The Viktor Wilt Show

Ozzy & The Osbournes VS Britney Spears, Top places to live in the US for quality of life, dirtiest cities in the US, horrible radio song parodies and comedy bits, Things to not "mess with", Grand Teton Mall 40th Anniversary Celebration, zero to negative complaints about the mall, mall horror stories, corndogs, the Live United Concert Series, Amazon driver shoots at school bus aide, man buys stegosaurus, swearing parrot up for adoption, woman has meltdown at loser boyfriend at Florida airport, Lamb of God - Laid To Rest (HEALTH Remix) discussion, bug bomb injures 20 at Publix store, 6 tons of cocaine in banana shipment, music festivals, System Of A Down, Daron Malakian, The Macarena, The Cha-Cha Slide, how to avoid getting sick, how to make friends with Peaches

What is The Viktor Wilt Show?

The Viktor Wilt Show daily recap! If you miss the show weekdays from 6A-10A MST, you've come to the right place.

What's up? Thursday, July 18th. It's Viktor Wilt, and, yes, the thing I needed to fix did apparently fix, which is fantastic. Alright. First thing I see in the news today, Ozzy versus Britney Spears.

This what we got going on? I swear the the timeline we're living in, it's weirder every day. I did not expect to wake up to Ozzy versus Britney Spears. So, apparently, on the Osborne's podcast, which I've never listened to, even as a big fan of Ozzy, I don't know. To listen to the Osborne sit there and babble on, it it just doesn't sound like my cup of tea.

I'm firing up a podcast as of late. It's going to be either knowledge fight or last podcast on the left. That's where I'm at with podcasts right now. Well, apparently, in a recent episode of the Osborne's podcast, they were talking about TikTok dance videos, and Ozzy apparently is not a fan of Britney Spears dancing on Instagram all the time. Now I don't follow Britney Spears on Instagram, but I recall, like, a year or so ago, maybe even longer.

My kid's talking about, you know, is Britney alright? She's posting these weird dance videos all of all the time. Well, apparently, she still is, and that's fine. I'm down with people making whatever kind of content they want. Well, at least for the most part.

You know? You ladies wanna get on Instagram and dance? Go for it. Britney Spears wanna dance all day on Instagram. I don't care, but I don't know if you've ever heard, you know, Sharon Osborne talk.

She can be kinda judgmental. She's not really known in the music business as being a a nice lady. So the Osbournes are talking about Britney dancing. And, let's see. Let me bring up the exact quote here.

Ozzy says, I'm fed up of seeing poor old Britney Spears on YouTube every day. It's sad. Very, very sad. And then, Kelly chimed in and Sharon, poor little thing. Well, Britney not having this.

She's firing back at Ozzy. And, also came to the defense of actress Kate Beckinsale who I guess has faced similar criticism for her social media content. I don't know what she does. Does she dance on Instagram as well? Well, anyway, I keep having these pop up ads pop up.

Had to open this in an incognito window because the article I would never use an ad blocker. Let me tell you. Anyway, she says I adore Kate Beckinsale, especially because she's from London. I realized how incredibly cruel people were talking about her Instagram saying she needs more age appropriate content, and it's pretty awesome how she responded. Not as bad as my comment saying it's sad that I'm as old as I am and I'm dancing every single day on Instagram.

Number 1, I hardly ever dance. And number 2, I'm not poor at all. I have more ligature in my left toe than any grown man or woman on earth. Britney, very confident. And she says, you know, I know what it's like to be judged, but I think it's important to help each other and invite each other to places that help our souls grow.

I'm gonna do a photo shoot with Kate. Tell the Osborne family who is the most boring family known to mankind to kindly, will say screw off. There's a lot of news articles about this as well. I mean, I've been asking for some type of a rock feud for a while. You know, you don't see it too often.

We had the, you know, Drake versus Kendrick Lamar, rat beef, which had everybody talking in a good old fashioned rock rivalry. I think that people would dig that, you know, but I assumed it would be maybe some young bands calling each other out and really getting into it online. Not Ozzy and Britney, but, you know, shots have been fired and then some return fire. So maybe this is really gonna spiral out of control. Yeah.

So I I guess even though I would prefer something from up and coming artists, I I guess I'll take it. I'm checking out a very legit list here of the leading cities for quality of life in America. This is from the, you know, world renowned website Why would make lists? I guess to get people to go to their website because, I mean, if I need to deal with lawn care, I just call up the people who deal with my lawn care locally.

I would never, for any reason, visit unless I was going to check out 20 twenty four's leading cities for quality of life. They got a lot of lists too. We might look at some other ones on here. How did they figure this out? Okay.

They compared 500 of the biggest US cities. So I'm guessing that's the reason we don't see any, east Idaho cities on this list. We are not big cities, or else it just sucks here. They looked at things like life expectancy, unemployment, state rankings of workers' rights, food security, and 53 total metrics and determined that the best place to live in America as far as quality of life goes is Redmond, Washington, which isn't that essentially Seattle? Because they got Bellevue on the list as well, and I think that's essentially Seattle as well.

Like, you know, it's it's right in that area. Right? Yeah. They're they're pretty dang close to Seattle. They're on the the other side of the is that a a lake?

Anyway, I guess it's pretty coo there. Pretty aight. What are some of the others? Alright. Since you've just gotta know, Newton, Massachusetts, Woodbury, Minnesota, Pleasanton, California, Carmel, Indiana, Plymouth, Minnesota, San Ramon, California, Irvine, California, and Castle Rock, Colorado.

That's the top 10. So if you're looking to move, I guess that's where you go according to Alright. How about the dirtiest cities in America? Let's check out their list of the dirtiest cities in America.

Alright. So which cities are the filthiest? To find out, they expanded the scope of their study based on 4 categories, air pollution, water quality, waste management, and resident dissatisfaction levels in each city among 21 total metrics. Dirtiest city in America, San Bernardino, California. Congratulations.

Alright. We've got Detroit, Michigan, Reading, Pennsylvania, Newark, New Jersey, Ontario, California. Oh, dirty Phoenix. Oh, come on. Phoenix is not dirtier than Vegas.

Alright. I've been to both places many times. Phoenix ain't too bad. I when it when I think of Phoenix, I think hot, not necessarily dirty. You can't be outside long enough to, you know, spread garbage around.

Alright. Trenton, New Jersey, Houston, Texas, and Baytown, Texas. Alright. There's our dirtiest cities in America. What other list got for us?

Let's see here. Barbecue cities, best cities for naked biking, counties most at risk for flooding, hurricane vulnerable counties. These lists are kinda boring. You know? Dirty and best.

That that seemed pretty good. That's all their lists. That's it. Come on, guys. You you gotta bust out more of these.

Well, anyway, I again, I'm I'm not buying it. What makes Phoenix dirtier than Vegas? I guess they say the living conditions are worse. Now does heat that is unbearable constitute bad living conditions? I would say so.

They've got fantastic infrastructure reign. They're number 1 according to, which I would agree with. As far as a big city goes, the least aggravating big city to travel around in that I've been to is Phoenix without question. It's probably because it's just so, you know, spread out. You know, you you you've got some mountains, but they're not really an impact on travel.

It's not like Seattle or, you know, Salt Lake where you're just going through a narrow corridor. Vegas very high on the infrastructure rank as well, which I would believe Vegas is also pretty chill as far as a big city to travel through. San Bernardino, very low on the infrastructure rank, which I also agree with because it's a nightmare to travel through there as is most of California. Which ones are the worst on infrastructure? Alright.

Lots of California. Just oh, and there's Bellevue, Washington on there. Yeah. Last time I went through that area, I was furious. I was so mad.

Seattle, also one of the worst in the country. Beaverton, Oregon. Yeah. Sucks to drive through that area. Portland's gotta be pretty high on the list.

