Super Human Fathers

Welcome to the Super Human Fathers Transformation Podcast! In this episode, we have the privilege of listening to an incredibly powerful story of personal growth and transformation shared by none other than Chad Henkel. Get ready to be inspired as Chad takes us on his extraordinary journey, reminding us all of the indomitable spirit of the human soul.

Gratitude and Testimonies:
From the very beginning of the episode, it is evident that Chad's story has deeply impacted everyone on the call. The hosts, Ryan Carnohan, Matt Cokewell, and Kyle Carnohan, express their gratitude to Chad and all the other participants, recognizing his journey as a true testimony of strength and resilience. Their love and appreciation for Chad's presence sets the tone for what promises to be an impactful conversation.

Chad acknowledges how the program has helped him tap into the power of his minds and reconnect with his authentic selves. By focusing on his mindset, he has observed significant personal growth over the past year. Chad's unwavering dedication and commitment to his own transformation has not gone unnoticed, as the entire zoom call commends him for his warrior-like determination.

What is Super Human Fathers ?

These powerful interviews share the transformation of our brothers. They have sacrificed, worked extremely hard, and are ripped AF! You won’t want to miss a single episode.

I wrote down like a vision statement
like two, three, four years ago.

I can't remember exactly
when I wrote it down.

I could figure it out, but
basically I wrote down the kind

of man that I wanted to be.

I wrote down like what it felt
like to live life at 200 pounds.

I wrote down what it felt like to have,
you know, the, the, The confidence

that, um, the confidence and the
just generally like what it felt

like to have the money that I wanted.

Like I, I wrote down all these
things, you know, like a list of them.

And I never, like I'd rev, I'd
review it cause I opened up that

cabinet every day, but like I
kind of forgot about it in a way.

I was like on my way down
and I was like, Oh my gosh.

Like so many of these things, like
six or seven of the things that

are written written down were like,
happening for me, you know, not all

of them yet, you know, but like a lot
of them were like happening for me.

And I was just like blown away.

I was like, Oh my gosh, dude

Kyle Carnohan: Welcome to the Superhuman
Father's Transformation Podcast.

If you're listening to this, you're
about to witness some of the most

incredible transformations that have
ever happened on the planet, and just

by listening to this, you will be
inspired to have your own transformation.

If you're listening to this for the
first time, or you're one of the brothers

in the brotherhood, go leave a review
on the podcast and let the brother or

member know how amazing they did and
how incredible their transformation was.

I'm Kyle Carnahan, founder of
Superhuman Fathers, and not only

am I gonna change your life, I'm
gonna get you ripped as fuck.

Here we go.

So, sorry.

No worries.

Gonna be, this one's gonna be epic, dude.

So, you just did.

Sorry, dude.

All right.

I want everyone to understand that this
What you're about to experience is, um, by

far, the best transformation that Susan B.

McFarland has ever had, and maybe ever
will, Um, unless you're gonna step up.

You can feel it right now when I say
that, I get pissed, I don't like that.

But, this is miraculous, and, uh,
according to everything that is,

Known to be true in this world,
this should not have happened.

It's impossible.

But as you know, who've been here,
we do the impossible here over

and over and over and over again.

And then we show each other what you're
capable of by annihilating your excuses.

And that's what Chad's
going to do for you today.

And he's going to enlighten you on some,
some places where he had to go into the

darkness and where he learned things
that you can only learn in that place.

And so you're going to get to taste some
of that wisdom and it will be, you will

have some beautiful nuggets from this one.

Trust me, especially those of you
that are far from your perceived goal.

Chad's going to show you that you're
so much closer than you think.

Um, and I, I can't tell you guys,
well, I should tell Chad this.

I mean, we're homies for life.

Like this is, uh, I'm
so connected with him.

What he shared has inspired me.

It's made me a better man and I can't,
I'm so appreciative of what he's

accomplished and it isn't even in the abs.

That's rad.

But as you'll find out, it's
in his ability to stay present.

I was getting all emotional over here.

Dang it.

That's the whole point.

So we're going to, we're going to be in
the present as Chad likes to say right

now, we're going to be in the present.

Um, and we're going to, I, Chad, I
just kind of want you to give us a

little bit of background, backstory.

Let me, let me, let me get us set here.

Okay, we're going to do something.

If you're driving, then be careful.

But I want everyone to just close your
eyes and sit back where you're at.

And I want you to, as you sit here with
your eyes closed, I want you to just

picture that man you came here to become.

I want you to feel what that feels like
to be that man, to be empowered, to

be ultimately capable, to have, to, to
have beaten your addictions and your

fears, to have a wife that looks at
you and admires you, and children that

are so proud to have you as a father.

I want you to sit and
feel what that feels like.

Take, just take one deep breath with me.

Deep breath.

Let it out.

One more deep breath and hold it.

Just hold this breath.

Just hold this breath and picture
that man that you're becoming,

that you're destined to be.

Picture all the things that
you have to do to change.

Hold it.

Hold the breath.

This is what it feels like to change.

It hurts.

It's scary.

Hold it.

Now release that breath.

At some point you will
release that breath.

You'll look in the mirror.

You'll see that man.

Now carry that with you as we
hear this conversation with Chad.

And go ahead, Ryan.

Let's go.

That was beautiful.

Uh, Chad, I just want to know, just
give us a little bit of your backstory

coming in to Superhuman Fathers.

However much you want to give
because there's so much, right?

I know.

There's so much.

Yeah, there's, there's a lot.

Maybe I can do this.

I want you to identify the pain that
you were sitting in right before

you saw Ryan Christiansen's picture,
because I believe that's what got you

kind of, you know, connected with us.

I want you to sit in that moment,
maybe what you were thinking,

sit in your seat, you're typing
on your computer or whatever.

And you see that.

Yeah, I was actually laying, I was, so
I was laying in bed, man, and just to

rewind a couple days earlier, maybe,
maybe even a couple weeks, I can't

remember, but I'd, I'd felt very,
like, we just had our, our fifth baby.

You know, like, um, six months before
I joined Superhuman Fathers or so.

And, um, and we, we were
kind of in this, um,

I was in this space where I was like,
oh, dang, I like really reset the clock.

You know, like I was like,
this little guy is so tiny.

And I was like, dang, I'm going to be
like 60 years old when he's 18, give

or take a couple of years, right?

Like I'm essentially going to be that age.

And I'm like, There's no way.

There's no way I can keep up.

So like that actually got me, you
know, like, um, I saw this John C.

Maxwell or, um, John C.


I don't know.

Is that his name?

I think that's his name, actually.

Um, but dude, this quote
hit me today so hard.

He says, People change in
four different seasons.

When they hurt enough, they have to.

When they see enough,
that they're inspired to.

When they learn enough, that they want to.

And when they receive
enough, that they're able to.

Dang, dude!

Let's go.

Like I, I was the guy in that moment
of season in that season of my life.

Like I was, I was in enough pain where
I was like, I got to do something.

Cause like, there's no way I could
continue doing what I was doing and

keep up with these little people that
I have to take care of, you know?

Uh, I mean, throwing all
the other stuff, dude, work.

Marriage, all the other things.

I mean, it wasn't a sustained,
like, dude, I, I don't know.

I mean, it's hard to say
like where you play it out.

Will you die?

Will you not?

I don't know.

But it was not like, it
was not a sustainable path.

Let's put it that way.

Like I would roll up out of bed
and I hurt for no good reason.

You know, is there a dove on the line?

That's sweet.

I love it.

Sounded like a dove cooing or something.


Um, But that's where I was, but rewind
even further back than that, you guys,

like, you have to understand, like,
this wasn't just, like, a year ago I

decided to do something, like, dude, I've
been trying for, like, a decade, man.

And I've been a pretty fit person, like,
leading up, you know, through high school,

I was an athlete and different things, and
I never did anything, I've blown out my

knee three times, guys, I did this program
without an ACL, with a torn labrum,

like, there's nothing that you can say
physically that probably beyond, you know,

maybe some of the more extreme versions
of what can happen to someone, like,

there's not a lot of excuses that I don't
have to not do it, you know what I mean?

Like, there's a lot of
reasons, but, like, I got it.

The pursuit, man.

Like, I can't tell you how many
health competitions I've been in.

I can't tell you how many times I've,
like, tried and stopped and, you

know, like, restarted and stopped and,
like, dude, I couldn't figure it out.

And I knew it was, like, the consistency.

I just didn't have it.

You know, I didn't have
the mindset, I guess.

So, like, over these last 10 years, like,
It finally got to a place where my season

of change, like I was inspired by seeing
Ryan Christiansen, you know, Ryan, I go

way back, barely spoke to each other in
the last 20 years, but like here we are,

you know, like brothers, man, like we're
brothers and like he brought me into this

thing and like he inspired me to change.

And I leaned over to my wife and I
told her I, I told her in that moment.

When I saw it, I was
just like, first of all.

I was having a hard time computing it, and
then second of all, I leaned over to her

and I said, Crystal, I have a feeling I'm
about to do something really, really hard.

And I didn't even know what that was.

Honestly, like I didn't even like
sign up thinking that I would

get like jacked or anything.

Like I thought maybe 30, 40 pounds,
maybe these guys could give me a little

bit of structure and I'll be on my way.

I don't know.

Like I'd never really gone to like
an elite level before, you know?

So I didn't even know what was
possible, nor did I really sign up

to get like ripped or any of that.


It wasn't really on my radar.

I just wanted to like move, you know, like
I wanted to just live again so like that

was very um that really helped me but the
the thing that I That I would share, you

know Like that might really help someone
who's been on a long journey and I think

we've all had long journeys I mean, you
know life is a long freaking journey.

Okay, so like, you know, this is all
just These are all just words, but

the thing that I did that I cannot
believe actually, like, came true.

You know those people who, like, you, you,
like, listen to their story and they're

like, Yeah, and I took a picture of the
house that I wanted to live in and kind

of forgot about it on my vision board.

And then 10 years later,
there I was in the house.

Like, dude, I had a moment
like that in this program.

Let's go.

It was freaking crazy.

I remember you sent
this picture to me, bro.

You sent me this picture, dude.

Yeah, it was wild, right?

So, like, I forgot I had...

Can we visit how far you came?

What did your weight start as?

