Basketball IQ Podcast

Welcome to NBA School and the Basketball IQ Podcast! I am your host Charlie Lawrence, and if you want an educated breakdown of all things NBA, this is the place for you!

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Welcome to NBA School and the Basketball IQ Podcast! I am your host Charlie Lawrence, and if you want an educated breakdown of all things NBA, this is the place for you!

Unknown Speaker 0:00
You're listening to local programming produced in KU NV studios. The content of this program does not reflect the views or opinions of 91.5 Jas and more the University of Nevada, Las Vegas or the Board of Regents of the Nevada System of Higher Education.

Unknown Speaker 0:20
Welcome to MBA school on the basketball IQ podcast. I'm your host, Charlie Lawrence. I'm here to give an educated breakdown on all things NBA

Unknown Speaker 0:33
Welcome to Episode 11 of the basketball IQ podcast took a little break. Because of Super Bowl week last week. You know it was here in Vegas was a great game by the way. Swifties loved it. NFC West fans loved it. So that means I loved it. Everyone else hated it. Everybody else wanted the Niners to win. So I take great pride in knowing that Patrick mahomes is making 90% of the country cry. It's great. But this is the basketball podcast. And that was one reason I took a break. The other reason? Do you see the trade deadline? You know I have a show to do. Sound like a Hollywood Exec? You know I have show to do. There were some good trades. You want me to talk about Boyan Bogdanovich for 30 minutes. Because I don't know if I could do it for two. I could probably do it for two. I'm a blabber. I could. I didn't want to know. Also, I didn't post on the blog last week. It was like the Super Bowl like Does anybody going to read much? Probably not. I'm a realist. Anyway, moving on to the main story. Why did the Bucks still suck? And that's still why do they suck? I mean, they don't suck the 35 and 21 as of this recording, but ever since the Doc Rivers higher Milwaukee has gone three and seven. They've went from just mid defensively to urge bad defensively to mid they've given up 120 points four times in the last 10 games. What want to know in the modern NBA with three point shooting might not sound terrible, but it is and they just lost a Memphis 113 to 110 last night and as seen as kind of the new low I'm not gonna lie to the people. I wasn't able to watch this game I was at my job. So I wasn't able to watch the Grizzlies with Zion Williams and Gigi Jackson beat the Grizzlies or beat the Chris was beat the bucks but what I did see was that Doc Rivers had had some comments after the last last night he said via Eric Nam I don't know if I'm saying your name right name name of the athletic he said we had some guys here and then we had some guys in Cabo great line. I might I might. If I'm ever coaching 12 year old son, I'm a dad. I'm gonna I'm gonna use that line. It's a great line despite the Grizzlies being without jaw

Unknown Speaker 3:38
that Jaren Jackson without Desmond Bay. And, to my knowledge, Milwaukee had all their starters everyone was healthy except for Chris Middleton. Shocker Chris Middleton is not healthy.

Unknown Speaker 3:55
It's this is a new low. Last night the buckshot 25% from three. And despite Yiannis having 35 and 13. And you think it'd be 30 rounds? No, it was assistant. They still lost the game. And despite going into a deep dive about Adrian Griffin and Doc because I already did that last week. I'm going to kind of reiterate what I said on the blog a couple weeks ago when I said there is a black cat or some level of curse that in some way shape or form is affecting Doc Rivers everywhere he goes. So you look at the first coaching job he got straight out of the NBA he coached the Orlando Magic from 9903. He lost in the first round three straight years, not three straight years but he lost in the first round three times. You can't really blame him. You know he had TMac but in 2k terms, he had a bunch of 77 overalls on the team outside of TMac TMac, probably 96 Russia was deemed a bunch 77 What do you expect the man to do? Especially, I mean, the East was pretty terrible back then. But you could have got out the first round one time, especially in 2003. When you blew three one lead to Detroit, you could have got out of the first round. Sorry, my chin bumped into the mic.

Unknown Speaker 5:31
You could have done that. So you get fired from that job. takes maybe a four year break. Not even wait not even a four year break he took. He was an NBA on ABC on NBC.

