Bikinis After Babies

This week, Mandy and Gillian dive deep into the hard times all athletes endure in contest prep and discuss helpful strategies that create mental toughness that is necessary in order to be successful in reaching your goals 👊🏼💥 The BAB’s hosts share some of their most challenging experiences in prep and how they manage to persevere when calories and energy are low.  

If you’re a competitor you know how challenging it can be to hold down the fort as a busy woman while striving to achieve a competitive physique.  We hope that this week’s episode helps you to realize that you’re not alone in how you’re feeling and that it IS possible to develop the mental tou
ghness to achieve something that at times, seems impossible!

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Contact your hosts:
Mandy Rochon 
Instagram: @ mandyrochonfitness
Facebook: @ Mandy Rochon

Gillian Hughes
Instagram: @ gillianhughes_momshell
Facebook: Gillian Hughes

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What is Bikinis After Babies?

Bikinis After Babies is the one and only podcast where real moms talk about their bodybuilding contest experiences. We are sharing the inside scoop, the nitty-gritty, the hardships and the victories as we navigate the rigors of competition prep while juggling family and careers. We’ll be joined by IFBB bikini pros who share their incredible stories of managing many responsibilities as athletes while defying stereotypes as women who compete in bikinis after babies!

Whether you’re a new mom thinking about stepping on stage for the first time, or a mom looking for inspo and insight on how to manage contest prep as a busy mom, this podcast offers helpful tips and inspiring stories for moms with big goals!!

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Ready to embark on your fitness journey? We would love to help you reach any fitness goal from getting the baby weight off to crushing your competition goals! Click on this link to schedule a discovery call with one of our team members and learn how Momshell Method Fitness can provide you with the tools you need to be successful from customized nutrition plans, training programs, as well as motivation, accountability and support on your fitness journey! → Coaching by Momshell Method Fitness

Contact your hosts:
Mandy Rochon
Instagram: @ mandyrochonfitness
Facebook: @ Mandy Rochon

Gillian Hughes
Instagram: @ stl_momshell
Facebook: Gillian Hughes

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Toxic Angelz Bikinis → Use code “GILLIAN” to save 15% off your order

Squeeze Me Skinny Waist Trainers → Use code “MOMSHELL” to save 10% off your order

The Shoe Fairy competition heels → Use code “momshell” to save 15% off your order

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Mandy (00:00)
Hello everyone and welcome to another great episode of Bikinis After Babies. Thank you so much for joining us again. We have a fantastic episode to bring to you guys today. But of course, I am one of your hosts, Mandy Rashawn, here with your other beautiful blonde host.

Gillian (00:17)
Hey everybody, thank you for tuning in. This is Gillian Hughes and thank you for joining us for another episode of Bikinis After Babies. Today it's just the two of us and we thought it would be good to kind of catch you up on what's been going on with us and then we're gonna segue into talking about when prep gets hard and some strategies that we have to survive the rigors of the grind of prep. But we wanna start today just kind of by updating you on what we're up to

Mandy has returned from a weekend away where she was expediting a competition in Iowa, right Mandy?

Mandy (00:53)
Yeah, yeah.

So for those of you guys that don't know, we usually record our episodes Monday, Tuesday, so we're just getting back from a busy weekend. So my weekend, I was expediting out in Des Moines, Iowa. It was a fantastic show. Again, I love being able to have the opportunity to expedite, it's great. I meet a bunch of great people and it's a lot of hard work, but being able to be there for the athlete's biggest day, because we both know, this is a day

never forget. You will always remember it. And to be able to be back there and to make it great for them is a great thing to be able to do. It's very busy, it's a lot of running around and doing a lot of stuff, but it's beyond worth it. So I left Kansas City Friday and then did that Friday, Saturday, came home Sunday morning and then immediately right back into mom mode. I got home.

caught up on work, clients of course, and then straight to a soccer game. Carson, one of his leagues just kicked off, so we have lots of games, like we have like three games, two, three games a weekend. And so we're out, I had a game in the mid morning, and they came home, and Carson and I took a nap, and then basically woke up, was almost late for the other game, and just ran out the house and made it to the other game. And then when we both were,

It was funny, it was like, Carson's kind of banked up, all the running around all weekend and everything, he's sore and tired. I'm like, I'm pretty sure all of us are going to go to bed at like 8.30 today. And we did. Carson, he took a shower and wrapped his, he has, his leg is hurting him, so he took a shower, wrapped his leg, ate some food. He was out. Aaron and I were out by like 9, 9.30. Like we were done. Our weekend, we were just tapped out.

Gillian (02:31)


That's awesome. Family nap time. That's so good. There's nothing worse than like the weekends, especially like my middle school kids, they always like wanna stay up. And I'm like, no, mm-mm. Like Brady went Friday night to a friend's house and he was like, okay, well, can you pick me up at 11? And I'm like, yeah, I can do that. No, here's how it really went. I'm texting my husband at work. I'm like promising all these like favors.

Mandy (02:51)
So, yeah.

You are brave.

Gillian (03:20)
him to pick up Brady.

I'm like I will do this and this and this if you please pick up Brady because like for me like beyond nine o'clock I probably shouldn't even be operating vehicle, you know So I was a big promise when I said I would I mean his friends everybody lives close by so like really if I had to whatever but Brian was like I got this. I'm like, thank you know, so I will say it like what my husband's wonderful like a team player as far as helping out with all the kids stuff like, you know, he gets home from work and he works really long hours and you know has to

commute to another state to work. So, I mean, it's a long day and he's a very active dad and does what he can when he's home. So I appreciate that. That's where you can really help me the most in life is just anything that happens after eight o'clock at night, I need help because I run a lot of carpools, but beyond eight o'clock, it's just, it's nighttime for me.

Mandy (04:12)
totally relate to you. In fact,

we have it to where it's a rule in our house. So like I'm the morning parent and Aaron is the night parent. So it's like anything after six o'clock, I can go out and do it, but like it's, cause you know how the kids are, cause our sons are really close in age, you know, Carson will be 15 this year. And so anytime he's like, well, can I go to the movies? And it's like six or seven. Can I go to a friend's house? Like, you know, that time. It's like, I'm not the parent you need to ask. Like you,

Gillian (04:20)
Yeah, yeah, same.



Mandy (04:44)
I'm the wrong parent and he's like, yeah, so then he'll talk to Aaron and they'll figure out if he could go and the drive And everything like that and Aaron will stay up but like anything in the morning So like I get up so early I do all the like getting up for school cooking breakfast packing food and anything kind of in the mid afternoon to air kind of like your husband like Aaron's schedule is so demanding and that he like gets stuck on the phone or he gets you know in meetings and there's just no Way, there's no way he can like do certain things

Gillian (04:56)


Mandy (05:14)
day in the morning is really like, I'm the parrot. I'm the one running around. I get, I do all the stuff. But then as soon as it's the evening, I'm like, no. Like, mm-mm. I am tired.

