Wake Up Classy 97 The Podcast

Wake Up Classy 97 with Josh & Chantel from Friday, October 4th, 2024 / It’s trucker day! 10-4 good buddy!!, an asteroid is pretending to be a moon, Josh doesn’t think he needs to wash his bath towel, there’s a new zipline in Japan that takes you directly into Godzilla’s mouth, PSA to drivers - when the crossing sign is red - that means STOP!!, salsa cereal is exactly what you think it is and it’s disgusting, get a prescription for groceries, why is it so hard to unsubscribe from emails, and scaremail will haunt your mailbox for a year!

What is Wake Up Classy 97 The Podcast?

Wake up with Josh & Chantel every weekday from 6a-10a on Classy 97! Missed the show or want to revisit your favorite moments from the show, enjoy Wake Up Classy 97 - The Podcast!

Episode title: Wake Up Classy 97 with Josh and Chantel - Friday, October 4th, 2024

Episode summary introduction:

It’s trucker day! 10-4 good buddy!!, an asteroid is pretending to be a moon, Josh doesn’t think he needs to wash his bath towel, there’s a new zipline in Japan that takes you directly into Godzilla’s mouth, PSA to drivers - when the crossing sign is red - that means STOP!!, salsa cereal is exactly what you think it is and it’s disgusting, get a prescription for groceries, why is it so hard to unsubscribe from emails, and scaremail will haunt your mailbox for a year!

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Full show transcript:

This is wake up classy 97, the podcast. It is a replay of today's full show, but without the music and commercials and stuff. It's Josh and Chantel, and it's Friday, October 4th. It's trucker day 104, good buddy. Breaker breaker 1-9.

No. No. Good. Ensemble. Yep.

Breaker breaker. An asteroid is pretending to be a moon. Josh doesn't think that he needs to wash his bath towel. Yeah. What's the story about that?

Like, why do I have to wash the thing that dries off my clean body? Because I think you need to wash it every now and again, Josh. But why? Because it gets mildewy and musty, and maybe there are parts of you that aren't fully clean when you dry off. That makes no sense.

Yeah. It does. There's a new zipline in Japan that takes you directly into Godzilla's mouth. A PSA to drivers, when the crossing sign is red, that means stop. Yeah.

This is a scary tale where our family was almost cut from 4 people to 1 last night. Hi. That would have been so sad. I know. Please pay attention.

Salsa cereal is exactly what you think it is, and it's disgusting. Get a prescription for groceries. But good luck filling it. Why is it so hard to unsubscribe from emails and scare mail will haunt your mailbox for a year? Oh.

Thanks for listening to the show live weekday mornings from 6 to 10 and right here on the podcast. Subscribe wherever you're listening. If you this is your first time listening to an episode, subscribe to the show. Get notified when we post new episodes every single weekday, and rate the show. Are you yawning?

Sorry. Am I is what I'm saying so boring? I kinda forgot that I had a microphone inside of Okay. Alright. Well, hey.

Rate the show. Obviously, Chantel loves it, and, that will help us grow the podcast. Hope you enjoy today's show. Hey there. Hi, Josh.

Hey, Chantel. What's happening? It's Friday. It is Friday. That's happening.

It is happening. Yeah. I was, I was thinking you were bringing in cinnamon rolls. Did that not happen today? I thought you said today was was Friday, cinnamon rolls, cinnamon roll day.

You looked at all the days yesterday to make sure that you'd be ready for today. No. And then you brought in fresh, hot, homemade cinnamon rolls? No. No.

I didn't do that. A way to go. Well, you blew it first. What? This is your fault.

That is such a little sister thing to say. Yep. Well Well it's what I am. I am what I am. You did it first.

What did Poise Popeye say? I am what I am. Does he say that? I don't know. That sounds like something Popeye would say.

I got And with all of his love of spinach, might as well throw a yam in there. I am what I am, and that's all that I am. See? Yeah. I told you.

I guess so. That's all I can stands because I can't stands no more. He also says that. Well, it is cinnamon roll day. Thank you for the 19 fifties cartoon update.

Yep. Is world smile day? Own it on cinnamon roll day. Bro, it I would've Bro. I would've loved to have a cinnamon roll right now.

Me too. Yeah. Fresh and hot? Yeah. You're in the charge of the days.

It's world smile day. You're fired. It is kids music day. Smile day? Yeah.

You're going too fast. You're a day behind. I know. World smile day. Yes.

Kid music day. K. Yes. K. K.

World animal day. K. Yes. K. Check.

Platter day. Platter? Plaid. Oh. Platter day, they call it.

Because it's a timeless fashion, plaid. It is a timeless fashion. And it it keeps it keeps sticking around. It can wear it whenever, however you want. Plaid flannel?

Yes. Always hot. Always. Yep. It's National Body Language Day.

It is National Truckers Day. Hey. And it is also Good Buddy Day. Do you know why it's Good Buddy Day and Trucker Day? Mm-mm.

What's the date? 104, good buddy. Nice. Nice. That's why.

Bricar bricker 19. Yeah. You get it. You get it. It's college radio day.

It's shipping a bottle day, manufacturing day, and improve your office day. I don't have an office. You do? No. I don't.

You have that counter right there? This is my office. You have a space at your other job that you could call your office? Yeah. I guess I could improve those spaces.

Yeah. Improve your work life by improving your setting. Make sure your desk, office, even break room are not hectic or unpleasant places to work, but pleasant ones to hang out in. Pleasant. Improve your office day.

Okay. Okay. Dismissive. Dismissive. Dismissive.

Okay. Well, 104, good buddy. 104 to you, good buddy. You ready to roll out? Breaker, breaker 19.

We gotta sell the convoy. Alright. Happy Friday. Do you wanna hear some moon news? Moon news?

Moon news. I didn't know if you said moon news or moon news. Nope. Moon. News.

What's going on with the moon? I mean, we got that What? Oh, go ahead. We got a new mini moon. Yeah.

That's why I was gonna I I didn't know if that's what you were talking about. It got pulled into our orbit this week, and it's gonna stick around until November 25th. Yeah. It's like the size of a bus. It is the size of a bus.

It's not like you can't see it. Like, it's not like you're gonna look outside and see 2 moons. No. Correct. You have to you have to have a telescope to see it.

