Business is Human

“We get so in our heads that we lose connection with our bodies. We keep going, checking our emails, marking things off the list, and ignoring those purposeful nudges."

In this episode of the Business is Human podcast, Rebecca explores the transformative practice of a Monthly Clarity Day—essential for zooming out and gaining a broader perspective on both personal and professional life. 

Rebecca walks listeners through reflection exercises designed to reconnect with their feelings, acknowledge and act on inner nudges, and celebrate personal achievements. Additionally, she discusses the importance of releasing burdens, checking in on dreams, and practicing gratitude.

Tune in to learn actionable strategies for incorporating monthly reflection into your routine and discover how it can lead to significant positive shifts in your life and work.

In this episode, you’ll learn
  • How dedicating time each month to reflect on key questions about yourself, your team, and your organization can help gain fresher perspective
  • Acting on any internal nudges can lead to meaningful changes and personal growth
  • Identifying activities and prioritizing can help maintain your emotional well-being and balance

Things to listen for:
00:00 Introduction to the episode
00:51 The importance of monthly clarity day
04:51 Reflection questions for personal growth
09:29 Celebrating your achievements
12:12 Letting go and embracing lightness
13:17 Receiving compliments and checking dreams
17:29 Soul food and stopping unnecessary actions
19:28 Connecting with loved ones
20:22 Conclusions

Connect with Rebecca:

What is Business is Human?

We need a new definition of success—one that harmonizes meaning and money.

Imagine diving into your workday with renewed energy, leaving behind the exhaustion or dread of a monotonous grind.

Traditional beliefs about success and the root cause of burnout are the same:
Prove yourself.
Work harder.
Take care of the business, and it will take care of you.

We’re recycling the mindset and practices that keep us stuck. Our souls need a jumpstart into The Age of Humanity.

Tune in for a new way of working that honors our nervous system and the bottom line, using knowledge of the brain, the Bible, and business. We’ll discuss timeless truths that amplify growth, ignite change, and reshape the world of work. No corporate speak or business BS. Let’s get to the heart of a rewarding career and profitable growth.

We speak human about business.

What’s in it for You?

Value, Relevance, and Impact (VRI): No, it's not a new tech gadget—it's your ticket to making your work genuinely matter to you and your company.

Human-Centric Insights: We prioritize people over profits without sacrificing the bottom line. Think less "cog in the machine" and more "humans helping humans."

I'm your host, Rebecca Fleetwood Hesson, your thrive guide leading you into the new Age of Humanity. I’ve navigated the highs and lows of business and life, from achieving over $40 million in sales, teaching thousands of people around the world about leadership, trust, execution, and productivity to facing burnout, divorce, raising a couple of great humans (one with ADHD), and navigating the uncertainty of starting a business.

I’m committed to igniting change in the world by jumpstarting business into profitable growth with the timeless truths of our humanity.

Sound crazy? It’s only crazy until it works.

Hit subscribe to never miss an episode, and leave a review to help other listeners discover our show.

Want insight and advice on your real career and business challenges? Connect with me on social media or email me at Your story could spark our next conversation.

Rebecca Fleetwood Hession [00:00:00]:
I'm not coming down. I never locked it on the ground. I'm not coming down. I wanna go higher, higher than that.

Rebecca Fleetwood Hession [00:00:10]:
Welcome back to the Business is Human podcast, where we discuss strategies to increase our VRI value, relevance, and impact. We're here to blend meaningful work with profitable success. I'm your host, Rebecca Fleetwood Hessian, here to steward what we call the age of humanity, to transform the way we work so we can transform the way that we live. As always, my friendly request, if you like what you hear, hit subscribe so.

Rebecca Fleetwood Hession [00:00:39]:
You don't miss any episodes, and then.

Rebecca Fleetwood Hession [00:00:42]:
Leave a review to tell the other humans that they might like it too. Always looking to help you and connect with others. Let's get into it, shall we? Welcome to this episode of the Businesses Human podcast. We're going to talk about a monthly clarity day. Why are we going to talk about a monthly clarity day? Because you are human and you need one, and because the timing is really, really, really good. We are, at the time of this release, in the month of August. And that means we've got about five months left on the calendar year. And so if your goals, your company is on a January to December calendar year, still got some time.

