Growing Pains

This episode we talk all about standing on business, college life, and the man movies 💪 we love.

What is Growing Pains?

"Growing Pains" is a podcast about growing up and trying not to break down. Tune in weekly with Ginger, Kylie, Gianna, and Ashlee as they survive college life, relationships, and the chaos of adulthood during their first year at UNLV. There will be crying, ranting, potential punching, and lots of laughter. Growing pains - when it hurts, the best thing you can do is laugh!

Unknown Speaker 0:00
The content of this program does not reflect the views or opinions of 91.5 Jazz and more the University of Nevada Las Vegas or the Board of Regents of the Nevada System of Higher Education

Unknown Speaker 0:13
Welcome to Growing Pains I'm your host ginger join me and my best friend as we talked about growing up we trying not to break down changement

Unknown Speaker 0:26
back to love island the love Island Welcome back to growing pains episode. I think it's

Unknown Speaker 0:36
we we do not know.

Unknown Speaker 0:39
Oh 909 Guys, we're like we've been doing this for a long while no one stopped us yet. So we're good.

Unknown Speaker 0:47
It's because we have an amazing editor so we're not canceling we would have been done.

Unknown Speaker 0:53
Yeah, we air too much information.

Unknown Speaker 0:56
today. We're joined by Victoria again, Vic. Hi.

Unknown Speaker 1:01
They go crazy.

Unknown Speaker 1:01
They love you.

Unknown Speaker 1:02
Really the GP

Unknown Speaker 1:04
just to mention all our special person is back because she's been gone for the last few episodes. actually pause is back. And

Unknown Speaker 1:14
before that I was only on like two Yeah, actually pause what's new and you're like, Oh, what happened? How

Unknown Speaker 1:19
are you doing?

Unknown Speaker 1:20
When was the last time I was on this? I

Unknown Speaker 1:21
had just crashed before Halloween weekend. And you even said Gosh, next year me is Abdallah weekend. Oh, it's only been

Unknown Speaker 1:29
two weeks. So I've missed two episodes. No humans.

Unknown Speaker 1:31
three episodes three or four.

Unknown Speaker 1:34
Okay, I'm getting guests. Multiple people in this room. Um I you know, the time after halloweekends were one either chooses to die or stand on business actually cause a standard on business Yes, she is actually has

Unknown Speaker 1:51
like stood on business. So like crazily like it's, she's, she's done. I'm in the Senate. She's done.

Unknown Speaker 1:59
I have a celebrity shot in the IDG AF war. I've been ranked and I've been pulled and I've been miraculously promoted and now I'm on the frontline. So why

Unknown Speaker 2:11
would trust you as the leader so

Unknown Speaker 2:13
with Pooky also I went just yesterday I have a date the I have like three days off now from work or school for like the next three days. So I went to my parents house and I stole my dog. So now she's at my apartment. And she's just asleep. Because she's throwing away that dog is invincible. Oh my gosh, that dog is so old. He has literally Amos cookie to off herself. So many. And I am 19 years old and I got that dog when I was two years old. Well wait, she's 70 She is 70 That dog has three different types of cancers. She is blind, deaf and cannot smell. She's still chicken. And she's and she's still here. Every time we go to the vet guys. The doctors are like pokey. You're goofy and we're like, they're like this is the same dog. It was like look at her brother whether she's got no, she's got she's got no teeth. Diaper because her gums had cancer, who tried to walk

Unknown Speaker 3:08
across Galleria, like Galleria road and like somehow survived and

Unknown Speaker 3:14
went away. I've lived in like eight different houses. She's ran away from every single house. Of course she she made her way back and she just struts in. Yeah, she struts in with like the most like most failure posture.

Unknown Speaker 3:30
So girl failure. She's so good.

Unknown Speaker 3:34
Oh, you guys want to talk about girl failure?

Unknown Speaker 3:37
Who statement on business everyone?

Unknown Speaker 3:39
Not yes table. Okay. Yeah. Yeah. Victoria. Big No, no, no, Victoria's gonna girlfriend. I'm a girl failure. But Victoria's not standing on business. Business, Vic.

Unknown Speaker 3:51
I think I do. I stand on business notice like, no.