It's it's not cute. Not cute. Alright. The worst, apparently is Cambridge, Massachusetts, which my lady and I drove through. And I don't know.

I mean, it didn't seem that terrible to me, but I wasn't driving. She was very kind to chauffeur me around the East Coast. I would have been down to drive. Alright. There you go.

There's some stats from Only the best stats on this program. Alright. This could be super cringe. Super cringe.

I shouldn't pass judgment on services provided to me as a show host by Jay Davis, but I generally don't use the radio prep services. They they just feed you content, you know, because it's so, so cringey, so sad. And that's why most radio shows out there, like if you just were skipping through random morning shows, a lot of times you'll hear them do the same content, even if it might seem a little bit obscure. Because they're generally just using the radio prep. You know, they don't dig deep like me.

They're not, scouring the bowels of Reddit to find, I don't know, some kind of garbage to talk about. They do things like, Hey, we got our, this is so bad. We got our song parody of the day. Song parodies are generally so awful. So, is it still prime day, or is prime day over?

Because if prime day is over, it's even worse that they sent this out today. You know, song parodies called, another box. You ready? Alright. Let's check this out here.

Another box. Amazon of bargains, and now they're showing off at my home. Home. Home. It hurts.

Again, I don't even know if it's still prime day because I'm not spending any money. Alright. Well, what else do we have here? Where where are my song parodies? I want song parodies, not comedy bits, even though those are gonna be just as cringey, but I was promised more song parodies.

How dare they? Where's my song parodies? Oh, man. See, this is the problem. I go to the song parodies page.

It's not even set up well. Radio prep services are such garbage. They're they're just terrible. Alright? Dang it.

See, now I bombed on a break because I thought we just had a pile of song parodies. Alright. And let's see. Kristen Bell's birthday. Is this a song parody?

And now a star is born. On July 18, 1980, the world welcomed little baby Kristen Bell. Aw, look at her adorable cute little baby face, and she'll keep that well into her forties. Kristen Bell, A Star is Born. Why would a radio show like, in all seriousness have something like that?

You know, today's birthdays. We're getting w here we go. All right. The greatest day ever July 18th. Let's see what this is.

It's July 18th, the greatest day ever. On 18th July 1968, Semiconductor Chipmaker Intel is founded. Once the largest chipmaker in the world, Intel Thank you. Intel, will you stop playing that sound every time I say Intel? Thank you.

Intel. Okay. I can't take it anymore. Can't take it anymore. What is you know, today's holidays, birthdays.

That's kind of a staple on a lot of radio shows. But that's like the ultimate laziness to go. Alright. We're gonna talk about this day in history. Greatest day ever, and then I mean, are people sitting back laughing when when they heard that?

You know, they played the intel sound do do do do lots of times. It was really funny. How about we give it one more shot? We give it one more shot here with, national caviar day. These take a long time to play too.

Or this is supposed to be 15 seconds behind. Today is July 18th, National Caviar Day. This delicacy from the deep is not just for the rich. So whether you're eating Russian red in your Rolls Royce or fish eggs in your Ford Fiesta, everyone can enjoy National Caviar Day. Oh my goodness.

This is just garbage. Alright. Well, you just got a taste of, what a lot of radio shows out there are playing this morning. Oh, man. Alright.

I'll find something better for the next break. I'm I'm still mad we didn't get more hacky song parodies like another box, twisted sister spoof. I don't know. Reddit was asking if someone gave you a $1,000 a day to only ride a bicycle to work, what would you do? Well, let's see.

It's July 18th. I could rack up some dough between now and about, you know, mid October. Depends when the snow starts coming down. Once it gets cold out, I'm done. I'm done, and, oh, that afternoon ride home would suck.

100 degrees out, 3 PM, scorching in the sun. I don't live super close to work. Yeah. I don't know. But for a $1,000, how long would I last?

Many of you listening would probably last a lot longer than me. That's all I gotta say about that. What else is going on on Reddit? What due to experience do you know not to, we'll say, mess with? Alright.

People in the middle of a road rage incident. Yeah. Highly recommend. If you see somebody losing their mind on the road, don't engage with them. You're dealing with a crazy person.

Next thing you know, you're calling the advocates injury attorneys. I've I've heard some horror stories about people dealing with road rage. One of my old bosses had a truck almost drive him off the road. My daughter's boyfriend had somebody follow him home. People road raging her out of control.

I mean, thankfully, I haven't had to deal with any of that. Every once in a while, somebody honk at me or something like that, but nothing too scary. Nothing too scary. Alright. What else should you not mess with?

Someone's sleeping. Yeah. Potentially. Some people might just wake up abruptly, start swinging. They're in the middle of a nightmare.

Yeah. Construction sites. One of the most dangerous places to be. Yeah. Yeah.

I'd say you shouldn't mess with that. People who believe they have nothing to lose. Anyone with cauliflower ears. Yeah. You see somebody with the cauliflower ears.

Alright. They're probably gonna be able to beat the crap out of you. Cauliflower ears means they've taken a lot of lot of thumps to the head. Alright? Yikes.

Payday loans? Yeah. Don't do that. Don't do it. Don't do it.

If you're traveling, never mess with the locals. I've been witness to people messing with the locals before. Didn't end well for them. Yeah. That crowd and lava hot springs.

Only place, again, I'd point it out on air. Only place I've ever been where I've heard the phrase uttered, you ain't from around here, Aria, and it was serious. Yeah. One of those things you think only happens in the movies. No.

Lava hot springs. Oh, food poisoning. Yeah. See, people laugh at me because I get weird when it comes to food that's been sitting out for a while or, you know, I'm very nervous even when it comes to most expired foods. Like, come on, man.

I'm sure it's just fine. That's a suggested date. Yeah. Well, I had the norovirus one time and it was the one of the most horrific things I've ever been through. So food poisoning ain't nothing nothing to mess with.

In case you were wondering, yes. The thread was titled with something different than not to mess with, so I'm doing my best to make sure I say mess every time. Oh, getting a small piece of metal in your eye. The sea. Right there.

Somebody said it. The ocean. Y'all laugh at me about this natural waters thing. The ocean ain't nothing to mess with. Alright?

Bodies of water in general. Mhmm. We had a woman float out to sea on an inner tube just the other day. Alright. This is a good thread for good life advice.

Don't mess with people who cook, deliver, or serve your food. Yeah. People are terrible to their servers sometimes. I'm like, you're brave. You're pretty brave.

You know, he'd he'd like to help people are staying ethical in their job, but you never know. Always very kind when I'm out and about eating at places. Nice as can be. Iguanas. Yeah.

Okay. Lizards in general. I don't mess with them. Give me the creeps. Alright.

Snakes. Anything that's not a kitten. Ain't nothing to mess with. Right? And then the thermostat at your dad's house.

Don't mess with it. He'll get mad. My kids were complaining my house were too cold when they were here. Like, what's wrong with you? What kind of kids are for you?

What do you mean it's too cold? Feels great in here. It's a 100 degrees outside. Be grateful. Most dads would be making you roast up in here.

How dare you? We're going local. We're talking about the mall. That's right. Grand Teton Mall celebrating their 40 year anniversary.

What's up with the, Pine Ridge Mall in Pocatello? I haven't been there for quite a while. They doing good? Like, the Grand Teton Mall is kinda weird when it comes to malls because malls around the country tend to be, not like they used to be. But the Grand Teton Mall is always hopping.

It's always packed with people. Most of the stores, they're you know, the storefronts, there are actual businesses in it. Always again, a lot of people there. Fun stops, Gotta love, you know, where Victor Wilt gets his, attire, hot topic and Spencer's. That's right.

