Wake Up Classy 97 The Podcast

Wake Up Classy 97 with Josh & Chantel from Wednesday, July 3rd, 2024 / We visit with Tony Lima - VP of Public Relations about the 31st Annual Melaleuca Freedom Celebration, we’ve got parenting hacks, Chantel wants to be a mascot, 4th of July facts, Chantel dropped her phone in the bathtub, there was a fight on Mt. Everest, people need more veggies, they’re just blue shoes, and Chantel finally understands grape nuts!

What is Wake Up Classy 97 The Podcast?

Wake up with Josh & Chantel every weekday from 6a-10a on Classy 97! Missed the show or want to revisit your favorite moments from the show, enjoy Wake Up Classy 97 - The Podcast!

It's Josh and Chantel, and this is wake up classy 97, the podcast. A replay of today's full show. It's Wednesday, July 3rd. Today on the show, we visit with Tony Lima, VP of public relations about the 31st annual Melaleuca Freedom Celebration. We've got parenting hacks.

I really wanna be a mascot. 4th July facts. I dropped my phone in the bathtub. There was a fight on Mount Everest. People need more veggies in their life.

They're just blue suede shoes, and I might finally understand Grape Nuts. Thanks for listening. You can hear the show live weekday mornings from 6 to 10. It's called wake up classy 9 to 7, and this is the podcast. Enjoy today's show.

Classy 97 with Josh and Chantel. Did you say quasi? No. Sounded like you said quasi 97. I did not.

I just said classy 97. Now it sounds like you said classy. Maybe your ears weren't working. And I think your mouth wasn't working. The first thing you heard me say was classy 97.

Classy 97. Well, I'm With Josh and Shantel. Well, it okay. Quassy. It's July 3rd.

It is Wednesday. Tomorrow is 4th July. Yes. It is. Let's see what's going on today, shall we?

Let's do it. Alright. Today is national compliment your mirror day today. So you're supposed to show yourself a little love and support by complementing your reflection. Oh.

What? I just said, oh. No. I heard, but you were, like, clear over here. Oh.

Yeah. Okay. It's, 000. Brighten your day, change your perspective, compliment affirmations in the mirror to yourself about yourself. Okay.

You're not gonna do it. American Redneck Day today. Oh, boy. Embracing the authentic spirit of a distinct culture rooted in rural traditions, embodying a vibrant and genuine heritage. Redneck day.

It's disobedience day as well. It is, international drop a rock day. You're supposed to, like, paint a rock to make make it all pretty and cute and then drop it somewhere because it brings unexpected joy and discovery. Yeah. Drop a rock day.

That's cool. Yep. Like a good idea. Plastic bag free days, so no no using the plastic bags for pollution sake. It is stay out of the sun day.

It is National Chocolate Wafer Day. Do you like those things? Yeah. Do you? Yes.

I really enjoyed the pink ones till I ate a whole sleeve of them. Oh, gosh. And I haven't had 1 since. You've overdone it. I ate all the wafers I will ever need in 1 sitting.

It was a bad day. It was a bad day. How long ago? How long ago? Was probably 12 or 13.

Oh. And I ate too many. Yeah. I It was real bad. Air conditioning appreciation day.

Yeah. Hold just for a minute. Appreciate the AC. I do appreciate the AC. It's nice.

It is national eat your beans day and national fried clam day. I've never had a fly fried clam. You should change that. I was gonna say fried cram. Let me know how it goes for you.

How what goes? A fried clam? Mhmm. No. I'm probably not gonna eat that.

Well, you can. I can't I could eat it any day. It doesn't just have to be today. That's true. But I do like happening.

I do like beans. Eat your beans. With fried clams. Hot dog. Don't get me started.

Happy Wednesday. It's Josh and Chantel. Hey. It's Josh and Chantel. Hey.

These are some parenting hacks that people are like, are these hacks or are these unethical or mean? Parenting hacks that maybe That may be unethical and mean. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.

Go for it. So when you change the time on the clock to make them go to bed, like, it's actually 7, but you change it to 9, and you're like, oh, it's time for bed. I don't know if I've ever done that. I haven't done that. I know there were years, where when we had our kids were little, there were years when streaming services would do New Year's Eve countdowns Yeah.

Like, hours early. Right. So you could be like, oh. 0, it's done. Yay.

Let's go to bed. So you didn't have to stay up as late. I kinda feel like that's brilliant. That's a brilliant 1. I don't feel like that's unethical.

I don't either. You've done this 1 before, but our kids were much older when you did this 1, when you said the ice cream truck only plays music when it's out of ice cream. They they didn't believe it. Well, you did it when they were old, so they already knew the game. They should just believe what I say.

This 1, I hadn't heard this 1 before either. The tooth fairy comes every night to check for teeth, but also to see if you've brushed. Oh. And if you don't brush that. Then she yanks out a tooth.

Well, terrifying. I know. This one's not necessarily a hack, but kind of smart. So during COVID, when everything was shut down and kids were at home, a parent just turned on subtitles on their TV, and their kid was, like, reading, and their reading level went up because they were reading the subtitles on the TV. Is interesting.

My enjoyment goes way down when those things are turned on. Not mine. I must be hard of hearing because you turned on the show last night. I'm like, I'm I'm out because I can't hear it, and you won't turn on subtitles. So I just went to sleep.

Okay. If your toddler touches something that's hot, it's a chance to claim that other things are hot. Like, oh, don't touch that vase. That's really hot too. That 1 feels Yeah.

A little bit lying. I mean, these are all a little bit lying. But Like, I understand what you're trying to do, but let's just be honest with the kids. Right? And go, hey.