Unknown Speaker 3:55
I do. Like in what?

Unknown Speaker 3:57
I don't know. Whenever I'm just like, by myself. I'm like, yeah, like I'm doing this thing. But then whenever I like drive, or like do anything I just like have like, when

Unknown Speaker 4:07
you're like doing when you're in your room. You're like, Yeah, I'm on business. But when you do anything else you like Yeah.

Unknown Speaker 4:15
Like whenever I go get like most of

Unknown Speaker 4:17
the time you're on business. Yeah. Okay. Yeah.

Unknown Speaker 4:20
That's a valid about 10%

Unknown Speaker 4:22
More than you never Ginger has literally never stood on business day in her lie.

Unknown Speaker 4:30
I think I'm starting to stand on business now.

Unknown Speaker 4:33
Shall we explain what standing on business means? Are we just gonna say Oh. When you stand on business, for me standing on business is no contact is no contact. Remember guys, okay, standing on business is if they cannot know that they hurt you. They do not know that you exist anymore. You're standing on business, you you. You just fall out of their life and you're a mystery now. You're just you're just Go on mute as you're standing on business and you're moving in silence.

Unknown Speaker 5:04
I would like to know unrelated to your explanation, but on our calendar in our kitchen no calm hashtag no contact November. A day later. Ginger November 2. So we we started a ginger tally.

Unknown Speaker 5:20
Ginger has failed. No, it's

Unknown Speaker 5:21
three times she has three tallies. It's only

Unknown Speaker 5:25
hard my fault. Well, I gotta pay my bills. Yeah, majority majority of the no consequences

Unknown Speaker 5:29
to build a Yeah, I

Unknown Speaker 5:30
gotta go pay my bills. Oh, it's

Unknown Speaker 5:33
okay. It lasts a while. Like if you can pay it up to the 26th Oh, not me. I got my own bills. I'm sitting.

Unknown Speaker 5:44
Technically, I am standing on business because I have not talked to this man. Yeah,

Unknown Speaker 5:48
I mean, that's actually you. by text message. Oh, but like that was can we read out the date on that text message? The timestamp? I will Yeah, I think it's before Halloween. Unless it is not. I

Unknown Speaker 6:02
like would genuinely love to have Victoria's brain. And like the way that her brain makes connections and like the her thought processes. That's my dream to have like, it's like an evolutionary

Unknown Speaker 6:13
thing for her brain. Like it's just trying to survive. Yeah, I think it's unnatural. So yeah, it's like a, it's like if she doesn't make these connections. She will die.

Unknown Speaker 6:24
It was Sunday, October 29. Okay, yeah. 6:58pm Okay.

Unknown Speaker 6:29
Thanks for the October 29. Yeah, yeah, I'm up. Sure.

Unknown Speaker 6:34
It's October last five years.

Unknown Speaker 6:36
Was the October didn't have

Unknown Speaker 6:38
her. No. Yeah, I'm pretty sure we already said October was the worst month depending on

Unknown Speaker 6:43
business. No. Have you said no. Yeah.

Unknown Speaker 6:46
Open your Snapchat right now.

Unknown Speaker 6:47
I feel like she's. She's sitting on on the business. You're

Unknown Speaker 6:51
sitting. That's not what that

Unknown Speaker 6:53
means. She has a toll on it. She's

Unknown Speaker 6:54
done. Yeah. Like her legs are crossed. You know, like that. skyjack said to me like that's definitely if anyone

Unknown Speaker 7:00
came over they could very easily like shut her off. All right. Okay.

Unknown Speaker 7:03
Kylie is standing on. Standing. Sitting on business in a different way. In a in a like, she's moving she's she's has motion standing. Alright, we sound stupid. Next topic. Sound like we are.

Unknown Speaker 7:21
We sound like Joe Rogan. Oh, Joe rogue.

Unknown Speaker 7:26
What else are we gonna talk about? I wanted to talk about like, how if you could like, what came to your decision about choosing your major but I can't remember if we've already talked about each episode

Unknown Speaker 7:35
i We haven't done like, explaining what we do. Or like what we're pursuing. Yeah. Like they have no idea like what our passions are, they just know are like, embarrassing stories. Yeah. Let's start with Victoria. Victoria. What's

Unknown Speaker 7:51
your major? And what do you want to do?

