Armbar Audio

#ROH #DeathBeforeDishonor #ProWrestling

Show Notes

#ROH #DeathBeforeDishonor #ProWrestling
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Hello, and welcome to another
episode of armbar audio.

I'm your host, Tim Farley and across
the screen from me is my trusted

John turns, WhatsApp everybody.

Today, we are here to do discuss
ring of honors pay perview

tonight death before Dishon.

and give our predictions.

Yes, John has the card, so he
will be bringing those up for

us to discuss, have the card.

They won't be.

He's got all the Pokemon cards too.

I don't have Pokemon cards.

Do you want his address to steal?

I damnit I don't have any Pokemon cards.

I have.

I have some, my hair, academia cards.

I have, I believe that are mine.

I have mine too.

I have, um, I do have, I
believe one Pokemon card.

It's a squirrel card that I got
from a McDonald's happy meal.

So that shocks shocks is right now.

Oh, God.

So we're gonna, as we talk
about the matches, we will

talk about the build to them.

We're not gonna talk about the build to
this Paperview before we're just gonna

jump right into we're jumping, right?

The fuck in with some pre-show matches.

We have Alison K versus
Willow Nightingale, col

Caba versus Anthony Henry.

And then Shinobi shadow
squad, which is Eli.


How do you say that?

Eli ism and cheeseburgers versus
the trustbusters RA dev and slim

J oh, and another pre show match.

Uh, totally bunch of enterprises,
Brian cage and the gates agony,

which are con and to Leona a versus
three of our favorites, Alexander

Blake, Christian, and Tony depen.

So the pre-show looks pretty fucking cool.

Uh, is there, is there anything you
wanna discuss with the pre show?

Yeah, I would like to discuss all that.

Let's go for it.

Alison Kane will go very, very,
very happy to see AK 47 on this.

Uh, I hope that coming out of
this paper view the idea of Roh

becoming a show or maybe a monthly.

Extravaganza or something will happen
because I am a big fan of AK 47.

I'm also a very big fan
of Willow Nightingale.

Um, so I'd like to see them more often.

Um, we do get to see Willow in, uh, in
supportive roles and jobber roles in a w.

Uh, she is the babe with the power and,
uh, she's gotten some more experience

under her wing by going to Tokyo Joi
pro with thunder Rosa this past month.

Um, just for the sake of that,
we've seen her on a w more, I

would say Willow's gonna win this.


But, uh, it's not gonna be a squash.

No, it it's gonna be a damn good.

Uh, women's division contest, women
of honor, as it were, uh, AK 47.

Allison K is one of the best in the
world, uh, as is, will night go.

But like you said, will night go,
has been getting the dynamite spots.

So I do expect her to come away
with the victory, but swerving

us with Alison K winning would
not be a negative in my opinion.

Um, I, I agree her to appear more often.

Uh, coach been, yeah, it could build, it
could build a number one contender type

of feud for the women's title co been.

And Anthony Henry, you can't have
ring owner without coach Amanda.

That's true.

Anthony Henry uh, is a fantastic wrestler.

Uh, I watched.

and most recently in, uh,

Southeast or the, the big Southern
promotion now that AC Mac made beyond

the, uh, I, I mean the uncharted
territory, I, I forget the name.

Well, uncharted territory is the, I.

is it not anymore?

No, no ACM ACM.

When he won the, after he won the
title, he put the title on the

line against someone and said, if
he retains the title beyond, uh,

uncharted territory goes to the south.

Oh shit.

Because he's trying, he's trying
to blow up Southern wrestling.

Um, so, so it's been going on there.

I, I want to say the promotion's
called Southeast, but I, I, I don't.

I didn't.

Uh, but I watched him
wrestle Daniel mock bay.

I've been watching him wrestle for
years and he is such a good worker.

That's why he's in the tag team
with JD Drake called the workhorse.

Oh yeah.

But, uh, I've seen him in bat
black label pro all over the place.

He's even been on AAW.

Um, it's hard to go against Colt cabana
because he's an a w contracted wrestler

and he's a ring of honor mainstay.


But it all depends on what Tony's
plan for ring of honor is just like we

talked about with Willow and Allison.