I really don't want you to break that, so we're gonna we're gonna not touch that. You know? Yeah. I mean, III get you understand hot, and maybe you're, like, little. Maybe you're 3, 2, wandering around, and you know, like, oh, hot.

Don't touch. It's hot. So it's a very basic, pain response. But you could just say, that'll break. Right.

You could you could start teaching a new work. Like, careful. Soft soft touch. When the batteries are in a loud annoying toy and they die? And you said, oh.

0. They don't make batteries anymore. No. I didn't I don't think I've ever said they don't make batteries anymore. But said that 1.

And they've been, like maybe you've been like, oh, well, that's too bad. It it's gone. Like, forever. Doesn't make that you can still play with that ambulance, but it doesn't make that siren noise. Make your own noises.

Yeah. Good luck. I haven't heard this 1 either. Your tongue turns purple when you lie, and if you ask to see their tongue and they hesitate Oh. That's a that 1 feels old school.

Does it? Yeah. That 1 feels, that 1 feels 50, sixties to me. Really? Yeah.

Why? Alright. It just has that sort of flare. Your your tongue is gonna turn purple if you tell a lie. Let me see your tongue.

Are you lying? No. No. No. Again, that 1 feels a little bit I don't know.

Sometimes some of these feel a little bit more lying than others. That 1 is in the same vein of, like, if you keep making that face, your face is gonna stay that way. It's that's why it feels old school. That's it. Those are the other ones I had.

Well, thanks for, your wonderful list. Thank you, Josh. I like lists. I know you do. You like lists and lists.

What? Mhmm. There is a a couple that's going viral for their wedding invitation or rather their nonwedding invitation. So did they send you're not invited invites? Yep.

You're not invited to join us at our wedding? Yes. So if you didn't get 1 of those, show up. Yeah. I don't know what they did for the people who are invited.

Go on. They sent out an announcement to let people know that they're having a private ceremony and that they're not invited. They said that they would like you to join them in spirit. People are saying this is tacky and a total gift grab. Like, hey.

You're not invited, but can you buy us a blender anyway? Okay. Does it say that in the uninvite? It is not. It is not.

It doesn't say anything about we're registered at Target. I don't know if it says anything about registry, but I assume that they would. Hold on. Because I feel like if you're not going to invite someone to be there physically, you should not expect a gift from them. I agree.

Now if they so decide to be like, I still well, you know, that's fine. I get what they're doing. Because a small private, you know, ceremony, maybe they have a lot of family who's like, when are you getting married? Right. I know you got engaged.

When's the wedding? And so rather than do a big thing and spend a bunch of money and do the whole big wedding thing, maybe they are just doing, you know, them and an officiant or maybe they're doing a courthouse thing, whatever it is, and maybe they're just like, I don't want people to have to stress about this. So we're gonna send non invites. We're just gonna say, hey, thank you for thinking about us. We're not doing a big ceremony.

If you if you're so inclined, we're registered to Target. Or maybe they don't even say that. And maybe they just say, thanks so much for thinking of us. We're doing a small private ceremony. We'll post pictures online.

I see the invitation. It doesn't say anything about A registry. A registry. Okay. Good.

It says, with their families are getting hitched, private ceremony. Please join us in spirit. Spirit, this is kind of annoying. It's spelled wrong. Oh, no.

It's called SPIRT. Spirt. Please, Jonathan, spirt. Spirt. Well But they might have had you know, sometimes they do that little card that you can put in there.

Insert thing that that's like, oh, we forgot this information. Here's a map. Yeah. I think probably they were just saying, look. We're gonna have 10 people at this thing.

It's not a big shindig. We're not doing a bunch of dancing. We're not doing a big reception. It's just a small little ceremony. Thanks for thinking of it.

Yeah. I don't think there's anything wrong with it. No. I don't either. I think it it I don't upset.

I I can see why they'd be upset to receive and, like, a don't don't show up. It's it feels that way, but I also feel like it's it's sort of like, like, really, it's just, hey. Thank you for having us, in your thoughts today, but don't worry about it. But don't worry about it. Don't worry about trying to find something to wear.

Don't worry about a gift. Don't worry about driving. Don't worry about flying. Don't worry about showing up. We don't expect you to be there.

It's a small thing. It's thank you. That's it. Right. I I think that's I think that's nice.

I think that's okay. Nicer than than doing the ceremony and then posting pictures online and people going like, what the heck, man? That's fair. That's a good point. Yeah.

Because I get upset. Preemptive on upsetting people by upsetting people. So You can't win. Oh, we're friends, but I'm not good enough to see you get married. I see how it is.

Oh, I don't get a piece of cake? Yeah. There is no cake. Thanks a lot. There's no cake.

There'll be no pictures of cake. There's no cake. It's just me and my parents and her and her parents, and that's it. That's what we're doing. Simple, easy breezy.

Thanks for thinking of us. I think it's okay. And also, we're registered. We're gonna head over to Topeka, Kansas. Alright.

Some good news today. We got Ray Gates and his wife, Deborah, and they've been collecting aluminum cans for the past 6 years. Okay. It's a long time It is. To collect some cans.

They work with local businesses, friends, family members, and coworkers to maximize their collection efforts. They take those cans to a recycling center. They get the money, and then the money that they raise gets donated to different charities in the area. That's fantastic. Yeah.

He says I've got people at work. They bring them to me. Of course, cans that we get from around here, grandkids drinking soda and all of the other beverages. So it's a group effort from a lot of different people who know that I save cans. Ray and Deborah believe they have collected and recycled over a 100 1, 000 cans weighing over £5, 000.