Gillian (05:16)

Yeah, it takes a village, it really does. Especially with what we do, we have very healthy lifestyles, but in order to get everything done and prep, I have to get up and get my day started. Plus, I really can't sleep in. Like, I always want to. I'm always like, yesterday specifically, I was like, oh, we don't have anything until 10, because practice cheer was like at 10, 10 to 12 yesterday. And I mean, 4.45, boop, eyes are open. I'm like, oh, I just gotta go back to sleep, please,

Mandy (05:39)

Gillian (05:54)
and I couldn't so I was like, all right, I'm up. But I mean, it's okay. I think like where it's good is like, if I have to catch an early flight or something like next week we're going to Orlando and my flight is like, like 5.05 in the morning. And I'm not stressed about it because I'm used to like being up early, but it does help in our household because you know, I'm getting, we have three different bus times with all the different schools that the kids all have to, anyone has early practice or something, I have no problem. So I don't mind it, but yeah.

Mandy (05:56)

I know, I always base my schedule kind of around Carson. So, and it's weird, I do it around his entire schedule. So whenever school starts, what time does he have to be out the door, go to school, and then I will back up basically what I have to do with that schedule. So my cardio, food, get ready, gym, anything like that, and then I'll marry it with that semester. And I know Christmas break comes, so maybe I can sleep in a little bit. Just like summer's around the corner, because I'm like you.

Gillian (06:34)


Mandy (06:49)
I would love to just sleep till six. That would be unheard of for me. But same, I just like ding ding, I get up at 430 or 445 or four right now and I'm like really, just really can't sleep no more? But I'm gonna, yes, yes.

Gillian (06:56)


It's okay, like I get a lot of work done. Like I really do, I get a jump start on the day. I can do like, you know, it's peak week for three of my athletes. So I was able to do like their check-ins. And so then at least when I'm training, because I typically go to the gym like at 7.30 once the middle school kids are on the bus, then you know, I don't feel like, I've gotta hurry up and get back to work. Like I've already kind of got a start on my day. And then I typically start my work day at like 10. So it's just different. I've done so many different things. Like I've been the four o'clock in the morning training person and.

you know, I just can't, I can't do that anymore. But I'm not saying that won't happen again. Like that might be the case in the summer because I was looking at like the football schedule and everything, I'm like, I might have to start going a little bit earlier, but we'll see. I think the theme is just, we're flexible and you know, we really just work around the kids and their sports and their schedules. And I make it work, but you know, sometimes it's just, okay, that's not gonna work this week. I have to like move things around, so.

Mandy (08:00)
Yeah, Carson has like this agility training he does all summer, but it's literally up the street and he can like, oh yeah, and it's not till eight. So even if I dropped him off, he like, it's a, it's the whole high school too. So like he can easily like catch a ride home and I don't have to worry about him getting home or anything like that. But I know what you mean. Like you just kind of take it however their schedule works. So

Gillian (08:05)
Oh, that's nice.


Yeah, yeah, I mean...

It's busy, but it's fun. I was like somebody, who was that? I was getting my nails done, this lady was like, I can't believe you have so many kids. And she's like, how do you, is that how you stay so skinny you don't have time to eat? I was like, thank you for calling me skinny. But no, believe me, people find time to eat. No, it's funny. I think if anything, it's just, you know, it's go, go. I mean, we'll talk about this later in the episode, but like I am too busy to be, I never get bored. So I'm not like, oh, I was bored. So I wanted a snack. Like I'm never, if I sit still for long enough,

Mandy (08:33)




Gillian (08:51)
probably will fall asleep. But yeah, so.

Mandy (08:55)
I feel like that the soccer game yesterday, I feel like I almost fell asleep on the chair watching the game. I'm like, cause I was wrapped in a blanket cause the morning game was cold and I was like, I was like, I could just like, wee, yeah. It's like, yeah. Yeah.

Gillian (09:01)
Oh yeah, and you get cozy. Yeah, and then you're lean too, right? When you're lean, it's like, I'm so cold. It was like 80 degrees outside, like, but I'm freezing. Ha ha ha.

Mandy (09:13)
Well, and that's another thing we can also play catch up on is as lean as I am right now Both of us are the same which is nuts because we're both doing two totally different shows in two totally different locations But we're the same amount out which was not intentional with even weirder. I know so for you listeners For you listeners out there to just play it just to let you know So I did my show my very first show of the season March 30th and when the feedback I got working with my coach

Gillian (09:24)
I know.

No, but here we are. It's cool. I'm so excited.

Mandy (09:42)
another show in the summer, like kind of the beginning of summer. So Jillian was already in prep for her DC show which is June 8th and so my coach and I are looking at shows. I wanted to pick a show relatively close to my area. I wanted to have a good promoter. I wanted you know I wanted to be really kind of simple. I didn't want to travel too far you know things like that and so I'm like oh I'll do the Omaha Pro Show. I can just two and a half hour drive like this is perfect and then lo and behold it's the same weekend as your show. So Jillian and I

Gillian (10:11)
I know.

Mandy (10:12)
weeks out. How are you feeling? Six. Oh gosh.

Gillian (10:14)
6.5 weeks out. Well, not Wednesday, it'll be six and a half weeks out. Yeah, I feel really good. I did not feel so good two weeks ago and you talked me off of a ledge and between you and my husband, I was definitely having a...

you know, just this has gotten tough. And I'm with a new coach who is a great fit for me. His personality and mine are a good match for each other. His style I really like. And it's been awesome. I've been with him like seven or eight months now. So we did an off season together and then prep. But I didn't know, I didn't really ask like what his methods were. I don't usually, because I know these like coaches, they do what works.

knowing wasn't going to like change my decision about hiring him as a coach, but I just never really thought to ask. So, you know, checking in every week and things are tightening up week by week. I'm really excited with my progress. There's parts about this journey that like, I look at my physique and I'm like, I've never looked like this at nine weeks out. I've never looked like this at eight weeks out. Like, you know, but I've also really been very efficient. I had a really efficient off season, first time probably ever. I really cleaned up my drinking habits.

I made a post about it on Instagram, I don't want to go into it too much in this episode, but that was a huge, huge modification in my lifestyle. Just a lot of things have really aligned for me. Stress management, gut issues, everything's just going so good. So my protocols would be returned after my check-ins and I'm going like, man, this seems pretty aggressive for this far out. And looking ahead at my schedule with, I'm coaching this weekend and that's always a big energy expenditure.

cheerleading competition the following week and I'm looking at like low food high cardio going like oh my gosh like you know progressively those things are getting tougher and tougher each week and I'll do anything like I I'm not afraid of hard work but just kind of going like what am I gonna like if this is where we are now where are we gonna be in two weeks or three weeks or four weeks like am I gonna be like able to eat anything like you know have I made a mistake have I made a mistake I'm gonna be honest like that's how I was

I talked to Brian and I was just like, oh my gosh, my family needs me. This is already challenging and PrEP is challenging anyways, but I'm like, I know where my body is. So anyways, so then I called you just sort of like, what am I gonna do? What do I say to James? I don't want him to think I'm a big weenie. So you were like, just girl, A, you knew this was gonna be hard, B, just talk to him. And it wasn't like I really was thinking, oh, I'm not gonna do this anymore.

or I've made a bad decision, I just never really thought to ask what the methods were moving forward. So I communicated, oh, what do you know? That's the solution, just fucking say something. And so I sent him a message and I was just like, hey, do you think I'm making good enough progress? I just keep, every week this keeps getting, there's more cuts, there's more cardio, oh my gosh, and so then he explained his strategy and I was like, cool, I'm in.