Still dressing like a teenager till the end of time and all the other fun wacky things you can pick up in these these stores. Yeah. I guess that, with the Grand Teton Mall celebrating 4 decades of business, they're gonna be doing a bunch of activities. They're gonna be giving away a bunch of prizes. Jensen Jewelers giving away a $4,000 1 carat diamond and doing some kind of, other prize drawings daily.

People can enter for free. When does this start? When does the I I'm looking at an article at East Idaho News, and I just see win prizes. And, generally, I can't win prizes because I give them away here. I'm like, check it out.

You ought to win this fantastic prize. I'm not eligible, but I could enter to win at the mall. That's right. So, anyhow, it was kinda funny. I was reading through the comments on this article, and Peaches and I have been playing a game during the noon hour or his afternoon show from time to time if I pop in.

0 to negative. How many comments does it take for somebody to get negative with a news story? Because it doesn't matter what the news story is. You can have a news story pop up. Cancer has been cured, and somebody's gonna chime in.

You know? Well, I wish it woulda happened sooner. You know? Like, hey. As someone who's lost family members dear to or due to cancer, Yes.

I wish it would've been fixed sooner, but if I saw a news article that cancer had been cured, I wouldn't jump in and complain about it, but somebody would. Okay. So 0 to negative on the article about the mall celebrating the 40th anniversary. How many comments do you think it took? Alright.

123. 3rd comment. Negative. Oh, actually, I'd I'd say that, the second comment is negative too in a way. It's not as negative as the 3rd comment.

And the first comment has some negativity to it as well because it says I'm surprised the mall is still open. With so many businesses closing due to buying online, it's nice to see the stores are able to stay open. So that's, you know, negative to a degree. 2nd comment. Bringing back the food court and marketing it would be a huge boon to this mall.

That's kinda negative. There's no food court. It would be better if there was a food court. But the third one, just straight up negative. The mall is pretty meh anymore.

I go there once in a while but it's pretty rare. I miss the fountain. Alright. I don't remember a fountain at the Grand Teton Mall, but really? There used to be a thing pumping water, and now I they don't have it.

I don't like that. K. Get over that. Okay. They missed the arcade.

There's an arcade in the mall. It's right there by the sporting goods store, by by the bookstore. By Barnes and Noble. There's an arcade there. I guess they don't go to the mall very often.

I miss Waldenbooks. Okay. Barnes and Noble's there, and it's massive. I remember Waldenbooks in the Pine Ridge mall. Yeah.

It was a book store. It was much smaller than Barnes and Noble. What what's the difference? You're paying cover price. Barnes and Noble has a, a nice on sale section as well.

T shirts plus. Who needs t shirts plus when you've got, again, Hot Topic at Spencer's? But I could make my own shirts at t shirts plus. Go on. Settle down.

I don't remember gifts of joy, but okay. Musicland. We all remember Musicland. Right? It was a place where you'd go buy CDs and maybe cassettes.

Well, you know what? Swing in to entertain Mart in the mall. They got tons of CDs, and they're for a pretty good price because a lot of them are used. I don't know if they have cassettes, but, yeah, there's a place where you can buy CDs, vinyl, cassettes. You can buy DVDs, entertain Mart.

Also, Barnes and Noble sells music as well. So far as I know, anything that was available at Musicland get t shirts? Go to Hot Topic. Go to Spencer's. Better selection of shirts than I recall at Music Land back at the Pine Ridge Mall.

And then the food court. Get yourself a pretzel and shut up. Sure. I miss the corn dogs. Right?

We all miss the corn dogs, but I'll give you a hint. In the mall parking lot, you drive yourself over to the corn dog stand that's out near the the grocery outlet. Alright? There's corn dogs. There's tacos.

And if you need to feast inside of the mall, there's pretzels And there's also a vending machine, I think, with some kind of snacks. Maybe it's just soda. I don't know. But I need to be able to eat at the mall. Oh, here's an most of these are complaints.

Why do people just complain about everything? I stopped going when they changed their hours. Maybe they've changed their hours back to opening at 10 with walkers at 9. What? What is this?

Okay. Guess after COVID, they wanted to continue saving money on expensive. Well, yeah. Let's talk about restaurants. How many restaurants are closed on Mondays now?

Tons of them. How many places that used to be up in 24 hours don't do that anymore? Times are different. Also, I heard it was becoming a hangout place for less savory men. What?

It's the mall. Got people just creeping around in the When's the last time you went to the Grand Teton Hmong? Like, look at all these creepy dudes Look at these unsavory men What? Now that that one is is a funny complaint. People with this food court.

I didn't realize how many comments were on here and how negative they were. What mall in America doesn't have a food court? Most of them anymore because like I pointed out at the beginning of this, most malls are not operating in a state like the Grand Teton Mall. It's like a real mall from back in the day. There's lots of businesses, lots of people.

You walk into most malls. I mean, it tends to be kind of like a ghost town with not very many things going on. Sorry that there aren't corn dogs anymore, but, again, drive through the parking lot. For some reason, I thought it was turned into a school. Well, the mall is big, and I think there is, like, some kind of a school in one of the buildings on the end, but what would make you think that the mall was turned into a school when you drive by it and you see it packed with thousands of vehicles with Barnes and Noble and JCPenney, and they had a circus there the other day.

I mean, come on. What? Okay. This comment. I didn't intend to go on this long talking about long talking about the mall.

So they took out the food court and put in a massage parlor that looks like it's dripping in skin infections. What? What is that? I don't even recall seeing a massage parlor at the mall, but dripping in skin infection. Unsavory men.

And a place that looks like it's dripping in skin infections. What are you talk What world are people living in? I've been to the mall tons of times. And I don't know. It's pretty bright and cheery.

It's the mall in Idaho Falls. Oh, man. We gotta send these people to some malls elsewhere. Yeah. They've got I'm gonna see if I could dig up a list of the most unsavory malls.

The worst malls in America. Anyway, get out to the Grand Teton mall, celebrating 40 years. It's not filled with unsavory men and dripping skin infections. Okay? It's for for heck's sake as peaches would say, it's the mall.

Alright. I've been doing some digging here, trying to find the worst malls in America. And I mean, it's pretty much the same story everywhere. There's not a lot of stores open. You know?

It's not what it used to be, so I had to do some further digging. And I haven't read all of these, But I did find a thread on Reddit from a few months ago, 9 months ago, to be precise, from the subreddit dead malls, which I didn't realize was a thing. But guess who's joined that subreddit? Why? Why not?

Scariest, weirdest experience, or story while strolling in a dead mall because we had all these whiners. The mall's not what it used to be, even though I've been to a lot of malls that well, they seemed kinda like, again, ghost towns. Grand Teton mall celebrating its 40th anniversary. It's a normal mall. It's it's pretty hoppin'.

There's stuff going on there. Alright. Walked into an old Macy's that had been turned into an outlet with new, but outdated clothes and shoes. It was like the clothes from the late nineties through the early 2000 had been stored away, never used, then put up in a store despite being out of style for ages. Well, I hate to break it to you, sailor k nine.

But according to the Zoomers, our style from the nineties is back in. Alright? So you should be grateful you got this store. Alright. Anyway, a man and his wife in the store gasped, and I turned to look at them.

They told me they just saw a mouse jump out of a boot and run around the outlet. Then I walk into the rest of the mall and there's a hole in the floor I almost trip on. And some creature ran amok out of the store. I just exited. It was around 7.

But all the stores that were still in business had closed for the day. As there was nothing interesting in the mall, I head out and get my car. I noticed 2 guys playing with bows and arrows shooting big targets in one of the parking lots. None of that things you would see at the Grand Teton Mall as far as I'm aware. Alright.