That's a lot of cans. I know. Ray's employer agrees to match every donation that he makes over a $100 That's great. So cool. So he gets a little extra donation boost, while collecting cans and raising money definitely takes a lot of time and attention.

Ray also admits that the adventure is very satisfying. The adventure. Ray and Deborah Yeah. From Topeka, Kansas collecting cans for charity. Good job, Ray and Deborah.

Way to do something simple to help clean up the place and also give back. I think that's awesome. I do too. They're going, hey. It's just cans.

Right? I don't need the money. That's fine. I was I didn't it wasn't money I was planning on, so we're gonna turn it into charitable donation. I think that's cool.

So way to go, Ray and Deborah. Ray and Deborah. Kill it. News to get you going on classy 97. Maybe you don't know this about me, but I really, really, really, really wanna be a mascot.

I've never known that about you. Actually, I have. Did. No. Because I know in high school, you wanted to, but you felt like it was a popularity contest thing, and you never would have won, so you didn't even try.

No. Correct. So Here's the thing. In high school, I wanted to do it, but, yeah, it's you get voted on. Okay.

So you couldn't try. Fine. There was nobody that was running until 1 of the most, like, liked boys. Didn't even try. Was like, I'm gonna I'm gonna also be a mascot.

I was like, oh, that kid is gonna win. But she didn't even try. Okay. Now I really wanna be like a like a professional sports at mascot. I saw a video yesterday of Victor the Viking from the Minnesota Vikings.

Yeah. Man, that's the coolest job. Running around dressed in a big foam thing. Yeah. Everybody loves the mascot.

Everyone does. Right? You have some anonymity in there? Yes. He was doing it was a video where he was doing I think it was a paintball thing or, like, a water gun thing.

K. And he just had to dodge the the water, the colored water. Dodge the colored water. We can play that game. I can get a water gun, and you can run around, and I'll just try and shoot it at you.

Alright. I'm game. If that's the part you like. So fun. Do you have to have the foam suit, or you just wanna just do it like I mean, I have the gorilla costume.

You could wear that. I could wear that. That would be hot. Maybe we could do that in the winter. The giant foam Viking is hot?

No. It is. You're right. You don't think the bobcat mascot in high school is hot? I couldn't even tell you what it even looked like.

I don't even remember what it looked like. Do you think it was just the skin of a of a taxidermied bobcat? Is that what you had? No. It wasn't that.

I feel like you you want the fun and you want the, the admiration of the mascot life. But I feel like the second you got in that suit and it was a little sweaty, and then you went, who else has been in for sweating? You'd immediately check out and be like, I didn't want this. You don't know me at all. I'm pretty sure that's exactly what would happen.

You'd be like, no. It's gross in here. It smells like somebody else's breath. I gotta go. You're probably right.

I just feel like I'm a little bit clumsy, but I'm also a lot of fun. And you can do all of that in a mascot. You can, like, trip and fall, and people are like, yeah. That was awesome. You can do that anyway.

No. People just laugh at you and go, what's the matter? If you're a mascot, it's fun. Be a mascot. I want to.

Just say it in your own skin, then you don't have to worry about the sweaty helmet. Can I be, our family mascot? You are. Our family can help. Already are.

You're the mascot of this radio show. You're the mascot of of the family. Yes. You're the mascot of East Idaho. Look at you.

There she is tripping and falling. Everybody cheering her on. They they're gonna make foam versions of Chantel, and people are gonna wear those. Look at Maybe I just need a big head of the painting that you drew of me. Right.

We'll get a life like, an extra large Yeah. Version of that. Big foam Chantel head that you can wear around. Yeah. I'm I'm in support.

I like it too. Let's do it. We had a problem last night. What happened? Well, I was taking a bath.

Very, very nicely taking a bath, trying to relax, trying to enjoy the evening, and all of a sudden, my phone dropped in the tub. What? I was watching a movie on my phone Uh-huh. In the tub. And I must have accidentally jostled it or done something to it because next thing I know, sploosh, in the phone, in the tub, in the water, submerged.

So I hurry and grind it out, and I go, oh, Josh is gonna be so mad at me. And I wipe it off, dry it off, shaking it, and they what they say is true. That phone is waterproof. It is. It played it played the movie the whole time.

I mean, it's in the tub playing my movie. You told me Yes? That it was in the tub for a very short amount of time. It was. It was.

You didn't tell me you're watching an underwater movie. Well, I didn't watch it underwater. It was submerged underwater, but I grabbed it immediately. So what I heard later was, hey. Hey.

I said, what's up? Well, my phone is telling me the USB. I can't plug in the charger. It won't charge. It's got moisture in there.

Yeah. It sent me an alert that said your USB port has Yeah. Moisture in it. Don't attempt to plug anything into it until it's dried out, and I went, great. And then hours and hours later, it still said that.

Yeah. It was hours. It felt like probably a few minutes. How long were you out of the shower before you told me about it? Hours.

Half hour? No. Hours. I had fallen asleep because I'd gotten out of the tub, put on my pajamas, and then I laid on the bed and fell asleep. And then you came in, and I said, hey.

My phone is saying this thing. That's right. Because I went to put my I have a wireless charger, and I went to set my phone on there. And you said, oh, I was gonna put my phone on there. And I and I said, why?

And you said, oh, it's yelling at me that says I have moisture in the USB. I said, oh, really? And you went, I didn't wanna tell you. I dropped it in the tub. I don't wanna tell you.

Because you think I'm careless with my phone. I think a lot of people are careless with their phones. Not not it's not exclusive to you by any means. Okay. I know the technology is expensive.

Yes. And it's expensive to replace. Yes. And, and so that's really where it comes from is I just know that and and I like to take care of my things, and it really bums me out when, when, like, I had a broken screen. I could I can't deal with it.

