Clydesdale Media Podcast

Clydesdale Media Podcast Trailer Bonus Episode 987 Season 1

Monday Night CrossFit Talk - Year End Awards!!!

Monday Night CrossFit Talk - Year End Awards!!!Monday Night CrossFit Talk - Year End Awards!!!

Carolyne Prevost, Jamie Latimer and Scott Switzer talk about all the news around the CrossFit space.  This week we talk about the WFP details and what all that means.  We will hand out our Year End Awards, We look at the "Gauntlet" workouts that were submitted and pick a winner for the traveling CrossFit Community event workout.  Plus anything else that comes up along the way.

What is Clydesdale Media Podcast?

We cover the sport of CrossFit from all angles. We talk with athletes, coaches and celebrities that compete and surround in the sport of CrossFit at all levels. We also bring you Breaking News, Human Interest Stories and report on the Methodology of CrossFit. We also use the methodology to make ourselves the fittest we can be.

What is going on, everybody?

Welcome to... No, not Sunday,

but Monday night CrossFit talk.

I can't do the Sunday, Sunday, Sunday,

because that's a Sunday thing.

But it's Monday night.

And we're here to talk

everything CrossFit.

And there's a lot going on

over the last week.

So can't wait to get into

all that with you all.

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With that, what's going on, guys?

Slow weekend?


Not as slow as I would like.

My goodness.

I need more hours.

So what are you working on?

Tell the people.

We are like completely remodeling the gym.

Basically like flopping the layout.

Got the turf laid yesterday.

And what color is that turf?

It's purple.

It is purple.

Purple turf.

When I saw that, I was like, dang,

that fits your gym.


that's been the color scheme for the gym.

And I didn't really want to

mess with the branding and change it.

Purple is not at all one of

my favorite colors.

I would have went with green, of course.

But yeah,

purple's been the branding and we

have like so much merch and

just shirts and stuff that it made sense.

And it is really sharp on the turf.

Like it's really cool.

So as I get things a little further along,


I've been trying to take

pictures of stages and I'm

put together real so all

that will be out you guys

can see the transformation

what I'm interested to see

is how how clean the purple

stays looking compared to

the green because it's a

little deeper darker maybe

it's it looks cleaner

longer I'm anxious to see

what that that what comes of that yeah

did you guys get other

equipment as well for, uh,

like during this remodeling

or just moving things around?

Well, we got a whole new rig.

Um, other than that, equipment wise, no,

um, no, nothing major equipment wise.

I mean, a couple of ropes, right.

To like hang from, cause we got like,

twelve foot posts with

three foot extensions.

So with the,

a frame off we can hang

ropes or rings or whatever

uh nicole sherman said it

looks really nice with the

graffiti wall behind it

yeah nicole came to class

today uh denise wants to

know what is different

about the rig why the new one

so we had a middle not even

middle of the floor it was

two-thirds over in the

floor freestanding yep um

and it's again I bought

this gym a couple years ago

and it's like everything's

been pieced together um

some there was like some pieces of

get our extra rig some

pieces of rogue rig some

pieces of like most of the

rig was like hand welded by

a member like eight years

ago and the holes didn't

line up it's very shaky and

when we get like eight

people on it it doesn't

feel safe um so we actually

bought new rig with three

by three posts and um it's

gonna be a wall mounted rig

hopefully to open up the

space a little bit more so

And you don't have that up yet.

That's like one of the final stages.


So lots of burpees and

double-unders and box jumps for now.

Yep, exactly.

I know tomorrow's supposed

to have pull-ups, so I don't know.

I think it's going to just be push-ups.

I need to go in and change that workout.

Sumo deadlift high pull.

Let's go.

Keep it a pulling motion.

There you go.

Already rowing,

so that'd be a lot of that movement.


okay uh Denise says nice

safety first yeah yeah your

your rig did rock when yeah

I mean even when like two

of us were on it it rocked

like imagine when we get

like some of the heavy the

rig shakers on there holy

smokes yeah yeah well

that's cool um projected

ETA of finishing end of the week

I mean, yeah,

I'm going to go back there tonight.

So if I shut off on you guys,

it's because I'm leaving at nine.

I promised Aaron I would leave at nine.

So we're going to do some

more mats tonight and then

maybe tomorrow start the rig.

I don't know.

It's tough because you don't

want to like start

something that's going to

mess up the flow in there

when I need to have classes

Thursday and Friday and Saturday.


We don't want to do too much

until Saturday, but we'll do some tonight,

see what we can do tomorrow

since we're closed.

The other thing is there's

some really unlevel spots in the floor.

I don't know what they did before.

There's like a pipe sticking

up that like it's trying to

like cut through the mats

like it's it's like sharp

and it's like breaking

through one of the mats.

So that needs to be grinded down.

Another section has a really

low spot that is like you

feel like you're going to

trip if you're walking through there.

You can't jump rope in there.

You can't lunge through there.

So like there's like four

mats that need to be pulled

and like leveled out.

Aaron's trying to decide

what he wants to use.

So we're going to do that

probably tomorrow so that I can cure over

new year's day and then

we'll just keep it roped

off on thursday uh lex who

is our next topic are you

working out on top of this

too jamie or does labor count

so I I didn't do anything

yesterday well we were

there literally all day

yesterday I left at twelve

thirty in the morning um

and I woke up this morning

in so much pain like my

back hurts so bad it's it's

not even funny so I did not

work out today I I did lift

with noon um but they did

dt and I was like

absolutely not so and I I

just did dt like two weeks ago

So I just, I was like, I'm good.

And plus I'm going back tonight.

I will probably work out in

tomorrow's class.

It's like a partner workout,

twenty minute thing.

So I will probably do tomorrow's.

But yeah,

I'm trying to be OK with all the

bending over and lifting and moving stuff,

counting as a workout.

It is hard for me because, you know,

I like to do like longer.

I like to just do more metabolic things.


More hinging with DT

probably was smart not to do that.

But if it's safe, you know, yeah,

it'd be fun to get it in.

Denise wants to know,

did you get med ball targets?

I didn't get any.

I have five or six.

We actually had more for the

rig that we had that weren't up.

So we're going to see how

that all works out.

If I need to get more of those or not.

And Craig is looking forward

to the gym tour video.

Thanks, Craig.


I'll put something together for you guys.

So speaking of Lex,

yesterday was her birthday.

Happy birthday to Lex.

And Carolyn,

you got to hang out with her

for her birthday.

Anything fun and special?

We went out to eat.

She had one of her best

friends come down that she

doesn't get to see very often.

And we basically hung out

the whole day there.

Did a little birthday one.

We attempted this thing

that's popular on TikTok or something.

One of the days,

like it was like the day

before her birthday,

where we go to target and

We each have to pick out

something in the other

person's favorite color,

in something that they need,

their favorite snack,

something that we can do together.

And let's just say it was an

epic fail on my part.

It was basically for both of

our birthdays because mine's January six.

And we're like, okay,

we're going to do this together.

It's going to be really cool.

She had everything planned at Target.

She knew everything to go.

And I was there for like,

Mine was not that great.

I basically just gave a

bunch of different things

and I'm not creative with

that kind of stuff.


we just had pedicures and what else

did we do?

Nothing too crazy.

It's so close to Christmas.

We did a lot of stuff.


My birthday is Wednesday.

So I have that one week after Christmas.

You and Lex know what that's all about.

The birthday Christmas,

my wife's is one week before,

mine's one week after.

It's all jammed into one time of the year.

It really stinks.


I want to make it more special for my

wife on her birthday,

but it seems like you're

just cramming it in because

of all the holiday stuff going on.

And I know she feels the

same way about me.

only nice thing is I get my

birthday off every year

because it's new year's day

um and so we do have a

little bit of stuff planned

for wednesday I can't wait

um my best friend told me

about a new wing place that

just opened up near our

house and uh supposed to be

the best wings in town and

I man chicken wings are

number one on my list of

foods all time and uh so

that is my plan for birthday

Denise says happy birthday

to everyone except Jamie.

Mine's October.

Aaron's is January tenth.

So we we know how that goes.



Oh, yeah.