Let's see what Jazua has to say about, the mall in their location. Half, if not most of the mall was closed off. The movie theater is what kept it alive. So 2 friends and I snuck into the closed off area through a strangely unlocked door that leads between the mall stores. I felt very excited.

Never been in a technically abandoned mall. We had to hide behind wall partitions so no one could see us on the higher floors. We were exploring the empty stores, and one store as we were leaving, we heard a sound. We looked back. Part of the ceiling caved in, and it was only 2 feet away from hitting us.

I recorded it, but the flash drive somewhere is lost in my apartment. One day, I will find it. You ever been to the mall and had the ceiling fall in on you? But I can't get a corn dog. I can't get a corn dog.

I need to stop talking about corn dogs, or I'm gonna be driving over to the mall parking lot before I know it. Yeah. Actually, you you never know. Maybe at the Live United concert series tonight over at the waterfront, they might have corn dogs. It's gonna be a free show at the waterfront tonight.

It'll be a lot of fun. Activities for the kids. They're trying to gather supplies for, for the youth of the area as well. People in need of hygiene products, things like shampoo, conditioner, soap, deodorant, etcetera. You bring those along, help out some people in need.

Check out a free live show tonight. I can't guarantee they're gonna have corn dogs, but they'll have food. You know? And, again, if you really need a corn dog, we got corn dog trucks all over the place. They don't need to be within a food court.

You could get a corn dog and bring it in the mall. Far as I know, are there signs that say no outside food or drink at the mall? I don't remember seeing that. I think you're gonna be fine if you walk in with a corn dog. Don't quote me on that, though.

I don't want the mall calling me after I gave them lots of free press today for their 40th anniversary and being mad that I told people to bring your own corn dog. That's right. BYOC. Or is it BY OCD? Corn dog is one word.

Right? It's not corn it's corn dog. Freak news powered by Greasemonkey, voted Idaho's best oil change. Alright. Let's roll.

Alright. You were wondering why your Amazon packages were late and you're living in South Philadelphia. Well, an Amazon delivery driver was in the middle of a gun battle with a school bus driver. Jeez. Yeah.

That doesn't seem like appropriate on the job behavior. So a school bus driver was unable to make a turn due to a parked Amazon van. So, the aide on the bus got out and was like, hey. Could you guys, you know, move your your van? And then next thing you know, gunfire.

No injuries reported which is good. Yeah. If there's a school bus, there's ever a time to keep the stupid gun put away, school bus full of children, Jay's. Not to mention you're making my packages late. Not gonna stand for this.

Alright. What else we got here? Largest, most intact stegosaurus fossil ever found sells for $44,600,000. Man, anybody wanna do some digging around here? Where was this found?

Where'd they dig it up? Colorado. Oh, near the town of dinosaur. Mhmm. Can you imagine you digging digging a hole?

You find something worth $44,600,000. Say stegosaurus that showed evidence it had arthritis. Alright. Go science. I I don't know how you figure that out because I'm not a scientist.

But, is that the talking point when your friends come over? Look. Let me show you my $44,000,000 stethosaurus. As you can see here in its toe. Get the evidence of arthritis.

I guess. You know, you gotta have something else to say aside from look how much money I spent. Look what I can afford that you cannot Did a person? Yeah. Just an anonymous buyer.

Just gonna put it in the garage or something. Some people again got too much money. Yesterday, I talked about a castle for sale in Connecticut. It was 39,000,000. I tell you what.

If I had 40,000,000 to blow sorry, stegosaurus. I'm going with the stupid castle. Alright? It was on, like, 50 acres or something. You have your own lake.

Who needs a stegosaurus? Alright. You can get a fake one. What else do we got going on here? Oh, the pottymouthed parrot arrived at an animal shelter in, upstate New York, Niagara Falls.

And so they put out, you know, Facebook post like, hey. We're trying to find a new home for Pepper, but just be aware, Pepper says a lot of bad things. I can't repeat what Pepper says. But, yeah, within a few days, they had over 400 people apply to adopt Pepper the parrot. Well, yeah.

If you're gonna adopt a parrot, obviously, you want the one that swears. Right? Because it's funny. It's kinda like when little kids swear. Now little kids listening as your, you know, parents are taking you to wherever you're going right now, I know little kids listen to the show with their parents.

Don't swear even if it's funny. Alright? Your parents might get mad at you And then they're gonna go, where did you hear that? And at least you can't blame me. Just say you heard it from a parrot.

Alright? I was at the pet store. You wouldn't believe what these birds said. Like, I don't like birds. They they give me the creeps.

I mean, they're they're fine to look at, but I wouldn't wanna, like, hold 1. You know, like, when people get a parrot, they'll have it sit on their shoulder. No way. No way. But if I was gonna get a bird, it would have to be a bird that was as foul mouthed as they come.

You know? You want people to get a good laugh when they walk in. Otherwise, you just got some boring old bird. You know? I wish I could play the the audio because we do have audio of, Pepper just cursing it up.

And birds swearing, again, is really funny. Really funny. As I scrolled through the news, found some videos that kinda like the parrot I talked about a little bit ago. I can't play for you. But it was a woman having what the Atlanta black star called an epic meltdown at a Florida airport.

Well, it's a Florida airport, so you should probably expect if there's gonna be a meltdown, it will be epic. Berating her loser boyfriend who she apparently blamed for her missed flight. Boy. I wish I could play the audio because it's really good. So they're just hanging out in the waiting area of the airport.

And now the article is just speculating that it was due to a missed flight. I'm guessing it was something else because a missed flight's annoying, but I don't know. Guys are dumb, and they do things to make their ladies mad. So I'm guessing if she was screaming, things like oh, let's see. Let's get to some of it that I can share with you, and we're talking full volume.

They called it screeching because of you. Like, literally because of you. Maybe maybe it was a missed flight. You're the most worthless person I've ever met in my life, and you can't ever have accountability ever ever. She said ever lots and lots of times along with, lot of other things.

And then people around, they start laughing. You know? Because somebody's completely losing it in the airport. I don't know. I'm trying to envision this.

I'm at the airport. I'm just kinda chilling, and I see somebody completely losing it. And he hears somebody go, ever. Ever. Ever.

I might chuckle a little bit. So then when people start laughing, she starts screaming at them. What up, peaches? We're talking, air travel mishaps. Oh.

Yeah. Always great to to hear about this stuff right before I go on a plane myself. Yeah. You're leaving, what? A week from tomorrow?

Yeah. Yeah. Exactly. Alright. Well, if you get mad in the airport, don't start screaming and yelling at people, peaches.

You might delay flights for other people. It's a fun prank. I was thinking about it for my YouTube channel. Oh, it it caused some delayed flights, bring, you know, things to the security checkpoint. You're not supposed to make grenades.

Now what if somebody has like Tourette syndrome, they're yelling about and stuff, and then they somehow cause a flight to be delayed. Can that happen? I don't know, Peaches. I I would imagine, but I think they're still gonna, regardless of the affliction, have to take responsibility and get dragged out of there like you see happen often enough with people. There was a woman who missed a flight apparently and was just screaming at her boyfriend Well, see, that's the entire courier.

What? What? No. And wait a minute. She says it was all because of you, like literally because of you.

So how do you know it was her fault? Back when you were, married and such, who was the last person to leave the house? You know, to be honest, I'm always checking my pockets making sure I haven't forgot anything. So it probably wasn't your fault there. Okay?

That's what I said earlier. Guys are dumb. That's happened to me this morning. I was on my way here. I'm like, oh, I forgot to take my pill, so I had to go turn around.

Yeah. Yeah. So yesterday, I thankfully, I took my, meds at work, but I forgot to bring them with me home. Again, thankfully, I'd, remembered to taking them or take them here. I don't know.

I've been talking a lot this morning. Yeah. I'm getting a a fanny pack to hold on my meds. A fanny pack. Does it carry that thing around?