Unknown Speaker 5:52
commentator for about six months ago, this job in Boston is pretty cool. Let me go over there. So they won in 2008. So you might think Charlie, that's not cursed. True. But that 2008 team, funny in retrospect is being more discredited as well. You were supposed to win. And the team is really annoying ever since. Like if you listen to any Kevin Garnett, Paul Pearson ever as you'd think they were the ad Celtics. You think they won four championships that could have but they didn't. You know, kg got injured in 2009 because of a freak leg injury. And Utah goes up for a rebound his knee goes one way his body goes the other way. bone spurs. And that is kind of attributed to being the reason they lost to Orlando they are the playoffs. And then and when LeBron went to the heat, it was raps he couldn't beat him. Don't get me started on the clippers. I was a Chris Paul fan. Still am Chris Paul fan. And injuries on injuries on injuries plagued that team to the point that it felt like like the Clippers could have won 55 games every single year and they probably did. And it didn't matter because you're like CP is going to get hurt that hamstring. Blake is going to hurt his knee. Like something bad DeAndre Jordan is going to dislocate his fingers something bad's gonna happen. And he just knew especially in 2015 when they blew the three one lead to the rockets again Doc Rivers three one leads not not a great match 70 Sixers for some reason doc loves going to teams that I have affinity for. Because as I mentioned in the last pot, I was a huge Ben Simmons fan. And drumbeat fan and he decided to intoxicate that team too. And then he goes to the Bucs and Yanis is one of my favorite players. So and Dame was one of the people that I kind of being from Seattle and him playing in Portland is he was one of the guys that I kind of picked out like I like him. This is back in like 2013 So it seems like he doc just loves going to sound selfish. He loves going to my favorite teams outside of LeBron teams and preventing them from winning championships. So thanks doc that's just all to say that everywhere Doug goes outside of Orlando because you can't really give him for Orlando because it's like it was his first job. He had TMac and we had Ben Wallace that one year and 99 like he can't really hurt him that much like okay but every other spot has been filled with turmoil. Like not just disappointment like every other spot he goes drama follows remember the Clippers always had whether they're true or not. Always had stuff talked about Chris Paul in the locker room and the Donald Sterling app and now you can't control racist owner. But at some point, it's like damn, and then the Sixers the whole Ben Simmons thing happened but the phone in his pocket and then James Hart and his slugger like what's gonna happen to the bucks? Like as Jana is gonna like all the sudden hate the universe even though he's like the most loving person in the league. Got the viral clip of him being like, I just don't Oreos? And are you just like, What do you say just had a smoothie for the first time? God bless America like you're gonna ruin him to

Unknown Speaker 10:11
like damn doc I'm just playing. I mean not really but Doc is supposed to be a defensive guy. And even though in the modern NBA You see guys

Unknown Speaker 10:31
random like Danny dia just had 43 and 15 Like anyone can go off and GG Jackson has been having a great game a great game a great he had a great game, but he's been having a great season

Unknown Speaker 10:45
but allowing Vince Williams Jr. to have 1812 and seven like come on bro come on bro. The man averages nine points. What are we doing? What are we doing? Now the Bucs defensive guards aren't great. So that's probably why he got at 12 Seven

Unknown Speaker 11:10
but already gave deep insight on doc last week so this was just or not last week but two weeks ago so this was just more of a he's clearly cursed. I don't you gotta get the they're often sucks now. When that was like they're like second in the league and offense and that sucks. No. It doesn't make sense man. It just doesn't it doesn't make sense. For all my WWE fans out there for all my rock vs John Cena fans out there. We had a little low fight a rare NBA fight they say this Aerosoft they're wrong. So if you if you've don't know, as a steward and jury you mix decided to settle their argument in the back hallway by throwing hands Isaiah Stewart became Brock Lesnar pregame he does the Isaiah does have a history of being a WWE wrestler. He does remember the Lebron thing. Excuse me, that happened a couple years ago. Where LeBron heaven forbid elbowed him on a box out. Because for anyone that's ever been a big like myself, you might elbow somebody happens. I don't know why he got so mad about it, but

Unknown Speaker 12:40
whatever. I'm just sad because he went to University of Washington.

Unknown Speaker 12:48
And that this is what we're putting out. We have some other great players. We have Isaiah Thomas

Unknown Speaker 12:57
Celtics, Isaiah Thomas, we have Terrence Ross, Brandon Roy F some great talent. People that didn't go to Washington, but there's a lot of other guys from that area