Yeah. It's still pretty big. I mean, yeah, there's enough that they can study it. Sure. There's a a rock the size of a bus cruising around us for how long?

Do you know? I just told you. Until November 25th. And then it'll shoot away. Yep.

And then it'll shoot away towards the sun. How about that? That's where it's headed? Toward the sun? Yeah.

I think so. I don't know. But it when did it arrive? It arrived on September 29th. Well And it is I didn't feel any different, did you?

No. Okay. Well, I you got 2 moons. Maybe you feel like, woah. Check us out.

We got 2 moons. Just grab me. Can we call it that? No. It already has a name.

No. I but can we call it a moon? Right. Because it's an asteroid. Like, it's just a rock Yeah.

The size of a bus that's stuck in orbit for a few days And then and then it's gonna leave. I don't know that we can I don't know how it works? They have a picture. So you can see the picture of the Earth, and then you can see the picture of our regular moon, and then the the asteroid, and it just looks like a piece of garbage. So I'm like, why are we calling this a mini moon?

It's not a moon. Alright. I'm trying to I'm trying to find the definition of moon. Okay. This is A natural satellite of the Earth.

Yeah. Okay. That's fine. But that doesn't tell me, like, what does science define a moon as. Right?

I don't know. What do they describe define it as? Are you looking that up? Yeah. Let me see.

This is called the moon this moon is called 2024 pt 5. Oh, that'll stick. Naturally naturally can't they call it, like, Earl? Can't we kinda give it a name? I know.

Like, a real one? Yeah. Yeah. Naturally formed bodies that orbit planets are called moons or planetary satellites. Okay.

What did you just say? Naturally formed bodies that orbit planets are called moons. So a a rock that orbits a planet is called a moon. Okay. So, yeah, it's technically a moon until it's out of orbit, and then it's back to being an asteroid.

What a promotion. Temporary. I was just an asteroid, but now I'm a moon. And then soon I'll be an asteroid again. Yep.

But for now, I'm a moon. A mini moon. Let's not get ahead of ourselves. Yeah. A bus sized moon.

Wouldn't it be cool, though, if you walked out and saw 2 moons? Yes. It'd be a little wild. That would be cool, though. There was if it was large enough to reflect enough light, we had 2 moons?

The our our regular moon is 2,000 a 159 miles in diameter. Mhmm. And then the asteroid moon, the mini moon, is only 37 feet wide. Our moon is over 300,000 times wider than this asteroid. Yeah.

That's why you can't see it. You can't go outside right now and look up in the dark sky and go, oh, there it is. There it is. There's that second moon. Silly bus cruising around.

Maybe it's just what's her name, from the magic school bus. Maybe it's not even an asteroid. Maybe she's just out teaching the kids about space. Oh, but her her bus doesn't go big, does it? It just goes small.

No. I don't. It's a bus sized I know. Asteroid. What I'm saying is just a regular sized bus.

Uh-oh. Didn't have to get bigger. It's a bus. Miss Frizzle? Yeah.

Is that her name? Her name. Something like that. Anyway, she's just teaching the kids to make space. Kids.

Let's go. I like this story, and I like this story because the guy in this story is named Earl Bottoms, but he goes by Skip. So we're gonna talk about 88 year old Skip from Richmond, Virginia who is, he's pretty special. Check this out. Skip uses a cane to get around.

He has difficulty hearing. He's 88 years old. He has contributed over 700 hours of volunteer service at Saint Mary's Hospital and with Meals on Wheels. Oh. Over 700 service hours.

That's absolutely amazing. Real quick, 700 divide that by 24, that is equivalent to 29 days. 24 hour days. Skip. Pretty incredible.

That's awesome. He's a beloved figure at the hospital. He's known for his kindness and willingness to help with anything, from delivering papers to transporting patients in wheelchairs. He was recently recognized for his efforts and he was awarded a cash prize. They didn't tell me how much I'll do that.

In this particular story, but he was speechless when he learned about the reward, and he announced he was donating $100 of his prize to help a homeless friend. Aw. Skip. Skip. But you're the nicest dude.

Come on. Plus, his name is Skip. Skippy? Well, that's his nickname. His real name's Earl Bottoms, which I think is fantastic.

So, Skip, you made good news to get you going. Congratulations, Skip. Yeah. Way to go. That's better than your monetary award.

I mean, I think he's probably excited about the monetary award, but it's a pretty good consolation prize for sure. It's good news to get you going. Do you wanna hear about the new fashion trend? I know you're into fashion. I'm so into fashion.

You are so into fashion. I am high fashion locked in. You were just saying the other day that you've had the same clothes for 10 years. More than that. You haven't had I own shirts that I have had since we met and before the before we met.

I have Ew. Just I'm just kidding. Look at me. I'm not this style of fashion. You know?

No. I don't. No. It's fine. Okay.

The new fashion trend. Well, let me just rebuild my wardrobe on whatever you're about to say. Here we go. Here we go. Are you ready?

Sure. This is mostly for women. I'm not rebuilding my wardrobe on the fashions you're about to talk about. Bathrobes. I don't like a robe.

I like a towel. This is not a joke. I don't like robes either because It's a big, heavy It's too much. Yes. Thing.

Yeah. I don't like it either. You bought me a robe for Christmas 1 year. I don't remember that. Yeah.

You've said that before, and I'm like, I remember that. Around. The sleeves were really big and long like a wizard, so they kept getting in the way. And I was like, oh, shoot this rope. Like a wizard.

But I kept it around because it was a gift. I don't even remember seeing you wear a robe. Hated it. I didn't like it. And I said, he doesn't know me very well if he bought me a robe for Christmas.

Was it early on? Yeah. Yeah. It's one of those, like, I don't know what to get. And I'm walking around, like, the mall, and they're like, look at this robe gift box.

I'm like, that seems good. Look. It's already kinda wrapped. It's got a ribbon in there. You got better.

This is not it's not a joke. Vogue Magazine Vogue Magazine just endorsed this look. And bathrobe inspired dresses keep popping up on the red carpet. Are they made of terry cloth? I don't know.

Angelina Jolie just stepped out in a coat that looked exactly like a bathrobe. I looked at the photo. It's it's a robe. It's a robe. So feel free to wear your robe I guess.

Anywhere you want because nobody's gonna care about it. They're gonna think you're so in style. Are you looking at some photos? I just looked up bathrobe fashions. And I'm it's not it.

