Advent with the Angels

I am your guidance and your protection.

If you need or wish for shelter, simply ask for
my mantle - to spend some time in its
comfortable, cosy shelter. It may feel like a
cape, or another kind of garment which covers
you completely.

You need to make sure that you really look
after yourself now - health-wise and also

This is a time when you will want to take care
of others, but it is imperative that you look
after yourself also - in this way you will be able
to help many more people, believe me.

If you call on me, I am sure you know that I
will be there with you - heart and soul.

You will feel my presence around you and my
wish is that you feel comforted when you feel
troubled, and held when you feel sad.
I am there for you whatever happens.
I am there when you feel that you have nobody
to turn to.

I see that this can happen to many of you and I
want to assure you that I am there for you in
any situation.

I have gone through difficult situations - and
you will also see that once you feel stronger
again, you too will give comfort and
encouragement to those in need.

You know that it is possible to come out the
other side of the storm and smile again.

Because you have gone though heavy times and
come through, you will be able to give hope to

I wish you well - please know that I will go
with you wherever you wish.
Together we can go through any difficulty,
together everything is possible.

Just watch us do this ! 

What is Advent with the Angels?

Messages for you from Angels and Archangels

22 December - Mother Mary

I am your guidance and your protection.

If you need or wish for shelter, simply ask for
my mantle - to spend some time in its
comfortable, cosy shelter. It may feel like a
cape, or another kind of garment which covers
you completely.

You need to make sure that you really look
after yourself now - health-wise and also

This is a time when you will want to take care
of others, but it is imperative that you look
after yourself also - in this way you will be able
to help many more people, believe me.

If you call on me, I am sure you know that I
will be there with you - heart and soul.

You will feel my presence around you and my
wish is that you feel comforted when you feel
troubled, and held when you feel sad.
I am there for you whatever happens.
I am there when you feel that you have nobody
to turn to.

I see that this can happen to many of you and I
want to assure you that I am there for you in
any situation.

I have gone through difficult situations - and
you will also see that once you feel stronger
again, you too will give comfort and
encouragement to those in need.

You know that it is possible to come out the
other side of the storm and smile again.

Because you have gone though heavy times and
come through, you will be able to give hope to

I wish you well - please know that I will go
with you wherever you wish.
Together we can go through any difficulty,
together everything is possible.

Just watch us do this !