Like I said here that we're

going we're going to go see

a Broadway show in in Toronto in January.

We're going to go see

Hamilton during the holidays here.

But the prices were so

expensive this during the holidays.

Everyone's off and

were waiting for the price

to come down and we ended

up just going um we're

gonna go see the lion king

in january in toronto when

she comes to toronto lion

king is so good I have

heard good things about

that so good the opening is

worth the price of

admission awesome so we're

looking forward to that um

also part of our birthday stuff

We looked at what's coming

to Columbus and Hamilton's

going to be here this

summer here in Columbus.

And then there's,

this is going to be my wife

and I both love Neil diamond.

It's a corny thing that we really love,

but he has a musical out now that's based,

that's based on his music.

And it's coming to Columbus

in April or may.

So we may,

we may hit that one up this year.

uh, Jody agrees.

The opening for Lion King is epic.

It is like, it is breathtaking.

I can't wait for you guys to

see it and hear what your

impressions are.

It's so good.

And Toronto is like

Toronto's built for Broadway.

Like they have like Toronto's the second,

from what I understand in the world,

if you can't get to Broadway,

Toronto is the place to go see a show.

Cause it is like the second

best place to see it in the world.


so and then ken walters is

uh january thirteenth so we

have a lot of birthdays

happening um going on

around here uh kat actually

saw a stomp last week in

philly man that's a long

run yeah stomp's been

around for what twenty

years now wow crazy

Yeah, I did have a bone to pick with you.

I'm not going to do it tonight.

But you made me watch the Madness show,

which was a complete

colossal waste of my time.

It really was.

Oh, my gosh.

It started out so good.

Like, verse two, three, I was like, okay,

this is going to be good.

I was not thrilled.

I said to my, I went,

we had dinner with friends

last night and I was like,

have you guys seen the madness?

And you're like, well,

it was good until it wasn't.


I couldn't describe it better.

It just, it was good until it wasn't.


Oh, so bad.

I was so mad at you guys for

making me start that.

I, I should have.

You and Lex are the ones

that started me on this.

But we were only a couple episodes in.

I didn't update you and say, hey,

not going to end.

Don't watch.

This is the last thing I'm going to say.

The intricate detail of what

wasn't important compared

to the lack of detail of

what was important by the

time you got to the end of

the story was mind-blowing.



Don't even finish it.

Do not start it.

Do not finish it.

It goes off the rails completely.

Everything you've learned.

I watched the Beast Games

yesterday for the first time.

Have you guys watched any of that?

I saw it, but I didn't watch it.

How is it?

It's very dramatic, but I mean,

I'm into it now.

There's just a few episodes

that we've watched so far.

People have a lot of trust

in people that they don't know.

I'd be taking a lot of money.

I mentioned this on the

lunch show today is that

the NFL killed it on Netflix on Christmas,


The ratings were through the roof.

Streaming seems to be like

the place for event programming to go.

Doesn't it make sense that

CrossFit try to get on a

streaming service as

opposed to an ESPN where

you can get their marketing

arm behind it?

Because I was talking to Pat

Midgley today and like the

physical one hundred was on Netflix,

this Japanese show that was super niche,

but it got Netflix

marketing arm and it did really,

really well.



Like that's the partnership

I think CrossFit needs to

get a Netflix or a Peacock

or like if the new tour, for instance,

with the twenty signed

athletes did a series of

the whole year with those

athletes that stay the same that,

you know,

will be at each of these

competitions like that

would draw a lot of people

towards the sport.

yeah I I just it came to me

when I was reading this

article about the nfl

killing it in the tyson

paul fight and that that

they're going for this

event programming um and

what better than like the

crossfit games or the wfp

to like follow these

athletes through a season

um beginning to end and

yeah and wwe's going to netflix so

And the streaming services

are looking for those event

type things to sign up

because they're doing so well.

But anyway, that wasn't even in our plans.

And neither was this.

But as I was doing my live

to kind of promote the show,

I ran across this.

So this is hot off the presses.

Someone that helped me out

big time at the Masters

CrossFit Games made an

announcement today.

And that is Ellie Hiller has

announced that she's pregnant.



I feel like that got leaked

like two weeks ago.

I didn't hear until I just saw it.

Oh, I meant to tell you that.


So congratulations to Ellie.

She was a big help at the

Masters CrossFit Games,

getting us interviews and

super happy for her and her

husband that they are with child.

So super cool there.

now to our regular rundown

um lions are on tonight

you're like are they even

starting anybody yeah yeah

they're playing the forty

niners carolyn was supposed

to go I know but they're

not there it doesn't even

it doesn't even matter if

they win or lose because

next week means everything

yeah once they were out of

the picture I felt less

inclined to go because I

don't know what players are

gonna be playing and then

they still been going for a

playoff spot then that

would have been really

exciting to go watch but

not this time we've uh

we'll go another time uh so

oh she announced it on

glinton things a few weeks

ago that's how far behind the times I am

Um, so the first thing we have up is, uh,

the WFP world fitness

project has been on two talk shows.

They've made some announcements and, uh,

we can do a rundown of details.

I wanted to get your

impressions as athletes.


Kat and I talked about it on the round

table briefly,

but neither one of us

competed a high level.

So our,

our perception of this is going to

be different than yours.


we now know who kind of is running

the show.

It is Isabella Terry and Jackson Terry,

both co-founders of Good Life.

Isabella is the executive director.

Jackson is the director of operations.

Will Morad is the director of sport.

Jason Ansley is the event

director for North America.

He did the first four Monster Games.

That is his experience.

Roger Nilsson is the event

director for Europe.

He is with the Wadla Group,

but he is best known for

the Norwegian throwdown

went back in the sanctional time.

He put that together.

And then Ryan Husband,

Director of Business Development,

founder of LRX Apparel,

actually from right here in Columbus.

I met him when he first

started his company.

He used to go from gym to

gym and set up tables

selling his apparel.

And he used to come to Shred

when I was a member there

and got to meet him early

on in his career.

And then his wife, Maggie Husband,

is the Director of Logistics.

So those are the players

that we are working with currently.

Spin posted something today

about an investor, I think.

I didn't have time to read

the article or anything yet.

So I've read...

So Dense Updates had

something on it first.

Then Barbell Spin got more detail with it.

But it's just who the money is.

And she's actually a Masters athlete.

She competed at the Masters

CrossFit Games in the sixty

to sixty five year old division.

Sixty sixty four division.

And and so she's she's loves CrossFit.

She's all about CrossFit.

And apparently her and her

husband are the people

putting up the money.


Well, and they're Isabella and Jackson's,

they're Isabella's parents.

Oh, that part I did not see.

That's the connection.

So they're the money and they're like,

they don't, I mean, yeah,

it's all in that article.

They've donated a bunch to the Hawaiian,

that Kalea Foundation.

They put up the money, I feel like,

for this good life company

to start and now they're

So Good Life's been around a while.

And it's actually spelled L-Y-F-E.


And it is a non-profit

religious organization.


when we were at one church

that was the middle school

like organization that ran

all the um camps and stuff

like that for our middle

school um and my daughter

went to that one summer uh

she went to good life and

she went to camp and did

all that stuff so I'd

actually heard of them for

a while um but where they

have the money is they

actually own like other

businesses good life is

just their non-profit

um and spin actually spells

out what business they own

um I'll try to pull it up

just so I can it came in so

last minute I thought we'd

talk about it later I'm

gonna be right back I'm

gonna keep it I'm gonna

take my camera off because

I'm gonna go upstairs for

uh the rest of this call okay um so

Uh, Beth Gillette is the, is the,

the masters athlete.


she placed thirteenth in her division

at the masters CrossFit games.

Um, she, she, they're the owner.

She's the owner, CEO,

owner of power grid services.

That's it.


They do the overhead distribution,

construction, maintenance, transmission,

line construction,

and right of way clearing

and vegetation management

for utility companies

across the Eastern United States.

And that's where the money is.



She also before she did

something else big before that even.

But yeah,

that's where the money's coming from now.



So Beth Gillette is the person behind it.




If they're putting forth

what we think is fifteen million dollars,

that's decent money.


