw it initially

used on the show, I didn't think, like,

oh, they've never used that before,

what the hell is this new magic?

It was like, okay, something new and cool,

and then I looked it up.

It would have just been a

little bit more of a full circle,

if instead of

In the beginning,

when Jedi Master Carrie Ann

Moss is murdered, and they say, hey,

the killer is Osha,

Sol shouldn't have been at

the Jedi Academy teaching.

Sol should have been in the

middle of on the trail of

an investigation.

There's been a lot of

cortosis popping up around the galaxy.

People are using that to

combat our lightsabers.

It's been a weird influx of it,

more than I've ever seen in time.

And they go, oh, hey,

we need to pull you off of

this and come take care of

your old Padawan.

That would have just been a nice,

smooth little thing for me.

Then when Chimera shows up, it's like, oh,

well, you're the reason

Kortosis is kind of out and

about because you're

probably using it to trade

to gain resources and

knowledge and build a

little bit of power.

They didn't even know that

Kortosis was involved until

they all got killed.

That's what I'm saying.

The fact that it was brought

in so abruptly,

and if you're a diehard fan,

you guys are a little bit

more diehard with me on the outer canon.

or I had no idea what cortosis was.

I accepted it.

It was fine to see like, oh, hey,

what's going on with the lightsabers?

Like he's breaking them and

they're coming back on.

I had to go look it up afterwards.

Just a little thing at the beginning.

Like, hey,

this metal that shorts out lightsabers

is on the rise.

That would have been a

little... And then we don't

talk about it again until

Chimera shows up.

I think that would have

given away too much to the diehard fans.

I think if you would have

mentioned anything about

Cortosis at any point in

time before they actually fought Chimera,

people would have been like, oh, pfft.

They'd start putting that shit together.

You know what I mean?

Start being like, oh,

he's probably Tenegris,

he's probably Plagueis, blah, blah, blah.

But I think it was good to wait until now.

I don't know.

To me,

it seems like that would have... I

don't know.

It sounded like Steve wanted

that little tidbit to feed

into the mystery, right?


but Star Wars is not a police procedural,

so... Yeah, I don't know.

Oh, please!

It's totally a police procedural.

Everything that happened in

the beginning was a fucking

police procedural.

The only thing that was not

a police procedural about it was like,

hey, we're going to go arrest this girl.

Let's bring the witness

halfway across the galaxy

and bring them onto the

ship and they can encounter each other.

Yeah, that's how police procedural works.


this is the very beginning of this as

we're flying into this

unknown planet is where

Phil has his Sarlacc killer scene.

It's at the three minute and

seven second mark.

And it's basically the

introduction of this planet to OSHA.

Why did you pick this scene, Phil?

Well, again,

love establishing landscape shots,

but I really actually liked

the parallels with this and

the octo scenes that we

have in the sequel trilogy with Ray.

And it was just kind of that that parallel,

especially, you know,

later we see that Khmer has

this ship right there.

But he's like, nah,

you'll probably have to

swim to it kind of thing.

I knew someone else would pick it.

Oh, yeah.

But yeah, no, I like one.

We're seeing safety fencing,

which guess what?

Octo doesn't have.

Yeah, that's true.

So it's very clearly, you know,

a more permanently

established kind of location,

or at least was at one other point.

Maybe he's plunked her down

in the middle of a cortosis mine.

But I just really liked the

way this was lit,

the way that she was lit on the show,

the way that everything was framed.

It's just a good bit.

Sorry about that.

No, it's all right.

I kept getting these

notifications on Discord.

I had to shut that thing off.

All I saw was when she

walked out of that cabin,

I saw the dick rock from Helldiver 2.

They got to start paying me some respect.

I'm going to keep mentioning it.

It is an excellent pick, though,

for your Starlight Killer scene.

And you are a big fan of those shots.

Those little not porgs,

they look like they're baby

versions of the thing that

Luke is poking on Octoo.

Oh my god, I didn't even think about that.

So it could be just a

similar species in a similar climate,

or it's Ahch-To just a

thousand years earlier and

they've evolved.

That one, that little family,

the baby one of that family

is the one that Luke milks

later on in the series.


is this a hundred years before or a

thousand years before?

it's 100.

