LiftingLindsay's More Than Fitness

I want to share some insights on how gym routines have evolved over the years, and how for me it's shifted to be more about strength rather than looks. Additionally, I talk about the importance of a healthy relationship with food, and practices like mindful eating, especially during vacation periods.


00:05 IVF Journey update
03:49 Working out during pregnancy isn't just about you
08:59 Talking about weight gain on a holiday - especially an all-inclusive
10:49 Alcohol brings calories and can blunt hypertrophy
12:38 Thinking about the degrees to which you're hungry and full
22:00 I didn't go into a calorie deficit before vacation
29:57 Having a healthy mindset around food is key

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    • January - Becoming the master of protein
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Creators & Guests

Wife and mother of three. I have a deep passion for learning and teaching. I also really love lifting weights and fitness.

What is LiftingLindsay's More Than Fitness?

Dive into the joy of fitness with Lindsay and other guests exploring how it goes well and beyond the gym floor, the number on the scale, the size of your waist or the calories you're counting.

Lindsay: Welcome to the
Lifting Lindsay podcast.

I'm just gonna start today's
podcast on a really good note.

A lot of you have been following along
with our IVF journey, and I'm happy to

report that we are now six weeks pregnant.

So this is so exciting.

I've had five miscarriages and so we
are kind of proceeding, people usually

say like cautiously optimistic, but
I want to be optimistically cautious.

Like, I wanna lead with optimism here.

Like, we are really excited and I'm just.

I'm just hoping it works
out, obviously, right.

It's funny because every
single day I am nauseous.

It's actually had an impact on, my
food because I'm not eating as much.

I've actually lost a few
pounds the past two weeks.

Because I just don't like,
feel like eating anything.

So I've been trying to stay as
much as I can on routine, and then

I am just being flexible, right?

This is a beautiful time period where my
focus in, in life is, is it just shifts.

And I love that, like, I'm not going
to be going to the gym over the next,

I mean, I am gonna be going to the gym.

Calm down.

I know you are worried.

I know that was a big scare.

Don't worry.

Still going to the gym.

But, but my reason for going to the
gym is totally different, right?

I mean, well, not so much actually.

I feel like through the years,
my reasoning for showing up

at the gym has just changed.

It was originally right,

i, I felt so uncomfortable and I didn't
like what I was seeing in, in the mirror,

and I just didn't feel comfortable.

I didn't feel myself, and I loved myself.

I was trying to be the best person I
could be in all these other aspects,

but, but I noticed that there was
just this opportunity for growth

in, or maybe for shrinking down
for not continuing to grow, right?

I had put on a lot of weight.

So I, um, originally getting into the gym
was about the look the longer that I lift,

actually the less it is about the look.

And especially over the past few years,
there's just been this shift of, I just

show up now because I love feeling strong.

I love challenging
myself every single day.

Knowing that I can do hard things.

You know, some people do like the
whole, I'm gonna freeze my booty

off and hop in that cold bath.

I go to the gym and push to
failure and push into the pain.

I love being able to almost daily, five
times a week, being able to immediately,

go to the gym first thing in the
morning and then immediately check off

that list of, I've done a hard thing.

' cause as much fun as the
gym is, I challenge myself.

I push myself.

In fact, it's when, when
I show up and don't.

It doesn't, it's not the same thing.

It's not the same reward
as I'm walking out.

It's usually there's a little piece of
me saying, you, you held back, um, you

held yourself back a little bit more.


But anyways, as you know, the
next nine months, it's all

about taking care of myself.

It's all about showing
up for that gym therapy.

Pushing myself, uh, smart but hard.

And also there have been some
great positive things that, that

we now know women who lift,
who work out during pregnancies.

There's huge lasting benefits
of health to the child.

Like, this isn't just about you.

This isn't about, this isn't about the
way I look the next five, nine months.

It's not about a six pack.

It's not about staying lean, it's not
about any of that because it can't

be and I'm going to push in, and
I'm not saying that this isn't hard,

but I'm gonna push in and be more
mentally flexible and allow my body

to change and embrace it and love it.

And it's gonna be, it's,
it's gonna be wonderful.

I mean, I'm not gonna lie, there's
a little bit of like, it's kind of

hard to see the changes that come.

I'm not gonna sugarcoat it and say
that doesn't exist and I'm not more

human than I would like to be, maybe.

Um, but what a great
opportunity to practice

just allowing my body to change
and still love what it can

do and thrive off of that.

