Popcorn & Plot Holes

Popcorn & Plot Holes Trailer Bonus Episode 37 Season 1

We Watched "The Ministry of Ungentlemanly Warfare"

We Watched "The Ministry of Ungentlemanly Warfare"We Watched "The Ministry of Ungentlemanly Warfare"

Eøt yøur dømn rugbrød!

Creators & Guests

Life is like a baboon's ass: colorful and full of shit...

What is Popcorn & Plot Holes?

Movies are fun! Movies are awesome! But movies can sometimes be very, very weird... or just plain terrible. In this intersection of fun, awesome, weird and terrible is where Matt, Luciano, Chris and Spencer live and thrive. They'll be watching the latest FACTS (Fantasy, Action, Comic, Thriller, Sci-Fi) movies available on streaming services and sharing their equally awesome, fun, weird and terrible thoughts on them. Welcome to Popcorn & Plot Holes!

Matt (00:00.821)
Hello, welcome to Popcorn and Bloodholes! I'm excited now! This is my excited voice! Did I do it? Yeah? Thank you.

Chris (00:05.87)

Luciano (00:07.202)
Go robot mode when you're excited. That makes sense.

Spencer (00:07.389)

That was a step up. Step up from hell.

Chris (00:10.83)
he did it. He done did it.

Luciano (00:15.618)
for a step up from barely alive.

Matt (00:18.293)
Hey man, it's a step up. Thank you. I'm working.

Chris (00:19.054)
Step up from flatlining.

Spencer (00:21.405)
You didn't quite reach human, but it's a step up.

Matt (00:24.277)
I've got close, right? Thank you. I'm trying. I figure if I work around human, I'll get there eventually. Welcome to World War II month. Is that? Yeah, that's...

Luciano (00:24.77)

Luciano (00:35.81)

Chris (00:36.11)
Hmm. It is.

Matt (00:40.085)
Yeah, it is technically. We are watching four movies in and around the themes of World War II to celebrate the 80th anniversary of D -Day.

Spencer (00:54.205)

Chris (00:55.982)
Are you awake, Spencer?

Matt (00:57.205)
Spencer is excited. He said, Wood, what do you want?

Spencer (00:58.333)
I said, woot. What do you want from me?

Luciano (00:58.898)
Yeah. His, his head, you guys can't see this because this is an audio podcast, but his head is lolling and he's drooling, but otherwise he's awake.

Chris (00:59.758)
You look... He looks comatose.

Matt (01:07.989)
Apparently Spencer is not excited about the Nazis losing the war 80 years ago.

Chris (01:09.774)
He's slipping away.

Spencer (01:14.397)
That sounds like a loaded statement.

Luciano (01:16.898)
Jesus Christ.

Chris (01:20.718)
my God.

Matt (01:23.509)
That's what we do here.

Spencer (01:24.445)
I am happy the Nazis lost! Contrary to popular belief.

Matt (01:27.701)
Great job, Spencer. It's a controversial yet brave statement.

Chris (01:33.774)
Your mouth says, your mouth is saying the right things, but your body language, don't, don't compute, don't compute.

Matt (01:38.709)
It's fine. It's fine. Well, Chris, welcome back to the audio only version of the podcast. Thank you for joining us once again. I hope you enjoyed your hiatus.

Luciano (01:47.266)
What do you mean? What do you mean the audio version? version like what there's another version I'm not aware of

Chris (01:48.078)
it to be bad.

Spencer (01:54.429)
It's a bit...

Matt (01:55.029)
He is talking a lot about what sensor is visually doing that no one else can see. I was checking.

Chris (01:55.278)

Chris (01:58.99)
Someone has to.

Luciano (02:00.29)
He forgot how this works.

Chris (02:02.382)
Forget shit, but I can't I can't not comment on what my eyes don't see he looks like he's slipping away

Spencer (02:10.173)
Chris, I'm just so excited you're back. I just wanna say, woot.

Luciano (02:16.514)

Matt (02:16.853)
Right here.

Spencer (02:17.885)
woot to you.

Chris (02:19.118)
I stand corrected.

Matt (02:20.725)
So also joining me besides Chris is Luciano.

Luciano (02:23.81)
Yeah, I guess I'm here. I am moot!

Matt (02:25.237)
and the Woot Master himself.

Spencer (02:28.097)
That's me. Yeah! Oppa Gangnam Style!

Chris (02:29.742)
my God.

Luciano (02:37.026)
it's Matt's contagious. Spencer is losing energy.

Matt (02:39.893)
Ha ha ha.

Yeah, I was going to say my excitement. I can tell.

Spencer (02:45.745)
I'm pilling in for Matt's lack of energy.

Luciano (02:48.738)

Chris (02:49.454)
I came back at a very interesting time. Like something happened and the dilithium crystals have changed the DNA of both Matt and Spencer. It's one of those classic Switcheroo episodes.

Matt (02:58.837)
It really is. Speaking of switcheroo's, we watched... The Ministry of A Gentlemanly Warfare. That's a professional segue, sir.

Luciano (03:02.114)
Wait, what?

Spencer (03:04.541)

Filled with switcheroos from top to bottom.

Chris (03:08.174)

Luciano (03:08.866)

Matt (03:14.055)
Sorry, yes, the ministry of un -gentlemanly warfare, which I believe you guys told me earlier is the Til Schweiger vehicle, if I'm not mistaken. Til Schweiger!

Luciano (03:24.226)
Yeah, very much.

Spencer (03:24.285)
To the Svager vehicle!

Chris (03:29.55)
It's coming y 'all. Buckle up. Disclaimer. It's coming.

Matt (03:34.549)
You guys, so just to be clear, you guys did not want to go with like Henry Cavill. Yeah, OK.

Spencer (03:41.981)

Chris (03:43.792)
This is also a special episode where we asked Spencer who played what and just let the shit ride

Luciano (03:43.97)

Luciano (03:50.338)
That's not special. That's not special. The Jamus. Here's the mind killer.

Matt (03:50.343)
The Jamus... What about the Jamus vehicle?

Spencer (03:54.225)

Matt (03:58.613)
Yeah, Babs, Olusan, Mukhan. Hopefully I got that not totally wrong.

Chris (03:59.214)

Luciano (04:04.578)
Just say Jemez is better. His name!

Spencer (04:06.397)
Her name's Babs? sorry. Jamis.

Matt (04:07.893)
His? Did you watch Dune 2? We did a podcast about that too.

Luciano (04:14.53)

Matt (04:15.061)
God damn it, Spencer. Let's just get into this movie, Spencer or anyone, maybe not Spencer since I'm not sure you watched this movie. What did you enjoy about this movie?

Chris (04:16.238)
Y 'all are in for a good time. We're gonna have a good time.

Spencer (04:20.573)


Luciano (04:29.354)
that's plenty to enjoy. It was fun. Didn't take itself too seriously. I don't know what I would pick, like the one thing that I would pick that isn't my favorite.

Chris (04:43.566)
I got one.

Luciano (04:44.578)
Go for it.

Matt (04:44.743)
Good, you go. Let Luciano stop vamping and let's have some fun.

Chris (04:49.038)
Real talk, it's like opening, like the first quarter, like nah, first like 10 minutes of the movie, soon as Carrie Elves lets, let's march Phillips out and gives him his marching orders and briefs him. While Phillips is pilfering this, that and the other, walks out with the new coat, takes the man's coat too, like it's so nonchalant. I love Henry Cavill. Hats off to him, full on.

Luciano (05:09.25)

Chris (05:17.038)
steps outside and offers the guards on duty like genuinely offers and they're like you know what that's you know what you know what buckets I think I think we do deserve tips yeah yeah you're right you're right and then like and then like Phillip's just like fuck you you ain't getting none of this I just got out no

Fuck you! I'm taking all of it! I'm keeping it!

Spencer (05:39.293)
He can, you like how he pilfered and what's the word? Pump faked him.

Luciano (05:39.414)
OK. Yeah.

Chris (05:47.502)
Pump faked, pilfered and pump faked. He broke ankles in that 30 seconds.

Spencer (05:52.797)
What's that thing that people say when they're like people don't share joints and like smoking circles? Stop. Stop not hogging. There's another word for it. Whatever. Yeah. Stop both. Is it then? That's not the word I was going to say.

Chris (06:00.462)
Puff puff, stop hogging. Stop. We.

Matt (06:03.925)
Bo -Bo -Bo -Bo -Bo -Bo -Bo -Bo -Bo -Bo -Bo -Bo -Bo -Bo -Bo -Bo - Bo -Bo -

Luciano (06:07.074)
You're bull guarding.

Chris (06:10.03)
What's up?


Spencer (06:13.373)

Matt (06:17.109)
Hey man, nah it's too soon, it's too soon, keep it together.

Spencer (06:18.909)
What happened to Paul Shore?

Matt (06:22.613)
We're talking about the Ministry of Argentine Body Warfare.

Spencer (06:24.925)

Luciano (06:25.442)
What? Yeah, what? What's wrong with Paul De Charte? He's not in this fucking movie!

Spencer (06:29.053)
W -wasn't he?

Matt (06:29.877)
We haven't even gotten through what everybody liked about this movie. Let's get to one question. Please.

Chris (06:33.07)
Finally I get to use Spencer's misguided.

Spencer (06:33.437)
Alright, okay, alright. Chris, you brought your insanity bag.

Luciano (06:39.618)
I just, I like just the way that the Henry Cavill played like Gus throughout the movie, like just the deadpan humor and the fucking psychosis that he displayed when he like, when he goes, walks into the Nazi camp and like start shooting people with the glee in his face and the tongue out. I was like, okay, I'm here for this. It was, yeah, right? Yeah.

Spencer (07:01.437)
It was a little different for him.

Chris (07:02.19)
True. Welcome, Change.

Matt (07:05.557)
It was fun. I appreciated just the opening scene where him and Anders are on the ship as Swedish fishermen fucking with the Nazis and joking, he's very scary.

Luciano (07:11.394)
Ha ha!

Chris (07:11.694)

Luciano (07:13.954)
Yeah. yeah.

Spencer (07:18.814)
no! Shoot him, I'll give you ten frags! He deserves it, he hates Nazis!

Chris (07:19.214)

Luciano (07:22.082)
Yeah. Yeah.

Matt (07:22.805)
Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. That seems really fun for me.

Chris (07:25.006)
He really hates the Nazis!

Yeah, I knew it.

Luciano (07:31.202)

Spencer (07:31.965)
I was actually going to say that. So, my sec, that was my favorite part and it kind of set up the movie to be more fun than it was. I mean, it was still fun, but I thought that was like a good opening. I liked when the Nazis got shot, especially, especially then I liked a lot of it. That's true. I, I, you know what I'm call me old fashioned, but I never get sick of watching Nazis get killed.

Matt (07:34.229)
Suck it.

Luciano (07:36.354)

Luciano (07:54.37)
I liked a lot of this movie then.

Luciano (08:02.05)
Yep, always a good time.

Spencer (08:02.429)
And I liked the killing of the main Nazi with the with the gun with the with the shot to the head. That was kind of like. The the dare the dared. Well. I think it's called a derringer, those little pistols. But yeah, I like that scene when when. Yeah, which.

Chris (08:10.03)

Matt (08:13.397)
The hidden gun or whatever it's called. Sorry, what was that Chris? Okay.

Chris (08:15.79)
pussy gun.

Luciano (08:16.898)

Chris (08:18.638)
It was the pussy gun.

Luciano (08:20.002)
Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.

Chris (08:23.086)
Yes. Was it? wow.

Luciano (08:28.642)
Vagina buckshot. Yeah.

Chris (08:31.054)
Vagina Butcher?

Matt (08:31.957)
So is this how Ian Fleming came up with his character names? Hearing these stories?

Spencer (08:36.061)

Luciano (08:36.258)
yeah, there you go. We cracked that code, yeah.

Chris (08:36.654)

Spencer (08:40.285)
I feel like we should call her 8 vagina. No, no, no. It's a little too on the nose. Octopussy?

Matt (08:41.873)

Luciano (08:43.494)
No, no, no, no. Yeah, let's make it a little classier. Octopussy.

Matt (08:45.109)
That's not right.

Spencer (08:50.109)
Let's let's class it up a middle.

Chris (08:51.438)
Pussy go - Hold on, let's put some respect on this thing. Pussy galore.

Matt (08:55.829)
Yeah, yeah, lots. Yeah, that's good. I like that for you. Okay. Now just asking questions. all right. We asked a nice question as always to start with the movie and then we don't know where we're headed. Sometimes it's a matter of web and we head down a dark abyss. Sometimes it's not. Well, we wish we didn't. but let's start with movie. I have one sort of, it's a big question.

Spencer (08:56.157)
we'll save that for the sequel.

Luciano (08:56.45)

Chris (09:02.272)
Mm -hmm.

Spencer (09:11.741)
I never saw that movie.

Chris (09:11.854)
Mm -mm.

Chris (09:16.366)

Matt (09:21.045)
It's not gonna be a plot hole for regular fans who know how to do this. It's not a plot hole because lots of movies do this. But I just, let's talk about the Nazi soldier for a sec. What are they, what are they doing in this movie? Besides being bullet sponges. Yeah.

Luciano (09:35.65)
Dying, dying a lot. Yeah.

Spencer (09:39.229)
They're looking in every direction but where there are threats for the most part.

Chris (09:40.302)
Do - Go ahead.

Luciano (09:46.275)
Yeah, I thought I found it particularly that two of those things were particularly egregious to me. The one where Heron is planting the bomb and there's like three Nazi soldiers come in and find him. And he has it's not from the pussy, but he also has a derringer and he manages to shoot two and gun jams. And for like what feels like 45, maybe 30, maybe an hour, he got the Nazi guy tries to like.

Chris (09:57.518)
Mm -hmm. Mm -hmm.

Luciano (10:14.946)
get his gun out and there's time for him to still die. And when Gus and I don't remember the name of the Irish dude were walking hazy, yes, and he goes, not yet. And then he walks up to the three Nazis and he shoots them so slowly, so, so slowly. And they're all like just like, I wonder why there's blood in my friend's forehead or something.

Chris (10:28.142)
how hazy.

Matt (10:43.893)
Ha ha ha ha.