Yeah, so, like, man, at
my heaviest, I was...

I was well into the 290s.

You know, like, I was into the 290s.

Um, I think by the time I'd gotten into
Superhuman Fathers, I was in the 280s.

And how much do you weigh now?

I weigh about 210 right now.

So, and then if you guys haven't seen
his transformation, you need to, you

need to look at it, I'll probably pull
it up and just show you in a, in a

little bit, what he's talking about.

I just wanted to let people
know, um, how far we've come.



So I think in total, like I'm, I'm
right around, you know, 90 to 95 pounds

at my very, very, very, very bottom.

But, uh, that, that the, that
thing you're talking about though.


What was it?

You know, yeah.


What was your house?

What, what was that?

I want to know.



I wrote down like a vision statement
like two, three, four years ago.

I can't remember exactly
when I wrote it down.

I could figure it out, but
basically I wrote down the kind

of man that I wanted to be.

I wrote down like what it felt
like to live life at 200 pounds.

I wrote down what it felt like to have,
you know, the, the, The confidence

that, um, the confidence and the
just generally like what it felt

like to have the money that I wanted.

Like I, I wrote down all these
things, you know, like a list of them.

And I never, like I'd rev, I'd
review it cause I opened up that

cabinet every day, but like I
kind of forgot about it in a way.

I was like on my way down
and I was like, Oh my gosh.

Like so many of these things, like
six or seven of the things that

are written written down were like,
happening for me, you know, not all

of them yet, you know, but like a lot
of them were like happening for me.

And I was just like blown away.

I was like, Oh my gosh, dude, I
had my, I had this moment that

I'd never considered, you know?

So like, I think the thing that's really
tough that I was talking to Ryan about

earlier, you guys as, um, summarizing
something that's taken so fricking

long, man, like it's really a challenge.

It's really a, a difficult thing to do.

It's harder than I thought it would
be, let's put it that way, because

it was not like a three or four or
five month thing where I feel like I

could like pull out all the little...

I was just saying that it's, it's tricky
to summarize everything that happened,

you know, over the last year, let alone
the last 10 years, you know, but, um,

but, uh, but yeah, that, that's one
thing that really stood out to me as

I was looking over my journey is just
like the intention, you know, the

intention behind what I was doing was
rooted in good, you know, like it was

a, it was rooted in something that.

was much bigger than, than me.

You know, like I wasn't doing
it for the, for the body only.

Like I wanted the framework for my
kids, for my wife, for my work, for

like my faith, for everything that I
was like striving to be and to become.

And I don't think I could have.

Achieved what I achieved without
having the mindset piece, you know, and

that's what I think Superhuman Fathers
brought to me was just really tapping

into my mind and being able to find
ways to reconnect with so much, man.

Like there's, I've learned so much,
like, I don't know, like I, I've tried

to go back into the mind space of
what that person was like a year ago.

And it's really difficult
because life is so different now.

You know, like I've learned so much
that it's actually very difficult

to get back into that mind.

Um, anyway, I feel like I'm
rambling, but yeah, I don't know.

It's wild, man.

It's so powerful, man.

And we were just talking
earlier how it's like him and

I, because we grew together too.

Like, you know, we both leveled up
together and so there's things we would

have conversations about that we've
forgotten about that we talked about

because we're like at a new level, you
know, maybe it'll come out in our next

revolution in the cycle, you know, but
kind of the beginning, Chad, so you, you,

we've, we spoke, it's a few weeks and
you're, you're in the gym for the first

time in a while and points are hurting,
you're feeling pain, you know, It was

kind of your first thing you overcoming.

I don't think we were doing cycle bar yet.

You were just figuring stuff out.

I want you to try to put
yourself in that moment.

And you know what, what was that like
being that weight with joint pain, and

also some maybe other mental hurdles
that we were going with that we had.

What was that like attacking that?

Because that was the big first
milestone is maybe finding that

belief that maybe you could do this
with all your pain and everything.

Yeah, yeah, I mean, I was having so
many emotional hurdles to overcome in

the beginning because, I mean, man, ah.

Some of you know, some of you don't,
I guess, but like I want to, I want

to share with you because I think it's
super relevant to my, to my story is,

you know, five years ago coming up here,
um, my daughter passed away in the blink

of an eye, you know, like she was here
and then she was gone and she was, uh,

she was almost three, she was a month
away from turning three years old.

So, yeah.

You know, think about, think about your
three year olds, think about your one

year olds, think about your eight year
olds, you know what a three year old's

like, I mean, they're just full of life,
but she was there and then she was gone.

It was literally like an overnight
thing, and uh, and that was a harrowing,

uh, harrowing experience, man.

I, um, I feel like I got a, a crash
course, a PhD level of like...

Trying to figure out who
I was in about three days.

Like it was, it really, it
really wrecked me in certain

ways and it built me in others.

And one thing that, um, stood out to me
is, you know, they, they had her hooked

up to life support for days, more or less
prolonging, you know, the inevitable.

And, um, as I was after she
officially was, you know, pronounced.

deceased or whatever
they say, I don't know.

But, you know, like, she, she had
to be transported to the morgue, and

typically that's done by a hospital
worker, um, but they let me carry her.

And at that point, five years ago, I
was actually in pretty decent shape,

not like I am right now, but, but you
guys, I carried her from her hospital

room to the morgue, through the house,
through the hospital halls, up and

down elevators, I don't even know.

It felt like forever.

And as I was carrying her, I was just.

My arms were just burning.

They were just burning so bad.

And I just remember, uh, thinking,
I never want to forget this.

You know, like this is, this

is our, our moment.

You know, and I, and I knew it was like
the last time I could ever, uh, I could

ever serve her in the way that I could.

You know, which is, this is the
last thing and she's not even alive.

You know, like, but this is it.

And uh, it was so incredibly painful.

Um, so fast forward to trying to go
back to the gym and I just felt all the

lactic burn and I was just like, Oh,

I don't know if I can do this.

Uh, because, uh, that was
reserved, you know, like that was

reserved for her and, uh, damn it.

But, um, I guess the
beauty of it was that.

Over time and uh, through some
really cool, what I can only term as

miracles, like, I was able to reconnect
all of that and be like, when I'm

feeling that burn, like, that is her.

That is the connection.

And it was really beautiful, man.

Um, and so like, when I'm like,
right there at the point of like, I

don't know if I can keep doing it.

I just try for one more because that's
That's what I would do if she was, if

she was there, like I would try one more.

I would hold her for one more second.

If I could, I would, but I can't,
so I'm gonna do it in the weight

room as many times as I can.

Um, so, that is...

Like a beautiful disaster,
you know, like it's like, it's

not that I can, it's not that I'm always
tapped into that, you know, like, but

like when I really think about it, I'm
like, oh yeah, that's, that's the stuff,

man, like, that's it, like, that's how
we, that's how we connect with, that's

how we turn our liabilities into assets
is that we have to find, we have to

find those pain, those pain points.

and turn them into an asset by basically
just reprogramming like what the

meaning is behind what we're doing.

Like not just doing it to do it, you know,
like of course we can do it to do it.

I do that all the time as well, by the
way, like I do it all the time, you

know, like, but when we really stop,
you know, like when we really stop, like

these are the moments, man, those are the
moments where you can really tap in and

be like, That's why I showed up today.

Like, that's why I woke up today.

That's why I made breakfast today.

Like, almost everything that you think
is your first You know, your last

thought, like it could be your last day.

That's the craziest part.

It's like, you just don't know.

And, uh, like I, I was like, literally
like crying with my wife the other night.

Cause sometimes she has these.

little, I don't know man, these
little, I don't know what the, I

don't know what they are, just like
she'll feel lightheaded or she'll

feel kind of sick or whatever.

She had a double bypass surgery nine days
after delivering our fifth baby, okay?

So like, she has some like heart issues
that are like off the radar weird.

Like for a 37 year old, it's
just, Weird, you know, like no one

should have to go through that,
but like, she's going through that.

But like, when she says that to me and
like, I start putting together all these

little symbols around me, you know,
like I ran into this guy on Instagram,

dude, and his name's Kenny bills.

And like, he woke up, he
was a BYU football player.

If you know, if you know him, but I
followed him on Instagram because he

shared a story about how he woke up one
morning and his wife wasn't alive anymore.

Like she was just.

She was just gone.

And I was like, Oh, like I know,
I know how that feels except for

on the other side where I wasn't
sure if she's going to make it.

She shouldn't have made it, you know,
but she made it, you know, like she

made it 30 percent mortality rate
with that type of heart attack.

Anyway, but like you guys,
I was just crying on her.

It's just like, I just, I just
wish we could know, you know, like

I wish we could know, like, Okay.

Something, you know, something
real like, when is this?

Is this actually going to like kill you?

Or like what?

Like it was just like one of those
moments where I just felt so, I don't

know, vulnerable, you know, it was
like a vulnerable moment where I just

really said, I don't know anything.

You know?

Like in a way it's like, I don't know
nothing other than like, this could be

the last time I'm like hugging my wife
tonight that I'm crying with her tonight.

You know, like it's just weird, you know,
like it's, it's like a weird thought,

not very comfortable of a thought, but oh
man, like did I lean into that the other

night because I just felt like it's going
to be true eventually, you know, like

eventually, and we just don't know when,
and that's like probably at the apex of

everything I've learned this year, which
is like, We just don't know anything.

Like, we don't know anything
except for right now.

And it's like a really beautiful
thing because that's how we can

go into our homes and serve.

That's why we go in
and we say, I love you.

That's why we don't let little
things build up and become something

big because they don't need to.

You know, like that's why
we go and we go to work.

That's why we do everything we do
is because when we're in the pain,

like when we're in the last rep.

It demands you to be present.

Like it commands you to be present.

Like you cannot be somewhere
else other than right there.

Like it's, I don't know if it's
impossible, but I haven't figured

out how to be somewhere else.

Like in those, in those painful moments,
but like, what a beautiful, what a

beautiful, like, I don't know, like a
symphony or something, you know, where

it's like pain can serve you, it can
be an indicator, it can be a timestamp.

It can be so many things.

And like, that's what I just.