So, um, I'm actually going to have another
podcast, not today, but I am gonna have

another podcast where I do talk about
training during pregnancy, I should say.

Adjustments I may or may not make,
per the individual, nutrition,

all of that jazz.


I am actually gonna, um, open up
the discussion when I announce on.

Instagram that I'm pregnant, I'm
gonna open up and ask what questions

people have so I can put together
a really good quality show for you.

But today I actually wanted to
talk a little bit more about, how

I went on a vacation for seven
days and gained only one pound.

The scale went up.

One pound.

And whether that's water,
weight, body, va, I don't care.

I'm not gonna say there.

Well, let's decide and decipher.

Let's waste all of our
mental energy on who cares.

Who cares?

Went up a pound.

Now a lot of you are
thinking, oh, that's nothing.

Yeah, you're right.

And that's exactly why I'm sharing
this because it, it's nothing.

And so I want to walk you guys
through like why is it that I can go.

To an all inclusive resort.

All you can eat for seven
days and only gain one pound.

So I'm gonna break that down for you.

Now, before we get into that,
I do wanna share one thing

that I think is really funny.

So on the 25th of January, we did
the transfer, and then we had two

days that are called the Princess
days, where you just take it easy.

Then right after that we hopped
on a plane and went to Mexico.

We stayed at an island called, it's.

I didn't even think about.

I didn't know much about this island.

I just found this resort that seemed
like an amazing place to go to post

transfer, where I could just relax
and not have to worry about anything.

Not even like where
we're going for dinner.

Like I just wanted to enjoy a good book
in the sun, 'cause Utah is freezing.

That's all.

So we booked this place on is Islam.

Well it was really, really funny because
when we get there, we're talking to one of

the waiters and I really like, history.

I really love history, actually.

Side note, for many years I
wanted to be a history professor.

I do love history anyways,
so, um, I love going to ruins.

I love getting tours and just
like just taking it all in.

So we had gone to, um.

And when we first landed, we
stayed in Cancun for two days, so

we could go there to those ruins.

And then we went to Islam and I
had heard that there were ruins

there and I didn't know much about
him, so I was really excited to go.

So we were talking to our waiter
and I thought this was so funny.

I, he's like, what are
you guys doing today?

And I'm like, well, we're gonna go
to the ruins on the north island and,

or excuse me, the south of the, uh.

The south of the island was just
beautiful and he was like, oh, be careful.

Those ruins are the ruins
of the goddess of fertility.

And me and Alex looked at each other
and we just burst out laughing.

We, it was the funniest thing ever.

So we went there and if they
allowed you to touch the ruins,

I would've like rubbed all over.

But instead we just got a picture
next to this statue of the goddess

of fragility, and it was awesome.

We loved it.

So anyway.

But we had seven days at
this all-inclusive resort.

Even in CAN in Cancun.

We stayed in all-inclusive.

So when I tell people like, I gained
one pound, and they're like, what?

That's wild.

If I were to go, I would gain 10 pounds.

I'm like, well, let's,
let's talk about this.

Let's actually talk about this.

Um, how is it that I can go on vacation
for seven days at an all inclusive all you

cane resort and only gain one pound only?

See, the scale barely fluctuate.

In fact, make kind of a normal
fluctuation because when I go, or

when I weigh myself, like every day.

That's actually something pretty normal.

I'll see fluctuations of one,
one and a half, maybe two

pounds depending on things.

That's totally normal.

So really, how could my body
composition stay the same?

And a lot of people will be
like, well, you just, you just

can eat whatever you want.

And I can't, I can't eat whatever I want.

Um, I disagree because I have done builds.

If I go into a calorie surplus, I
gain weight just like anybody else.

So let me, I have written down a
few bullets that I really wanna talk

about, and Alex even, I mean, he's a
210 pound guy and he's pretty tall.

He's six three, he gained
two and a half pounds.

So how is it that we go?

Do we just not eat anything?

Should we just fast all day long?

I mean, what is this?

So I wanna go over a few things with you.

At an all-inclusive resort, people usually
drink a lot more than they do at home.

I don't drink alcohol, so that immediately
cuts out all of the calories from alcohol.

In fact, I would just strongly encourage
those of you who really want to focus on

gaining muscle, maintaining muscle, that's
something that you might want to start

considering is not aligned with your goals
because alcohol can blunt hypertrophy.

So if your goals are to like body
recomp, any of that, then lowering

that is going to be the best.

