Let's Talk with Leaha & Rhonda

What is Let's Talk with Leaha & Rhonda?

Leaha Crawford and Rhonda Nolen are business consultants that discuss the current struggles of small business owners and entrepreneurs. Each episode covers steps necessary for smaller businesses and business owners to grow and prosper.

Unknown Speaker 0:00
You're listening to locally produced programming created in KU NBC Studios on public radio K, u and v. 91.5. The following is a paid program sponsored by Crawford management group and smart time consultants. Please be advised that the voices and opinions you hear did not represent the views of 91.5 Jazz anymore, the University of Nevada Las Vegas or the Board of Regents of the Nevada System of Higher Education.

Unknown Speaker 0:34
Hi, my name is Leah Crawford.

Unknown Speaker 0:36
And I'm Rhonda Nolan. And you're listening to the let's talk with Leah and Rhonda show for all the beautiful entrepreneurs out there.

Unknown Speaker 0:44
This is for you. Hey, hey, hey, good morning in Las Vegas. Hey, Mr. Ricketts, how are you?

Unknown Speaker 0:52
I'm good and yourself.

Unknown Speaker 0:53
I am amazing. Thank you for asking. Hi, my name is Leah Crawford, host of the let's talk with Leah and Rhonda show. But Rhonda, please send her some peace, love and blessings as she is not here with us this morning. But I have a special guest in the studio. I said Hey Tom before I introduce them, but today I have Mr. David Ricketts here with me we're going to talk about juicing, juicing. So if you ever wanted to do something different, try something different. A way to correct your diet. Juicing juicing is the way it goes. So good morning, Mr. Rick, how are you?

Unknown Speaker 1:30
Good morning. I am good. Thank you. Thank you so much for having me back on.

Unknown Speaker 1:34
Yeah, you want to know what cuz you left me last time I was sitting here I was like he said I can't eat. He's you I could I was like, I can't eat the shrimp and the crab legs and other good stuff and the seasoning and just the stuff in and after I do what I got to drink all the juice for a couple of days in order to clean my system out. So tell me I mean, you you did to do some business? Yes, you deliver. And when I tell you it is absolutely amazing. What made you start this business?

Unknown Speaker 2:03
Well, just like with a lot of people that get into a start a health journeys because of sickness and my own sickness, I was dealing with pancreatitis. And so I started juicing myself over about 15 years ago or so. And within the last six or seven years, I had a friend he saw that I was just an online and asked me if I can start juicer for him. And I started start a business just just after that. And with a pandemic. Once that hit that's when the business really took off. Because everyone obviously was paranoid about getting sick and just trying to keep their immune system up and lymphatic system moving. So business really took off due to the pandemic.

Unknown Speaker 2:45
This is why it's a flop and you have different types of juices.

Unknown Speaker 2:47
Yes, yes, we have. We have the basic fruit and vegetable mixes, we have citrus juices we have the most popular actually is the two most popular there's the one I have right in front in front of me which is beat down which is beats pineapple, Orange. I would say the grapes is actually the one that's taken off really in the past year. It's just red grapes and blueberries. That's it. Red grapes and blueberries. Because there's so much information online about people, quote unquote, healing or curing themselves just doing a grape diet, just eating grapes. So I know myself, I can't eat just grapes all day. I can't eat them. But I can try. I could drink the juice though all day,

Unknown Speaker 3:29
but you can drink the juice. Okay. Yep. All right. So healing journey is how do people get in? Okay, first. So first of all, is there do you have packages?

Unknown Speaker 3:38
Yes, we do. We have packages start from a three day timeframe going all the way up to 30 day timeframe.

Unknown Speaker 3:46
Alright, so if I'm doing a three day or a three day do I juice all day.