What I didn't expect coming into
Superhuman Fathers is like that it

would transform like all these negative
experiences that would crush most people

have nearly crushed me, I guess, you know,
in a lot of ways, and they turned into

super, like superpowers, like, let's go.

It doesn't even make sense in a way,
you know, like it shouldn't even be

that, uh, it shouldn't even be that
way, but it, but it is, and I think that

that's the mind work, you know, so like,
yeah, you can go through the motions.

For sure.

It will only get you so far though.

Going through the motions
only gets you so far.

It's when you're going through the
emotions that you start to like

really put this stuff together.

Like when you really start to feel
like what Kyle did at the beginning

of the call, like I got emotional
because I was just like, oh.

Like, I'm just right in that
course correction of where

I want to be, you know?

And I'm just in and out, in and out,
in and out, and I'm just getting closer

and closer to riding the line, you know?

Controlling the undulations
of life, you know?

Just being able to stay in
that high vibration state is so

hard because I'm so new here.

Like, it's really, really hard
to stay in the moment because

I'm so new in the moment, man.

So, like, I'm just learning how to
live in a new life, in a new body.

Like, it's weird.

I'll look at myself in the mirror
and be like, what in the what?

You know, like, doesn't even, like,
it happens so fast, but so slow.

And like, one thing I remember that
was shared with me is, you know, uh,

soft is smooth and smooth is fast.

Like, I didn't get it, like,
when someone shared it with me.

I don't know who shared it with me, I
think it was everybody, you know, Ryan.

Bro, that's from the fire service.

Slow and smooth.

We got it from the military.

You know, when you're trying to
like reload your gun, calm, calm

the fuck down, slowly put your
bullets in, like slow down, fast.

And then we use that in this process
because if we go too fast, we burn out.

If we just keep on cranking
and showing up and beating that

drum, well, we know what happens.


Um, yeah.

I want to dig in a little bit.

Like we already haven't, like,
well, you know, there's, you know,

how there's endless layers, right?

Like, well, yeah, we'll
never, we'll never get there.

Um, yeah, right, right.

But this, you said something very
impactful that your pains, really

in pain, tragedy, maybe, but
it also could be your failures.

It could be your lack of self confidence.

It doesn't matter.

Yeah, saying that's your superpower.

So, and obviously it felt like
you've been able to do that.

One thing that you talked to me about
is when you started running, right?

There was a moment where you were
like, I think you were camping.

And you're running.

Remember that?

I wasn't camping, but
yeah, I was running, yes.

Yeah, I don't know, but it was, yeah.

Hold on, little intermission.

Everyone just take a look, please.

Just take a look and just
look at that nonsense.

Just stare at that, Chad.

Just look at it, bro.

Like, what, what, how
is this even possible?

Wait, hold on.

I lost it.

Let's just, just continue to just stare
at this miracle that we're looking at here

and understand that anyone can do this.

Anyone can do this.

I'm talking to you out there.

Who's doubting yourself.

You, you will do this.

You have no fucking choice.

You're here with us, which means you will
step up and you will take your throne,

take your crown and lead your people.

By example, you'll heal
yourself and you'll have a

massive desire to heal others.

So there was your intermission.

I just want people to know.

I want them to know if
they haven't seen it.

So, how were you able to take
such pain or such self doubt?

How were you able to turn
that into your superpower?

You said something mind work, right?

Was there an event where you
finally figured this out?

What are you still figuring it out?

Like what I'm here.

We're here right now.

We have these, there's
so many excuses, right?

We talk about robbing.

There's guys right here and
there'll be, they'll try to

still argue the way out of it.

They'll be like, well, my
situation, you know, like painful.

It's an ongoing battle, man.

It's an ongoing battle, you
know, in my opinion, because what

you're battling is, is the ego.

This is the ego.

The ego is, I am the exception.

I'm the exception to the rule,
therefore, they do not apply to me,

therefore, I can figure out another
way, therefore, you know, whatever,

um, and, uh, look, man, we all have it.

I think, you know, over, over time,
the ego dissipates, but like, where,

why I think it's so important and
like on that run is in white and

how you can like, I don't know.

I don't know.

I know there's science behind this because
I saw, um, I saw someone talking about it.

I should have saved that clip, dang it.

But basically, when we're in the
depths, man, when we're in the depths

and it's like, oh, this just really
sucks, you know, like when you, you

know, when you're there because you're
going to failure, like, this is it.

Like, failure is that moment, um, doing
very difficult, strenuous physical tasks.

This is that moment where ego
says, I can't hang here anymore.

Like I'm out and I'm going to give
you access to some things that

you've never ever experienced.

And you're going to hear things
and learn things that you cannot

learn in the ease of life.

Like it's just impossible, you know?

So like, yeah, on that run,
man, I was running and.

I had been running for a while.

Like, I'm not even a runner.

Okay, first of all, like, let's
just get that out of the way.

I wasn't a runner.

I feel like I am a runner now, and I
really enjoy it because I've been able

to kind of figure some things out.

But, But I just had this beautiful,
like, I don't know, man, just like

a euphoric feeling in my arms,
you know, it was just so good.

It was just beautiful.

It's like a beautiful feeling.

And so I'd go running just to feel
that feeling in my arms anyway.

Um, I, I, I got to this place
that I got too many times in this

state park and I cut this corner.

I cut this corner and
my conscience told me.

Go back and take the corner.

And I was like, I don't
need to take the corner.

Like, I'm good.

This isn't serious.

I'm not running in straight lines.

I'm rounding the corner.

It's all good.

There's even a path where I took.

It's fine.

That's how it is.

This is my ego.

You know?


It just said how, you know, and
then I, I got this phrase back to me

and the phrase is like, how you do
one thing is how you do everything.

And I was like, shit, you're right.

I don't want to cut corners.

You know, like I don't
want to cut corners.

So I went back.

And I took the corner, I was literally
like talking to myself like a crazy

person, in the middle of the woods, you
know, running, after I dropped off my

son from school, for context, Brian.

But I went back and took the corner,
and shortly after that, like, it started

to become very apparent, like, I just
started receiving, like, incredible,

like, really cool revelations that
I don't think I would have gotten

if I had not taken the corner.

You know, like, yes,

Chad Henkel: how you do one thing
is how you do everything, but

how you do everything is how you
get anything, anything you want.

And once you get anything that
you want, then you have to be

willing to give it all away.

Let's go!

And then if you give it away,
you have nothing, right?

Like, this is all coming to me
line by line by line by line.

And when you have nothing,
now you have everything.

Can I stop right now?

And I want everyone to just stop
and understand this concept.

This one concept that Chad
is speaking of right now.

is the one thing, the one
thing you have to learn here.

This is it.

This is it.

Because, one, it's this idea of putting it
on the altar, in order to step into power.

And it will always take faith in
the dark in order to get there.

You will not see it nor feel it
until you've taken that step.

And two, he learned how to listen.

He learned how to listen to who I call
God now, who I used to call the universe.

who I used to call the con, who
called, used to call it consciousness.

Whatever you want to call it, he
learned how to commune with it,

speak with it, and listen to it.

And then he got enough wins under
his belt to where he trusted it.

So it didn't matter what,
what, what inclination he

had, he started to follow it.

That's why he was successful
in this entire year.

Right there.

That's the reason.

So beautiful.

Yeah, it's it's constantly tapping
into that and it's and it's not

as hard as we think it's it's why
it's why you measure your food.

It's so silly.

It's so simple.

But that's why is because if you
don't measure it, you don't know.

You don't know.

You're just guessing.

You're making a guess.

You're making an educated guess.

You may even really know.

But like, that's what I'm
saying is like, if you want to

know, then you have to do it.

You have to do it.

Like, you have to do the thing
that you're being asked to do.

And then you can know.

It's not in reverse, you know?

And then once you do that, then
you're like, you'll receive more.

You'll just get more and
more and more and more.

And then eventually.

You believe in Jesus just like Kyle.

I'm just saying.

I'm just kidding.

I'm totally playing.

That was the track for me, man.

It's crazy.

Yeah, totally.

Be careful.

But it's beautiful because, like,
God's economy is so freaking efficient.

You can fight it!

For sure.

I fought it for 10 years.

Here I am, like, still progressing,
still learning, still trying, you know?

I'm not like a freaking guru.

I don't, I don't, I don't profess
to know anything other than, like,

I am starting to figure out how
to, how do I commune with God?

I commune with God in the dark places
that other people just don't want to go.

Let's go, dude.

You know, like it's almost, it's
almost like an, it's a, it's a

paradox, it's a paradoxical mindset
because what we think would hurt us

shouldn't bring us any kind of relief.

It does, right?

Waking up early shouldn't be...

Like, no one should want to do
that, but when you do it, you start

to understand, like, the light
behind waking up earlier, right?

Like, it all just starts to unfold, but
we can't figure it out unless we do it,

and that's the hard part, is doing it.

Listen to this, too.

Listen to this.

Kyle and I, everything that the
chat is saying is not stuff that

Kyle and I, like, taught him.

This is earned, number one.

But he did push back for
a while on certain things.

Oh, yeah.

Like, I, why do we gotta wake up?

You know?

It was the same thing about, it
was like, we were his conscience

for the beginning a little bit.

We were that corner, like,
hey, take this corner.

And he's like, I don't know
if I wanna do that shit.

Like, my elbows hurt.


You know?

And so then he does it, and oh,
and he went all in, and trust,

and then we, now he's teaching me.

There's shit coming out of his
mouth right now, that I go.

Oh, I better get my shit together.

Like I need to go darker, right?

This is so beautiful.

Thank you, Chad.

This is incredible.

I'm going to shut up.

And now I think Kyle might have something
to say and then we're going to continue.

I mean, I mean, the
message is always the same.

It's just it's told in different stories.


My revelation was was the warrior monk.

It's the same.

It's the same.

And that, you know, and that was
how I facilitated that for me.

And then Chad's able to now express it
by talking about the corner in the run.

But it's the same message.

And I talked about the fake
self, or whatever, you know?

Like, and then you get
the three of us in a room.

Oh, shit!


Watch out.

Like, we're gonna go deep and there's
gonna be people in this group when

you're first coming in or just maybe
not in Superhuman Fathers because

we're doing this all the time, but
outside of this, it's gibberish.


It's like we're speaking in tongues, bro.