I have to not live with a broken phone. I just mostly didn't wanna lecture either. I know that I shouldn't have been watching on my phone. I know that it should have been up in a better spot. I didn't need you to dad lecture me.

I didn't need it. So I didn't tell you because I didn't want you to say not angry about it. Just disappointed. I'm just disappointed. You should take better care of your things.

I do. Clearly. Josh, it was a fluke accident. Okay. How do we mitigate the fluke accident potential moving forward?

And then you say this, well, at least it wasn't your laptop. I did say at least it wasn't your surface. Yeah. At least you didn't drop your surface in the bath because this is designed to have a little bit more durability these days. It was pretty durable.

I'm impressed. Back in the day, you dropped your phone in the tub, done. Right. You'd never get that thing to turn back on. Throw it in a bag of rice, which you did ask me.

Do I need to put it in rice? And I so I think it's okay. They disable it automatically disables the USB so that it tries to prevent damage. They're sealed pretty well now. They've done a lot of different things.

They used to have a battery door and a removable battery, and the hardware was you know, water was real bad. They've gotten better. I know. Look at it. It's working just great.

I'm very impressed. Well My favorite part was that you had my phone over on your side of the bed because it was charging on your wireless thing. Yeah. And so you had to deal with all of my alarms. I didn't care for that.

It's Classy 97 with Josh and Chantel and a very special guest in the studio, VP of public relations from Melaleuca. It's the 1 and only Tony. Tony. Hey, Tony. Thank you.

What an introduction. Yeah. Well, welcome. We're excited to have you here because tomorrow is kind of a big day. We've got the 4th July tomorrow, and there's a lot going on, with Riverfest and all of the activities at Snake River Landing.

And, of course, we wanna talk about the 31st annual, Melaleuca Freedom Celebration. It's, it's it's 31st annual. That's incredible. It's getting there. Right?

31 years. That's fantastic. And the city shines that day. Oh, totally. Right?

Like Best day of the year. And and figuratively. And, you've seen you said over 20 of these yourself. I've seen a lot of them, and I've been a part in leading the pyrotechnic aspect of it for, oh, close to 15 years now. Yeah.

That's awesome. And now, Western Display Fireworks is back again this year to help out with the show. They've done a fantastic job. What are we looking forward to that's new this year? Yeah.

This year, we'll have 18, 505 fireworks. It's a few 100 more. Yes. That's it. And 1 of the things that our exec Melaleuca, founder Frank Vandersloot does is he charges me every single year with making sure we could make that claim.

Yeah. That we are the largest fireworks in western Mississippi. Right. I spent hours online scouring and making calls to different pyrotechnic companies to find out, to be able to make that claim. And, yes, we are absolutely the largest fireworks show west of the Mississippi.

And our show definitely rivals what you're gonna find in Boston Yeah. Washington DC and Philadelphia, which is insane. Those are the firework meccas of the world. Yeah. Right.

Those are where founding founding, areas for sure. Yeah. Well, Congratulations to you because that's, I'm sure, a lot of digging and research that you have to go through. So congrats. That's right.

We wanna make we wanna make those claims and make sure that they're that they're accurate, and that's measured by the just the sheer number of shells that are going up in the night sky. Well but let's talk about, like, the actual, you know, curtain of fireworks is huge. Yeah. That's right. And that's 1 of the new things this year too.

What we're gonna see for those that have gone down and that that know the difference from year to year, and there are a lot of people and a lot of firework aficionados come from all over this the country to come to this particular show because of what it offers. Mhmm. What we're gonna see is with those fireworks, we're we're gonna go a little bit higher than we have in the past. The firing line is a little bit wider too. They've got some new v pattern fireworks.

And so, basically, we're gonna go wider into the night sky and into the into the canvas. The fireworks themselves have been scoured from all over the globe this year. So we have a hefty amount of American fireworks, those from Italy, Spain, and from from Asia as well. Wow. Being able to Cool.

To find the very best in the world. And so these these fireworks shows, they they're gonna burn a little bit brighter than what you see typically, and they're gonna be extraordinary. That's awesome. We were talking about the different, sort of some of these firework facts that Chantal shared with me, just a day or 2 ago. And, she said blue is 1 of the hardest colors for them to figure out how to make, in fireworks.

And I know we see some really bright colors up in there, and there are some blues. Yeah. Our the pyrotechnics go to all over the world to purchase the best inventory that they can find. And and so they're looking in certain certain countries are known to produce very vibrant blues or purples. And so they each have their specialty, and they each have their purpose in the show.

And so 1 of the things it's not just we have more and it's bigger and better, and we say that every single year. But it's not just that. It's also trying there's an artistry in being able to to choreograph these fireworks. And so our pyros are looking at this there's particular software where they're able to visualize every single second of that show on the on the computer and simulate it in 3 d models Oh, cool. And then be able to adjust.

They have everything in their inventory and then the computers and and and the right eye. Right? The right artist is able to look at it and try and say, okay. Well, in this song, why don't we adjust this 1 here? And what what about going larger or about smaller?

And they're also looking at it not just what's happening at a 1000 feet in the air. What's happening at 400 feet? So they're looking at different dimensions and dynamically to be able to produce something that overall makes, the whole picture. The whole show. And you talked about curtains.

These fireworks curtains is the kind of the newest trend in fireworks where you're you're trying to create for that that hanging moment. The whole thing comes together as 1. Yeah. So Yeah. All the way from the top of the sky to what's happening at ground effect level.

It's very, very cool. And that's 1 of the specializations of the Fireworks company that we've that we're using. They've been around for 75 years, done over 10, 000 shows, but this is this is their favorite. Yeah. That's about I I really love your enthusiasm about this.