Unknown Speaker 7:53
So I'm a theater major. I've done theater since I was like four years old. So it's been something I've wanted to do my entire life. My like, big dream is to be an actress and like do film acting, but knowing that the industry is that difficult. I'm, I'm okay with like teaching theatre instead. So I'm wanting to be a teacher.

Unknown Speaker 8:18
Teach Like a dance class in New York. Penguin lights,

Unknown Speaker 8:22
Kate, Hudson and glee. That's

Unknown Speaker 8:23
exactly what I did are so cute. Yes. Yeah.

Unknown Speaker 8:27
They sang the best song of Greece.

Unknown Speaker 8:30
What made you want to do that? What made you want to do that?

Unknown Speaker 8:34
I don't know. I think well, when I was in high school, I was a TA for a dance class, which is like a teacher's assistant. And I just like found that I just love teaching and I love growing like, bonds and like friendships with people that love the same passion as me. And it's just like, I feel like if I were to do that with theater, it's going to be like really grateful.

Unknown Speaker 9:00
And what musical made you with theater kid? Oh,

Unknown Speaker 9:03
let's talk about this right now.

Unknown Speaker 9:04
It was my mother. Yeah. Oh. It was like when I was four years old. And I remember like, it's like a vivid memory. Like, this is like the night that I fell in love with theater. It was like we had a power outage at my house. And like the only thing that my mom had was like her like computer and she was like this is the only thing I can find. And so she put on Mamma Mia. And that was when I was like, Oh my gosh, and then I got into like my musical stuff and everything. So it's

Unknown Speaker 9:32
such a good story. Meryl Streep has so changed so many gay

Unknown Speaker 9:36
kids little lives. So I will tell you right now I'm evidence of that. What Meryl Streep changing my life.

Unknown Speaker 9:43
What am I? What?

Unknown Speaker 9:45
I love the movie.

Unknown Speaker 9:47
She's gonna be like the devil that baby.

Unknown Speaker 9:51
The baby that she asked her

Unknown Speaker 9:52
Sophie's Choice, I love her and death

Unknown Speaker 9:54
becomes her you know that movie.

Unknown Speaker 9:56
She wasn't another she was in into the woods. Yeah. Oh, she's the switch I think Gianna What's your major? I'm a hospitality major hopes to make of your career

Unknown Speaker 10:09
I want to be a wedding planner when I grow Gianna that is it's so perfect I came to this conclusion because I love rom com people that are in love and I love weddings Gianna

Unknown Speaker 10:22
is the most like epitome of like heart like if you could Yeah, if you could like take Cupid and make it into like a real person it'd be one BGR from Ever After High no literally like the cartoon not the ones with not the naked baby even though sometimes she does give naked baby naked baby cubed but Gianna literally will always go before I met Victoria I met by the way Victoria is my friend

Unknown Speaker 10:53
every guest we've brought on the podcast

Unknown Speaker 10:56
has been introduced to their lives by me because of Yeah, except ginger, which anyways that was my addition to the group Yeah, that was great. And Victoria when I met Victoria like on the surface I did not think anything any anything was going on I did not know that she was going to be so are any thoughts behind this? No, not that I always knew she was a beautiful and intelligent being. But the fact that she was so crazy. She like she determined the most delusional like lovestruck like crazy person in the world. And before that I had only known that special type of crazy through Gianna and I genuinely think that like Gianna and Victoria are like twin flame soul sisters, because there we

Unknown Speaker 11:41
literally are very easily the throne. Yeah,

Unknown Speaker 11:43
it was like the Lulu queen. And then I met Victoria and I was like, oh

Unknown Speaker 11:49
so nonchalant. Learn about her. And you're

Unknown Speaker 11:51
like, Yeah, but that's why I think it's adorable that God wants to be a little wedding planner. Yeah, it'd

Unknown Speaker 11:56
be so perfect. You're gonna play at all our weddings, but I am gonna plan everyone's weddings.