Unknown Speaker 3:53
So it depends on what your goal is. If you are trying to recover from something. Sometimes people just get a just get sick. Let's just say just common quote unquote cold or flu. Yeah, just go ahead and eat even if you just do a regular fast for a few days, that'll get everything start clearing out the system, it'll get your lymphatic system moving, your immune system will be built up because all of your body's energy reserves are being redirected towards getting everything out of your body. So when people say that when we say the word detox, detox is is the manifestation of what we call a cold or a fuel or flu. So when you get a sore throat, runny nose, you're sick. That's your body detox and that's all that detox is is getting stuff out. That does not need to be there.

Unknown Speaker 4:38
Got it. So when you are sneezing and coughing and nose running is your body just excreting and it doesn't belong.

Unknown Speaker 4:45
It's gonna come out either through your mouth, your nose, your tail in your skin, your skin a lot of times when people get rashes. Your skin is your third kidney. So if your body can't flush something out the kidneys or the lymph nodes, it will come up Your skin? Oh, yeah, a lot of people aren't aware of that.

Unknown Speaker 5:03
Okay. So when you get rashes and stuff like that your body is just detoxing your rash and just let it go. Let it go. Let it come out, let it come out. Okay, because I know when I, because I, personally, I'm three juices a day, and I just that's just my everyday routine. And what I can tell you is I can tell when I do and I can tell when I don't like the days that I don't do it. I'm like, Huh, I'm not going I'm not going to the restaurant as much. But days that I do do it, especially with the beatdown Yeah, when I got I was like, What in the world? Is this? Yeah, but it was a, but it's a good feeling. I have more energy. Yes, when I'm doing it regularly, and I actually look forward to seeing you weekly. Okay, so what I love about this guys, is that you can talk to David about what it is that's going on with you. It doesn't take place if you go on to your primary physician going to the doctor, but it can supplement whatever else is going on whatever else you're doing. Now, can you use this juice? Well, if you can just juice all day, you can use this and replace them with meal. Absolutely, yes

Unknown Speaker 6:05
as you can. So just like you said, you're doing three, three juices a day, right? And eating maybe one or two meals a day one is a meal. So traditionally, I will do three at least three bottles a day, and I'll just usually eat at dinner. But if I'm really trying to if I have a goal specific, I'm going to drink five to eight bottles of juice a day. And that's it. Well, we did

Unknown Speaker 6:27
that. Yeah, I did that I did the seven a day. For I think we did it for 10 days. I was hangry. Yeah, the first first couple of days. Yeah, first couple of four hangry. And but by the forefoot about a fifth, fourth or fifth day smooth sail, it was smooth sailing. As a matter of fact, it was hard for me to transition back into food. That's true, I had to transition slowly back to eating food. And it just tasted different.

Unknown Speaker 6:56
That's true. It tasted a taste buds get reset. Your body is just it's getting natural. It's getting food. Because think about what most of us eat. The standard American diet sad is nothing more than processed stuff. If you look at the exports that we have for food, they pale in comparison to exports of other countries, for instance, we can't export a lot of our foods to other countries, they won't accept it because they know it's processed. So think about that all in itself. If you've been in other countries, if you take a taste of Coca Cola or sprite here in the US it tastes different than down in Mexico or in Japan because we put other things in it that other countries don't. Hmm, yeah. Yeah, it always tastes a little bit different.

Unknown Speaker 7:41
It does always tastes a little bit different. It tastes a little and because our taste buds are accustomed to this crap. Yep. Alright. So if I were to, if I were to just start eating differently, eating differently, so instead of I mean, but everything seems to be processed. Yeah.

Unknown Speaker 8:03
For the most part. If you go through your average grocery store, most of the stuff is going to be processed, obviously, except for a majority of the stuff in the produce aisles. But that's because of thinking but think about this. Think about our grandparents go back 5060 years ago, they had a milkman who was delivering fresh milk to the house. And he had to come back every two days. Yes, yeah. Because they weren't, they weren't putting the same preservatives, preservatives and additives in the stuff that we have today. So they want the stuff the last time the grocery shelves longer. So that and also when you take it home, you can store it, it's gonna last longer.

