B-Side Morning Brew w/ Bij & Niles

Sit back, relax and enjoy your Sunday morning brew as Bijon & Niles discuss their upcoming shows in Las Vegas with The Jazz Republic Revue while toggling between Bijon’s home repairs and Niles’ kitchen renovations. The pleasures and freedoms of performing in small intimate clubs, to the intricacies of performing  on larger stages in bigger venues such as The Smith Center in Las Vegas. Showcasing some new music, Niles stumbles on and introduces the music of an independent artists and Jazz Chanteuse, Miss Erika Davies. Enjoy!

What is B-Side Morning Brew w/ Bij & Niles?

B-Side Morning Brew with Bij & Niles is a unique radio show broadcasted on 91.5FM KUNV Jazz & More in Las Vegas, pairing music and lifestyle through tasteful consciousness. Live the Lifestyle™. Shows air the first Sunday of each month.

Unknown Speaker 0:00
The content of this program does not reflect the views or opinions of 91.5 Jazz and more the University of Nevada Las Vegas or the Board of Regents of the Nevada System of Higher Education.

Unknown Speaker 0:17
Good morning and welcome. You're listening to beside morning brew would be at Niles had coffee chat. chillin on the corner of lifestyle lab and music stream on 91.5k would be jazz.

Unknown Speaker 0:33
Let's start with our sip of coffee.

Unknown Speaker 0:36
Oh, yeah, that's it.

Unknown Speaker 0:40
Yeah, I mean, you know, listen, we're not. We have no problem with people doing standards. Of course, we've all been influenced as part of learning the language, but we are not in the in. We're not in the business of regurgitation. Yeah, we're, this is a tribute to x artists like no. Well, so there was this. There's this girl I started. I started following some time ago. Her name's Erica Davies. And she's out there in La Jolla, which is gorgeous bottling. Yeah. And, and then she recently started following me. And she's great, man. She's totally up our alley. I think we definitely should try to have her out on one of our series at Smith Center. Sounds good. I mean, we're all about Pinterest. Yeah. Because she does originals in it. Yeah. You know, and she does. Yeah, like we're talking about the standards or what have you. But yeah, no. Yeah, weighing in the business of the standards. I miss chassis.

Unknown Speaker 1:37
Nothing wrong with it. But anyway, what we do? So how are you doing, man? Man, we are in the throes of summer. Did I read somewhere that it's 115 degrees such as?

Unknown Speaker 1:52
What is the sun bro? Last week? I haven't been to Brio in a while. So those of our locals will obviously know Breon that's kind of shy. say that's my Hank.

Unknown Speaker 2:04
If you want to, if you ever want to see us, it's like that's, you know, you'll find. Yeah. But I went there. And then I don't know, some girl came up to me. You know, exchanged numbers, blah, blah, blah. Went out. And she said, you know, hey, do you want to go play tennis at some? You know, next week? I'm like, Yeah, sounds cool. I'm play tennis. And while so at my house. All right, right later I know. At my house. It's 106 I go out to where? Where she was out towards? I think Henderson I think 114 Yeah, I mean, yes. Know where I'm at two to a buck 14 Like

Unknown Speaker 2:44
yeah, it was it Don't give me that. It's a dry heat stuff. Well, give me that. Since I live closer to the mountain, you know, I mean, it is cooler here because of that reason. But you know what, it I know it's funny, but it's it's true, man. That dry heat. I can hang way better than than humidity. Come on. How many times have we been to New Orleans or down in Texas? And it's just oh yeah, it'd be 80 degrees outside and which is nice. But the humidity it just kill you and all we had some of that here in Boston is 87 walk out the door. It's like you get enveloped by like this wet steam rag.

Unknown Speaker 3:22
You know? But hey, man, Ratchet horse. I know. I know. I know. Yeah. Right. I know that.

Unknown Speaker 3:30
Your thing when you write a tune, there's single titles. You out. I think you should write something called steam rag. Steamer. Come on. They just said that. That's that's a song type. Horse steamer. Theme rag. You do Ragtime thing? No, thanks.

Unknown Speaker 3:49
So we're Yeah, so the heat and yeah, it's, it's crazy. And of course, we've all got our home projects we're working on, you know, I think I think you and I have called this or we've given it the moniker the summer of figuring things out. Well, you know, it's, it's a combination of Yeah, I mean, it's, it's what a strange time. I mean, we've got a couple shows coming up on July 11. We're gonna do the something we haven't done together in a long time which is playing like a small little intimate gig and I'm really looking forward to it just kind of a Down and dirty gigs so to speak. And because we go off in a different way when we play those kind of shows, you know, so you know, for those of you that would like to see us on in an intimate setting, July 11. We'll be at the dispensary lounge here in Las Vegas. And doing a couple sets including early guys in Darfur on piano a lot of you may know early Of course. And

Unknown Speaker 4:46
we've got our Nick VIP Schmidt and bass and Sam skates limos on.