Unknown Speaker 12:00
I'm never well, I plan to I'm in journalism. That's my major. And I plan to concentrate in PR and be a PR specialist, which is just like the fancy word. Not fancy word just like the more public relations public relations like media, right? It's just promoting, it's like creating an image creating a story. And I

Unknown Speaker 12:23
is that Emily in Paris or she just marketing? She I think she's just I've

Unknown Speaker 12:28
never seen it. So

Unknown Speaker 12:30
I came to the conclusion that I wanted to that well, there's like more to it. Like if I had unlimited resources and like, like, if I was an apple baby, I would be doing English Lit. Like, I just love words. I love words. And I like like, I just love them. And I because of that I I would consider myself like a well writer, like a good writer.

Unknown Speaker 12:53
Brain. Very, like such a way of like wording things that's so beautiful. And like I could never like write down thoughts like she does. Yeah, if you've read

Unknown Speaker 13:04
like my diary, it's just like angry like curse words. That's it. That's all it is. Yeah, it's almost in Kylie's are like, like, essays and novels and like stuff that you like, if I would have find that 100 years ago, I would have published it being like, look at this, like beautiful diary. like it'd be studied, like, I would be like, Yeah, I would publish it. And then I take the credit for it, because I'd be like, that's a metaphor. Yeah, that'd be rolling in my brain. But no, no. Those are just thoughts.

Unknown Speaker 13:31
I don't know, I don't think I'm confident enough to actually pursue being an English major. But I also like the idea of being a PR specialist, because you basically can create a story for whoever's hiring you. It's a lot of storytelling, and it's a lot of creative work involved with it.

Unknown Speaker 13:46
I think Kylie, like belongs in like a publishing office to just read manuscripts. And just like promote in public and publish like little books all day, like that's Kylie's like, in a cottage in a forest. I caught breaking bread. I didn't consider that for a little bit. That's Kylie's like dream. Jinja Hey, everyone, budget and just oh, we can't say oh, why attorney ginger. Ginger.

Unknown Speaker 14:15
Yeah, hashtag shout out Lincoln for calling me that in seventh grade.

Unknown Speaker 14:18
Shout out my son, Ali. That's

Unknown Speaker 14:21
my topic. So I wonder. I wonder if like, I don't know if this will be surprising to anyone listening because I don't think they have the perception of me. But I'm going into nursing and then I plan to go this is the future medical generation. I

Unknown Speaker 14:35
want you to know now that ginger had Harvard, Yale and Princeton begging on her doorstep to enroll and apply. Because exaggerate. You know, it's more like gingers sending her letter. Yeah, Ginger's GPA and her test scores are so insane like she

Unknown Speaker 14:49
was just crazy because I am dumb as dumb as Hell Girl teacher so like,

Unknown Speaker 14:54
like intellectual. It's like crazy and how smart Like

Unknown Speaker 15:00
academically, like you're a weapon like it's crazy academic weapon, but like common sense and like straight logic I would die.

Unknown Speaker 15:09
Be like this girl grew up in

Unknown Speaker 15:11
the streets of Henderson Nevada. Actually, no, she's from Eastern. Yeah.

Unknown Speaker 15:18
It's Vegas. But like I don't feel what's your

Unknown Speaker 15:22
address? Tell us we're here on everyone

Unknown Speaker 15:26
in Henderson says, Oh, I grew up in Henderson Nevada everyone says

Unknown Speaker 15:29
Vegas Yeah. Are you from the burbs be real

Unknown Speaker 15:31
the burbs? But yeah, so I'm pursuing nursing. I do want to become a psych nurse. I've always been interested in it. But in another life, I went to med school I was telling Ashley that we did have her life I

Unknown Speaker 15:44
think I became a doctor. And I don't know why she says in another life ginger is two years old, by the way, be two years old. And she has so much of her life ahead of her just

Unknown Speaker 15:53
go to med school.