Lowering your, your alcohol consumption
is going to be the best option.

Another thing too is peri and post
menopause, It is a period of time

when the body is shifting and we are
experiencing all sorts of things.

Disruption to sleep, you know, tiredness,
night sweats, all of these things and

alcohol will make all of that worse.

So I would just, I wanna plant that seed
in your, in your brain to just kind of

be thinking about maybe how can I lower
my alcohol consumption, even if I'm not

going on vacation, just lower it or,
maybe cut it out, cut it out altogether.

Maybe that's actually
the best thing for you.

So I don't drink alcohol and
I don't really consume calorie

drinks, so I stick with water.

I was drinking a ton of water there.

And I was also drinking some zero
calorie soda, so that's kind of nice

that I don't have to worry about that.

The other thing was I, I teach a
mindful eating course mindful, and I

follow the principles that are in that
course now, even if I can't control.

the amount of protein and
calories and all of that.

I have worked hard and become aware, and
I teach the hunger and fullness scale.

Now, in the notes, I am going to
provide a PDF so that you can print

this off and you can look at it
and just start thinking about it.

Just keep it in the back
of your mind, you know.

We really do have this, this degree
of hunger and fullness, and if we can

become more aware, even on vacation,
even without being able to weigh your

food, you can still maintain your
body composition and enjoy yourself.

Doesn't mean that you get to eat all
of the food, but you can still eat

the food you want while using this
hunger and fullness scale to give you

certain constraints to help you so
you can enjoy, but also you're not

consuming all and everything in sight,


So there's a few things on it.


The scale is from zero.

Two 10.

So from zero to five, this is kind
of the hunger section of this scale.

And if you pull it up right now, you
can kind of see what I'm talking about.

So zero is like you are totally empty,
maybe even feeling dizzy or nauseous.

You are just starving.

And sometimes people will get
really bloated and not be able to

eat if they put it off too much.

And if they do, they can then finally eat.

They're just so uncomfortable
they don't even enjoy it.

'cause they've allowed
themselves to get so.

Hungry, and then one on the scale is
you're rather ravenous, you're irritable.

Maybe you're getting a headache, but
you're just like, okay, now I'm starving.

Now the problem is, well, I, I
won't jump into this too quickly.

Two is you're very hungry.

You belly's growling.

You are bellies growling.

You're really eager, eager to eat.

Three is.

You're, you have an empty
feeling, you're hungry.

You're ready to eat.

You could eat something, right?

Four is, you're starting to get
the first signs of being hunger

hungry, meaning you're kind of
starting to think about it like, oh.

Kinda getting hungry.

What should I eat?

You're not starving, you're not ravenous.

It's just like, oh, maybe in like a
half an hour or so I'll eat something.


What should I eat?

You're kind of that type of thing.

And then five is neutral.

You're not hungry, you're
not full, not really thinking

about it, you're just neutral.

Okay, so we're gonna focus on
this side of the spectrum for

right now, this side of the scale.

So if you allow yourself
to get too hungry,

it is going to have really negative
impacts in that you will enter a very

emotional state where you have to eat
and it, it makes you feel like you

have to eat really, really fast, so you
end up eating more than you normally

would because you're eating so quickly.

Also because you're so hungry, you're
going to be making very, very emotional

based, like, versus No, I'm being
mindful I can still have a balanced meal.

It's like, no, no, no,
just gimme anything.

The whole bag of chips, I will
down the whole bag of chips.

So it's like, okay, well that was, hmm.

Probably not the best.


Um, 'cause then you're left
with like all this guilt.

Maybe you over, well, you did
overeat, kind of feeling sick, just

body-wise, but also not feeling like
you made the best choice mentally.

So it kind of puts you physically
and mentally in a bad state.

So where you want to allow yourself
to get to is usually at a three where

you're like, okay, I am, I'm empty.

Feeling hungry.

I'm ready to eat.

But you haven't entered that emotional
I have to eat and I have to eat all

of it, and I have to eat it right now.

A lot of times when people are trying to
restrict food because they look at food

as bad and, and food as gaining weight.

They restrict and error on the
side of, and I have to be starving.

'cause then if I'm starving, that
means I'm going to lose weight.

But it also means you're going to make
the worst food decisions possible.

When we eat at around a three
on the scale is when we are

able, we're more self-aware.

We can eat slower.

And on vacation, I will
order exactly what I want.

I'm not really concerned
about how do I get my protein.

I really, really need my protein
and is this gonna be, does

this protein have extra fat?