Unknown Speaker 8:38
Because you don't know how long this stuff has been on. Exactly. On the show. Yeah, when you go in, you pick it up.

Unknown Speaker 8:44
And if you're looking at meats, and I'm sure a lot of people have seen the videos about the meat glue, how they'll take different pieces of meat and glue it together and to a filet mignon steak onto a T bone. And we think it's all one piece of meat, but it's not. It's multiple pieces of meat put together. We don't know how long this one is was was aged. This one was age where they're gluing all those pieces together. And we're taking home. So

Unknown Speaker 9:10
my steak was good. I'm talking about my steak. See, every time I bring you on, I gotta go home and just be like, wow, wow. Wow, I've never really never really thought about

Unknown Speaker 9:20
it. We don't give it that much thought. So we don't give it that much thought. So

Unknown Speaker 9:22
would you recommend like I know I have friends that actually they order they they go in order to go to the farm and get a cow. And I guess the butcher? Well, whoever the farmer chops up the cow. And they that's how they get their meat. Yeah. And I guess is that

Unknown Speaker 9:39
if you're gonna eat meat, that would be the best way. That would be the best way. My family members some of the ones that are still in Jamaica that have their farms and they got goats. Straight from the farm to your plate.

Unknown Speaker 9:52
Farm to Table Yeah, farm table. And I guess you never really think about just when you go to the grocery store Just how long has this stuff? Really? I mean, how long has this stuff really been? And

Unknown Speaker 10:03
on top of that, let's let's take it another step further, is it real meat? We have the impossible meat already, which we're aware of, but I guarantee you they've been feeding us hybrid meat for probably the past 10 years. Just sneaking it in little by little, I guarantee you that.

Unknown Speaker 10:19
Okay, so we know handle food for that. Okay, we're just gonna leave that alone. Because, again, but but really looking at your diet, looking at what you're eating, and being conscious about what you put in your body. Being conscious about what so what would you recommend? As I'm just starting? I don't know a lot about this, but I know that I need to do something different. Yeah. What would you suggest as a way to start?

Unknown Speaker 10:43
Well, if you're not dealing with anything, any disease, or something that your doctors diagnose you with that you have to take immediate action to then just start off little by little. I know a lot of times when people try to make a dramatic change, they won't stick with it. We all remember that saying from years ago, what an apple a day will keep the doctor away. Right? That is so true. Just start off with that. Just eat why not start off eating one apple a day, you will notice a few things start to change with your body, you'll probably you might start breaking out a little bit more in your face to acne is a form of detoxing. People understand that

Unknown Speaker 11:20
that's why is that what it is when teenagers have an acne

Unknown Speaker 11:24
hormone that's based on hormones? Just like when a woman's pregnant as well. Same thing, okay, mono Yeah,

Unknown Speaker 11:29
but when they get Okay, so when so when you notice bumps and stuff coming up popping up is your body detox. So you have to let it go through the process, go through

Unknown Speaker 11:39
it, go through it. I've had so many people stop juicing or going through a regular any detox because oh, I'm breaking down, I'm breaking out is part of it. I'm not going to stop it. And pull back then have to try to restart it again later, just going to burn through it as fast as possible. It might only be a couple of days might be a week, but I'd rather that then.

Unknown Speaker 11:59
It's coming out. It's coming out. It's it's coming out. Alright, so how can someone contact you?

Unknown Speaker 12:05
Then contact me. Most most people have Instagram. On Instagram, you can find our page and our menus and videos that we have it's picture perfect juice on Instagram.

Unknown Speaker 12:16
Picture. Perfect. Juice. Picture perfect juice on Instagram. And same thing on Facebook as well. No, not yet. Okay, so just Okay, so Facebook the same way. And then if send you a message,

Unknown Speaker 12:36
or send a message there, or we have a business phone number you could text on which is 702-419-4813. Okay, again, say that again? 702-419-4813.