Unknown Speaker 15:54
I don't want to I think I'm just gonna pursue nursing get my NP live a happy life move to Portland. build my house or have I

Unknown Speaker 16:03
would make a lot more than Washington can make a bigger house. No,

Unknown Speaker 16:06
that's actually not true. Yeah, I don't want to do school for it depends what field event it would it depends what specialty of MP she goes into. Yeah, but I Yeah. So

Unknown Speaker 16:16
And what made you want to do that? Oh,

Unknown Speaker 16:19
it's Papaji. Well, also, I don't mean to say this in a stereotypical way, but I feel like I can I'm Filipino. So I grew up around nurses but it's like in my blood. It's genetically coded in me to become a nurse like I swear isn't just your just my dad, but my all the rest of my family are nurses. But yeah, Papa G. Love that man. He's a correctional and a hospice nurse, which is like the two craziest jobs ever.

Unknown Speaker 16:44
Like, like, that's a really good person though. Like if you were surrounded by a person in your medical like in your first like growing up in the medical field like you you would just or you just know that you can do it. Like Kylie's dad is like a respiratory therapist. That's crazy.

Unknown Speaker 16:59
I like couldn't ever imagine being like, and I still love it.

Unknown Speaker 17:02
Yeah, I think you're totally good. I think you should explore it a little bit. The nurse

Unknown Speaker 17:08
become a nurse. This

Unknown Speaker 17:09
is the effects of living with Ashley. No, I

Unknown Speaker 17:11
Oh, no, I took biology and I really enjoyed it. Like, I understand it clicks and I'm like, Yeah, I know.

Unknown Speaker 17:20
I was gonna say is it like the same satisfaction you get from like writing a really like banger essay or not being?

Unknown Speaker 17:27
I think this is a very common within all like writers. I don't know if I think

Unknown Speaker 17:30
because when I read 500 words, I'm like, but like, I need to go out on the town. paint the town red.

Unknown Speaker 17:34
Like, unless you're like, just some crazy author. Like just some like, like, up there. Like, I don't know. Patti Smith, whatever. I literally she goes by Patti Smith. Who was that? Oh, she's a writer and she was an artist. Just

Unknown Speaker 17:49
Kids. A lot of writers. They're just so crazy right now.

Unknown Speaker 17:53
A lot of writers at least in my like my experience I'm never ever happy with what I write down.

Unknown Speaker 17:58
ever really. No one is ever satisfied. But yeah, that was a long just

Unknown Speaker 18:03
but I will just say it's like 500 words on the minimum of a 500 word discussion posts I all right. I literally think I liked 500 deserves like Pulitzer Prize like I think drink bleach. Okay.

Unknown Speaker 18:16
Oh Glocken mouth. Well, yo, yo ash Ashley. is interesting my going on right now like he wouldn't be able to tell.

Unknown Speaker 18:25
Really? Okay, well technically as of right now I am a healthcare administration major but I am public health but I am going to switch back because I was a STEM major before that and I like thought like I wanted to do like like research right now and I like don't so I want to go back to being my STEM major but I do in the future want to be a dermatologist because just an assistant which is a direct pa which is like petitive isn't it? Yeah, everything in dermatology is competitive and everything as a PA is a competitive but everything in your healthcare field is going to be competitive thinking through it. I think you could do it.

Unknown Speaker 19:01
Stop trying to corrupt firm Sorry, I

Unknown Speaker 19:03
have loved stem my whole life if you since like Kylie and I have been friends in third grade and Kylie has been helping me with my essays since the third grade guys in real life. We got caught cheating in fifth grade Yeah, because like we also had to do this like superhero essay in like fifth grade and Kylie hated every single one of my ideas. She shot down every single one and remember that I remember it I remember it all too well. But in my heart is stem and I just can't let it go. That's what I do think I'm probably going to change that I'll probably like in five years you're gonna see me like either like applied to like a lab research job or like med school for some reason.

Unknown Speaker 19:41
Or research like,

Unknown Speaker 19:43
I think I want to do that for like a few years before I apply to like PA school or med school or something. But I've always told you to do research soon. It's not required to do research is required to have a certain amount of hours and like the health health care for you. Oh, just like clinical hours.

Unknown Speaker 19:57
Oh, I have to have 1000 hours for my lunch. And I gotta get on that I got a hospitality job right now.

Unknown Speaker 20:04
Which is hard to anyway before you're 21 ships

Unknown Speaker 20:07
hit us, like not

Unknown Speaker 20:09
Oh yeah, anyone listening? Whitney.