Or how much protein is this?

And I need to hit my look.

I'm on vacation for a
week, I'm gonna be fine.

So I will go into a restaurant.

I'm like, oh yeah, I, the
fettuccine Alfredo sounds great.

I'm only at a three.

Um, on this scale.

So that looks good.

It looks yummy.

I, because I'm not super emotional, um,
because I haven't allowed myself to get

too starving, I'm still able to enjoy,
eat slow, make it about connection

and communication with my husband.

And then when I get to about a
seven on fullness, I can stop.

You know, if you let yourself get too
hungry and you are in that emotional

state, you usually can't stop because
you have gotten so restrictive, um, and

so hungry that you usually can't stop.

Um, so let's now go more into the fullness
side of the scale, because between six and

10 now we're kind of moving into fullness.

So six is you're beginning to feel full.

Now it takes time for your body to realize
that it's approaching, getting full.

So that's why you should eat slowly.

That is really one of the most
critical and important parts of

mindful eating is you are present.

You're not watching TV and
eating at the same time.

You are eating and you are just eating.

It's like maybe you're having a
conversation with your husband, nothing

that's going to kind of have you leave.

Eating like mentally.

Does that make sense?

If you, if you're watching TV show
mentally, you can kind of like leave

where you're at right now and all of a
sudden you look down and you're like, oh,

how did the whole bag of M and MSS go?


How did they go away?

Well, you ate them, but the sad
thing is, is you weren't even able

to enjoy them because mentally
you were watching a show, right?

Um, so key components of mindful
eating are your present and you eat.

Slowly to give your ti your body
time to send signals of being full.

Now, seven, you are comfortably full.

Eight, you are very full.

You're starting to slightly
feel uncomfortable.

Nine is you are stuffed.

You're feeling like your
clothes are too tight.

You have to unbutton
like it's uncomfortable.

10 is you feel painfully sick.

Just way, way, way too full.

So the sweet spot, I've taught this
before if you haven't listened to my

Mindful Eating podcast, I would really
suggest you going through all of them.

And I also have a course on it that
I'll share a link to in the notes.

That Mindful Eating course everybody
who's on my training app has access

to that in the membership site,
but we really wanna stay between

three and seven, even on vacation.

That's just kind of like
a comfortable place.

That's what I, that's what I wanna do.

I want to enjoy myself.

I'm not worried about the protein, but
I'm, I'm, I want to order what I want to.

But I still like listen to my body
and respect my body, and I'm not

going to just stuff myself sick.

I stop at a seven when
I'm comfortably full.

Another thing too is that
I really wanna bring up.

Leading up to the vacation, I
wasn't in a calorie deficit,

and a lot of people do that.

They're like, oh, I'm going to Cancun.

I better get into a cut, drop all this
weight, and then arrive here like 10

pounds lighter, and then I can just

eat everything in sight.

That it is a, it is a very real thing that
people do that so they restrict leading

up to it and then they binge on it.

Now, I'm not saying that there's
anything wrong with do, like somebody

wanting to lean down for a vacation.

Not at all, but it is
important to understand.

That if you restrict your calories,
especially excessively, um, you go into

a really deep cut, there are changes
to your hunger and satisfaction cue.

There are changes there are, they
alter, it actually takes longer

to feel full and satisfied.

So the likelihood of you over sheet
shooting and eating too much, eating

past maintenance is way higher.

So if you go into it in that state, you
do have a likelihood of overeating also.

You're going into it pretty depleted.

When you go into a cut, oftentimes,
especially an aggressive one, your

muscles will use up a lot of its
fuel, the glycogen, and you'll

just be in a depleted state.

Even the, so the amount of like water
and glucose being stored in your tissue

is, is lower, and then you go and you
eat a whole bunch and the weight goes up.

Well, that's normal even if
you didn't go on vacation.

But now you're in an environment
where you restricted and are stepping

in and it's almost this invitation
to binge so, so sometimes it can

be kind of like this perfect storm.

You were restricting too much.

Some people do this more than
others, right, because they feel like

they are restricting, restricting,
restricting, obsessing about fat loss.

And then they move into a vacation where
it's like, well, this vacation is only

seven days, so I have to eat everything,
all of it, because they go from,

they've been living in scarcity mindset.

Well, scarcity mindset.

I've talked about this a lot.

But it shows up really bad when you've
just been in this steep diet and you're

restricting, restricting, restricting.