I don't like a bathrobe. I don't like them either. It's too it's too much. And, also, gross. Robes?

Like, people wear them Gross. Look. I think there's an appropriate place for a robe, and that's when you're walking in and out of a sauna. Okay. That's fair.

That's where robes belong. Like, oh, I'm I just got out of the hot tub. I'm gonna go sit in the sauna or whatever. Bathrobe. Then you, you know, throw it away after you're done.

I don't know what to do with it. You wash it, and then you wear it the next time you've been to the sauna. I feel like you know that episode of New Girl where Nick and Schmidt find out that they're sharing a towel? Yes. And and Nick is having an existential crisis when Schmidt is.

No. He's having the crisis when Schmidt says, like, do you ever wash your towel? And he's like, wash a towel? The towel washes me. You know, that makes no sense.

I'm clean when the towel is touching me. Why do I have to wash it? I feel like that. On a robe? I feel like that on towels and robes.

It makes no sense. To wash them? Is that what you're saying? If I use a towel like, look. If I use a towel to, like, wipe up a mess on a floor, I'm using it to like like, there are times when, like, a dish towel makes sense.

We're gonna wash that. But I'm still confused about the bath towel. Time out, Josh. No. For real.

What are are you saying if it weren't for me, your towel would never be washed? No. Listen to me. I am listening. What I'm saying is, why?

Why do we wash them? If if it's used to dry off my clean body, why do I have to wash? Because maybe there are parts of your body that you've missed cleaning. No. There are not.

What is your face? I'm just trying to make it make sense. I don't enjoy this conversation. I'm kinda grossed out by you. I still wash them.

I do it. I just don't understand why. It's a it's a weird thing. No. It isn't.

It's kinda weird. Wash your towel. I think you can use it for a couple of times. Sure. I do.

But you gotta you gotta wash it after, like, 2 or 3 2 or 3 uses. If I'm using it to dry my hands or if I'm using it to, like, dry my face after I wash my face like, I get there's a few different times where I'd be like, yeah, that that towel needs to be washed. But if I'm just using it, drive my body, and hang on a hook, that there's logic in there. 20 years. I've been married to this.

You think you know a person. Do you want to take a trip to Japan? I'd go to Japan. K. Yeah.

Great. It'd probably be a weird time. I've seen a lot of different stuff in Japan that's kinda strange. This one is a little bit strange, but also super cool. There is a park there.

It is a tribute to Godzilla, this park. That's fun. It's on Oji Island in Japan. K. They have a life size Godzilla statue that you can zipline into his mouth.

Yeah. Right? He stands 75 feet tall and a 100 feet long, and his mouth is wide open, and you can just zipline right into his guts. I think it looks cool. Once you get to the belly of him Yeah.

There is a shooting game that you can play. You also get, Godzilla themed food and a Godzilla museum. Look at this. Are you looking at pictures? No.

Oh, look at how cool it looks. Like, his mouth is open, and it's glowing blue. That's insane. I know. That's, like, really insane.

Lick it. Yeah. I know. Woah. Cool.

Right? Yeah. You wanna do it? I kinda wanna do it. Well, I was just looking at flights.

K. And it looks like, it's about $1,000 a person to fly there Okay. Roughly. Dang it. K.

And then how much does the park cost? Oh, well, then you gotta stay there, and you gotta have food and all that stuff. And I put it in there for, like, a week. You did? Yeah.

Because that's when the flights were cheapest. It was leaving on a certain day and coming back on another day. It's expensive to fly to Tokyo. Well, we're not going to Tokyo. Well, you gotta get to Japan, and then you can move around once you're there.

There are more areas to fly to than Tokyo, I betcha. I'm sure. I just flew into the big city. Yeah. I know.

That's why it's gonna be expensive. Not necessarily. Well, that's true. Well Well, you're right. But once we get there, do you wanna zipline into Godzilla's mouth with me?

Yes. Okay. I do too. I gathered. I think that's kinda fun.

I think it looks cool. Yeah. And then you could pretend that you're, like Being eaten by Godzilla? Like, what what are we pretending? I don't know.

Because that's the only thing I can come up with. Do you wanna talk about some football? Sure. Do you wanna talk about football? I was just I was just looking at a video of that walk off win last night.

Of talking about football? Look. It's a if you and I weren't in a fantasy football league against each other this week You'd be tired of talking about football. Be like, why is what are we doing? Because there was only one game last night.

It was cool. All the footballs happening Sunday and Monday. So That game was it makes sense to talk about it on, like, Monday or Tuesday. I know. I get it.

I do. But here's why we have to talk about this game. But because the game was nuts. And it was Kirk Cousins, who I still like and enjoy watching play. He's got a little bit of facial hair happening.

Yeah. No. I saw him. When he was on the Vikings, he was all clean-cut and, like, mister clean-cut. He was all clean-cut like mister clean-cut?

Now he's on the dirty birds, and he's like, yeah. I'm gonna Grow a beard. I'm gonna fit in here a little bit. Get a little scruff get a little scruffy, and I go, oh, hey, Kirkie. Well, good for you.

Good for you. So I heard we cut the last Q4 of the game. Half of the 3rd and the 4th. Yes. And he we didn't know how he had performed the whole rest of the game, but he and he is the reason I started watching football.

Let's be clear. They were commenting the announcers were commenting on how how old he was. He was showing his age, blah de blah de blah. But he was tearing it up. He was doing so well.

Yeah. He threw for, like, over 500 yards last night, which is absolutely insane. That is so good. And how old is he? He's 36?

6. That's what I wanted to say. 36, 37? Yeah. He's not old.

I mean, I get by, like, football player standards, but how old was Tom Brady? How old is Brett Favre? How old is about Tom Brady? Aaron Rogers. Shell come I'm just saying.

Ew. I get it, but I'm I'm telling you. Kirk just set the Falcons franchise record for the most passing yards in a game. That's pretty impressive. That's pretty impressive.

Right? It was good. That was a really good game. I feel like the Buccaneers and the Falcons were a very evenly matched team, and I always, always hate to see people lose. Yeah.

And it it would it went into overtime. Yes, it did. Like a whole thing. It did. And my kicker is on the Falcons, and he gave me 10 points.