Unknown Speaker 12:52
And do you deliver the juices fresh? So yes. So what's the longest period? Say if you were coming to make a delivery? What's the longest period someone could get uses for?

Unknown Speaker 13:04
So for one delivery would be five, maybe seven days. So really, if it's more than five days, I like to split it up into two deliveries. I want to make sure it's as fresh as possible.

Unknown Speaker 13:14
Because there is a difference. Yeah, there was absolutely, there is a difference. And I've seen 100% I can tell the ones that I got just fresh and the ones that I had them from last year I can tell the difference. Yeah. So do you make these every day

Unknown Speaker 13:25
make make these every day we make them fresh to order. So if you were to contact me today, and you said you want the delivery tomorrow, we're gonna make that juice first thing tomorrow morning. So don't think that we have the juices just sitting around for three, four or five days and you call we're going to deliver that Oh, no, everything's made to order specifically just for you. Because some people may want CMOS added into their juice, they might want some certain herbs add into the juice. So everything is made specifically just for you,

Unknown Speaker 13:52
specifically just for you. Wow, wow. But that's not your only business though. This is just one of the businesses. Absolutely. Yeah. Let's talk about your other business. And let's let's let's knock both because we're gonna talk about both of them again, okay, because I know you are retired fireman,

Unknown Speaker 14:07
Fireman in the Navy, and I've been thank you for your service. Thank you. I've been a partner community partner with Clark County Fire Department since 2015. So what I have is a fire safety business. It's called LV fires. And I'm a fire safety consultant. I've taken some of the knowledge that I've had as a former fireman, but added on more.

Unknown Speaker 14:29
And I say retired. I apologize for two different things,

Unknown Speaker 14:33
two different things. But I've got I've been down to Texas a&m For my training with certain fire marshals down in Texas for the education standpoint, because I understand this as a fireman. A lot of people think that firemen were experts in all aspects when it comes to home fires or fires in general. But people don't understand that for the most part in the Fire School. We're doing training on how to operate the hoses. Maybe the trucks but more EMT work on how to say save lives. So with with what I do I work on the preventative end of home fires help you reduce your chances of ever having a home fire.

Unknown Speaker 15:07
Alright, so what? What tips would you give someone I own a home? I live in a home apartment. I'm renting an apartment and what it is things that I need to have in my home or my part in my apartment.

Unknown Speaker 15:19
Great question. So obviously, the most important thing are smoke alarms. And we're in that season of the year right now just started. This is actually fire prevention week if you're not aware.

Unknown Speaker 15:30
Oh, happy Fire Prevention Week. Okay, so we went about that. Perfect time, the perfect time.

Unknown Speaker 15:36
Yep. So make sure you have a smoke alarms. And obviously make sure you change the batteries, which is a big thing. When you change your clocks forward and back, change the batteries. I know a lot of people have the new smoke newer smoke alarms that have a 10 year battery, you should properly test them. A lot of people don't know how to test a smoke. How do you test the smoke array question? Depending on the manufacturer, you can do a few things, not just pressing the test button. That

Unknown Speaker 16:00
doesn't matter. Okay, I tell every time I come over here, call me out. Yeah, you know, because that's what I do. I just I definitely do. Okay, we're,

Unknown Speaker 16:07
we pressed the button. You could do some manufacturers, I believe First Alert is maybe the only one you could take a flashlight wave of back and forth over your smoke alarm and see if it goes off. What the purpose of doing that is to give it a false alarm to see if it sees the smoke. I don't do that anymore. Like me, you can't cook it go off regularly. So I know it works. And another another big thing that you want to make sure you have in house are fire extinguishers, you should have at least two One for the master bedroom, which is the most important because most people that died on a home fire those fires are at night between 11pm and 7am when we're sleeping. Second, most important extinguishers should be in the bedroom or in the kitchen. Not underneath the sink. Why? Because what happens is it gets pushed further further back.