That's hip. Right. And it goes on here. That's what the that's yeah. But it's Alright.

So she called him a loser. People started laughing. She started screaming at them. And, did they take her away? I didn't get to the end of this because I was too busy laughing at the video that I can't play of her screaming profanities.

She just keeps calling him a loser. Airport security intervenes. Yeah. That's that's what that's what the, Gen Zers call it. Toxic woman.

Dump her butt. Let's see. Then they just had people commenting on the video. I don't think anyone got arrested or anything. I perhaps, she calmed down.

I I wanna know the truth behind the story because I don't think simply I mean, I guess if the guy was, like, you know, fighting with her and caused her to miss a flight, that would be worth epic meltdown. You know? Because who knows how long you have to wait for the additional flight. And, again, I think there had to be more to the story. You know?

Not simply like, oh, he drove her there late. I think there had to be something else going on. You you know additional drama. We're talking about airplane mishaps and such. You know, our friend Andy Matter Mhmm.

His partner Biscuits, or Miranda is her name, but, she went to Vegas. And I guess, Trump was also in Vegas. And Oh, so that's flight delays. I'm sure. She had a flight 2 and a half hour flight delay, and apparently he has COVID, so he wasn't even at the hotel.

That was Biden. Oh. Biden has COVID. But she was blaming Trump for that. Okay.

Yeah. Come on, biscuits. You gotta stay informed. Biden has COVID. And that could get into a whole other level of, talk for the show because this election's getting, you know, very weird.

We're the Internet's already completely filled with conspiracy theories now on both sides. So yesterday in the news, Biden was saying the only way he'd drop out of the election is if a doctor told him to, if he had some type of a medical thing pop up. Now he's a he's a old guy. Yeah. And, I mean, the last time I got COVID, it was terrible.

I mean, it was brutal. I was down for a week, and I'd never been so sick. What's gonna happen, dude? We're we're living in a very aggravating timeline. Why can't we have a normal election?

2 just normal people? Just I mean, you probably didn't when was the first election you voted in? Was it the last one? Because you probably wouldn't have been old enough to vote in 2016. 2016, I was Or maybe that was your first one.

I was 20 in 2016. Oh, I thought okay. 27. Okay. Alright.

So prior to 2016, Peaches, elections were a totally different thing. When I was young, you had 2 normal people. You know? No circus. It was boring.

Elections were pretty boring. Right? Just normal old politicians. Now we've got when you you see it. You and we got this Internet aspect to it.

Everybody losing their minds all the time. Well, it's so weird that people believe in conspiracy theories now. Couple years ago, nobody believed in any of them. Now all of a sudden, I could say, I was talking to my friends last night about this, I could say Neil Patrick Harris is secretly Whoopi Goldberg and put that on the internet and people would oh, that's alright. You're you're a 100% true.

Oh, yeah. I see some of the most ridiculous conspiracy theories ever on the Internet Mhmm. Nowadays. So yeah. I don't know.

The Internet definitely speculating now that the election could completely change, Biden drop out, and who who even knows who's gonna run? This thing's just gotta get over with. I saw George Clooney. It's it's exhausting. George Clooney was pleading with, like, hey.

Drop out of the race. We need someone better. There's a there's a lot of that going on. I I think that the whole country would be happy if we didn't have the 2 candidates running that are. Right.

If it was 2 just younger normal people. Let's put our names in the bell. Me versus Peaches. There we go. The new presidential election.

VP. I can't. No. Let's run against each other. I'm not 35.

I can't run against each other. You have to be 35? Yeah. Why do they have a a low end limit but not an upper end? That's always the question.

Yeah. Because people are telling mister Beast to run when he turns 35. Yeah. No. Have him run right now.

I vote for mister Beast in a second over, you know, any of our current options, you know. I think the whole country would be pretty happy if we had completely different options. You know how scary that would be to become president of BP? That'd be horrifying. You'd have to have secret service for the whole entire time.

It's stressful. You talk we talk about this job being stressful. I can only imagine trying to run this country. Oh, that it would have to be one of the worst, most stressful jobs in all of existence. And that's why I think you only have certain types of people that run for politics.

Mhmm. You know, it's these aren't jobs that, you know, rational people wanna do. Right. You gotta have a certain kind of mentality to be, like, I'm running for office. And you don't even get paid all that much.

It's it's crazy. Well, you you make all your money on the side deals. Yeah. You know? The all that swindling that goes on behind the scenes and the insider trading and stuff like that.

True. You know, which is why all all the, you know, politicians don't want to be, blocked from using the stock market, you know, investing in the stock market. Even though there are people online who, you know, they follow stock trading from politicians because, you know, you're you have to what's the word I'm looking for here? I mean, you have to let the public know about it, and they're all killing it in the stock market. Wonder why.

Yeah. They don't have any information on what's gonna happen in the Right. State of the world. So, anyway, everybody, just try to stay patient during the next oh, it's gonna go on longer than the next 5 months, is it? It's gonna be no matter who wins.

Riots happening. Whatever it may be. Why do people have to be so out of control? Again, I remember when this this was a pretty boring process, the elections. No stress.

Just normal. You you didn't have to worry that there were gonna be riots breaking out. Worst was was the political ads. I hate those things. Get ready.

Although the the they have text messages where they would bother you too. My YouTube Are you helping my campaign? My YouTube is already filled up with tons of that stuff and it's gonna get really bad in the next few months. I can't wait to hit that block button. I I do like to report political ads as offensive and misleading.

There you go. Yeah. Anytime I see them on Facebook, offensive and misleading. I just got an email that Lamb of God is going to be releasing the Ashes of the Wake 20th anniversary edition, August 30th, and it sound like it's gonna be pretty cute because it's gonna have a bunch of remixes, one of which got sent to me today. I'm working on downloading the copy of it right now.

That would be laid to rest, remixed by health, and I'll get that on air ASAP. Probably have to give me, like, a song or 2. I just gotta make sure I've every once in a while, I get sent one of these songs and they're like, it's clean for radio. It doesn't say any bad words, but I know that song has some f bombs, so I gotta listen to it and make sure it's fine, and then we'll play it and listen to it. The co headlining tour with Mastodon kicking off, tomorrow, as a matter of fact.

Gonna be hitting Saltair on August 27th. If I recall correct, the same day as the in this moment and ice 9 kills show, which is happening at the Mountain America Center here. Yeah. I'm gonna be hanging local. Much as I would love to go to Mastodon, Lamb of God, gonna hang local because I believe I haven't heard confirmation on this, but I'm pretty sure it was going down, that we will have a special guest who's going to be joining us here in east Idaho at the ice nine kills in this moment avatar concert, radio friend, who I know you all would be very happy to see.

So stay tuned on that. And speaking of that show, more details on that coming up soon. We should have some fun giveaways going on. I can't give you all the info right now, but we've been working on this stuff for a while. So we'll be doing some cool stuff with that show.

Not to mention, like I said, a special guest coming to hang out with us for that one. So stay tuned. In the meantime, I'm gonna try to get my hands on that copy of the laid to rest health remix. Well, I've got it. I just I need to listen to it.

Make sure it's not too naughty, and then we'll play it. Very nice. Very nice. Lamb of God laid to rest the new health remix from the upcoming 20th anniversary edition. Are we gonna put that on Jinx Show?

Maybe, I mean, might watch and see if it, does well and people like, maybe we'll just slam a god so we can play it during the day. True. You know? But it it would fit good on Jang Sho for sure. There's gonna be a bunch of other mixes on that 20th anniversary edition from, like, Justin, from, Heesu.

There's the Kubla Khan and Malevolence one he mentioned, and, previously unreleased live tracks. So pretty neat. Nobody cares about the live tracks. Come on, man. Yeah.