Mandy (13:16)

Gillian (13:33)
No problem. And it's so funny how it's the actually it did get tougher since that last drop And and I've been fine just because I know where I'm headed So I'm the type person that if I like see the path and see the journey like I'll do anything So I went from feeling like oh my god, I'm gonna die I can't possibly do one more minute of cardio to like bring it on. Let's go, you know, so anyways, but I just I think it's important the

Mandy (13:42)


Gillian (13:58)
you know, to just speak up and say like, you know, and I don't think I was really even feeling like I can't do this. It was just more like, you know, what can I expect? So now that I kind of know the big, I have the big picture ahead of me. I'm really excited. So, so yeah. No.

Mandy (14:08)

Yeah, because you know how perhaps they're never, no prep is ever the same, even if we're the same. It's never the same coming, you know, like you said, you had a successful off season, because I remember when, it was like back in August, we were at the, ah, what is, we were at that casino together, and we were grabbing coffee, and you told me, you're like, I'm gonna work with him, and I was like, oh cool, and that was like back in August. So like, you've been, you know, you've had a really good off season into an on season, and you've been working really hard, and it's just getting to that time where you're like, are we sure?

Gillian (14:28)



Mandy (14:42)
Are we sure? Are we sure? And it's scary, man. Like, I mean, I kind of had the same thing with Sam just in a different way, because the way I was eating, same thing, the way I was eating, the way I was looking, the way things were happening, I'm like, I've never done it this way. I've never, you know, I got a little scared. And the way I would kind of communicate with her is just kind of like, hey, I'll do anything. I will do what you want me to do, what you tell me to do, but are you sure? Like, are you sure?

Gillian (14:45)



Mandy (15:12)
And it's like, and then like you said, just talk. Like just talk and say, this is like what I'm scared of. This is how I feel. This is like what's going on. Like I'm not saying I won't do it. I'm not like making excuses. It's just like, can I like know like, is everything okay? Is this why? Like what's going on? And that's like part, yeah, yeah.

Gillian (15:22)

You should be able to ask those questions, right? Yeah, yeah.

Mandy (15:33)
Yeah, and if you have a coach that's just telling you, here do this, and then when you ask a question, you're not making excuses, you're not giving, you're not fighting it, you're just like, hey, why are we doing this, or what can I expect here in a few weeks? I'm pretty sure on every coaching call I get on, with my clients, whether they're a lifestyle or competitor, they will ask me, where do we see this going in X amount of time, whatever the timeframe is?

Gillian (16:01)

Mandy (16:03)
to do and this is what we're gonna hope works and if it doesn't we'll have to do something else but you have like a method to the madness you know you have a methodology of doing things and so it's like you just gotta ask so you can have clarification and like you said it makes you feel better because then now like you said it like it got harder but you're like let's go okay now I know what I'm doing.

Gillian (16:12)

Yeah, it was a game changer for my mindset. And I think really, I don't think I was ever asking for things to be easier. And I think that if you do complain to your coach and your coach makes it easier, you got a bad coach because they should be listening to you and supporting you. But if they have decided things need to get a little bit harder, a little more challenging, because we need to push your body more, and they've made that decision and you say, it's too tough.

really that coach should be finding a way to help you understand or like helping you with strategies to like mitigate some of that discomfort but helping you to understand like this is what's necessary because you're always, your body is always going to say, you need more food, you need rest, you need recovery. Like that's like our natural survival instinct, right?

Mandy (17:09)
body hates. Yep.

Gillian (17:11)
Exactly. David Goggins talks about this in his book and he calls it like the governor, which is like this like, you know, protective mechanism in our body. Like you can't do any more reps. You can't run any further. You need to stop. Like it's our body protecting us, right? So that's natural for your body to like, you know, you need more food than you're getting. You shouldn't be doing that, you know. So I think that can that can sink in and you just need to speak to your coach and be like, hey, these are my concerns. And if your coach is like, okay, well, let's just we'll back off on the cardio

you more carbs.

Is that the answer you really want? Because then aren't you thinking like, well, if you thought I needed it and now I don't, am I going to get there? And their job is to get you results. So I think like, you know, you should feel comfortable asking questions and you should be able to, you know, speak to your coach. And James was wonderful and provided so much encouragement. It got me really excited. Honestly, I went for like it was such a roller coaster of a day. Like I went from like having like a fucking meltdown on the phone. And then you're like, just it's fine. And you're like, I think you were like at a party or something.

Mandy (18:05)

Gillian (18:12)
calm me down like you're such a good friend. I was like, I need to talk. That's right. Yes. It helps so much.

Mandy (18:15)
Yeah, I had to be, oh hey, we're prep besties, okay? You had to be, I had to be there for you. Like, come on now. No, yeah, I was with my brother and his, my nieces and nephews and we were at some like play place. That's why it took me a minute to even get service because there's like no service in a place like that. It's kind of like a, it's like a fun run kind of thing. Yeah, I just went outside, I went down the road and I was like, what's up, what's happening? So. But yeah, you're co-

Gillian (18:32)
But you did it for me. You were like, I got you. Yeah.

No, it was great. So, yeah, so we're like six and a half weeks out and I'm going to DC to do the DC Pro-Am. And I'll tell you like how I picked this show and why I would love to come and be backstage and compete on stage with you, but you had originally not picked that show and.

Mandy (18:45)

Yeah, that was...

Gillian (18:57)
So I always just like to make my shows an adventure and DC, I've never been there. And last year when I was watching the show, they give away these like beautiful crowns. And so that's like how I picked the show. Plus, I knew I wanted to be in front of a specific judges because my goal is to do nationals. I'm doing universe at the beginning of July. So it was important for me to like be up against, you know, athletes that I'm probably going to see at universe at a national show and then judges that will be on that same panel.

So that's why I picked DC and then I am usually like coaching shows in the area around here So I don't often pick shows in the Midwest just because I'll probably have an athlete on stage And I don't I try not to coach and compete on the same day I've done it before but it's kind of hard last year at universe I had two girls in the open and it worked out beautifully because I was done hours before them like I competed at like right at the very beginning of the show and they had I Only did masters. I didn't even do masters 35. I only did masters 40

Mandy (19:45)

Because you did masters, right?

Gillian (19:57)
and so I there they were on stage like six hours after me so it was great I like took my suit my shoes off put on like my coach hat and like coach them and then like got ready for finals and it was kind of perfect so um but that doesn't always happen and then there was one show I did in Dallas and I was in the same class as one of my clients and I won and she was like I think she was okay but I think it was it was still awkward I didn't really like it I'm like I guess as the coach like

Mandy (20:22)
Yeah, it can be slightly distasteful.

Gillian (20:24)
you know, I was cheering for her and if she would have beat me I would have been totally fine. I don't have an ego about that kind of stuff, but I think it was just weird. So I was like, oh, I try not to do that. So anyways.

Mandy (20:33)
cut out.

That'd be tricky. I will say in the Omaha show like I don't have any athletes I like I know some of the people that will be there I know people that are competing in a like figure and I like I think there's gonna be some bikini girls that I know But that's just from like being around the area. We're all competing against each other but like you said I didn't originally pick that show and It was a very it wasn't laugh It's not last minute because I think I was like ten weeks out when I picked it or something like that So it wasn't last minute Yeah it just was like that works the best and also like

Gillian (20:47)

Oh yeah, no.