Unknown Speaker 16:56
It gets pushed. Okay, so again, you will start talking about me because mine is under the same Yep. So you shouldn't be like when the side is on the side of a cabinet could

Unknown Speaker 17:05
be there, just make sure you should have it out. That's what you should have it because let's say if you're in the bathroom or in the back room and you got a friend or just a guest in the house and a fire breaks out, they may not know where it's at. To think about it. When you go to a restaurant, you can look around, you're going to see a fire extinguisher out there not hidden, they're going to be either in the glass box or just outside we need

Unknown Speaker 17:25
to come up with pretty you're pretty good thing attach attachments or something to make them pretty good ad. So they filled with the decor to how we

Unknown Speaker 17:32
we have different types of extinguishers we have the standard or the traditional red ones. We have metallic ones, the special order ones, you can get black ones, so you can get those but something else that is been taken off in terms of popularity over the past three years. And I have to say because of our company here in Vegas, our fire blankets.

Unknown Speaker 17:51
Oh, let's talk about also a fight winner what is the fire but how? What is the fire blanket so

Unknown Speaker 17:56
fire blanket is it's a blanket just like it sounds like it's made out of fiberglass. RS it comes in a little red pouch or white pouch, put it on the hook on the fridge or maybe in the pantry. If there's a fire in your stove. Let's say this let's say using a fire extinguisher on the stove. That power from the extinguisher can push the grease out hit the backsplash and spread the fire. Let's say if it still puts it out. Now you still have all that powder everywhere that you're breathing in. It's settling down everywhere in the kitchen, you have to clean it up. But with a fire blankie pull that blanket out. It's a big three by three foot blanket

Unknown Speaker 18:29
now that was my next question. How big is it

Unknown Speaker 18:32
three by three feet, lay it right over the stove over the appliance whatever is on fire, let it cool down. That's it there's nothing to clean up. So much easier to use a three

Unknown Speaker 18:42
by three blanket. So purchasing house I guess how will we get getting caught same number to contact you

Unknown Speaker 18:48
so number where you can go to our website to get more safety information which is L V fires with an s.com

Unknown Speaker 18:58
LP fires.com.

Unknown Speaker 19:00
If you go to the website lb fires.com and take the fire safety survey, you can actually get a fire blanket for free.

Unknown Speaker 19:08
Really free so LV fires.com fires.com take the survey. So you can get your fire blanket and now do you is there like because do you put it in like a hook the underside of the refrigerator to

Unknown Speaker 19:21
give you a hook as well that you can put on the side of the fridge or on the wall somewhere. But also when we come deliver out your fire blanket if you'd like we offer free and home fire safety evaluations.

Unknown Speaker 19:32
And it doesn't matter. So if you're in an apartment or condo, townhouse home does

Unknown Speaker 19:36
not matter. We want to make sure that you know what to do if you have a fire, how to get out if you have a fire where to meet at if you have a fire. But above all, we want to help you reduce your risks and chances of having a fire. And this right here in my hand tends to be one of the biggest things that I see nobody can afford to get my cell phone. Yes he is. When I do these home safety evaluations. I would say that is the biggest issue that I see in most homes. Is that people sleep with their cell phones plugged in?

Unknown Speaker 20:07
Because it athlete would be plugged in right next to my baby? Yes, most of us do. Right now, if

Unknown Speaker 20:11
you ask your cell phone carrier, they will tell you themselves, not me. They will tell you once your cell phone hits 100%, you should unplug it. But not just that unplug the block from the wall. Most people have at least I think the average that I've seen is, I think three blocks per house that are plugged in 24/7.