Unknown Speaker 4:53
On Saks got a couple of newcomers on Trump's doesn't tell you about and then Linda Woodson is going to

Unknown Speaker 5:00
Join us for a couple songs here, which you can read great. And but within all that, and then of course, we have our Smith Center show coming up and sipped on September 10. And we'll go into that a little bit later in the segment. But between all that between me trying to rehearse and get ready for this gig and and also relearn all my original tunes mean, how did I play that again? I don't remember. Exactly. But we're doing home projects. So you call me when did the throw up some roofing issue? What was that? Let's let's put it this way. What started out as a leak and Okay, so those listeners don't know my house is 125 years old. Boss family for about 70 years. I'm the third owner of the house. And and I do want to sorry, I do want to say that your Go Your house is haunted with ghosts there. It just is. And I've been there. They're good. They're good ghosts. But we anyway less sorry.

Unknown Speaker 5:58

Unknown Speaker 6:00
upon further inspection with what was originally a $15,000 job turned into a $40,000 job, which my entire roof needed to be replaced, reinforced, et cetera. And during that time, additional water damage took place because it was not talked over properly.

Unknown Speaker 6:20
So yeah, it's been quite a nightmare, but I literally have a roof over my head now.

Unknown Speaker 6:27

Unknown Speaker 6:29
30 year warranty and but as it been 100 plus years since that roof has been done or has about done so what they found on top of the original roofing platform, original roofing wood and everything. So don't do oops, lasts that long nowadays to 12 No, they don't. They you can't even get that quality of wood to last. That was sad. I mean, that wood was so hard. Yeah, no, because it came from the original trees that were growing in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts back in the 1800s. Early 1900s. Yeah, man. Crazy. So. So we're dealing with this, you know, blessed to have a home.

Unknown Speaker 7:09
But, yeah, put my backyard projects on hold. Yeah, but Well, that's the kind of home rental that you don't want to invest in. I mean, it's it's a great investment ultimately, obviously. But that's not the you know, you don't want to put that.

Unknown Speaker 7:26
Yeah, I mean, and I was mentioning to within all this, I decided to rent out my kitchen. Right. So what are you thinking? You know, man, I'm all into, I'm all into the DIY thing too. You know, we talked about this on a previous episode where you and I could build a house if we needed to. Really Yes, a lot of the young kids today couldn't 30 boss with a hammer. Yeah.

Unknown Speaker 7:54
So ribs, I can do some dry walls and all that plumbing the whole thing I I ripped down the kitchen wall cabinets, all of them and then completely just redid the walls nicely. And then did that whole texture thinks I'm going for that, that that Tuscan farmhouse kind of vibe. And I just putting the floating shelves which looks cool man. was great. Yeah. So you know, and I'm looking forward to seeing it next week. That's right. Yeah. coming into town, boy Bijon is coming into town. Look out. Yep, I recover cane Bijon. Oh, Tasmanian Devils coming in. Nice. I think I'm gonna have time. Yeah. Coming in, you know, a couple of days before. It'd be nice, man. You know, I'm not leaving until the next day after the show. I'm not. I'm picking the red eye. And I know I'm not picking.

Unknown Speaker 8:46
So and we're gonna have a little soiree little gathering. Yeah, the night before the show, which is good. Not too heavy, though. Not too heavy, because

Unknown Speaker 8:56
I can't bounce back like I once could, you know, yeah, man. But so that's going to be fun in terms of it's gonna be hot. But you know, since I built the PERT since I built the pergola out back, I'm going to cut the lights and everything I'm going to get some misters over the weekend and mount the Mr. So that at least when we have some people over if people choose to go outside on patio, then you can at least stay cool. So what do you got, man? So in terms of you know, summer time when the bid Lindsay? I was that's obviously an easy,

Unknown Speaker 9:32
easy thing to go to. Yeah. But do you have a song in mind you have an artist or song in mind, but I did hear I may have my playlist going here. Hold on. Yeah. What artists? I mean, when we talked about putting the show together, we figured let's let's find something that would be a nice summer playlist to put on a summer playlist, you know, chilling grillin rappin hanging this tune Horace silver as the closer the name of the tunes

Unknown Speaker 10:00
I'm Jody grime, and we happen to do this version of this big man version of this tune in the Clayton Hamilton Jazz Orchestra. So figured we play this Horace silver quintet tune, but Jody grind you're listening to beside morning grew with vesion Niles on 91.5k u and v jazz and more