They can't understand any of it.

It's earned, man.



Yeah, it's weird how that
is, but yeah, that's...

That's super true.

I, I think if I would, if I transported
myself back 12 months and heard

myself just talk, I'd be like, What
the fuck are you talking about?

This guy's, this guy's high, man.

But like, isn't that, isn't that
just, there's, there, there has

to be multiple people on this call
that are like, I don't believe.

And I, my, my words to you are...

I don't blame you.

I don't blame you for not believing.

I wouldn't even believe it if I didn't
live it myself, you know, but like the

way that you, the way that you believe
is by just doing the little things.

And I know that's not the
answer you want to hear.

I know you don't want to hear
it, but that is the answer.

The answer is you have to do the little
things to figure out the big things.

Like you cannot build the
foundation on the tip of a pyramid.

It is the other way around my friend,
you know, you get to the tip of

the pyramid, you know, like the
tesseract or whatever, you know, the

place where all the knowledge is.

I don't know what it is.

I don't know anything about pyramids.

I don't know where we're going with
it, but I'm just saying like there's

no way you can build without the
foundation and that's why you do those

little stupid things that you think
don't matter and that you could easily

convince yourself that don't matter.

Like, yeah.

tracking your food, like showing up every
day in the gym, regardless of how you

feel, like waking up early, regardless
of how you feel, like you're doing all of

that, so that you can eventually figure
out, like, what is your corner story?

Like, dude, I have, that's a story, okay?

Like, I have I don't
even know how many more.

Like, I have a whole bunch, I suppose.

You know?

Hey, you know what this turns into?

Early wake ups, not missing your
workouts, hitting your nutrition,

measuring your food, counting your macros.

This turns into this.

How do I help my wife with
her lack of belief in herself?

How do I help my kid who's
been through a traumatic event?

How do I structure my business so that it
thrives and blesses the people around me?

Do you understand what I'm saying here?

When you tap into this, now
everything in your life down to

miniscule thoughts become guided.


You think this is, you think
this is a fitness program?

Welcome to the ultimate transition of
your life when you understand this.

This is not Superhuman Fathers.

Superhuman Fathers, the
brand, is not magic.

It's a tool that we use to get some people
together that understand this concept

and have used it and proven its value.

And can show you how to do it.

That's it.

That's all this is.

And so just trust, trust the process.

I'm going to let Chad keep
speaking cause he's better than me.

Oh, this is so good though.

But Chad, there's
something about this too.

And I want you to dig in
here because you're a Viking.


And you're a warrior monk, right?

You went deep.

It's almost like a sacrifice you made.

I don't know if you view it that way
or whatever, but it's almost like a

sacrifice you've made to other men
who are in that position right now.

And I think that's what Kyle's saying
too, is like, you know, everything we do.

It becomes for everyone else so we can
show them how to do it because we're just

slightly ahead of them or whatever, but
that was like a runway, a longer runway

for you to get to this point, which means
you kind of can go higher or a bigger base

on your pyramid so you can build higher.

Do you feel that way?

And what is your perspective
on where you were?

Like, how do you view your old self?

Versus how you used to view your old self.

This is an interesting question.

I don't know where it came from,
but I'm going to lay down right now.

Thank you for asking that question
because I don't know that I would have

thought about it, but immediately when
you asked that, like I, I would, I have

a lot of compassion for my old self.

I love it.

Like I never really thought about
it, but like I want to thank me for

like not giving up, you know, cause
It would have been easy to, like,

it would have been so easy to, and I
would have been justified in giving up.

Like, you guys, like, I don't
think you understand, like, there

was a moment that things got so
hard, so dark for me, that I, I, I

thought about doing the unthinkable.

Like, I, I can't, I can't tell
you how crazy this was for me,

because I've never truly been there.

Until I got there and this
was not in the program.

This is like leading into the program,
maybe a year or two before, but like,

there was a moment where I was at my
desk and I just remember thinking like,

no, I don't know about this anymore.

It'd be better just to walk out of my
door, walk about 20 steps to my gun safe.

and shoot myself.

That's where I was.

Like dude, like I was, I was there.

Like I was in that moment for, I
don't know, maybe a minute or two.

So I know a lot of you have too and you've
suffered in silence and I totally get it.

I totally get it.

And that's why you have to come
with us is because it doesn't mean

anything until you can frame it.

In a, in a place where you can
say like, thank you for staying,

Pam, thank you for staying long
enough to get to another place to

where you have better perspective.

And you, and you realize that
it's, it would have been a huge

mistake, because that was not, that
is not the reality for you today.

It might be for tomorrow, but
not today, because today we're

getting our non negotiable stuff.

Today we're getting like the little
things done, like we're getting it done.

Today, maybe tomorrow,
you know what I mean?

I don't know.

But like, in that moment, dude,
I couldn't speak the truth, man.

My wife came in, I couldn't even tell her.

I was so full of shame that day.

So full of shame that
I literally just cried.

I just cried, man.

I couldn't even, like, speak the words.

Of like, I wanted to kill myself.

Like, I couldn't say it, man.

And like, and it's beautiful because...

It's the, it's the biggest
open secret of all time.

Like, I know I'm not alone anymore
because every time I've shared that,

like, I have to just air it because,
like, it's part of me, you know?

It's like part of me that's
That's just part of my story.

Like, I love talking
about my mental health.

Like I know that kind of sounds
stranger counterintuitive, but

Chad, this is so, so beautiful.


When you, you said you
were so ashamed that day.

Now, how do you view that Cho, that
that thought, how do you view that man?

Do you still feel ashamed of
that thought that you had?


No, no.

I don't feel ashamed.

Uhhuh, what do you mean?

Like, like I said, I, I feel
compassion for that person.

Like I feel empathy for that person,
you know, when you say that to me, do

you know, want me to tell you what I
feel when you, when you open with it?

It's a gift.


Like you have gone to the abyss
for me and you were willing at the

time you didn't know it was for
me, but you did that for me because

when I'm in a dark place like that.

You've shown me how to respond to it.

You know, you've given me that gift,
that path, like I can, Chad's done

it, I can do it, because you're
always saying I'm nothing special,

but what I deem what you've done,
even Kyle, is like godly, right?

You know, like, but, but you go,
I'm just, I'm just a normal dude.

And, and so it's, it's just something
that, I can't, I can't thank you enough

for being able to share that in this
form, you know, so it's very powerful.

I guess now we're running, but
people will have questions.

I know you're picking up your kid.

Yeah, we're good.

Is it okay if we can, you know, drop some
bombs on you with some questions here?

Yeah, yeah, bring it on.

Let's go.

Look at, look at everyone.

I love it, dude.

Everyone just wants to tell you.

I guarantee.

I love you, Chad.

Freaking savage, bro.

All right, Matt.

I'll let, I'm gonna shut up.

Matt, hit it.

Go for it.

Coke well.

Hey, buddy.

Uh, dude, I'm, I'm so proud of you.

I just wanted to tell you that, and
I was just out walking around, and

I had this thought, like, I'm sure
there's so many moments, like, With

your daughter that you always think
about like, man, I'll never be able

to like share this or that with her.

Uh, but just through like your
vulnerability, like I kind

of feel like your son, like
you got to share it with me.

So, uh, when I get married.

And my bride's walking down the aisle.

Like, not only did you get to share
that with me, where you didn't get to

share it with your daughter, Uh, but,
now, like, there's like this, there's

like this Chad, like, connection that
I have, like, I'm a Chad Hinkle fanboy,

Uh, that, I'll look at my fiancée, And
I'll want to give her everything because

you shared how hard it was to not be
able to give that to your daughter.

So, dude, I love you so much.

There's so many times we get off
these calls and I'm just in tears

and my fiance's like, what happened?

I'm like, Chad, man, like just
pulling on my heartstrings.

Like you got me through so
many hard, hard times, bro.

I love you so much.

I appreciate you.

Thank you, man.


Thank you.

Yeah, that's, that's
an interesting thought.

I never really thought about, um, thank
you, you know, I thank you for that

because I guess I'm, I'm receiving like
this idea that like when I share my

story and it impacts someone else, even
though I don't have my daughter, dude,

in a way, I get to live vicariously.

through you to yours, to
your future daughter, because

I've had an impact on you.

And so that's why, that's, that's
why we, that's why we show up.

That's why we do the, the hard things.

That's why we, that's
why we're vulnerable.

Like, that's why is because like, even
if it's like, just a granule, you know,

like what you just said there makes me
want to try harder, dude, because I'm

actually like struggling right now.

Like I'm really trying to like stay
in the zone, you know, like that's

the, that's the crazy part is like,
now I get a little piece of coke.

Well, dude, I'm like, damn it.

I get a, I'm going to go a
little harder now because I

know Matt is thinking about me.

And he's pushing me and he's, and
he's wanting me to be successful.

Like, dude, that's so inspiring, man.

Like, it's really, really good stuff.

Go dude.


Who's, who got, uh,
Michael Davis, go for it.

Yeah, bro.

Every goddamn.

It is very dusty all across
the country right now.

I saw some people putting messages.

There's dust storms.

Everybody's got water in their eyes.

So I put it in the chat because I wasn't
sure if you were going to have time,

but do you have a process on those
days where you don't feel connected?

Because like, I'll have days
where I, like, I think I'm dialed

in and then there's other days
where I just don't feel it, right?

And I still do it.

We still do our non negotiables,
but is there, do you have a process

that you've figured out that works
for you to help you get connected

if you're not feeling it that day?

Goes to failure.

. . Yeah.

I mean there, there are things like that.

I, I think what it is, is, I thought,
I hadn't thought about it this way

until more recently, but this is
exactly what I was doing, is I'm just

using different lenses to view life.

You know, so like there's the.

There's the lens of, hey, this is the
last, my last time lens is the most

powerful lens of all time, you know,
because like you dude, you don't freaking

know when your last time is with anything.

So when you, when you go to the
gym, you're like, dude, what if

this is the last time, you know,
that same run that I was doing,

like I had this, I had this thought.

where I was just saying, like,
I wish it was colder out here.

It was like 12 degrees, you guys.

It was freaking freezing.

But like, I was just like,
I wish it was colder.

And guess what, guess what, guess
what my higher power told me?

