The Choosing Ease Podcast

Are you a multi-passionate coach feeling overwhelmed with ideas and struggling to scale your business without burning out? You're in the right place! In this episode, I dive deep into the art of scaling a multi-skilled coaching business while creating more white space in your calendar and living the life you truly desire.

  1. Embrace Your Multi-Passionate Nature: I'll show you how to integrate your diverse skills and passions into a cohesive business model that makes sense and works for you.
  2. Identify Your 'One Thing': Discover the underlying thread that brings all your modalities together. It's about finding your deeper why and creating a signature method around it.
  3. Create Your Signature Method: I emphasize the importance of structuring your unique approach into a clear, communicable method. This step is crucial for developing scalable programs that resonate with your clients.
  4. Build a High-Value Group Coaching Program: I'll guide you on transitioning from one-on-one sessions to a high-value group coaching program. Learn how to design a program that provides profound transformation while allowing you to serve more clients efficiently.
  5. Develop a Curriculum: From your method, create a curriculum that guides your clients through a transformational journey. This will become the backbone of your scalable offers.
  6. Leverage Your Signature Offer: Once you have a solid high-value offer, you can start creating smaller offers and building an offer ladder to attract clients at different levels.

Want to dive deeper into these insights and discover how you can implement these strategies in your own business? My new self-paced course, Integrate, might just be what you need. It's designed to help you create your signature method and scale your coaching business with ease.

Click the button below to learn about Integrate and start transforming your business today.

Discover Integrate & Position

I can't wait to hear what you think and see how these strategies work for you.

What is The Choosing Ease Podcast?

A podcast for multi-skilled coaches and experts who are ready to leverage their unique expertise, create money overflow all while embodying ease. Discover how to stop forcing things in your business and start letting your natural life force guide you... so you can spend less energy, get bigger rewards, and make the kind of impact you were born to create.


How do you scale your coaching business, your courses, your programs as a multi passionate multi skilled coach? I see people that are running multiple courses and programs and working with people 1 on 1 and they are so fully booked. They have no idea how they could possibly scale up, how they could possibly create more white space in their calendars as I like to say, how they can create more time, more free time, more time with their families. And I see multi skilled coaches from the get go that are starting out in their business and just having so many ideas, no idea where to start on and they almost start to build different businesses because they have all these different offer ideas from the beginning and it's just hard to, you know, get things off the ground. So wherever you are in your business, you might feel that there is a ceiling, that there is something where you can't break through.


You're like, I wanna scale this business. I want to have more visibility. I wanna impact and help more people because that's really what I'm here to do. And of course, I wanna create money overflow. I wanna generate more revenue.


And again, that can be at any level. If you are making 2,000 dollars a month right now, you wanna get to 10,000 or you wanna get from 10 to 20, 50,000 or a 100,000 a month. Whatever that is for you, it's really about how do you do it without burning yourself out and doing it in a way that is in beautiful alignment with the way that you want to live your life, which is having time off and being relaxed and knowing that things are taken care of. And over the past about 7 years running this online business, after before that already kind of burning myself out running a dance performance company. So having these different businesses, different business models, I really have discovered a thing or two on what is the way to scale a business, and specifically a business that is around courses, programs, and possibly working 1 on 1 as a multi skilled coach or expert.


And we're gonna dive in today in my biggest takeaways from myself and from all the students that I have worked with, the 100 of students that I've helped over the past 7 years. So I'm really excited to talk about this one because it it's in a way, it's so simple. I'm gonna give you such beautiful, simple insights, but on the other hand, it's just really profound. And actually that word simple, simplified is something that I find really important. Because when the moment they will make things too complex is when we get stuck and overwhelmed and have no idea to move forward.


So, again, today's topic really is about how can you scale a business. Now I don't mind which phase of your business you are in. In the in the first phase where you're like, I'm just having a couple of clients. I have tons of ideas that can be or again, you're already working with many clients. It is the same principle on a different level.


Right? So you can adapt everything that I say to your specific situation while I go through this. So the first thing I wanna talk about is that when you have this thing called multi skilled or multi passionate, when you have, when you have that, when you are that, when that is how you identify yourself you might feel that this is an extra difficult thing. Like how am I gonna simplify? I have so many different things and ways and I resonate with that.


Like, honestly, I am a teacher in dance, theater, Qigong, Tai Chi, yoga, and you might think when you hear that, oh, you can't be good in any of those, but honestly, they're all degrees and certifications and tons of years of experience, deep personal practices. Like, I really embody these different teachings. Yet I am not here to just teach Qigong or to just teach yoga or to just teach dance or to just dance myself. Like, that is not what I'm here to do. I'm here to integrate it.


