The Lucas Skrobot Show

The Lucas Skrobot Show Trailer Bonus Episode 260 Season 1

Ruling Elite manipulates masses: calls it science. [E260]

Ruling Elite manipulates masses: calls it science. [E260] Ruling Elite manipulates masses: calls it science. [E260]


HOPE AND FEAR are two levers controlling containing the masses BUT if the 24hr click bait fear cycle of the ruling elite aren't careful it will be the leverage society will need (and use) to break free from their draconian rule.

Show Notes

HOPE AND FEAR are two levers controlling containing the masses BUT if the 24hr click bait fear cycle of the ruling elite aren't careful it will be the leverage society will need (and use) to break free from their draconian rule.

Time Stamps  
  Intro    00:00
    FIGHT CLIMATE!!      46:10
    WW3     02:35
    Virtue Signaling     03:29
    Self Indulgence     04:54
    TIMES: No More Babies?     06:07
    Man made crisis     08:22
    politicians passing the back.     09:09
    Gen Z hesitant to have children     10:19
    Environmentalism - Humanity is the virus     11:50
    Victim-hood     13:01
    The Future belongs to the bold     15:19
    Your Purpose: solve problems     16:50
    Taliban hangs people in city streets     19:18
    West uses refined fear-mongering     20:25
    Taliban PRO cutting hands     22:27
    Taliban leveraging social media     23:10
    UN warns of looming famine in Afghanistan     24:43
    Norway goes back to normal     26:31
    Covid pill months away     28:15
    Fear and Hope - Hunger Games     30:13
    Australia Protests  and Police Canvasing     32:47
    Former Food and Drug Administration (FDA) commissioner Scott Gottliebsaid     35:55
    Yeah That Makes Sense     38:17
    The Alphabet Agenda     38:32
    How many more letters? Infinite!     41:20
    Value for Value     42:20
    Weaver and Loom     43:29
    Charlie Mackesy     44:49
    What is Success?     45:41
    Build others up     47:40
    Outro     48:37
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Hope and fear.

Those are the two levers that are used
to contain and control the masses.

However, if the 24 hour fear-based fear
mongering new cycle of the ruling elite,

if they aren't careful that fear and
that hope will turn into the very levers

that society will use to overthrow.

The draconian rule of those very same.

Oh, Hey, it's Lucas Skrobot.

And your listening to Lucas Skrobot
show where we uncover purpose, pursue

truth and own the future episode 260.

It is September 26th, 2021 coming to you
from the evening, late in the evenings.

You're in the heart of the middle
east, where a tropical depression

storm is blowing through.

And that's the good news.

As, uh, some days of cool weather
and rain will be quite welcomed,

uh, at this time, but what's
going on right now in the world.

And it's really across the globe
as this study that we're about to

dive into will show us it's fear.

Fear is being used across the world.

Just like I laid out to you right now.

Just a moment to go in the
beginning of this session.

How there's a tropical
depression coming through.

If I was a smart, if I was a smart
presenter right now, part of the 24 hour

click bait new cycle fearmonger of the
ruling elite, I would have made a really

big deal of that saying, you know, look,
it's global warming climate crisis.

We need to fight the climate.

Notice that that's what the words of
president Joe Biden at the UN scene, we

need to fight climate wherever it is.

It's like, I mean, climate,
it's not even climate change.

It's not enough.

We need to find fight global warming.

It's just, we need to fight climate
period and earth to mankind.

If you haven't been over.

Man has been fighting climate since
the beginning of time through ice

ages and heat ages and typhoons it's.

I mean, half the movies that we watch
is man versus climate man versus wild.

It is not a new thing for climate
to be an adversary of humanity.

We've always been fighting
climate, but now it's convenient.

Being placed in phrased and
positioned and framed as war war

three of our day, because the
world is going to end in 12 years.

I mean, come on.

Can't you can't you see, they've been
saying that the world is gonna end in

12 years since 1971 of these decades.

It's gotta be.

But when we begin to believe this
narrative, and it's not mind you, it

is not only those who are prescribing
ascribing to this religion, this

global religion of green aneurysm,
Greenpeace globalism of, uh, of yeah.