Unknown Speaker 20:29
I'm talking about most apps I get because we have all we have all of our blocks plugged in. So all you got to do all the time all the time all the time. So you're saying is best practices is when you charge up your phone after your phone is charged at 100% unplug that not only unplugged the phone, but um take the cord out of the wall. Absolutely. How about for lamps, televisions and all those other things that you have plugged into the

Unknown Speaker 20:53
wall? Great question. So the only time that it's recommended to turn or unplug things like your media center, like your TV cable boxes, if you're going out of town, like fix certain things like Alexes or lamps and stuff like that, can they start a fire? Yeah. But the bigger things are the things like the car on your countertop, what's on your countertop that's plugged in probably a coffeemaker, toaster, new way things like that. Maybe even microwave as well. Just unplug those smaller appliances once you're done using them. Keurig a lot of people aren't even aware of this. But Keurig has recalled over 8 million of their units for starting fires while they were plugged in, but turned off. Think about that.

Unknown Speaker 21:33
So you plugged in and turn. But you know what someone else told me that they said that some years ago, that leaving your appliances and everything plugged in, even though they're turned off, you're using the same amount of energy, they're still running power is still running power. So if you truly want it to cut your power bill, unplug them and plug them unplug all of them. I mean, like you can't unplug the oven because you can't do that. Yeah. And I guess ovens are a little bit safer. Because of the technology ovens, fridges, ovens, refrigerators, washer dryer, but the other appliances like if your electric toothbrush, things like that or picks water picks, once they are charged

Unknown Speaker 22:14
like curling irons, I see a lot of curling. Okay, so men's Shavers let me I'm talking about okay, I was talking about some people leave all those things plugged in just all the time, we have to unplug them.

Unknown Speaker 22:26
Okay, so your best practices is unplug them. Absolutely. And then just plug them up when you use them. And then when you're done using them unplugged. Just it's just that simple. Yeah. Yeah. Just

Unknown Speaker 22:37
let me give you something else that I see a lot of it's a growing trend. Most of us know someone that has a Tesla has a hybrid or an Eevee. Oh, yes, you can go to Google, go to YouTube and look up these fires that are starting with these electric cars. They are a big issue for fire departments throughout the world on how to not just put out but how to keep those fires that once they start. They reignite sometimes multiple times. So we have to be careful. I believe it was Tesla's I believe it was Tesla, that put out a warning within the last year said to be cautious of parking your Tesla in your garage. Because if it does start a fire, especially while you're charging it, which you shouldn't charge those while you're sleeping as well. Your house is basically going to be gone. Because that those fires are so difficult to put out. They have to put so much more water on those types of fires than a regular gas automobile. It's something called runaway charge. That happens with the batteries. They're basically just giant cell phone batteries that are running those cars. That's what it is.

Unknown Speaker 23:38
So you just want to be aware not saying not to drive? No, you just want to be aware. And just be aware, because it's not all of them. Yeah, there could be some different right. But you just need to be aware. Right now is there any way that we can look is there does the fire department and I know you can't speak for the fire department. But do they like put out any report to say the number of fires in the Valley for this month. Types of fires?

Unknown Speaker 24:01
Well, you there's an app, I have it on my phone. It's called Pulse Point P ULSEPOIN. T. Pulse Point download that on your cell phone you can pull up every fire department from North Las Vegas City of Las Vegas, Henderson and Clark County and you can see all the times that they respond to fires, car accidents, medical emergencies, anything okay? But here understand this nationwide we have about 4000 fires every day nationwide, every day, every day, every day. That's an average, an average of some seven people seven Americans die in home fires every day every day and an average of 50 people end up in a burn unit every day. So the biggest misconception that people have about home fires that it won't happen to them. People think that they're prepared for fire. And the biggest thing and this the thing that I did not learn as a fireman is that we believe that our smoke alarms always go off in time for the thing that you actually said when you cook what happens? It goes off. There's a different type of smoke between burning food mood and burning furniture. Two totally different types of smoke.

Unknown Speaker 25:03
Okay, so what is the smoke from burning furniture?