Mandy (21:05)
Kind of like you like I always would make it an adventure for my family. This was something that's specific for me I need to fix a few things with my feedback I want to try a few things with my hair change my posing my husband and my kid don't need to come and like Spend their whole weekend doing that and in fact it actually kind of worked out because after I picked that show Erin and I were talking about it because of course he wants to be supportive He's like well, I can drive up and watch you at the night show, but you don't have to though Like it's not a big deal and then lo and behold of course the kid has a soccer tournament like why not?

Gillian (21:12)
Yeah, you need some more stage time. Yep.

Mandy (21:34)
right? So like, so it worked out really well for that. I'm like, you guys just, whenever I travel and I go out of town, they have a lot of fun. Like they'll go get sushi together. Like they went to the, I got a new wifi router, believe it or not. Like can't have enough of those suckers in this house. Um, I think we, I, we do. So I have one actually specifically in this room now, but they, they do that. They'll go tech shopping and have food together,

Gillian (21:35)

You have like seven already.

do boy stuff. Yeah.

Mandy (22:05)
Mm-hmm. Yeah, they'll go have chicken wings and stuff, so, but it's nice.

Gillian (22:10)
Well, that kind of like is a good segue into what else we were gonna talk about today, which is Amazon and TikTok finds. And the reason why I like, since we wanted to bring this up, it's cute. Is that a part of a set? Like, does it come with pants or shorts?

Mandy (22:20)
This top, I got this top on Amazon.

Yes? No, it comes in like a three pack.

Gillian (22:30)
three different tops? Oh, I've seen it.

Mandy (22:32)
Yeah, here. Like if you're watching on YouTube, this is like, it's like a cute little like, like just a cross back top. And it comes in a pack of three. And if you click on it, instead of like, if you click to open it, there's like a just a whole bunch of colors you can pick from. Like so many colors. And I love this top.

Gillian (22:37)
Really cute.

Yeah, this is an Amazon from a three pack as well, this one, and it's short too. Yeah, well, so...

Mandy (22:54)
That's really cute.

Gillian (22:57)
Prep girlies, when we're prepping and we're spending a lot of time on YouTube and TikTok, I mean that's what I do when I get through cardio is I'm just usually looking at TikToks or watching YouTube and my favorite YouTube videos are when they do a spring haul or something and I'm just furiously adding things to cart. It's really crazy. But I'm always shopping in prep and so I thought that would be a little fun topic to talk about favorite things and fun things that we've purchased.

Mandy (23:14)
Yeah, I see those. I see those on my um

Gillian (23:27)
and tell really because we're a podcast so I purposely didn't like bring the things to camera but I'm pretty sure my daughter thinks I'm crazy so I um I'm like I'm older so maybe that's why this kind of happens to me but I remember this happening to my mom too just getting paranoid about stupid things but TikTok made me buy fire blankets because I realized no like on things that are burning um yeah

Mandy (23:49)
Like one you would throw on you

Yeah, yeah. So you throw it on you if like you're on fire or something's on fire. It's like, I know what you're talking about.

Gillian (23:58)
Yeah, yeah, man, TikTok, man. I was like scrolling through, it was all happy stuff and recipes and like, you know, beauty and makeup. And then all of a sudden it was like.

What if you're curling our lights on fire? And then I'm thinking about like, you know, we leave the kids at home. We've got teenagers, you know, like we don't have a fire plan. Like we didn't ever like sit down and be like, if the house is on fire, you need to go out this window. So this first of all, that woke me up out of a dead sleep and I couldn't sleep three o'clock in the morning on Sunday. Like, oh, my God, we don't have a fire plan. Like I have to teach the kids that if you touch the door, don't open it and go out the window instead.

Mandy (24:25)
Oh my gosh.

Gillian (24:33)
So then I bought fire blankets, like one for the upstairs and one for the downstairs. And I'm like showing Brooklyn. She's like, you're sort of like insane, mom. So that was one thing I bought. But then the other thing that I bought, which, like, I'm so excited about and like super proud of myself for installing it is this shower head. Because, again, Tic Tac will make you feel like if you dare use a regular shower head, your hair is going to fall off of your body and like your skin is going to like it crusty.

Mandy (25:01)
Oh yeah, dramatic.

Gillian (25:02)
Yeah, but still I have blonde hair and I've just noticed that it just is picking up this sort of like yellowish Tinge it's probably from the hard water that we have so I bought a shower head and let me tell you what it was like It was like a magical waterfall when I took my shower Oh my god, it felt just like it was like soft and beautiful. It felt so good and my skin felt so good Just what I mean It's a little ad for this It's got it's got a vitamin filter in it

Mandy (25:17)

Was it like a water purifier kind of waterfall? Like water?

Gillian (25:31)
and it has a metal removing filter. And I installed it like myself without like a plumber or anything. I know, I know I was like, yeah, we'll link it all below.

Mandy (25:32)
Okay, so.

Aww. Well, and everything that we name on this, we'll just put in the show notes. Oh yeah, so that way everybody can see it. But that's really neat, because I'm very curious about that.

Gillian (25:48)
And it was not expensive because the one that I was looking at, it was like Jolie or something. That was the one on TikTok. And it was like over 100 bucks. And I was like, what if I hate it? Like, what if my husband hates it? You can't like return something. I mean, you could put it back in the box. But I'm just like, I don't really know about that. So then I went over to Amazon and I was like.

like top, oh no wait, I think I looked on the internet first to see like best, like top reviewed water filtering shower heads or whatever and I found this one on Amazon. So it was less than $50 and that was an amazing shower I just had, so it was worth every penny. So anyways, what about you? What do you buy? What do you got? What do you have to unbox that you haven't unboxed?

Mandy (26:25)
I do that all the time with clothes. Like, oh my gosh, I buy clothes. Oh yeah, that I have right now. Yeah, so I just bought a whole bunch of stuff. Because I have finally just accepted the fact that my clothes are too big for me. And I keep my off-season clothes for so long. I will make them work, I will wear belts, I will figure it out. Yeah, I don't.

Gillian (26:41)

Yeah, me too. I try not to buy skinny stuff.

Mandy (26:54)
If you see the majority of the stuff I wear outside of the gym, it's pretty baggy. I like baggy hoodies. I like joggers. If it's not like a sports bra and a jacket, then usually it's a hoodie. And even date night outfits lately, I've kind of gone through. I've made a Pinterest board. I'm like, what do I really want to wear when I go out? That is always my go-to. It's like, I have to look at Pinterest and be like, okay, that would be my style. And then I'll kind of piece it together.

Gillian (27:06)

Mandy (27:25)
Amazon so if I see like something on Pinterest I'll be like I'll get those ripped-up jeans with like a crop top that kind of looks like that and a jacket what's nice like you said if I don't like it I'll just return it takes me two seconds and I buy it again and I go through this vicious cycle but no lately I've kind of just embraced the fact that none of my gym clothes fit really anymore even my sports bras and I've pushed I've been pushing it for probably over two months now and I've gotten to the point where I'm literally rolling up

Gillian (27:32)


Mandy (27:54)
that are supposed to be tight to my body. And so I'm just like, okay, I'm done with this. So I used to be like, you know, a Lululemon person. And then after a while, I'm like, I'll try these $24 leggings from Amazon. And then they're great. And then I have nails all the time and then they don't rip. And then there's, I have no problems with them. And they're $24 and they come in 500 colors.