Environmentalist and I
guess is the right word.

Hoo hoo ascribed to environmentalist.

And really as through religion, how
do you pay your dues and your ohms

in such a religion modes through
carbon credits and it's through virtue

signaling showing that, you know, you
drive an electric car, which by the

way, I would love an electric car.

I have no problems with electric
cars, as long as we understand.

That they're really not much better
when it comes to environmental impact

as a typical gas burning car, especially
when you take in to, uh, depending

on where you are in the world into
account, the type of fuel that is being

burned to power, such a car and the
cost of extracting the minerals from

the earth to build those batteries.

And then afterwards, how do
you dispose of such a car?

These are our problems when
it comes to electric fields.

However, I'm a big fan.

I wouldn't mind an electric vehicle
myself, but it's when it then is

framed as a, as a virtue signal
that you are a better human being.

You have fallen, fallen into and
beginning to operate in this new global.

And it is a global religion of in
fire mentalism, which is being used as

one of the many weapons of wokeness.

And a new imperialism
that is being unified Lee.

That's not even an English word.

I speak English, a unified measure
by most countries across the globe to

March out new levels of mandates and
controls just as we've seen with COVID.

Well, this generation from.

Global warming.

It's not, it's not even global warming.

It's from the climate from fighting
climate has been petrified in fear

and shrinking back, not stepping
forward in boldness to solve a problem.

But the majority of humanity, which
I don't think is something that's

necessarily new to this generation.

I have maybe you can look
at the, the generation of a

couple of generations passive.

What would have been my, my grandkids.

Who fought in world war one, world war
II that maybe that was a generation,

or at least we have a model of a
generation that step forward and approach

problems in times of global crisis.

But it seems that the way that gen Z
and millennials are moving is towards

self-indulgence and self fulfillment that
our world revolves around our selves.

We are the dependent.

Of our existence.

And if it doesn't serve ourselves, if it
doesn't serve our own pleasure, because

that's what we live for our own pleasure
at this generation, then it's probably

not worth incorporating into our lives.

So a time study came out saying that
growing up in the new emerging reality

of climate crisis is taking a toll
on the young people's mental health.

Need some soft music right
now to really lay it on thick.

According to a global survey and peer
reviewed study, soon to be published

in the Lancet planetary health, a
scientific journal seventy-five percent

of young people think the future
is frightening and 45% say climate

concerns negatively impact their day.

I say this in jest, but it's
kind of a big deal with 45%.

Young people really across the globe,
this survey was done 10,000 people aged

16 to 25 across 10 countries and four
continents, the global south Brazil,

India, Nigeria, and the Philippines and
the remaining six were in the global north

Australia, France, Finland, Portugal,
and the UK in the U S these are the 10

countries pretty wide and expansive.

If 45% of people daily basis is
being negative, negatively affected

by the way they view and believe
that the world is going to end.

This is not just something to just about,
but there's a serious underlying issue

that is going to continue to develop
and build an anxiety upon anxiety as

this young generation views, their.

And the world as something that is
terminal is something that is hopeless.

It's something that's bound up in fear.

And I'm not, I, I'm not saying that
it's hopeless, but this study shows that

the majority of young people believe
that the future truly is without hope.

The times' article goes on to say
the looming threats of climate

crisis, which includes increased.

Extreme weathers and economic
instability, which of course, if I

was a good, that was a good presenter
right now, I would bring up how COVID

has decimated the globe and, uh, the
global instability from this pandemic.

And we're going to have more pandemics.

It's just the beginning.


Of course, we have talked about economic
instability, but it's not being called.

Bye climate.

It's not being caused by this pandemic.

It was caused by policies
that were put in place.

Some policies that some nations are
continually to persistently hold onto.

Despite the overwhelming evidence
against lockdowns, despite the

overwhelming evidence against, uh, masks,
overwhelming evidence against social.

W we're carrying on because it's safer
to carry on with these narratives

rather than to be the nation and the
politician that is caught without a chair.

When the music stops, at least
you can say, well, we did

everything that everyone else did.

And I don't know why
we got affected worse.

At least you have a scapegoat.

Well, this piece goes.

Economic instability and extreme weather.