Saw that. He could have given me more, but his one of his kicks got blocked. Blocked? Can you even oh, I'm sorry. He gave me 15 points.

I know. I'm looking at it. 15 points from a kicker is great. Shoot. Dang.

I just hope the rest of your, team lives up to their expectations, that you have for them. Sure would be a shame if you didn't win this week against me. The trash now. I told you. I'm gonna be a little tiny trash panda because you need a little dose of your own medicine.

No, Bowie. What I am sad about is that I had Drake London on my bench, and he got 33 points. Bummer. It's fine, Josh. Don't even worry about it.

Don't even stress about it. I am not. Boy, I'm not one bit. Boy Come back in a big old way. You're the only one with points.

You're ahead. 15 points to 0. Yeah. I know. So what's this comeback?

You have no you're not behind. No. I'm not behind. You know why? Because my standings are better than your standings.

And here is gonna stay on top. Alright. Okeydoke. Get out of here with your oh, I'm gonna win. I'm gonna throw some trash in your neighborhood.

Yeah. Get out. Get out. You don't even know how to throw trash. You don't even know how to play that game.

Okay. Please. There we are, out on an evening stroll last night. Yes. It's starting to get dark a little bit earlier, so we we took a our walk was longer than we anticipated, I think.

It was a long walk. So it was a little bit dark than we darker than we wanted to be when we were heading home, and we have to cross a couple of busy streets. Yeah. We were crossing a busy street. We turned on the lights.

Yeah. So we are on a a busy main street in town that has a crosswalk sign. You hit the light. The lights turn red. They turn yellow to warn people to stop.

Yeah. The hey. Somebody's trying to cross, then they go red solid Mhmm. And you're supposed to stop as pedestrians are crossing, and then they'll flash red so that you can stop, make sure it's clear, and then proceed through. Mhmm.

Unless you're the guy who almost took our entire family out. Took us all out. 3 of us. It was insane. They would've taken out 3 quarters of our family last night.

This is not a joke. Like, we really almost died. Was going, I don't know, 40 miles an hour down the busy road. Mhmm. Did not see the crosswalk.

Fortunately and didn't pay attention to it. Unbelievable. Zoomed right past us. Unreal. Luckily, you saw him and you stopped us all, but almost killed 3 people and a dog.

Yeah. Yeah. Incredible. And then the people who did stop shouted out the window. Crazy people.

Yeah. But that guy was long gone. He didn't hear it. Clear down to the next intersection. Saying a guy.

It could have been an infant. No idea. I have no idea what's going on in that vehicle. That person awful. Really almost did kill us all.

Yeah. Narrowly missed us. Yeah. That was terrifying. I agree.

And as a parent who has a young adult who's driving and soon to be another child learning how to drive Right. It's a little bit terrifying sending her on the road. A lot of bit terrifying. It is a lot of bit terrifying. Very scary.

Please pay attention Right. And stop when the light is red, and don't try to run over people. It was very scary last night. It was. I mean, 2 steps more forward, and it would have been And it would have been It would have been a different story.

Oh, yeah. It would have been on the on the road. 2.83 miles was the distance of our walk last night. Look at us. A nice little evening stroll.

Yeah. Evening stroll of almost 3 miles. Yeah. It was a good walk. It was.

But, yeah, please, I'm glad we made it home. Out there. Please. For the love of all that is holy, stop. For the love of people and their lives?

Pay attention behind the wheel. Thank you. And stop PSA. Stop when the light turns red. Yeah.

That was frightening. If I say to you salsa cereal. Oh, gross. What do you think that is? I think it is salsa with chips crumbled in it, and you eat it with a spoon.

Do you think the chips are crumbled on top or on the bottom? On top and then throughout. I think the liquid part is the salsa. Okay. Your salsa is the milk.

Yeah. And the crumbled up chips are the cereal. Yes. Now here's the thing, though. Because you In this instance, you have to build it properly, which means you have to put milk in the bowl first, cereal on top, or in this case, salsa in the bowl first, chips crumbled on top.

That's And then you eat it with a spoon. That's nuts. And it's disgusting. Why is it disgusting? Because that's too much.

I like chips and salsa, but not by the spoonful in one bite like that. Basically, you're yeah. In yeah. Okay. Is that what it is?

So yes. Well, kinda. It is you crush your tortilla chips Yeah. Put them in the bowl, and then you top it in salsa. You can put some on top if you'd like, but they put the chips in first.

Okay. Here's the deal. A bag of a bag of tortilla chips comes with cereal already crushed. Once you get through eating chips and salsa the normal way and you're left with cereal at the bottom of the bag Yeah. Then you can be weird and do this thing.

Who eats that? You're right. I just don't think Nobody eats that. You're not gonna eat it by the spoon? No.

NFL star Julian Edelman. Uh-huh. Edelman? I don't I don't know this NFL star. He doesn't play for any team that I care about.

Alright. Who would who is he on? Look that up really fast. I don't even know. He's pairing he's pairing up with Tostitos, and they're doing this together.

And he is saying that he is eating it like this, where he's eating it by the spoonful. Are you looking him up? Yeah. He's probably on the cowboys or something. Where does he play for?

He plays for, it's taking me a minute. I know. The New England Patriots. Of course, he does. Okay.

I don't like this. Why? Because I think it's gross. Why? I like chips and salsa a great deal, but that's eating it wrong.

That's like this this buddy of mine who turns on his sink faucet and puts his Oreos in the running water and then eats them. He's achieving the exact same thing milk does. Strange. But that's weird. It's quite strange.

But, also, let people live their life as long as it's not hurting you and it's not hurting anybody else. If I walk in a room and see someone eating Oreos that way or doing the salsa cereal thing Uh-huh. I'm walking right out. That's fine. And I'm removing them from my phone.

It's not hurting you. It's not? It it kinda does. It hurts No. To see it.

Like, I heard about it, and I thought, that's strange. I hope I never see that. But if I walked in the room and saw it happening, I'd immediately turn around and go, nope. Not today. I don't have time for that.

I do not have time. I'm moving on, doing another thing. I kinda wanna try it in front of you. No. Yeah.

You will get removed from my phone. What? I'm just kidding, Josh. I'm just kidding. Imagine that.

Imagine that. Spoonful of salsa Well, and then it crumbled up chips. He's mixing it together. I'm watching this video where he, like, he takes the good chips, crumbles them up, and then mixes them with the salsa, and then takes a big bite. I don't know why they're doing it.