132. okay yoda's old rock

jesse said that's actually

captain kirk's rock we have

a we have a bot in the chat

yeah dude welcome this is

why I hate streaming on twitch

Josh, you can't pass up this opportunity,


This sounds great.

No, I'm not.

Stop it.

Stop it.

Look at that.

Off promotion, channel viewers, followers,


The price is lower than any competitor.

The quality is guaranteed to be the best.

We can't pass this up.

Flexible and convenient order, man.

Flexible and convenient.

That's how you know it's good.

It's pretty much the worst.

Four walls.

It's not just whiskey.

It's celebrity whiskey.

So you know it's good.

I'm going to go ahead and

get into that real quick.

Let me just ban that person.


so we're going to basically go from

one Phil segment to the

other Phil segment because, boy,

do we have to talk about

Darth Riz over here.

And Phil's one-chimer comes

in pretty much right when

we get to see Darth Riz.

So here we go.

Stay where you are.

You're not going to join me

I'd like to put my clothes back on.



but also kind of layered meaning.

If you're not going to join me,

either here in the water or

as my apprentice,

then I'd rather not have to

do the rest of this naked.

I was actually trying to be

naked in between when the

screen went black to the

thing I was going to come back,

but I was like,

I don't think I can compete.

Suddenly shirtless Steve.

12 seconds.

I guess you could probably do it.

I don't think I could do it.

Yeah, he was something.

If you've got Manny Jacinto on your cast,

show him off.


He just doesn't give a shit right here.

He's like, what are you going to do?

Yeah, that's the thing.

He's just so...

He's so confident.

He's so blasé about the whole thing.

It's amazing.


and viewed him more like a human than

a Sith killer.


It definitely humanizes him a lot more.


One point of interest that

Osha has after he comes out

of the water is not only his bits,

but his scar on his back,

because she sees his giant scar.

And she...

asks well she kind of

notices that and asks about

it later but then the first

thing she asks him is did

you kill Sol and then did

you kill Mei and he brings

up it's interesting that

you ask about him first and

I think this is the area

right now where he's

starting to break down her

wall and starting to get

her interested in what he

has to say first of all

he's a sexy man so like

she's already interested in

what he has to offer and


now she's just listening to the pitch

and he kind of starts his

pitch off in a really,

really good way to kind of confuse her.

You know, it's like, oh, wait,

why did I ask about him first?

May's my sister.

so he's being a little naked

that's how I start every

pitch I ever do is it oh

I'm sorry when he was

talking sorry when he was

talking about the other

thing no I don't I don't do

that see I i thought it was

a beautiful dialogue for uh

a sith to be poking at her

fear and then to be

sparking that to you know

later on we see her him

provoking her anger and furthermore

But it was cool to see that

pathway of the dark side,

fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate,

all that.



hopefully he doesn't have a lot of


yeah yeah that's funny I

think he he started really

well here because like I

said he got her intrigued

and so now she's listening

to all of these different

things like you said um he

he asked him asked that

question about why'd you

ask saul and then justin

you mentioned that he talks

about anger and fear later

and um he's really just

chiseling her down and it

starts all right here with

uh with naked manny

Let me see.

You noticed she didn't

ignite the lightsaber when you walked up.

No, would you?

I thought she was going to

do it by accident.

Oh, jeez.

Just all sweaty, like, oh, shit.

Dropped it.

I see.

Your Schwartz is as big as mine.

See if you can handle it.

All of the dialogue between

these two is really, really awesome.

It's really interesting and

captivating in a way that I'm like,

oh man, I would like to know more.

Just his mention of he was a

Jedi a really long time ago.

No, like a really long time ago.

It kind of makes you think

about the fact that he

could be Darth Tenebrous,

where maybe he did find out how to...

get his life to extend a

little bit more because

that was what Tenebris and

Plagueis were working on in

those original books was

finding the key to eternal life,


So maybe he does have...

He's so good at the... He's

projecting an image all the time.

When he's not under the mask,

he's projecting an image of

youth when he's actually a little older.

I've heard that theory.

Yeah, what do you think...

There you go.

Justin, what do you think?

Do you think he's like way,

way older or do you think

he's just kind of leading her on?

He's just leading her on.

He's fucking with her.