Live tracks have gotta be really excellent me to get into them. But Lamb of God's one of the best live bands on the planet, so maybe it'll end up being pretty good. Speaking of live stuff, I believe that the ghost, Right Here Right Now, isn't that coming out soon on digital? It should. Right here, right now.

What? I thought it was gonna be on, Veps, if I recall correctly. Ghost right here right now. Debuting on Saturday, as a matter of fact, and you can, rent it for 20 big ones. $20.

So I've I've already seen it. We we saw it at the, theater, but I'm wanting to watch it at my house where I can turn the volume up to a proper concert volume unlike the movie theater, Dick. She's holding out. Right? That's right.

Shame be upon you guys. Come on. We came there to rock. It was too quiet. I mean, it it was fine.

You could hear everything. Mhmm. But I like, you know, to be crushed by the base. That's right. I wanna go to the movie theaters and have my ears ring when I leave.

No? Did you see, Dunkirk and IMAX? No. That was a fun one. I watched it at home.

Well, actually recently. I hadn't ever seen it, but there was a many months ago, there were some deals on Amazon, like, really cheap 4 k Blu rays, and that was one of them. And it's supposed to be a really good movie, so I, bought it and watched it and it was quite excellent on my, surround sound at home. Oh, that's right. Yeah.

Yeah. I I got a movie theater almost at my house. Hey, how about your friends over to come see this, see these movies on that? Yeah. I sit there with the cats and watch movies.

Come on now. You watched a movie at my house one time. Yes. You and Joey. They're they're making a sequel to that movie.

Yeah. Yeah. It's called frown. It's called frown? Sale.

Alright. Let's see. That's a bad trip to the grocery store. Twenty people treated after a bug bomb mishap at Florida Publix, officials say. Just hanging out, trying to get your groceries.

Next thing you know, what's that smell? What do I feel like I'm gonna vomit? Yeah. Bug bomb just fell off a shelf and blew up. 20 people at the scene treated.

No lingering health issues. Alright. That's not too bad. It's much better than the the flight that had the, was it norovirus? People sick from old food.

I think if I had the choice, food poisoning or a bug bomb to the face. Horrific as it might sound, I'm gonna go with the, bug bomb. What else is going on as far as airplanes go? Or was this a a shipping container? I don't know.

They found 6 tons of cocaine in a banana shipment. That's a lot. Six tons would have been worth about $224,000,000 had it reached its destination, but it did not. And then 5 people have been arrested and are in jail. I mean, how do you really try to get away with shipping $224,000,000 worth, six tons of cocaine.

Apparently, not hidden beneath crates of bananas. Yeah. You know, they brought in the drug sniffing dogs. And apparently, they just went ape. Mhmm.

Now, recently I don't even remember hearing about this one either, but they found the largest stash of cocaine ever to be seized in Ecuador. 22 tons buried in a pig farm. There you go. Another reason to not do drugs, kids. Drugs are bad.

Okay? And they might be buried underneath pig dookie before you get them. It's not only what you know, it might be cut into them that you gotta worry about. Also poo. So I was scrolling Reddit, big surprise there.

And I saw somebody post 15 years ago today, I went to a festival to see the black keys and got introduced to tool. This is why if you're young and spry and you've got the energy for it, you should go to music festivals. I got introduced to tons of great bands back in the day going to music festivals. Up and comers that nobody had heard of before, like system of a down, killing it. Mudvayne, killing it.

Saw slipknot when nobody knew who they were. Great show. Can you imagine going to a show and be like, I guess I'll go see this band called Toole. I don't know anything about them. Well, if you've never seen Toole live, maybe that's what you need to do.

Just go see them. But I like the black keys. I do like the black keys. But if I went to see them, and then I'm like, yeah, I guess I'll go check check out some band name tool. This should be alright.

And then they had this set that the person posted. This is a grade a top tier set here. Jomby, Stink Fist, 46 and 2, Schism, Lost Keys, Rosetta Stone, Flood, Anima, lateralis, Vicarious. That's a great set. Sorry to the black keys.

If you walk away from that show like, what? I came here for the black keys? No. Seriously, if you're young and spry, like I said, you can handle being at a show all day long. Go see some bands you're not familiar with.

You might see the next big thing, and you can brag to your friends like, I knew about them before you. That's right. I heard them when they were nobodies, all that good stuff. Buy their merch while it's still cheap. Yeah.

Hang on to it. Sell it down the road on eBay when it's worth a lot of money. No. That that's pretty cool. That's pretty cool.

Always a good reminder to go see as many live bands as you can because you never know what you're gonna get. You might find your next favorite band. System of a down is one of my favorite bands, and they, like, pretty much instantly became one of my favorite bands when I saw them on an aside stage opening a festival. Like, nobody knew who they were. Next time I saw them, 200 people at the roach motel.

The 200 people max. Now yeah. You know? We've talked about system of a down plenty of times. Now every once in a while, they'll go play a stadium or something, make a bunch of money, and never put out any new music.

Thanks, system. Oh, by the way, I believe that today is Darren from system of a Dan's birthday. I think I saw that in today's birthdays that I I never talk about. Kinda makes me wanna listen to some, some classic system from that first album. System of a down war from the debut self titled album, which in my opinion is their best album.

Most people would say toxicity, but I gotta go with the OG original as far as my favorite goes. Made me think about it. Like, okay. Are there any other bands where I tend to not like the most popular album from that well, I I guess I shouldn't say not like. Toxicity is a great album.

But I think a lot of times, I kind of follow the average listener. Like Toole, I think most people. I think most people say that lateralis is their best album. I might be wrong about that because I'm sure it depends what Tool fan you ask. But, I mean, that that's my opinion.

It's it's their best. However, you know, I I love all of them. But I don't know. What about what about other bands? Pink Floyd?

Would I go dark side of the moon is my favorite Pink Floyd album? Maybe. It might depend on the day. Because I like that old school Pink Floyd too. You know, if you've never seen Pink Floyd Live at Pompey, it's probably the best live video of any band that's ever been made.

And I know it's on YouTube, but the quality is not great. Can you buy that in like 4 k? Pink Floyd live at Pompeii from 1972. There it pops up. You know, you can watch it on YouTube.

But, yeah, I I wanna buy, like, top quality, whatever the best I can get is because that's just so good. You got a caller calling you. Hang on. Let's let's put him on the air. Do it live.

Oh, Oh, I hope I didn't hang up on him. K, Bert. What's up? You're live on the show. Who's this?

Morning, Victor. How's it going, man? Oh, it's going. So I sent over a song to Peaches that I gotta get you to play. Alright.

It's off topic, but what's the song? This guy did the song from Usher called Yeah in the style of Metallica, and they did it kinda more on the, like, the black album type Metallica era. Alright. All it is phenomenal. I'll ask Peaches for the, link, and we'll check it out here in a few.

Alrighty. Sounds good. I appreciate it. Alright. No problem, man.

With you. System of a down's first album, my opinion, is the best. Well, got good taste then, man. Heck, yeah. Alright.

Good to hear from you, man. Alright, Ead. Have a good day. Peace. Alright.

Let's see. What was I looking at here? Albums from bands and their most popular and whether I I don't know. Some bands, like, you talk Pink Floyd. I mean, Dark Side of the Moon's definitely the the big one.

Right? The Wall is really high up there, but I think most people would definitely say Dark Side of the Moon's our best. What about the Beatles? I bet that would be a variety of answers. Some people might say sergeant Pepper.

Some people might say Abbey Road. I mean, depending on the fan, I guess, you you could hear all kinds of answers, but nobody's saying the early albums, are they? I mean, they're good. They're good, but they're nothing like once you start getting into Rubber Soul and onward. Nah.