Unknown Speaker 13:15
that played in the NBA that I sort of become fans of because they're from but not not Isaiah Stewart. No. Oh, no. Apparently he punch you banks in the face pregame. Just popped him right in the face. I would love to know what the argument was. That led to us. Because I don't know about you. But there are very little things, little things. There are not many things. I guess I should say. That could get me motivated enough to punch someone in the face. There are a couple and even then I don't know if I'd actually do it. I might think about it. Because you guys, if you guys don't know me, I'm the type of person where if somebody says some mean thing to me, or I feel wronged me, I'm not going to physically hurt them. But I'm going to try my best to make it clear that I don't mess with you anymore, in some way, shape or form. And it's probably mental that I do to people but that's whatever. But no, like, I don't know what someone would have to say to me in order for me to be like our punching face. I don't I don't know. Court according to the athletic article, it says around 4:45pm Phoenix police officers were working in a security capacity during a son's home game, that footprint arena by the way horrible name when they were called to a fight between two players inside the arena's parking lot. When the officers arrived, they were directed by security to the players involved. The officer spoke to both players of all the number of people who witnessed the incident. They learned that there was an argument between both players as they arrived at the arena. Witnesses said the argument escalated when they saw Stuart punch Eubanks causing a minor injury. Both men were separated by security which end of the fight blah blah, blah. NBA still collecting evidence. The league also hasn't received footage yet, which I hope they release because whatever minor injury Isaiah Stewart gave drew makes in Mata Eubanks was dogging his six points eight rebounds two steals in two blocks in 18 minutes. So, Isaiah Stewart lit a fire under drew Eubanks. This may be thick though, should the NBA have rule I posed the question to the to the to the jury. Should the NBA have a rule allowing one fight per game? Like in hockey? I don't know what the specific specific rules are in hockey. But I just know that fights basically happen every game. So like what if a physical play happens? Or like some bill, paint possession or whatever? And like, I don't know, burka Lopez? I mean Brook Lopez is a bad example because he probably wouldn't fight people. But like Burke Lopez was just allowed to start swinging on somebody

Unknown Speaker 16:52
that that'd be peak entertainment. I'd love it be fun for the viewers. But good luck having the player sign off on that imagine that contract negotiation be like alright, so we're gonna put in this new rule

Unknown Speaker 17:11
you guys are allowed to fight one time per game all in like what I have heard like, kind of trolling li that the league should put in like a one player should be able to fight one fan per year. Basically just have one malice at the palace moment every year Slyke I could see your argument. But it's never gonna happen though. I mean, with the league caring so much about this image, which I understand but Adam is never going to the owners are never going to subscribe to that. But Isaiah Stewart would probably be the first person to sign off though. He'd be like Well, where's the dotted line predictably, the sons are pretty upset saying the altercation was unprovoked. Which kind of contradicts the above par When it says it was an argument. So who knows what's would actually happen maybe new stuff new information will come out later but at this point, look, it's All Star Weekend. This is what I have to report on. I could have done one of my friends at work was like you should do the Knicks the Knicks trying to challenge the game result and at first I was like I told him I was like that's a good idea. But then when I thought about it, I was like ah, I'd rather talk about Isaiah Stewart to peace and drew Eubanks I'd rather do that

Unknown Speaker 18:55
but to my papa Michael Scott Cook I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I mean, teddy bear that those know my grandfather on my mom's side the pistons fan

Unknown Speaker 19:14
from Michigan grew up with the bad boys. I'm sorry. Y'all went through a

Unknown Speaker 19:22
35 game losing streak. Not really but you know. And now we got people fighting people in that like, he sent me a text actually it was like come on, bro.

Unknown Speaker 19:32
Come on. said y'all, y'all used to be the bad boys. But now you're just the bad boys. If you know what I mean. Moving now moving on to the next segment. That normally is so bucks for the week. But this is just a breakdown of all star festivities. I wrote down on my notes the dunk contest better be good because Better beat because we actually have a star level player in the dunk contest this year so that's the one nice thing I'll say about the Boston Celtics if you don't know me I hate you so he's a star level guy celebrity all star games today or tonight depending on your where you are in the country but most of my listeners are probably on the west coast so it's today the coaches being Stephen A and Shannon I think is peak content. If you look at the rosters for the game also, now I'm not gonna lie I don't I know the majority of these people you know but I'm not gonna lie to you and just say I know everybody you know but I know most and Michael Parsons. I wanted Michael Parsons to be on Steven A's team so badly because of the clips from his podcast I wanted it so badly

Unknown Speaker 21:11
but it might actually be better than he's against Steven I immediately Stephen A has more guys that I know. Like he's gotten Metta World Peace CJ Stroud. Natasha cloud Jennifer Hudson, Tristan jass Adam Blackstone, like, these are people I know. For the majority, team, Shannon has like maybe one