I've had chicken tortilla soup. It's practically that, actually. So there's cheese in it, and it's warm. But then you put chips on it, and the chips get all soggy. It's kind of salsa cereal.

It's just soup. The same could be said about taco soup. All soups. They're just weird cereal. They're warm, hot, weird cereal.

You like baked potato soup? It's just potato cereal. But it That's all they've done is just potato soup. Yeah. They're just renaming salsa into cereal.

It's just Or is salsa tomato cereal? I can't even think about this anymore. It grossed me out at first. I was I was clearly and I don't like it. I think it's a weird strange thing to do, and I hope I never see it in person.

These are the things about it. I can't find somebody to do this No. In front of you. They'll get removed from my phone. There is a 36 year old man who lives in Wales.

He lives in a whale? In Wales. I know. He, broke into a woman's house while she wasn't home. That's illegal.

Yes. Can't do that. He did all of her chores for her. That's very kind. Maybe he could break into my house.

He hung her laundry out to dry. Weird. He put her groceries away. He emptied her recycling. He tidied up her garden.

He refilled the bird feeders. He organized her fridge. He mopped the floors. He put out a bottle of wine. He cooked dinner, and he left a note that said, don't worry.

Be happy. Eat up. Eat less. Hold on. Hold on.

Hold on. Hold on. Okay. Okay. Okay.

You walk into our house, no one's home. Yeah. All of that stuff is done. Done. Dinner's sitting on the table with a note that says that.

Do I live alone, or do I live with a family? Is it my current situation? I think she lives alone. Okay. Let's say you're in that situation.

And you arrive home, and there's food sitting there warm And all of my laundry, Yeah. Everything else. All the things are done. The dinner is warm. Do you eat the meal?

No. No. Absolutely not. Especially if I live alone. If I live with you guys' current situation, I live with my family, dinner is warm, Everything's done.

You leave me a note. Yes. I'm gonna eat the dinner. Actually, that's a very good Okay. You don't live alone.

Do this. Easy. Easy. Easy. You don't live alone.

It's the current situation, but everybody's out of town except you. Ew. And we weren't supposed to be home. Ew. And you arrive home, and that's happened.

No. I skedaddle. I get out of there just as she did. She said, no. I'm not.

I'm not doing this. She left. She stayed with a friend for 2 weeks, naturally, because she was like, I don't I don't wanna go back home. And how do you not think that that person is still in your house when you get home? Right.

Ew. And if the dinner is still warm Like, they just left. Like, they plated and and boogied. Ew. Because they knew you were gonna be home real quick.

That's creepy. So they just skedaddled. This guy was arrested. Yeah. He broke into another house.

He said he didn't do any chores that time. He didn't have time to because somebody showed up. So what? Was he taking a nap? What what?

I don't know what he did. His lawyer told the judge that he was just homeless at the time and was undergoing a number of difficulties. That does not excuse any of this behavior at all. This is a strange one. It's a strange one.

Because, you know, if I'm if I'm the judge in this case, I'm listening to a guy who didn't steal anything. He didn't burglarize anything. He's homeless, and maybe he just missed doing chores. And he's like, I is doing chores? That guy, he's homeless.

He's he's in a situation. Well, I guess there is some kind of, I don't know, comfort in the routine ness of chores. There's there's that, but there's also, like, an ownership and a responsibility thing. And and if he just literally was like, you know what? I I really feel like I need to do something, and I and I haven't had a home to clean in a while, and I miss that.

I miss having some chores. I wanna that's a comfort to me, and I'm gonna go do somebody's chores. And he probably thought, hey. I'm I'm helping somebody out. I'm not here to take anything.

I can see that this needs to get done, so I'm gonna do this. No big deal. I mean, he was in there for hours. Hours. That stuff doesn't just happen in 30 minutes.

All of that stuff? Typically, you're you're, like, breaking in, grabbing something, and leaving as quick as you can. Not this guy. No. He's there, like, cleaning.

What else can I do? Let me see. I guess I'll cook dinner. These bird feeders need refilled. Yeah.

But he also had to find all the stuff. That's what I was just gonna say. Good luck trying to find the bird feeder stuff in our house. I know where it is, but, yeah, it's it's you're gonna break your neck getting to it. Yeah.

Our garage is a nightmare right now. That's why I haven't I haven't fed the critters in a minute. Yeah. They're desperate for food. They're not desperate yet.

They will be soon when it gets a little bit chillier. I know. I'll make sure they have food. Or we call this guy. Yeah.

Hey. Well okay. So he he gets arrested. What's going on? Do we know?

Do we have an update? No. He got 22 months in jail. 22 months in jail for breaking and entering. But he didn't steal any.

He didn't steal anything. I feel like is that an adequate sentence? Like and and now that he's in jail, are they like, hey, since you're here, we got this fridge in the back. It really needs organizing. We got some jobs for you to do, buddy.

Yeah. He's like, great. Yeah. Our chores. I've been That's all I wanted.

This is all I wanted to do with my life. I hope he's, I hope he's alright and get some help. That that's an interesting situation, and I hope he's doing better. What would you do if you came home to nobody's home? There's food on the table.

Would you eat it? Yeah. Even if you knew I was out of town? It's a hot meal. Never skip out on a hot meal.

Do you, care about the Oscars? Not really. No. Okay. Well, never mind.

I'll tell you why. Because sometimes, all of the time, they nominate and award movies that no one's even heard about. This is true. There is a limited, window for where films have to be released in order to be eligible for the Oscars. Okay.

And and they don't necessarily have to run massive, showings in all theaters. So they can do limited release. They can send it to the academy of judges that are going to be selecting the movies as award winners or whatever, and those get sent to a specific panel. And that panel watches the movies and then, Right. You know, judges them, and that's where they where they go from there.

Here's what else I hate about awards because everything is all subjective. Yes. So And it's also within industry. Exactly. And that's why people's choice is interesting because that's voted on by the people.

It's still subjective, though. Of course, it's subjective. You think is amazing may not be what I think is amazing. That is absolutely true. So This is, this is why we have political landscapes we have because that is exactly how it works in the world.