Remember that tropical depression
that we're about to experience in the

middle east, bringing lots of rain.

That's welcomed.

In fact, hundreds of years ago, this place
used to be a green basis that the desert,

the Sahara desert, that Raven peninsula,
it used to be lush and green hundreds

and hundreds of years ago, not anymore.

So hopefully those.

Monsoons we'll return.

And we'll see this land, lush and green.

Once again in shop a law, these
extreme weathers in global economic

instabilities, the times article says
back on a third time are affecting how

young people plan for their future.

The survey suggests with 39%
of respondents saying they are

hesitant to have their own.

39% are hesitant to have kids.

The proportion reporting that hesitancies
varied variety varied relatively.

Excuse me.

The hesitancy very relatively little
between countries standing between

36 and 48%, except for Nigeria,
which is an outliner outlier at 22%.

So can clap tonight, Syria for the youth.

They're keeping their
heads on their shoulders.

We're up to 48% and people in some of
these nations are hesitant to have kids.

We just, we touched on the previous
episode of China, the coming, uh,

population collapse in China, which
will cause them to not be a superpower,

which is going to cause them to have
multiple issues over the coming decades.

As their population
declines from 1.4 billion.

To under a billion by the year 2100
and some estimate, uh, well, under

a billion in their population.

When you look at the numbers of the
population collapsed, that is coming,

which is devastating to a people it's
devastating to an economy it's devastating

to, to people's ability to eat because
there's not an ability to work the fields.

I know many people in the environmentalist
would look at climate collapse and

everything that, that we're seeing
currently with, uh, the death rate across

the globe and excess deaths and saying
that the planet is finally healing.

Humanity is the virus and the planet is
just, you know, reaping its vengeance

on all on humanity, the virus.

No, I absolutely reject that.

It is.

Insanity in Santa you toes,
subscribe to such nonsense to

think that your own species ought
to be at least mostly wiped out.

What's most ironic about it is probably
a lot of those people who are promoting

such things, things that they are
the ones that should ought to stick

around to decide who ought to be.

This movement is called antinatalism
and it is this belief that humanity

is a virus and it would be better off
if we were not alive, but this, this

worldview it's not just present in.

I mean, th this worldview is quite
present when it comes to environmental.

But this idea that the world is about
to end and therefore it would be better.

If I lived as a victim of circumstance,
it would be better if I just shrunk

back into my shell, it would be
better if I didn't step forward.

If I didn't take risk, if I relied
on the government or the UN or

some exterior power that be some
institution to take care of.

Rather than myself stepping
up and taking care of my life.

And this is what we've witnessed with
the pandemic, but what have people done?

They have hunkered down mostly.

Not all there.

There are many, many people who had
taken steps forward in this time, but

the majority of what we've seen across
the globe, people shrinking back in

fear flooded with anxiety for their
lives and giving over their rights

to the government, giving over their
businesses to governments, putting

their trust in government institutions.

And this is the country.

That will greatly benefit the, the ruling
elite that beat as they continue to crank

up this war against climate narrative.

It's not even a climate
change narrative anymore.

It is a war against climate narrative.

And the reason that many
people, as I said, are turning

to the government, turning to.

To someone else to say, put together a
plan, put together a system put together

something that will help me keep me safe.

Is it absolves us of this
feeling of responsibility?

The St.

I'm I'm not going to have kids.

It resolves absolves us of
this feeling of responsibility.

It takes our agency out of our lives
and it replaces this displaces are

axed from inks against ourselves.

From our own personal failings, our own
personal shortcomings, and it places

the angst on someone else's places
the angst on an external circumstance

to help us sleep better at night.

But I disagree.

I think that you and I
should do quite the opposite.

We should be bold.

We should have more kids.

I don't know if you've noticed.

If you've looked around
in the past, I don't know.

Eternity of humanity humane.

Throughout all of human history,
but every single technological

development has come from a human being.

Every single invention, everything
single step forward, every single

breakthrough that has helped
humanity has come from humans.

We have done it.

Humans have done it.

I think we should have more
kids because if we have more.

We're going to have more people
to help solve those problems.