Favorite Beatles album? You'd have to catch me on the right day to get, the correct answer on that. I think I'd probably go Abbey Road. I think so. The white album's really good too though.

Sergeant Pepper's really good. I don't know. Magical mystery tour. What about that? Alright.

If I keep talking about these old albums, I'm gonna start busting out tracks from them. So maybe I'd better move along. Keep it somewhat modern. You wanna hear some Beatles and stuff, throw on Cannonball 101. We got peaches in the house.

What is happening, Brendan? Oh, I saw a, I'm sure listeners are confused as to why you just called me Brendan. No. They're not. Everybody knows that's your name.

There's quite a few people. Well, listeners They still ask me today. Why do they call you Peaches? His name is Brendan peach. That's why.

So I'm just gonna start calling you Brendan on air, Help you make the transition into your real name because I know you don't like us to call you peaches. You won't admit it but I know you don't like it. On the air, it's fine. Alright, Brendan. But in real life, it's weird.

What what do you got for the I know because I call you it in real life. Kinda like you don't call me by my real name. No. But, I mean, it's like your real name is long gone, I would say. Right?

No. A lot of people call me that. Just not in Idaho Falls. It's weird to hear that. It it depends what town I'm in.

If I'm in Idaho Falls, I'm one thing. If I'm in Pocatello, I a couple things. If I'm, you know, elsewhere, like Boise or Burley or something, then it's another thing altogether. I get different names everywhere I go. I'm very mysterious in that way.

Right. Lots of pseudonyms. Lots of, aliases. No. It's pretty much versions of the same name.

But, anyway, Brandon, what did you have for the show? I I saw this thing. You can only it said it was a question. You can only work out to the number one song on your birthday. What song, is doing your workouts at the gym?

The year you came that you were, born? Yes. Your exact birthday. And I'll tell you mine afterwards, after you find yours. Alright.

I'm punching it in here. Number one song. Alright. That would be Ebony and Ivory by Paul McCartney and Stevie Wonder. You had a good one.

Alright. You know what I got? What'd you get? The Macarena. The Macarena.

We don't have, that song in our system. I I don't know if we have the Macarena either. Oh, we do. It's the Bayside Boys mix. That was the number one.

Here we go. Number 1. We have the Baysoid Bayside Boys remix too. Now didn't you recently tell me that people were Gen zers were changing the Macarena. Yeah.

Giving it a new dance. Yeah. You can't change the dance. It's classic. Alright.

It's Peach's birthday, everybody. No. Don't say that. Peach's birthday party. This is how you roll into Peach's party.

Hey, everybody. Welcome. Hang on. We're gonna have a great time here tonight. I like the song a whole lot more than that stupid Cha Cha Cha Slide.

Man, do I hate that song. What's the Cha Cha Slide? That's a classic for any party out there. It's it always gets played. I don't think that's in our system.

Have it for throwback 103. Are you kidding me? Is it called the ChaCha? I I don't see it here, peaches. Let me look it up on you.

Throwback right away. That's a very popular song. The ChaCha slide by DJ Casper. Does it have any bad words? No.

Okay. Here, let me get rid of the, margarita. Alright. Here we go. The ChaCha slide.

Let's see. Let's See what this is all about. We're gonna get funky funky. I was scared for a second back. This song is dumb.

Go ahead and say it. Let's go, Brandon. What's your life's going, Brandon? Take it like that, y'all. What up this time?

What is this? For the little kids? It's literally played at every party. Cha cha Do the hokey pokey? No.

It's Turn yourself about, put your left foot in, right foot out. To the left. Take it back now, y'all. One hop this time. This has 53,000,000 views.

Left foot You need it on throwback 103 right away. Cha, cha, now. He's just got a beat going and going. Alright. Go to the left.

Now go to the right. Put your hands up. Take it back now y'all. Spit around. This time.

Jump in the air. This time. Right foot. Big job, monkey. Left foot, 2 stops.

Do your job, peaches. Side to the left. Do a flip flip. To the right. Do a handstand.

Criss cross. Criss cross. Real smooth. Sit down. Cross your leg.

Do sit up. Push up. Jumping Jack. Take it back. Come on.

2 ups. Now do a pull up. 2 offs this time. Right. Jump 3, Victor.

Jump 3 times. With 2 star. Spin to the left. These hands are Grab your ear, then sit down, cross your legs. See, that's what you gotta do.

You gotta remix this song. You know how the remix in the Macarena? Yeah. DJ Victor. So The workout song.

Do a pull up. Turn it up. Sir, how about turn it off? Alright. Let's talk about avoiding getting sick.

I hate getting sick, and I gotta tell you, it's been pretty nice because every once in a while, I'll feel like I'm getting sick. And I've gotten really lucky for a long time now, and I never seem to have it fully kicking. Fingers crossed. Knock on wood. I I don't know.

Toss a penny in the wishing well. Anyhow, there are some things you can do to prevent yourself from getting sick. And And I was looking at tips on Reddit because I don't wanna get sick. I ain't got time for that. I need all of my PTO for fun, not for being home being sick.

That's no good. Thought I was getting sick last week as a matter of fact. Early this week, I should say. Monday. I was like, this is it.

I'm definitely getting sick. I could fill it in my head. It was, irritation from the smoke in the air. You know? I just needed some Flonase and some Zyrtec, and now I'm doing fine again.

I always think that I've got something terrible going on. Like, today, my back hurts. Recently, my neck hurt. You know? And I was like, okay.

No big deal. For some reason, my back hurting in a weird way. I'm like, oh, that's probably an organ. It's gonna be okay. Settle down, buddy.

Anyway, things you can do to avoid getting sick. Let's see what Reddit says. Lots of sleep. Yeah. That is definitely helpful.

Now this lucky person here, emo Fran, I get 9 hours of sleep. Oh, good for you. I try. It's so hard for me to go to bed at the time I need to. I generally get myself into my bed by 8:30 PM.

What time do I fall asleep? I don't know. Because I sit there and I count, you know, the old thing about counting sheep. Counting does work to fall asleep. I'll sit there and count, and then all of a sudden I wake up.

And sometimes I get, you know, I'll get to like 70 and then I start over and I'm just counting in my head trying to envision 1, 2. Every once in a while, I try to envision sheep jumping over a fence. Sure. It's counting. I I don't know when I discovered that counting works, but it's because my brain starts going crazy.

It start, you know, thinking about stuff, and my brain will wander. And if I just sit there and count, then I can tend to block out everything. It's sort of like meditating, you know, because I guess I'm counting along with my breath. Just breathe in. 1, 1, 2, 2.

Yeah. That's on most nights. Some nights, I can just fall asleep. It depends how comfortable and relaxed I am. Other nights, it's a counting fest.

But, Jack, the more sleep you get, the better you'll definitely do. Also, eliminating stress. I gotta tell you, after I got a lot of stress out of my life, boy, am I healthier. I mean I mean, I'm not as sick as often. I don't know if I'm healthier.

I need to start eating better and doing some of that exercise because I would imagine eating good and exercising is gonna pop up on this list of things you could do to not be sick. Oh, this is so true. This Maybe this is why I haven't been getting sick for a long time. Stay away from kids. It's true.

Kids go to school. They're all dirty. And they they ain't washing their hands frequently. They're packed in with all those other kids that all go home and, you know, it's just this petri dish of sickness that gets shared around. I live alone.

You know, long as a cat ain't wandering out and picking up sickness somewhere, I'm generally pretty good. Kids, they bring home all kinds of sickness. Vile little things children are. Alright. What other tips?

We already read to get sleep. I hate how Reddit people won't just see if somebody else has posted the same answer and then people continuously upload the same thing. So you're scrolling through and it's like, here's the same answer that you've read a bunch of times. Decide you're no longer getting sick. I don't know about that.

