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Flip the Script with Vic

Today we dive into the fascinating concept of "Combining Modalities." As we transition from an Aquarian age of singular gurus to a Piscean age of collective leadership, our consciousness is evolving, making way for a beautiful fusion of different healing practices.

We'll explore how incorporating a mix of modalities—from Akashic records and Kundalini yoga to plant medicine and light language—can unlock our full potential as multidimensional beings. J

Join me as we discuss the shift towards community-based healing, the importance of energetic upgrades, and how embracing our unique combination of gifts can elevate us all.

Whether you're a seasoned healer or just awakening to your spiritual path, this episode will inspire you to blend your magic and share it with the world. Let's dive in!

🔑 **Key Takeaways:**
- Shift from Singular Leadership to Community: We are transitioning from an era of following a single guru to a new paradigm where we come together as a community. Each of us has unique gifts and wisdom to share, contributing to collective growth and healing.

- The Power of Combined Modalities: Just as a diamond has many facets, we are multi-dimensional beings who benefit from integrating different healing practices. Whether it’s Akashic records, Kundalini yoga, or plant medicine, combining these modalities can unlock our fullest potential.

- Experimentation and Playfulness: Now more than ever, it’s essential to explore and combine different healing techniques in innovative ways. Don’t be afraid to experiment, play, and offer your unique blend of practices, even if it starts as something informal or free. The key is to follow your heart and serve with pure intention.

Share your fave takeaways from the episode on Instagram with me (@victoriamargauxnielsen) and tag someone who needs to hear!

Click here to book an Akashic Records session with Victoria.

Join The Portal Collective, Victoria's new on-demand kundalini and breathwork membership to help you access your highest self with a daily meditation practice for $22/mo.

Applications are now open for the 2nd Annual Return to You Retreat from May 2-7, 2025 in El Sargento, Mexico. Apply now!

IG: @flipthescriptwithvic
IG: @victoriamargauxnielsen
TikTok: @victoriamargauxnielsen

Cover art: @house.of.morgan

What is Flip the Script with Vic?

Welcome to Flip the Script with Vic, your weekly pep talk to expand and shift your perspective. I’m your host, Victoria Nielsen. Together, we’ll unwind all the things you thought you knew, and awaken to what’s truly possible when you flip the script on your reality and take control of your own life.

Speaker A [00:00:00]:
Hello, loves. Welcome to another episode of flip the script with Vic. It's your host, Victoria Nielsen. I am so excited for today's conversation because I feel like I'm experiencing the future right now, and I'm getting a lot of these downloads lately about the way that things are supposed to be melding together. And I know this kind of sounds very vague, but I promise it'll make more sense soon. So, you know, I've talked before about the aquarian age that we were living in, where there was one leader and one guru, and you followed all of the things that that person said because they were the one to show you the light. They were the one to show you the way. And as we moved into piscean leadership, where instead we come together in community, and we each show one another the way.

Speaker A [00:00:50]:
We each have medicine for one another, and there is no one person that is, above all, there is no one guru or leader. We are all leaders in our own right, we are all powerful in our own right, and we all have deep medicine for one another in our own right. And so as we step deeper into this piscean way of leadership, I really see a way forward that has never happened before and is really beautiful because it's a combination of so many things. And, you know, I think back to my parents time or even my grandparents time, where you got a job and you stayed in that same job for 20 plus years, 30 years, 40 years, until you died, and how when my generation, the millennial generation, came along, that idea to us was like, oh, my God, hell, no. Like, I don't want to be in the same spot for 30 years. And so I think that's part of why this magic is ripe to be happening now, because our consciousness, when we came in to earth as little babies in the eighties and nineties, we already saw this new way forward. We already. Oh, my gosh.

Speaker A [00:02:01]:
In my throat, I feel so much energy right now, you guys. Holy cow. Which means that I'm onto something. Usually when energy is moving when I'm talking. But we came in, right, with this programmed into our consciousness that the way forward was to come together in community, just like the little babies that are coming forward now, generation alpha, I think, is what they are, have already been programmed with a new way of being in the world, with a very different consciousness that even we have. And so we're continuing to create the path forward for them so that it's easier, right, for them to step into these things that were already destined to happen as part of their timeline, as part of their DNA as part of their future. And so part of that way forward, if you are a healer who your gifts are either coming online right now, or perhaps you're going through an energetic upgrade, like I know myself and many of my friends are right now, there's a reason to that there is more light flooding the planet, and we are being asked to channel that light in new ways. And so what does that look like? That means that you are merging modalities.