Unknown Speaker 16:06
That was horse silver, the god grind. And that is such a cool tune it just you know, is that whole 60s vibe. I just want to go get a martini. It's got the hidden you got the hidden bar in the house kind of, you know, in the walls kind of thing that Jetsons kind of George Jetson? No, I'm not aging myself at all. But what a slam into man. Yeah, man speaking of this in terms of like the cool stuff, and we've been going back and forth in terms of what we're what we're playing for the upcoming show at dispensary lounge, and then a different kind of set for the Smith Center. We always go back or harken back to the show we we've done we've done numerous shows, obviously, years ago, we did a show together. In Fullerton, in California, in Orange County area, man, that night just went off the red velvet walls. And then at that time, we were mostly doing all my tunes. And it just very, very sexy stuff. And it just the crowd was just let's just say was way into it. And so I don't know about you, but what the songs I've chosen for the sets for the upcoming that upcoming show on July 11. I've just been doing I've chosen I should say all the the CooL. Sexy tunes from the record. I mean, they weren't I mean, you know, sexy and such that bit grooves were infectious. Yeah. Infectious grooves allowed room for some energy. It was it was cool. It wasn't like low key it was definitely it's kind of shot day if I would have. Yeah. Groove oriented. Yeah, man. Just.

Unknown Speaker 17:43
Yeah, it definitely be a lot of fun. That, to this day, I think the gold standard

Unknown Speaker 17:51
for money. Like remember that that had to have been, what, 20 years ago now?

Unknown Speaker 17:59
Yeah, bro. 20. Yeah. Anyway, but it was a while ago. But that's always been the gold standard. And as you know, as artists, those are the things that you remember those types of well even performing, absolutely. But even when we've done when we've gone out to San Antonio, Texas and play jazz, Texas, which is a great venue, and small club venue, but very high and very cool, hip chic kind of vibe, Doc Watkins, owner of that place and a great piano player himself. He's got such a great establishment, but when we when we played there, we do the same thing it just gets, once we discussed uninhibited, so to speak, maybe, you know, and we may say, a greater conversation about this. I know, we in a couple of episodes coming up, we are going to have a booking, proprietor of other establishment in Los Angeles, come on, and talk with us about their process for programming the series of programming there, which is how these Yeah, just how the some of these Chad's been used book. It's funny. I mean, we we won't go into this now. We'll save it for now. But I think what it came down to initially different venues or listening rooms, and other venues are not right, or no center towards is a total listening room. Yeah. Which is beautiful, which is great. But you know, having said that, as as we're, you know, saying these things aloud, and that talking about how when we play smaller venues together, it seems to get a little bit more, maybe loose, it's loose, but not loose. Maybe we just let go a little bit. Again, maybe the word is uninhibited. You know, I don't think finally Yeah, loose in terms of we're stretching out more in terms of taking the music to different places. But I wonder why. At least for me, I wonder why if that's the case, why might have been that way when we do Smith Center shows where it's, you know, where I might not let go as much as I would in a very small intimate place. Yeah.

Unknown Speaker 20:00
I don't want to do that meaning Smith Center should be that richer, the same as the same five. Yeah. Yeah. And this upcoming show will probably be more like that. Yeah, I think. Yeah. Just because we're there mentally, I think well, the host of, you know, guests that we're going to have performing with us that have contributed to our musical growth in Las Vegas as jazz public. These are all people that have contributed in some way throughout our time here. Well, that's truly going to be a review show. Right? So the jazz Republic review at Smith Center, September 10. And you know what I mean by that, is that, yes, we have, we have more guests than we've ever had before in any of our concerts there. We've got Linda Woodson, who's going to join us for some songs we've got Laura Shaffer, we've got our old friend who's now here in Vegas from New York, David Pop Tart. T. Morris, who's going to come up and sing with us who is just an incredible singer. We've got what Tom face lor, who's coming in from LA to hit us with some sacks. We've got our usual suspects our gang of course, we've got Brian tree trio on piano that night. We've got Nick VIP Schmidt on base that night. We've got and of course Sam skits limos will also be joining us on sax Hooli. Guys, endorphin will be up there also supporting Linda Woodson, whom he's produced and recorded. Her recent album. It's a big night, RSR songs of course, your originals my originals, I mean, it's just it's a big night of music. It's exciting. Yeah, it's gonna be a great time. And just a testament to our growth, too, in terms of collaborating with the musical community here in Las Vegas, you know, becoming an entrenched part of it and really showcasing original music we set out to do Yep. No, it's It's, it's exciting. I'm really looking forward to that show. For those of you that are interested, feel free to go over to the Smith center.com. And look up the jazz Republic review for tickets and availability for the September 10. Show. There's no ticket

Unknown Speaker 22:09
for dispensary, or advanced ticket sales right now, for those that are interested in going to our upcoming intimate show at the dispensary lounge. If I'm not mistaken. You can give them a call to make reservations. You do have to make reservations. It is a free show. But there's a two drink minimum. That's gonna be fun.