But I think it's going to

tie into one of the

theories that Steve was

going to bring up.

And I think it's just a lead

way into him being someone's apprentice.

And I think that's Master Rho, for sure.

Because that scar on his back,

that is definitely a whip scar.

I thought the very same thing.


A lightsaber whip.

Which we put together once

we actually see the whip in

action later in the episode.

And the reason why they

didn't show the whip for no reason.


if you put the whip side by side with

the scar, I should have done that meme.

But if you put it side by

side when she's hitting the

bug... The way she hits the loom,

the umbra moth, yeah.

Yeah, it makes the same shape as the scar.

You said earlier that she's older,

like really old, right?

Much, much older.

100 years.

And so if he was her

apprentice a long time ago,

maybe he ages different

because he's surrounded by

cortosis or whatever.

space magic you want to come

up with or his planet

doesn't revolve around the

sun many times however you

want to well doesn't he

doesn't he mention he got

kicked out of the jedi order

Or whipped out.

But I think he mentioned

that he didn't agree with

them or something,

and so maybe he was looking

into the dark side for

different longevity to make

his life longer.

And that could be why Vernestro was like,

no, this is dark magic.

You shouldn't be messing with this stuff.

Get out of here, you know?

um but I i am very I'm very

curious to see if chimera

because I i right now I

really think that either

chimera was vernestra's

apprentice at some point or

knew her at some point and

they got into some sort of

fight you know what I mean

yeah uh yeah some sort of

disagreement I'm calling

apprentice you're calling apprentice okay

I would probably say Apprentice.

Are we all on the Apprentice train there?


Or are we still on the Bane train?

We could be on the Bane train, I guess.

Time to go mobile!

So back to his seduction.

He does the best job with his seduction.

Offering the food,

giving the pieces of advice

on just the stance.

Humanizing himself.

yeah exactly um but he

starts talking about like

another he starts talking

about another way to wield

the force through emotions

and this is where justin's

one chimer pops in so let's

play that anger fear loss

desire that's the path to the dark side

He's good.

He's really good.

I know.

Why did you pick that scene?


As we all know,

I love Darth Vader everywhere,

and I'm a Sith.

I've always been attracted

to the bad guys right off the bat.

And this just seemed to

justify myself to the world.

Like, oh, why do you like the bad guys?

Because they're fucking sweet.

but like he he's like he's

just explaining that there

these details are minute it

doesn't matter as long as

you can access the force at

least that's my

interpretation of the scene

yeah um I think the way

that he says semantics he's also

This is why I think he got

kicked out of the Jedi Order,

because he started using

those emotions to be more

powerful in the Force.

And the Jedi started to

realize that he was turning

to the dark side,

and so they got rid of him.

Good connection.

Because he's like, yeah, whatever.

It could be the dark side,

but I'm just using the Force, dude.


Leave me alone.

I think he's the first.

We've seen the theory of Grey Jedi.

We're seeing our first Grey Sith.

Grey Jedi tend to lean light ways.

Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Like now there's four

different versions of Jedi?


Like you got light side,

kind of light side, kind of dark side.

Dark side?

Is that what?

It's a spectrum, man.


It is.

It is a spectrum.

I'm not going to make

another Fifty Shades of Grey joke.

Thank you.

I appreciate that.

I mean, there is a whip involved.

Oh, man.

I said I wouldn't.

I didn't say Phil wouldn't.

Fifty Shades of Grey Jedi.


Like I said,

this guy is good at what he's doing.

And he continues this as

they're on the cliffside.

And he starts asking Osho

why she's not a Jedi anymore.

And she kind of loses it a

little bit and kind of

embraces and falls to what he's playing,


which is my starlight killer

scene at the 20 minute and

one second mark when he's

holding she's holding him

up against the rock and

he's looking all sexy like

yeah just do it just do it

um but this is really where

she starts to turn and she

really starts thinking like

oh my god maybe I was doing

it wrong the whole time I

probably should probably

should listen more to this guy and

Just his composure here as

she's holding him up and

he's holding her arm and

just standing still but

continuing to spew his hateful words.

Now, they're not hateful,

but he's definitely

manipulating her in this

scene as much as he possibly can.

And I just love it.

