National Health Executive News

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And here’s todays news from National Health Executive – on Friday 31st May 2024
NHS England has announced that almost a quarter more appointments were delivered in April than in the same period before the Covid-19 pandemic.
According to NHS data published yesterday, around 30.5 million appointments were delivered by GPs in one month, compared with the 24.5 million that were carried out in April 2019. This 24.5% increase comes as the NHS is able to offer more than 1.4 million GP appointments every working day.
Away from actual appointments, 98% of GP practices in England have also upgraded their telephone technology, which allows phone lines to be expanded. This move will ensure that lines won’t be engaged.
Deputy Chief Executive of NHS Providers, Saffron Cordery, has said the NHS must be at the heart of every party’s manifesto for July’s election. She believes that a solution to the long-term dispute with junior doctors over pay and conditions is a priority in order to show that the new government does not take the NHS and its staff for granted. The development of a thriving workforce is one of five commitments set out by NHS Providers in a new document that would help to improve health and care for all. Other targets proposed by NHS Providers include reaffirming a commitment to the core values of the NHS and building a new infrastructure programme.

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