Statements of Intent

Welcome to the Statements of Intent podcast, the show that's dedicated to breaking the status quo gripping eCommerce.

Creators & Guests

David Mannheim
David is a big kid, a big Disney fan and a big geek. He founded User Conversion which was acquired by Brainlabs, is the author of The Person in Personalisation, and now the host of Statements of Intent. His mission is to help retailers care more for their customers by listening, being appropriate, being familiar and creating a relationship. He is doing that through his new start up, Made With Intent, a platform that helps retailers do just this by diligently understanding customer intent.

What is Statements of Intent?

eCommerce has lost sight of the people at its heart—the customer. After working with the world’s biggest retailers for 15 years, David Mannheim (author of The Person in Personalisation, founder of Made With Intent) wants to change this.

Through solo shows and guest conversations, you’ll hear eCommerce leaders share how they intend to break the status quo gripping online retail. The lack of care. The short-sightedness. The sea of sameness.

Each 20-minute episode centres on the sharing of a statement of intent—A personal promise or guiding principle. It’s a vulnerable yet fun source of solidarity for weary commerce marketers who want to change things for the better.


Hi, I'm David Mannheim. Welcome to the Statements of Intent podcast, the show that's dedicated to breaking the status quo gripping eCommerce. I feel like we're all shocked at what feels like short sightedness within online retail, short term tactics, focused on price gouging, on money grabbing, on this concept of more equals more, and I kind of find myself wondering why every website feels the same.

Maybe you have too, or maybe you have feelings about the lack of care that's shown within e commerce, this human to screen relationship that exists.

Each episode is going to be based on a guest statement of intent, a guiding principle, a promise about how they think we should measure, how we should optimise, how we should treat people online. And we're also going to share some solo episodes as well, where I share my own statements of intent. If you don't know me, by the way, I'm the author of The Person in Personalisation and the founder of Made with Intent.

And I've worked with some of the, goodness me, some of the world's biggest retailers over the past 15 years or so. And I do feel as though I've seen it all.

This podcast is designed for senior eCommerce marketers who care about this type of stuff, who care about empathy and customer centricity much more so than short termist tactics and growth hacks. And if that sounds like you, you can join us by clicking the subscribe button from wherever you get your podcast from.