Unknown Speaker 20:11
I also have a but if Gianna ever was like I need help in my like bartender class I think I could like actually become the best bartender in the entire world.

Unknown Speaker 20:20
Really? That is one of the concentration Yeah, have

Unknown Speaker 20:23
you guys ever seen Tom Holland and Uncharted like I could have

Unknown Speaker 20:30
played a little boy. Have you guys ever played the video game Uncharted? No. Okay. Oh, that's what we are gonna know.

Unknown Speaker 20:36
You know how much Ashley paws loves a man movie. Any man? Any movie that like regular old Joe on the street would be like guy would be like, Man, I love this movie. actually paused I built like a

Unknown Speaker 20:58
snipe to my head

Unknown Speaker 21:03
you name your like top five movies.

Unknown Speaker 21:07
I already know okay, God.

Unknown Speaker 21:10
No, no, I don't like The Godfather actually. Okay,

Unknown Speaker 21:13
let's face it a die hard. Die Hard.

Unknown Speaker 21:17
So good. Okay, no, the other day we were trying to like go on like a really good like, you can't bring it up. But you know, and this okay?

Unknown Speaker 21:24
She's a man.

Unknown Speaker 21:26
Listen, I have an older brother and I have a father and I'm sorry that you guys have daddy issues. Okay.

Unknown Speaker 21:35
And I've never once like felt compelled to watch Terminator

Unknown Speaker 21:37
because your baby Cupid like I like I love Terminator like the cube like how do you not sit down and just watch Terminator there's like so many guns and like bullets flying like this? Like it's just fun. Like,

Unknown Speaker 21:50
I don't know the eagle squeak

Unknown Speaker 21:52
Okay, well, that's actually genre movie. I love a man movie. With gingers and Victoria's I like this weird little Jersey like anything with Seth urge says

Unknown Speaker 22:00
any game

Unknown Speaker 22:05
I do think I wouldn't need some credit here. Because I went with you. Yeah, I also love a good guy. A movie actually

Unknown Speaker 22:14
does love like a teenage girl who put you on that movie.

Unknown Speaker 22:18
Oh, my gay father. I feel like you're

Unknown Speaker 22:21
just have very

Unknown Speaker 22:25
great point. Ginger. Thank you. Thank you. I think my movement is very good and taste but if I were to say the same thing it'd be lesbian tell because I love a Kristen Stewart film. Okay, well,

Unknown Speaker 22:36
Ginger actually just like any movie that where there's like a like girl like in sparse clothing. Yeah,

Unknown Speaker 22:41
that's not any white girl. Yeah. Hey, hi. I'm walking. But like I think my parents had like a really big like, impact on like, the media and like the movies that are like like, unfortunately, I was super super close with my dad when I was young. I didn't start getting close with my mom until I was about teenager which is very like rare. Thought is like I didn't I mean my mom were always like together because we would be together but like, in like a admiration kind of way. I would always like watch what my dad would be watching or play the video games with my brother and my dad would be playing. Like, you know what I mean? So I think that's probably why I love it. But for a lot of years, I did hate avatar. But now I love avatar but no, I love it again.

Unknown Speaker 23:23
I kind of movies do you like Victoria?

Unknown Speaker 23:25
I don't know. Like

Unknown Speaker 23:26
alien to some of the genre musicals. Yeah. I do love there's some really valid

Unknown Speaker 23:32
because there's really good I really like music.

Unknown Speaker 23:35
I love a good music.

Unknown Speaker 23:36
That's like a think it's because

Unknown Speaker 23:39
we're losers. We all had our older like middle school music. If there's

Unknown Speaker 23:44
anybody listening that thought we were like a little bit

Unknown Speaker 23:46
cool. I don't worry I've ever thought that we are

Unknown Speaker 23:50
about a sliver of a chance I didn't ever

Unknown Speaker 23:52
know. We're made up of like three lesbians a theater kid. Twin Towers and a Mexican like there's nothing happening in this group. And by all there's nothing going on for us ever motion we've been told there's you I've been a loser is everybody is everyone sexual orientation out? I think

Unknown Speaker 24:14
I just like whoever man. Yeah, no, I

Unknown Speaker 24:16
just meant like the lesbian was oh, I'm

Unknown Speaker 24:18
lesbian. I don't know though anymore. Earl is not allowed to tell you guys why I don't know. Yeah,

Unknown Speaker 24:24
I know why.