I would really love to see
Anthony Henry get the win here.


Um, I'm gonna also say Anthony Henry,
but if he gets hit with that Superman

pin, ain't no escaping from that.

Shabi shadow squad, cheeseburger
and Eli, Eli ISO versus the trust

busters, Ari Devar and slim Jay.

Now, uh, I read somewhere that, uh,
Ari Devar, I don't know if it's ha if

it happened like on new Japan, strong
or whatever, but like apparently,

you know, the, the, his they're
called the trustbusters because.

Inherited his families with money.

Um, I don't, I don't like to go
against Eli Ison I think Eli Ison

before ring of honor, folded Eli Isum
was a shining star of ring, like up,

up and coming shining star of ring
of owner, along with Dak Draper and.

I'm I have to go with
Shinobi shadow score.


I'm gonna agree with you.

Um, I can't go against you
ice him or cheeseburger, to

be perfectly honest with you.

I just, I love everything about that guy.


I, I like how, whenever he was on the
independence after ring him on forward,

he would by world famous CB world.

Famous CB.


Take 'em a little bit more serious, you
know, and then our last pre-show contest.


Bocher totally Blanchard enterprises.

Uh, the gates agony and the machine
Brian cage, uh, against a trio of

John's favorite JCW wrestlers, AZA
Blake, Christian, and Tony din . Well,

I'm gonna start by saying Tony din has
been making a lot of moves for him.

Uh, before honor pulled it.

He was, he was in the ring of honor.

He was television champion.

He was, uh, I wanna say he was the,
the trios champions, but I'm not sure.

Um, he recently went over to
the UK and was wrestling for rev

pro and over the top in Ireland.

So, um, right.

And ring of honor has had all
three of those men on their shows.

But Brian cage and totally Blanchard
have, have been with a w for a long time.

Um, Khan and Leno.


Have been shown on the, on the
shows, whether it was dark, dark,

elevation, rampage, dynamite.

Um, there, if you want to establish
tall Blanchard enterprise, you

have them go over here, but it's
going to be a fun spot Fest type of

match, especially when you have Blake
Christian, um, Alex, Zane and Brian cage.


Um, I have grown to really, really enjoy
trio's matches over the past year or.

um, with everything a W's doing with
them, uh, watching them in new Japan.

And we actually, yeah, we actually
have the ring of honor trio's

titles being defended on this show.

We'll get into that later, but
I love the focus on trios that

is being presented right now.

And Tony depen shared the tweet about.

Himself Blake and Alexza
were supposed to be a trio.

Uh, I believe before the, the hiatus came.

Um, but it fell through, so
he's very happy and excited.

And I am too to get this
opportunity to get this going.

But like you said, yeah, all the, all
these guys are getting good opportunities.

Yeah, man, like if you look at the
past, Of Blake and Alex and Tony,

uh, and considering where Alex and
Blake went for a little bit, just

everything that these guys are doing.

Zane finally got to be in the best of
super juniors and Japan loved them.

Blake is, is putting himself in the upper
Eche wants of GC w and warrior wrestling.

And he's been on impact.

Like these guys are on the bubble,
you know, It just sucks that

they're, they're gonna be against
poly Blanchard enterprise yes.

Because you really, they need,
they need this victory more

than anybody, like for sure.

Well, it, it, it's good that they're
getting the exposure, you know?


But yeah, gotta go to tele Blanchard
on this one, always been on blanch.


B blanch.

You're at the H paper view roasted me.

Rick, the media roasted you enough.

Oh my God.

That's year.

I got better things.

He always with with that.

I never thought about it
until you just did that.



Yeah, pre-show looks pretty
fucking good, honestly.

And the pre show is kind mid a lot of the
time on every show, but holy God damn.

Usually it's a damn good.

Like this whole thing is like a man car.


Let's get into the man gonna save that.

Let's first talk about the battle
of the brothers that was just added,

uh, within the past couple days, RO.

Versus dragon Lee, very excited to see
dragon Lee back in the United States.

Uh, he and his brother Geco
have been in Mexico for AAA.

Uh, I really hope this means that we
get to see more of dragon Lee in the

cross, the crossing of ring of honor,
and a w especially since in Gober blaze

are back together in, in capacity.