If we empower and we equip our children
to be entrepreneurial, to think, to solve

problems, to think critically, to think
outside the box, to not just go with

the masses of sheep down off the cliff.

But instead if we raise up our children
to become leaders, They will be able

to solve the problems for others.

They will be able to help
lead and solve problems.

This is how humanity has always
progressed by people having babies.

That's biology 1 0 1 and then those babies
growing up into people who solve problems.

And that is what you and
I are here to do primary.

W w we want to talk about purpose.

One of our purposes,
this is solve problems.

Everything that we do in some sort of
way, shape or form is solving a problem.

And in a relationship solving a problem
of loneliness of companionship in

parenting, it's solving a problem
of a child being hungry, not being

able to take care of themselves,
solving a problem of teaching someone,

how to read, giving someone bread.

This is St.


Or information to equip
themselves to arm themselves.

We all solve problems day and night.

At the same time, we all always are
selling and convincing people that we

have the answers to the problems that
they are, are needing to get solved.

And as I said, this, this worldview
is not attached to one particular.

Religion such as environmental prism.

So I I've witnessed the same
point of view from Christians.

I've heard the same point
of view from Muslims.

I faded that SIM punter review from.

People who who have a Siro zero sum
mindset, a fear-based mentality,

believing that will be better to not act.

It would be better to bury our,
our God given gifts in the ground

rather than to throw them out
in the world and risk failure.

And maybe just, maybe we would also
get a return on that investment.

It's scary.

It's risky.

We could fail.

We could die doing it.

Ladies and gentlemen, it is
worth, it is definitely worth it.

Now, a little bit of a pivot from that,
uh, opening rant on the, uh, environmental

ism in the fight against climate.

I, I I'm, I don't know about you.

I find that hilarious that it's
now it's, it's gone from global

warming to climate change to
fighting climate, wherever it is.

It is climate that
enables us all to live by.

But it's this, it's this subversion
in this postmodern twisting of terms

or it's now climate is the bad thing.

No matter what.

And it's now extreme weather since
when is weather not been extreme?


Enough about that.

Speaking of extremities, uh,
Taliban in Afghanistan have

become even more professional.

I don't know if you remember, but
the Biden administration has praised

the Taliban for their professionalism
while their professionalism

just upped a game or two.

Uh, and they've also upped
their social conditioning.

They have hung four people this weekend in
Herat city, in Afghanistan for supposedly,

uh, They were, they were killed in
a firefight after they were accused.

At least, I don't know whether they
were actually caught kidnapping or not.

And then there were hung up by cranes,
across the city, in public squares with,

uh, signs around them to, uh, cast fear
into the hearts of people saying, this

is the consequence for your actions.

This is how we will punish.

You step out of line, you
disagree with us, and this

will be the consequences of it.

Public hanging.

Now I do have to say this public square
method is probably the old method, but we

still even in the west or applying these
same social conditioning methods today,

as we've been talking about, and it's
a 24 hour news cycle, fear, fear, fear.

But the tropical depression
is coming for you.


Because you, you, you ran your
AC for 15 minutes, two longer

because you charged your phone.

It's coming for you.

Climate is coming and
it keeps people afraid.

We've, we've seen it with all of
the previous COVID season number

after number there's a, those
undercover studies by Veritas.

We're seeing Henry producers are
saying, we just, we just kept

wishing that those numbers would
go higher and higher and higher to

drive clicks, to drive more fear.

We've got to keep on putting
these numbers in front of people.

How can we get these numbers to
look scarier so that people will

react and socially condition
themselves in the right way.

So even though the, the Taliban are
doing horrendous things, You know,

you gotta be, have at least some
sense of objectivity that the west

also uses these things in just a
little bit more of a refined manner.

I mean, how many, how many reports
have you heard of, you know, John, John

DOE and Betty Sue are in the hospital.

They're now on their last breaths.

And if only if only.

Taking precaution if only they
had got the vaccine, right?

It's so many it's, it is the same thing.

It's just put in a different light as, as
people, uh, people are using others' lives

as leverage, as stories because the media
controls and what we see goes in and it

can shape the way that we see the world.

Well, the Taliban are, are
understanding this and this.