Unknown Speaker 22:27
I know.

Unknown Speaker 22:29
This isn't I think I think the reason there's other than musically speaking, I think part of it is that when we do Smith Center concerts, there are a lot for us, meaning there's a lot of behind the scenes that makes those shows happen. A lot of production, a lot, a lot of production, a lot of advertising a lot of money. It's it takes a lot to put on those shows. It's funny, a lot of people if they ask me, like, why are you? Why are you paying x for this or the room of this? People don't realize when you go to see some of the biggest artists in the world, it could be anywhere from sting to Adele to you name it. Yeah, if someone's putting up that money to rent those venues, you know,

Unknown Speaker 23:11
and they're hoping that we as their listeners are buying the tickets to help, you know, make sure that that promoter who was typically the one putting up all those, all those funds, it's getting reimbursed. There's an ROI on those, you know, and with jazz or public, that's exactly what we are. And we're also the producers and promoters. It's a lot for us. And I think it's without going into it. There's more stress involved.

Unknown Speaker 23:37
You know, I could amazing trumpet now.

Unknown Speaker 23:41
Tonight's your night, buddy. Yeah, there was a Smith Center show. We were at one of our many that we had. I don't remember what year it was, but not long ago, a couple years ago, whatever pressures that were going on that day, pre show on it, we're heavy and we're, you know, out doing our thing, trying to organize everything. And Bijon had which is not like Bijon, but he had a slight meltdown. And we're walking through this market, wherever we were, I think we were talking to the Smith Center, something was going on, because there was some issue with the backstage something or we couldn't get one of the dressing rooms. They were I don't know what it was, whatever the politics of it one, but Bijon just has a meltdown and I had to try to make light of it. He's like, I just want to play the trumpet, man, I just want to play the trumpet like, Well, tonight's your night. And you know, the funny thing is Little did you know what NOT WHAT THE ONE TWO YEARS LATER used to be. John Watson here gets to play his trumpet and wins himself Grammy. So you know, you got you got your wish, my friend you got

Unknown Speaker 24:42
tonight's your night. You know, man, I'd like to get into some more music. I stumbled on this independent artist, jazz Sean TOS out of La Jolla. She's great man. I started following her just to kind of get his you know, I used to look around and kind of see what's up. What is she doing?

Unknown Speaker 25:00
Want to she's not doing what any artists if we're gonna look some artists up and she's just to me very consistent. She's great man Her name is Erica Davies and she's out of La Jolla, California. Which as we know for those of us that have been down there many times in our life, it's gorgeous, gorgeous area. She's cool man, she does originals as well as of course she's gonna play some of the book, you know, or she'll put her twist on some of the book kind of thing. But either way I think she's great. I'd love to ultimately invite her to be on our series for jazz Republic at the Smith Center so let's play let's play whatever tunes Her name is Erica Davies This song is called part of the sea you're listening to it here on beside morning brew with bgn miles and 91.5 came in V jazz and

Unknown Speaker 26:08
I have got a mouth that cannot lie

Unknown Speaker 26:14
yes this very lipstick part the see

Unknown Speaker 26:21
and if you look into my eyes

Unknown Speaker 26:27
you will see yourself inside of me

Unknown Speaker 26:36
like a drum or beat on top

Unknown Speaker 26:50
want to change the big

Unknown Speaker 27:00
name guy can walk on water

Unknown Speaker 27:05
and it's got me

Unknown Speaker 27:07
much better

Unknown Speaker 27:13
the same melody but we seem different to

Unknown Speaker 27:18
what do you prefer I ASCII

Unknown Speaker 27:25
Are you just a color that I

Unknown Speaker 27:30

Unknown Speaker 27:31
to thank you to me

Unknown Speaker 27:36
because I told you wow my Jaya

Unknown Speaker 27:40
Mina me in SAM you're great either this

Unknown Speaker 28:14
you just cut

Unknown Speaker 28:21
you think you ought to be God told you how much I adore you

Unknown Speaker 28:31
in Valley you agree either this

Unknown Speaker 28:39
I have gotten more

Unknown Speaker 28:55
welcome back. You're listening to beside morning brew with vision Niles on 91.5k u and v jazz and more. Man that's great. It's great that you are combing the interwebs

Unknown Speaker 29:09
the the music outlets to find some new artists. That's awesome. Nice. Yeah, man. I think just starting to close out or set we're so close on our segment here. I believe so I think we'll allow our listeners to continue with their grillin and chillin. Yeah and Home Project etc. And staying out of the heat or in it go to the Korean and you know, be bold.

Unknown Speaker 29:33
Be bold, be brave. Well, good morning, everybody. Enjoy your Sunday.

Unknown Speaker 29:40
You've been listening to besides morning brew with beach and Niles chillin on the corner of lifestyle app and music stream on 91.5k u and v jazz

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