Luciano (10:44.77)
I was like, what is happening?

Spencer (10:46.045)
They did not see that coming.

Luciano (10:49.222)
Hey! That's not, that's gonna be the last time we do that joke.

Chris (10:49.334)

Matt (10:50.485)
Hey, got it.

In their defense is a reason why they didn't see it coming and we'll talk about that in the plot holes. That's foreshadowing kids. Nice, but we're not going to say it now, we're foreshadowing Spencer.

Spencer (10:59.037)
Why did they not see it coming is the question.

No, I do not see what you're driving at here.

Matt (11:08.213)
I need you to not do what you're doing. I couldn't, I'm sorry, I couldn't make it work. I tried, I tried.

Spencer (11:13.021)

Luciano (11:13.25)
Nice, nice.

Chris (11:13.486)
Sometimes you just gotta drop the hammer. You just gotta speak your truth. You just gotta...

Luciano (11:19.81)
need you to not seem so idiotic there.

Matt (11:22.517)
Okay, now we've gone too far.

Spencer (11:24.573)
I do not see what you mean. Not... See?

Matt (11:28.437)
Okay. so the movie, we are introduced to the ministry of people led by Henry Cavill. we have, Andrews Lawson, the Swedish Norwegian, whoever.

Luciano (11:30.178)

Chris (11:30.382)

Spencer (11:46.365)
that's what his name was.

Luciano (11:46.626)
Danish, Danish.

Chris (11:48.814)
Alan Richen, played by.

Matt (11:48.853)
Yeah. Sorry, Lassen. I keep saying Larsen, but it's Lassen in case I say Larsen. Yeah, the Danish hammer, that's right. So he's not even, yeah. Yeah. What if it's his penis?

Luciano (11:50.402)
Yeah. Yeah, it's they call him the Danish hammer.

Chris (11:52.782)
Yeah, I thought it was the last.

Spencer (11:53.629)
I was gonna correct you.

Chris (11:56.206)
Hmm that sounds tasty

Luciano (12:00.194)
Stunt. Yeah. Yeah.

Spencer (12:03.053)
Don't don't threaten me with a good time

Matt (12:05.941)
I'm just asking questions. Yeah, fair enough. We also have Jeffrey Appleyard, Marjorie Stewart, Heron, Henry Hayes, and then Freddy Alvarez, who even though Freddy Alvarez has a very strong Spanish name, is played by Henry Golding.

Chris (12:08.366)
I'd be lucky. I'd be lucky, wouldn't I? You know?

Chris (12:29.326)
Mmm. Yes. No. He was full -on British, it sounded to me.

Luciano (12:30.626)
and doesn't sound Spanish at all in the movie.

Matt (12:33.429)
I mean, why would he?

Luciano (12:35.298)
I don't know. Yeah.

Spencer (12:37.469)
He sounded exactly like Henry Cavill where if I wasn't looking at the screen, which does happen sometimes that I didn't, I didn't know which one was which.

Luciano (12:43.682)
Sounded exactly like Harry Gooding would.

Chris (12:43.95)
Henry Golden.

Chris (12:47.79)
Henry Golding is a Brit.

Luciano (12:49.282)

Matt (12:50.101)
Yeah, so there you have it.

Chris (12:51.63)
Yeah, it's facts, logic, accepted. How do you pronounce his last name really though? Ellis? Elves.

Spencer (12:53.949)
and carry Lulz Lulz L -W -S

Luciano (13:01.025)
Elves. Elves. Yeah, like the Lord of the Rings people.

Spencer (13:01.885)
Elv - No.

Chris (13:05.55)
I try to put respect on it, but I always feel like I'm messing it up. yes, that's right. Because it phonetically looks, that's right.

Matt (13:10.069)
I don't think anybody knows how to say his last name.

Luciano (13:10.21)

Spencer (13:12.477)
No one ever will. He never says it. Hey, I was right. I was making a joke.

Matt (13:15.125)
Phonetically, it says Elwes. Yeah.

Luciano (13:17.826)
really? So it is. Okay.

Chris (13:17.902)
Elwes. Cool. I did not see that coming.

Luciano (13:22.082)
And I will never call him that. It will always be Kerry Elves for me.

Spencer (13:27.357)
Listen, the very thing they find unattractive is what I find A -tractive.

Chris (13:27.918)

Matt (13:33.077)
I really appreciate that Carrie Elwes has decided to just play the same character in a bunch of movies now.

Chris (13:33.166)

Chris (13:38.318)
For real?

Luciano (13:39.074)
Yeah. And finally able, finally able to use his own accent for after like 30 years of a career pretending to be American.

Spencer (13:39.677)
I don't know what you mean.

Matt (13:47.477)
I mean, he does have a good job. It dawned on me that he's not American. He's British. Yeah.

Luciano (13:50.978)

Spencer (13:55.069)

Luciano (13:55.234)
Yeah, I was surprised too when I found out.

Chris (13:57.646)
Buh -buh -buh -buh -yah.

Matt (13:59.765)
Sorry, I don't know why he didn't get to use it in fucking Princess Bride, but that's not the hearing error there.

Chris (14:04.95)

Spencer (14:06.653)
How dare you.

Matt (14:06.805)
Let's talk about this movie some more. Anybody want to talk about the movie? Anybody? Nazis.

Luciano (14:08.418)
And anyway, so the Nazis.

Spencer (14:10.045)
Anyway, tangent over. I mean, the Nazis and yeah, I agree. The Nazis in this movie were were comic. This almost had like a cartoony feel to it. You know, like the whole movie was like they like at no point did any of the main characters have any trouble with the Nazis, no matter how many there were. There is no sense of danger for them at any time because the Nazis were literally like, whoa, whoa, whoa, like falling into the room where they're just getting shot one after the other.

Luciano (14:21.506)
Yeah, 100%.

Luciano (14:35.522)
Yeah, yeah. Yeah.

Matt (14:40.309)
Well, it's funny because while it was a fun movie, it at times felt, and I couldn't tell if this was because I've seen so many World War II movies, but at times it felt like I don't care. Like the story is relatively interesting, but it's just like, there's no danger here. These guys can't die. So what's the excitement level to the movie? What am I watching this for?

Spencer (15:03.197)
Well, yeah, that's what I was saying. Like they never, I was kind of hoping that in the final act there'd be like some consequences to the action or at least feel like they're in danger at one point. Like even when like they're in that ship, was it a ship or there's like a hallway where, you know, where the guy.

Luciano (15:11.362)
One of them would die or something.

Chris (15:11.758)

Chris (15:21.198)
Good to -

Matt (15:22.101)
It was a ship. What the fuck, dude?

Spencer (15:24.829)
Listen, you know when he found the axe?

Luciano (15:25.046)
No, it wasn't a ship. It was just a house with very, very tight corridors and airtight doors. Don't you have one of those, man?

Spencer (15:30.045)
It was You know the scene when they're in that they're in that building that was underwater with with always circular windows Got it, so they're in that that underwater house and he the scene where he takes the axe out and he starts killing guys and there's just like so many guys and looks like they're getting the jump on them and then like the odd like Non main character would get shot. I

Matt (15:35.765)

Matt (15:39.317)
I think it's a floating submarine. I think that's the name of them. Yeah.

Chris (15:52.526)

Spencer (16:00.797)
but they'd always be like, yeah, they're just getting shot left and right. And then they're like, meanwhile, it almost seems like the main guys are like moving in slow motion. They're so like uninterested in even fighting them.

Luciano (16:01.186)
Well, even, yeah.

Matt (16:01.205)
Yeah, all I can't bill these guys getting killed.

Luciano (16:12.29)
even before he gets the axe, he goes into a boat full of people with guns and he has one bow and arrow and he kills all of them point blank with the fucking bow and arrow so there's no danger to any of them

Matt (16:28.437)
You know what though? You know what I'll say? It still was more impressive and more scary than the fucking space staff from from rebel moon.

Spencer (16:39.037)
I thought that we were banned from bringing up Harvest Moon. Zack Snyder's Harvest Moon.

Luciano (16:40.77)
Harvest Moon. Har - Harvest Moon.

Matt (16:44.053)
Harvest Moon, that's right. Yes, Harvest Moon. Yeah. Yeah. No, but I think that's one of the challenges of this movie is like even though they presented like the different situations where the intel changed and so the plan had to change. It's almost like I expect that and like what is, you know, it turned out to be a heist movie even though it was like a blow -up movie. But the whole thing felt like a heist movie from the setup when when March Phillips

Chris (16:44.11)
Harvest Moon? That's the rebrand? Okay, I saw that movie, unfortunately.

Luciano (16:46.594)
We renamed it, yes.

Spencer (16:47.869)

Luciano (17:06.018)

Spencer (17:10.717)
Yeah, very -

Matt (17:12.277)
describes his crew and like the, all that thing.

Luciano (17:13.858)
Yeah, and rescue rescues Apple Yard and yeah, very much so. Yeah.

Spencer (17:17.661)
Very Ocean's Eleven, like, you know. I need you to put together a team full of A -tractive men.

Matt (17:17.781)

Chris (17:23.214)

Matt (17:25.109)
Yeah. So like, I don't know, it just felt like it was, it was nothing. There's nothing wrong with the movie, but it just was like, not suspenseful.

Luciano (17:25.346)

Spencer (17:36.957)
It's a weird tone to go with for a true story. I will say that. Like it. No, just that's it. It's like for a true story. It's like played for laughs almost when it's like I can see you doing that with like a made up story, but these are like real people that I'm pretty sure the real scenario was probably fucking terrifying and like. Like they're like actual heroes who stopped like the war from.

Luciano (17:36.994)
Yeah, like...

Matt (17:38.773)
Yeah. Yeah.

Chris (17:39.982)
It's like when you play, okay, sorry, I'm gonna finish.

Luciano (17:48.13)
laughs. Yeah, yeah.

Spencer (18:04.509)
going towards the nazis is just like hey look whether the whole time that right chum yes we are not the following of the traps

Luciano (18:10.626)
Well, yeah, well, Harry Cavill calls Camp Billy, boy, a bunch of times, so, yeah.

Chris (18:17.262)
Frequently frequently

Spencer (18:18.845)
boy, how about we have another fight with the old Nazis there?

Matt (18:22.517)
I -I -I -I -

Luciano (18:22.53)
Yeah. Yeah.

Chris (18:22.766)
That's a drinking game in and of itself.

Matt (18:25.717)
I think you bring up a good point Spencer and I think one of the challenges is like it's fine to have fun with the movie right? All good action movies have a little bit of comedy. It's like they're cavalier about everything and they joke around and even though they had to come up with a new plan like and all fucking Henry Cavill does is walk along in broad daylight with this like silent sub machine gun.

Spencer (18:37.661)

Spencer (18:45.085)


Luciano (18:49.282)
Ha ha!

Matt (18:51.669)
shooting guys and waving his tongue around and like it's funny in the first time the second time is just like

Spencer (18:54.365)
and talking full volume too. Yeah sure he's using silenced guns but he's also like another Nazi down on the dumps am I right don't chum? Like who's that guy?

Matt (18:59.093)

Luciano (18:59.65)
Yeah, yeah.

Chris (19:06.926)
That was so funny.

Matt (19:09.269)
I just wish they would have changed the formula when they went to, was it Fernando Poe? When they went to Fernando Poe. Like I know it was dark out, but like he still just fucking strolled around in his Nazi hat and jacket.

Luciano (19:14.306)
When like when when

Luciano (19:20.514)
Yeah, it would have been better if like the stakes were felt higher when they find out, you know, we're going to be late if we don't rush. we can't sink the fucking boat. Like it would be, if it was a little bit less cavalier, like their attitude was less cavalier about the whole thing. When they got there and saw that things went to shit, maybe it would have been a bit like more. Don't know if I want to say better, but at least a little bit more credible.

Chris (19:21.454)
far it works.

Spencer (19:50.269)
I mean, it really could have used a scene where like they're screwed, you know, like with a Nazi has them all down. The main bad guys has like a gun on Henry Cavill and it seems like they have no way out. And it's like actually like, they're like, well, it looks like we're going down with a chip old chum. You know, and it's like, like they actually think they're like screwed, but then something happens and they escape. Listen old chum.

Luciano (19:50.338)
I guess.

Luciano (19:55.682)

Matt (20:00.053)

Luciano (20:06.882)
Jesus Christ.

Matt (20:09.941)
What is this accent key? Okay. Can you just do Michael Caine and like be done with it?

Luciano (20:10.658)
Well, boy, guess we're going down with the ship.

Spencer (20:16.125)
Michael Kite. Looks like we're going down with the ship. Michael Kite. Yeah. At the beginning, at the beginning of the end of every seven. Michael Kite. we have to go down with the ship, Michael.

Matt (20:20.213)
Thank you.

Chris (20:20.398)
I was there. I was transported.

This movie was.

Luciano (20:25.25)
You have to say Michael Caine every other word just to keep... yeah.

Matt (20:25.749)

to keep it going. Yeah.

Chris (20:30.158)
That's how you say, that's right. It's the evolved, it's the evolved team America, Matt Damon.

Matt (20:33.429)
Ha ha ha ha ha ha

Spencer (20:40.477)
Michael K.

Chris (20:40.654)
But that said, yes, this movie was like, it's like they were playing it on story mode and not normal, hard or extreme. They're just like, I want to go through, let's just, okay, let's just switch it to story mode and we'll have a good old time, old boy. Yeah.

Matt (20:41.973)

Luciano (20:48.706)
Yeah, that's a good way of putting it. Yeah. Yeah.

Matt (20:48.917)
Yeah, that's great.

Spencer (20:49.437)

Luciano (20:54.978)
Just wanna see, just wanna see the, they say the water rendering, this is amazing. I just wanna see it, yeah.

Spencer (20:55.037)
We're gonna have fun.

Spencer (20:59.837)
Yeah, well there's some good set pieces I'd like to get to those.

Luciano (21:03.842)

Chris (21:04.046)
Mm -hmm. Mm -hmm. I can't.

Matt (21:04.149)
The caution party is just to die for.

Spencer (21:06.109)
Yeah, I would say that's why I also felt that I'm like the Nazis are like NPCs like they're just like like characters.