It's making me excited for the show, so it's awesome. Well, yes. Yesterday, I was on the on the, on the platform, and the head pyrotech, technician took a took a moment. And he was just looking over Snake River Landing, and he thought and he said to me, you know, Tony, I don't know if there's any other place in the world that has a venue like this. Yeah.

And he's just looking at the grass and the he's up he's up 30, 40 feet in the air where the platform is. Well, on the platform, the that's at Snake River Landing specifically designed for this purpose. And ball venture That's amazing. They ball ventures went all out to create this specific that venue for us, for the community, and it it shows. It it's such a great experience.

There's a little bit of a game, though. Right? People here, we're not used to traffic, and so we think, oh, well, I wanna be as close I possibly can to see the fireworks, but not necessarily get involved in the traffic. Yeah. I think that's the wrong approach.

I think it's worth going down there. That's what the pyrotechn technician would tell you. Yeah. Like, if he designs it, so if if you are just directly west of the of the platform, you're gonna have you're gonna see so much more. But if you're at a a weird angle, it's just not gonna be the same type of experience.

And, also, how important is it to listen to Classy? I mean, let's go. Right? Of course, it is. Because the the entire soundtrack for the 31 minute show, is is synchronized shell for shell, note for note to the music we broadcast on Classy 97, tomorrow night.

It's phenomenal. And and your team does an amazing job. I work I have the privilege of working with you guys, and it's it is months months of being able to to develop the right soundtrack that fits a little bit of of I mean, all different sorts of of musical genres. Mhmm. Yes.

Right? So it has something in there for everyone, and then create the right meaning with it. And so when that fireworks when that pyro is designing the show, he's starting with our soundtrack. And then from there, he's looking at how do we emphasize every moment of the music Right. And to create the right mood.

And Frank's always told me there's something magical about fireworks and music and message, and it can just create this emotional stirring. Hopefully, everybody walks away feeling a little bit deeper sense of patriotism Yeah. And unity. And that's exactly what this country and our city, our state need right now. Yeah.

No. That's great. That's that's a huge part, and there's there's definitely a cadence to the entire thing. There's, there's a rhythm that kind of flows. You know, we talk about 18, 505 shells, which works out to, like, 597 a minute or 9.9 per second if you wanna do the math, but, because I did.

But but the point is that, like, you aren't getting 9.9 shells per second nonstop for 31 minutes. There's there's a flow and there's and there are big impactful moments with lots of explosions, and then there's quiet down moments where the message is really important and delivered. And it it's it's spectacular. And that artistry is coming to with through the pyrotechnicians. And that's what 1 of the differences between, a good firework show where you're throwing up a lot of great fireworks versus trying to make it, like, there's an elegance Yeah.

If if when you're doing it right. And if you've been down there, you you can tell. You can sense it. Yeah. For sure.

So Well, we're very excited to be a part of it again this year. It's the 31st annual Melaleuca Freedom celebration. Tony, we we talk a lot about traffic. We talk a lot about people during the day, with all the activities going on and stuff. We want people to, to definitely be patient and to, and to be kind to other people that are, you know, they're enjoying the experience as well.

And when everybody tries to go home, it's always like, yeah, but it's gonna take me forever. And I know there's plans in place. There's traffic flows. We've got a helicopter. There's a lot of things that are kinda going on to kinda make that a little easier.

Yeah. And I think last year, what Nate, Eaton and captain Marley were were showing was that at the the parking lot's empty in about an hour and a half was the last car. So they're getting better and better, and there's such an effort. The planning meetings for traffic have about 45 different people from every single city agency, city, state, county, all pulling together. This is kind of their Super Bowl here.

That to make sure that they get 200, 000 people flowing out of there. And and now we've been doing this at snickerburden for 8 years. I think people understand where they're going to. They know to go to check out freedom celebration.com/ parking. They to check out the map and park in the right section or the right lot that will flow to where their destination is.

So it is great to be a a few years into it and people know Right. How to get there. I would also, say I know a lot of people were concerned about the construction that was happening on the Pan Carey Bridge right there. I did see earlier today, it will be open to 4 lanes. They're gonna sort of sideline the construction, during this, and they're gonna pick up next week.

So that won't be an issue during, what we've got going on here. I was thinking how great is that. They've been working on this on the bridge. The bridge isn't finished. Right.

They just knew that this event was going to be there's gonna be so many people crossing that bridge that they decided to let let's let's patch it up. Here we go. For let's let's have a stopping point. Let's make sure everybody gets through, and then they'll start again. I thought that that's good good city planning.

Yeah. Right. It was I know they a lot of people, they started the construction, and they went, no. No. Why would you do that?

Why would you do that? The 4th July is coming up. But, no, it's great. That that road will be open. So as we kinda get ready to move traffic around, that should not be a big impact.

So that's great. Was there anything else, Tony, that we need to know about what's going on this year at the, 31st annual Melaleuca Freedom celebration? I think probably just the the last point I wanted to make is is the real reason why Frank, and Mel Alukka put this event on, and it's so easy to forget it and the illuminations and and the and the dazzling display. But it's all about really. This the the Mel Luca Freedom celebration is all about an opportunity to pay tribute to our founding fathers, to our veterans, to our service members, and then the invisible sacrifice that their families make as well.

Right. And that narration helps to underscore that. But what really we're trying to do is not just provide a moment of entertainment or 31 minutes of it Yeah. But also for everybody to walk away feeling like there was something of great meaning and importance there, and they all feel a little bit deeper sense of patriotism as a result of having been to that show and and and felt it in, you know, kind of in their soul. So, what a great sacrifice that our service members, make.