Subjective things make decisions. Exactly. So the Oscars the what I wanted to talk about was the fact they're looking for a new host. Jimmy Kimmel is not coming back to host, and so they're looking for somebody else to do it. They are stopped by his own accord or they did not invite him?

I I'm trying to read what this means. It it says, he begged off emceeing the award ceremony again. I don't know if that means he's saying I don't wanna do it or if they're saying we don't want I don't know what that sentence means. I don't know if that's even written correctly. But whatever.

They are talking about having cohosts do it. So if you could have 2 people, 2 actors that, would host, who would you want to see? Kristen Wiig Okay. And Bill Hader. Okay.

Fine choice, irrelevant to the current timeline of Doesn't matter. Are they hilarious? Sure. Yes. Absolutely.

But here's the other part too. You can take the funniest person or people and put them on those award shows to host, and the jokes never land. Sure. It's always a little bit awkward. K.

It's the timing's always wrong. It just it doesn't work. Let's go back historically. They had Whoopi Goldberg and Billy Crystal. Yeah.

That's been It's been a long time. It's been a long time. What about the trio of Steve Martin, Martin Short, and Selena Gomez? I would just take Steven Martin Steven Steve Martin and Martin Short. Right.

Just put them in anything. But Selena Gomez plays the straight character in that. Right? Like, you you got 2 comedic people. You have to have the You don't.

It helps. You don't have to. Okay. Here's who they're really talking about, though. Okay.

Hugh Jackman and Ryan Reynolds. Oh. Wolverine and Deadpool. They have a long standing relationship, a great friendship, a great working relationship. They're current.

And Ryan Reynolds would play the comedic role, and Hugh Jackman would play the straight role. Play the dry role. Yeah. Yep. So, anyway, I think that's interesting.

I don't know if that will actually happen. Right. But according to Defensive, I betcha. I bet. We're not.

I don't know. A Hollywood insider said that Hugh and Ryan as a team are the top of the Oscars wish list. But I don't know if anybody would wanna do it anymore because the last people who have hosted it just Everybody gets ripped apart. Yeah. Online after the show.

Yeah. So it's not a great it's not a great gig. Is that subjective? Is that opinion? Is that Everything is opinion.

I know. Of it. It is. There are people who say they don't like this show, and those people What? Have their opinions.

Who? Never in all my days. Listen to this. This is cool. This just happened in Washington DC for senior citizens.

It's a food pharmacy. Okay. What what do Instead of prescription drugs, they give out healthy food to help keep things like diabetes in check. Okay. So your doctor will write a prescription for medically tailored groceries.

Every 2 weeks, you get restocked with stuff like fresh produce, whole wheat pasta. Okay. Pasta. You still have to cook and make food. Yes.

So there's that. You have to avoid the desire of fast food and the convenience and everything of it in order to actually reap the benefits of that food. Yep. But sometimes maybe you just don't know what types of food are gonna be more beneficial to you. Sure.

Sure. Sure. And if you're an older person, it's not always easy to navigate apps or Okay. Yeah. Things that will help assist in picking the best foods for you.

So the doctors will say, alright. Let's, look at foods that are low in sugar, high in protein protein, fresh produce, and I'll write you a prescription for this. This medicine is tailored. Insurance cover that prescription. That's the noise you make.

I don't know. I'm gonna say no just because Yeah. I just like, am I taking this now to the pharmacy, and I'm going, here's my prescription, and they fill it like it's a grocery pickup? I'm just I I'm trying to figure out the logistics of it because it's it's a nice sentiment. Right.

But you would have to partner with a grocery store in order for them to fulfill it, because you can't just go to, you know, a Walgreens and get all your healthy foods. You can also have that food home delivered to you. Yeah. But I still don't know how the prescription works. And, also, if they just write the prescription and hand it to you as in like a this is a this is my recommendation.

We'll make it cute and funny. Who can read one of those? Oh. Not this guy. What does it say?

Ho ho. Wet. Wet. Wet. Wet pasta?

Pesto? Wet pesto? I don't know what that is. I don't know. I don't know either.

I think it's a cute idea. But I read the whole article right now. I just scrolled through it again. I read it the first time through and again, and I I don't have answers to the questions that you're asking. You don't know how it works?

No. Me neither. So So Good luck with your food prescriptions. Okay. You like spooky things, and it's spooky season.

It's fall. It's October. Yes. There is, something I just found out about that you might kinda be into. What is it?

When you go to the mailbox, what do you expect to find? Bills? Yeah. And? Junk?

And? Coupons? Scary mail. No. I don't.

What's scary? Oh. The bills are scary now. That's a different kind of mail. Yeah.

For sure. Especially from the hospital. Ew. Gross. Scary mail.

So this costs you about a $100 to get scare mail, but this is a service where they've created this sort of journey of horror and mystery, and they deliver it to your mailbox twice a month. So you get 24 scary letters, and inside is it sort of continues the story that you get in, into involved in. And each letter is meticulously written, crafted, and thoughtfully designed, by a, an actual horror author. Really? And each envelope has a bunch of, like, stuff like, unsettling photographs, ominous newspaper clippings, cryptic symbols, all of this to kind of lead you into this alternate world and enhance the storytelling experience.

So you get all immersed into this world. That's so cool. You get this mail twice a month. So on, like, 2 Fridays, you go to the mailbox and you get scare mail. I kinda like it.

For a year. For a year? Yeah. So you get you get 24 total 2 a month for a year. It's a little over $100.

What? Yeah. Okay. No way. No way.

That's too too expensive. For a year's worth of entertainment Yeah. Twice a month where you get mail delivered to your house with all this stuff? Yeah. I don't know.

I wouldn't pay that much. A little haunted story? I was thinking that would be really cool for Emery because Emery really loves haunted things. But for a $100 I know. I think that's a little steep.

You get your first letter within a couple of days of your purchase, and then you get all of your, all the other letters on the 2nd 4th Fridays of every month they arrive. Did and they all fit together to make a story? A story. Okay. So the whole year, it's the same story.

Correct. And you're getting it piece by piece. But, again, a $100. I know. It's pretty pricey.

I get it. It's a cool concept, though. It is. And I I think the idea is super cool. Yeah.

I think that's kind of where I where I when I saw this, I went, this is this is a spooky little thing. I don't think I I don't know. I don't know how into it I would be. I'm not super into, like, the scary movies and the haunted things, but But it's this is a little different. This is gonna, like, jump out of the mystery?