Gillian (27:57)


Thank you. I know I've done that with like some like expensive pants. Yeah.

Mandy (28:19)
Yeah, and I'm just like, how come I'll go buy lululemon for like $105 and eventually they like get shitty, like they do, but these suckers, these suckers for $25, man, they'll last you a hot minute. So all my stuff that I've been buying right now is really just like kind of gym clothes, but they're just smalls now instead of larges or mediums. They're not as baggy, because it's getting hot. The gym's getting hot, I have to accept it. So that's a lot.

Gillian (28:27)
They do, everything does.


Yeah, I know.

Mandy (28:49)
vitamins too. I get like vitamins and different brands of stuff like that on Amazon but I did

Gillian (28:53)
I do, you're always running out of stuff. So it's like, oh, I need more glutamine. Oh, I need this. I need more fish oil. And it's just so convenient, you know? So, I mean, I have a full Amazon storefront with helpful things, but.

Mandy (29:01)
And it's always cheaper, like, ah.

So the sweetener drops that I have with me, this was a big one. So my Stevia drops, I used to always have to go to like a special grocery store, right? I adhere at Sprouts. So I'd go to Sprouts and a little, like I wish I'd have it with me to show you, but again, like if you have YouTube, like we'll link all of this. The little squirter bottle I have, it's like $30 at Sprouts. Well, after a while I would like be like, why can't I just get this on Amazon? Not only can I get it.

Gillian (29:15)


Mandy (29:32)
on Amazon I can buy a pack of three for cheaper. And I'm like, I can bulk buy the thing I use 500 times a day.

Gillian (29:36)

Yeah, I mean, you'd have to go to a million stores to get all of the random things that you need, just little helpful things in prep, especially I travel so much, and just being able to grab different containers or things that are gonna make my life easier while I'm traveling. If there's just no other, I don't know what we did before Amazon, and I just don't have the time to go to 20 different stores to be on a hunt for one thing that I need when you can get everything in one place.

Mandy (29:56)

I can't imagine clothing shopping. I'll go to the mall to walk around, but I can't imagine actually having to go clothing shopping.

Gillian (30:10)
No, oh my gosh, totally.

Oh, and I'm like you, like I'm running around with kids going to sporting events and stuff. I'm not like, I don't really dress up very much, but I will tell you, I did buy a pair of jeans by Good American and they're called like the Always Fits. And they will get me in both phases of prep. Like from my off season to like when I'm like very close to a show, they just, I don't know, they're like magical jeans that like fit you at every stage. There's just something about like the fabric. They're really well made, so they are really great. So those are like.

a good little prep hack of like, because you, I don't know, I did that, I remember my very first show, I went and bought like a whole new wardrobe. I was like, I am so ripped, I'm never gonna not be ripped. I'm buying all these tiny, tiny clothes. And then like two weeks after the show, I'm like, I'm fat, like, and I wasn't, but when you put on like.

Mandy (30:56)
Oh god, yeah.

Gillian (31:05)
you know, kids large jeans from Gap. Like, it's like, no girl, they are not gonna fit you like when you're not like, you know, in your stage shreds. And so I kind of stopped, you know, really doing that. I mean, certain things just fit better and they like look nice. And I'm like, I can show my tummy and feel fine with that, you know, now, but I wouldn't like in my off season just be wearing a crop top.

Mandy (31:26)
See, I'm weird about crop tops. Like, I think it's just because I have a long torso and I'm tall, I'm like, I'm almost 5'7". Well.

Gillian (31:33)
Everything's a crop top because you're so tall

Mandy (31:36)
Tank tops make me look like shit. I can't wear tank tops. Like, I'm sorry, I can't. I've tried, like, regular tank tops. They make me look like a box. But if I wear a crop top with, like, high-waisted pants of any kind, it works for me. If I wear a tank top, no. It is so unflattering on me. To the gym, like, just out. If I try to wear a cute tank top, like, no, nope. I'm just a crop top person and a high-waisted person. It's just how I'm built.

Gillian (31:51)

Mandy (32:06)
I've just like, yeah, I can't see a take top so they look like shit on me.

Gillian (32:10)
That's like me in a maxi skirt. I just look stupid. I just look like a burrito. I don't know. Because I'm really short too, so it looks really dumb on me, and I know that they're fashionable, or like, I have one of these and I love it. It's like a duster, is what it's called, and it's like a long sweater that's just open at the front. It doesn't like, it literally looks like a bathrobe. And man, I see women wearing these at the airport, and I think, oh my God, she looks so chic. It's so, wearing it so cute over a cute pair of jeans.

Mandy (32:14)
one of those big like flowy skirts.


Gillian (32:40)
I look like I'm wearing just a bathrobe when I wear them. I still have one though, because I love it, but I don't wear it in public really, because I look really stupid in it. Because I'm sure it doesn't look right on me. I don't know.

Mandy (32:50)
I know what you're talking about now. I have something like that and I don't, it's funny because I don't wear mine in public either. I don't think about it, but it's just every time I try to wear it in public, it doesn't look good, but I do wear it like around the house as like a cover. And it does look good for like a lounging cover. Like if you're, like you're...

Gillian (33:05)

Yeah, from the front, I feel like it looks good, but from the back, it's like, oh, sorry about this. Not a good look. I don't know. Holy moly, we are rambling. Oh, my gosh.

Mandy (33:16)
I know.

I know we had a few things we wanted to play catch up with and talk about and share Tiki Taki, Amazon. Well, cause you kind of touched on it already. So like when we go into like TikTok and Amazon, it's because like we're in, we're shrinking, like our bodies are shrinking and changing shapes. So we like get excited and we buy all this stuff, right? And so, and then when we're, when we go out of the show, especially a new competitor, all the food and it changes, all of a sudden those really tight, cute clothes that you just spent like time and money on don't fit you anymore.

Gillian (33:21)
I know.


Mandy (33:48)
So how are you gonna mentally handle that? And that's what really segues into today's topic is mental toughness and how really to combat, you know, different tough times throughout your prep and like even after your show. So that's really what we wanted to talk about today. So.

Gillian (34:03)

That's the theme of today. Well, listen, I mean, if you're listening, you're either thinking about competing or you are a competitor or you've competed before. So you understand the ramblings. But I think really just it gets hard. Like we talked about at the beginning of this episode where I had sort of like a moment where I was really struggling with how difficult it was. But I think mental toughness is huge. And I've said this a million times, but I always think like that is like the number one character trait

a good competitor is mental toughness because I've you know had people come along and be like oh somebody said I look like I could compete you know I really want to do a show and okay why well because I think it it's beautiful and it's like glamorous and I love to perform okay why you know you have to really be okay with like how hard it is and that and really push when it gets tough and I really want it because I have seen people that have

and the athletic background, but they just, they can't hang when it gets really, really tough and they can't deal with the difficult sides of it. And I've also seen people who have nothing going for them as far as the traits of that physique. You know, they might have started working out later in life and, you know, they might not have any idea what they're doing in the gym and they end up being a fantastic competitor because they were a student of the sport, they had the mental toughness and they just weren't gonna stop

goal and that made them a fantastic competitor and they had a great run in the industry. So I think that is something that, that's what it really takes in the sport is mental toughness.