Uh, they're not going to use the methods
that they use previously in the nineties,

but they also said that cutting off hands
is very necessary for security cited.

One of the cabinet members, he said
we changed from the past, seeing

that the Taliban would, so they
changed from the past from, uh, not

allowing these things to be put on
social media, but now they said the.

We now will allow television mobile phones
and video because it is necessary of

the people and we are serious about it.

He explained that the Taliban now sees
media as a way to spread their message

and reach quote-unquote millions.

He said that if punishments are
made public, then people may be

allowed to video or take photos.


They say, don't worry,
we've changed from the past.

We will now allow mobile phones and video
and television to be widely widespread

publicizing this because we look it
when it's just in the public square.

Only those people in the city around
the public square will see it.

But man, if we could get more people
to see this through allowing mobile

phones, Videoed and, and sending
around on WhatsApp groups and all the

better, we will be able to instill
more fear, invests, more control.

Well, a surprising piece of news
with this is that the Taliban is not

going to be recognized by Russia.

I thought for sure that the Russia and
the Russian forest foreign minister

was going to at least consider,
uh, recognizing the Taliban, but.

It is not on the table for recognition.

Uh, even though they have maintained
her embassy presence in Afghanistan,

it seems that they are not too happy.

I don't know anyone who is very happy
with the way that the telephone has in

the few short weeks that they have been
empowered have conducted themselves.

The UN in Afghanistan is warning.

And we've warned about it here on the
show of the imminent danger of massive.

Across Afghanistan as winter,
the harsh winters are coming.

Supply lines are already strained.

Will they have the infrastructure
to get food to the provinces,

to get food into the country.

On top of the, the impending famine of 38
million people in Afghanistan, the Taliban

has as seized farmland from the Hazara.

In Afghanistan that has auto people
are, are, are, uh, ethnic minority

in Afghanistan, very hated by
the Taliban because of, of their

tribal disputes between the Pesh
attune and the Hazara people.

Well, they have taken hundreds of
acres of farmland, which is something

similar that we saw in the USSR.

Something similar that we saw in China.

And in both times it led to
famine because these lands were

seized by the ruling powers.

Given over to someone else to run them.

And they did not have the ability
to run the farms with efficiency, to

be able to produce a crop that was
going to be able to feed the nation.

We, we we've seen these manmade
famines time and time again when,

uh, controlling dictatorships come
in and seize farmland from people to

redistribute it, to those who they
think ought to have this farmland.

It's not looking too, too
bright for Afghanistan.

Now, when it comes to fear and hope,
this is the motif motif for this

episode, uh, Norway is giving the
world a shred of hope, a shred of hope.

The Norway prime Norway's
prime minister said.

The time has come to return to normal
daily life on quote, the assistant

director of the Norwegian Institute of
public health said, quote, we are now

in a new phase where we must look at the
Corona virus as one of several respiratory

diseases with seasonal variation.

In other words, this is unquote.

In other words, it's just another.

As of September 25th Norway and all
COVID restrictions, this is amazing news.

And this is something that we've covered.

Even in the previous episode where
the, the director of Oxford AstraZeneca

had an interview saying we are not
going to be able to have a vaccine.

That's going to cover all
these variants sooner or later.

We are going to see another variant
come out, that the vaccine is not

going to be able to protect against.

We need to begin to look at this,
not as a pandemic, but endemic and

endemic is something, a disease,
like a respiratory disease.

That is always with us that comes
and goes in seasons, just like

influenza and the common cold.

And you treat them.


You think about that differently.

You have public policy health policy
very differently when it comes to

endemics versus a deadly pandemic.


Good news.

More good news.

When it comes to the hope side of the
equation, is that a daily pill for

COVID could just be a few months away.

This is great news, in my opinion.

Uh, I think probably in everyone's
opinion, and this is a pill that you

take four pills twice a day, and those
early stages of the, if you get COVID

and this is an oral antiviral, and it
has the potential to not only cure the

duration of, or curtail the duration
of one's COVID-19 system, SIS symptoms,

but also has the potential to live.

Transmission to people in your household.