Like, a murder mystery that you have to solve or something? It's like there's it says, the story, here's what I know about the story. This is the synopsis. Like, if you read the back of the book. K.

Michael, a curious and somewhat isolated individual, stumbled upon a mysterious website on an old forgotten online forum. His interactions with the site have set off a series of psychological and supernatural events, tearing his life and mind apart, and now he feels compelled to share his experience as a warning to the world. That's the current the current story that is being shared in ScaredMail. Oh. Mhmm.

Spooky. Yeah. And I don't know, you know, how often they roll out a new, story, but that's the synopsis of the current one. But, anyway, it's kind of an interesting concept, and I thought you might be kinda into that. I am.

Because you like super things. If it was less expensive than a $107? You said it was a 100. I said it was a Say I was 7. $100.

It's a $107 on sale right now. Well, I wasn't gonna pay a 100. I'm not gonna pay a 107. So It's a weird number. How'd they land on it's a $107.

Taxes. Right? I don't know. And postage. Well, but like I said, it's on sale.

It's regularly a $143. Again, that makes no sense either. It's $36 off. That's what a weird random number. But, anyway, maybe that's part of the story.

I don't know. I get an obscene amount of emails. Every day? Not even in my work emails. It's my personal emails.

You know, you get some from stores that you've shopped at or Sure. Or stores that you've shopped at for other people Sure. That you don't even care about. For example, truck accessories. Like, okay.

Sure. Fine. Sometimes Maybe that's just like a like a hint. Like, maybe you should buy some more truck accessories for your husband. Maybe that's the deal.

No. Maybe that's what maybe I am, telling him to send you more emails. Like, yes. Tell her more about it. Sometimes you can order from these online websites without entering your email address, but sometimes you'll get a discount if you do enter your email address, and then they just repeatedly send you emails.

Sometimes you get emails from people that you don't even know what it is. Yeah. And I go, why am I getting this? I got, an email about pizza just now. It looks good.

Okay. It looks good. So I've been trying to normally, they come up and I just delete that, but I've been trying to slowly go through and unsubscribe from all these ones that I'm getting. Yeah. What I think is happening is that I'm unsubscribing.

Sometimes it's unsubscribe and you just hit an unsubscribe me. Correct. Sometimes you have to enter your email address and then hit unsubscribe. Correct. I think that's a scam.

I think every time I hit my email address, they're like, sign her up for more scam. Give her more email. Yeah. She has a functioning email address. For every email address that I am subscribed to, there's 4 more waiting in the wings that are like, send her this stuff.

Yeah. And I don't care for it. You know what else is interesting? As I'm unsubscribing from these emails, they'll say, unsubscribe here. Click here to unsubscribe, or you can write a letter to unsubscribe at this address.

No. That's not it. I'm telling you, those are that's a real thing. That's a real thing. Most of the unsubscribed emails that I have say that.

And then I go, who's taking the time to write a letter to unsubscribe? So you have you have an, a Gmail. Did you know? And I know you didn't. This is a trick.

Okay. And I've been meaning to do this because, this is this is a way to find out a couple of things. 1, who is sending you the mail, first of all. Okay. And 2, who is selling your email address to other people Tell me.

So that they can use your email address in their marketing stuff. Tell me. So what you do is you use your regular email address, whatever@gmail.com. After you put in the whatever part, the usual part, you put in a plus sign and a keyword. Let me see.

So it could be like your regular email plus oldnavy@gmail.com, for example. Okay. When you sign up for Old Navy email. Then when you get that back, you can filter through and you can quickly delete because you can search for the word Old Navy in the address and delete them. But if all if that plus Old Navy starts showing up from Target, you're gonna go Old Navy sold my email address to Target because that's my Old Navy email that's being used by Target, just as an example.

Yeah. So you can put a plus sign and a keyword after your regular email atgmail.com, and, and then you can find out if somebody's selling your stuff. That's an interesting little thing. How about those apples? Mhmm.

Mhmm. But it's also a way to organize your other stuff. Like, you can do that like, if you use your regular email for important, you know, documents or something, the DMV or whatever. You can put plusdmv@gmail.com. And then you, again, you can sort it and you can filter and make your stuff a little bit organized.

I've been meaning to do it. I've had the same email address for a 100 years, and I need to get that organized and cleaned up. Oh, yeah. My work email, spotless. Like, my inbox right now, I have 7 emails.

Like, I don't like that to ever be in the double digits of my work email. I'm very organized in my work stuff. My personal email, garbage. Just unorganized mail from forever ago. I've probably got 20 years of email in that thing.

It's just a disaster. I have all the emails from when you and I were first emailing exchange. Right. Because cell phones didn't exist when we No. They exist.

No. I know. But we didn't have them. So it was like, I guess we don't text. We'll just email each other.

Sit down at my computer and send an email. I mean, they made a whole movie about it. So Did they? Oh, you've got mail. That's the one.

Good job. Yeah. That's how people connected back 20 some odd years ago. But, anyway, if you want a little hack, that's a little kinda cool thing you can do to help unsubscribe to some stuff or find out at least who's selling your stuff so you can really get after them. If you've written a letter to unsubscribe from an email, call me and let me know how that works.

Shouldn't do that. You shouldn't have to do that. No. You should be able to like, I think in order for emails like, there's rules, and an email has to have, like, an unsubscribe button in order to be a marketing email. Like, it has to do that.

And it has to be easy to unsubscribe or else, like, they can get in some trouble. I don't know who the email police are, but that's rules. This is on this email that I just veteran insurance discounts. I'm not a veteran. Right.

If you would no longer like to receive email advertisements from veteran insurance Yeah. Click here or write to us at write to us. But I'm telling you, they all say that. That's so weird. And is that just a way for them to get your I don't know.

Start a company address? Well, and it's probably a way for them to start a conversation. Go, no. This really would be beneficial for you so they can send you I'm gonna send stay around emails. I'm not a veteran.

It's not beneficial to me. But it's veteran. Here's another one. Write to us at Calabasas, California. Write to us.

To unsubscribe. Weird. I don't know. I I have not seen those. I've seen the unsubscribe button.

Look. I I believe you. That's not lovely. That I don't believe you. Let me see if I have.