And not only just to remember what they've done, but that their willingness to serve too. That's that's part of it. I know we get we get down to that 31 minutes, and I know Frank has said in years past that that 31 minutes is just not even enough, because of because of how great that sacrifice is. So It it does feel like that 31 minutes isn't enough of a tribute for what they've what they've done, but we'll we'll do our best here to to light it up for for those moments. Well, Tony, thank you so much for making time for us this morning to kinda talk about it.

We're really excited tomorrow. Snake River Landing is where it's all happening. The 31st annual Melaleuca Freedom celebration will wrap up the 4th July, in such a great, great way. We look forward to it every year. We're glad to see it's going on again this year.

And thank you and thank you to Classy for the rich heritage here. 31 years being a part of it for many, many years, and, we couldn't do it without you. And we couldn't do it with all the support from the community. So thank you to all of you for coming out to see the show. Yeah.

Happy 4th July. We'll see you at Snake River Landing tomorrow. Woo hoo. Did you ever hear of blue suede shoes? I've heard of don't step on my blue suede shoes.

They have sold at auction. The Elvis blue suede shoes? Elvis blue suede shoes. K. They sold at auction when?

Unimportant. For how much? This is what's shocking is I don't feel like this is very much money for these iconic blues white shoes. A $152, 000. That isn't terrible.

I mean, it's a pair of shoes, so let's be real here. I get it, but they're the blue suede shoes. Have they been stepped on? Unclear. They've been stepped in.

That's true. That's true. So these are these are Elvis Warren. Oh, these 9 June 28th was when they went on auction. Okay.

So not that long ago. Just a couple of days. And a $150, 000. Yes. And He wore these in 19 fifties on and off the stage.

In 1958, the night before he left before the army, he gave these shoes to a close friend. The hill of each shoe is stamped, NUNNBUSH. But it was Emmy? I don't know. Is that the name of the shoe?

I don't I don't know. I don't know. They're a 10 and a half size. A 10a half? 10a half.

How about that? How about it? I mean, I'm looking at the shoes. Are you? They kinda look like just normal loafers.

I wouldn't pay that much money for them. A $152, 000? Even if they were worn by Elvis himself? Yeah. So Oh, shocking.

I it's not, I I don't know. That's this is a strange thing. Like, the like, people buy this stuff. Yeah. I know.

Like, why? They spent a lot of money on this stuff. But for what? And I'm actually surprised these aren't just at his house in Graceland as part of the same exhibit. Yeah.

I'm I'm really surprised by that. Most stuff goes. And, eventually, here's what's gonna happen. What's gonna happen? A 100 years from now, you think somebody's gonna be like, look at those shoes.

Wonder what those are about. Because they're not gonna have any point of reference. Like, we still have this timeline of stuff and this history thing. But, eventually, all that goes away, and then you go like, what are these old shoes? Now that someone privately owns them?

Like, somebody's gonna be cleaning up at a state, and they're gonna go, what are these shoes? But, Josh, he wore them when he sang hound dog in the 19 fifties. Cool. Cool. Cool.

But Josh but Josh. Cool. Okay. Here's something interesting. The shoes have previously been displayed by various museums, including the Elvis a rama Museum in Las Vegas where they escaped a 2004 robbery.

Someone broke in to the Elvis a rama Museum in Las Vegas in 2004 and did not steal those shoes because you know why? It's just a pair of blue shoes. That's why. Cool 10a halfs. In case you don't know, tomorrow is the 4th July.

Uh-huh. There's been all kinds of 4th July activities for the past week. I know that there was some fireworks in Blackfoot recently. There's fireworks tonight. There's fireworks tomorrow.

Yeah. Yeah. All over. What you may not know is that the declaration of independence wasn't even signed on July 4th. What?

Did you know that? I don't know if I knew that. It was signed on August 2nd 1776. Did it did it get its first signature on the 4th July? No.

Are you telling the truth? Yeah. Alright. Is this 4th July facts? Kind of.

Is that what this is? Yes. Alright. Here we go. Did you know eating salmon on the 4th July is a tradition in New England?

No. I did not. You do now. But why? Look that part up.

You do you do the research. I just give you the facts, and you do the research. Alright. Massachusetts was the 1st state to recognize the 4th July. And as we learned yesterday, fireworks are all illegal there.

That's correct. So what do you do in Massachusetts? Get it together. Well, they're illegal for private citizens. Like, they're they do, like, a big show thing.

I'm sure. But Oh, do they, Josh? You know that? Mhmm. There are 15, 000 Independence Day fireworks celebrations every year.

Is that right? Yeah. That is right. What are you looking up? Legend has it.

The tradition of eating salmon on the 4th July dates back to Abigail Adams serving salmon and peas to her husband, John Adams John Adams. On the 1st 4th July celebration in 1776. John Adams was the 2nd president of the United States. However, that myth has been busted by historians who note that the couple weren't even in the same city on the day in question. Oh, shocking.

So no 1 knows why they eat salmon. They just do. They just do, which is how traditions get started, isn't it? Mhmm. Somebody's like, oh, we've done this for years years, and then another person goes, no.

We haven't. Hey. You know what? I just found out you find out? I just found out that 150, 000, 000 hot dogs will be eaten on the 4th July.

Get out of here with your hot dogs. Did you know that 3 presidents have died and 1 was born on the 4th July? On the 4th July. On the 4th July. Wasn't Jefferson, born on the 4th July?

Stall while I look it up. Oh, no. I can look it up faster. K. K.

You look it up. Maybe. I thought I got this. I got this. Calvin Coolidge Yeah?