If you are sick, this is Timothy
Shanahan, a variety of biologists

at the university of North Carolina
chapel hill, who has helped pioneered

these antiviral medications.

There are at least three
promising antiviral COVID drugs

that are being tested right now.

This is great news and I've in
my opinion, especially if it's

able to handle different various.

This is going to be a much better and
wiser way forward, figuring out how to

treat proper treatment for coronavirus,
rather than just hoping on, uh, these

vaccines, which do not give immunity.

It just, the studies have shown that it
does help you stay out of the hospital,

help you from getting a worst case of it.

But it's definitely not providing immune.

Uh, from this, it doesn't reduce
your ability while it might reduce,

but it doesn't eliminate your
ability to get it or spread it.

And so we need a way to treat this
so that we can go on and open up.

But apparently not all nations
are thinking in this way.

Australia is, is still in this pickle.

Totalitarian draconian rules and
regimes and it, in some ways it

makes sense why here is a, a clip.

I know 30 minutes, and finally, to the
first clip of the day, here's a clip from

the one and only hunger games explaining
why fear and hope are two powerful

motivators to control the populate.

Why do we have a winner?

I mean, if we just wanted to intimidate
the districts, why not round up

24 of them at random and execute
them all at once, be a lot faster

hope, hope, hope it is the
only thing stronger than fear.

A little hope is effective.

A lot of hope is doing.

It's back is fine.

As long as it's contained,
a little hope is effective.

A lot of hope is dangerous
as spark is fine.

As long as it's contained, this was
emperor snow talking about why, why they

have a survivor in the hunger games.

Cause that gives them hope.

Knowing that maybe, maybe
we can get out of this.

Maybe our district.

Can have a year of reprieve.

Maybe there's a little bit of hope
and that hope keeps people jumping

through hoop after hoop, after hoop,
after hoop saying, if I just do one

more thing, I just do one more thing.

One more step, then, then everything will
go back and then they'll get my life.

And the both work in tandem.

We have this fear that keeps
people in submission, as long

as there's a glimpse of hope.

It's like, okay, I'm, I'm afraid.

I don't want to ruffle any feathers.

I'm going to jump through these hoops of
hope to try to get to that and step in.

As long as they can keep that going
with climate, then they will be able

to effectively control the masses
with fear and hope, but as impersonal.

Too much hope can be disastrous.

And also in Australia that they
definitely do not want too much

hope, but these riots have been
boiling over in Australia because of

your konijn lockdowns in Victoria.

They're shooting people
with rubber, rubber.

Using that fear to squash any sort of
resistance to the government's after

all, they just want to keep people safe.

Well, the police in Australia have
gone to new links and are knocking on

doors, canvassing areas to find out
what people know about, uh, protests.

And if they decide that they're going
to be attending, here's this clip

about Ozzie of, uh, authoritarian.

We'll film was well
thought out conversation.

So I'll just let you know
just cause it's my camera.

That's going.

So I'm Sergeant Hawk on Northwest
Metro west street is you're recording.

We're recording as well.

Everything's being done visually and
also audio on the body-worn camera.

Everyone's recording the questions.

Um, just in question, the recent
that and popping up and whatnot now.

You see, to do welfare checks and
whatnot, you planning on going in.

I didn't know there's anything wrong.

No, no played protests.

And there was some, not as far
as I know, we're right there.

If you can't hear they're saying D are
you planning on going to any protests?

Uh, no.

Y Y if he was planning, why
would he be telling them, do you

know, do you know if there's any
protests going on that you know of.

It's a good point.


When the cops here just a friendly chat.

That's all protests or events coming up.

Yes, Nope.



You aware of any communication
circling around between people about

the plan pro any protests coming up?



If so, can, can we check your
phone and see who your texts.

Oh, my goodness keeps going.

Do you use any platform at all
or do you use any platform?

Have you gone to any
we're just in the past.


Great answer.

You guys wouldn't be here otherwise.

I'd like to know how you
got, this is the dress.


I'd like to know how you got this address.

That's a good question.

Are they just going door to door or
are they targeting specific people?


Um, anything else you, uh,
like to tell us that might help

with ensure the public safety?

So good.

As long as you guys aren't running around
shooting people with rubber bullets,

like down in Victoria, we're all good.