I don't I've cleaned out my inbox a little bit today. But even that pizza one that I just got, down at the bottom, it says, website blah blah blah. Oh, it's right there. Unsubscribe, update profile, and privacy policy. There's one button that unsubscribe.

No. There's no right to us. There's a lot that have right to us. I'm just saying. I believe you.

Check it out. Check it out. Let's see. I'm trying to find one that would be, like, a marketing email. More scalable.

You know what I need to do is go to my trash because I clean it out all the time. Oh. Alright. So here's a store that sends me their ads every every week, and their email is so big I have to click view entire email. But you gotta look at the lesser known ones.

Like, don't go to a big marketing one. Yeah. This one just has an unsubscribe here button. Yeah. Don't go to those ones.

It's gotta be, like, a real spammy one. I don't have real spammy ones. I got a whole bunch of phishing stuff. I got a whole bunch of, like, this one right here. Unsubscribe one button.

This one is a company that does some printing stuff. Unsubscribe one button. I don't have anybody who's like, no. You really need to write us a letter. I've never seen that.

Okay. Look at the spammy spammy ones. I don't have that. Go into your spam inbox and see. Spam inbox.

Yeah. I never go in there. That's the land of forgotten everything. There's 300 and some odd emails in there. Click on 1.

Go to the bottom. Or don't. I mean, you do you, buddy. I'm at the bottom of this one. Just click on 1.

I'm looking. I'm trying to find no longer want to receive these emails. Click unsubscribe. That's that one was, like, real spammy. This one right here, unsubscribe button.

I don't have anything like that. Nothing. I've never had to write us an email to unsubscribe. I've got some, so they're out there. Okay.

I would, not write them a letter. No. It's not. Like a fishing thing. Yeah.

Hey. Hey. Would you rather this or that? Okay. I I hit the button, like, 6 times.

Would you rather be lost in the woods or lost in an abandoned hospital? Spooky. Woods. Why? Well, listen.

There's all kinds of pictures in the woods. That's fine. But I feel like, I'm a pretty good navigator when it comes to land. Not so hot on a canoe, I found out, but much better, on on land. Okay.

In the woods when it's dark? And you don't have Quit adding scarier things. No. You knew it was gonna be dark all along. No idea.

Out of here. No. You just said lost in the woods. No. Because I feel like I could figure out where I was and get myself out of that situation.

If I'm lost in a hospital, which I have been, with you and no one was around to help, we couldn't find an elevator to get out, how long am I in there? Forever? For I'm just in there forever. But we were just lost in a hospital That's what I'm saying. That was not abandoned a couple weeks ago.

That's what I'm saying. Yeah. We couldn't find our way out. And that was way more terrifying than being lost in the woods because I can figure out, like, the labyrinth of that hospital mapping system was garbage. I don't know who designed that, but it was terrible.

It was terrible. So the woods There were arrows that led Yeah. I don't know what a up bent left arrow means, and I don't know what a straight down arrow means because there's no way to get through the floor. And if I turn around, I'm against a wall. So your signs make no sense.

And the elevator said service elevator only. Yeah. Or staff elevator or something like that. Anyway Come on. I digress.

Yeah. I didn't wanna end up, like, taking an elevator and walk out into an operating room and be like, oh, sorry. Wrong turn. Your arrows make no sense, which I'm sure happens all the time. But, anyway, I digress.

I would rather be in nature always than in a hospital. Always. I know, but there's lots of critters and animals and all kinds of creepy in the Plus woods. The night will end. You know?

Like, the sun will come up. You only hope. Oh, come on. What are you picking? Hospital.

Why? Because it's not the woods. He's gonna end up on on, like, sleeping in a hallway on the carpet. Yeah. Yeah.

I can build a I can build shelter. Fair. I can build shelter. I can make fire. I can forge for food.

I can do all of those things in nature. You know what you can do in a hospital? What? Wander. Oh, no.

And that There you go, bud. Awkward There you go. Situation is how we're gonna end the show today, I guess. That's And we're always awkward. That's just who we are.

Well, we were in the middle of, of a conversation with, with a coworker, and that's know, and then you're like, hey. I gotta talk. I gotta get on there. I gotta get on our show. I gotta move move on.

And then, and everybody's like, oh oh oh oh. Oh, we got time. Takes a second. Takes a second. Okay.

I did warn you. What did you say? I said 15 seconds. When? And you just kept talking.

Just kept right on a talking. Alright. So this on you, bud. You're the professional here. I am not.

Oh. But you are. Am I? This is all your fault. When did I become a professional in your mind?

When you've been doing this for 20 some years. Okay. Okay. But when in that process did I go from, like, I am learning, I'm paying some dues, I'm learning how the industry works. When do you feel I was like, yeah, that guy's a pro?

Maybe 5 years then. You think 5? Yeah. I think 5. Boy, that's early.

That's early. But well, hey. Happy Friday. Yeah. Happy weekend.

Happy we're gonna be separated this weekend. I know. It's a it's a you're going to do your thing, and I'm staying around to do my thing weekend. Have fun doing your thing. So hopefully, Monday, we'll have fun stories to share about whatever's happened.

Exactly. My weekend sounds like it's gonna be pretty boring. Why? I just it doesn't I don't think I have a lot of fun things planned. You're going to do fun stuff.

I am gonna go do fun stuff. Like, I'll be working for part of it. I'm I'm just gonna be hanging around. I'm gonna be shopping. I thought about, taking on a project that I've been meaning to get to.

Which one? My my home studio project. I'm really thinking about it. I know, but it's I'm gonna have the time. Yeah.

So I thought maybe this would be a great opportunity to take on that project because I I can just do it uninterrupted. True. I can just, you know, do my thing. So I'm kinda pondering that because I really want that space, and I've got some big ideas for things I wanna do. Projects, they're just easier when you're all alone Yeah.

Because you don't get interrupted. You can take a break when you wanna take a break. You don't have to worry about people being like, when are we gonna eat dinner? Yeah. It's just me.

Like, it'll be cool. Yeah. Well, good luck if you do that, buddy. Yeah. Well, have a good weekend.

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See you then. Bye. Thanks for listening to wake up classy 97, the podcast. If you enjoy the show, please share, subscribe, and rate the podcast. Wake up classy 97 is hosted by Josh and Chantel Tielor and is a production of Riverbend Media Group.

For more information or to contact the show, visit riverbendmediagroup.com.