And I mean,

it sounds like they're the sole

investors right now.

And it's been said on both

interviews that they have

other investors ready to come in.


Waiting for the need for that right now.

They don't need it right now.



Um, so Will Morad used to coach, um,

Jackson Terry.


he was his personal coach and did

programming for him.

And then they actually hired

will to work for good life.

Eighteen months ago.

And since that time they've

been talking about some

other stuff and it morphed

into eventually what we

have now is the WFP.

So Jackson Terry is married

to Isabella Terry.

Isabella Terry is the

daughter of Beth Gillette.

So that's how the connections come.

And then Will was the

personal trainer for

Jackson Terry and did his

programming for a while.


And again, like Carolyn said,

they're big with the Kalia Foundation.

And Will's been in Hawaii a

lot this last few months.

So, yeah.


But that's about what we know for there.

They came in with a

non-exclusive attitude.

So this is a non-exclusive deal.

When you're signing your contract,

you can do both the WFP and

the CrossFit Games season.

They're trying not to beat down athletes.

Qualifiers are going to be three workouts.

Tour events are going to be six workouts.

Finals are going to be nine workouts.

Twenty men, twenty women with a pro card,

ten challengers selected

from a qualifier to compete

in the pro division.

They will also have a

challenger division at the same event.

Challenger division,

you can still earn points,

but first place in the

challenger division is less

points than last place in

the pro division.

I'm really curious how

they're going to do the

points during the season.

how much is what placing is worth,

what points and all of that.

Just very curious about that.

Like how hard is it to lose

your top twenty card or how

hard is it to actually gain one?

Like, yeah, if that makes sense.


that question was asked and not

answered well at all.



I think they they did say they're

still stress testing the point system.

They're they're grabbing

existing leaderboards from

other events to see and

throwing it into the points

to see how it affects it.

So yeah,

but this is not a brand new concept.

Golf and tennis have used a

point system forever.

I can't see why you wouldn't

just grab an existing point

system for a tour event,

whether it be golf or tennis or whatever,

and scale it for what you're doing.

That doesn't seem that complicated to me.

I mean, golf's been doing it for thirty,

forty years.

Yeah, I don't know.

It seemed it seems to me

like it's going to be the

fact that there's the more

points awarded.

I just feel like it's going

to be very hard to move up.


if you can get one of the ten

qualifier spots, I don't think it's hard.


But say you're eleventh all the time.

You're just missing that.

You're just missing that.

And it could be if it's three workouts,

it's probably going to be

workout dependent.

And I don't love that.

So then maybe the point

spread shouldn't be like if

it becomes workout dependent,

the point spread shouldn't be greater.

Let's be realistic.

Of the people that have been announced,

and we'll show that in a second,

because there were two more

this afternoon,

I think that the people

they picked for the twenty,

there's room for some

people to get removed.

I agree.

But until we know the points,

we can't say that.

It might be...

it might be just them

showing up and finishing

might be enough to stay in there.

Like, I wonder also, um,

if it's the same workouts, um,

let's say the challenger

division and the pro,

if they have the exact same workouts,

same weights and everything,

like let's say your score,

your winner of their

challenger division would have finished,

you know, seventeenth in the pro division,

but they're not getting any

points that are actually making, like,

I'm curious for that scenario.

Cause you're going to see

that if it's the same

workouts that people are

will outperform the pro

division especially the

like maybe the last ten um

with the same workouts

depending because three

workouts in an online

qualifier does not like um

jamie said this won't you

know they're brand new

workouts at a competition

in person you're gonna have

people perform I hope they

do that because the more

people talk about it the

better it's going to be for the sport

more people say well carolyn

prevote went in the

challenger division and she

beat she would have beat

six people in the pro

division like I think

that's that conversation is

good for the sport not good

for you the athlete but for

me as the media member and

someone who wants the sport

to do well the more that

people are talking about it

then the more exposure it gets

But I see what your thing is

a competitive athlete.

Like that would suck to like

always beat the pros,

but you can't even get into

that division because of the qualifier.

Cause of the online qualifier.


That's why I'm just curious

what they'll do with the

points because right now

they're saying automatically last place.

What if there's an injury

and someone didn't even do

all the workouts?

They're getting more points.

If someone's injured but

they know that just showing

up to the comp will allow

them to get points just to

stay within the race.

So they just show up injured, take a bow,

don't do any of the events,

withdraw right away,

but they finish ahead of

the challengers and gain

their points just by showing up.

I think that's fair.

So just curious with that

type of scenario because it could happen.

I agree with you,

especially like some of

these people that I think

got the card more for

lifetime achievement than

they have for current standing.

Like some of those people

have had injury issues recently.

I think if you have injuries

and you finish last,

you're going to have a hard

time holding on to your card.

Yeah, I think that'll probably be.

But if you automatically get

a spot at each of the three

and your challengers,

your ten people that are

showing up at these events

are always different,

you can finish almost last

and still gain your top

twenty card just because someone, I mean,

it depends on the scoring system,

but if those ten

challengers are flipping in and out,

you just have to basically show up.

and you can maybe hang on to

that twentieth spot.

You have to remember that

the third event is based on total points.

So it's going to be

basically the twenty that made it in.

If just by chance all

qualifiers were different,

the twenty qualifiers are

going to make up the rest

of the ten that go to the final.

So you'll be in at least two

of those events to compete.

I think that's where it's

important that if you don't

make it in you should go to

the qualif the challenger

to just give bank enough of

those points so you can add

them to whatever you do in

the other two like let's

say roman roman doesn't

show up to the first second

and let's say by the third

one he does the online

qualifier and then goes to

the last one and gets top

five does that enough

points for him to get a pro

card for the following year

there's no qualifier for the final

Oh, it's not.


So that.

Only the two tour events.

And then the top thirty

points will compete in the final.


So the double that.

So that trial thingy.

The trials is for every other division.

Not the pro division.


But I do think legit

questions have come out of

this that were not asked.

If Sydney Wells gets hurt, right?

Just throwing out a name

that I saw on the list today.

And she can't go to tour event two.

Do then eleven qualifiers get to go in?

If one of the twenty female

athletes can't go to the finals,

do eleven challengers get to go?

That wasn't answered or asked.

in the stuff and I think

that's important because if

someone gets hurt that is

an opportunity for another

athlete to get more points

and I hope that they give

them that man comments are

coming in fast and I know none of them um

Ken says tennis tour isn't

the same court surface golf.

Every course is different

and the five elite routines

are awarded more points.

Also players move up from

lower tours if they Yeah.


I think this is just starting this is

the money they have is to

support this small thing

now to see if they can get

it to grow and become self sustainable.

think the idea is great um

like I'm excited for it I

think they have some a lot

of people that are involved

right now hopefully that

they make some good

business decision for the

sustainability of it um but

still missing a lot of

information in terms of

dates and location like

victor hofer on one of his

podcasts that was posted on

helping the other day he

says in french that there's

three stages and it's in

may august and december

In French, clearly in that.

I never went to the actual

podcast to look for more information,

but those are the months that he said.

So I don't know if he spoke

and he knows information

and he was not supposed to say stuff,



Justin Madera said may for

one of the months too.

So may seems to be it.

And now there's some

controversy that one of the

in-person semifinals is in may.

So is it really avoiding the

calendar of the game season?


So I think there's two in person in may.

Like it leaves like one possible week.

I was just thinking you're right.


Like, well,

that's the thing they're trying

to make this world.

Like it,

I feel like it's gonna be

tough on some athletes.


So I'm going to try to get

through this quick so we

can get to the year end

stuff before Jamie has to go.

I'm still sorting out the

relationship with the PFA.

They're in talks.

Nothing has been, um,

contractually done with them.


but they are talking to him about

movement standards, um, and safety.


they're hosting completely new events

to control the standards,

which I do kind of respect, um,

that you're not having

third parties saying that, um,

a box step up is this,

and then this one over here

saying it's something different.

They're trying to make it so

that the movement standard

is the same across all the events.

I do like that idea a lot.



plan is to expand in the

future years using the

highest finishes to score.

So say they have six tour

events and they're going to

take your three highest scores.