As long as you don't go around
shooting people with bullets

like in Victoria, we're all good.

There is a reason that
people are just growing.

Tired of the, uh, the sh shenanigans
for lack of a better word.

Uh, tired of the, the made up protocols
that are not, are not based in science

here is here's this clip from, uh,
uh, an interview talking about how

this six foot social distancing.

Policy even came about in the first place.

And you've right, the
six feet was arbitrary.

The six feet was arbitrary
in and of itself.

But if the administration had focused
in on that, they might've been able

to affect a policy that would have
actually achieved their outcome, but

that policy making process didn't exist.

And the six feet is a perfect
example of sort of the lack of.

Um, rigor around how CDC
made recommendations.

Nobody knows where it came from.

Most people assume that the six feet
of distance, the recommendation for

keeping six feet apart comes out of
some old studies related to flu where

droplets don't travel more than six feet.

We now know COVID
spreads through aerosols.

The initial recommendation that
the CDC brought to the white house.

And I talk about this was 10 feet and
a political appointee in the white

house said we can't recommend 10 feet.

Nobody can measure 10 feet.

It's inoperable.

Society will shut down.

So the cop.

So the compromise was six feet.

Notice in all this he's saying there's no
science to back it up, boost an arbitrary

number, an arbitrary number that they
find out that COVID is going through

aerosols, not just water droplets, and
therefore it doesn't matter whether

you're six feet or 10 feet or two feet.

It was just an arbitrary number.

People are beginning to wake up to this
and to realize this people are beginning.

Wake up to the fact that
yes, mass are effective.

If they're used properly,
how do you use one properly?

Once you put it on your
face, you don't touch it.

You don't fiddle with it.

It needs to cover all the areas
in the moment that you touch it,

take it off, slide it around.

It becomes ineffective.

The moment that you reuse that
mask, it becomes ineffective.

So the way that probably the majority of.

Or using MES myself included it's
ineffective, but why do we do it?

Why do we keep these in place?

It's social conditioning.

It's not based on science.

It's based on social science.

It's not based on health science, but
it's based on behavioral science and

people are growing increasingly with.

Of of singing the praises
to the emperor's new clothes

in a post-truth society, where we
have exchanged truth for lies in

reason for postmodern irrationality,
PHY absurd finally makes sense.

Now when it comes to the, uh, the
alphabet agenda, not Google alphabet,

but the other alphabet, the LGBTQ.

Plus, plus, et cetera,
et cetera, et cetera.

It's becoming a little bit out of hand
and you can, how that it's becoming

out of hand one just by the, the
aggressive narratives that they're

push of, of pushing this into all
nations, all societies through the

apparatus of the UN human rights.

Uh, pushing it into primary schools,
pushing it into preschools, pushing it

into kids, props, to work, to normalize,
uh, pansexuality and all of the other, uh,

possible identifications, uh, and here.

So we can look on, on face value
and say, this is getting way

out of hand, even though this is
the logical conclusion of post.

Irrationalities when there is no truth
when there is, there is no objectivity.

When those things are tools of power and
oppression and the entire world is viewed

through that lens of power, then things
like critical race theory must be applied

to all circumstances and the lower you are
the worst of the victim that you are the.

Truth that you have to speak truth
to power and power is bad, except

if that power is held by those at
the bottom of the totem pole, but

things are getting out of hand.

And as I said, you can tell when
even those who are promoting the

alphabet, can't even remember
the order of their own alphabet.

Here is Justin Trudeau, one
of the biggest proponents

apparently of this movement, but.

Get the movement names, right?

Never apologize for standing up
for LGD P L GT LBG, LGBTQ plus, uh,

kids' rights conversion therapy.

Oh my gosh.

Let's do great for LGD P L GT LBG, LGBTQ
two, plus like when it's such a mouth.

When it's such a mouthful, you know, that,
uh, that it's, it's just gone too far.

I mean, when it was gone too
far, a long time ago, but it's,

it's, it's just so absurd.

How many more letters
do we need to add to it?

Well, of course there's
an infinite amount of.

There's an infinite
amount of orientations.