Luciano (21:06.402)

Chris (21:11.118)

Luciano (21:13.378)
But like Chris says, story mode NPCs.

Spencer (21:16.285)
story mode NPCs like literally like when you're like stealthing in a mission where like you can't fail it and you walk right in front of them they're like huh what was that yeah and the guy's just like what was that probably my imagination

Luciano (21:18.85)

Chris (21:21.006)

Matt (21:23.509)

Luciano (21:23.778)
Yeah, no, yeah. I'm gonna go I'm gonna go into stealth like you're just crouched in the middle of the room and you're stealthed. That's yeah I wonder I wonder what have got could have gone Yeah Yeah, they have the could the yellow cone. Yeah Yeah, that's the perfect way of describing this is the this is a movie played in story mode. Yes

Chris (21:23.982)

Chris (21:30.094)

Chris (21:36.046)
their observation cones haven't intersected on you and flip. Like,

Spencer (21:38.845)

Matt (21:38.965)

Matt (21:47.413)
The other interesting thing I found about the movie is, and obviously, you know, this movie is based on a book that was written out of based, sorry, the book was based off of unclassified documents from Churchill from like the 20 something, 2016 maybe. Yeah. No, no, it was, yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.

Luciano (22:01.442)

16, they say, yeah, yeah.

Spencer (22:05.757)
Was it declassified like way later or was it declassified like right after the mission?

Luciano (22:10.562)
No, it was declassified now in 2016. Yeah.

Spencer (22:13.245)
Really? That's pretty dope.

Matt (22:17.141)
Luciano (22:17.282)
Yeah, and then they went and made a comedy about it.

Spencer (22:19.613)
the if they did earlier light -hearted romantic comedy

Matt (22:19.989)
Yeah. So, I mean, that's, that's Guy Ritchie's, no romance, sir. that's fair, but who doesn't? Yeah. So no, but the question I was going to ask or say was like, there are, what five people on the main crew and then, and then two other people on the, the island crew. And like of the main crew, I was like, I kind of just.

Spencer (22:25.245)
They fell in love with killing Nazis. That's true.

Chris (22:25.55)
Mmm, true.

Luciano (22:28.13)
No, they were in love with that before the movie.

Chris (22:28.398)

Luciano (22:38.69)


Matt (22:45.525)
I was expecting Apple Yard to betray them only because I didn't understand what his actual job was on the crew.

Chris (22:49.358)
Luciano (22:51.778)
I thought I thought camp Billy were gonna be trained it was gonna be treated

Matt (22:54.677)
Something because like you have the problem was like they all kind of crossed over jobs right like you think about oceans 11 oceans 11 is like everyone has a job and like they mostly just stand in line and do their job, but like the guy was the Hayes the Irish guy he was the the sailor but like None of his sailing was actually impactful to the story anybody could have been the sailor He didn't have to do any like, you know when you're when?

Luciano (23:01.346)

Luciano (23:06.274)

Luciano (23:12.13)
The sailor.

Luciano (23:19.318)
What do you mean? Harry Kevil asks him twice, can we do it Halsey? He's like, I'll do my best sir. Ha ta ta ta ta ta ta, I'll do my best.

Spencer (23:24.381)
Can we sail there?

Matt (23:24.469)

Chris (23:24.718)
he but Phillips but

Spencer (23:27.549)
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha

Matt (23:28.085)

Chris (23:30.798)
Yes, and where did you come from? We missed you. But don't forget, Phillips trained Hazy. I think it was Hazy, but anyways, he trained him. And so that's kind of like as a designer, it's like why you build a design system so you can go focus on other stuff. So you train up what?

Spencer (23:33.021)
What? You're back?

Luciano (23:46.85)
that was like that was a tangent. Like, wow.

Chris (23:52.398)
Nah, bro. It's an inside thing. But anyways, you train, you train, you train, you know, you train someone up so that they can take over X amount of responsibilities so you can focus on the other responsibilities.

Spencer (23:54.717)

Matt (24:03.765)
What? What are you focused on?

Luciano (24:03.778)
Yeah, but but I think Matt's point is like we never see it, right?

Chris (24:06.67)
Being suave and a, and, suave and kleptomania.

Spencer (24:11.581)
I just imagine the people who this was based off, like the real life people watching this movie, and the guy just being like, I don't remember killing eight guys with one bow and arrow. That's not quite how I remember it.

Luciano (24:11.906)

Chris (24:14.862)
He's the leader.

Luciano (24:22.882)

Yeah, I don't remember it going, ha ha ha ha ha so much.

Chris (24:28.718)
You had to be there.

Spencer (24:30.525)
I don't remember being, I don't remember eating 270 pounds of pure steroid muscle. Yeah, I don't need a barrel of Nazi hearts.

Matt (24:31.509)

Luciano (24:35.714)

Matt (24:36.021)
You're telling me Anders Larsson didn't sit there like I don't eat Nazi hearts

Chris (24:42.862)
I mean I had a barrel but I didn't put hearts in them.

Luciano (24:46.722)

Matt (24:46.869)
So it's like, because everyone doesn't actually get to be like a stylized character, they're all every man. It's like you don't get attached to them or be like, get them. I don't care about them, right? Like they're like, I care about Henry Cavill and I care about Anders Lee because they show up first and they have obviously different jobs. And then Hayes and Henry Golding are completely, Alvarez are completely interchangeable to me. And then Apple Yard shows up. Sure. But then fucking Lawson stole his job.

Spencer (25:05.117)

Spencer (25:10.301)
No, at least think one guy was the explosive guy.

Luciano (25:10.594)


Chris (25:13.166)

Spencer (25:16.029)
Yeah, yeah, what if he do the bombs? I was wondering that too.

Chris (25:19.822)
It was odd, because like, we'll see, we'll find out. Yeah.

Luciano (25:19.842)
And then he said, how long was that fuse? I guess we'll find out.

Matt (25:25.141)
Yeah, but it's like, yeah, the bomb guy doesn't even do the bomb. So I'm just like, what are we, what are we doing here with this? Like at least, you know, at least Heron and, and, Margaery's did their things, right? Whatever Margaery's, what was Margaery's thing actually in this? I got, I got, cause like she's, she's there to like distract the fear from what?

Spencer (25:26.045)

Luciano (25:28.258)

Chris (25:34.958)

Luciano (25:36.578)
Yeah, they did.

Spencer (25:37.181)

Yeah, that's a good question. I was wondering the same thing.

Luciano (25:43.81)
She... She... The Führer! That is the Führer now! Not...

Chris (25:46.99)
No. What? You totally did not see. No, no, you can't, you can't take that back. You can't backpedal. did not see.

Matt (25:49.333)

Not the fear, the lure, my bad.

Luciano (25:54.37)
The lure, yeah. What I understood was she was there first, obviously, to do the whole briefcase switcheroo thing, which I guess we can talk about later. That was one thing.

Spencer (25:55.677)
well played sir.

Matt (25:59.605)

Spencer (26:09.277)
That's why she was there?

Chris (26:11.182)
Listen, let me help you. Espionage.

Luciano (26:15.042)
Wow, but that's too generic. That's like saying, what was Freddy there for? Murder, sure.

Chris (26:17.55)
Well, go from there, start from there. Start from there. So, spy games, spy games?

Spencer (26:22.205)

Luciano (26:23.874)
You spy yi ying. YI ying. Yeah.

Spencer (26:26.333)
No, so they said her job was to seduce the man - Stiglitz.

Luciano (26:30.658)
Well, to keep Lure away from the docks. Yeah. Yeah. Which in the end she failed. Well, cause the whole thing, the whole thing was that.

Matt (26:34.005)
Yeah, keep it busy.

Spencer (26:36.445)

What could he have done at the docks?

If he was at the docks, he would have been shot in the back of the head while looking at the stars. He would have been dittling his thumbs like, doob -ba -dee -ba -doo! Shot in the back of the fucking head.

Luciano (26:46.562)
Yeah, actually, it might have been better if you just let him go. Just let him go there, it's fine.

Matt (26:51.253)
Yeah, you

Luciano (26:55.746)
Yeah, because he puts on faces but he isn't any better than the rest, right? He gets...

Spencer (27:03.069)
I was kind of disappointed that he never interacted with the Inglorious Bastards. I mean, the ungentlemen.

Luciano (27:08.854)
Yeah, yeah, I was disappointed in that as well.

Matt (27:11.093)
Thank you.

Spencer (27:15.357)
And then he just gets like, like, I liked when he got shot in the face. Like I said, that was like my favorite part, but I would have liked if they like, I don't want to say saved her because that's so tropey, but at least if it would be good, if it would have been good if like they like busted in and fucked up that whole party and then the girl saves them, you know, when, when they get finally the Nazi is actually able to do something against them for once.

Chris (27:27.086)
She saved herself, yeah.

Luciano (27:27.906)
Provided distraction at the very least.

Luciano (27:35.906)
Yeah, well, I.

Luciano (27:40.994)
I think the problem was, at least for me, that for what it was written, they gave Marjorie a lot of screen time where she wasn't doing much except for showing off outfits.

Spencer (27:57.693)
How dare you.

Luciano (27:58.882)
It's true, it's not like I wish she had a better part to play.

Spencer (28:01.213)
patriarchy is live and well. Yeah, that was a good part.

Matt (28:02.037)
Highlight of the movie.

Luciano (28:05.538)
No, I understand what she was there for. I don't think like it makes sense, but it was played up too much, I guess, in what she actually did.

Spencer (28:17.245)
Yeah, I actually found that like it's like her scenes were fine, but I did find that it was like there was a there were a lot of that where it took away from where I was like, I kind of want to see Henry Cavill and those guys do something because they're kind of just like boating for like a lot of the movie while she's seducing him for no like if she had a goal while seducing him, like needing to get something from him, it would have made it more meaningful.

Chris (28:17.614)
I don't.

Luciano (28:32.994)

Matt (28:40.629)
Yeah, she happens to get information from him, but that is sheer dumb luck. Cause he, it's just the fucking Frankenstein Italian caricature for no reason whatsoever popping off about the armor.

Luciano (28:43.522)
To me, yeah.

Yeah, just told her, yeah.

Spencer (28:50.781)

Spencer (28:55.101)
My boat, it's so strong now. It's got a reinforcement.

Luciano (28:58.338)
Yeah. Let me tell you what I thought was completely superfluous with her. It was like the whole, I have this gold thing. I'm a gold dealer. Like what was the point of that at all? It's like...

Spencer (29:10.053)
Yeah, that was just insinuate that she had to work with Jews.

Luciano (29:15.586)
Well, sure, but like, it didn't really change anything because in the end, she got to him because she was like clever and obviously sexy. That's why he was interested in her, not because she could give him better deal in gold or whatever.

Chris (29:18.734)
value like I'm gonna make you rich so it was money

Spencer (29:27.709)

I guess that was.

But that was like her way of getting to talk to him at all, I guess. I mean, seemed like a stretch.

Luciano (29:37.57)
Meh, well.

Matt (29:38.901)
Sure. And then.

Chris (29:39.662)
Sex didn't really feel like it was on the table. Like she's like, I can make you a lot of money. And if you don't like my work, don't pay me. He's like, shit, I could test. I already got a good thing going, but maybe I can make even more money with zero risk. To me, that made sense. Yes, I did.

Matt (29:51.061)
Did you watch this movie? Sex got on the table real fast after that.

Luciano (29:52.162)
Yeah, did you watch the - Yeah.

Spencer (29:52.477)
But then he wants... Yeah. But then he was like, she's a little too smart, and then that didn't go anywhere.

Chris (29:56.206)
that but even

Luciano (29:57.794)
But that's my point.

Chris (30:00.942)
But, and then directly after that, I think that Marjorie was the only member of the crew that this story painted as someone who was facing the most danger because of the actual. And that was chilling for me, and I was like, shit.

Luciano (30:14.69)
The actual danger, yeah, that's true. That is true.

Spencer (30:15.421)
For sure, for sure. And then she, especially the scene where she slipped up and she made three with these fingers instead of the regular three fingers. no, sorry, she said a V to say in Yiddish instead of saying it in German.

Luciano (30:23.97)
I literally, I literally...

Yeah, I literally wrote down it's very inglorious bastards of this movie to do that.

Spencer (30:33.757)

Matt (30:34.485)

Spencer (30:37.501)
Germans do studies 3 like this. I don't know what accent I'm doing now. No, it's a new accent. It's Michael Cain's German accent. Michael Cain.

Matt (30:39.997)
No one knows. This is Michael Keynes, your sheriff.

Luciano (30:41.538)
And nobody knows. Yeah.

It's Michael Caine!

Matt (30:49.813)

Chris (30:52.526)
Cocaine, that explains it all.

Luciano (30:52.546)

Spencer (30:53.285)
But yeah, I mean that I agree like her scene seemed like more real like spy work and then theirs was like Like like Conor McGregor coming into the bar

Luciano (31:03.042)
Bumbling in the sea. Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Matt (31:05.237)
Well, that's the interesting thing, right? The way her character was described, I have no idea what she was doing there. But how her character was used was the only interesting part of the movie because she was the only person actually undertaking dangerous missions and with the chance of being caught. But that's, yeah, to...

Chris (31:05.518)
Yeah, you.

Spencer (31:21.949)
But to what end? To what end?

Chris (31:23.822)
Her and Heron.

Luciano (31:24.706)
Yeah, to lure that one guy. Yeah.

Spencer (31:28.893)
No, you... but... but let's act like...

Matt (31:29.397)
To lure him away. To lure her, the furor her. Wait, to lure her, to lure her. Nah, I can't get it there. To lure her.

Chris (31:30.318)

Chris (31:36.142)
The lure.

Luciano (31:36.994)
To lure the lure.

Spencer (31:39.357)
But let's add like Chris and Luciano, you guys said that you, cause me and Matt were saying we think her role was pointless other than the luck of finding out information. But like, but what was her goal to seduce him?

Chris (31:39.79)
Lord of the lure lure.

Luciano (31:42.114)
my god.

Luciano (31:49.57)
Stop! It's not pointless. It was played up too much. That's it.