Oh, of course, the hydro homies are gonna chime in. Drink plenty of water. No. Drinking lots of water is good, and they said staying active. That's good too.

Let's see. Oh, not breathing cruddy air? Okay. Yeah. I talked about that earlier.

Here you go. Wash hands, no kids, healthy diet, exercise, outside time. Washing hands frequently. I tell you, when I worked at the store in Burley and I would wash my hands after handling the cash and see how how much just black sludge would come off even though they looked clean. That is one of the things that got me very paranoid about, germs, my dirty customers.

I mean, it was burly. It was burly. So that town is just sick. Sorry, burly listeners. I had a nightmare last night.

I was in burly and I was stuck there. I couldn't get out of Burley. And I was at the old place I used to work, but it had been transformed into an Asian grocery store. Now it was that was it was all fine. That was the extent of the nightmare I was in Burley and I couldn't leave.

Nothing bad happened. I was just there. I was, like, buying lots of treats and stuff at the store. They had all the kinds of delicious chocolates that I enjoy, and they were a good price. It was a weird dream.

Anyway, stay away from burly if you wanna avoid getting sick. Oh, good genetics. Oh, good for you. Yeah. That that would probably help.

Okay. And and then people just keep talking about kids. Kids really do bring you all this sickness. Every time that I got, well, okay. Most of the times that I got COVID, it came from my kids.

One time, it came from dirty music rep in the music industry in Vegas. But all the other times, it was my kid's fault. They picked it up at Skoot, and probably a lot of the other things I'd picked up. It's always somebody else's fault. Never my own.

Before I go, just wanna point out that even though I'm pretty outgoing, like, if you see me at shows and stuff out and about, you know, at the grocery store, I'm always glad to chat, say hello. But some people are way more outgoing than me. I was scrolling Reddit. Somebody posted in the Arizona subreddit. In Kingman for tonight at my birthday, anyone wanna hang out?

Alright. I've been through Kingman. It is not the type of town that I would roll into and just post randomly on Reddit. Hey. Look like a great place to meet some friends.

You guys wanna come hang out with me? I don't know if there's any town that, honestly, I would do it because you don't know what kind of weirdos you're gonna meet. Yeah. They put staying at a hotel. I'm gonna hang at the pool for my birthday.

I don't know anyone here. Anyone wanna hang out? First comment, happy birthday. Sorry you have to spend it in Kingman. Cheers.

Roll into Burley. Is there a Burley subreddit? Woah. That would have to be entertaining. I've never looked.

No. Community not found. They're yeah. Just keeping it all on the down low. What about real burly?

Oh, that's a user. I don't know if I wanna get to know user real burly. Alright. I mean, just if you're going to throw it out there to hang with random people I I don't know. Let a friend know where you're at.

This seems like dangerous behavior to me. It's probably all gonna be fine. You're at a hotel, a public place, but still Like, let's say I lived in Kingman. And I saw some Randall, like, hey, anybody wanna come hang out? Who's gonna respond?

Would Sure. Like, if somebody posted that in the Idaho Falls subreddit. Anybody wanna hang out? Yeah. Person I've never met.

Mhmm. Sure. I hang out with so many other people in my spare time. Peaches, come here. Alright.

I figured out a good way for you to make friends. I found it on Reddit. You go to the Idaho Falls subreddit and just post. Lonely giant. It's my birthday because we talked about earlier how it was your birthday.

It's not today, though. Just let people believe it's your birthday. You only do that at restaurants. So they get that way you get the free cake. Yeah.

If you were a guy who went to the bar, you know, that's where you get your free drinks. Yeah. It's my birthday. Come on. My birthday.

And he just post, it's my birthday. Anybody wanna hang out? I saw somebody do this on on Reddit. That's sad. I don't think it's sad.

I think it's brave. Because what kind of person's gonna respond to this? If you saw somebody post in the Idaho Falls subreddit. Hey. It's it's my birthday.

Anybody wanna hang out? Would you respond to it? Be like, sure. I'm peaches. You'd call me Brendan.

Yeah. You would. I would show up what I wouldn't. Cause I don't know what kind of freak they are. And And I must stay at home.

This area is full of freaks. Come on now. It's a very scary place around here. I mean I live on the ghetto street and I'm over here, you know, still living. I know.

I don't know how you survive, Peaches, in the the dangerous ghetto of Idaho Falls. Right. Compton falls at it again. It's such a frightening place. Yeah.

I was just blown away by that post. Like, you're you're a brave soul. It it was in Kingman, Arizona. Are you familiar with Kingman? No.

Right. I'm familiar with King's men in the movie. Well, you'd probably wish you had somebody who could fight like that around if you're going to just wander around Kingman. It's in the middle of the desert, like, nowhere. It's between Phoenix and Vegas, and it's it's a weird town.

The only thing I knew of it prior to going through there a couple times was, did you ever see the Sacha Baron Cohen show, this is America, I think is what it was called? No. I haven't. Okay. Well, he goes to Kingman, and you know how he he is.

He he likes to antagonize people. So he sets up this community meeting about development in Kingman, and he goes in and he's, you know, dressed up as this, like, extremely liberal professor guy from Portland, Oregon. Oh, no. And Kingman is a very red place. And he goes in, and he's like, so I'm very happy to unveil the plans for the new kingdom and mosque, and he puts up these, you know, graphics, and the the people in there get very mad, very mad about this.

It's pretty it's pretty funny, but I obviously can't repeat any of the content from this program. It's one of these shows that shows the bad side of humanity, you know, because the public, they don't realize they're just being duped. And, you know, there there's one guy in particular in that episode, this old guy from Kingman. And, he's just so terrible. But I found out that, because he refers to the people of Arizona as Arizonites.

And, my daughter's boyfriend said that, no, only not so nice people refer to themselves as Arizonites. It's like, don't call me an Arizonite. It's messed up. So, Peaches, if you're looking for friends, you you can go hang out with this person at the hotel, for their birthday in Kingman. Wow.

Okay. I mean, it's a long drive. Yeah. And Kingman is a dump. But I I thought you said it was posted in rnr/ IdahoFalls.

No. I wanted you to post it for your birthday today, Brendan's birthday. Stop. Hi. I'm Brendan.

I'm gonna, you know, listen to the Macarena. We're gonna dance. We're gonna do the cha cha slide. I'll I'll have chat GPT come up with the whole prompt, and I'll post it in there. And we'll see how it turns out, during the noon hour of madness and mayhem powered by Jalisco's.

Okay. Yeah. Post it on Reddit. We'll see if we get any responses. You can try posting it in the, Life in Idaho Falls Facebook group too.

Do you think the mods would leave it up, Or do you think they think you're trolling? No. I think they they listen in now to us. I think they do because they know we talk about them a lot. Yeah.

Yeah. Well, maybe you do you have a fake Facebook profile? No. I don't. Me either.

Maybe we need to make one so we can start trolling that group a little bit better. Let's name it Brad Royal. That's a good name for the fake profile. Yeah. And I hear that, you know, we're supposed to maybe say we're having a chili dog party too.

Oh, they do. Like chili dogs in the life of Idaho Falls Facebook group. So, you know, if anybody knows of any good chili dog parties, that's the place to go post about them from what I understand. So We'll see if it gets denied. I'm I'm sure if I try posting anything on Reddit, it's gonna get automatically declined.

No. Probably not. It's a pretty friendly place. They're they they let a lot slide in the Idaho and Idaho Falls subreddit. So yeah.

Alright. Peaches and I will be back at noon. Y'all have a good day now. You hear? Yeehaw.

Thank you again for tuning in to the Victor Welt Show. This program's a production of river. This program's a production of river. Why can't I say that? God, I'd have to say river bend media group, river bend media group.

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