Unknown Speaker 21:38
to three people. Awesome. Unless I'm reading someone's name wrong or that three people. Team Stephen add or the majority of the player so I'll probably be rooting for Team Steven or they will be on ESPN 7pm Eastern will be played at Lucas Oil Stadium. As for the rising stars game, it's it's kind of weird how they do it. Because, you see, I'm not that old. But back in my day. You know, I mean, it was just World vs USA or even before that it was Rookie sophomore game. Which, predictably, the sophomores would always be that but so I get why they took that out because the sophomores just kept beating him. But it turned into the USA versus rural game and I kinda liked it. Like even the first few years I remember them doing it and the game like the USA would always beat the world pretty badly, but I feel like that'd be a good game now. You know, like on the USA team if you just compare the rosters I mean, I don't have them in front of me what the rosters would have been. But if you just look at you know just the fact that victory minyama would be on the world team makes it even

Unknown Speaker 23:12
in a scenario like this. So maybe they should go back to USA versus world but

Unknown Speaker 23:21
now it's basically a draft and the even though I don't understand how it works, because is it just a draft between three teams and then team Detlef just gets all the G league guys because that's what it looks like. It looks like Team Power team to mica and team Jalen all just got to draft burgers and sophomores and then Detlef Sonic shadow. Detlef just got left with chi leakers. So the format's kind of fun, I like it. I'm normally kind of hesitant with new additions to all star a new kind of changes, but this one I'm okay with the three point contests which will be followed by curry versus Sabrina. I like how it's being marketed as that because no one knows how to say your last name. Or I've seen like Steph for Sprint. It's ens Gu, E and C I don't even I can say I'm not a Kupo but I can't say her it's weird. The three point contest is highlighted by Malik Beasley Jalen Brunson, Tyrese Haliburton, Damian Lillard, Laurie market and Donovan Mitchell Karl Anthony Towns, and Trey young it's always also always also at Lucas Oil Stadium. Which I find kind of odd. Like, why don't you just do it in the Pacers arena? I guess there's something going on tomorrow. I don't even know. Damn it. He gets in, by default because he's the three point champion last year in Utah, which I thought was cool, because if you guys don't know, Dane went to college in Utah at Weaver State. So that was a cool moment last year. But the main thing I want to talk about that was just a run through. But I have high hopes for the dunk contest. Because our fathers, grandfathers, uncles, whenever they tell fables about the dunk contest, they mentioned names like Dominique Wilkins, Michael Jordan. I haven't heard Cedric Ceballos. We hear those the Kobe Bryant one is Rick here. We hear those names. And they're forever immortalized. And I'm not gonna lie. The last iconic All Star game or iconic dunk contest was 2016 Zach Lavina. Toronto. It's been a really long time. It's been eight years since we've had an iconic dunk contest. Now Mac McClung last year was fun. Because I'm pretty sure that was the first year with G leaguers. Maybe it was 2022. So last year was fun. But I feel like this is the first time that we've had a, like an actual star and a dunk contest in a long time. Like we look back at some of the winners from previous years, like you had Anfernee Simons and 2021 Donovan Mitchell Zach Lavine last two years 2015 16. John Wall was in in 2014. So John Wall was the last guy to win the dunk contest, while actively being a star in the league. It has been 10 years. So we need Jaylen brown to win the dunk contest. I never thought I'd be rooting for a Celtic a day in my life. But I am now because I care about this stuff. I care about the story of the league and how it's written. So please, Jaylen Brown won the dunk contest. Because I'm looking at the participants now. I when I'm when we're done, if I see Mac McClung win it again. Jacob toppin or Jaime Hawk says, I'm going to be deeply disappointed. deeply disappointed. Mac McClung is the odds on favorite. Predictably, but please Jaylen brown pleat please. Boston Celtics man $300 Million Man police waiting for me. And that'll do it man for episode 11 of the basketball IQ podcast. Well, let's do a little a little wrap up here for the blog this week. I'll be doing an all star game prediction slash breakdown. Slash not too sure yet. I haven't. Again, these things are tentative. I don't know what exactly I'm going to do with the all star game. But since the blog comes out on Sunday, I'll do something related to the All Star game for the high post. For incidental contact, I'll use the white of the Bucs still suck clip. And then for the history lesson, it'll be the birth of the Bronto. Guys know my favorite player game three of the 2018 Eastern Conference semis against the Raptors. Which if you're not familiar as the shot the Lebron hit one legged one handed Cleveland that is for you. Great, great memories. I remember where I was when I when he had that shot. So it's really nostalgic for me. exciting upcoming games. You know, I like doing this. It's an all star game on Sunday. I mean, not today. If you want to see Shannon Stephen they scream at each other, by all means. I'm gonna do it. But it's up to you. But the key thing is to remember that it's all about thank you all so much for listening to this episode of the basketball IQ podcast. And Remember kids, it's all about

Unknown Speaker 29:42
you right

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