Was born on Independence Day. Okay. No. What? Jefferson was born on April 13th.

Oh, Erin, you're wrong. Well, this is a lie. The this is the only president of the United States to be born on July 4th was Calvin Coolidge. Okay. But but Thomas Jefferson did die on the 4th July.

Oh, that's right. Okay. So I said 1 was born on the 4th July, which is Calvin Coolidge. Everybody knows old Cal. Right?

I don't know. You know you know Cal. We we paled around. You do. John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, and James Monroe Yeah.

All died on the 4th July. Jefferson and Adams, it was, like, minutes apart. Like, they were very close in, in death if I remember right. It was a very strange thing. Yeah.

And I think that they had been feuding Mhmm. And then they patched things up right before they died Yeah. I think. High fived. They were like, alright.

Good job. I don't think that existed in a day. 4th July facts. 4th July facts. How about it?

Okay. These are things that used to be common, but then just kind of vanished. What happened to them? Let's find out, shall we? K.

Let's find out together, Josh. Why is this in cereal boxes? Yeah. They're not doing that anymore. No.

Some still do, but they've mostly switched to QR codes where you can get a link to an app. And I don't know if you can get prizes from the app. That doesn't make sense because now you're trying to keep track of things, and then there's mailing things, and then there's information, and there's somebody who has to keep track of this stuff. And that's just it was so much cooler when you, like, got a little toy can tune out of the, cereal box. And then you'd have to fight with your brother and sister over it.

And then you would whine and complain, and then your mom would say, give it to your little sister, and then she'd say what would happen? I won because I what happened in your house. No. I was just saying from That's what happened in your house. From other standpoints.

I've heard of that happening in other houses. Wow. Wow. I'm the baby. Wow.

What's that like? What's what like? Being the baby? It's the best. Apparently.

It's the best place to be. You don't have any responsibility. Everybody loves you. Wow. You can blame things on your older siblings.

The baby is the best. As the oldest, I feel I feel like there's a different side to this story. Which is? What's your frustration, disappointment, disbelief a lot of times. I can't believe this is still happening.

So sad. Anger. A lot of emotions you have to deal with as a child who just wants the toy from the cereal box. Yeah. But I want it more.

The baby wants it more. Not too bad for you. Great news for me. So I think I remember picking cereal Yeah. Based on the toy that's inside.

And I I'm pretty confident that I would pick my own cereal box for the toy, and my sister would pick her own cereal box for the toy. And I don't think I had to fight over it. Really? I don't remember having that disagreement in my house about who gets the toy. You were rich.

You got you each got to pick out your own cereal. No. Because we rarely was a thing. We got the box of cereal. We always had the bags of cereal.

Had the bags of cereal too. Come with toys. You just get more cereal. Sometimes we would buy the boxes if they were on sale. Like, if the store would do the case slot sale, and then your mom would stock up on that.

Might have been something like that. Sometimes those ones didn't have toys, though, because they were the healthy ones. Woah. Woah. You don't you don't get a toy with your Raisin Bran?

No. Oh, is that correct? You know what you get? Cyber. That's a toy.

You get plenty of it. Know what the worst thing is. When you would open Saturday morning, you open the cupboard. You're like, I'm gonna make a bowl of cereal. I'm gonna sit down and watch cartoons.

And you open the cupboard, and all that's in there is Grape Nuts or Raisin Bran. Regular plain Kellogg's. Just flakes. Just Kellogg's Prose. Cornflakes.

Which were still good if you dumped a bunch of sugar on it. Correct. You could still make those taste good. You can't ever make Grape Nuts taste good. Never.

Have you had them lately? No. I'll never buy those. I think you should maybe try some. Ugh.

You might be like, actually In my old age I think I kinda get it. There's a video that happened online. It shows 2 couples that are filmed fighting with each other in an observation deck allegedly to secure the best selfie spot while attempting to climb Mount Everest. Oh, this is ridiculous. Have you heard about this?

First of all, there's too many people There's too many people Everest right now. This this has gotten out of control. I agree. It's it's wild. And then people make it up there, and they're fighting because they wanna spend more time taking selfies.

Yeah. There's gotta be some consideration for other people in here, and I think that's missing in a lot of humanity. According to this video, there's 2 men seen punching each other while they wrestle to the ground. Good grief. There's 1 of the women can be seen tried and trying to pull off 1 of the men while the other woman joined in and started kicking 1 of the men.

Boy. The couple disagreed. The couples disagreed on the best spot for the photo, and the argument escalated from a verbal spat to a full out brawl. Brawl. Yeah.

They're brawling on the mountain. On the Mount Everest. You gotta pay a ton of money. You have to wait, then you have to, like, hurry and try and summit, then you have to get up there and then wait in lines and lines and lines of people because too many people are trying to do this, and then you're gonna do that. Josh, they gotta get their it's all about the Gram.

I know it is. Get their self I gotta prove it. It's Take your picture and move on. You get 1 or 2 shots, move on. Exactly.

There's there's no time. Everybody else is trying to do it too. You don't just get to hang out for 15 minutes on the top. That's not how it works. You get about a minute and a half, and you gotta go.

You get to make a phone call from the top of the mountain and go, hey. I made it to the summit. It's very exciting. I'm a make it back down. I'll talk to you later.

Take your pictures. Move on out. Get on out. Climb down that mountain. No time.

90 seconds tops. You gotta move. For shame. Lot of people barbecuing over the 4th July Yeah. Weekend, Thursday, tomorrow, 4th July, and then Friday, Saturday, Sunday.

A lot of people doing that thing. Burgers, hot dogs, maybe some chicken, maybe smoking some meats, briskets, and things. Right. What about the veggies, though? Oh, what about the veggies?