My other part, I would say, is a part of me that is strategic, that loves business strategies, that loves language and writing and messaging and capturing the essence of somebody and what they do in the world and like how to help people in messaging. So all of that, I've managed now in the past 7 years to combine it into my method. I do have to admit I have 2 methods by now. So there's 2 methods, and there is just 3 programs. And then there's some smaller, courses and downloads that we've started selling only recently.


Because and I'm gonna talk with you about that. I am actually all about first selling your signature offer. I'm gonna talk about that today. So to not get ahead of myself, what I really wanted to say is no matter how many modalities you have and how far apart they can be, like, for me, marketing and contemporary dance feels very far apart. Yet through me, it comes together, and it makes sense.


I promise. For me, it all makes sense. So I can talk about it. I can share things from each of these different very different fields and experiences because I found a way to bring them to share them with my students and with my clients that really makes sense to them. And that is what I want for you.


So again, it can't be too far apart. It's about finding out what is the underlying thing that I really do that brings all these different things together. And I call that my one thing. My one thing is not to be confused by choosing just one thing. Like, I have to only do yoga.


Yeah? For me, that is not what I'm here to do in the world so I'm not doing that. But my one thing is what brings together all these different things. The underlying thread of all these different things that come together in the things that I do. And I found that for myself.


I have talked about it before, and I help my clients find out. So that's the first thing, like, what is your one thing? And knowing, like, in a deeper level, this is what I'm really doing. It's your deeper why. As Simon Sinek would say it.


If you've heard of him, Simon Sinek, start with why. If you Google it, there's a beautiful TED talk. Or a beautiful YouTube video on this. There's a book. All the things.


But that is a similar idea. So the deeper why, the deeper purpose, I call it my one thing. So that is the first step, to really know that. And then when you know that, you want to create a signature method. And you might be like, I've heard that before.


Yeah. Fakedly I have a method that I kinda know what I'm doing in my head. So many clients that I work with in different stages of business say that they already have a method, but when we I really ask them for it, when we look at it, when I wanna know more about it, when I ask you what are the 3 phases that you take somebody through, they have no clue. Because they never learn how to really create a signature method. And how to not only create a signature method but also know how to talk about it.


And that is okay. I totally get that. And the co business coaches program that I did sometimes mentioned it, but jumped past this topic quite quickly because they're like, let's get to marketing and messaging. And I'm totally with that. Like, let's get to marketing, messaging, and selling.


But let's not be too superficial about this signature method thing. Because, especially, if you're a multi skilled culture expert and you're somebody who's really driven by creating results for their clients, Having these beautiful transformations. Having them change their lives. Then this is where your integrity comes in. You wanna know that what you're doing is profound.


You want your work, your programs to reflect that profoundness. This is not fluff that you are creating. Those deep experiences that you have in your life, they can be created truly in your messaging, in your marketing, and in your offers. But not if you didn't take the time to create your unique method. Okay?


So that method is really, really important. And I teach my clients a way that for me, I created this method around how to create a unique method based on the way that I would create a dance performance. Right? I told you. Things come together.


For me this makes sense. You might be like, how does that make sense? The way I create performances was never chronological. Like, you might be like, okay. So I'm thinking of a client.


She's like, I have NLP as a background and reiki and life coaching. Right? And she's like, how am I gonna bring that all together, Belinda? And that is it. It's not about chronological.


It's about starting to see you know what? What is all these things that you do with your clients? What are the steps that you help them take? And first of all, just to like see that. To brainstorm it and to look at that.


And then from there, I teach a beautiful process in how you can then get all of that into a signature method that makes sense to you, that shows the profoundness and the depth and the clarity of your work to your clients. And that will help you create messaging around it. Okay? So the way I teach that is really just to first brainstorm on all of it, and then to start organizing that so called chaos of all these different things that you do. But I do want to say that brainstorming part is so important.


You wanna do that without already trying to make it into a logical story. That's why I shared for a moment a creative process like making a dance performance for me started the same. We would just have 2 weeks at a time. Like if we would have 6 weeks to make a performance I would take 2 weeks to just have the dancers create scenes, to create phrases, to create dance material, to create, like, whatever theatrical thing they wanted to create. And that time is what I say brainstorming is that creative chaos process.


After that, you start organizing it and crafting it and putting into a shape or form. But most of us are so afraid to first go into that creative brainstorming creative process that they go on and want to make it a logical story right away and you miss the depth of everything that you do. You miss the innovative part. If you are a multi skilled coach or expert, here's the good news. You have something golden in your hands, which is nobody's doing what you do because you bring different modalities together.