Unknown Speaker 25:06
Think about it. Our furniture that we have today is different than the furniture that we had 3040 years ago. Okay, everything today for the most part of synthetic, it burns differently produces a different type of smoke. So unfortunately, we're more likely to die in home fire today than we were back in the 80s. All this information does not come from Me, it comes from the experts, NFPA insurance companies, the big guys. So reason being is because we don't have as much time to get out of the house because of how fast our houses burn or furniture is burned today versus 30 years ago. So now this why it's so important to practice fire drills that have an escape plan. Because back then you had 14 to 15 minutes really to get out of house fire. Now you have two to three minutes.

Unknown Speaker 25:45
And if y'all know if y'all move, like, without even need to MIT, I'm just gonna take me two minutes away.

Unknown Speaker 25:51
But think about that. Let's say your smoke alarms do wake you up. Let's say if you have kids in the house, let's say you have pets in the house, you have a spouse, you have to think about every trying to get everybody out of the house, you have panic. you're inhaling smoke, you don't have as much oxygen going into your brain.

Unknown Speaker 26:06
A lot of us because we have all these locks and stuff on the doors. You got a double lock here. triple lock there. Yeah, the gate got a key that you got to go find in order to open up the gate to get in because you're trying to be safe. Yeah. But then are you really safe because if it's a fire you safe but you say from the burglar, but are you safe from fires from fires.

Unknown Speaker 26:26
Now ADT, this was pre pandemic, we're actually right when the pandemic started about 2020. The last time I saw the stat according to ADT, which most people have ADT, or Vivint, some kind of company, we only lose about 100 Americans and home invasions every year. But we lose 3000 People in home fires, so

Unknown Speaker 26:46
we protected ourselves from the wrong thing. Yeah, got it. Got it. Okay. All right.

Unknown Speaker 26:51
When someone breaks into the house, they're not looking to kill you. They're looking to get something to steal. But if someone does come in the house about 100, I'd say now it's gone up to about 300 people post pandemic per year, but still 300 versus almost 3000.

Unknown Speaker 27:06
Yeah, got it. So I'm locking the doors put on alarm and all this other stuff. And I'm protecting myself doing the right thing, doing the right thing. But I guess how do we become? You know, I guess more educated because times are changing. Yes, they are. And times are changing again with cell phones. You know, who knew? Because I do I sleep with the phone charged because because I fall asleep. On the phone. I'm like, you wonder when

Unknown Speaker 27:29
I see people where the kids adults, they fall asleep with their iPads or cell phones, laptops, Kindles, sometimes on the bed. That is actually the worst place to have any electronic device because it's heating up. So when you're charging it don't have it on the bed or on the couch, you want

Unknown Speaker 27:44
to have it on something, something, something solid, something cooler for it to charge. And then you also want to watch the temperature of your cell phone.

Unknown Speaker 27:51
That's another thing but also check the block to when you pull it out. Sometimes that's hot,

Unknown Speaker 27:54
and it needs to be pulled out because it needs to cool off.

Unknown Speaker 27:57
Let's touch on this when it comes to cell phone chargers. If you have a Android, yes. Okay, so your Android just like mine, if you lose your charger, where do you go to get a replacement?

Unknown Speaker 28:09
Where do I go? I go back to the mobile store. Okay, good.

Unknown Speaker 28:14
Most people go to Amazon. They're gonna get a compatible charger. No, no, no. When they're gonna go to the checkout line at Walgreens and get a compatible charger. And those are the ones that are pushing too much power through the cell phone too fast. And you're gonna have an issue. Oh, no,

Unknown Speaker 28:29
no, no, I go. So I go right back to the ATM while

Unknown Speaker 28:32
I'm doing something right.

Unknown Speaker 28:35
By doing something right, so yeah, I hope this information was helpful to you. I'm Lea Crawford. This is the let's talk with Leah and Rhonda show. We are out of time and it was just getting good again. David, we're gonna have to bring you back on here so we can talk about this especially with the holiday season coming up. Yes, the things that we need to know around those Christmas trees. Oh yeah. Until next week. Peace and blessings to all you have an amazing Saturday and enjoy the weather. Thank you. Bye

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