I love the hold up, you know, the...

i will cut your effing head

off kind of thing so um I

thought it was even it had

more meaning because uh if

you think about it the

prentice of sith always

tries to kill the master

yeah and that's just

looking the bear getting

her warmed up and primed

Right, just like Palpatine did with Vader.

Vader tries to kill the

Emperor multiple times.

Yeah, Palpatine did.

According to the Darth Plagueis book,

Palpatine killed Plagueis.

There's a pattern there

where the apprentice kills the master,

takes over, gets a new apprentice,

and then expects that

apprentice to kill them.

That's kind of like how Sith have run.

Strike me down,

and the Dark Side will be complete.


And that was kind of

where... I think he notices

that Osha's maybe a little

bit more powerful.

He's like, you don't want revenge.

You want to actually...

have this power and you want to learn it.

So again, this is just,

this is where she's starting to fall.

He like, and,

and he said even that he made

a mistake with me because

of that revenge aspect that

he should have, you know,

maybe not gone after her

and trained her because she

had too much revenge.

He, he wants the power of two.

Do you think he's connected

to the witches somehow

after he says that line, Phil?

We may just be seeing common phrases,

like similarities,

not necessarily a direct connection.

But I also think that right

now we're building too

strongly in the direction

of a connection between...

mother anisea and her order

and everything that chimera

is um okay I think there's

I think we're seeing enough

commonalities that they

need to build a actual like

connection between them in

the story um yeah that's

fair justin go on

I was wondering if this was

a reference to the rule of

two for the Sith,

like a master and apprentice, no more,

no less, or the power of two,

like the power of one, power of two,

or of many.

Power of many.

And again, I think there's some similar,

again, like some kind of...

single source maybe way back

that both of these paths

diverged from that we're

you know seeing kind of the

common ancestry to both of

those orders okay like the

witches are the real gray

gray force users like

they're they're the the one

in the very very middle

that real gray not just

kind of dark or kind of

light so we have red red

gray gray gray gray blue

gray or blue yeah

there's five sure yeah

there's 40 45 more shades

to go buddy I bet I bet we

can figure that out um gosh

we're getting kind of to

the end here after after

that little discussion um

we already talked about the

cortosis thing he did I

loved the explanation of

that um how we you know we

kind of got our official

explanation and people

could stop uh theorizing about it

um we talked about the scar

um I really think that was

for nestro's doing um but I

like I was saying earlier

this has been some of the

best dialogue in the entire

series and especially this

dialogue between osha and

chimer um justin's one

chimer was these two and my

one chimer is actually

these two so I am going to

play mine real quick it

blocks out all your senses

So it's just you and the

force and what you bring with you.

Try it on.

I don't trust you.

Nor should you,

but you should learn to trust yourself.

So that was a really long

scene that I kind of cut up

because it does really kind

of draw that out.

But I, again,

he's just seducing her even more.

Go ahead.

Try it on.

See what happens.

It's actually pretty cool, you know,

if you're a killer.


He's also going into one of

the classic civility for

the devil kind of

characters where it takes supernatural,

for instance.

I'm Lucifer.

Sam, I may be the devil,

but I never lied to you,

and I never will.

I don't trust you,

nor should I. I'm a Sith.

He's very...

He's honest, and to me,

that's always been a fun correlation.

I'm dishonest.

You're the joker.

You can trust me to be dishonest.

You're the joker.

It's the honest one.


You're the joker.

You kill people.


but I didn't take their kids' college


I'm crazy enough to do it as Batman,

but not the IRS.

There's a new Batman series

coming out that looks awesome,

by the way.

It's like an original

animated Batman series.

It's got a new voice.

It's not Kevin Conroy anymore,

but he sounds like he's

going to be pretty good.

I would be impressed if it

were still Kevin Conroy,

considering he's dead.

Please tell me how it will

be Kevin Conroy.


unless they did some sort of AI stuff.



And so the final scene,

as we're talking about this

cortosis helmet, is actually Justin's.

I believe it was Justin's

Starlight Killer scene.

I didn't know exactly which one you wanted,

so I picked up two of them.

One of them was all dark

with the Iron Man slits,

or the other one was Smilo Ren.

So either way, Osha put on the helmet.

I think we can all agree

this was the coolest scene

and left it on a cliffhanger.