You can then choose to go to three events,

four events or five events,

but you'll only get your

three highest scores that

will count for your points.

But that will give more

flexibility in the season,

just like golf or tennis,

where you choose to go to this event,

that event and that event,

but not necessarily all of them.

And that's where the

backfill question would

even be more pertinent

because then more

challengers could get those

spots than ten.

If the twenty athletes didn't do whatever.

We talked about the point system.

They say they have enough

money for the foreseeable future,

but eventually they're

going to have to see a

return on investment at some point.

They want to embrace the storytelling,

and there's some bullets here.

Ramp up media content the

week before the tour event

to get to know the people.

And they want to get to know

the people as people, not as athletes,

so that you understand the backstories.

They want to make the live

stream more easily understood.

So if someone just walking

in and it's on can

understand what's going on

as opposed to having to

have it explained.

Knowing the players will

increase the anticipation

and third party media will

be welcomed at tour events.

That's awesome.

Top thirty points accumulate

will compete in the finals

where double points will be awarded.

They will have a teen and a

master's division, two divisions of each.

Teens will be called next gen,

fourteen to sixteen and

seventeen to nineteen masters,

thirty five to forty nine and fifty plus.

Thoughts on that master's athlete.

I mean.

There needs to be so many

more details around that.

I think it's not getting too

far out over their skis,

like dipping their toe in

to bring them in,

and then let's see what we

can do and create anticipation.

I would do one teenage division.

I don't think they need two little ones.

One master division, one teen,

just to kind of get them in there.

I do like that they expanded to nineteen.

Yeah, I do like that.

I don't think that they need...

Especially if it's going to

be the same workouts,

it just becomes a long day.

If they wanted to make it viewable.


The workouts are going to

get released early too, he said.



I, I have that somewhere.

And then goal is to

reinvigorate the connection

with the fans.

So, and I think that if you're,

if you sign a contract with a company,

they can actually make that

happen more often than if

you're just a freelance athlete,

they can say, Hey,

we're going to have this event.

You need to be at this before we,

we go to X, Y, Z or whatever, but, um,

rolling out announcements

through January.


given out forty they've

talked to forty athletes

nobody has said no some are

still waiting to see the

dates and get the dates

confirmed uh qualifiers

will be six weeks prior to

each event uh all the

events will have jerseys

and a kit for the events

there will be one north

american tour event one

europe tour event and then

the finals will be in north america

if can't compete the season

for some reason contract

will be paid out as a

percentage of what was

completed so you're

contractually said to do

three if you can only do

two you'll get sixty six

percent of your contract

and they did say that

carolyn they did talk about

the workouts uh especially

in year two everything

being released early so

that judges event

organizers and athletes can

all be on the same page by

the time the tour event happens

which I know you'd be happy about that.

Yeah, I think it allows for less leaks,

just throw it out there.

They're gonna be different events.

It's like, like,

you know what the workouts

are going to be that far in advance,

but just a little bit.

It takes away some of it.

Some of the issues that we

see right now with the unknown.

still training for the

unknown it doesn't change

the methodology it's just

the sports side of it you

just know a little bit more

to make it cleaner for the

broadcast everything wow

there's so many you guys

have thrown so many

comments and I can't even

keep up um uh ken walter

says scott sounds great

questions looks like you

should get will on for lunch hour show

I would love to have Will on,

and I'm going to reach out

to Will about that and a

couple other things.

I have a pretty good

relationship with Will.

He's been on a couple times on the show,

and we hung out a couple

times at the Masters Games

in the documentary, as you can see.

Kenneth says,

I assume streaming is a

pretty big expense.

It is.

To get full production...

But who knows who they're

negotiating with either?

Like we said,

if you pitch it as a show

idea and a series,

maybe a streaming service

would pick it up as opposed

to trying to do it yourself

through YouTube or whatever

that might be.

And they did say they're

talking to a couple broadcasters,

not just one.

And that has been one of my

beasts forever is that the

same broadcaster keeps

getting used for every CrossFit event.

So you've had no innovation in ten years.

The broadcast is the exact

same as it's always been.

Wooly Meemeth in the house saying,

I'm a little upset I didn't

get signed for the Masters Division,

but whatever.



sports don't usually make money

without a big broadcast deal.

Streaming on YouTube won't

work for longer-term growth

or return on investment.

Yes, you are preaching to the choir.

We have mentioned both on my

lunch show today and

tonight that streaming

seems to be the way to go

and maybe to try to get a

partnership with a

streaming service as

opposed to ESPN or CBS and

the more conventional things.

Maybe it's better to look

toward streaming services instead.

I've seen some stuff in here

about Rich coming in, getting Rich to go.

I think you have to get Rich

to agree to come.

And I think that's going to

be the bigger issue than

you wanting him in there.


So, and I felt like Jim Carrey there,

like I took in the big breath.

blew through that really

fast but keep throwing your

comments in there we'll

talk about this we're going

to be talking about it as

they keep doing more and

more announcements through

the season but I will pop

up the signed athletes at

this point as they did sign

two more athletes this

afternoon and they are sure

I only have like five instagrams open

My boy Saxon Pancheck got

signed this afternoon,

and Emma Lawson added to

the roster this afternoon.

That was in addition to Sydney Wells, BKG,

Jason Hopper, Amy Kringle, Mano Anganese,

Dallin Pepper, Emma Tall, Justin Medeiros,

Victor Hoffer, Roman Krennikoff,

Emma McQuaid, Travis Mayer, Alexis Raptus,

Yellow Hosta, Patrick Vellner,

Brooke Wells, Alex Kazan,

and Chandler Smith.

And I believe that brings us

to twenty signed athletes announced.

So we're at the halfway point.

Any thoughts on the signed

athletes before we move on?

Not surprised that really

honestly with any of them,

like even the ones that I,

that I feel are,

could be replaced by other people.

Like they have connections.

to agents they have

connections to athletes

they have media following

so there's not really any

surprising picks there most

are most are the top

athletes anyways most I

think this is the only

disappointing part that I have so far

And that is because on the

interviews they said they

were taking the

leaderboards of Rogue and

the Games for the last few

years and putting them

together and taking the

top-sixteen men and top-sixteen women.

And then four at-large bids

to get the twenty spots.


At my count, we are past four at-large.

Oh, yeah.

Based on those leaders.

And if that's what you're doing,

then fine.

This is year one.

You get to pick who they are.

It's your league.

Do what you want to do.

But this is not what you said.

And I love you, Will.

And I want to support this.

I think this is a great endeavor.

I think this is correcting a

lot of the things we've

been bitching about the

CrossFit game season about for years.

And I want to see it do well.

But this is not what you said.

There are more than four

people here that would not

have been in the top six

team combining those two leaderboards.

I agree.

Is it just from this year or

is it last year's past two years?

The past two years.

Some of these athletes were

hurt during those two years

and would not have made the top sixteen.

Some of these athletes are

so new they wouldn't have

made the top sixteen.

So that is.

That's all.

But again, I'm not surprised, though.

This is a sport where we

recycle the same sponsors

for every athlete.

It's the same few agents.

It's literally a who you

know and followers for a lot of things,

for opportunities.

So I'm not surprised.

Glennie said there's no

perfect way to select athletes.

I agree.

There is no perfect way,

but don't tell me you're

doing it one way and then

obviously it's not that way.


Just say we're picking hot names,

people we think are going

to invigorate the sport,

people with bigger personalities,


Whatever you think it is, just say that.


Just don't tell me you did

it another way because I

know Victor Hoffer did not

compete at the games.

He withdrew this year on his

one qualification before event one.

So he couldn't have been top-sixteen,


Sidney Wells is not

top-sixteen in the world

combining those leaderboards.

And I don't want to go through and, like,

Amy Kringle's too new to be top-sixteen.

BKG, well, BKG did do okay,

even though he couldn't

lift more than ninety five

pounds at the games two years ago.

These are not surprising picks, though.

They're not surprising at all.

You cannot you cannot be

surprised for the most part.

Competitive in two years.

I thought she was retiring to this year.

She just said she's not doing the games.

OK, but.