And then you move into all of
these options and it's almost

like this scarcity mindset.

Pushes you towards overeating because
you're like, I, you know, the whole

idea between scarcity and abundance is
scarcity is this idea that's been created

in the mind that resources are scarce.

So then when we see the resources where
they're available, we will overeat, we

will binge because it's our body saying,
oh, we have to eat it all because we only

get it for this short period of time.

It's a scarce resource, so we
better get as much as we can of it.

And obviously we're not sitting
there thinking, Hmm, like all

this is Scar, a scarce resource,
I'm going to eat all this.

Uh, these are things that, that just
kind of happen naturally as we've

been living in this scarcity mindset.

So all of these things can kind
of lead to this perfect storm.

When you move into a.

You know, vacation, you are
just highly restrictive.

Now, some women can come out of
that restriction pretty well.

Some women even choose, and I've
done this with clients, that what we

do is actually two weeks before the
vacation, we kind of, we will relieve

that, we'll get them out of the diet
the two weeks prior to the vacation.

So for those two weeks, they're
sitting relatively at maintenance,

allowing, um, they're, you know, hunger,
satisfaction, all of that to kind of those

signaling and, uh, hormones to kind of.

Begin to regulate more and then
when they leave for this vacation,

it's not from like this, um, this
place of I can't have anything to

now I have to have everything right.

So sometimes just how we can set it
up can prevent that sometimes just

being aware of what's going on, our
on in our brain can prevent that.

So that's a huge one, guys.

I did not go into this vacation in a diet.

I was just at maintenance because
that's where I live majority of my time.

I went in there at maintenance,

all of these things were regulated.

It was way easier for me to
use this scale because of that.

And I also went in there with the
mindset of this food is just food.

Like it, it will be there tomorrow.

It's really okay.

I don't have to eat
everything immediately.

So if you have experienced that on
vacation where you gain 10 pounds,

what a wonderful red flag that there's
some opportunity for us to get to

know, to look inside of ourselves a
bit more and realize that maybe our

relationship with food fitness isn't

as healthy as we think because
you actually shouldn't be

gaining 10 pounds on vacation.

I'm not talking about like water weight
fluctuations that that may be happening

due to flights and stuff like that.

I'm saying like, you should not be putting
on 10 pounds of body fat on a vacation.

That should not be the norm.

It is a red flag that maybe you live in
restriction way too much and because you

constantly are in a state of restriction
and thinking about it and thinking

about fat loss, when you actually go
on vacation, you, you can't be healthy

with food and just eat till satisfied.

You have to stuff yourself because it's
now or never, but it's not now or never.

But the reason why you feel
that way is because you live

in scarcity every single day.

So the real reason why I didn't gain
very much, anything on vacation.

I, my body recomp was the same.


I, went to the gym.

Actually, when me and Alex go on
vacations together, I usually,

we, we love going to the gym.

It's an enjoying thing.

Like we go, we love working out together
and just having fun and it's so enjoyable.

When we go with our kids, we don't
really go to the gym, but when

it's just me and Alex, we love it.

So yes, I did that.

Yes, I'm an active person.

I was walking around the island, I was
getting like nine, 10,000 steps still.

I, I can't just sit for like five hours.

So I'm very active.

I love moving.

So we were walking around a
lot, seeing things, right.

So yes, that's true, but no, it was
not because, well, it's just genetics.

And Lindsay can eat whatever she wants.


It was because I have this, this
healthy mindset around food that

I have cultivated over time.

Now, I haven't always had this.

I remember doing a cut one
time that was probably.

The steepest cut I've ever done.

I really wanted to know what it
felt like to prep for a show,

but I didn't wanna do the show.

So I, you know, it's the
lowest my body fat's ever been.

Um, I could have stepped up on stage,
like that's how stage lean I was.

I did a photo photo shoot Instead.

Even the photographer told me, you're
leaner than most women who come and do

a photo shoot right before their show.

He's like, you got really lean.

And the consequences of
that, there are consequences.

Was it cool to visit it?


Did I have to put in some work to
maintain a healthy relationship

with food and body after that?


I was talking at the gym with
a, a woman named Amy Abs.

By Amy actually, but she goes to
my gym, so I know her as Amy, you

may follow her on Instagram.

But we were talking about that, she
prepped for a show and she said,

once you get that lean, it forever
changes the way you view your body.

Now you can determine how though,
but it will, it will, it it.

You cannot be that lean and not remember.

Oh, I remember when I was that lean.