Mandy (35:47)
Yeah, and there's no other sport that's like our sport. Not at all. Our sport is 24-7, that's it. It is that cut and dry. You can be a baseball player, a football player, and you can sit here and say, oh, my sport is tougher and tougher and tougher. No, it's not. Like, it's not. At the end of the day, like, you can go run and train for three, four, five hours, that's fine. But then when you're done training, like, you're done training. And you can go have family dinner, and you can go get drunk and have a hangover

Gillian (35:55)

Mandy (36:17)
for X amount of hours and not have to worry about your cardiovascular activity. You don't have to worry about how many calories you're consuming and where are they coming from and how they're gonna affect your digestion system. You don't have to, that's something that no other sport has to think about. You kinda can clock out. So like, our sport is way more mentally tough. Yeah, we spend an hour, two hours, of course, we'll speak specifically about bikini and wellness. So you spend like probably

Gillian (36:24)


Mandy (36:47)
an hour and a half at the gym. And like maybe two, just depending on like your timeframe and everything and how long you're there. And you have your cardio, but like, like that only takes like a little bit of your time a day. But the rest of the time, like you have to be on point with your food and no other sport has to do that. And that takes a lot of wherewithal because we live in a country that shoves food in your face for absolutely everything we do. And it's insane. We literally made up brunch. Like that's, we made it up.

Gillian (37:08)


Did we really? That does not surprise me.

Mandy (37:19)
Yeah, we made a meal time because it was fun to get drunk during that time. I don't know why we made it up, but yeah, no other countries do brunch. It's crazy. And also, um...

Gillian (37:30)

Yeah, it's so true.

Mandy (37:36)
during like a lot of, you know, you know how people have corporate gatherings and they always bring snacks. Like you have to bring snacks to meetings, right? No, we're like one of the only countries that do that. Like, this snacking is outrageous, outrageous here. That's it. Look.

Gillian (37:45)

even portions in this country, like the portion sizes are

out of control and everything just even in society like has to do with well let's meet for a drink or oh we're gonna go here like there's always food there's always you know some something going on that's paired with every event so it is really challenging it's not the two hours in the gym it's the other 22 hours that you're not in the gym and you know there's just not a lot of sports like that I think watching my son train for wrestling

outside of training and you know with weight cuts and all of that which I think you know there's probably some parents who wouldn't want that for their child they might be like I don't think it's good for them to be focused so much on nutrition but you know with Brady we've really used that as an opportunity to teach him about how food makes him feel and in being more conscientious on his weekends and in the offseason it will make his season a lot easier so he

lots of really great solutions for food so that he can have that are enjoyable, but they're still gonna keep him on track to making his weight for each of his meats. So, you know, but there aren't a lot of sports that you have to, you know, pay that much attention to every single calorie. It's just, you know, focus on protein or would drink lots of water, you know, but with our sport, there's so many variables and for everything to come together. So it is tough. And really our podcast is geared towards busy moms so that we can show you that it can be done, you know,

does get tricky to push through those hard times like you know like we were saying earlier when you've got to stay up late because you have to pick a kiddo up and your meal time was at six o'clock and now it's 11 o'clock like what do you do so maybe you could share some strategies for like the one main one that people are probably tuning in for is what to do when you're starving about to eat your arm off like what are some

Mandy (39:48)

Gillian (39:50)
maybe we can do sort of like some hacks and then we can talk about the mental part.

Mandy (39:55)

So I'll easily share one this weekend. Obviously, we're seven weeks out and there is no room for error, right? We have to do exactly what our coaches want us to do. We have to eat exactly on point, right? So I know going into the weekend that I might not have access to a microwave. I might not have access to silverware. I don't know. I have a lot of things that are unknown. So I off the bat eliminate as many unknowns as I possibly can. So I will pack food for,

overpack food. So for example, I needed eight meals packed with me. I packed ten. If something happened to one of the meals, I had an extra one. I packed meals that I could eat cold, and I packed meals that I could eat without utensils. So I easily could condense and pack that and be able to walk around, carry them around, just be able to grab and go and have that. And in fact, of course I didn't need all ten. I only needed eight of those meals, right? But

out my backpack, you know what happened? I almost overslept for a soccer game, right? I said that at the beginning, I was able to grab one of those meals that I had and instead of starving at a soccer game, which is what I would have had to do if I didn't have a meal, I would have had to just wait, right? I was able to grab my meal and eat dinner at the soccer field. And so, you know, it's, I was so overly prepared, it stopped me from having to go through one of those moments of

Gillian (41:09)


Mandy (41:27)
Just count on yourself. I can't preach that enough. I don't, even if all my friends, family, anywhere I'm going, they say, I have water for you, I have something for you to drink, I have protein for you, like don't worry, I got you. I don't, I'll appreciate it 100%. And will I consume or eat or drink it if it's there and I can? Yeah, absolutely. But will I rely on it? Never.

Gillian (41:41)


No, you can't. And like when somebody's preparing food, you don't know that they didn't like, you know, season it too much or, you know, like it's just safer if you just do it yourself and then you're able to measure it. And I think that's sweet when people really wanna help, but you know.

Mandy (42:07)
Oh, I have a good, I have to share this actually. I don't mean to even, I know we're good about not talking over each other, but I just thought of this, okay, the sweetest thing that happened and I had to turn it down. So we had a girly, yeah, we had a girly little get together in my neighborhood. It was to watch a cute little show on Netflix. It was so adorable. One of the themes of the show that we were watching had something to do with having lemonade, not lemonade, what is the spike, whatever alcohol drink it is with lemonade. I can't remember what it's called.

Gillian (42:13)

Mandy (42:37)
the girl that was hosting it is a friend of mine and she made these cocktails for everybody. She knows I don't drink. So she made a version of this cocktail, but it was without alcohol. So I got there, she was so excited to show me and be like, I made this for you. It had so much sugar in it. I, and I couldn't, like it was so sugary. And I looked at her and I was like, I was so grateful and I was so appreciative. And I was like, girl, I'm so sorry, but I can't drink it. And I just like looked at her and I was so sad.

Gillian (42:55)
Oh no.

Mandy (43:07)
I totally understood, but like...

Gillian (43:08)

Mandy (43:09)
This is where the mental toughness is so important because I literally had to say this to her while she prepared something for me. I did it with a smile. I did it caringly, lovingly. She totally understood, but I couldn't compromise something I'm working so hard for something that at the end of the day is a sugary beverage. And she totally understood it. But like, yeah, I will never forget that. I was like, oh, I'm so sorry.

Gillian (43:12)


I've had that before too, like somebody made me a coffee and they poured a bunch of honey and like almond milk and it's organic and I was like aww cute and I just like I kind of just nursed it.