Yeah, they're like,

I'm not surprised by any of

the picks again.

For the most part,

like you still have your

top athletes that will be there.

And someone asked if Laura and Tia, I mean,

if no one's turned down,

they would be within the top twenty.

So I'm assuming Laura and

Tia are going to be there.

But yeah.

I'm like, yeah.

Like every time I see an athlete, I'm like,


OK, again, I see why they picked them.

If if they wouldn't have said top sixteen.

I wouldn't care then they

can pick whoever they want

and I'm cool with that so

and I wouldn't have been

surprised but don't tell me

you're using this criteria

and then I know for a fact

you didn't use that

criteria you I have

connections with agents you

went to that agent's

clients you signed all those people

And then you went to the

next agent and you signed those people or,

Hey, this is a major sponsor of ours.

So we're going to sign all

their athletes to make sure

that they're covered for

their sponsorship and to,

to create a partnership.

I understand how business works.

I understand how you have to

handshake deals and stuff

behind the scenes.

That's just not what they said.

That's all.

don't think he's picking

friends I think he's

picking people that they

think will draw attention

and who have connections to

people they need behind the

scenes so um okay so that

is done let it let's go to

the year-end awards real

quick so jamie can

participate in that I just

have to pull up my notes so

We have a list of, I don't know, ten,

twelve categories and we

are going to go through

those and we will pick our

year end for twenty twenty four.

There was no real criteria given for this.

It is just whatever you believe in,

whatever you feel.

We're not setting an

expectation of combining leaderboards.

We are just setting that

we're going to pick what's best for us.

So with that best male

performance twenty twenty four.

Who do you want to go first?

We'll start with you, Jamie,

and then we'll rotate it.

I said Dale and Pepper.

Any reason behind that?

I feel like his performances

at both the games and Rogue

were net better than pretty

much everybody else's.




I thought he performed well

at all aspects of the year.

I thought he looked good.

He maximized his last year in the sport.

I picked Jeff Adler because

of his rogue performance.

It was a dominating win.

It's the only competition he

completed in twenty twenty four.

And that one he did go up

against the best in the

world and he dominated that performance.

He is the best male athlete.

Hands down, he's the fittest male athlete.

I just picked Pekowski in

terms of he outdid my expectations.

Jeff Adler is hands down.

He had three great performances this year.

That's why I said there's no

criteria for this.

Ken says we should call these the Clydes.

I love it.

So now we go to the female side,

female best performance,

twenty twenty four.

Start with Carolyn.

I mean, it's hard to argue against Tia,

but I'm going to I'm going

to pick Laura Horvath.


I think beating Tia four straight

events in a row is just

like you don't see that ever.

That's pretty impressive.

But didn't Tia beat her four

straight events before that?

Yeah, but Tia's supposed to.

When does anyone,

one athlete beat Tia four

straight events in a row?

It just doesn't happen.

As much as I've been a Laura

picker for a long time,

and I tried to find a way

to pick somebody other than Tia,

I just couldn't.

She just killed it this year.

She just killed it.

So I picked Tia.

Tia's the obvious choice.

I didn't want to go with the obvious,

so I'm going to say Gabby.

And I feel like she was

crushing Rogue until she wasn't.

She was crushing Rogue.

She stuck out the games.

Incredible performance at the games.

I was just excited for her whole year.

I mean,

it sucks to see that happen at Rogue.

so I I tried to make an

argument for gabby but she

was still in third at rogue

behind laura and tia like

even with that great

performance she was still

you know well yeah she

didn't finish and so to me

it's similar to jeff right

like tia is the best jeff

is the best male and female

and then I was looking for

someone else that are not

the the two usuals exactly

So then we move into most

disappointing performance

of twenty twenty four male.

This is hard because I

really hate picking disappointments,

but I'm going to go first

and my pick is Ricky Gerrard.

I really thought.

that he would have better performances at,

at rogue and the games.

And they weren't terrible, but he,

why does he always get hurt?


why does he always get hurt when like,

you're right there on the

precipice of greatness and Chad,

he rolls his ankle coming off the box.

It was right in front of me.

I saw it happen.

It was,

I thought he was done for the games

in that moment.

And he somehow still finished seventh,

but that is not a Ricky finish.

and so I said and I and I

expected him to do better

at rogue too and he still

did well it just I I wanted

him to compete against jeff

closer so I pick ricky my

pick also hinged a lot on

rogue finish um and I went

with velner def definite

decline this year yeah

And we know I love my boy, Pat.

Oh, you love some Pat Vellner.

That was mine was Pat for in

terms of a performance at a

specific event.

That's how I had read the question.

If you wanted to say like in

general for the year, my disappointment,


Roman was not very good at Wadapalooza.

None of the events I was really...

awe with and I know he was

injured a little bit at the

games but like he didn't do

anything there even prior I

think I had lost a little

bit of faith of where he

was at last year um at the

games I thought that he had

a not so great season but

again I don't know how much

the the injury played a

part at what point of the

season it started but he

didn't look good at the

games he didn't look good

at water palooza he looked

okay at semifinal deep like

decent at semifinals yeah um


Uh, just to catch up on some climate, uh,

some comments,

Craig passively picked Jason as a, uh,

best performance.

Um, Clint East picked Tia.

Uh, Craig said, Brent is a good pick.

Um, Craig picked Tia.


Jody agreed with me.

I love when that happens.

Ken said, mine is Colton.

Not that he did bad by any means,

but because my favorite

athlete didn't make the games.

That's a good disappointment.

I agree.

I like that.

That's a good pick.


So then we go to most disappointed female.

Back to me?


Overall, for the whole year,

I'm going to go with Danielle Brandon.


that's always a solid pick

because the expectations

for her are always like

super high they are I think

she'll do like I just

really thought she would

finish higher at both the

games and rogue carolyn

mute you're on mute sorry

uh I have two lawson just

didn't perform as as well as I um

expected her throughout the whole year.

Not like the games.

I don't even look at the games at all,

but just in terms of the

whole year in general,

like normally she would, you know,

be top three in the open top three,

like just wasn't herself this year.

Um, yeah.

And I think my, my other pick was Domet.

I think I expected a little

bit more of her at the games.


after coming off the

semifinal and maybe a

little bit of hype but how

hard was it factoring in

the games this season

because they just they

weren't what yeah they're

it's so hard there you had

programming removed you had

like it just was hard to

like judge through all of that

It really is.

I take small value in the games this year,

but it's one of the only

competitions in person we have.

All the athletes are there competing.

There's Waterpalooza, there's Rogue,

the games.

We don't have much besides the online,

and I'm not going to put as

much value on the online.

Sadly, again, the games to me doesn't

reflect how the performance

of a lot of athletes so my

appointment is based on

rogue and I know that this

person is not typically

strong at rogue but because

of the metamorphosis she

supposedly went through in

the off season I expected

more of her there and that

is hayley adams uh

sixteenth place at rogue

Even though I knew she

wouldn't hit the

weightlifting events or the heavy events,

she didn't do anything well at Rogue.

That's not true.

She crushed the snatch one.

And that's...

you know, and she would,

that snatch event for her was like,

when I looked at the

strategies of everyone, I'm like, oh,

they're all doing like what I did.

They're blowing up.

And then they're going to start, you know,

not doing as well in the snatch.

She took her sweet time on

those ring muscle ups.

She did like four, five sets even,

and then just move the snatch,

move the snatch weight

better than anyone.

Everyone was like,

including Laura missed snatches.

Almost everyone did the same

strategy that I did, which was just like,

two sets or maybe three I

think this is it she was so

overhyped the media was

attention was on her that

she had done all this stuff

to change and get get her

love for the game back and

I just expected more than a

sixteenth place yeah her

adaptability at rogue

wasn't good like she

couldn't do the long muscle

up she couldn't do the

pegboard which normally she

is so good at the pegboard

So there, yeah, there's a few there.

I'm going to spoil this

because I probably won't make it.

My most surprising female,

I picked Haley for those big dichotomies,


Like some great performance at semis.

You know, like Erin says it's great here.

I feel like she got a little stronger,

but everything else regressed.

So to me,

there was some big surprises

there for me with Haley.