Speaker A [00:03:12]:
You are merging gifts, and there are many of us awakening to light language and to the power of light language right now. And so you are going to find that just one thing is not going to unlock all of your potential and your power. So, for example, for me, I use the Akashic records. I use kundalini yoga. I use the power of plant medicine. I use my booty yoga. All of these things together are forming one thing, are becoming my medicine that I share with the world. And this unique mix of these modalities has never been created in this exact way before because of my particular energy, in essence.

Speaker A [00:03:58]:
And so I'm sharing this today because I really think that's the way forward that all healers that are coming online right now that are awakening deeper into their gifts and into their magic are going to come to see that just one modality, just one way of doing things doesn't work anymore, because we are multidimensional beings, and there are facets of us that are awakening to call in facets of others. So just like a diamond has so many facets, you yourself have so many facets, whether it's the modalities that you're called to or the way that you translate energy or perhaps the way that you channel this light energy through your body. And so anyone that's connected into the Akashic realms or the ethereal realms lately, I feel like has been getting this energy upgrade of light language. And I can't even really describe to you what it is because personally, my mind doesn't even know, but I've heard others speak light language, and it is beautiful. And I'm finding that my body wants to channel this light language by making shapes. And the best that my mind can come up with is just that I am moving and playing with energy in a way to raise my own vibration and the vibration of those around me. And then it really comes back to intention. And any intention that I hold in my heart right now is being amplified tenfold by the light that I am channeling through my body, but then also right through the many facets of that diamond.

Speaker A [00:05:25]:
And so it's really cool to see how things are shifting and changing so rapidly right now. And so if you're feeling the call to rest, if you are feeling the call to play and explore, I urge you to follow whatever it is that's awakening inside of you right now, because it needs whatever medicine and magic that you're being called to, even if it doesn't consciously make sense. So if it doesn't consciously make sense for you to open the records and take a micro dose, or maybe it doesn't consciously make sense for you to do Kundalini yoga and then to, you know, read a human design chart. Don't follow the logical mind. Follow what the heart is guiding you towards right now at this time because it's going to be a magic mix of things. And so maybe you're someone who has multiple modalities underneath your belt, but you keep them very separate in your offerings, right? Maybe you, you offer people separate, I don't know, shadow work sessions, but then you have separate astrology sessions and then you have separate, you know, yoga sessions. Whatever it is, let's bring those barriers down. Let's bring those walls down so that they are no longer separate.

Speaker A [00:06:41]:
Because people are meant to experience your magic in its wholeness and its completeness, because then you are really shining your fullest, like, fullest expression of yourself out into the world. When we compartmentalize ourselves into these different modalities, you are stifling a true part of yourself that wants to be released. And what if you need to give that medicine to someone in that particular way? Meaning maybe someone signed up for your yoga class because that's what they're consciously drawn to, but they actually need like a human design reading from you or they actually need a different type of energy healing and you don't offer it that way in, in its combined nature, you know, then people are missing out on some of that magic. And so I'm not saying that you maybe need to, like, overhaul whatever business you have or offerings that you have, but I just offer this, not even advice, but this possibility of how you can begin to move forward, right? Can you begin experimenting and being curious with what it's like to combine these modalities and share them with the world? And it doesn't have to be an offering that you charge money for for now, right? Maybe as you're playing and better understanding what it is, you're giving free readings to friends or you're asking them to leave you reviews and give you feedback. And can this satiate that thirst for knowledge within you, but also help you expand and explore? You know, not everything has to be about making money right away. I feel like this is where I get really hooked up in the spiritual space is because I know my gifts have value, but sometimes, right, you have to get to that valuation over time. So I know if you've been in the healing space at all and you take any types of business classes, I feel like it's kind of been pushed on our throat that, like, you have to charge what you're worth and, and this and that, which, yes, you do. But I think for this, in the realm of what's happening right now, this upgrade that's happening, this shift that's happening, I.

