National Health Executive News

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And here’s today’s news from National Health Executive on Friday the 12th of July 2024.
Professor Edith Heard will take over as the director and CEO at the Francis Crick Institute next summer, with current and founding chief, Sir Paul Nurse, set to step down from the role. Professor Heard has been the director general at the European Molecular Biology Laboratory since 2019, where she has overseen the launch of the ‘Molecules to Ecosystems’ programme that aimed to usher in a new era for life sciences in Europe through interdisciplinary collaboration.
On her appointment, she said: “The Francis Crick Institute has quickly established a global reputation for its work at the frontiers of science. I relish the challenge of building on that work.” The institute was a by-product of Sir David Cooksey’s 2006 ‘A review of health research funding’ report and eventually began operating in 2015.

NHS England has announced that it is set to roll out a multiple sclerosis treatment that will cut hospital treatment time by 90%. Around 9,000 people already receive the drug known commercially as Ocrevus (Oh-cr-vus) through an intravenous infusion — taking possibly up to four hours.
NHSE will become one of the first health systems in the world, however, to offer the drug via an injection. This method is just as effective but only takes 10 minutes, which national medical director, Professor Sir Stephen Powis, believes will make a significant difference to patients’ quality of life, as well as help free up clinician time.
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