So, but what the movie says to keep him from finding out what they were doing because he would be able to call everybody. What I understood was, Heron was going to throw two parties, he said. And every officer would be in the costume party and every soldier and sailor was going to be in the other party except for him because he's a sour puss and he doesn't like parties. His idea of a party is torturing people. That's what that was. And so,

Spencer (31:59.549)

Chris (32:06.062)
reinforcements or...

Spencer (32:24.381)

Luciano (32:26.306)
They needed someone to keep him specifically out of the way. And that's what she was there for.

Spencer (32:33.053)
Okay, so...

Matt (32:33.109)
But I don't like to Spencer's point. What did keeping him away from the docks on the night in question do?

Luciano (32:40.13)
Listen, the movie isn't self -aware enough to know that all the nods are useless. So they needed to do it.

Spencer (32:46.173)
Maybe the point was just to get him to the party, and that's all. So he was...

Luciano (32:54.562)

Matt (32:54.613)
But I just don't know what, like they didn't describe to me what he can do as the guy. What? Yeah, no, you're right Chris. You need to tell me what he'll do if he's at the dock. Because I was just like, he's just one captain. Like, if they're all fucking off at the party, you think they're gonna just like, get to the dock, the Germans are coming, whatever. Like, fuck.

Spencer (32:58.749)
Yeah, yeah, exactly. What he -

Chris (33:01.678)
A failed threat really and truly. But go ahead, finish your sentence.

Luciano (33:09.346)
Yeah, it's not clear.

Spencer (33:16.253)
Get to the docker! Get to the docker!

Luciano (33:17.41)
Wow. What? Yeah? They're not, they're not Austrian, Matt.

Chris (33:20.438)
Listen to me! Let's have a dark party! A dark party! Julius! Anyways,

Matt (33:23.861)
Eh, Hitler was ashrin close enough.

Spencer (33:26.429)
Come on in here!

Luciano (33:27.778)
Come on, come on, the boat is leaving!

Spencer (33:31.325)
I'm dead.

Matt (33:33.661)
I'm sorry.

Spencer (33:36.221)
Gone! Julia Caesar! Get in the dark!

Chris (33:39.406)

Luciano (33:40.77)
I wish I wish they had gotten Arnie to play lure that would have been funny

Chris (33:43.758)
Do it now! So, Heron and Marjorie were a partner team, right? And I like that for their role in that port, right? The way the story sets up, and I'll make this very quick, the way that they set this story up at that port is that lure is the brains of that entire operation. Not saying it was effective enough, but as soon as...

Spencer (33:44.669)
Matt (33:45.205)
Yeah, perfect.

Matt (33:55.037)
Sure. Yeah.

Luciano (34:11.402)
It wasn't a big brain, it might have been a smooth brain, but still the brain.

Chris (34:12.494)
everything went to shit for them.

He was the biggest, like air quotes, he was the biggest brain in like in that in that area, right? So then when the plan.

Spencer (34:23.421)
I want all my men on the docker with earplugs. I want it now! Protect your ears, the submarines can be very loud.

Matt (34:26.405)
I'm sorry.

Luciano (34:26.914)
Hahaha! Earplugs and sunglasses at night!

Chris (34:27.31)
Right, right. So then when.

Luciano (34:34.37)

Chris (34:34.478)
No, the guy don't say nothing. So when everything starts blowing up and the crew starts stealing and the new adjusted plan goes into action, he's calling all the shots. That's the only moment where his brain or strategy comes to bear. But before that, he's just scary. And that's the way they framed him for us before that set piece. So I agree, he's not that big of a threat until...

Matt (34:35.029)
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha

Chris (35:02.926)
shit hit the fan and they were now reacting to the Ministry Cruise plan.

Luciano (35:06.914)
Yeah, it feels like they put the only woman of the group in the most danger for no good reason. That's what it feels like. Yeah.

Chris (35:13.966)
And that was fucked.

Spencer (35:15.325)
That was the vibe I got. I got the vibe of the... And this is based on a true story. So like, and she was a real lady. So what was the real lady's job?

Chris (35:17.582)
They did it over and over again, especially on the train, but go on.

Luciano (35:19.234)

Matt (35:25.909)
I mean, I didn't dig too far into it, but the real age job would have been to be nowhere near any of that.

Luciano (35:26.146)
Well, from.

Luciano (35:31.522)
Yeah, what I read when I read a little bit is that she wasn't like a Mata Hari sort of character. She was more like part of the planning of the whole thing. Not like someone who was like in there, you know. Yeah, like she wasn't...

Chris (35:45.646)
on the ground.

Matt (35:45.685)
She didn't go on the mission, right? Think about it, her claim to fame was that she helped do stuff and then she married Mark Phillips. Like they didn't even say what happened.

Luciano (35:55.938)
Well, her claim to fame is that she was a very famous actress in the 50s, but sure.

Matt (35:59.637)
Sure. Yeah. But like, yeah, I guess that's, but it's like, it had nothing to do with her involvement because it was clearly a large fabrication. It's like Heron. Heron clearly didn't exist at all.

Luciano (36:03.746)
No, no.

Luciano (36:09.09)

Spencer (36:09.885)
So they like, so that makes sense because it seems like the writers didn't really know what to do with her. And they're just like, we'll just have her like.

Matt (36:16.789)
No, I think she was created, sorry, she was a person in the group, but they used her to do exactly what they did in the movie. They wanted to have someone who had real stakes. Because without her, there are literally no stakes in the movie. If you just take her out.

Chris (36:21.774)

Spencer (36:30.493)
I mean, you could make the guys in constant bullet fire with Nazis. That could have had stakes, you know, but they chose to make it. And this is gonna be taken out of context and it's gonna sound horrible. But in this movie, I was actually cheering for the Nazis at certain points. No, because as a movie, I wanted to have some sense of stakes.

Luciano (36:30.498)

Chris (36:30.638)
Story Mode.

Luciano (36:35.138)
under fire by larger numbers of people. Yeah.

Luciano (36:50.114)
my god. How could that possibly be taken out of context?

Chris (36:50.414)
because they got slapped around so much?

Chris (36:59.214)
Struggle. Conflict.

Spencer (37:00.541)
Yeah, like it's just like I was like, OK, come on, the Nazis have to do something to make them feel like an enemy. Like that's like actually of some threat.

Luciano (37:08.482)
Yeah, like how come they need all of this secret plan to prevent the U -boats from being serviced or whatever? Because if this is how all the Nazis are, why are we worrying about them?

Spencer (37:23.837)

Yeah, it's like we have five men. We could take down half the base. Well, let's said 10 and fucking kill them all. Let's take it over.

Luciano (37:30.37)
Yeah, yeah grab grab 30 let's go to Germany

Matt (37:34.517)
Let's get into this here because I think we're at a good spot to talk about our plot hole. I think the best way to just talk about it, I don't know if it's fair to say silence is the plot hole. If it's the lack of senses, sound, but essentially our plot hole of this movie is that it coincides a bit with

Luciano (37:50.306)

Chris (37:52.91)

Spencer (37:56.861)

Matt (38:04.181)
the Nazis not noticing anything, but I'll just, I'll just nail the thing that I saw most on the head and we'll spin out from there. Silencers don't work like that at all. Silencers don't make things silent. They make them less loud. And certainly it is a lot less effective on a machine gun than it is on a pistol.

Luciano (38:14.658)
No, no.

Luciano (38:24.93)
Mm -hmm.

There's also the fact that a silencer tends to make the bullets like slower a little bit. So like if.

Matt (38:34.037)
Yes. Yeah.

Spencer (38:35.197)
Also, I imagine silencer tech back then was even worse than now.

Luciano (38:39.298)
Yeah, that's a good point too. Yeah.

Chris (38:39.79)
more crude.

Matt (38:40.861)
Also, 100%. Yes.

Spencer (38:43.869)
Like, I don't think that like, did they have silenced M40 assault rifles?

Luciano (38:51.842)
I'm not sure. But even assuming they did, it wouldn't have been... Nowadays, silencers aren't that good. They certainly wouldn't have been, you know, 80 years ago, for sure.

Spencer (38:53.309)
In World War II?

Spencer (39:02.685)
It reminded me of that scene in John Wick where they're having the silencer fight in the middle of the crowds. You know, and they're... Everyone just doing their own business. It's just like... And that was what it felt like. He'd just walk up and he would silence shoot a guy like four times with his machine gun while the other guy was literally standing next to him just looking in the other direction. And I'm just like, I don't think that's how...

Luciano (39:06.722)
Yeah, and nobody even sees it. The silencer is so good that nobody sees the shot them shooting. Yeah.

Matt (39:10.229)
Ha ha ha.

Chris (39:12.174)

Luciano (39:23.522)
Yeah. Well.

Spencer (39:28.349)
Brains work? Like sound alone, like if you're, even if someone just fell over behind you, you'd be like, what was that?

Luciano (39:28.45)
Soundworks, yeah.

Luciano (39:33.826)
Yeah, there's a scene when they're walking on that pier where there's like two boats or like a boat and like a watch tower or something where there's clearly you can see clearly a guy on like the top right of your screen and they should like seven people on that boat and the guy's just looking there's like, I wonder what those people are falling over that boat that that that deck must be really slippery. Yeah.

Spencer (39:55.805)
Everyone's so sleepy today.

Chris (40:00.142)
Okay. That bratwurst last night, let me tell ya.

Spencer (40:01.501)
Yeah, yeah.

Luciano (40:05.474)

Matt (40:06.805)
It was the black bread that was the problem.

Chris (40:08.686)

Luciano (40:09.794)
That whole thing in the restaurant car was actually really funny. When they go about the food. Fair enough. Yeah, I don't... Even if the silencers were perfect, like to Spencer's point, if you're sitting down and the person next to you falls over screaming from a shot, you don't just go, huh, that is peculiar. Like, you know, like you kind of...

Spencer (40:16.285)
Tell us. Yep.

Matt (40:16.533)
We're not talking about that, we're talking about silencers. Shut up.

Spencer (40:39.133)
Must have been my imagination.

Luciano (40:39.362)
have to react.

Chris (40:39.374)
You go back to your business, that's what you do. You mind your business. You keep it moving.

Spencer (40:44.285)
I mean, we're realistic, you know, right? They use silencers in movies all the time, and a lot of the time they're used improperly. And I'll let it pass for most parts, but they did that in every gunfight in this entire movie. Like...

Luciano (40:50.786)
It's always like that, yeah. Yeah.

Matt (40:58.132)
The reason why it's a plot hole is that it is a half of the movie or more that lets them do all the things they're doing. Technically also, sorry Spencer, I just wanted to bring up that we also noticed that Lawson was using a bow and arrow, which obviously would be more silent than a gun. But it's still, it's not silent. Also, how strong he is has nothing to do with his ability to put an arrow through people. His little wooden bow would not allow him to shoot an arrow.

Spencer (41:02.685)
Yeah. At the first.

Chris (41:11.246)
Mm -hmm.

Luciano (41:14.402)
Still not silent.

Matt (41:27.381)
through two people. He needs like.

Spencer (41:28.253)
Nah, you don't get it man, he's fucking ripped.

Matt (41:31.893)
It doesn't matter. The bow can't transfer all that energy into the arrow to send it through three people. Yes. That's why they have things like composite bows, like the new bows the bows people use today are strong enough to do a lot.

Luciano (41:32.098)
Yeah, he's ripped.

Spencer (41:34.973)
Nah, nah, you don't get it. The bow's not doing anything. He's just throwing it.

Luciano (41:35.01)
Yeah, yeah, yeah, exactly.

Chris (41:36.398)
Are you certain of that though?

Spencer (41:45.821)
Yeah, but composite bows are used by, like, weak people.

Chris (41:45.966)
do that. Okay.

Luciano (41:46.018)

Matt (41:49.557)
Yeah, it doesn't matter how strong you are.

Luciano (41:52.034)
It's the

Spencer (41:52.125)
Yeah, like if you're strong, you can just use a stick.

Matt (41:55.381)
Yeah, but he's not using a stick. And then great, he can push it through 16 guys. But when you're using the bow and arrow, the bow and how tense the string can be is still a many factors, how much strength he can transfer to it. Anyways, that's my nerd corner for the day.

Luciano (41:56.033)
Which he did at some point.

Luciano (42:05.922)

Luciano (42:09.442)
Yeah. No, no, you're right. If you've ever shot a bowl, it's exactly like that.

Spencer (42:10.525)
Yeah, no, you're 100 %

Chris (42:11.118)

Spencer (42:15.293)
And I don't know about you guys, but in the first scene where they're breaking Applebee out of prison.

Chris (42:21.966)
Just let it go. Let him cook. Let him cook. He's peeled the...

Luciano (42:22.146)

Spencer (42:23.485)
I don't know his name.

Matt (42:23.989)
Applebee's. That's real close. Let him have this one.

Spencer (42:26.429)
Jacked the jacked guy Alan rich richson Alan Alan Rickman Alan richson But in the know in the first scene where they're breaking Appleby out of the prison There they go in with their silenced guns, and I don't know if you did but they had

Luciano (42:29.794)
Yeah, fair.

Chris (42:35.31)
Lassen, awesome. Rickman.

Matt (42:35.317)

Matt (42:39.477)
No, it's Richson.

Luciano (42:40.354)
Alan Rickman.

Chris (42:41.614)
This is.

Matt (42:43.445)
It's - it's Tad.

Spencer (42:54.589)
They kept cutting to this car or like a tank and the engine is going off. Yeah, but at least that I was like, okay, they're timing it. So they're shooting while the engines were like, and I was like, okay. But then then they're on a quiet pier in the end of the movie. And it's like at night, it's like you can hear like a frog croaking in the background. It's like.

Matt (42:58.117)
yeah, they were under cover of Carr.

Luciano (42:58.338)

Matt (43:03.221)

Luciano (43:04.546)

Chris (43:06.254)

Luciano (43:11.042)

Matt (43:15.221)
But there's a loud party.

Luciano (43:15.294)
Not just that, like at night, like, yeah, basically. Like the...

Chris (43:17.55)

Spencer (43:18.237)
Fuckin' who's playing at the party? Slipknot?

Fuck you.

Chris (43:22.798)
You put some respect on the band, the house band, sir. They were jammin'. Foxtrotting.