I think dragon Lee will be able to
show his stuff in this match, but

RO will come out with the victory.


RO is definitely going to win.

Um, I think he has to, because like,
they're trying to get loose and Gar

boys going well, well, facts and garden.



We can see the we're probably
gonna see the fist thrown

up at the end of this match.

Maybe even at the beginning.

I I'd be very happy.

I would be very happy.

So yeah.

Gonna go with RO on this one,
I wonder if their father will

be in attendance, uh, beast.



And I think definitely we're
gonna see on draw day in Rich's

corner or in a backstage capacity.

Um, what's so, yeah, Rouch on that one.

We're both in agreement.

Uh, we talked about it a little
bit before let's get into it.

The trio's title is being defended by
the righteous Vincent Bateman and Dutch,

um, with Vita stra and they are facing
Dalton castle and the boys, the Tates.

What do you think?

I think that Dalton castle and the
boys shouldn't be in this position,

I think that Dalton should be on
his own and in a better match.

This match gives the feeling to
me of an Roh reunion type show.


And not a Roh Rebi or moving ahead.

Right, exactly.

Um, I think, um, you know, we've
seen Bateman in new Japan strong as

the leader of the straight dog army.

Dutch has been doing his thing.

Vincent has been in honor no more for
the past few months in, uh, impact.

And I think this going away from the
negative things that I talked about, this

is a very good match with people with
very strong and established gimmicks.

There's gonna be a lot of
high jinx shenanigans and fun.

Um, yeah, it all the winner all
depends on, like I said earlier in

the pre-show matches where Tony wants
to take this, but I feel like you

keep the titles on the righteous.

Yeah, for sure.

Vincent is just, you know, like
when I first saw Vincent in his.

Role as he is now, I thought, oh,
he's just a bra Wyatt impersonator,

but he's become so much more.

He's like, he's like a cult leader in
the desert and like peyote type dude.


Like I, I, I don't know.

It, it, and like Bateman has the look
and Dutch has the look as his followers.

It's a strong, it's a strong gimmick.

And like I said, Dalton cast.

is, uh, what I would like to see for
Dalton castle honestly, is they run at

the tag team titles with one RJ city.

Ooh, I, I don't know if you
saw that family feud that they

were on with David Arquette.

I, I remember, I, I remember seeing RJ
sitting and David Arquette on family food.

I didn't watch the whole thing.

I know I didn't, but I
definitely saw the clips.

Right, right.

I only saw clip.

uh, but you take Dalton castle
and his ability on the mic and his

wrestling acumen, and you mix it with
RJ city's charisma that, that there

could explode an entire promotion.

And, um, I don't know if RJ city
wants to be a wrestler anymore,

but if he does that is, he's kind
of busy right now with take Hays.

So what I.

I would suggest after the match,
after the righteous win, the

Tate brothers turn on Dalton.



And didn't that, didn't that kind
of, um, get tased a little bit

ago, the boys turning on Dalton.

Well, when Ron ring of
honor was still alive.

Dalton kind of stopped
relying on them so much.

And then he would bring
them out as he needed.

And he was kind of like in a,
uh, he was in a character crisis.


Uh, not, not, not
because of K like in KFA.


You know, he didn't know
what to do with himself.

So, uh, yeah, I say you
pull the trigger on that.

So cheers titles, staying on the
righteous, the boys turning on

Dalton, castle, Dalton castle,
moving into a better position and

being you gotta let the peacock fly.

He's a peacock.

You gotta let him fly.

Let me see your peacock.



Oh, so you were doing a different thing.

I was doing from.

No, no, that's a, that's
like an old Katy Perry scene.

No, it's uh, absolutely awful.

Is it Katie Perry?

I thought it was KCHE.

Yeah, it is.

Oh, absolutely not.

I never owned a ke album.

Oh, oh, you know what?

That was Katie Perry.

Uh, that was a dark time.

Dark time.

I, Hey man, Katie Perry
was catching hell and I.

I bought that, that album song sucks.

oh yeah.


Atrocious moving into some
more championship action.

What's talked about sin, sin,
sin against music, music, and

there's, there've been many.

Let's get back on track.