He said, he said, Chad, you're, you're the
only one that can control that right now.

So if you want it to be
colder, then make it colder.

But don't sit here and say you wish
it was colder when you have full

ability to make it colder yourself.

And I was like, dang, so what am
I willing to do to make it colder?

I was like, all right,
I'm taking off my gloves.

Like I already had only like a shirt
on because I forgot my jacket like

an idiot, you know, but like But
like I took off my I took off my

glove my gloves and it was so cold.

I was like, ah What if this is the last
time my hands are ever cold, you know, I

was like It just grounded me immediately.

It's almost like everything
just came and slammed on me.

It's like yes Stay here, stay right where
you are, right here, like that's where

it's at, you know, so it's, I don't know,
I don't know what you want to call it, Dr.

Davis, not sure, you know, I'm not
sure, but I think it could be called

the last time lens or something like
that, where you just have to go to

this place where you're like, it's
probably not, but what if it is.

You know, it's probably
not, but what if it is?

And if it is, how am I going
to show up in this moment?

I love it.

Thank you.

Thank you.

I love that.


Um, Matt Powell.

I know there's a line of dudes that
wanna, that wanna uh, just drop.

You've earned, you show up
every morning and hype us up.

Dude, you, you frigging earned your time.

. You asked your dad question.

I'm gonna go fast.

I'm gonna, trying to go fast.

So, when I first got here, I don't
know what one of my videos I posted.

It was a ugly crying of course,
but Chad was the first, he reached

out to me and came alongside me
and I just want him to know that

man, he has been instrumental in.

my success.

And he just basically was like,
Hey, come here, young buck.

Let me, let me show you how
this is going to play out.

And just gave me the nuggets.

And some days we just talk about nonsense.

Some days we talk about really deep stuff.

And I just don't know that he knows.

Uh, you know, how much,
how instrumental he is.

I'm sure in many people, the line is
long of dudes that he is instrumental

in dropping nuggets and seeds and,
and giving us a reason to show up.

And I just want to thank him and can't
wait to see where we go with this.

Love you, my man.


Okay, another Viking Warrior Monk, Mr.



Alright, alright.

Chad, bro, you're the super Viking, dude.

You and Ox, when I first started, I
didn't know where you come from yet,

because you had already been in a few
months, but Ox, uh, had dropped like 70

pounds, and he was the first guy that
I saw that, that I was like, I can lose

the amount of weight that I need to lose.

I can really do this.

One of my first Zooms, I was in the
gym at my fire station and you came on

and your face was already leaning out.

You just looked like a normal dude.

I had no idea where you
started your journey.

And you, you shared that.

Story about your daughter, and I don't
know if it was the first time you shared

it, but it was my first time hearing it.

And I was crying like a fucking little
girl, man, in a fire station gym.

You know, just looking around, going,
what the hell did I get myself into?

And, uh, and then it was
a couple months later.

You threw up in the chat on one of
those Zoom, your before picture.

Cause I thought Ox was just an anomaly.

And I thought, okay, this guy's special.

There's he's the only one of us
that's going to be able to do that.

And, and then you threw up your before
picture and that's where I knew you

were coming from the first time.

And I thought, holy shit,
man, I can do it too.

And, uh,

and I did.

And, uh, I have daughters and right
around that same time, one of them was.

threatening to hurt herself
and said she didn't want to

be here anymore and all that.

And I thought about, you know, you
never seeing your little girl again.

You just, uh, you inspired
me in so many ways, dude.

And you continue to.

And I'm just so grateful for your
example, and I'm honored, proud to be

a Viking among you, among men like you,
and Ox, and Powell, and all of us that

are, that are fighting a long fight.

So, um, that's all I got, man.

I'm just grateful.

You're an inspiration, dude.

I love you.

Thank you, man.

Love you too.

Thank you for sharing that.

This is so good.

I love it.


We all feel the same way.

It's like, Chad's all our best
friend, I'm like, I'm close with Chad.

Okay guys, get out of here.

Chad's my best friend.


All right, Gino, go.

Can we just acknowledge that
Chad lost about the same amount

of weight that I now weigh?

Lost a Gino Chad, you lost?

I lost a Gino.

You lost the Gino.

That's exactly what you did.

But, uh, , no, man.

You, you, you're, you're my hero man.

And, uh, oh, you, you hear me all right?


Sorry, my little guy just
got in here from rugby.

I can hear you great.

Yeah, no worries, man.

I, you, you know, we're a part
of that same shitty club, uh,

uh, with, you know, the loss of a
child, but just know it's about six.

Months ago, I had been given
some undeniable, uh, um, proof

that he is still there, bro.

And your daughter is still there.

So lack of burn in your arms, bro.

She's there, man.

I mean, I, I I'm not to get all woo woo.

We, and I'm happy to discuss with you.

Offline, but she's right
there with you, man.

Keep this online, baby.

We're, we're full.

Well, um, you know, I wasn't a
big believer on folks that could

like communicate, you know,
different, uh, dimensions and

whatever you want to call it.

But like straight up, I, I was given
some major, major, major proof that

they're all here with us still, man.

And so just, you know, I know
it's, it's, it's, you miss her and

nothing you wouldn't do to have
her back, but she's not gone, man.

And, um, it's provided a sense of peace.

You know, I didn't think it was
possible to fill that void, man.

It's like I was seeing black and white,
and all of a sudden seeing color, bro.

So, just take solace in that, man.

That, um, is right
there with you, brother.

I love that, dude.

I love that.

Yeah, I find, um, it's really
interesting when, uh, when I'm,

when I'm going through, like, Sunday
was actually, or what day was it?


You know, in our, in our faith, we get
baptized when we're, when, when kids

are eight years old, typically, and,
and, uh, one of my friend's daughters,

who my daughter was really good
friends with, was, was being baptized

that day, and it's just so hard to
be like, just, I know I'm not gonna

have that, you know, and it's okay.

I totally have peace about it, but I
was just feeling a little bit off, you

know, I was feeling a little bit off,
a little sour about it, but there's,

there's certain symbols and signs that
I look for in the world around me to

see, like, if she is still there, and
right when I was thinking about it,

I had this ladybug laying right on my
shirt, and I was like, boom, that's

amazing, like, it's ladybugs, butterflies,
hummingbirds, and flowers, Yeah.

Like you definitely song, songs,
smells, uh uh uh, I just live there.


It's, it's beautiful, man.

So yeah, there's, I'm
all, I'm all in on that.

I definitely wanna talk
with you more though.

That'd be sweet.

Oh, for sure, for sure.


All right, Isaias.

Hey, what's up guys?

How you doing?

Hey, Chad.

in Ecuador.

Let's go, bro.

Let's fucking go.

I remember the first time that I
spoke with Chad, uh, it was in one

of the first Zooms that I, that
I that I had hit my kid, my son.

He's three, he's three years old.

And, uh, Chad just came in and he gave
me, like, the best fucking advice.

I didn't even know his, the
way he looked, you know.

Later, I found out he looked,
that he looked like a movie

character, but I didn't know that.

And your advice, man, it was so beautiful.

You told me, and I still remember,
that every chance, that every, every

time my kid makes a mistake, it's an
opportunity for me to connect with him.

And that, that shit's just
talking, it's stuck in my head,

dude, and it was so valuable.

So the first time that I saw you,
that I spoke to you, I just, I just

said, dude, this guy's a genius.

And that shows me, that shows
me the transformations that

we do here, that we get here.

It's not just physical,
it's much more than that.

So, I just want to say, man, I
love you, I appreciate you, I don't

know you, but dude, every time that
you write or you post something,

I'm fucking there taking a look.

So, much love, man.

Much love, much love.

There's more.


That's where we're going with this.


Yo, yo, Chad, man, just
absolute gratitude, man.

I just wanted to get on here and say
thank you for, for all that you've

committed to and um, and changing
your life and your family's life.

It's impacted many, many families and it's
going to continue and, um, uh, I've been,

I don't know if somebody else, it popped
up somewhere in this group somewhere,

but, um, I've been, I've been saying
it more and more and that is, you know,

we're standing on shoulders of the giants.

I, I, um, I, I work at
Universal Studios Hollywood.

That's a, it's an old,
you know, entity, right?

And the people that built that,
those are, you know, the guys there

in the union, that's what they talk
about, the guys that have been there

for 20, 25, 30, 35 years, right?

You know, oh, young buck, you
don't know, you know, the guys that

built this place, you know, you're
standing on the shoulders of giants.

I wasn't around, like, how do I, how
can I, I have no connection to them.

It's a fucking amusement park.

You know, yes, we, we
offer joy for people.

People come from all over the world,
right, and we bring joy to families,

and that's amazing, but these
shoulders over here that we're standing

on, this is on a different level.

These giants here, for everybody
that's new that just doesn't quite

know, connect with these giants.

They will change your life, they have
changed mine, and um, I just, I just want

to say thank you to you and everybody
here who takes this as serious as they

need to, because it's only your life.

I'm going to turn this around
on you real quick, Kais.

I want you to know that you're
stepping into your power, I know

you can feel it, and we see it.

And we feel it vibrating from you.

So, uh, I didn't feel the dice.

Kais is a joke, dude.

It's cause I know it's faded.


Um, come, come into the order of
the warrior monk with us guys.

It's time.

Let's go.

Yeah, let's go, dude.

Let's go.

We knew it was coming quick.


Welcome guys.

Thank you guys.

Thank you.

I'm honored.

I'm fucking nothing but gratitude, man.

It's earned.

Well earned.

Thank you.

Thank you gentlemen, man.

Let's go.

I love it.

I love you guys.

Thank you guys.

Thanks for those words, my man.


What a moment.


All right, Rhett, what you got Rhett?

Speaking of diced.

Hey, um, I mean, I, I think, uh, the
biggest impact I've had or has been

on me, excuse me, has been Chad.

Um, at least for me emotionally,
um, because there's three specific

things that he was sharing.

The obviously him sharing about his
daughter and about his experience with his

wife and also him, um, there was a couple
of times he spoke on taking back his

sexuality, like taking back that power.

And not giving it out.

Um, all of those have been massively,
um, impactful on, on me personally.

Um, so I just have to thank him for that.

So thank you, Chad.

Um, but the, the more important
part is every time he shared, or

when he shared intimate details.