Now how the story you tell yourself
afterwards is what determines everything.

It determines whether you are
mentally healthy or not, right?

Some women tell this
themselves the story of.

That's when I looked the best.

If I could just get back there again, if
I just lived there, then I'd be happy.

Then I would be, fill in the blank.

Whatever thing is going to
fill this gap in your heart.


But the, the truth is like, it really
is the story you tell yourself.

And, and me and Amy, we weren't
talking about that necessarily, but

she was just saying, yeah, it, it has
forever changed my view of my body.

Because once you achieve that, once you
get that lean and people will be like,

oh, you're so lean, you're so shredded.

And it's hard not to be like, oh,
this is nothing compared Right.

But we still have the opportunity
to tell ourselves a new story.

And there are a ton of women
who do shows and they come out

of it very mentally unhealthy.

There's a lot of sex hormone fluctuations
that happen post, especially if you have

gone with a coach that, doesn't really
care and doesn't, isn't very educated.

They don't know how to prepare
you mentally and emotionally.


And it can really throw you
for a loop and harm you.

If you're thinking about doing a show,
just be so cautious about who you hire.

And if they cannot admit that it,
that post show, you need a recovery

period where both mentally and
physically, they're not a good

coach if they cannot admit that.

Because those who have been in it for
a while know that no post it's hard.

So anyways, I, I remember, um,
getting really, really lean and

then afterwards just being like,
oh, this, I'm not very lean.

I, I've lost my leanness.

And it was so good for me to get
a message from my friend who had

also done shows and she said.

This is a little bit of body dysmorphia.

You're, you're still too lean,
you're still show lean right now.

And that was really good
to get that feedback.

'cause I'm like, oh, thank you.

Thank you for pulling me out of that.

Maybe I'll do a full episode on that.

But I've also seen that with
women who are really excited.

They're not doing a show.

They're not even getting lean enough
to do a show, but they're leaning out a

lot more and they're so, so, so excited.

But then something happens and they
realize my life is out of balance.

I need to reign it back.

And when they pull back, they end up
putting on a little weight and they.

Kind of come to this realization.

Some of them don't, but it is an
opportunity to come to a realization

that one, the body that you are
striving so hard to get to maybe

actually isn't where you can
mentally healthy healthily maintain.

So in my mind I have this
kind of vision of this woman.

She has a before and an after pitcher,
right before she's overweight,

uncomfortable, and then she has
an after pitcher and she's really

lean, probably athletically lean.

Maybe you can see a six
pack, but happiness for her

actually might be somewhere

in between those two and not necessarily
that depleted state of bottom of the cut.

She's lost, you know, 25 pounds and
that's like she can see her AB or or so

just athletic and lean and loving it.

That's wonderful.

But maybe actually where she's
gonna thrive is after her reverse,

she's put on five pounds and that's
actually where true maintenance

and, and thriving lands for her.

I want you to think about that.

I mean, they may, that may not
apply to all of you, but it may

apply to many of you that that
happiness is actually, it's not.

In either one of those extremes.

Maybe it's somewhere a little bit,
you know, further, maybe not the

25 pounds, but maybe the 20 pounds.

Weight loss is actually where you maintain
your health mentally and physically.

So just that invitation, when we get
to that healthy life and we are able

to maintain that really, really well.

Then going on vacation.

This idea of putting on 10 pounds, that's
a huge red flag that there's probably

still some level of restriction that
you're sitting too deeply in, and there's

still some work that needs to be done.

Now, I don't want anybody to get
down on themselves about that.

The idea that work, that there's
still some work that needs to

be done is not a bad thing.

It's just an opportunity.

Look at it as that.

Take it or leave it.

It's an opportunity.

It's not a threat to your value as a
person, it's just an opportunity for

growth to actually acquire, like bring
in more joy and happiness into your life.

Anyways, I was so excited to
share that we're pregnant.

I'm so excited to share like mentally
ways that we can make sure that

we're healthy and that we can combat
this idea of, oh, when I go on, you

know, a vacation I put on 10 pounds.

Well, why is that?

Maybe let's do a deep dive here.

So hopefully this
podcast has really helped

maybe just open up, maybe not all
of it's applied to, but just opened

up your eyes on maybe areas of
opportunity that, uh, you can grow in.

Anyways, you guys have a wonderful week.

If you have any questions, um, I'm
always open to answer questions you can

DM me at lifting Lindsay on Instagram.

Have a wonderful week.