The Power Life Coach

In this episode of The Power Life podcast, join Sabine Schoepke, the host of The Power Life Podcast, as she shares a profound realization while hiking in the German Alps. Life is like a labyrinth walk, full of twists and turns that ultimately lead us to the center. Every experience, no matter how familiar, propels us forward on our journey of growth. Trust the process, set intentions, and embrace each moment as a gift. Let this analogy of the labyrinth guide you in finding your way to the center of your own life journey. Take some time to reflect on your dedication and allow your inner light to shine brighter. Embrace the path ahead with a newfound perspective. Listen now for a deeper understanding of navigating life's labyrinth. 

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What is The Power Life Coach?

I’m here to guide and accompany you to your greatest potential and give you the tools to create a life beyond your wildest dreams. You will change your life’s narrative, transform your limiting beliefs, and you will fully own your magnificent power. So that you can go from lack, to making your life one big authentically yours mind-blowing story.

I know you want more than your current reality. So, let’s unleash your inner badassery. Let’s explore the Intersection of Pain, Passion and Power. You don’t know how? I do. I have been where you are now. I suffered, learned, awakened and succeeded so that I can show you how.

With me, you get an unapologetic, powerful sister and guide with exceptional skills and a fearless attitude, all in one. Think "Sistuoso Maestro".

So, welcome to your POWER LIFE!!

Let’s do this. You have waited way too long already.

Welcome to another episode of The Power Life podcast.
As I am back in the German Alps, enjoying my solitude, I often wonder where this is all going to take me.
To be honest, sometimes I panic a little. Yes I love where I am at the moment, but I also know that this isn’t my final destination. And so I often ask the dreaded question: “How?” “How is this ever going to change?”
I tell my clients all the time to not ask this question, but from my own experience I know it is hard to have faith that everything is going to work itself out when you are in the midst of it.
I wonder what’s required of me in order for things to work out. Do I need to actively search for what is next? Or should I just BE and blissfully, without a care in the world, continue doing my work? Will it, the next thing, present itself?
As a coach I know the answer. Just chill. Follow your soul path and let it reveal itself. Don’t push and pull.
So, with this on my mind, I went on a hike. Eventually, 4 hours later I got to a wooden lounger on the top of the mountain, with a breathtaking view. At this point I was blissfully distracted by the amazing view and the blood pumping through my veins.
And there it was: with my mind and my heart open, the Universe presented me with a beautiful analogy that really soothed my soul. And this is what I want to share with you today.
Life is like a labyrinth walk. Don’t mind me butchering the pronunciation of this word.
As we walk and follow the path of the labyrinth, we experience twists and turns.
The walk, is the path we choose to walk in our lives.
In life, there are turns in every direction. One moment we feel like we are heading one way, and in another moment things change, often unexpectedly, and we are heading in a direction that may feel like we are moving backwards.
The truth is, even though we are facing the same direction we came from, there is a difference, just slightly, in where we are heading. It is a minor degree, yet major enough that it will ultimately take us to the center of the labyrinth.
We will continue to take many turns before we reach the center. Time and experiences align to bring change, shifts in perspectives and direction. Every new experience, even when it feels similar to an old one – when I ask myself “Really, are we doing this again?” – is actually progress. Because this new experience is now meeting the new me of this present moment.
I feel like sometimes a bird’s eye view is all that is needed to truly see how far we have come. Imagine being a bird and soaring above the labyrinth of life. Because from within the middle, we can’t see where we are – how far we have come and how much closer we are to the middle. And many of the twists and turns seem the same as where we were before. Yet, the truth is that the flow of the labyrinth is steadily taking us towards the center.
While I was sitting there, I realized that where I am today is where I was dreaming of being just two years ago. Without even noticing, I had come such a long way.
So, in the journey of life, every circumstance and every experience guides us to our greatest growth, even if it does not feel like it.
And here is the other thing I know: what we are, draws more of what we are to us. So each thing happening to our lives, is perfectly chosen by our own vibration, aligned with what most supports our greatest growth in this soul journey that we have chosen.
So each turn of the labyrinth, each experience and circumstance, takes us deeper into the center, for our greatest growth and expansion of understanding.
With this realization, we can now trust and even embrace every moment, every experience, and every circumstance happening in our lives.
One thing is important though: in order to arrive where we want to be – so the center of the labyrinth of our life journey – we need to have an intention or a dedication for that center. And, don’t worry, it can change over time. My intention was different in my 20s when I was broke, wanting to survive, and in my 30s when I wanted a family, versus now in my midlife after I had children and a successful career. Every chapter of our lives deserves an adjusted or even a new dedication. And besides, you are always allowed to change your mind.
Take some time to contemplate what your dedication is.
I feel mine, like it is already so. I imagine it in my body as an ever-increasing light, beginning in my heart and expanding outward as it grows in brightness and in strength.
Now, I hope that my analogy of the labyrinth of life will help you to better accept and even delight in each of these turns, even if it feels like you are walking the opposite way of where you want to go. Accept it as a gift and remember this analogy when you feel lost or confused in your future present moments.
Wishing you all a beautiful week. Until next time. Take care.