Like I said, like contemporary dance and marketing. I'm not talking about that that much outwardly, but for me, dancing choreography, even the thing that I'm sharing with you here, how I help coaches and experts create a unique method that feels like coming home to them. That feels like, wow. I now know what I'm doing. I can talk about it and this really is my purpose is because I know something about creative processes and because I remember how I can make a performance and what was the structure that I would lead my dancers and my whole creative team in creating a beautiful dance performance within 6 weeks of time.


Right? I know how to do that. So I now transferred this skill into how do we create from this complex multi scaleness everything. How do we create a flow out of this? That then becomes a signature method you can talk about, and people know you for it.


And they're like, wow. That's really powerful. And that you can then share with the world, which will help you position, which will be the backbone of all your offers. So I'm going to the offer. I promise talking about the offer, but I needed to land for a moment on that method.


Because if you do not have the method, you can't create your signature offer. And even more, you can't create any other offer because this is the backbone of everything you do. Also, if you've been working with clients, and I get this often, people are like, you know what, Rolinda? But the way I work with clients is very intuitive. I work with them 1 on 1.


I actually have no idea what I'm doing I could have put it into words well first of all I get that I'm good on you of working intuitive and going deeper than just your logical mind or just using a method that somebody else told you, but really allowing yourself to add that intuitive part. Mhmm. But always, a 100% of the time when I work with people, they and we work and I take them through this process where I help them define their signature method, they get to they have a method. Right? Even if they say, but it's purely intuitive, it's not true.


There's actually something to the magic that they're doing that we can put into work and that we can ultimately structure. And we wanna structure it because when we structure it, we can communicate it. Right? And if you can't communicate what you do with your clients, they are not gonna say yes to working with you. And here's where I'm going and bridging you more into why this ties into your signature offer.


So, I'll get there in a minute. And, when you have your method that is built in that way, you have a framework. Now you can start creating scalable programs. So I wanna talk specifically about your scalable signature group coaching program. This is a high value group coaching program.


Anywhere, I would say, between 1515,000 or more. Right? That is what I'm talking about here. So how can you create a program like that? That is high value?


And for some industries, that might be around a $10,000 mark. For others, that might be lower than that. It depends on what industry you're in and what you're wanting to do and the duration of the program and the and the transformation and the promise. But a program where you can have at least 50 people in and maybe more. Right?


A scalable, high value group coaching program. Imagine that you have a scalable, high value group coaching program and let's take the mid range is 5,000 And you are selling that 50 times a year, so a couple of times a month, you are already making generating $250,000 a year or euros. Yeah? So see how much leverage it gives when you have an offer like that. But to have an offer like that, it needs to be damn good.


Right? It can't be an offer that has any fluff, that isn't structured, that doesn't have any realness to it. I think this is where in the coaching industry, honestly, people have gotten burned. They sign up for programs, and there's a lot of promise, and there's a lot of inspiration and energy and like a lot of it, but it doesn't have the structure. It basically misses that more masculine energy of structure that gives the freedom.


That gives the real transmission, the real importance, the real formation. That's the word I was looking for that clients want. It needs to have the energetic, and it needs to have the heart in it, and the soul, but it also needs structure. And it needs to be able it needs to take clients on a journey. And if you do not have this signature method in a 5 k or a 10 k coaching program, it is not gonna create the experience and the results for your clients that they need.


Okay? So this is really important. You create that method. You create that that signature framework. And then from there, you can create your signature group coaching program.


Now, here's the important thing. From your method, you can create a curriculum. It isn't necessarily exactly the same, but from the method you create a curriculum with modules. Right? Lesson 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.


And it like builds a curriculum, a journey for your clients to go through. When that is based on a method, where you know exactly what you're doing. You know what your clients need, then your clients start to rely on your curriculum. Not on just you. And this is also what takes you away from having to teach everything live in your programs.


So ultimately, a scalable, high value signature offer, most of the time, looks like a scalable, high value group coaching program. Let's say you have a group coaching program that takes 12 months, costs $5,000, $10,000, or $15,000, and holds people in, has people in that beautiful space, holds their, holds space for them for their transformations. And a big chunk of the work is actually done by your method, by your curriculum. You are there to answer questions, to support, to help people who got lost a little bit, and you're always referring back to your curriculum and your method and your resources because that is where the magic happens. This is essential if you want to grow.


If you wanna grow beyond 6 figures, if you wanna grow to 500,000, a 1,000,000 a year, you will have to need this in, have this in place. Because if you are right now, maybe running a group coaching program or you're only working with clients 1 on 1, you have created a bottleneck in your business, which is you. You can't do this if you do not have that method and if you haven't assigned a method and then a curriculum and put it into a group coaching program. So important. I hope this lands.


