Linda Mettler: Put your tilt your head up and down, move it side to side and just start practicing start talking. Pick it pick a topic to talk about. It can be dentistry, it can be cycling, it can be
hiking, your woodworking hobby, anything I want to talk about. Welcome to the matalin Marketing Podcast where we will talk about marketing strategies and tactics to grow your practice. I am your host,
Lynda Mettler and I have worked with dental practices for several years now. And I want to share my knowledge and experience with you so that you can gain valuable and actionable steps on how to grow
your practice. We will talk about the latest and greatest and marketing features some guest speakers so that you can hear firsthand what is and is not working and help you unravel the complexities of
the digital marketing world. I work really closely with my clients. So we will also delve into some other issues that affect your practice from time to time, such as staffing problems, COVID protocols
and similar issues. Good morning. Today we're going to talk about one of your favorite subjects. And I'm joking there when I say that because none of my clients love this topic. But we're going to
talk about video as one of your marketing tools. And you know why 86% of businesses use video as a marketing tool. Of course, it should come as absolutely no surprise that the pandemic overwhelmingly
increase the amount of online video that people watch. In fact, the average person spends over 100 minutes per day watching online videos. And by the end of next year, 2020 to 82% of the global
Internet traffic will be from streaming videos and downloads. just crazy to me. But I'm right there with it. I love watching videos as well. And watch binge watching some of my favorite shows and
videos. On my tab on my iPad. 75% of all videos, as a matter of fact, are played on mobile devices. So either tablets or mobile phones. And that's not not a surprising statistic at all. But what what
is really interesting to me is that viewers retain 95% of a message when they watch it in video, compared to 10% when they read it on text. that statistic, right there should tell you why you should
get into doing vlogs or video blogs. Everybody has blog content on their website, which I absolutely promote and believe in and provide for our clients as well. But if you can start getting into video
blogs, that's really going to help you in a big way. And the fact that people retain more of that information, that statistic should just kind of cement that idea for you right there. Users spend 88%
more time on websites that have video. So that's another great statistic to think about. By now you probably think I start every show or every podcast with statistics which but they give us a lot of
great information as to why we should use a certain platform or why we should do something to promote your practice. So the more time I can have people spending on your website, or that you can have
people spending on your website, the better and social media as well. You know, video posts on social media get 48% more views than even just images alone. So people do want to see entertaining
videos. And I know dentistry isn't always entertaining, but it can be you can definitely make it a lot of fun.
So where do you put these videos? We're going to talk in a minute about how to make some video content. But where's the best place to put these videos? Well, absolutely, YouTube is the number one
channel you've got to create a YouTube channel to house all of your video content even if it's short, Facebook Live video content we want to have, you know a home for it and YouTube is the place to
create that home for your video content. That way you can integrate that content into your website as well have you know all your videos can live on your website and link right over to YouTube and
vice versa. The next most popular video hosting platform is Facebook. And then LinkedIn and Instagram. webinars are also very important as is Facebook and Instagram Live. So Facebook Live and
Instagram TV. Those are the top video platforms for your video content to live on. And, you know, they're they're great platforms, they're easy to use. Everybody's on them. So definitely if you do not
have a YouTube channel before you even create some video content, go over to YouTube and, and create your YouTube channel, just get it set up just you know, put in your email your profile and get your
Youtube Video Channel set up so that you have some place to put that content. So now that we're talking about video content, and you obviously know that there's no doubt that video marketing is so
effective. Where do we start with video marketing? I know it's a scary and I'll be honest with you, I'm not the best at video marketing either. And this episode is convincing me that I'm going to
start upping my video marketing game. So I'm going to be right there with you doing that. So the best place that I have found to start with video marketing, because we're all scared, none of us love
our so I hate myself in pictures. I hate myself on video. But the best place to start I have found is on your Facebook page. Start on Facebook Live. And I'll tell you the reason why. And you're
probably thinking, Oh my gosh, when did Why? Why am I going to do that I don't want everybody to see me on video when I just start practicing. But if you start on Facebook Live, there is a setting for
privacy to only me. So if we want to practice doing Facebook Live, open up your Facebook page on your phone. And where are you where the space where you go to post where it says what's on your mind?