Luciano (43:25.698)
The problem with it being at night too is that the silencer doesn't kill the muzzle flash. And it's just like, I don't know, fuck it. It's just gonna shoot. Cause it doesn't even show the muzzle flash a lot of the time. It's just like, it's like he's shooting with like a pea shooter or something and they all just died.

Matt (43:33.173)
So, no.

Spencer (43:42.237)
And it didn't help that he was shooting so nonchalantly all the time. Like he couldn't even be bothered to lift the gun up. He was like, ugh.

Matt (43:45.845)
Yeah, you never aimed. Yeah.

Luciano (43:46.338)

Yeah, all from the hip. Yeah.

Chris (43:49.966)

Spencer (43:53.117)
He's like, well, another one down, old gem. Another fish in the bucket.

Chris (43:53.934)
If I wanted to argue that, that's the element. That's what the element of surprise will get you though. That degree of nonchalance. Listen, I give you points for it. There should have been a muzzle flash. The silencers weren't really working well, but at the same time. But throughout the entire, story mode gameplay aside for the crew, they were quite chill. They were like auto lock.

Luciano (43:55.746)

Chris (44:23.054)
headshots, auto lock, shoot to kill.

Luciano (44:23.842)
yeah, it's start, start mode has aim assist. Everybody knows it. Everybody knows it has aim assist.

Spencer (44:25.149)
Yeah, because they had nothing to fucking worry about.

Matt (44:30.645)
Sure. Have a game assist.

Chris (44:31.15)
Yeah. Yeah.

Spencer (44:32.445)
Yeah, it's easy to be shalant when there's fucking when the Nazis see you and they're like can't First of all, they don't see you when they do see the tank can't get their gun out of their fucking holsters

Matt (44:41.589)
Yeah. He's got one job. One job.

Luciano (44:41.634)
Yeah, that scene was so ridiculous. It was so ridiculous that scene. Yeah. Yeah, it was. Yeah. Like a lot of those scenes with the Nazis, like when they surprise them and they get shot, it's like something out of three studios, really. Like it's. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah

Chris (44:45.546)
No, no, no, no!

Spencer (44:49.277)
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha

Spencer (45:00.221)
Totally. It's like...

Chris (45:00.654)


Yes, yes, they failed. That's what you get when you go to Nazi De Rye College.

Luciano (45:10.114)
Yeah, it's, I think it like, the main problem with that is that like a movie that could have been a lot more interesting, a lot more engaging. It was just like, that's fun.

Chris (45:21.486)

Matt (45:22.645)
Well, it's the over -reliance. I mean, this is the second part of when you go through the potholes, like, how do you fix the movie, right? So we're relying too much on stealth mode for this crew when they aren't trying to be stealthy. Like, yeah, they called it out the one time, but they're not really doing a great job of being stealthy, you know, very at all often. I don't know why I'm getting stumbled on that, but they don't do it. And so, like, how do you do it? The cover of Car is fine.

Luciano (45:36.61)

Matt (45:50.677)
to some degree. I think it's the repeat. I don't think the movie needed. I understand you want to do stealth mode because it's nighttime and nighttime is just like breed stealth mode.

Luciano (45:51.81)

Spencer (46:02.717)
It's also the only way you could have like five guys kill a hundred people.

Chris (46:03.118)
Right time.

Luciano (46:05.09)

Matt (46:05.397)
Right. But I think, I think the idea, the base they put Applebee, as Spencer's calls them, the restaurant, if you will, they put them at was just too much. They had to put him in a spot where they could get in and get him out without having to like kill. It's like, it wasn't that he was at a base, it's that the base was wide open and laid out in a way that they had to use stealth and do it all where they could have had it, you know, like.

Chris (46:13.262)
That will be.

Luciano (46:22.562)
Like you're everybody. Yeah.

Luciano (46:31.906)
Yeah, they were doing stealth in the middle of the day, walking without crouching even. So.

Spencer (46:36.701)
Yeah, and like again the cartoony thing the one not you sees him does like a literal double take he's like And then he's yeah, it's like it was totally

Matt (46:36.885)

Chris (46:37.742)

Luciano (46:42.274)

Chris (46:45.294)
I can't get the words out, but professor, professor in the book, shut up, ensign.

Luciano (46:45.378)

Spencer (46:50.909)
It was totally like those cartoon things where the guy's like, what is it? And he's like, just spit it out. And it's like, wow. Like it's just too much. And like, like I like making Nazis look stupid too, but it comes at the expense of like any kind of danger. Like.

Matt (46:55.061)
Yeah. Ghost!

Luciano (46:57.226)
Yeah, exactly. Yeah.

Luciano (47:06.434)

Matt (47:11.701)
Fun movie. Yeah.

Luciano (47:12.258)
Yeah, but it's better. I think it's better if they come off as arrogant and incompetent rather than like bumbling and incompetent. Yeah.

Chris (47:13.806)

Matt (47:18.165)
Yes, bumbling.

Spencer (47:19.197)
For sure. Honestly, I don't even want arrogant and competent. I like it when they seem like they're arrogant and they think they have everything planned out and they're like, have all the cards and then it all gets flipped on them. And then they get fucked and you're like, nice, fucker. You think you got, you stupid fucking Nazi.

Luciano (47:29.186)
And they get fucked. Yeah. Yeah. So that's the thing. Like when it's with Nazis, it's like you want to see them get really like shot off of their high horse, right?

Spencer (47:42.653)
Get their comeuppance.

Matt (47:42.869)
I believe it's, they use the English term, proper fuck.

Spencer (47:47.293)
Yes, you're gonna see him get proper, because this just feels like they're killing children or like mentally handicapped soldiers. And then you just, they're abusing people. Yeah, exactly. And that's kind of what it gets to where you're just kind of like, it didn't get to that point where there's like, you know when he like walks up to the three guys and he's in the, they're like, yes, sir. No, no, there's three soldiers and they think he's like their officer or whatever.

Luciano (47:47.65)
Yes, proper fact. Exactly. Yeah. Yeah. Or like, yeah. Exactly. Yeah. They're like abusing people with disabilities at this point.

Chris (48:10.606)
your phone.

Luciano (48:14.946)
Yeah. And then hazy shoots them in slow motion. Yeah.

Matt (48:16.245)
Commanding Officer.

Spencer (48:17.125)
And and he just goes like boop boop boop and I'm like, alright, this is almost like too much like there now I almost feel bad for these fucking guys. They're like it's like shooting like dogs. They're they're just too like

Chris (48:17.838)
yeah yeah yeah yeah.

Luciano (48:23.042)
Yeah, yeah.

Chris (48:28.238)
Fishing a barrel.

Luciano (48:29.346)
They even have Harry Cavill go, come on, go. And the guy just runs and jumps off the boat. Yeah.

Chris (48:35.822)
Cause that was a kid, that was like a youngster and I got that.

Spencer (48:39.901)
Yeah, and that, he should have been shot. Yeah, who knows, he's the next Hitler.

Matt (48:40.181)
He should have been shot. That was a mistake.

Luciano (48:41.41)
He should have been shot. Yeah.

His name was Goebbels. No, no, it was. That was too late in the war. yeah, famously, the Germans named their children Junior. Yeah.

Matt (48:47.893)
I don't know.

Spencer (48:48.613)
Gook Goebbels Jr.

Matt (48:51.637)
Haha, yeah.

Spencer (48:57.501)
after their last name.

Matt (48:57.941)
Yeah, exactly.

Luciano (49:02.658)
Yeah, I... Yeah, yeah, gobbles gobbles the second.

Spencer (49:03.869)
Gobbles Jr. Gobbles. This is his full name.

Chris (49:03.918)
The kids can call you go -gub -ju.

Matt (49:09.429)

Luciano (49:11.138)
Yeah, I think so you talk about fixing this, Matt, I think is just maybe reduce a little bit the numbers of people they go up against at once. Like maybe don't have Enders go through an entire boat with just a bow and arrow and an axe. That might have helped.

Chris (49:11.278)

Matt (49:26.901)
I'm not actually mad at that. That's fine. I think it's just... I think the second set piece can all stay. I think it's the first set piece that needs to change.

Luciano (49:29.922)
It's fun, but like...

Spencer (49:37.341)
And I think they can be stealthy and it can be the same amount of people, it just has to be more tactical. Like where they're timing their stealth attacks with the explosions going off, so like they're all like totally thrown off by the explosions and the gunfire, like you can't hear where it's coming from because all these explosions are going off and it's like really tactically planned out. You're like, these guys are like pros. Not just like, do do do do do, it's twiddling their thumbs.

Luciano (49:49.442)
Yeah, catching them in the chaos. Yeah. Yeah.

Luciano (49:59.042)
And not just like strolling on the beach is like a... Yeah. a Nazi! Tadum! another! Tadum! Yeah. Yeah, I think that that would be it, yeah.

Chris (49:59.854)

Matt (50:07.413)
Yeah. Because like when they, the two times like even when they assault the prison, their plans change, right? Because they find out that Applebee is going to leave. And that's why they have to tact her in the day instead of the night. And so it's like, in the second part of the movie, they are like, it's, it's, you know, it's fucking where they call it. Ironed up or whatever they called the boat, the slang they use for it. Yeah.

Spencer (50:08.477)
He's like...

Spencer (50:31.421)
Yeah, yeah, to make it.

Chris (50:32.526)

Matt (50:34.837)
So they couldn't blow it up apparently because it was reinforced. And so that took blowing it up out of... But in the first one, you know, he was leaving. And so it's like, it was a problem, but it never... Because in the first one, they have a problem and they don't blink for a second to stop. They just walk through 40 to 50 Nazi soldiers. When they get to the problem in the second, like at the end of the movie, it's just like, I was never like, are they going to be able to solve this? Because like...

Luciano (50:36.77)

Spencer (50:55.965)
And they're literally like...

Matt (51:04.117)
It didn't - they killed 50 guys with like five guys like - okay. They could have killed everybody in the base.

Spencer (51:07.581)
It would be better if they didn't know it was a reinforce until they got there. And then they had to like think like then it's like, no, the plan's not going to plan. We have to like scramble. Yeah, because everything just goes so perfectly the whole time.

Luciano (51:08.738)
Not only...

Luciano (51:13.858)
Yeah. Scramble.

Luciano (51:24.866)
The more we talk about this, the more I think Chris was right on the money. Because that whole scene in the basement, they rescue Applebee's, is exactly how it goes in a game. There's no way that this will work in real life, but one person goes in, kills an entire base, walks with the guy out, and they don't even get shot or hurt or anything. None of them. Other than Applebee's nipples, everybody was fine.

Chris (51:35.278)

Spencer (51:49.757)
Hey, no, at the end of the movie, Irishman gets shot in the shoulder. Yeah, but don't look, come on. The nipples were, there were some fallen soldiers there.

Chris (51:49.902)
I don't know.

Luciano (51:53.538)
No, no, I mean that scene in that scene. I mean, in that scene specifically. Yeah.

Matt (51:56.597)
Yeah. Sure.

Luciano (52:02.794)

Matt (52:03.445)
Really, really not, not great. So yeah, I think I, it's just, it's.

Chris (52:04.142)
Those are the only casualties. Moment of silence.

Luciano (52:08.866)

Spencer (52:09.981)
say can you...

Matt (52:13.269)
They're English, you son of a bitch.

Luciano (52:14.85)
Yeah, that's true.

Spencer (52:15.133)
sir, I do say, I say go see here, by the King's burning lights.

Luciano (52:18.53)
you say can you see in it?

Luciano (52:27.202)

Matt (52:28.821)
It is God Save the King, technically, but close enough. That sounded like it.

Luciano (52:33.154)
It was the same thing, really.

Spencer (52:33.245)
What's so proud anyway?

Luciano (52:38.306)
The accent goes away again. Yeah.

Matt (52:39.893)
That's really bad. Michael Caine. Michael Cocaine.

Spencer (52:40.893)
It's becoming becoming very cockney. Michael Caine! Michael Caine!

Luciano (52:45.634)
Michael cocaine. Famously the Cockney rhyming slang for the British anthem. Yeah.

Chris (52:45.934)

Chris (52:49.87)

Matt (52:51.157)
What's a... What's a...

Yeah, you know it. I'm going to ask some fun questions here.

If you don't mind. Mr. Gus March Phillips.

Spencer (53:03.293)
I'll allow it.

Spencer (53:07.645)
That's the... No.

Matt (53:10.709)
Don't tell him.

Chris (53:11.054)
Chicken joint owner.

Luciano (53:12.834)
The chicken joint dinner. Yeah.

Spencer (53:14.653)
Major, did you say major Gus Phillips?

Matt (53:16.629)
I didn't say major.

Chris (53:18.606)
I said major chicken joint entrepreneur.

Spencer (53:20.797)
That doesn't help me very much. Gus Phillips with Henry Cavill.

Matt (53:22.837)

Chris (53:23.694)
I know.

Matt (53:27.733)
Gus March Phillips was Henry Cavill. That is correct. Congratulations. I want to know what got him thrown in the brig. We're going to military jails.

Spencer (53:29.437)
Yes! Nice.

Luciano (53:29.89)

Luciano (53:39.01)

Spencer (53:40.925)
We talk about the beginning of the movie.

Matt (53:42.581)
Yep. I know what got him jailed at the end of the movie. I watched it. Unlike you.

Luciano (53:46.178)

Chris (53:46.958)

Spencer (53:51.677)
I think that...

he was.


Luciano (53:59.33)

Spencer (54:00.317)
No, well, he was still cigars in the movie, but the reason he was in jail is because he was stealing weapons from the British.

Luciano (54:02.078)

Spencer (54:13.693)
to read so he could use it in his off the books missions to kill mentally challenged Nazis.

Luciano (54:23.138)
my god.

Chris (54:24.406)

Matt (54:28.309)
So is that Schindler's Other List is what you're getting at?

Spencer (54:30.045)
Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Luciano (54:31.362)
Schindler's on! Someone should make that movie! Yeah.

Spencer (54:34.141)
Yeah, Shinner's Adderlest.

Yeah, that'll go over well.

Matt (54:43.061)
Yeah, that's the prequel to this movie. Shit, and those other lists.