I mean fo full disclosure.

My mother walked in, threw her debit
card at me and said, order us Papa Johns.

And I was like, I can't do that right now.

I can't do that.

don't you see, I have headphones
on the day of reckoning, the

green screens up for Christ.

The day of reckoning, the saying in every
day, day of reckoning has not yet come.

We're not quite at 40 and 30 days yet.



Every match now that we're gonna
talk about is a championship

match, which is cool.

Let's talk about Mercedes Martinez
defending against the professor.

Serena de oh yeah.

Serena de laid the trap and she
got what she wanted a w Tony K.

I have a lot of faith in Serena deve,
and that's, that's a good thing.

Um, Mercedes Martinez and Serena
deve can be compared to each

other really, really thoroughly.

Um, I think because of the feud
with Sheah, because of the professor

challenges, the five minute challenges.

Of the development over the past year
or so, Serena de de will come out with,

uh, her first big singles, uh, title.

I agree.

I think Serena de is winning this one.

Uh, she's washed every feud so far
and it's time for her to come out.

Did she really lose the sheet?

Well, she didn't really lose the sheet of
fear, but like she hasn't held a title yet

is what I'm is more what I'm getting at.


Um, right.


It's time for her to do that.

And not that I don't love Mercedes
Martinez cuz I do, but like, and I

don't blame any issues that I have
on the talent at all with this yet.

It's just that ring of honor.


they still seem to not really know
what they want to do with it, right?

There's no, there's no two.

There's nothing to base on.

There's random, random, just
two random wrestling fans.

We don't know the future of what Roh is.


So nothing that we're talking
about still going to all talent,

if it's still going to be ring of
honor wrestlers showing up on a w.

Showing off their titles, putting
on title matches or starting

storylines on AAW for an Roh feud.

You put that title on Serena.



Precisely Serena dude, uh, moving
into pure title territory, Willer you

a differently against Daniel Garcia.

This is one that could go either way.

Um, with what we've been talking
about with the a w influence,

both of these guys are.

Heavily featured on dynamite
rampage, even on dark.

So how do you see this
one going for a while?

Daniel Garcia was Daniel rampage Garcia.

He was the main event of rampage long.

It was him and hook for a long time.

And they, and for the past, uh,
three or four months, they've

really built up you the, yeah.

Um, And I, you know, I've talked about
this on our last shoulder, their,

I w TV 100 match that went to a 60
minute draw was absolutely amazing.

And I'm sure that a lot of wrestling
fans were confused by Daniel Garcia

being in the Jericho appreciation society
and not the Blackpool combat club.


Uh, and we've talked at length about.

and how we feel like that.

It's good that he's in Jericho
appreciation society because, uh, we all

know that he can wrestle, you know, um,

this is my most, this is the match I'm
looking most forward to on this card.

Um, this is the future of ring.

Yeah, absolutely.

That's a perfect way to put it.

I'm gonna let the people know real quick.

Uh, just a fair warning.

It just started thunderstorming.

If this ends suddenly that's why

I can't call it that's yeah.

That's that is a, and that's.

That's something that doesn't happen
often with prediction shows, but it does

happen sometimes mean UDA UDA was in that
badass tag team match and he got the brunt

of the beating from the best friends.

And, you know, he, he just
came back from Japan from the

best of super juniors Garcia.

On the other hand, you know,
he's, he's relatively fresh,

uh, you know, bodily and.

Uh, you'd have brought up the
whole, the whole thing about him

being in the hospital and almost
losing his life or whatever.


I mean, Garcia Garcia is a hound dog, man.

You don't want it now, now
that it's pure rules though.

You would've bring that up is smart
because Garcia's gonna wanna punch you.


Garcia's gonna wanna
not listen to the RTH.

So it comes down to.

It comes down to those pure rules.

Oh, it, it almost happened.

It almost happened.

It almost almost happened here.

Happened again.

Uh, oh no, I think it did happen.

Oh, I've lost Timothy.

He's gone.

Oh, no.

So will UDA, uh, Daniel Garcia.

Um, they're both great.

I can't really call this one.


Garcia's gonna want to act
like a, uh, sports and retainer

and he is not gonna be able.