And if you're fluid will, that can
change by every moment of the day.

So good luck at identifying me correctly
or your yourself even correctly by the

right pronoun because, uh, you know,
words are just social constructions

that we need to probably do away with.

The next step of the post-modern success
of undermining modernity is doing a

way with words, because if we can do a
way with words and meaning and language

altogether, then we can get back to our
roots, our ancestral roots of humanity.

When we all lived in caves, when
there's only 150 of us on the

earth, that nature was able to heal.

And all we had was little carvings
on the stone walls because of.

That's when there was probably a real,
real equality between men and women.

Well, this show is brought to
you by listeners like yourself.

I'm going to thank everyone who gives
to the show to keep it on the air.

This is a value for value podcasts
and those like you who are giving

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This is what helps fuel show.

We don't have big sponsors with, you know,
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on the show, but this is fueled by you.

You are the producer, ultimately
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So I want to say thank you.

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Don't go away.

We will be right back with our
closing Weaver and loom segment.

And welcome back to Weaver and loom a
part of the show where we take ancient

wisdom and we weave it in with our
everyday lives that we can own our future.

And we've our destiny.

I love the picture of
the Weaver at its loom.

Of course, mythologically historically
throughout literature, a Weaver

and a loom represents fate.

And the Weaver is fate weaving at
its loom, which is our destiny.

And one thing I love about this image is
that you and I are just one, not in the

tapestry of humanity and the tapestry of.

And all those knots put together.

However many little knots we have.

If it's one, if it's two puts
together to make that masterpiece

of humanity of the story arc of
history and the things that we do on

this side of time, actually matter.

The things that we do on this side of
time actually impacts generations to come.

And w we'll be.

Throughout all of eternity and that's
why wisdom and living our lives,

according to wisdom really does matter.

Today's not an ancient quote, but
I stumbled across this from Charlie

Macanese and, uh, he has a book coming
out and he has this little illustration.

If you're looking at your you're
listening and you're looking at the.

It's a little boy sitting next to
a mall on a tree branch and the boy

asks, what do you think successes
asked the boy to love said them all.

And I read that today and
it particularly struck me.

I often get.

My mind gets distracted thinking about
what, what does it mean to be successful?

How can this show be successful?

How can I be successful in
whatever endeavor it is?

And we can often, I can often, I won't
say we, I can often get wrapped up into

the, the metrics, the goal orientated,
uh, things that are measurable.

When we look at the grand story
arc of our lives, it truly is to

love even in our business, if we're
serving someone and we're serving them

well, that is a form of loving them.

I do believe if you're able to serve your
clients well, and they enjoy your service.

It's, it's some way of helping
them in some way of loving.

So you can look at it at that might
micro level, but truly the arc of our

lives when, when we're on our death bed.

And there's the five to 12 people that are
surrounded surrounding us, they will, they

will hold our hand as we take that last.

And what will be left will be the
degree in the manner that we loved.

And we poured into those few people.

Those few relationships, we
will be forgotten by the masses.

I will be forgotten by the masses,

but if we can pour our lives out into
a few people around us, they will

remember us and we will be able to.

That generational impact
that generational inheritance

that's passed on and on and on.

And that is what I want to leave behind.

I want to leave behind generational
impact, and I know that will come

through those people closest to me, not
how wide and for this podcast reaches.

Yes, they will have an imprint on, on
your life in many other people's lives,

but it is those deep works, deep friends.

That we pour into that is where our true
impact or lasting impact will come from.

So you can go out this week and
help other people around you.

This is how we are we're
elite we're we're leaders.

We help build up other
people brick by brick.

One way is by sharing this
episode with someone that.

And encouraging them to take steps
forward, to be bold, do not withdraw and

to anti naturalism and hatred for humanity
or, or fear to conserve in this time.

But rather to be bold, to take
risks, to step forward, to solve hard

problems, because if we can encourage
the community around us to do.

Their success will become our
success and our success will

lead to their success as well.

So thank you so much for being
here with me on today's show

episode two 60 and go out to this.

And pursue truth because truth opens
us up to be able to see the landscape

that we're walking through so that we
can walk lightly so that we can live

rightly so that we can own our future.