Luciano (54:46.21)
Yeah, instead of Liam Neeson, you get Gilbert Godfrey to play Schindler.

Chris (54:48.142)

Chris (54:52.942)
my. Okay, rip. You know who's on it?

Spencer (54:54.109)
got a list it's a list of Nazis no it's gone it's gone no I got had it I was the fit of the physical embodiment of him for a second

Luciano (54:55.89)
Where are those people?

Luciano (55:04.482)
Yeah, it's gone. It's come...

Matt (55:04.501)
It's gone. It's gone.

Chris (55:05.422)

Chris (55:09.742)
I think, I think, I think this list should, should you, I got it!

Matt (55:09.781)
Ha ha.

Spencer (55:14.749)
No, you don't have it. You don't have it.

Luciano (55:15.778)
No, that's no, that was just like, I guess Christopher walking with like some sort of a mental disease or something. You're welcome. I would watch that movie. wow. So many Jews. Mine is mine is so much better. It's better.

Matt (55:16.885)
in there.

Matt (55:22.805)
Yeah. Yeah.

Chris (55:25.326)
I thank you, actually.

Spencer (55:25.949)
I don't know, I got a list.

Chris (55:29.71)

Spencer (55:29.725)
Another list! Shinla... Shinla made a list! No! I got another list! For you! My list... For you! Yeah!

Luciano (55:45.89)
Yeah. Yeah, I would watch that movie.

Chris (55:46.094)

Spencer (55:51.677)

Chris (55:51.854)
Phillips was in the brig because he assumed... Lord. Okay, shit. No. So Phillips went undercover against orders. Like he abandoned the current mission, the mission he had at the time, and he went undercover assuming the identity is Frederick Lichtenstein as a mute professor for economics, trigonometry, and puppetry.

Spencer (55:55.645)

Chris (56:21.966)
in at the same all three at the same time. And so he did this behind enemy lines in Germany because he was trying to pick up whatever Intel possible because he's mad. And he also wanted to get some really good. He wanted to get some good. He wanted to get himself like a right kegger or two. Right. So anyways, he was he the only reason why he was thrown in the brig because he did not he did not bring his.

Spencer (56:22.461)
That's all. That's all stop. That's all.

Luciano (56:22.498)
At the same time. He taught those three at the same time.

Luciano (56:34.946)
Chris (56:50.286)
his imperial set of set squares, T squares, and rulers. And so when you work under His Majesty's pleasure, there are certain rules and guidelines you need to follow.

Spencer (56:56.989)

Luciano (57:00.194)
You're all wrong. He was thrown in prison because during one of his missions he didn't stop killing mentally challenged Nazis to drink the cup of tea at 5 o 'clock. He's British. That's a crime. He was thrown in the brick.

Chris (57:12.942)
Why are we attacking, like why are we attacking the mentally challenged? Like, we're basically.

Luciano (57:15.906)
No, we're attacking the Nazis!

Spencer (57:17.517)
No, the Nazis, to be a Nazi, you're mentally challenged. That's just a fact.

Matt (57:19.477)
I'm... Okay, but here, this is what I wanted to say here. We don't need to give them the word mentally challenged. They're Nazis.

Luciano (57:29.89)
You just call them Nazis? Fair enough. No, that's fair enough. That's fair enough.

Chris (57:30.478)
They were, yeah, they're not.

Matt (57:34.389)
Like, now you're like, you're sympathizing the enemy.

Luciano (57:37.634)
No, I'm not.

Spencer (57:37.917)
Yeah, yeah, yeah, I could see that.

Luciano (57:40.706)
But yeah, okay, so just, so he didn't take the time from his Nazi killing to shut up, you were past it. So he stopped killing Nazis, he didn't stop killing Nazis enough to have the five o 'clock tea. That's why he was in prison. Yeah.

Matt (57:44.245)
They're not mentally challenged, they're...

Spencer (57:55.645)
That is a capital punishment.

Matt (57:59.477)
Fair, we'll move on. I just want to point out for Spencer and Chris, his name is Gus March Phillips. March Phillips is his last name, it's not a March is in his middle name. No, his last name is March Phillips.

Spencer (58:10.717)
I thought March was a nickname.

Luciano (58:13.378)
my god, did you watch this movie? They show his name written down on the screen at the end. Yeah. Read. Yeah, just full stop I don't read.

Spencer (58:16.445)
I -I did.

Matt (58:20.533)
Yeah, a couple times, yeah.

Spencer (58:22.301)
I don't read.

Matt (58:25.173)
No shit. Moving on! I don't read. How? I really, this is an important question.

Chris (58:28.942)
I'm sorry.

Spencer (58:29.309)

Chris (58:34.222)
How did you get your house?

Matt (58:35.797)
How? That's not, we don't, no one knows.

Luciano (58:38.69)
We don't know. This is not in the movie. We don't care.

Chris (58:40.942)
Carry on, carry on, carry on.

Matt (58:42.545)
I don't know, stolen Nazi gold.

Luciano (58:45.762)

Chris (58:46.318)
What the?

Matt (58:47.861)
What was the incident?

that cause Apple Yard's nipple tolerance to grow so high. Because when they show up there, he's been attached to his car battery long enough to make his nipples bleed, and he's having a great time.

Chris (58:58.094)

Luciano (58:58.114)

Spencer (59:07.581)
The crazy thing is they didn't even put those on him. Yeah, he brought them himself.

Luciano (59:07.97)

Yeah. He's like, no, don't torture me. T -t -t -t -t -t -t -t. Yeah.

Matt (59:11.037)
He insisted they break them.

Chris (59:16.142)
Whatever you do, don't put them here. Let me help you. Here, use these. I hate them.

Luciano (59:19.97)
I can see that.

Spencer (59:21.693)
They pull - they rip the shirt open to start torturing them and they're already - they're already there.

Luciano (59:26.85)
he brought the clamps with him, like with him. Okay, I can see that.

Chris (59:27.502)
out of here.

Spencer (59:29.853)
Yeah. Never leave the home without him.

Chris (59:31.886)
These clips, these clamps and I go way back.

Matt (59:33.941)
I think that's all true. Yeah. But so how did you get there? What happened in his life to cost him to always have to have nipple clamps?

Luciano (59:42.722)
Don't kink shame the man. Yeah.

Chris (59:42.862)
He likes the smell of burning flesh. He likes the smell of burning flesh. Since he can't consume bacon, he's got to fight. There's a workaround. There's a workaround. I didn't say that.

Matt (59:45.205)
I'm not kinks you, I'm just asking a question.

Luciano (59:47.81)

Spencer (59:53.789)

Luciano (59:54.082)
Wait, is he Jewish? Is he Jewish, is that why?

Matt (59:54.185)
Let him cook. Let him cook. Let him cook his bacon nipples. Let him cook.

Luciano (01:00:01.282)
Let him cook his bacon nipples.

Spencer (01:00:02.029)
not not how all

Chris (01:00:02.254)

Yeah, he can't since he can't have bacon is the greasiness that just like gives him the egg, right? So it's like, well, maybe there's a way I can wean myself back onto bacon, because who doesn't want bacon bangers and mash, right? So he's like, you know what, between missions, I think to like, not only am I micro dosing a variety of poisons to make sure that I don't succumb to torture, I think I got to get ahead of the game.

Matt (01:00:10.037)

Matt (01:00:30.037)

Chris (01:00:32.206)
by micro -shocking my tits. And I'm gonna start on 10.

Matt (01:00:40.661)
Okay, a couple of cool questions.

Luciano (01:00:44.178)
Just a couple?

Chris (01:00:44.494)
You're not allowed, but go on, go on, go on. The comments are closed. Okay, go on.

Spencer (01:00:46.557)
There will be no follow -up questions

Matt (01:00:47.253)
Just a couple. No, this is my podcast. What do you think bangers are? Made out of, yeah? They're made out of potatoes. Okay.

Chris (01:00:55.406)
Sausages. Sausages. Aren't they? Potatoes. Potatoes. I'm playing with you. Do you see? Do you see his conundrum? If I don't acknowledge your logic, all of my statements remain true.

Spencer (01:00:58.589)
Is that a bit of bacon?

Luciano (01:01:01.25)
Wait, sausage is made out of potatoes?

Spencer (01:01:03.469)

Matt (01:01:07.421)
You've somehow defeated me, sir.

Luciano (01:01:12.738)
If I don't interact with reality, you can't prove me wrong. I can't fault that logic. Yeah. Yeah.

Matt (01:01:15.989)
you've... I reject your reality and substitute my own. Well played sir. Moving past you, anybody else want to give me an answer?

Chris (01:01:16.31)
That's what we like, Kevin!

Spencer (01:01:16.413)
If I don't see it, it's not illegal!

Chris (01:01:24.558)
I REBUKE your reality, sir!

Chris (01:01:33.998)
You can try.

Spencer (01:01:36.189)
I mean, I liked Chris's one sane comment that he was trying to preface pain tolerance in case he was ever... Not the potato sausage one, the other thing!

Chris (01:01:41.934)
Which one?

Luciano (01:01:43.298)
What episode was that?

Chris (01:01:50.99)
Potato sausages! Not pending! Popcorn and plot holes, trademarks, potato sausages.

Matt (01:01:51.797)

Luciano (01:01:54.306)
Yeah, you're gonna have to clarify a little bit more.

Matt (01:01:56.277)
Yeah, okay.

Spencer (01:02:00.189)
Like I liked, yeah, he was like, he's always thinking of how they might torture him if he was ever caught. So he's always prepping himself. So, you know, when he's hanging around house, he puts the, you know, the, the clippers that hang the laundry on his nips. He, he'll do some shock therapy to himself to increase his tolerance. He'll cut.

Chris (01:02:21.838)
mental capacity.

Luciano (01:02:22.786)
So he has like a little bit of like an anti -torture kink or something.

Spencer (01:02:27.261)
I mean, you're the one making it sexual. Yes, he was erect the whole time, but the fact that he was rock hard during this doesn't mean it's sexual.

Chris (01:02:27.534)
Why does that have to be a cake though? Yeah.

Luciano (01:02:30.274)
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yes, yes, I am. I don't know what the problem is.

Matt (01:02:37.813)
No, that's part of that. That's actually part of the torture prevention. If you're a rock hard, they can't torture your penis. Everyone knows that. Yeah.

Chris (01:02:37.934)

Luciano (01:02:42.274)

Spencer (01:02:45.021)
It's a defense mechanism. And also, scientifically, you can't, if it arouses you, it's not actually torture. So when they torture him, they're like, he's like little suckers. This is my kink. You played into my hand.

Chris (01:02:45.698)
Shields up!

Matt (01:02:50.677)
Ha ha ha.

Luciano (01:02:54.946)
Not torture, it's not torture. Yeah. There you go. Now you're into something.

Matt (01:03:01.429)
He's aroused. Yeah.

Chris (01:03:07.022)
Trap card activated.

Luciano (01:03:07.586)
Yeah, but I'm the one making it sexual.

Spencer (01:03:09.917)

Matt (01:03:11.125)
Yeah, you are. It's not sexual, it's to defend against being tortured.

Chris (01:03:12.238)

Spencer (01:03:15.484)
No, yeah, it's not sexual, but when they torture him, they're making it sexual.

Luciano (01:03:15.874)
with sex with sex

Chris (01:03:16.142)
power of sex.

Luciano (01:03:20.482)
Right. I see.

Chris (01:03:20.974)
So then it comes back to chakra channeling, in a way. Maybe. We just explained it.

Matt (01:03:21.013)

Luciano (01:03:25.346)
It does? How?

Matt (01:03:28.597)

Spencer (01:03:28.717)
I believe Chris firmly stated no follow -up questions. I thought that was clear. Yeah.

Chris (01:03:33.454)
We re -

Luciano (01:03:37.09)
That's fair. That's my bet. That's my bet.

Chris (01:03:37.518)
Exactly! You're forgiven. You're forgiven.

Matt (01:03:42.965)
Yeah. He said it clearly. All right. Anybody else have any, it's a very valid point. We're going to move on.

Luciano (01:03:47.554)
How can I follow any of that?

Chris (01:03:49.664)
You can't, the comments are closed.

Luciano (01:03:51.298)

Spencer (01:03:51.741)

Matt (01:03:53.013)
let's go with something a little bit easier here. Who do you think is hottest for Hitler in this movie? Heinrich Lohr or Admiral Pound?

Spencer (01:04:00.797)
That's so easy.

Luciano (01:04:01.186)

Chris (01:04:03.726)
Spencer (01:04:07.677)
Luciano (01:04:07.97)
And more like Admiral Get Pound, am I right?

Chris (01:04:10.798)
Yeah boy!

Luciano (01:04:13.634)
Yo what?

Spencer (01:04:13.757)
i'm gonna just take a guess and say admiral pound was winston churchill no no but seriously admiral pound was which guy the

Chris (01:04:15.854)
I don't know.

Chris (01:04:20.238)
Mm -hmm.

Luciano (01:04:21.826)

Luciano (01:04:29.282)
my god. Yeah, it was the guy who goes talk to carry elves about.

Chris (01:04:30.542)
He was in office. He was in the he was in the office trying to stop the operation.

Spencer (01:04:33.981)
He was the bad, the bad, the one who was like, the one who was like, the one who was like, so let's, let's all salute to the Nazis. It'll be, it'll be fine. That guy?

Luciano (01:04:39.298)
One of them, right? Yeah.

Chris (01:04:40.174)
He was evil, but he was just against the mission.

Luciano (01:04:45.922)
Yeah, one of them, yes.

Spencer (01:04:47.709)
Okay. And lure is is Stiglitz.

Chris (01:04:49.614)
What's up?

Matt (01:04:52.693)
Yeah, no, fucking Admiral, Admiral Pound is the guy that says we're going to tell the parliament that you're doing this and we're going to get you kicked out of being, being prime minister.

Luciano (01:04:54.05)
That's sick.

Luciano (01:04:59.874)
and we're gonna remove you from the office. Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Spencer (01:05:01.565)
yeah, yeah, so he was clearly pro -Nazi. And he, so therefore he was hot for Hitler. Got it, okay. I just wanted to be clear to the audience who we're talking about. Not for me, for the audience.