So that was my vote for that

because that's like your

last one and I will not be on for that.

So that was my pick there.

Ken keeps saying that

Carolyn just keeps picking the Canadians.

I've been honest, good and bad,

good and bad with my Canadians.

Can't stand DB every year.

It's the same.

And then Daniel,

Dan Church echoes all that.

And then Craig says Alexis.

So that's a,

I consider that for my dis my

disappointed as well.


Good pick.

All right.

Next category is coach of

the year and it's Carolyn.

I mean,

it's hard to not talk about what's

going on at Burt camp and our brute,

not camp or fitness with strength.

And I was like, Oh, I forgot the name.

Um, I don't know who coaches, what athlete,

like, I don't know if it's that,

if something's going,

something good is going on, um, there.


I said Matt Torres along with Aaron


He took over Brute.

He is now the owner of Brute, so I'm just,

I guess, giving him the nod.

But they also have Coach L

there who's taken on a lot of clients.

Coach L was at the Masters

CrossFit Games with a ton of athletes.

I know he's Kelsey Keels.

He's Daniel Brandens.

He just took on Jason Hopper.

So, yeah.

And I'll pick Caroline

Lombre just to continue

with my Canadians.


Thanks, Ken.

My coach of the year is Tristan.


Because he got Hattie there.

He got me there.

Can't argue with results.


All right.

Best viewing experience.

We're not doing favorite moment.

Oh, favorite moment of the year.

I'm sorry.

Favorite moment of the year.

All right.

This is my last one.

I'm signing off.


Is it me?

I'll go.

My favorite moment of the

year was me finishing

second in the power clean

total bar burpee workout at

the masters games.

Little self-promotion.

It was my favorite moment.

I was more impressed by your

echo bike performance.

That was up there for me

because it was like full push.

Cause you're not that like tall, big,

like that was impressive for me.

I feel like both were like

the power clean was super heavy.

The bike was, is more power output.


I think the fact that there was more of

a race on the floor in the,

in the going back forth to the bar,

to the toe, you're just on a bike.

You don't know everyone's kills.

It's really hard to see.

It's not,

I wasn't really happy with my


Don't get me wrong.

I just think the race in the

power clean one was a

little more exciting.

And that you got dizzy

because they kept making you spin.

Things could have been improved there,

but it was, yeah.


I didn't write this one down.

Go ahead.

You go first.

But let me think about it.

Mine is a semifinal syndicate crown.

Lydia Fish finishing the snatch ladder.

And I think it's I think it

is so indelible because I

was right beside her in the

media pit and I caught the

footage from behind with

her entire family in the stands.

going ballistic when she hit

the last bar and like the

the gen the genuine

excitement in that arena

when she did that was one

of the coolest feelings of

the year for me and so that

is my favorite moment and

it's still on my instagram

uh as a real so if you want

to go check that out but

her dad like loses his mind

in the stands and I

captured that on video as

she hit that final bar

Okay, I have one, Ken.

Canadian again.

So I was in the stands at

Syndicate Crown for the last event,

and I'm sitting with Chloe

Goldvang-David's parents

and her boyfriend cheering for her.

And after she smashed that event,

just seeing her qualify

again for the Games was exciting.

I have a lot of appreciation for her.

in the sport and I have a good,

good relationship with her.

So just was very,

very happy to see her get

back to the games, um,

at the expense of other Canadian friends,

which that's not good, but, um,

I was happy for Chloe.


Not many people had her on

their bingo card for making

the jump on that final workout.

I said that that Sunday was

built for Chloe.

You did build for her.

We also have Ricky running

the sub five minute mile at the games.

That was pretty awesome.

James final games event.

That was pretty awesome too.

That was Aaron's choice.

He was torn between my

performance or the games,

the games final event.

He thought that was a really

good race on the floor

between like three of the men.

And he was like,

that's like the one that

sticks out in my mind.

I wouldn't be surprised if

Tudor joined Brute this year.

You know,

what's funny is Tudor started with Brute.


He was a Matt Torres athlete

back when him and Dallin

and James were all teens.

And Emma Carey,

that group was all together

with Matt Torres back in the day.

All right.

I'm going to sign off.

You guys want me to remove you?

I think I can leave the studio.







We get to go.


There, ah, there we go.

Wide screen.

Um, uh,

Carolyn with the make a Canadian

great again.

We've been good.

We've been here.

We've won on both the males

and females side.

So there ain't no great again.

Uh, so best viewing experience.


rogue that's mine the

package the special package

you can purchase with rogue

every event that has

streaming should offer that

it's a way to make your

money back it is a revenue

stream um they charge

twenty five dollars every

year you can move the

freaking camera to watch

whatever you want to watch

how can you not love that

And you can either pick the

traditional broadcast or

what I call their Manning

cast or their tailgate party.

You can do both.

And to me,

that was the best viewing

experience by far.

Not even remotely close.

It's so much better than any other comp.

They raise the bar all the

time for competitions and stuff.

So yeah, it's great.

best of overall event your

turn rogue yeah me too I

mean you have the athletes

as well as a new location

in in europe the fans are

great um like there are

good like there were other

good events out there like

in terms of some of the semi-finals um

but you don't always have

the best of the best

competing and like Rogue

just gets those athletes there.

It has the best atmosphere in the world.

They pay attention to every detail.

Waterpalooza was essentially

rained out this year.

The games had the tragic

event that took away a lot there.

So there really wasn't even

a lot of competition.

Semifinals were underwhelmingly attended,

except for Europe and Torian.

But for me,

those were tough to watch just

because they were in the

middle of the night.

Um, but so rogue by far.


And then, yeah.


That's what I was going to say.

Like if you,

if you want to go with a

smaller competition, um,

competition with less money

than what rogue can put out, then crash,

I think nailed it.


They did.

They do a great job now every year.

Um, so super stoked that they're,

they keep doing what they do.

Um, best event workout.

I didn't think about this one.

You added some new ones that I didn't see.

This one's always been there.

Oh, has it?

Best event workout.


I'll go ahead.

I think I like the finale.

I like the finale of the semifinals.

And I don't know if it's

because there's so much on

the line for it that it

just created a lot of excitement.

But I thought it was one of

the better finales that we've seen.

We match again.


The distance on the lunge at

the end could not have been more perfect.

It was,

there was so much devastation in

that last event with

everything on the line.

It brought all the drama.

Um, usually the, you know,

they always say the workout

shouldn't be the star.

The athlete should be the star,

but that workout was the

star to end all the semifinals.

Yeah, it really was great.

And like going in, I was like, oh,

like no one's going to put

down the lunges.

Like it's going to be

irrelevant for most people

that they're just strong enough.

And then sure enough,

people are those dumbbells are slipping.

People are having to get called back.

And it was that was an exciting event.

People are like, giving JR some love,

well-deserved, yes.

And then Jay Birch says,

was it Torium Pro that had

the cool opening ceremony?

They always have.

It's like a rock show there.

They've got fireworks and

flames and lasers and everything else.

I so want to get to go there

one time to watch what they put on.

Last two categories.

Most surprising performance, male.

It's my turn, right?

So I go James Brown.


games like nobody saw him winning the


If, if you had him picked before you,

you're going to Vegas to

collect a big sum of money.


And even though it was

really tough to include

much of the games in

judging this season because

of what happened there,

that was a huge surprise.

And like James is just one

of the coolest dudes I've ever met.

So happy for him and his family.

It was just awesome.

And that to me,

that's the most surprising

male performance.

I'm going to go Austin Hatfield.

I thought that he had a

couple event wins like for him to win.

two events at the games.

I think he won a couple,

at least one at the semifinals too.

I didn't expect as much from him.

And I know that the games, again,

like if you put everyone in

the field with the right mentality,

it's a different maybe outcome.

But I still thought that he

was better than I expected.

Come on,

John Young would have told you

about Austin Hatfield six years ago.

I know, but I'm not.

not going on that he did

have like the biggest

cheering crowd though at

syndicate uh that was him

and haley adams it was

crazy how many people were

there for them it was so loud

That was fun to see.