And what is going to happen?

But she looks so cool in the smiley mask.

It looks like they put in a

cheat code for big head mode.


But the inner shot is the

one I actually wanted.

Oh, the inner one?

Okay, here, I'll go back there.

The small outlook,

and then everything is dark.

Signifying her,

like maybe she's going to the dark side,

which she is.

But I was so excited for that.

And it also has her

breathing kind of like Vader,

so I'm sure that also

tickled your fancy a little bit.

Of course.


that was a pretty cool little scene

for sure.

Very reminiscent of Iron Man

and stuff like that,

but it was really cool.

I have a story about that.

I'm going off what he said

about the helmet.

Oh, go ahead.

No, no, you first.

Go ahead, Phil.

Are we to believe that he...

really that he doesn't see

either like it dampens all

his senses it's just him in

the force he's seeing

through the force because

those I don't know how you

could fight that well with

those little lists you know

I'm sure that's exactly

what it is yeah okay it's

he's using I find that very

interesting I want I want

to see more of that imagine

what he does when he can

actually see too like I

mean he's I know he's pretty good

You saw him do that explosion,

or what the mock calls an explosion,

which wasn't.

That was just him using the Force.

Yeah, kicking up the dust everywhere.



Storytime for you?


So the first time I watched this,

when I hit that scene,

I paused it at that shot

because I was trying to get

a timestamp for it.

No, no.

You claimed it first.

It's all good.

But when I saw that scene

and then I restarted it,

my audio had apparently

muted and I hadn't noticed it.

And so it went from that

into the credits completely silent.

Oh, and it was just this moment of,

I'm sitting here thinking they made some,

that it's completely bold,

intentional choice with the

credits there with like

going totally silent.

I was like, Oh,

This is the coolest thing

Star Wars has done.

And I was honestly a little

disappointed when I went

back and realized that the

audio had just gotten muted

and that there actually was music.

The score was still going.

All right, I guess.

Some fans are better at Star

Wars than Star Wars.

Yeah, I know.


It was an excellent shot, though,

and I did really like that pick.


I always let you guys pick yours first

so then I can pick up the

scraps because I always

will pick something that

someone else picks.

Josh built this podcast in a

cave with a box of scraps!

Fuck the scraps!

So my last thing that I

have... My wife asked me

the other day who Jeff

Bridges was in Marvel.

She was like, Jeff Bridges was in Marvel?

And I went,

Tony Stark built this in a cave!

With a box of scraps!

With a box of scraps!

I waited like a solid 30

seconds before I finished the line.

What are you doing?

And then there was a dramatic... Pause.

I love it.


The last thing I had for

this show before we do the

ratings is the top

questions that we need answered.


correct me if I'm wrong or throw out

your top questions if I missed them.

But my number one question

is what the hell happened on Brandock?

The next question is,

where did the stranger come

from and is Chimera his real name?


is the stranger the master or the


Because wasn't Starkiller

kind of Vader's acolyte in a way?

And those are my two questions.

Or, sorry, three, yeah.

And then the one we asked before was,

is Chimere the former

apprentice of... Vernestra Rowe.

Vernestra, yeah.

Did I miss anything?

Do you guys have any other questions?

I consider that one's answered.

I don't think that's going

to be... With the whole whip discussion,



I mean, we'll get confirmation.

But, you know...

I'm 99% with that one.

I'm good.

Let's move on to the other questions.

That's fair.

All right.

Well, I...

Oh, my God.

No, he's... I'm telling you, dude.

I had to ring up one more time.

How dare you?

Well, let's move on to our last segment.

Thank you guys for

participating in the two

segments that we had.

I liked the way we did it

this time a little

sporadically and kind of

all talked about it.

I might continue to do that.

But we will always have the bumper for...

the Tuscan Raider,

the part of the show where

we rate each episode,

and this week we're going

to rate it out of 10 Riz.

How much Riz does this

episode have out of 10?

Let's start with Steve.

What would you rate this

episode out of 10?

Let's see.

I like especially the fact

that I think normally

people would call this a

filler episode because

there's no action and

That's usually what people go for.

It's like, oh, it's slow.

It's filler.

I don't think this is filler at all.

This definitely moves the story forward.