Unknown Speaker 24:26
I can tell you watching 50 Shades of Grey the other day and she goes oh, I just I love she goes she was I just like I don't know if I'm a lesbian because I just like love the shape of a man silhouette. Yeah. naked man silhouette and I was like you like man, but he was like, Man What's the best because it's all man was so bad.

Unknown Speaker 24:49
Listen, obviously I'm a girl but obviously I love woman obviously put a woman in front of me love her. Tinder

Unknown Speaker 24:54
likes a part in 50 Shades of Grey where he like okay.

Unknown Speaker 24:58
Yeah, cuz it's funny like that. It's funny and that means like crazy strong I don't know guys like I'm confused like I'm still as me and if you saw the read mafia fanfiction

Unknown Speaker 25:12
you're having this conversation of movies we liked your song of the week this the conversation immediately delved into Yeah, he's hot he's to like the random is like actors conclusions we drew actually thinks Seth Rogen is hot.

Unknown Speaker 25:29
Victoria Yeah, have you ever seen Willem Dafoe?

Unknown Speaker 25:32
He is hot he's

Unknown Speaker 25:33
literally hot. He looks like he eats fiberglass like you

Unknown Speaker 25:37
know, like I agree with you he's charming he looks like a goblin but like, Guess

Unknown Speaker 25:42
why he looks like a goblin like a gargoyle?

Unknown Speaker 25:46
You know who my man is? Like it's Michael Mann's like yeah all right after June

Unknown Speaker 25:54
I got your songs everyone and Kylie go first.

Unknown Speaker 25:59
Oh my I don't know. I didn't even put Spotify it um Okay, Brent faiyaz just came out with a new album outside all night for you ASAP Rocky that's that's almost that's awesome. Pretty good.

Unknown Speaker 26:12
Mine is gonna be distant lover by Marvin Gaye.

Unknown Speaker 26:15
Guys Now I want to play Call of Duty

Unknown Speaker 26:20
Zombies Yeah,

Unknown Speaker 26:21
what we do your black ops to noise No.

Unknown Speaker 26:24
Please No Please go away from the mic and do it. No.

Unknown Speaker 26:29
What did you already say? Yeah, Victoria

Unknown Speaker 26:30
Go ahead.

Unknown Speaker 26:31
Oh, okay. So mine is if you're too shy let me know from the 1975

Unknown Speaker 26:35
I love that song

Unknown Speaker 26:42
My song is gonna be for my top tracks of all time because we did Spotify stats the other day.

Unknown Speaker 26:49
Oh wins Spotify. Raph comes out that's we can talk about oh,

Unknown Speaker 26:52
that's so exciting to Spotify. That is not going to

Unknown Speaker 26:55
be fun. I'm gonna I'm

Unknown Speaker 26:56
gonna say say yes. By Elliott Smith. pleaded the world. I am happy right now. Anyway, Ashley,

Unknown Speaker 27:08
did you want to go? Yeah, we

Unknown Speaker 27:10
all just,

Unknown Speaker 27:12
she's looking Libra.

Unknown Speaker 27:14
Libra, girl. Okay, the last, did we we didn't even brush up on the fact that Taylor Swift were released 1989 Taylor's by the way, so I don't get to say no, we didn't. And I literally love it so much. Like I think my song is gonna be now that we don't talk by Taylor Swift from the vault Taylor's version, because she's standing on business there's I'm standing on business because we don't talk and I don't have to pretend that you should have been the one so actually I don't have to pretend that I like acid rock and I don't have to pretend that you are good at soccer. All right, let's go.

Unknown Speaker 27:49
Today Can I do the cat iPhone ringtone

Unknown Speaker 27:51
do we pull it up on your phone? No, I'm

Unknown Speaker 27:54
just gonna do what am I

Unknown Speaker 27:55
going to title this episode? Thank you ever listened. You really sounded like the cat. Thank you so much for listening to growing pains. You can follow us on Instagram at Growing Pains gram or on tick tock at Growing Pains tock hope you tune in next week.

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