Someone knew, you know, Austin was,

you know,

he was in Orlando the year before, but in,

in Tennessee, near his hometown, uh,

the people from West

Virginia could get down there and, uh,

man, it was loud.


Ken Walter said Hatfield's going to be

a game's regular release the rabbit.

we finish up with most

surprising performance

female emily rolf sure she

was in my list yeah howdy

kanye I'm gonna go with all

the canadians just tonight

well I went with hattie

hattie hattie at

semi-finals yeah not not

necessarily at the games

Oh, my only,

my only wish for her is that

she wouldn't have blown the

last event and had a podium finish to,

to cap it off because she

was leading going into the

final event and then lost

it on that workout.

We just talked about enough

where she fell back.

I take my votes back.




because I knew she was getting good.

I didn't know she was getting this good.

And I didn't know that she was going to be,

you know,

right there with Laura as much

as I... Because to me,

it was like Tia and Laura

are just like completely

separated from the rest of the girls.

And then there's like a

little group of girls, you know,

within that three to seven or eight.

And then there's another little group.

But I thought...

Gabby really made a step this year.

Really made a step.

So you are picking a

non-Canadian as your most

surprising athlete of twenty twenty four.


I'll do it.

I'll pick a non-Canadian.

All right.

So that was fun.

The the Clydes are over.

We have Craig says Emily at

the Games third.

That was surprising.

And Kate.

Man, my internet is going.

I didn't know if it was mine or yours.

It's mine.


It's not happened in a while.

So hopefully it comes back.

We're coming back.

Patrick Clark is bragging

that he's been telling us

about Gabby for two years now.

Something changed this year though.

I mean, she trained with Laura.

She was, she looked like she was happy.

She learned from one of the

best in the sports.

Like if you're training with

one of the best and you're getting pushed,

like that's going to help in training.


I don't know what has happened since


And I'm not going to get into any of that,

but I mean, that helped her.

And I think it helped.

It helped Laura too.

Sorry about that.


A couple other things before

we head out of here.

Speaking of the WK Crown,

the volunteer registration is open.

And here is the Google Doc for everybody.

You can go out to and fill out that.

And they have jobs available.

sure athlete control gear

judges media medical

scoring and special

assignments so make sure to

go check that out I don't

know if you had it on the

the list too but the one

competition the rebel rebel

games or whatever they

announced today or

yesterday that you know the

athletes that would be

competing there are only

going to be from the

African region and the UAE itself.

So that was surprising.

And you know, this way, you know,

we don't know the details about the other,


semi-finals and maybe this is going to

set a precedent for next

year and what people might

do in the following years.

Um, you know,

people might be looking at this like, Oh,

I guess there's no restriction.

We could do that with ours too.

So I'll be interested to see

if any of that, um, happens this year or

in the future years because

we already have cut down

the field and if we start

changing things it could be

yeah from your perspective

I can see where that is

it's getting it sucks and

no uncertain terms we

thought we were going away

from the regions and now

and now we're just adding

them back in in a different format

I also have this announcement.

This came this week.

Katrin David's daughter got

engaged to Brooks.

And I don't know if you saw this,

but the ring is a whopper.

But they look very happy.

They've looked happy for years.

So happy for them.

And then...

last big thing and then

we'll get out of here is

waterpalooza has made a ton

of announcements today um

they have announced all

their elite teams women and

men and all their elite

individuals so here are the

elite teams you can go to

their instagram you can see

like the sydney wells

brookwell's haley adams

kyra milligan danny spiegel

olivia kerstetter then

there's I'm not going to go

through all of them

try to go slow so you can

kind of see them I'll point

out the ones that um kind

of stand out emily rawl

ferial lowen alex kazan

elisa fuliano linda keesman

fisa goffi ali weiss lauren

stalwood and sydney smith

uh shelby neal emma lawson

danielle brandon there's

some great teams and great

individuals it's going to be stacked

Lucy Campbell, Jennifer Muir,

and Taylor Howe.

Speaking of Tristan,

a bunch of his athletes, Hattie Canio,

Madison McElhaney, and Elisa Shower.

Jamie Smith, Jesse Smith, Amy Kringle,

and Annika Greer.

Emily Rethwell, Elizabeth Wishart,

and Hannah Black.

And then the daughters have joined forces.

Katrin, Annie, and Sarah all together.

Reese Littlewood, Lucy McGonigal,

and Berggrost.

The OGs and then the new teens.

That's pretty cool.

Ava George, Grace Lochner,

and Trista Smith, another young team.

So that is the women.

and then I know we have

whoop here are the

individuals all announced

uh erica folo emma tall

claudia gluck kyra milligan

brooke wells alexis raptus

andrea pinero elizabeth

wishart hattie canyo emily

lumberg amia lumberg

Amy Kringle, Danny Spiegel, Linda Keisman,

Georgia Pryor, Laura Horvat, Emily Rolfe,

Chloe Govan-David, Jessica Androzik,

Victoria Campos, Lucy McGonigal,

Bethany Flores, Elisa Fuliano,

Ariel Lowen, Lydia Fish, Reese Littlewood,

Jennifer Muir, Abigail Domet, Lexi Neely,

Annika Greer, Zoe Warren,

lucy campbell sydney wells

and sahir kaya that's quite

a field for wadapalooza on

the women's side very

stacked on the men's side

it's not quite as stacked

but there's still some big

names uh we have alex

catoulas moritz feebig jack farlow uh

kike serveini kaike ricky

garrard nick matthew gima

hieros alexander caron

harry lightfoot austin

hatfield uh jeff adler luka

jukic uh saxon pancheck

trayvon benton james

sprague travis mayer max

krieg luke parker pat velner anola kai

John Wood, Yonikoski, Ruan.

The guys have a lot of great names, too.

Both sides are... This is a great roster.

And then... That's the women again.

The elite team's men.

Pull that up.

This one,

I don't think is as stacked as

some of the other,

but there's some stacked teams.

Justin Madaris, Dallin Pepper,

Willie Georges, Jack Farlow,

Benjuan Boulanger, Tudor Magda, Hopper,

Adler, Vellner, Saxon Pancheck,

Jorge Fernandez, Guy Mejeros, Noah Olsen,

Chandler Smith, Travis Mayer,

who always do well at Waterpalooza,

Alex Cotullis, Nick Matthew,

and Brandon Shipper.

uh Michael Wislowski Pablo

Caza Cazales Callum

Clements uh the vigno

brothers are joining up

with Yves Eric pelote and

then we have Moritz fee big

Harry Lightfoot and Luca

jukic joining up and that's

those and then those are

pretty much the big names

on that side but there's

definitely some stack teams

I did not see Colton as one of the names.


I know he is a fan favorite.

I think that's pretty much

all the news from the week.

That was a lot.

So we did not do our gauntlet workouts.

We are going to do them next

week instead because there

was so much news.

And with Jamie's schedule,

it was tough for her to

commit to do that and the

year-end awards.

So Sunday night,

we are going to do the workout.

The assignment for you all

is create a sixty to ninety

minute workout.

Mine's under, but that's okay.

Well, mine is too,

but I left mine is sixty

minutes in total with a

transition so that you can

keep it moving.

If that makes sense.



I added my transitions with it.

And so so mine's a hair

under sixty minutes.

You make a sixty minute work, sixty,

ninety minute workout

waterfall style in a in a

high rocks ish type of

thing or like a gauntlet at

Waterpalooza thing that

would travel from city to

city where everybody from

the community would come

and do it together.

You would do heats.

It would just be like a rolling start.

And you would go through to finish.

And you would get a time.

Mine is set to every second counts.

Carolyn's is done for reps.

I did two.

I did one for time and one is for reps.

You're an overachiever.

I did two.

So I have two...

I have two submitted workouts from you,

the audience.

Those people are going to

get two entries because

they met the original

timeline for our either

water bottle giveaway or the coffee cup.

You get your choice,

either water bottle or

coffee cup with the

engraved Clydesdale Media logo.

The two people that put

theirs in ahead of time

will get two entries into the drawing.

Everybody that submits one

between now and Sunday will

get one entry into the drawing,

and then we'll read them

out and come up with what

we think is like the best

idea for an overall

gauntlet-style workout that would travel.