It wasn't to give himself a release.

It was to serve somebody else in the group
and he got something back maybe from that,

but it was just him giving the whole time.

So, I mean, just extremely epic.

And, uh, I'm lost of words, but I hope
you understand what I'm trying to say.

And I love you, dude.

You've been huge for me, which means
you've been huge for thousands of people

because there's 70 of us or more in here.

And every single one of us is
impacted and you've impacted our

children and their children and
people we fucking see on the street.

It's been, so thank you, dude.

Thank you.

That's all I got.

Dude, thank you.

Love you, man.

Thank you.

Man, this is so good.

We got more!

I want it all.

Give me it all!

Let's just keep going, right?

Like Josh said, this is
making a two hour Zoom.

Um, Chad, I mean, you're
just the light, bro.

You are the spirit of this group.

I mean, for real.

Um, like, whenever you speak, like,
just your vibration of your presence,

just, for me, it's this entire group.

I, I, it makes me kind of, I
don't know, like, it takes, it

just takes it to another level.

You know, these Zooms are so special
to me, but, like, when you speak, it's

like, It is, it is legendary, man.

And so, I just appreciate everything that
you brought, you brought to this group.

Like I said, your spirit alone
is just, is just incredible.

I just appreciate you so much.

Thank you.

Thank you.



Yo, what's up, Jack?

How you guys doing?

Yeah, man.

Um, yo bro, um, I was listening to
your story as well about your daughter.

I have a similar story.

Um, my daughter wasn't born yet though.

And I'm listening to it with my wife and,
you know, like, I'm trying not to cry.

Um, the guy's interpretation
made for him, I would say.

You know my story, and um, We didn't
get to see our daughter, you know?

We had to do a D& E process.

We had to surgically remove my daughter
because of her, uh, deficiency.

Bro, I'm at fucking Walmart right now
doing a fucking delivery, and I'm trying

to hold back these fucking tears, bro.

Let's go, Levi.

Just bring it, bro.

See you at a Walmart.


Hey, bro.

I fucking love you, man.

Your words, bro, just empower me, man.

All that shit that you said,
like, you don't know, you know?

You never know when the last day is.

Um, I made a routine to like, kiss
my wife and my son every morning

now, before I go to the gym.

Cause, like you said, you
never fucking know, man.

Fuckin love you bro, I don't even fuckin
know you, I'm not fuckin Wahlberg.

People think like, shit, you
don't fuckin stop doing crime

in front of everybody, you know?

I don't give a fuck, man.

And um, man, I'm, I'm shy to
talk, bro, and, I couldn't, I

couldn't, I had to, I had to,
before we fuckin stopped doing that.

I appreciate you, bro.

Dude, thank you, man.

Thank you.

Love you too.

Much love.



I, I hope your kiddo's hearing all this.

Dude, your kiddos probably
like, what the, who's my dad?

He's like, what?

What just happened, bro?

Oh, that's it.

That's it.

That's so good.

Hey, talk to your, lemme
talk to your kid real quick.

Lemme look at him.

Hey, maybe Kyle should do this, but you
need to know what your dad's accomplished.

You probably already do.

But this wasn't for him.

It wasn't for him.

It was for you guys and all these men.

There are hundreds of us.

We're better dads because of him.

So anyways, he's like, yeah, whatever.

He's all right.

He's all right.

From your own country, right?

Yeah, exactly.

He's all right.

Kyle, are you still in here?

Yeah, yeah, I'm here, man.

I, if anybody doesn't have anything,
I know I don't do this for every

single one, but Chad and I talk a lot.

Like, we, we're, we, we got wavelength.

I know you guys do too, but like, Chad
and I, we're on the same wavelength.

I want you to finish this one.

I just feel like you need to either
say something to the group or you need

to say something to Chad right now,
and we're going to end it after that.

So, I, I, I'm going to
give one more opening.

Does anybody else want to give?

Because I'm, I'm like,
gimme, gimme, gimme.

I'm loving all this.

So, if there's anything else that
anybody wants to say to Chad, well,

Kyle, you know, I put it on, on Kyle.

All right.

Oh, we got one more.




John's here!

Yes, dude!

By the way, John, how much
weight are you down, John?

Sneaking in the shadows?

How much weight are we down?

About 40 pounds.

That's cool, dude!

You see that?

And it's, uh, it's amazing.

Uh, Chad, I just wanted to make sure.

I was just going to call you after
this, but then I thought, you know what?

I've never talked on a Zoom.

I've never actually been on a live Zoom.

I've never had the chance to be on.

And, uh, this one I made sure to
be on, uh, because for me, you

are my Ryan Christiansen, right?

I saw your posts.

Chad and I have been friends
since we were little kids.

And, uh, I started to see his
posts and it wasn't a change in

his physical self that I noticed.

It was this, we do the
most, we need the least.

It was, I'm getting up
and I'm cooking breakfast.

I'm doing my workouts early.

It was just so inspiring.

Because he was becoming this person
that I knew I wanted to be and I've been

thinking about you all week, bro Because
you know Eliza's getting baptized this

Saturday And it's just made me think
so much of you and your family and how

much you know our daughters were really
close in age and they were close friends

and it's Just caused me to reflect a
lot about what you've been through And

I just want you to know, uh, I know on
one of the zooms after, kind of recently

after you got posted, you were saying,
you know, not, I haven't heard from that

many people, but I want you to know,
man, you have inspired me, uh, every day.

And I'm so grateful to you because
it's not about the 40 pounds.

It's about the person that
I'm becoming because of you.

And, uh, I'm, I'm so
grateful for that, brother.

And, uh, I'm grateful to all of you.

You know, there's, there's some of
us who don't get the chance to be

on every time, but I listened to
two or three of the Zooms each week.

Uh, online, and, and I'm so grateful
for Ryan and the fact that I check in

and he checks back and creates that
accountability, and I read the chats,

and I, I kind of keep tabs on what's
going on because you all inspire me,

uh, and, and I'm grateful for the time.

Chance to be on and actually
hear everyone share.

Um, anyways, I just want to
say that I love you, brother.

And I'm so incredibly proud of
the person that you've become,

uh, through this process.

And it's inspired me to be a lot better.

Dude, John, dude, John, Johnny G
is he's the man dude, straight up.

Oh man.

I love John Gawker like a brother, dude.

Like, like a brother, you know,
and it's so cool to see, um, to

see him go into the next level.

And like, in so many ways, I look up
to John, like everything he's saying.

I just want to go like middle school
response and be like, whatever you

say, bounce off me, sticks to you.

Like, I don't know what
you're talking about.

You know, like I just, John is
like a heart of gold person, man.

So when he says things like that, I'm
just like, wow, that's, that's crazy.

That's crazy.

So thank you, man.

Thank you.

Love you, man.

All right, Scott, a kiss.

Hey guys, um, Chad, congratulations
on your transformation.

Uh, I haven't been in here a whole lot,
um, put in the work in the morning,

uh, I saw Chad's transformation picture
and, uh, it, you know, it inspired.

I just want to talk a little
bit about the last lens.

I've been there, I've
been there, brethren.

I've had the last day, right?

Uh, April 7th of last year was my, I just
came up on my one year anniversary of

what I call D Day, the day I died, right?

And so, this process has taken a
little bit, my transformation, my

transformation's taken a little
bit longer than I would like it to.

But, uh, what Chad said today kind of
resonated with me, and I texted Kyle

and Ryan during the chat, and that
was, uh, my ego is my excuse, right?

And so, you know, I'm special, right?

I'm not special.

I just need to do the damn work.

So, uh, so, uh, it's time for Scott again.

Um, I bulked up.

I haven't,

I'll try to get in here a little bit
more and post some more, uh, with

regards to education, but, um, you
know, those dark spaces that we go

to sometimes, uh, I've been there.

I've been there recently, I've been in
the past, and uh, if anybody ever needs

to talk, uh, my number's out there,
if you want it, you can reach out to

Kyle and Ryan, they've got it, um, as
for pertaining to your daughter, uh, I

have, I have no doubt, uh, that she'll
be with her again, and uh, I just, uh,

I don't want to take a whole lot of
time today, I just, the last lens, um,

You know, cherish every day, brethren.

Uh, when I drive to my gym, I see
where I flatlined every single day.

Sunday's about the only
day I don't see that spot.

So it's, uh, I literally look the
lens, and I I dive deep into that hole.

And, uh, and I think about when I dropped
my kid off the following day, and I

flatline on a Friday, and I can't...

Uh, walked out of the hall on
Saturday, and I drove my school,

my kid to school on Monday.

I pulled him out as I dropped him
off on the Monday, and I pulled out.

I just started crying, and
I, the last lens hit me.

The last time I almost dropped
this kid off was the last time.

So, um, so speaking for someone
that's, uh, flatlined, uh, the book's

gonna be done here pretty soon,
and, uh, I just want to thank Kyle

and Ryan for being patient with me.

Um, and uh, it's time for
Scotticus to lead a little

bit more and not be an island.

So, that's all I got to say.

Everyone has their own
time in this process.

And then, and also, if
anybody wants a lifelong...

Membership to Superhuman
Fathers, just die.

And then you earn your life spot.

Yeah, I appreciate it.

I, uh, no, I, I, you know, I, I
see the OG, the old man Carnahan at

the gym and, uh, he's the one that
talked, you know, reached to me and

told me how I was doing and I got in
early and, uh, it's been great to see

the progress of Superhuman Fathers.

I had no doubt that it would
grow and, uh, I'm just excited.

to have my lifetime trip.

So, uh, I highly recommend, uh, You Don't
Die to earn that membership, but, uh, I

am thankful for it and, uh, not just to
be able to have access to the app, but

to have connection to you guys, right?

Uh, I would just say for those guys, I
know there's a lot of guys here that work

with fire and firehouses, but Brother,
we're all a log in that fire, and if

you pull yourself out of the fire, uh,
your, your flame's gonna die out, so

keep your log in the fire, and, uh, stay
connected through, through the app, and

again, if you're, if you're in a dark
spot, I know some of you guys are former

military and seen some civilian, but
I know some of you guys have seen some

dark, dark stuff, and if you ever need to
reach out, Uh, more than happy to help.