Mandy (43:52)

Gillian (43:53)
I honestly probably wouldn't drink it anyways because it really was like not how I make a coffee. But yeah, I think it's just you just have to be you have to be assertive, but like also kind, you know, because people don't know they really are trying. They really like they just don't understand like and they might know a lot about nutrition. They might, but they don't know about competing and how different that is and how specific it is. So I think there's a way to handle it in a way that is courteous. And, you know, I appreciate this so much, you know, and

Mandy (44:06)

Gillian (44:22)
and gone like, I'll take it home, my kids will love it, or you know, something like that. But you know, because people are like, I don't want you to not have anything, like especially if it's somebody who is hosting. And I'm always like, it's really fine, trust me. Like you don't have to do anything. Like I'm just excited to be around you and enjoy your company. And that's I think what's so interesting about our society is we're so far removed from the purpose of really getting together. It isn't about the food, it should be about the company, right? So I kind of just try to like lean into that and be like, I'm mostly excited to spend time with you.

Mandy (44:47)

Yeah, I have that a lot with vegetables. I'll have a lot of get-togethers or friends, and I'll bring my own food, and nobody asks. They've kinda gotten to the point where they know I'll bring my own food, like my close friends and stuff, but a lot of their husbands will still be like, oh, well, we cooked a bunch of veggies, but they drown it in oil, which is fine, but I can't eat that. And so sometimes it becomes kind of like, well, it's vegetables, but that's like, people don't understand, and they're trying to be nice.

Gillian (45:12)

Mandy (45:24)
you know, be courteous and kind, always grateful. It's just people's vision of healthy is so different. Like if it says natural and organic, that might be somebody's version of extremely healthy, you know? So it's just you never really know people's background or where people are coming from when it comes to like being healthy, you know? So it's just you really got to stick up for yourself and respect your boundaries and your why are you doing this? Like why are you working so hard?

Gillian (45:35)

Mandy (45:53)
you know, why are you stepping on stage and really have that guide you through like those moments in time.

Gillian (45:58)

through all of it because there's gonna be times where, you know, your cardio gets moved around because, you know, you suddenly have something come up and you had this whole day planned and it doesn't work out how you thought, but, you know, you have to push yourself. It is not, no part of this is easy and the payoff is huge, but, you know, and the payoff comes because you realize that you did a lot of things when you didn't think you could, but you always feel good when you do something that you don't wanna do. Like, there's been so many times

like specifically back day. I'm just like don't it's like it's not my favorite and I like dilly-dally around in the kitchen and I'm like I don't want to go like I don't say it out okay I've said it out loud a couple times and I end up having the best work I'm not gonna not go but it's just not like glute day and I love training glutes and I do train lower body like four times a week so I like I really only have to train our body twice but like that one of my day I'm always like and Brian knows he's like it's back day isn't it

yeah. So you know doing things that you don't want to do and then when you're done you're always like oh man. So like this is what I think is the beautiful thing about our sport is the growth that comes from it and that's why when you talk to people who've done it for such a long time that's like the reason why is because it's helped them to level up and but you have to want to do the hard things and a lot of people don't and that's okay but I think that's why some people don't understand our sport because that's just

they don't have a fulfilling life like they do and that's great but if you're here and this is what you want to do then you're kind of like one of those weirdos who likes to do the hard things and you know that's why we kind of all got to stick together right because we understand each other

Mandy (47:43)
That is true. That is so true. And kind of like you touched on a little bit, you know, one of the probably toughest things that people don't... I don't want to say they don't expect it. I think they don't expect the feeling, but of being hungry and like really wearing on that. You do. I feel like...

Gillian (47:58)
Yep, you do get used to it though, you really do. You do, you can in the beginning. Like I remember coming off of my reverse and I'm eating like 250 grams of carbs and my first cut was like below 200. I was like, I'm absolutely gonna die. Like, what am I gonna do? And now it's like poverty macros and I'm like, let's go. It's like you really do get used to it.

Yeah, poverty. Yeah, like literally like, you know, do I? I'm a mess is why.

Mandy (48:25)
Yeah, I just like that. If you have the cutest sayings for stuff, I swear to God, yes!

Gillian (48:34)
But yeah, I think you really do. And it's not like my stomach, I guess maybe my stomach has shrunk too, but because it's like, you know, you've got to take it in stages. Like we talked about this in an earlier episode, like you don't get to this macro level, these calories right away. It takes time. So gradually, you know, you're building each week, you're getting leaner and then you start to see the progress and you're like, okay, you're getting closer. So there's also that like, ooh, you know, it's right around the corner. It does get easier.

you do the hard things and I don't know I don't love my stomach growling but when that happens I'm like okay this we're probably getting ready to have good drop here you know and I think that that's just a feeling that is just something that is hard to adjust to and you will have days where you don't physically feel all that great because you know your body is trying to conserve energy and you've got to go and train and whatnot and it's temporary so I think you just have to be like alright sucks right now but it's not forever and

So you have to go okay well this is something that I want to do and I'm gonna suck it up and then you know and it Passes it's temporary. We have to get used to like discomfort. We're so much of a society. That's like Oh, you have a headache take a Tylenol. Oh, you're cold to get a blanket. Oh, you're hot You know cool yourself down in front of the fan like everybody everything's instant fix everything right and this is You don't get to do that. You're gonna have hard times You're gonna have discomfort and you just have to suck it up, you know

Mandy (50:03)
You do?

Yeah, and it's crazy. I was I was just talking about to Carson about that yesterday because he felt like shit after his soccer game His back really hurt his knees banged up and i'm like, well, this is what we have to do you know when I rambled off the stuff that we have to do and he was just like miserable and i'm like We're not always supposed to feel great. Like, do you know all the shit that goes on inside us to live like not like I mean if you actually sit down and think of like

Gillian (50:04)

Mandy (50:34)
on inside us, like, we're not always gonna feel great. So like, it's okay not to feel great all the time and be uncomfortable. But yeah, I mean, it it's so gradual, like you eventually do get used to being hungry. You know, there's so many ways to combat it and as like to get used to it. I will say the busier you can be, or the more distracted you can be.

Gillian (50:56)
Yeah, stay busy.

Mandy (50:58)
the better. Still enjoy your rest days and things like that. You can even sell, what I will sometimes do is I'll split some of my meals up and make them into smaller meals if I feel like I'm gonna be hungry that day or something. You know, kind of get a feel for the day. But if you're listening to this podcast and you have been in the industry for a while, if you know who Chris, I don't know if I told you about this. So what really got me was about a year,

Bumstead is of course, right? Right? Of course. So he... Exactly. If you don't know who Chris Bumstead is, look him up now. He's the greatest. I heard that one of his Olympia preps, he's the classic physique competitor for those of you listening. He's like the person. He's also the sweetest male. Anyways, he's... Stop it. Anyways, if you look him up and you see

Gillian (51:32)
Who doesn't?

Canadian, he's also Canadian. All good things come from Canada.

You knew I was gonna say that.

Mandy (51:58)
Like who this man is and everything he's accomplished and just all of him as a being he one of his Olympia preps He did on 1500 calories. Look how big he is He he's a beast and if he can be hungry Can you imagine how hungry he must have been on 1500 calories to look like that to go on the stage? For Olympia and win multiple times on 1500 calories. I got this motto in my head after I heard this I'm like dude if he can do it

Gillian (52:08)
Damn, he's a big man. He is a big man. Wow.