I say around, around sixty minutes.

It doesn't need to be.

Mine's around sixty.

Yours is around sixty.

Jamie was begging for ninety.

Of course she was.

But I'm also thinking about some, like,

it can't be such high skill

that we put away a lot of people too.

Like I want it to be easy to

judge and something that

people can kind of go through.

And it's just something

that's like a baseline

that's can be tested at

multiple locations.

And cause like the open is great.

And that's like,

I guess it's a baseline every year,

but the workouts are always different.

Like you don't actually like

actually know,

If you're fitter,

there are different workouts.

So this would be something

that could stay a little

bit more relevant.

Like, yeah, we have so many benchmarks,

but it's like just creating

one pretty balanced workout

with maybe different parts

in it that everyone in the

community can do either

yearly or multiple times a year.

was my idea of doing it.

The professor, Professor Clyde,

says this is due by next Sunday afternoon,

just so I can copy and

paste it into a document

that I can share on screen

so we can show it.

And you can either you can

either DM me on Instagram

or you can put it on the

YouTube comments.

We prefer the YouTube

comments because it helps

the algorithm tremendously.

But I'll take either at this point.

Jody Lynn says one person workout.


So back when I first started CrossFit,

a lot of the competitions

were waterfall style.

You would do one workout.

You would get a transition

time or rest time to the next workout.

Do that.

another transition rest time to that.

And you would just go

through it and you'd be

done in sixty to ninety minutes.

But it's it's not just one

steady workout for sixty to

ninety minutes.

It's a series of workouts

with transition time.


And something that could get

scaled because.

So I actually have in two of

my workouts and an elite

version and an RX version.

the workout who's the

overachiever now so so we

can we can we can be there

for both both sides of the

the community so uh craig

says it's a good idea well

carolyn came up with this

and it's only taken us I

can see uh lex's shadow on

the wall she's like the lex shadow puppet

because I I like the high

rocks but I just find it so

running dominant that I

would like something like

that that's a little bit

more balanced in terms of

crossfit so restrictions

and equipment that can get

used quite a bit like if

you start adding rope

climbs and now we gotta

have you know rope ropes

are gonna get destroyed

during the day like they

wouldn't even last

Yeah, I thought about like what could be

So my vision of this is that

like high rocks, you have stations,

you have like in my minus four workouts,

you have station one,

you transition to station two,

which is another workout

transition to station three,

which is another workout

transition to station four.

So you can keep all the

equipment in the same station all day,

but you do want to think about,

it's going to be banged on

all day by a ton of athletes and

Easy to judge.


And I do have running in mind.

I'm just saying the whole

thing doesn't need to be running.

Yeah, I did not put running in mind.


Spoiler alert.

Not even in the forethought

of my mind to put running in this.

But I think it came out well.

I'm really proud of it

because I never do programming.

Like this was really outside

the box for me.

So I'm excited to get

feedback on my workout.

Back when I coached in like

from fifteen to eighteen,

I programmed a couple days,

but it was very minimal.

Would you claim that your

workout is could balance out in terms of

strength monostructural

gymnastics like it would be

a pretty fit test like a

lot of the benchmark

workouts like yes there's a

lot of good ones but you

need you would need

multiple to kind of

determine who's the fittest

that day right so

you would have enough stuff

in there that you could

claim this as a fit test

and the fittest will come

out is what you're saying.

I tried to be balanced.




Inside or outside.

It's ideally inside because

of the weather.


You don't want to be,

if you want to do a mass thing,

it needs to be something

that's rip that weather is

not playing a factor in scores.

Like you just want to see what the scores,

the top scores and you can

have a world championship.

We're basing this off of High Rocks,

which is always like in a

convention center with

indoor running or whatever it is.

So, and just,

we don't want to copy High Rocks.

They do what they do and that's great.

We just want to be a very

cross-fitty version

of a waterfall style workout

and I would even say the

two thoughts in my mind are

gauntlet at waterpalooza if

you've ever been there it's

a sixty minute workout that

anybody can sign up for and

do from the from the crowd

um and you do that straight

through sixty minutes take

that put it into the high

rocks traveling show and

that's what we're looking for

Cindy is super simple,

but a killer at the same time.

I will tell you,

Cindy was in mine and I took it out.

So if you have to think

about if you're going to put Cindy,

I mean, that's all.

I mean,

that would be a short person range

of motion.

So you would have to balance

that with something that

would be also for tall

people and strength bias.

So, yeah,

there's a lot of considerations to take.

Like, well, Cindy is a great test.

It wouldn't be the test of fitness.

So I had Cindy as one of my pieces,

and then I took it out

because I wanted to use an

element elsewhere.

Does that make sense?

I wanted to use an element

of Cindy elsewhere,

so I took Cindy out to be

able to do that.

And, yeah,

you can use any equipment that

you want to use.

Yeah, you guys are getting the idea now.

Short time domain, long time domain,

and mix it up.

So for my and this is a

little spoiler alert for mine,

I thought logistics because

you want to keep it flowing.

So I actually did with

transition time for fifteen

minute pieces.

So that the stations would

be changing at the same

time and you would just keep moving.

Does that make sense?

Like I have three minutes in

between my one that is for reps,

but there's like different

time domains because I'm

trying to get different

time domains as well.

But mine right now is fifty minutes.

Five zero.

In total.

And I think there's four parts as well.

So, Clintus,

I would say you can have as

many lanes as you want.

Probably ten to twenty.

Because it depends on

your... If you're in a convention center,

and this isn't like a broadcasted thing.

This is for the community to

come out and hang out together.

You can have a rig with two sides.

Ten and ten.

You can... If you're just doing...

But you want to kind of keep

it the same throughout the

whole day so the same group

of people can move together

through the stations.

But you're going to have a

lot of space if you go to

like a convention center

and set this up into stations.

And just move from one to the other.

So think outside the box.

As long as you can like

figure it out logistically,

I'm up for it.

And easy to judge because we

don't want to be on,

on social media posting.

Ken Walters.

Honestly, safe pounds and feet.

One of my metrics is also safety too.

If you're,

if I'm running a lot of people

of different levels,

it needs to be pretty safe.

I didn't want to have any dealing with,

like I said, like rope climbs or people,

if you don't have the right

equipment and things are falling apart,


Safety is a big thing too.


But you guys get the idea.

Again, you can win this cool water bottle.

I actually have one still boxed up.

You'd win that one, not this one.

But water bottle or coffee cup,

your choice.

And then next week when we

announce them all,

then we can have a fan vote.

And then maybe we have to do

it in the new year.


All right.

We need a baseline for it.

See if what we wrote is

killing these athletes.

Jodi wants to know,

when will you be signing

athletes up for this event?

We have to decide which workout wins.

Well, once we get our investor.

Fifteen million.

Yeah, the fifteen million.

Once it comes in,

we'll set this up and do

the traveling road show.

and fifteen million works

both in metric and in uh

american standard or

english standard so I just

think this could be like a

cool baseline that's

well-rounded that people do

in the community that every

year they could they could

do a different location and

meet up yeah and what's

cool is you could do a

world championship of it at

the end of the year take

the best times from all the

different cities

invite you you're assuming

it's time what if it's reps

like mine okay this of

course I'm gonna go with mine of course


Well, with that, guys, this has been fun.

I love the interaction tonight.

You guys, we love you.

You're the best.

Hanging out with you every

Sunday or Monday night is awesome,

and we can't wait to do it

again this Sunday.

I'll be back on for lunch

with the Clydesdale tomorrow.

maybe I'll do some some

year-end stuff myself more

podcast related maybe best

shows of the year things

like that um with that

we'll see you guys all

tomorrow and don't forget

to wish lex a happy

birthday belated from

yesterday we have carolyn's

coming up on the sixth uh

we have mine coming up on

wednesday and we have

jamie's husbands on the

tenth yeah so make sure you

wish everybody a happy birthday

As you're pulling down your

Christmas tree and happy

new year to everyone.


Happy new year guys.

See you next time on the Clydesdale media.


Sunday night, CrossFit talk.

That's what we're doing now.

Bye guys.