Uh, my training partner is 28 years old.

He's a Vietnam vet.

He was a corpsman in Vietnam,
two time Purple Heart.

He's the last surviving, last
survivor of his PDSB group.

And, uh, at 31, he's the last one.

And, uh, I will tell you
this, that resistance training

is the fountain of youth.

So, you're in the right spot, uh, don't
become a cult, but uh, stay strong,

and I love you guys, and peace out.

Right on, love to have you, Scotty.

Dude, I will say this, I will say this,
one of the things I said that I love is,

um, you know, about this life membership
is, uh, I don't know how, how it was

said, but I heard someone say it fairly
recently, like, the, the cost of your

new life will be the death of your old
one, you know, so like, In a lot of

ways, you're going to, you're going to,
you're going to have to put the old man

to bed, you know, like, there's a lot
that you're going to have to murder.

Like, Alex and I had texted back
and forth, like, murdered that guy.

We sent pictures of our
fat selves to each other.

It was awesome.

And like, not a lot of people...

Couldn't really know what it's like to
like, be like, Oh man, he's so dead.

Like he's no longer alive, you
know, but the thing that never

dies is that, is that ego, man.

And the ego is so, so crafty because the
ego wants you to, wants you to think that

you're on a timeline that, you know, you
earn something, you deserve something.

Like you, you deserve a little,
a little lax in your macros.

You deserve a little bit of this.

Like, why am I telling you this?

Because I'm living it, man.

Like, I'm in that space right
now, and I'm battling, far,

like, far, arrived, anywhere.

Like, you have to understand, like,
it's just a whole new level now.

It's just a different level.

And now it's like a new, a new season
of, like, learning is now there.

So just know that like you're
never going to get there.

There is no

by your ego so that you can feel like
you did it, dude, you ain't done nothing.

Like, yeah, okay.

You hit like a milestone, but
like, you gotta keep pushing.

You know what I mean?

Like, and so I'm, I'm talking as
much to anyone as I am to myself

so I can hear myself say it out
loud in front of a bunch of people.

Like, like I need, there's a direct
correlation, like anyone who's.

who feels like they're not quite
there, who feels like they're

not going to make it, guess what?

Direct correlation with your
level of involvement in the group.

Your success is directly correlated
to your level of involvement in

the group, for whatever reason.

This is so massive, Chad.

So beautiful.

And what is Chad doing that's so powerful?

He's found his self talk
and he's sharing it.

It's not about being, trying to be
inspiring in a Zoom call, like trying

to be this, it is identifying that self,
that higher self that's speaking to you.

What he just told us was as much for him
as it was for you, because it's for him.

We just resonated because we have,
we resonate with it because we have

a similar problem, right, to solve.

So Chad, when you guys say he's
so, he doesn't do it for him.

Well, yes he does, but it's not for him.

You know, he's speaking what his
self talk he's giving that as a gift.

He's earned that self talk.

So don't share it with everyone, man.

Share your self talk.

That is so powerful, Chad.

That was fire, bro.

All right, Ox, we're out of Chad.

We want more.

I just wanted to say thank you to Chad.


I kept fighting the urge to raise my
hand and talk, but I just knew that if

I missed this chance that I'd regret
it, so yeah, I just thank you, man.


I look up to you a lot, for us
big guys, like, to see somebody...

Do it.

And I've been here for a lot.

I think most of your journey,
if not all of it, like, yeah, it

was early morning, freaking two.

You get three or four, two
minute rants in a row from Chad.

Like it makes your day better.

Makes you a little late to the
gym, but it makes your day better.

But, uh, I love it.

And I wouldn't trade
those for anything, man.

Like, you, like, I can't remember who said
it, but you are the epitome of this group.

You are the epitome of this movement.

Like, To see where you've come
from, the things that you've gone

through, to see the man that's
here talking, you are superhuman.

And we all look up to you.

Like, that's why all of us have raised
our hand just to say, Jethro, thank you.

Like, thank you for showing up.

Thank you for being who you are.

Thank you for being the man that
all of us needed in our lives.

I appreciate it, man.

You're a true friend.

Thank you, my man.

Right back at you.

All right.

I think it's the moment.

Okay, Kyle.

Come on in.

Come on in.

End this.

End this for us.

Let's just, let's just roll.

Let's do like a 24 hour thing.

Like I did that workout with the family.

We'll just do a 24 hour.

Let's just talk to Chad.

Philosophy Fest with Chad.


You guys, we could go 24 hours.

No problem.

I guarantee it.

No problem.

Yeah, we get the mastermind
effect going and it'll just be

bouncing off all over the place.

But here's, here's what I want to say.

So, you get to choose what you believe.

You get to choose how you see the world.

You get to choose.

So many of us choose
negativity, self doubt, fear.

Why not just believe that
everything's working in your favor?

Why not just believe?

Just believe.

Believe in it all.

Just believe that you're meant
for something great and then tie

that in to all these things that
we need to do to become that man.

Stop fighting it.

Believe that you're worthy enough.

Believe that you deserve it.

Believe that you are powerful.


Let it go.

The thing is, if you don't, all
you're doing is fucking everybody else

over because you're showing up weak.

When all you have to do is believe that
you were meant to be here, this man.

Just believe it and
you'll show up that way.

And then you'll vibrate at such a
higher level and you'll see like

all I have to do is believe and then
everyone else around me believes

and now we all believe together and
we just bounce off of each other.

That's it.

Hey, I know I said I wasn't going
to add to it, but I have to.

You notice how Chad says thank you
every time instead of like, Oh no,

it was nothing, you know, like he
tries to minimize the compliment,

you know, that people try to minimize
the compliments, like he believes.

You've earned it, Chad.

You take all those compliments, bro.

Love you, man.

You're him, and will continue
to be him because you're

living the process right now.

You truly are a superhuman
father, my friend.

And, um, we thank you for your example.

And, uh, get ready for many, many
more bloody wars ahead, my friend,

because the war is just beginning.

And we love that shit.

Let's go.

Let's go!

On that note, brothers, we'll end it.

Uh oh.

Uh oh.

We're good.

Chad, you, no, talk.

I should have let you talk in response.


No, it's okay.

I was just saying, I think
that's a learned skill.

Thank you for helping me be aware
of that, because I used, a year

ago, I would have minimized it.

A year ago, I would have
said, I don't deserve it.

And I'm not even saying I do.

I'm just saying thank you for
them being a mirror to me.

Like, we need to be mirrors for each
other, guys, because guess what?

The process is slow.

And, you know, and because it's slow,
like, we have to reflect to each

other what we see in each other so
that we can see who we really are

because it's really hard to see change
day to day, second to second, dude.

So if I don't hear things from you and if
you don't hear things from me, guess what?

We don't know.

We don't know.

We have to be mirrors for each other.

So like, it's just a beautiful
thing to be able to hear all this

feedback and be able to accept it.

And that goes into that fourth
season of change is just being

able to accept the things.

I don't know what John Maxwell said.

It's on my Instagram, but I
was like, dude, that's it, man.

Like this is totally the season of change.

Like it's, it's amazing.

You know, like we have
to just embrace it all.

All the different seasons, dude.

It's just freaking sweet.

Hey, dude, you can't help it.

It's still going.

24 hours, dude.

It's begun.

Aaron just raised his hand, bro.

So, sorry.

We have to continue.

Let's go.

I love this so much.

It's too good.

Go for it, Aaron.

Hit it, bro.

Chad, uh, there's a couple things that
you said that hit home with me, and uh,

you know, I used to always, uh, say, you
know, with all the bullshit I've been

through, I wish I was a pussy, you know,
cause they always say, God only gives

you what you can handle, and it's like,
he dealt me some shitty things, like

you, I lost my wife two years ago, and
uh, with you saying, you know, you hit

the gym, and you just wanna get those
extra reps in, man, like, or, or just,

Use that as fuel, you know, like that,
that, that miss, that anger, that, uh,

all that just, you know, to become better
and like I'm glad that I'm not a pussy.

I guess is what I'm getting at.

Um, you made me realize that, you
know, it can be done and you're

doing it and I know I can do it.

I just had to put my mind to it.

You know what I mean?

Um, I don't know if you're very
inspirational and I'm glad that I'm here

with you guys and I'm thankful that, uh,
you spoke and I actually came to a meeting

tonight and that's all I got to say, man.

Aaron, we love you, bro.

Dude, I love it.

I love it.

I want to connect with you, Aaron.

Please reach out to me.

I would love to, I would love to talk
with you more and learn from you.


And thank you for raising your hand, bro.

Thank you, because I know you were, you
were just going to shoot Chad a message.

Thank you for sharing that for all of us.

Thank you.

Yeah, it's a big deal to
air out that big stuff, man.

It's a big deal.

It's a big deal.

So thank you for sharing that.

Also, Aaron, Aaron, you're never,
you'll never be alone again, ever.

You'll never be alone again.

Let's go.

And sometimes I get mad at, now
I get mad at y'all, but I'm like,

they're bitching about their wives,
like, you know, I'm like, know!

Let us know!

Let us know it's real!

Yeah, dude, Aaron, you have to
understand that is your super power dude.

Like you're just on the other
side of the paradox than I am.

Like my wife stayed.

My wife stayed, man, like somehow
she made it and you wanna know

what's even more messed up.

There was a couple times where I was
like, I don't know if it was my ego,

I don't know if it was my selfishness.

I don't know what it was.

But there was something dark
in me that said, I hope she

doesn't, so I can just start over.

How messed up is that?

To say that out loud and just admit
that is like something out of a

Stephen King novel or something,
dude Nobody would want it.

You know what I mean?

Nobody wants it, but there's
something selfish in us, in

me, that was like, but what if?

Like, would that change?

Like, could it be better for me?

Like, dude, it all, it
all came back to me.

So, like, you have the
ultimate Trump card.

You have to understand this.

You have the ultimate Trump card
for when someone's being an asshole

to their wife, for when someone is
not serving their wife, for when

someone's not doing something.

Guess what you get to say?

You don't even understand
what you have right now.

Like, you get to say those
words and they're real, dude.

Like, they're real.

Like, I get a Sam, and they're, like,
also real, but not as real as you're real.

Like, they're just different.

You know what I mean?

My words are just different.