Matt (01:05:06.261)
Hence, hence the question, you sons of a bitch!

Luciano (01:05:09.922)
Matt, it's hard to answer your questions when you haven't watched the movie.

Matt (01:05:16.149)
That's... that's true.

Chris (01:05:16.238)

Spencer (01:05:16.285)
No, I told you this is for the audience, now they know.

Matt (01:05:20.533)
I'm super excited for when we ever watch, and glorious bastards and Spencer's like, why is the lure of this movie? Why is no one saying his name?

Luciano (01:05:20.674)

Luciano (01:05:27.586)
Yeah, why is Lurin this movie?

Chris (01:05:28.942)

Spencer (01:05:30.941)
Yeah, no, the hottest, there's no way that anyone is more hot for Hitler than Admiral Pound. He wanted to be taken to pound town.

Matt (01:05:43.285)
Skirt job. I'm certain no one else has made that joke.

Spencer (01:05:44.317)
And nope, I invented it and I patented it.

Luciano (01:05:46.978)
Yeah, very original.

Chris (01:05:47.342)
We will suck them in between the sheets. We will fuck them in the kitchen. We will cut the balls and swallow the gravy.

Matt (01:05:50.997)

Spencer (01:05:52.925)
Between the thighs!

Luciano (01:05:54.154)
It will suck him on the beaches. It will suck him on...

Spencer (01:05:58.589)


Luciano (01:06:03.202)
Yeah, I believe that's word for word his speech to the parliament.

Matt (01:06:03.381)

Spencer (01:06:06.429)
What's the rest of that to be? There will be! There's an ending to that. Okay. Thanks guys.

Chris (01:06:07.31)
You know?

Luciano (01:06:13.954)
We shall never surrender.

Chris (01:06:16.078)
Yeah. We will never succumb. Period.

Luciano (01:06:21.186)
No. You ruined it. It was good. No! What did I do? The one time I didn't do it!

Spencer (01:06:21.673)
I killed it. I take full responsibility for that. I did it. I did it at Luciano that hard.

Matt (01:06:21.717)
You know what? Why'd you have to... No, no, no, no. You Luciano did. You really... You really did.

Chris (01:06:29.198)

Spencer (01:06:31.997)
Luciano, it's not your fault. I'm saying I Luciano did. Yeah, it's not your fault.

Matt (01:06:32.021)
No, no, no, Spencer Luciano did it.

Chris (01:06:35.79)
Not my fault, not my fault, not my fault.

Luciano (01:06:35.874)
fuck you.

Fuck all three of you.

Spencer (01:06:40.765)
but yeah, I think, I think he wanted to be gently caressed.

Luciano (01:06:48.93)
I think he just wanted to be pound. Ayyyy

Spencer (01:06:51.645)
We are even now you Luciano did.

Chris (01:06:54.702)
Only in... There you go.

Matt (01:06:54.901)
Yeah. You're really good.

Matt (01:06:59.253)
You could not. That's also an option.

Spencer (01:07:00.925)
Cause I would say lure, but I don't think lure lure had any sexual anything. I think he just wanted to, I think with the main girl, he was like, I'm going to torture you and kill you cause you're turned out to be a spy. But I think that was his plan all along. Even if he was.

Luciano (01:07:04.162)

Chris (01:07:05.39)

Matt (01:07:05.525)

Matt (01:07:18.197)
I mean, I think maybe he would have let her put on stilettos and stomp on his dick a bit, but then the torture and -

Chris (01:07:19.438)

Luciano (01:07:23.17)
and then he would put stilettos and stomp on her dick.

Spencer (01:07:25.085)
he's on the Applebee, method. He's on the Applebee sauce, eh? The applesauce! Gotcha.

Matt (01:07:27.637)

Luciano (01:07:27.65)
Yeah, of course, of course.

Matt (01:07:32.261)
That's what comes out of his dick out of time.

Luciano (01:07:32.514)

Chris (01:07:33.006)
Ayyyy... AHHHH

Spencer (01:07:35.781)
This is a World War II movie!

Luciano (01:07:35.874)
After some somewhat somewhere along along his like practice for torture. Now he shoots apples outside of his dick. Everybody knows it's a it's a known side effect.

Matt (01:07:40.149)

Matt (01:07:46.837)
That's itself.

It is.

Chris (01:07:51.374)
This segment is brought to you by Mott's Applesupp.

Spencer (01:07:54.717)

Luciano (01:07:55.138)
Thought you were gonna say Applebee's.

Spencer (01:07:57.949)
Applebee's now serving Mott's applesauce. Live it in time.

Chris (01:07:58.03)
paid for by the Apple.

Luciano (01:08:00.706)
Ha ha!

Chris (01:08:02.766)

Matt (01:08:04.149)
I gotta ask you a different question to cleanse our palates. How is the Ministry of Undefeated Warfare, or how do they stay so positive all the time? Nothing seems to get them down.

Chris (01:08:17.23)

Spencer (01:08:17.405)
Well, there's an old saying, if you love what you do, you never work a day in your life. And these guys do love killing Nazis.

Luciano (01:08:22.69)
Never work it in your life. Yes.

Luciano (01:08:28.322)
They certainly do.

Spencer (01:08:30.973)
that and the speed and the PCP doesn't hurt. I think that combination, that's what I live my life by.

Luciano (01:08:33.058)
Yeah, I was gonna say.

Luciano (01:08:38.082)

Matt (01:08:38.645)
Do you think speed makes you happy?

Spencer (01:08:43.997)
It's working for me.

Luciano (01:08:44.61)
No, speed makes them happy. It makes them happy and that's very different. I think... I think... I think...

Matt (01:08:46.773)
Okay, that's fair. Yeah, okay.

Spencer (01:08:50.077)
You bad mouthing speed? You watch yourself. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. That's exactly what I meant.

Matt (01:08:54.773)
They like to watch the Keanu Reeves vehicle, Sandra Bullock's feed.

Luciano (01:08:57.57)

That's the speed you're talking about. Yeah, great.

Matt (01:09:04.725)
Yeah, I was just checking.

Spencer (01:09:04.861)
They watch the movie that was made 45 years after this takes place every day before admission.

Matt (01:09:08.765)

Matt (01:09:14.389)
If Tom Cruise can go back in time to kill Hitler and Valkyrie, I didn't watch it, then I assume they can have this tape.

Spencer (01:09:19.581)

Luciano (01:09:20.386)
That's exactly what happens. Yeah, for sure.

Spencer (01:09:23.677)
They're just like killing Nazis. Can't go over 60 miles per hour! Dennis Hopper! I don't know anything else really. Is there a famous line from Speed?

Matt (01:09:31.477)
That's, I think that's pretty much it. Yeah.

Luciano (01:09:37.954)
I have a need, a need for speed, no that's the wrong movie.

Spencer (01:09:40.069)
The bus that couldn't slow down.

Matt (01:09:41.077)
What's the wrong movie?

Luciano (01:09:46.338)

Matt (01:09:47.537)
No, I think that's it. What about speed kills? No?

Spencer (01:09:56.733)
That's not in the movie.

Luciano (01:09:57.058)
No. Yeah.

Matt (01:09:58.933)
and all these things worry? Fucking dicks.

Spencer (01:10:00.381)

Luciano (01:10:00.514)
Of course, every single thing that we said was.

Matt (01:10:03.189)
You fucking dicks. Now, okay, so, so, speed and... Yeah, the movie with the calories and Sandra Ball. Got it. great. Luciano, do you have an answer for that?

Luciano (01:10:05.986)
So it's a combination of psychosis and speed. Yeah.


Luciano (01:10:18.146)
I just gave you one.

Matt (01:10:20.021)
But that was Spencer's answer. OK, great. Chris, do you want to give a different answer for how the ministry stays so positive?

Luciano (01:10:21.218)
Yeah, it's the same.

Chris (01:10:25.399)
Give it a shot. Yeah, I think the the it's quite simple and it's it's it's biological. It involves skipping and prancing from point A to point B. See, the movie was was shooting and giving us the position, mostly stationary, either stationary positions or killing positions. But we want to know how they stay so positive. So from either one end of the boat to the other or once they've docked in there, like doing their thing, they're prancing.

they're skipping. You get to, like, you can cover a lot of distance skipping than walking or crawling, but that's also not necessary because this execution of this mission is on story mode. So skipping.

Matt (01:11:05.269)
And skipping is famously quiet versus running. Yeah. Yeah. Chris, one other question. I do. No, it's I, I'm the question asker. So my, okay. So that's one, one, comment then I need to make, when it comes to skipping in the water,

Chris (01:11:08.183)
You know? Completely. Like... You both have questions. No further questions!

Luciano (01:11:08.194)
Yes, just like shooting guns. Yeah. I have a question. Wait, I have a follow up question for you, Chris.

Spencer (01:11:18.105)
As Chris's attorney, I'd like to say we're moving on!

Chris (01:11:26.071)

Chris (01:11:34.775)
so I will answer that question, but when seafaring, they're skipping from one end of the boat to the other, but in the water, it involves a lot of pelvic thrusting. So one might try to tread water by like egg beating their legs and then moving their arms in sort of like an out and in gesture, but in order to prance skip in the water, you must thrust with your hips and then.

Matt (01:11:34.933)
what motions are made to do that.

Matt (01:11:57.361)
Yep. Right.

Chris (01:12:03.063)
Engage your spirit fingers on either side.

Spencer (01:12:04.765)
objection a badger witness i'd like to shut up chris we're taking this to be a mistrial if my client has nothing else to say sidebar sidebar your honor i'd like to plead not guilty due to reason of insanity i don't think anyone will have any problems with this

Matt (01:12:05.021)

Chris (01:12:10.327)

Matt (01:12:11.125)

Luciano (01:12:13.122)

Chris (01:12:15.287)
Under duress.

Chris (01:12:19.607)
Can I come with you? Can I come with you? gosh.

Matt (01:12:19.893)
Haha. Da dad.

Matt (01:12:28.725)
that I had.

Luciano (01:12:28.738)

Chris (01:12:31.895)
Your honor, are you open to lure sexual favors? Gosh darn it.

Spencer (01:12:35.373)
Pop quiz hotshot. There's a bomb on a bus. What's the bus goes 50 miles an hour? The bomb is armed if it drops below 50 it blows up. What do you do? What do you do?

Matt (01:12:35.669)
Did I?

Luciano (01:12:38.146)

Chris (01:12:49.367)
You skip.

Luciano (01:12:50.882)
I'm friends.

Chris (01:12:52.023)
And Prance. I'm sorry, Spencer, you looked like you wanted a real question, a real answer to your question.

Matt (01:12:52.181)
There you have it. Hey,

Spencer (01:12:57.885)

Matt (01:12:58.325)
What was the most popular costume at the Nazi commander party?

Luciano (01:13:04.898)

Matt (01:13:06.645)
Besides Marjorie's Cleopatra. Caution.

Luciano (01:13:10.369)

Spencer (01:13:11.709)
You know the big... No, the big... Jew costume from Borat that lays the egg? The beginning of Borat? You know what I'm talking about? I think that costume was pretty popular. I could say it. I've seen Borat. That's what it takes.

Matt (01:13:14.485)
Breakfast time.

Luciano (01:13:20.962)

Luciano (01:13:25.73)

Matt (01:13:33.045)

Luciano (01:13:34.818)

Matt (01:13:35.605)
Sure. That's what it takes.

Luciano (01:13:37.666)

Spencer (01:13:42.237)
Obviously, Clifford, the big red dog was pretty popular.

Luciano (01:13:46.626)
That Pikachu, I was gonna say.

Matt (01:13:47.445)
Hey, can you pick anything that would have been actually from the time frame? Just one.

Chris (01:13:47.543)

Spencer (01:13:49.469)

Luciano (01:13:50.914)

Chris (01:13:54.296)
Charlie Chaplin.

Luciano (01:13:56.066)
Z Pikachu.

Spencer (01:13:57.501)

Chris (01:13:59.095)
Z Pikachu? Z Pikachu!

Luciano (01:14:00.258)

Yeah, it's a Pikachu! Yeah. I am the German monster. Yeah, I don't know what... I don't... I don't...

Chris (01:14:07.127)

Spencer (01:14:10.205)
PEEK AND FIRE! PIGS HIGHLE! So obviously... I mean Mr. Mime is definitely the biggest Nazi of all the Pokemon.

Luciano (01:14:14.914)

Chris (01:14:20.727)
Jigglypuff, Jigglypuff.

Chris (01:14:26.935)

Spencer (01:14:28.989)
That's a fact It's no rich No, no, I mean that's fair, but it was originally mr. Nine He changed his name when he moved to Argentina

Luciano (01:14:29.218)
Hey, how are you here first folks?

Chris (01:14:31.415)
Listen, y 'all didn't know, it's not a conspiracy theory. Mr. Mime, like.

Luciano (01:14:35.938)
No, it's Pikachu. Pikachu's tail is one of the S's of SS. Come on. Come on.

Chris (01:14:41.079)

Luciano (01:14:44.514)

Chris (01:14:44.679)

Luciano (01:14:49.474)
no! Grandpa moves to Argentina!

Chris (01:14:50.711)
BBL Mime, BBL Mime. Yeah. Charlie Chaplin and the Three Stooges.

Luciano (01:14:57.314)

Spencer (01:15:00.797)
You think they're rocket 3 students costumes? Those guys are thinkin' they're 3 Jewish men.

Luciano (01:15:05.442)
They can pull it off really easily as we've seen.

Chris (01:15:05.687)
Well, well.

Matt (01:15:07.957)
I'm sorry, you pick the Jew costume from Borat.

Spencer (01:15:09.285)
No, but that was because they're not but they're like you think they like the three stooges they're like I hate the Jews but They're funny the three stooges. I don't know why the Nazis are now Jewish I Like this I like this to use they're funny They've got chutzpah

Luciano (01:15:10.37)
Yeah, yeah, but we're out of line.

Chris (01:15:19.799)
Thank you for, thank you for, see you understand.

Luciano (01:15:24.83)
Also, I'm pretty sure Larry was Jewish as well.

Chris (01:15:26.903)
You know?