It's not a 10.

It's not even a 9.

I'm going to give it an 8.75.


That's a good joke.

That's a good joke.

Phil, what would you rate this episode?

I'm going to give it a solid 8.5.

I think we get to see a lot.

We get a decent amount of reveal.

We get some back and forth

with the whole side story

there with Saul and May.


I still think there's room

for this series to pull off

a 10 out of 10.

I do not think it's done it yet.

I would agree.

Justin, what would you rate this episode?

I agree with Phil.

It answered a lot of questions.

It makes me ask more.

But the true fun thing was

to witness this seduction

to the dark side because I

was along for the ride.

I'm just as tempted as Osha was or is.

So I give it an 8.5 Riz.

All right.

And I'm actually going to be

on that same boat.

I'm giving it an eight for

all the same reasons that

you guys are giving it.

I kind of started with a seven at first,

but I don't know, man.

Just Darth Riz himself was pretty awesome.

And his whole personality just is great.


um so I think that gives us

an average his yes

absolutely but that

definitely gives us an

average of with your eight

and three quarters or

whatever that gives us an

average of eight and a half

or something so um pretty

pretty good on our end I

think I think we're all

enjoying this series so far

um and I think I think

we're all excited to see

what happens at the very

end so oh all my scores

from this day forward are

gonna be a three-quarter thing so

Oh, that's fair.

So let's get into that real quick.

Why don't you tell the

listeners why you are now

nine and three quarters and

then where they can find you?

I guess you just showed them

with your hand.

Steve lost his finger.

I lost a piece of my finger

a little while ago.

Doing what I love.

It wasn't as simple as I, you know,

I didn't just saw it off.

I got caught in a machine.

But I was making stuff.

But I make stuff like this.

It would have been cooler if

you saw it off.


I'm just committed to the cause.

Like you got stuck in a

really bad Chinese finger trap.

And you had to cut your

finger off because it was

stuck in the finger trap, you know?

That would have been way cooler.


I'm going to order that.

I hope you know.

Those are the things that

Steve makes over there.

I've got an X-Wing now, too.

Let's get some.

Four or five of them.

Oh, I love that junk.

That's my favorite chip.

yeah yeah um very nice

listening can go check out

the video and probably

follow me on tick tock to

see the clips of this

episode where steve is

showing the awesome artwork

that he makes and sells

where can we find your

artwork on the internets

It's my Etsy page, slash shop slash

Sincera Carpentry.

I probably won't change that

one to nine and three

quarters just because the

website's been on forever.

But going forward,

it's going to be nine and

three quarters blue working by Sincera.

And I think that rebrand is

just going to really steer

into overcoming the little

mini trauma that I went through.

Yeah, for sure.

I mean, that's a lot.

That's a lot.

And for those of you wondering,

if you want to know more about that story,

I actually have an episode with Steve.

You can go back in this catalog,

the Twist My Own catalog,

and you can find the

interview with Steve where

we talk about exactly what

happened to his finger.

It's a really good chat.

So definitely check that out.

The link will be in the show notes below,

and all the other links

that we just discussed will

be located in the show

notes of this episode.

So go click on those.

Go give Steve a follow.

If my audio is terrible,

please just read directly.


I think my other microphone is fried.

I'm sorry.

Oh, no, you're good.

I think it was just fine.

But that is going to be the

end for us this week.

We're going to call it a day.

I think we all have to work

tomorrow and go back to real life.

It is Sunday.

I want to thank you guys all

for coming and hanging out.

We are, of course,

going to do that amazing sign-off.

Before we do that, though, of course,

I have to say thank you to

Jesse and everyone else

that was watching in the

live stream this week.

It was great to hang out with all of you.

Make sure to give us a

follow on all the social medias.

Just search Twist My Arm

Podcast and we'll be the

first ones to pop up.

I worked hard on that.

let's do us a little sign

off and we'll go from there.

So let's see,

let's see how we're going to do this.

We're gonna start with Phil,

go to Steve and then go to Justin.

So for quest me, I have been your host.

I'm Philip K at flip writer.

I'm Steve from Sincero.

I'm Justin.

And of course, my name is Josh.

We're going to talk at you next week.

May the force be with you.

May the Riz be with you.

Thank you.