Mandy (52:28)
Like I can do it look at my size and look at his size and I'm eating more than 1500 calories Like I'll be fucking fine. Like I'll be fine So like thinking like that like just the mindset of like yeah, I'm a little hungry right now or yeah, it sucks I do know I'm gonna eat in like an hour or two or I'm gonna eat later. Like I'll be fine like It's fine. Like it's all okay. And it just like over time thinking like that instead of I'm so hungry. I'm so hungry

Gillian (52:35)

You're not gonna starve, it's gonna be okay.

Mandy (52:58)
I'm so like just it's so annoying just Enjoy the process be grateful you get to do it have gratitude for the things you get to do and like Just be a little be hungry sucks for a little bit be grateful You get to eat in a little bit and you get to pick what you eat and how you eat and how you Yeah, like just think a little different

Gillian (53:18)
You can't always get what you want. It's just like, again, we wanna fix everything and we want everything to be hunky dory and whatnot. And I just think, and what you're doing to yourself, if you're in that mindset of like, I can't have this and I'm so pissed, I can't have this or I can't go here and all these like, no's. What you're really doing is like creating such a mindset around like scarcity and then on the flip side of that, it's not a good place to be.

Show's over, dangling carrots removed, you're not X weeks out, nobody's following your progress anymore on Instagram, we're not taking photos every day of your abs, right? And then you indulge in all those things you were bitching and complaining about not having.

How happy are you now? You're not. So you have to think about that, right? And everybody's had the bellyache from like overindulging. You don't really, really want that. It's just a matter of kind of like, you know, it is weird to think like, I thought about this the other day, like I haven't like gone to a drive through and for myself like in years. And I know that that's to say that's not normal.

Mandy (54:27)
Yeah, same.

Gillian (54:30)
because it's society that is what people do often. And I'm not saying everybody's getting burgers and fries because people make good fast food choices. We give them to our clients all the time. There are healthy options, right? But if I sat around and went, do you know how long it's been since I've had fast food or a glass of wine or a piece of pizza? Well, that's gonna make my mind focus on the wrong things. Like, that's not a good place to be. So in general, like the more positive your attitude is during prep, the way better your off season is gonna be.

Mandy (54:49)

Gillian (55:00)
be fixated on food and all these things you want to have and all the things you couldn't have when you were in prep. You know you have to get out of that mindset because I know people are probably tuning in going like oh I wonder what they eat when they're hungry and like what are the like sugar-free things that you can have so that you don't have to feel hungry. You just have to feel hungry sometimes like because if you fill up your time between meals with all kinds of fake zero calorie stuff you're just putting a bunch of chemicals in your body and like I'm not here to say I don't have a diet doctor

pepper once a day, sometimes twice a day. I totally do. But I'm not like, oh, I'm hungry. I have to put something in my belly. Let me chug a gallon of Crystal Light because that's not gonna really do anything good for my body. I'm also not gonna train my stomach to not expect something. I have to kind of get used to that because it's not like I'm gonna get more food in the days ahead, right? So I just think mindset is really the secret to all of it.

Mandy (55:56)
Yeah, I remember right when I was coming out of my room or I was going into my reverse from clash and well for one when I was backstage At clash somebody one of the vendors that was backstage like happened to bring Wendy's and of course like You're backstage with all of these competitors like that smell of fries We could all smell that a mile away, but I'm like you I haven't went through a drive-thru or had like any I haven't gone through unless it's Starbucks. I haven't gone through a drive-thru or got eaten fast food

Gillian (56:14)
Oh yeah, smells good. Yeah.

Mandy (56:27)
I honestly can't remember because it's just not who I am. This is even outside of prep. That's just not who I am. And it, but that, that was the key to that is that there was all, I shouldn't say all this. There was Wendy's backstage and oh my gosh, these girls, they were just like, I can't wait to eat that. I can't wait to do that. I'm so hungry, da da. And you're in this group of people and it's like, you have this knee jerk reaction that you're supposed to fit in or, or get involved or be like them.

Gillian (56:32)

Mandy (56:56)
don't lose yourself. Like, think of who you are, because I listened to this and I immediately, as it was my turn to speak of course in the group, I immediately was like, oh, I don't eat that. Nothing to do with prep, nothing to do with where I was at before prep, I just don't eat fast food because it's not good for me. That's my personal choice if you do great. But like, I'm not gonna, don't compromise yourself and your integrity to fit in with the group.

Gillian (56:58)

Yeah. And you might, that might be your idea of a good, a good cheat meal. Like everybody has their thing, right? But, you know, I just think I've, I've set this analogy to so many of my clients. Like if I gave you $5,000, are you going to go to Louis Vuitton? Are you going to go to Dollar General?

Mandy (57:26)
your individual self. I will say when I was coming...


Gillian (57:49)
If this is money, then I'm saying don't spend this on anyone else. Buy yourself something decadent. You would spend it wisely, right? So it's the same with calories. Don't spend it on a bunch of crap unless you really, really want it. Like everybody's different, right? Like some people have like who is it who eats carnival food? Oh, my God. It's one of our clients. Who is it? I can't. I'll think of it. OK, so one of our clients, her post show thing is like she wants like funnel cake and like

like carnival food, because it's like from our childhood, right? So I'm like, that's a smart spend of calories, because that's something that's going to make you super, super happy. Or if it is like a, you know, microwave pizza, like who cares? I'm not judging you. I am not judging you. You can go to Wendy's all you want. But my point is, those calories, if you get them, spend them wisely. Don't spend them on crap that you don't want, that's not good for your body. If you're going to have a belly ache, have it over something that's really, really good and have a good moment, you know?

Mandy (58:21)

Yes, the moment, enjoy it. Absolutely, because see, exactly, like after the show I went to a nice steakhouse and dude, I spent those calories on probably one of the best steaks I've ever had. That was so good. And then of course like potatoes and all the other stuff, but absolutely. Well, Julian, we touched an hour.

Gillian (58:56)
Yes. Yeah.


Plus the 35 minutes that we chatted before we even hit record. I know.

Mandy (59:09)
We gotta warm up. Yeah, we always have to warm up before we start, but.

Gillian (59:15)
I know, just catch up. Yeah.

Mandy (59:17)

Gillian (59:18)
Hopefully that was helpful you guys. And we have a really cool concept for an episode coming up here soon. We're gonna bring on some novice bikini, true novice bikini competitors and have them share their experience of their very first competitions. And that was from a viewer question. Somebody suggested that. So we love to have your ideas. Please comment down below. Also, if you had like some sort of a funky Amazon or TikTok purchase that you made recently

your crazy prep brain. We want to know about it, so leave that below, leave your comments, and be sure to let us know what you thought about this episode.

Mandy (59:56)
Yeah, and everything that we named from our Amazon stuff, we'll link our storefronts and everything in the show notes below. So whatever platform you're watching this on, you'll be able to access that as well. And of course, we always want your feedback. And if you guys have any questions about coaching or starting your prep journey, always feel, yeah, always feel free to message us. You can, of course, continue to leave the comments and let us know if you want any insight, but you can always reach out to our social media platforms and we're both open books and be able to help you, help you with coaching or answer any questions, posing, anything like that.

Gillian (1:00:10)

Mandy (1:00:26)
always appreciate any feedback and thank you so much for joining us today guys. Bye!

Gillian (1:00:31)
Thanks, bye everyone.