So when you've already have this, if you're like, Melinda, I already have that. I have a high value group coaching program that creates at least $200,000 a year. Brilliant. Our 100,000 a year. Brilliant.


When you're at that point, you're in a really good place to start breaking up, to take some things from your method, from your curriculum, and start to create some smaller offers. And it's a really smart thing to do that. So you can take one lesson from your curriculum and create a 27 dollar download from it. You can maybe create, take 1 1 module and sell it for $200. You can create a self based course based on the first three modules of your curriculum and sell it for $500 without any of your support.


But you can now start breaking things down for people that haven't gotten into your bigger signature offer because you already created a money overflow, because you already have a little bit of a team, an assistant, you have the systems in your business, you have the money to pay yourself, your team, your systems, Now you can allow that money to start building your offer ladder, so to speak. Many people wanna start building the offer ladder from the down from the lowest offer up, but that is a little hard because if you start selling something over $100 and you don't have a big audience, it's gonna take a lot of time before you've hit the money amount that you wanna hit if you're ever gonna get there. Because usually in order to do that, you would need some Facebook ads and you will need some money to put in to grow your audience. So you what you do first is to create beautiful 6 figures with your signature offer, with your curriculum, to really nail that. You got your messaging.


You got your positioning with your curriculum and your method. And then from there, you start filling in all these other offers, these offer letters with lower value products. I would say up to $2,000. And then from there, you start you can add on higher value offers like a mastermind or 1 or more will work with you. However you want to create that.


But ultimately you would have something where people can buy a little thing and then buy a bigger thing and then come into your signature offer and maybe get to your premium. Right? But you start with the signature. That is where the money is being made. And this is what you need is your method.


Your signature method, and then you need to know how to create a curriculum from that, and put that into a program. This is what you might be missing if you feel that you are stuck at scaling, if you do not know how to move on from here. I've just given you the answer. The only thing that can hold you back from implementing this is 2 things. 1, limiting beliefs around this.


Like, but it's not gonna work for my clients. Or I really need to create, teach all my lessons life or like whatever beliefs you have around that. Or, and those are beliefs and not the truth. So the real work is to shift those beliefs. And the other thing is getting the idea.


Maybe you're feeling motivated but you're like, well Linda how exactly? How do I do this? So I have something exciting to share with you. I work with all my clients on this. I have programs where I help you do this.


There's many different ways that I can help you. But we also just released one self paced course where you can learn how to create that fundament of your signature offer. So if you wanna create the signature offer, let me know. I can help you do that too. But if you wanna create first that beautiful signature method, if you do not have that yet, or you're not clear enough about it, I now have a beautiful course that's called, integrate.


Because I help you integrate all your different expertises and experiences. And from there, create your signature offer. If you want to have this, if you wanna know more about how I can help you about that beautiful course that we now have or other ways that I can help you to create your signature offer. And then first, your signature method to then be able to create your curriculum and your signature offer. Then DM me on Instagram.


Say the word integrate. And I will share with you the details. We will also make sure to link to this program in the show notes to integrate. I'm excited. We've just started sharing it.


And you can look that up and start creating your signature method ASAP. This is so powerful. This is when I gonna change everything for you. And, again, it's one of the things that I see almost every culture expert that I start working with doesn't have this or doesn't have it fully, or doesn't have it fully developed or has a method but doesn't know how to speak about it and all of that you can learn that in this beautiful new program that I have integrate. Or in other ways if you would like to get even more support with it we can do that too.


Send me a message on Instagram and say integrate. Me or my assistant will, ask you some questions so that we know what it is that can support you best and we will make sure that you get all the details. And that you can get started ASAP because honestly, this is, a such a key thing that again, I think most people miss. And that's gonna change everything for you. It changes your confidence.


It changes your clarity. It changes the way people perceive you. Your positioning. The way you can talk about the work that you do. And the way you can start building and structuring your offers.


And start to get to your easeful first 6 figures or scale up from there. I'm excited to hear from you reach out to me on Instagram, and I'm wishing you a beautiful rest of your day. Thank you for joining us today on the Choosing Ease podcast. Remember to subscribe so you never miss an opportunity to connect, and I'd be so grateful if you could share your thoughts in a review. Join me next time as I continue to explore the powerful skills and strategies that will help you to let go of everything that keeps you from fully sharing your genius.


You are destined for greatness, and through the Choosing Ease podcast, I'm here to help you own your unique wisdom and share it with the world. Until next time, keep choosing EASE.