So, congratulations on
entering the portal, dude.

This is the portal.

The portal to, like, truly understanding
your dark your darkness and realizing

that it's not darkness at all, dude.

It's just light untapped.

You know, this is your light on tap, man.

It's, it's going to be freaking amazing.


Thank you.

I don't know what to say right now.

Just feel it, Aaron.

That's all.

Just feel it.

You don't need to say anything yet.

You'll begin to illuminate that
dark place, just like Chad has, and

Chad, you know, will teach us how.

It's what he does.

It's what he does, bro.

He illuminates the dark places.

The irony that we normally look to the
posted guys, or the OGs, or nuggets,

where it's sitting right there with
some of the newest guys in the group.

Uh, that are bringing, like Aaron did.

So that's beautiful, man.

Yeah, it's beautiful.


Well, it's not lip service
when we say you're him.

Sorry, Chad.

No, you're good.

You're good.

He's like, are you going
to say something or go on?

Go on.

You know, we, we, we,
we say that term, right?

We say that you're already him.

But the person nine times out
of ten, they don't believe that.

All I'm saying is that
it's not lip service.

It's real.

And Aaron, you're already him, man.


Oh, go Chad.

And then we'll hear David.

Dude, I was just gonna say that.

The beauty behind it is all you, part
of, part of, part of being him is just

accepting him, you know, accepting
that everything you've been through

was required for you to be here at this
moment in this time to send out the

shockwave, you know, to send out the
shockwave and say like, here I am, boom.

ultimate trump card, you
know, like it's wild, man.

Like it was absolutely required
that you had to go through that

and are going through that.

I know how death works.

It is not like a, it's not
like a timestamp where it's

like, Oh, went through it now.

It's all okay.

No, dude, it's not all okay.

And that's why it's so impactful
is because it continues to live on.

It continues to live on and take shape.

You won't even know what the shape is.

until you start connecting all the dots
and connecting with all that energy.

But dude, it is like one of the
most wild rides of all time.

Like, it is amazing.

Because you have the
ultimate way to stay present.

The ultimate way to
stay present is to die.

I mean they're, unfortunately that's true
and like, I cannot believe Scott died and

came back, it totally, I mean that might
be the ultimate ultimate trump card, I

don't know, I don't even know, like death
is like the ultimate trump card though,

you know, like it's just a wild, wild
superpower that not a lot of people get

to say like, hey, by the way, you're being
a total dumbass right now, like you need

to get grounded in your marriage dude,
like you don't know what you have until

it's gone, like dude, so good, so good.

So, thank you.


Let's go.

Alright, David, bring it.


mean, since we're going all night,
you know, I figured I'd raise my

hand, but I gotta say two things.

Number one, Chad mentioned some
thoughts that he had, that they were

straight out of a Stephen King novel.

It's like, oh, I can't believe
I thought things like that.

Let me tell you something, that's,
that's just you being human.

We all have crazy thoughts, you know, but
let me segue that into my second point.

Um, just so you guys know, I,
I live about a half a mile from

Chad, and he lives in the, right
around the corner from my parents.

And so I go by, I drive
by his house all the time.

I drove by his house when, uh, when
a bunch of friends came together to,

to bring a load of flowers to his
backyard after his daughter died.

Um, and I remember thinking to
myself, like, Oh my gosh, I wouldn't

wish that on my worst enemy.

Like, I can't believe, like,
how is he getting through this?

And every time I drive by over the
years, I thought something like that.

Like, man, I wonder how Chad's doing.

Because we've never
really been close friends.

We've been acquaintances, you know?

And, um, I just thought, man,
I hope they're doing okay.

Because years go by, but it
doesn't really matter, right?

It's just as hard now to deal
with something like that.


Then I, then I see a post on Facebook,
which wasn't even my, I hate social

media, so I'm not on there a whole
lot, but, um, it was my mom actually.

She was like, oh, did you
see Chad Hinkle's post?

And I was like, what?

So I'm reading his post
and, and I got my answer.

I was like, man, I've been driving
by his house all these years.

Thinking, oh geez.

Like, how does, how does
somebody deal with that?

And then I see how he deals
with it and all these things.

And then, so I called him up and I
was like, Hey man, I'd like to talk

to you and, and I'm glad you took
the, the time to talk with me about

it and, and inspired me to, to, uh,
to kill my old self, even though it's

a slower death than I would like.


. But, um, I'll, I'll tell you like.

But it all goes back to being human.

We all, we all go
through our own journeys.

We all go through our own, um,
we, we think stupid things.

We have hard things happen to us and,
and man, seeing, seeing what you've been

through and hearing you talk about it
and, and then talking to me directly

about just some simple things that, not
simple, but I mean, you know, small things

that you did to, and put all those small
things together to create a big result.

And so thank you for that.

It's been truly inspiring and
I'm just glad to know you.


thank you, man.

Yeah, that's good stuff, man.

Thank you for sharing that.

So good.

I'm excited to see your journey.

It's good.

We got more Nick Purchase, bro.

Throw it up, Nick Purchase.

I just am sitting here.

I'm just sitting.

I walked out to my kitchen right now.

My wife was with her mother in law.

My wife just got home.

Dude, my kids are just, it's like
insane in the other room, but I

just feel warm and fuzzy right here
right now before I go out there.

All right, Nick Purchase.

Hit it, bro.

I just wanted to say thank you, Chad,
and to everybody on the call, uh,

just, just great to hear the story
and, uh, just hear your, your journey

and, uh, just the testimony and just
wanted to say thank you, brother.

I love you guys.

And, um, just definitely, uh,
just impact me on tonight.

Um, overall, I think the first
time I, when I, when I seen you

on the call, you spoke one time.

I just, I just thought like, I
thought you like NFL player or

something, you know, uh, just, you
know, together, you know what I mean?

Like I, I had no clue, you know,
and that's, I'm like, you know, just

everybody has their journey and like,
uh, just grateful to, to be able to.

You know, and learn some
things, so I appreciate you.

Yeah, he does have that job.

Thank you.

My man.

He, he does have that job, like
maybe quarterback, I don't know.

He's got something.




His, his name is Chad.

I mean, that's just a stereotypical
Yeah, it's so perfect.

He's such a Chad.

That's it.

Yeah, I love this.

I just can sit, just sit
here for a moment, man.

Just, what just happened?

That was the amount of impact, Chad, you
see it in your hometown, among people

that you know, outside, their kids,
their acquaintances, all in those small

things that you do every day, that you're
battling to do right now, even, right?

Yeah, it's just a new level.

It's there, the infinite impact, you know?

That's it.

Another thing, like be transparent.

I'll be complaining sometimes about
my wife or other things that, you

know, and they'll just like hit home
for me like, hey, like changing the

child a little bit, you know, and
just, you know, change my mindset.

So I just want to call that
out, you know, Beautiful.

Mine too.

Mine too, Nick.

It's good.

And me too.

I know.

That's why, that's what I'm saying.

It's your self talk.

You're reminding yourself.

Yeah, yeah, literally like it's
it's a daily thing like I haven't

figured it out You know, like I'm
not a hundred percent in this world.

Like dude, you have to understand like
I'm constantly swaying back and forth in

inside the the ego and Connecting with my
true self like it's just constantly going

back and forth like a ping pong match,
man I'm trying to figure it out, you know,

and and the thing is like the longer we
stay present you guys it's That's, I mean,

like, that's when we truly connect with
who we really are, when you're present.

That's when you're connecting,
like you have to understand the

connection between like in the moment,
being in the past, being in the

future, that is not true self, man.

That's ego self, that's
like other stuff's going on.

Like when you're in the moment and you
can like ground yourself, you know,

use that present lens, use the last
lens, whatever you want to call it.

But like when you can like
really nail it like that and be

like, Oh, where am I right now?



I love this because it's a wavelength.

We, you've talked about this,
you've announced the ego, right?

You said the ego is one level and
present moment the other, right?

And it's almost like a V, like it's
getting shorter, this wavelength

every time, and you're gonna,
you're gonna hit a certain point.

That wavelength is tight
enough to illuminate the bulb.

You know what I mean?

It's like, yeah,

You know what I mean?

And so like you become the wavelength.

And so it isn't so much the worry
about the transition from present to

ego as much as as quick as you can.

return back to the present moment
and then you stay there longer.

And this is some chat we've touched
on too and, and how fast we return

to our values when the chaos knocks
us either in the past or the future.



I'm going to put a stop to it.

All of you need to get to your
families right now and you

need to go give them some time.

We are, we're done here.


I love you guys.

This is blowing my mind.

I know.

We could be on 24 hours.

That's what we're saying.

No problem.

An open window to the universe, you know?

Great meeting, guys.

Great meeting.

Yeah, you guys have a great night.

Now go give all this to your family.

Go talk to your wife about it.

Teach her what you learned.

Discuss it with her.

Teach your kids.

This means nothing if
we keep it to ourselves.




Thank you, Chad.

Chad, thank you, Ryan.

Epic work.

Thank you,


Thanks, Chad.

Love you.

Marinate in it.

Marinate in it!

Get your marinade on.

I got mine on, check it out.

I got mine on, I was ready to go 24 hours.

I cook, I'm ready.

Look at all these lingers.

We're all like, linger.

You know.

Kyle's kicking us out.

Alright guys.

Kyle, no.

Go to bed.

Go to bed.

Alright, see you guys.

Kyle Carnohan: I hope you enjoyed
this transformation from Superhuman

Fathers, and one thing I want you
to know is that anyone can do this.

Yes, even you.

Go to superhuman and
apply for the Brotherhood right now.

Robert Andrews: my wife was telling
her friend how our relationship

was and that's like the real...

So my, you know, like, if your wife is
telling her girlfriend how your marriage

is, like, that's the real truth, right?

And so, it's not like how, like,
if your buddy asks you how your

marriage is and you tell him, right?


Like, I want to hear what my wife tells
her friends when I'm not there, right?

And so it went from, like, Like, I don't
listen, I, I'm good at some things, but

I can't give her what she really needs,
cause I don't have these, I can't even

listen, I can't feel, I'm emotionally
absent, and stuff like that, too.

I, I'm the man of her dreams,
I fulfill all of that, I make

her feel known, I make her feel
loved, chosen, cherished, desired.