Or what would you like to say there's a little red icon of a camera, and it says live. So I want you to click on that. And then what's going to come up is the cameras going to show you I'm going to
show a picture of you. On the bottom there's going to be start live video. But before you click that button, I want you to look on the top left of your phone screen. And it's going to say to and on
mine, it says friends, and then it says post. And then there's a little drop down arrow. So if you click on that drop down arrow, it lets you select your audience. And you can put that to only me. And
that means no one's going to see your video post except you. It's so this is how you can practice with some live video. And I want you to do this, it's a great way to practice whether you're going to
use a professional videographer, or do some live postings, it's just a great way to get started practicing with video, you can see yourself on your phone screen, you can see the background you can
understand lighting, you can just practice. So click that to only me, and then close that screen. And then hit your start live video button. And then just start talking, move your phone around, move
around the camera, see how different lighting is put your tilt your head up and down, move it side to side and just start practicing start talking. Pick it pick a topic to talk about. It can be
dentistry, it can be cycling, it can be hiking, it can be your woodworking hobby, anything that you want to talk about. Just for your first one, just start talking and practice. And then when you're
done, just click on the button that says finish. And then you have options. It's going to let you post it or you can delete it, I promise you, you're probably going to delete the first five times at
least I do.
But it's a really great way to start practicing your video. So I mean, obviously there's other ways you can do this on your desktop, on your camera on your computer. There's lots of different ways to
start practicing. But the way to start getting into video marketing is just to start. And we're all our own worst critics, we think we look horrible, but everyone else thinks it's great. So here's
what I want you to do with your video marketing. And I'm going to do this as well. Number one thing I want you to do is to create a YouTube channels so that you have a platform to host your videos.
Obviously you're going to go farther than with these little Facebook Live practice videos. But I that's the second thing I want you to do is I want you to practice your live video chats. Start with
that only me setting on Facebook, and just practice. Just keep practicing until it becomes more more comfortable. The third thing I want you to do with your video marketing is start playing around
With video content, start writing down and thinking of the things that would be good. Content wise. What do people want to hear about in dentistry? What do you want them to know about you and your
practice? And about your life? What What do you want people to know about you? Why should they come to your office? Is it because you're an expert in implants? Is it because you have such a wonderful,
warm, caring staff? What is it you want people to know, start writing down some of that content. So you can figure out what's appropriate for video and what's not. Kind of like when you do your blogs,
when you're writing your blogs, I want you to just start thinking about that, and how you can create some video around the blogs. There's a lot of video content for dental offices, you can do video
content, on procedures, you know, on, on that kind of thing. But there's a lot but people want to see you. They want to know why they should come to your office and see you. One great way to add some
video content to your website is to do an office tour. I know several websites have have videos on them with tours of the office, where you're not even in it. There's no live person, it's just a tour
of the entire office space. But I really would love to see some video content with you and your staff in it in it. So number four, I want you to start building the video content, your blogs, short and
short live videos that you're going to post on social media. So practicing that only me setting and then do an actual Live Video Broadcast, maybe you want to do with one of your several favorite
patients or favorite staff members on their birthday or something fun like that. Eventually, what I want you to do is create a weekly live video chat session where people can tune in. So maybe every
Friday from 1130 to 1145. You go live on Facebook or Instagram. And you invite people to tune in and ask you questions and chat with you live on video. Video Marketing will skyrocket your results more
than any other channel or marketing endeavor that you can invest in right now. My last tip is and probably should be the number one, but I put it last is to create a video marketing strategy to
integrate into your current marketing strategy. You may want to hire a professional videography for that office tour for your website. And they can give you lots of tips and help with doing your own
video on your own. But you don't have to spend a lot of money for video marketing, and it is the number one thing that's going to skyrocket your marketing results right now. So let's get practicing
what I'm going to do it with you I'm going to start creating some, some video blogs and up my video game as well. So if you want to follow along in my progress, you certainly can. If you have any
questions or need any help with getting on the Facebook Live, you know, just give me a call. You can reach me You can find me on my website or my social media. I'm happy to help anybody anytime. I
know it's intimidating. In fact, if you want to give me a call, we can have a video chat. We can I can show you over video and we can do it together. So I hope this helps you for the week and I hope
you have a great rest of your week. Thanks so much.
Ed Bejarana: Are you committed to the growth of your practice Butler marketing can help at medtner marketing. We help dental practices gain new patients increase referrals and maximize patient
retention with customized Marketing Solutions tailored to fit your needs. Visit www dot medtner to schedule a free consultation and learn how we can help grow your practice. Thank you
for tuning in to the Mettler Marketing Podcast. Please share this episode with your friends and colleagues. If you would like to be a guest on our show, visit Mettler and drop us a note.
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