Uh, let's see here, Samoa, Joe defends
the TV title against Jay lethal

with Sanjay du and Santon sing.

Uh, for that reason, I do believe
that Jay lethal might just

come away with a victory here.

Um, unless the referee has to
throw out Santo singing Sanjay.

because like one on one
Samoa, Joe clears Jay lethal.

But with that, with that big ass
Santo sing at ringside, things

could go south for Samoa, Joe, uh,

Jonathan Gresham defends the ring of
honor world title against Claudia Castin.

Uh, this is gonna be sort of another
coming out party for Claudia.

Um, he debuted at shit.

I don't remember the name of that show.

It was the last P view double or nothing.

Was it double or nothing?

Is that where debuted?

I think it was, but then he came into
the blood and guts match and looked like.

Goddamn machine cuz he has a
goddamn machine that Swiss Superman,

but, uh, does Gresh lose here?

Interesting does uh, does Gresh lose?

I don't think so.

Not this, but if Claudia does come away
with the victory and win that title.

Then I think QIO is feud for that
title should be with Lee moti.

I think that makes the most sense.

Um, so I am predicting a QIO win and
I'm hoping for a Claudia win, even

though I absolutely love Jonathan GREs.

I mean, I got my little man right here.

This is it.

It's an onus.

Tim bought me this before he, uh, before
his house blew away in, in a thunderstorm,

which will shortly happen to me.

Um, , uh, finishing it off with
FTR versus the Briscos two take.

FTR and Brisco is one is my favorite
tag team wrestling match that I've

seen, uh, in recent memory, maybe ever
they have this match has big shoes

to fill, to live up to the first one.

I think they're gonna have no issue
doing so, uh, FTR is defending the

ring of owner world titles or world
tag team titles against the Brisco.

The Briscos just recently signed a long
term deal and there here's the power let's

back on the power is on, but not like
all the way on, uh, it is dark right now,

but you know, I think I'm still alive.

Uh, Tim is not here with.

But I think we're okay.

I'm gonna try to turn up my brightness
and see no, that just made it worse.

Uh, you can kind of still see me
this stream is going off the rails,

but I think we're still doing fine.

I think the, uh, that
fuse blew the fuse blew.

Ah, the fuse.

Yeah, I'm go check it.

Yeah, go check that out because
like we have power, but I

have no lights and no AC, so.

There's lights in the basement.

She says, uh, this is a weird stream, but
you know, what, what does armbar audio.

We persevere, we push forward
and we predict that FTR keeps the

titles because they are starting
their boat collecting journey.

And it's going to be
long, a long, long reign.

Um, let's see if I can do something here.

Now, the Briscos did just sign
a long term ring of owner.

So, oh, no, we got it.

We owe and look at that.

Uh, let's turn this back down now.

Hey, there I am.

That looks so weird.

Why does the background look lighter?

It doesn't matter who chairs.

Um, so.

I hope you enjoy.

I, I, I hope you enjoyed this.

Um, I hope this was good.

It's uh, 37 minutes of semi coherent,
rambling about ring of owner.

But you know, when you make plans
and they follow through and.

then they come back, the
fuse was warm to the touch.

The fuse was warm to the touch.


That doesn't sound like a thing
that is safe, whatever sapped

through must have sapped.

Everything was our house
potentially struck by lightning.

I don't think so.

I think we would know.

We would've heard if that happened.



Uh, well there you have folks.

Uh, I'm gonna get to work building my arc
and we will see you on the next video.

Take it easy.

Enjoy ring of honor death
before this owner tonight.

Um, it's gonna be a damn
good show top to bottom.

Like all, all stream chaos aside.

This card is fucking phenomenal
and it's worth the price of a.

So check it out.

Watch ring of honor.

If you don't watch ring of honor,
they won't be able to do it anymore.

And like, we all want it so bad.

We, we, we gotta hold up our end of the
bargain and make it happen, you know?

So yeah, that's gonna do it for myself.

Uh, John KES and, uh, Tim Farley.

You wanna say something,

I guess?

So thank you for joining us and we
will see you on the next episode

of ENBR audio, wherever you are in
the world, whether it's morning,

noon, or night, you have a great one
and peace and love to all of you.