Speaker A [00:08:52]:
I wonder if we can play a little bit and if we can use this summer energy, right, this playful, fun energy to find joy and sprinkle this throughout our life as a gift, right, to maybe the people in our lives to then just see where it goes, right? It doesn't have to be a new business offering per se, but maybe it's you just playing around with the potential of combining two modalities or maybe you're finding yourself drawn to something that you haven't done in a really long time. So Buddhi yoga is a great example of that for me. I got certified in Buddhi yoga, oh, my gosh, like twelve plus years ago when I was living in New York City. And I teach it occasionally, like, but I just do it more as a practice for myself. And booty is short for booty Sattva. And it is connecting you to that shakti energy, that awakening feminine energy that's within each of us. Because you're not just doing normal yoga asanas, you are moving your hips, you are twerking, you are dancing, you are doing plyometrics, really fluidly moving the energy. And actually, this is a perfect example of a combination of so many modalities because it's rooted in Kundalini, it's rooted in Pranayama.

Speaker A [00:10:05]:
There's so much that I have learned these last couple of years that I was already doing that I didn't even know I was doing as part of this beautiful practice because the founder, busy gold, had just combined it all together and I didn't even know. And so I've come back to the magic of this practice because it's found me again and it's reminded me that I have this as a tool to use in my tool belt. And look, it already combines all of these things and then you add in my personal magic, and, wow, that takes things to the next level. Once you add my knowledge and my energy, then the practice changes and it becomes something, you know, magnetic for the people that need my medicine. And so I'm allowing myself to be open to that, right? I'm not saying, oh, I closed that door. I'm no longer a booty yoga teacher. No, I'm bringing it back, and I'm bringing it back in a new way. If you are free today, actually, if you're listening to this on launch day, I am holding a free Instagram live Buddha yoga class at 12:00 p.m.

Speaker A [00:11:08]:
eastern. If you are listening to this after the fact, I'm going to leave the replay up for folks. So please go visit my Instagram iktoriamargonealson, to experience the practice and experience the class and see what it's like when you are putting all of those modalities together. Because really, this authoritarian way of being is going away. It is about being in community and sharing and no longer hoarding the knowledge that we have, because it doesn't matter that the person next to us, they're not better or worse than us. Sharing the knowledge puts everyone on an equal platform and makes us all of equal standing. And there is no fear that one person is going to get over on you, you, or they're going to get to go further, faster, better, because you're sharing your knowledge. No, everyone elevates, everyone expands when we share this knowledge together.

Speaker A [00:12:07]:
And again, it's not about, you know, whether or not you get paid for this knowledge, like, or the value of it, because it is very, very valuable. And I don't think that you should always give it away for free. But in certain circumstances, to your friends, to your family, to those that are on this awakening journey with you, can you be of service more than you can worry about a dollar amount, right? The money will come. All of that will come when you are of the purest heart and wanting to serve those around you in the highest form possible. And so, yeah, I just. I really, truly believe it's been coming in really strongly lately that that way forward is a combination and that it's us helping one another, instead of pitting against the woman next to us and saying, oh, no, I'm going to step on her back to get higher, because that is not how piscean leadership works. We are all equal, and we will all rise and fall together once we can bring ourselves into that shared space of consciousness, because everything is connected, right? And so even if you can't see those threads of connection right now, you are connected to every single person around you. Everything that is in your awareness and that energy is alive.

Speaker A [00:13:23]:
It's a live, living thing that is always traveling from you to others and back again. And so working on that energetic hygiene and that energetic capacity and that energetic opening is one of the greatest gifts that you can give yourself and those around you. So if you're interested in exploring these mix of modalities, I love doing what I call embodied Akashic record sessions, where I'm opening your Akashic records, but I am also sharing energy work with you. We're doing Kundalini yoga together. We are really mashing up all of my gifts to just help serve you in the best way possible without it being boxing in, right? Or saying, oh, it's this one way or this other. It's combining all of my magic. Because you deserve that, and you deserve to combine all of your magic for the world as well. So if you're interested in just exploring what that could look like for you, that is something I'm always open to talking about and sharing and collaborating on, because I love helping other healers really step into their gifts, really step into their expansiveness, because we are all here for a reason, and when one rises, we all rise together.

Speaker A [00:14:40]:
So thank you so much for being here with me this week. I hope this episode was an activation of sorts, right? To show you what's possible, to show you that there's a different way forward to get you to experiment and plan, play with the different modalities that you have in your life and see if there's special ways that you can combine them to make something completely unique and different to you. Because the world needs your magic, it needs your energy, and it needs you in your fullest expression that cannot be confined into one box or one modality or one name for that matter, right? One. One way of doing things in the world. So thanks so much for being with me. I'll see you guys next week. I love you. Be good to one another.

Speaker A [00:15:27]:
Chat soon.