Chris (01:15:31.575)
Motu. Yeah. Woo -poop -poop -poop -poop -poop -poop -poop -poop -poop -poop -poop -poop -poop -po

Matt (01:15:34.725)

Spencer (01:15:39.517)
I'm just getting started. No, no.

Luciano (01:15:41.598)
They also wear a potato bratwurst costume as well.

Chris (01:15:43.511)
Tin tin.

Bye bye.

Matt (01:15:46.997)
Ting Ting.

Chris (01:15:51.743)
Yeah, so someone's got to do that. Someone's got to represent for the sausage party. Talking about, yes.

Spencer (01:15:57.373)
You talk about bangers and mash? Potato filled sausages?

Luciano (01:16:01.058)
I said bratwurst, but sure. Let's go with bangers.

Matt (01:16:04.053)
No, no, it's a bang, mash bangers. Is that what it is?

Luciano (01:16:08.834)
Yeah, mashing bangers, begging mashers.

Chris (01:16:09.431)
Mashers? No. Massages!

Matt (01:16:11.029)

Luciano (01:16:14.146)
no. Matt, please, please.

Matt (01:16:15.445)
and now we're moving on. Denied.

Chris (01:16:15.799)
Ayyyy. You are fuckin' welcome, you ungrateful bunch of summama summama bitches.

Spencer (01:16:16.093)

Matt (01:16:20.565)
Good night!

Spencer (01:16:24.509)
We - no, Chris, we rest, your honor. Wait, you denied us resting the case?

Matt (01:16:27.445)

Luciano (01:16:27.682)
I'm out of line!

Chris (01:16:29.335)
You can't deny the rest. You want us to keep going? Don't mind if we do. Have you ever had a sausage with a potato in it? You cut the potato open.

Matt (01:16:35.701)
Hey why would... Denied. Why... Denied! What would Larsen do with a barrel of Nazi hearts?

Spencer (01:16:37.853)
No, no case closed No, no, no too far

Chris (01:16:48.471)
What you need to do, you hollow out the potato first, and then you push the sausage in without consent, no permission. Yes. Listen.

Matt (01:16:50.805)

Matt (01:16:56.789)
Whoa, hey man, that's too far. You always, you always gotta get consent.

Luciano (01:16:59.298)
Yeah, it's too far. It's not going to be any potato abuse here. Yeah, doesn't matter. Vegetables are people.

Spencer (01:17:00.029)
Why, way to Luciano it.


Chris (01:17:05.079)
They're vegetables and sausages. What?

Matt (01:17:14.933)
I denied you for a very good reason.

Luciano (01:17:17.346)

Spencer (01:17:17.981)
He will... Hold on. I'd like to call mercy upon the judge. My client is, as I said, blood and sanity. And we beg for the court's forgiveness.

Chris (01:17:18.007)
You should have, did you hear what Luciano just said? Vegetables are people.

Matt (01:17:20.853)
You practice on yourself.

Luciano (01:17:22.402)

Chris (01:17:26.967)
Please, please your honor. Please Lord.

Luciano (01:17:28.546)

Chris (01:17:34.263)
Lord? Lord?

Matt (01:17:36.405)
Counselor, answer this question. What would Larson do with a bunch of hearts? Sorry, Larson.

Spencer (01:17:37.917)
Yes? Okay.

He'd make... he'd make... he'd make... he'd make... massages? No, I said he'd make massages. No, I think...

Luciano (01:17:43.042)
A barbecue. A barbecue.

Matt (01:17:47.573)
Brazilian? Brazilian? Sorry, what?

Luciano (01:17:50.242)

Chris (01:17:50.487)
Did you just say Brazilian butt lifts? BBO massages!

Spencer (01:18:00.381)
He's not gonna eat him.

Luciano (01:18:02.306)
Why not?

Matt (01:18:02.837)

Spencer (01:18:05.821)
What's a good Dutch? He's Dutch, right?

Luciano (01:18:06.05)
Put some garlic powder on it. No, it's Danish. Did you watch this fucking movie?

Spencer (01:18:10.589)
Danish shari Danish. Same same. He'd make him into Danish. It's a famous Dane food.

Matt (01:18:10.997)
Yeah, same, same, same.

Chris (01:18:14.825)

Luciano (01:18:19.874)
I don't think there is a Danish like pastry.

Spencer (01:18:22.877)
He'd make heart danishes.

Chris (01:18:22.967)
Wait for it.

Luciano (01:18:25.602)

Matt (01:18:26.773)
What do we got here? We've got rye bread. It's the only thing I can pronounce on this list.

Spencer (01:18:33.597)
Okay, we'll leave it at that. So he'd have it over rye bread.

Chris (01:18:34.039)

Luciano (01:18:34.338)
It sounds about right.

Matt (01:18:40.725)
I'm not really sure how to pronounce the O with the line through it.

Spencer (01:18:42.397)

Luciano (01:18:46.914)
I'm not sure either. I think it's ooh, but I'm not sure.

Spencer (01:18:47.485)
I believe it. Ooh.

Matt (01:18:50.293)
Ooh, so S'more Brood, which is open -faced sandwiches. Yeah. you know what? A Danis pastry. Wiener Brood.

Spencer (01:18:53.149)
That sounds pretty good. so part on rye.

Luciano (01:19:01.762)

Spencer (01:19:02.333)
So he'd have some winter brews with sour stores and with some heart with some nitty hearts on the side.

Matt (01:19:06.293)

Luciano (01:19:08.258)
some smorgasbord.

Matt (01:19:14.933)

Luciano (01:19:15.074)
Did you put a line through that A in Nazi?

Spencer (01:19:15.421)
I'm out.

Chris (01:19:16.087)
The podcast apologizes to the Dutch, the Swedish, and everyone in the Danes.

Spencer (01:19:19.197)
I did. I did. I did. I did put a line through the A in Nazi. Nazi hurts.

Matt (01:19:20.949)

Luciano (01:19:24.386)
Nutsy, the nutsy.

Chris (01:19:27.447)

Matt (01:19:29.525)
You know, I like it with this podcast. We're offending every culture. So.

Spencer (01:19:33.501)
No one is safe.

Luciano (01:19:34.434)
Yeah, it's equal opportunity.

Chris (01:19:34.839)
You got to. We play by the South Park rules, okay?

Luciano (01:19:39.554)
Yeah, nobody's safe.

Matt (01:19:40.837)
Also, you can have Rugbrood, which is Rybrad apparently.

Spencer (01:19:45.309)
No, I told you. We're having nootsy hearts on Rebrut. That's so stupid. How have I not been denied? That's my question. sorry. Denied!

Luciano (01:19:48.482)
You got it. Nootzy hurts. Nootzy hurts and rooibrood.

Matt (01:19:51.285)

Chris (01:19:54.103)
not y 'all I'm just not you know I for a moment I thought I wanted to but like the three of you got all bases covered all of it

Matt (01:20:01.077)
Ha ha!

Matt (01:20:06.101)
Chris is denied, moving on. Last, is there any more denied? Any more questions? No, there's no more questions. Let's fucking wrap this shit up. Unrelated. We're gonna wrap this shit up, so let's go through our standard rating system. S is the top, F is the bottom. There's letters in between.

Chris (01:20:10.391)
And I ignore the denying, and that's the art. See?

Spencer (01:20:17.981)
Hehehehehe hehehe

Luciano (01:20:18.05)
I wonder why.

Chris (01:20:19.291)
No further questions y 'all, no further questions your honor.

Matt (01:20:36.725)
Let's go with Chris. Welcome back. Rank this movie.

Spencer (01:20:37.469)
I'm sorry.

Chris (01:20:40.919)
You were like, there are letters in between as if Spencer who played? Who played? He's actually awake Spencer. So that's really good. Yes No, keep it going. Let it happen. Just let it cook Newtzy, Newtzy, Newt, Newtzy, riot bruh

Luciano (01:20:41.858)
I think we lost Spencer. We lost him. We lost him. He's dead. He's gone.

Matt (01:20:46.261)
He's gone.

Spencer (01:20:51.485)
I can't... I can't I'm crying. It's so stupid. It's so stupid. I'm sorry. Did she please?

Luciano (01:20:57.89)
No, he's gone. He's gone. He's gone. He's gone. Yeah.

Matt (01:21:06.293)

Chris (01:21:10.391)
It sounds like the competitor to Juicy Fruit. I will, don't trust. Just like, listen, come on son. So this movie, no, you are denied my rating. Anyways, the movie was a lot of fun. Thoroughly enjoyed it. I actually, I think it goes against the grain based on our conversation alone. We expected certain things to happen with like,

Spencer (01:21:13.661)
my god. Sorry.

Matt (01:21:14.901)
Hey man, answer the question. Wreck this fucking movie.

Denied! Right to movie!

Chris (01:21:38.967)
a romance that was thrown in willy -nilly and like in the real story or yeah, in the like the true events, the, Phillips and March Phillips, sorry. And, and Marjorie Stewart, they end up getting married, but they easily could have foreshadowed that they didn't do that. They stuck to the beats that mattered. And overall, even though we've identified like an interesting,

an interesting, you could call it a flaw, like this story, like this playing this game, going through this story on story mode, this movie, sorry, on story mode, the lack of difficulty, it was still fun. So, and it was, and it was funny in parts and I was hooked as soon as it, the set pieces and like the dialogue really just let everything gel together. And that's like good cooking. That's good cinematic cooking right there. So for me, the, and I, and I heartily,

Encourage that you you take a big ol fucking bite of this new see

Spencer (01:22:35.453)
I know.

Luciano (01:22:36.93)
He was holding on so well, Chris, why would you do this to him?

Chris (01:22:41.399)
Listen, the more you crack, the more we get laugh attacks. And so my rating for this is, I would say a B for me. Yeah.

Matt (01:22:49.365)
Yeah, right. Spencer, can you get it done?

Spencer (01:22:51.453)
Yeah. I'm sorry. I don't know why that got me so. The. This this movie was was good, but it was also very flawed because of the. Silliness that it chose to be, I just don't know if that worked in the story was trying to tell, but it was also well made and I did laugh and enjoy the new killing.

Luciano (01:22:52.258)
Can you manage?

Chris (01:22:54.455)
Push him! Push him!

Chris (01:23:01.335)

Spencer (01:23:21.469)
so I give it a.

Chris (01:23:21.623)
There you go.

Luciano (01:23:21.762)

Spencer (01:23:26.973)
I'll give it a, I'm torn right between two. I'm gonna give it a C. I was torn between B and C, not C and D for anyone wondering. And it's a C.

Matt (01:23:37.141)
Yeah, that's fair. Luciano.

Luciano (01:23:41.634)
Yeah, it's basically what Chris and Spencer said, like, you know, for all the flaws and all the lack of stakes, it was well acted, it was well written, like the dialogue was fun, it was engaging. Even though there were no stakes, it was still entertaining to watch and it was a fun experience. I think if they managed to make it a little bit less...

silly and a little bit less sort of like in the air, I guess I can say it would be an A, but as it was, I think it was a solid B. I would watch it again just for the fun of it. So that would be my grade B.

Matt (01:24:30.165)
Alright, I will echo what you all said essentially. Fun movie, had a good time, enjoyed watching the movie, characters are fun. Story is a bit waning at points. I think I'm with Spencer, I would give it a C. I don't know if I would watch it again, start to finish. I think there are some scenes that are fun, but the movie kind of drags, I've seen it, I don't know what I'd watch it for again. So that gets me a C versus a B. But good movie, I say you should watch it.

So we have watched the Ministry of Gentlemen, the warfare and. Yeah, the newtsies. And we're going to watch, we're going to watch another newtsie theme movie. We are going with the 2018s, I believe 2018s Overlord.

Luciano (01:25:06.402)
And we did.

Chris (01:25:07.351)

Luciano (01:25:11.202)

Spencer (01:25:13.021)

Luciano (01:25:21.538)
Yeah, yes, exactly.

Matt (01:25:26.037)
I think that is the, what is it, JJ Abrams?

Luciano (01:25:30.466)
Yeah, it is. And it's more of like a horror movie slash like a thriller.

Spencer (01:25:36.093)
Did he direct it?

Matt (01:25:39.093)
No, he produced it. The director is Julius Avery. But it stars, let's see, it stars the fake Captain America from the TV show. Wyatt Russell, yeah. Yeah. And then it also stars Nepo Baby. I stars Nepo Baby.

Luciano (01:25:39.234)
I think so. No? Just produced it? Okay.

Spencer (01:25:40.413)
I feel like he just produced it.

Luciano (01:25:46.242)

Luciano (01:25:52.13)

Chris (01:25:52.171)
that guy.

Spencer (01:25:52.893)
Russell, right? That's Kurt Russell's son.

Spencer (01:26:00.925)
Nepo, baby.

Luciano (01:26:04.034)
It stars Nipple Baby, yes.

Matt (01:26:06.965)
It stars, what have you seen this guy in? Probably nothing. So I'm just hitting real name, Joven Depot.

Spencer (01:26:13.117)
That guy.

Luciano (01:26:17.474)
Okay, whoever that is.

Spencer (01:26:17.885)
They got Joven.

Matt (01:26:19.733)
Yeah, he was in the three body problem and Babylon.

Chris (01:26:23.991)

Luciano (01:26:25.122)

Matt (01:26:26.549)
Anybody else we know? Not really. Let's see if our guy is in here. No. Hugh Stiglitz is not in this movie. Sorry. Jamis is also not in this movie. Yeah, so we're gonna watch Overlord. It'll be fun. Listen, I'll give it to you straight. The Nazis are doing some weird shit because that's what Nazis do. So we're gonna go along for the ride.

Spencer (01:26:31.101)
You jamming?

Luciano (01:26:31.778)
Our guy.

Chris (01:26:33.175)

Spencer (01:26:35.357)
I thought you were looking for Janice.

Luciano (01:26:35.97)

Matt (01:26:57.557)
Alright, next week Overlord, we'll see you there. Bye.

Chris (01:27:00.791)

Spencer (01:27:01.053)

Luciano (01:27:03.522)

Chris (01:27:06.231)
You see, the key to the downfall of the Nazis in this movie was that they all attended Nazi -der -Reich -Hollig. They're serious about...