A lot of people say there won't be any veggies. Oh, no. Not even corn? Like, a fourth of Americans have never had a vegetable. Ever?

Yeah. Never their entire lives. So veggie is not on the menu at a barbecue, certainly. Do you believe that? Not even A fourth of Americans have never had a vegetable in their life.

Not even a salad? Surely, you've had a salad at some point with a tomato I with some lettuce. Saying. And the cucumber? New information says that 25% of Americans have never had a vegetable ever in their whole life.

I don't know if I believe that. I just don't know. Survey found the average person only includes vegetables in a third of their meals, and corn is number 1. It has the juice. Saying that corn is their favorite vegetable.

It's corn. It's corn. Yeah. Potatoes, was second. Carrots and tomatoes were tied for 3rd.

That's what I'm saying. These people have Those are people who've had vegetables. Potatoes. Everyone's had There's a fourth of Americans. That means if you get 4 Americans in 1 room, 1 of them has never had a vegetable in their life.

Okay. We're gonna ask. We're gonna get 4 people in a room, and we're gonna ask them all today. Have you had a vegetable? Because I don't buy that equation.

Have you ever had a vegetable? They're gonna say yes. If you were to guess in this building who has never had a vegetable, who would you guess? This gentleman next door. This Or this 1.

Victor? No. Peaches? Yeah. You think Peaches hasn't had a His name is Peach.

He's got he's gotta have stuff that's growing on trees and vines. Who do you think? I don't know. I'm trying to think who would be a nonvegetable eater. I I don't know.

I think everybody in the building's eating a vegetable. According to your data, no. No. No. We'll find no.

No. No. No. We'll find out. We'll update you later about the veggies.

Would you rather this or that question of the day. 4th July edition. K. Would you rather meet George Washington or meet Benjamin Franklin? Oh, well, depending on where I was, I can meet them both.

You could. That's If I showed up at the right place. I think I'd I think I'd be more intimidated to meet George Washington. You do? Yeah.

Than the guy who invented so many different things? Well, they're both pretty incredible. I agree. But I just feel like You've got a general and an and an inventor, a creative mind. And the first president Yeah.

And Benjamin Franklin. Right. I don't I feel like Ben would be a better hang. I think so too, but I also feel like, I feel like I'd have more to talk to to Benjamin Franklin. That's what I'm saying.

I think Ben's the Yeah. He's the better hangout. Yeah. Like, he he's low pressure. And you could explore ideas, and you could be like you could be like, what about this?

What about if every single person didn't have to ride a horse? What if what about this? What if we took the wheel that's on the wagon and we put a motor in there and it you could have a wheel to steer, and his mind would be blown? You're like, what are you? Some kind of crazy person?

What are you some kind of What about if I had a box in a room that I could pick up a a thing, and I could put half of it next to my ear and the other half next to my mouth, and I could talk and hear someone on the other end anywhere in the world? He'd be like, what are you crazy? Talking about? We have lanterns to send signals. We don't need what are you gonna call that?

A telephone? I feel also, like, you know how they say it's best to not meet your heroes sometimes? Okay. You feel like Washington's a hero? You just gotta leave him a mystery.

I kind of think Washington would be fun to say, hey, buddy. Guess when my birthday is. Hey. That's true because you guys share a birthday. And he'd be like, what?

But what if you met him and you were like, oh, he's kind of a jerk? It's just best to leave him. Not a jerk? No way. That's what you wanna believe.

I'd be like, how's old Martha? How's Mags? How's she doing? I don't know. I don't know how to pick.

I just it'd be cool to meet them both. Alright. Fair enough. It is time for your better today than yesterday daily challenge. A little something to get you going through your, pre, I guess, pre Pre warm up.

4th July. This feels like an appropriate warm up for the day. Alright. Try a new workout. It could go you go to a new workout class or you could do an exercise you've never done before because you, surprise yourself and your body by realizing how quickly you can adapt to new challenges.

Oh. Yeah. Try a new workout, go to a new workout class, or do an exercise you've never done before because you're better today than yesterday daily challenge. Jazzercise. Have you ever done that?

Or prancercise. Pran I've seen you do prancercise. It's pretty fun. As a joke than anything, but I've seen it. So there is there is that.

Anyway, give it a shot. Try a new workout. Go to a new workout class or do an exercise you've never done before is your better today than yesterday daily challenge. And that is gonna do it for us. We are not in the studio tomorrow.

That's right. We are not in the studio live on Friday, so we won't have another new brand new show for you until Monday next week. Oh, that's a long time. It is. But, be safe today.

Be safe, tomorrow during 4th July. On screen. Drink lots of water. Respect other people. Be nice to everyone.

Be patient, be kind. And, those are really the 2 biggest things you can do to make everybody's day a little bit easier. It's gonna be crazy. There's gonna be big crowds. There's gonna be lots of people.

You're gonna be hot. You're gonna need a nap. Take a nap if you feel if you're feeling cranky, get some water. Take a nap. Go inside.

Soak up some AC, and, and it'll be all good. We'll see you at Riverfest. We will be there tomorrow, and, of course, we'll be there for the fireworks tomorrow night, the, Melaleuca Freedom Celebration. So, come and see us there. Enjoy your 4th July.

Be safe, and we'll see you back here live on Monday when we're back in the studio. Sounds good. Alright. Thanks for listening to wake up classy 97, the podcast. If you enjoy the show, please share, subscribe, and rate the podcast.

Wake up classy 97 is hosted by Josh and Chantel Tielor and is a production of Riverbend Media Group. For more information or to contact the show, visit riverbendmediagroup.com.