Rebecca Fleetwood Hession [00:01:34]:
And it's good to zoom out and get some perspective. Because oftentimes, what happens when we want things to be better, improve, meet the goals, we can start to look at things too close. We get that magnifying glass out and try to study every detail, and we lose perspective. We lose the bigger picture. And so this clarity day that we're going to do today is about zooming out and getting a broader lens on things, looking at it through the lens of humans. And so I have this download a.

Rebecca Fleetwood Hession [00:02:21]:
PDF on my website,, where I.

Rebecca Fleetwood Hession [00:02:25]:
Have prepared an entire outline for you on how to do a monthly clarity day. And I truly hope that you will go and download it. It's on the podcast tab at the very bottom. And I want you to download it because I want to help you. I want you to have the insight and the perspective. And I want you to get rejuvenated about why your work matters, who it's for and why it matters.

Rebecca Fleetwood Hession [00:02:55]:
So you can feel better, and so.

Rebecca Fleetwood Hession [00:02:57]:
You can help your employees and your clients and your partners also gain some much needed perspective.

Rebecca Fleetwood Hession [00:03:06]:
So what I thought I'd do today.

Rebecca Fleetwood Hession [00:03:08]:
Is walk through some of the questions.

Rebecca Fleetwood Hession [00:03:12]:
I'll walk through. I can't walk through a question.

Rebecca Fleetwood Hession [00:03:14]:
I'm going to read through some of the questions that are included in this download that you can do today that get you inspired to want to go and physically type in the web address and physically print out the download so you can do this every month. Sound like a plan? All right, so last week's episode with Becky Beckman, she talked about how she knew it was time for her to make a change in her career because her energy meter kind of, her battery wasn't getting recharged. And I hear often that people say, you know what? I just need to go find a new job. And that might be true, but before you do something that drastic, make that big of a change. Let's pull out some of these questions. Spend some time in reflection to see if maybe you can recharge your battery where you are now. And it doesn't actually require you to change where you work or what you do, which is much easier plan. But if it doesn't work and you want to change your career, change your company, change your job, you have the ability to do that at any time.

Rebecca Fleetwood Hession [00:04:42]:
You are not a hostage to your work. And freeing yourself from that belief is more than half the battle. All right, back to the job at hand today. Reflection questions for a monthly clarity day. So here's how I think this would serve you best. If you find a different way to do it, great. But I'm going to recommend that I am going to read the question, and then I think you should pause the episode, grab your journal, and in the moment, reflect on these questions, jot some things down. Now, if you're driving, don't write and drive.

Rebecca Fleetwood Hession [00:05:24]:
That's probably illegal, but you can still pause the episode and reflect. I'm a huge fan of writing things down because I know how that actually creates a better pattern in your brain. It's just better for you to etch it in your brain by writing it down. But if it's not practical to do that today, no worries. You can still just pause the episode and think about it for a smidge. Shall we? All right, so the clarity day is broken down into three sections. It's broken down into reflection about yourself, reflection about your team, and reflection about your company. And so today, I'm going to focus in on the reflection questions related to you because that's applicable no matter what role that you have.

Rebecca Fleetwood Hession [00:06:12]:
All right, I'm.

Rebecca Fleetwood Hession [00:06:14]:
Here we go.

Rebecca Fleetwood Hession [00:06:16]:
The first question is a simple one, but a profound one. And that is, how am I feeling? A little bit of context about this one. We tend to get really in our heads, trying to problem solve, trying to think about it, trying to figure it out. And over time, when we do this repeatedly, we can lose touch with literally the rest of our bodies and how we're feeling. And it's this activation aspect of our nervous system that we just no longer feel enough. And it's important that we reconnect with our feelings, not just our thinking, because.

Rebecca Fleetwood Hession [00:07:09]:
That'S how our nervous system gives us.

Rebecca Fleetwood Hession [00:07:11]:
Some warning signals and tells us when it is time to make some changes.

Rebecca Fleetwood Hession [00:07:17]:
So let's just take a minute, pause the episode, ask yourself, how am I feeling? Welcome back.

Rebecca Fleetwood Hession [00:07:27]:
All right, the next reflection question is, what nudges have I been getting that I keep ignoring or setting aside context because of what I said earlier about we get so in our heads that we lose connection with our bodies. We also just keep going and doing.

Rebecca Fleetwood Hession [00:07:53]:
And marking things off the list and checking our emails.

Rebecca Fleetwood Hession [00:07:57]:
And even though we have these nudges and these thoughts and these things that are purposeful, we get nudges. We get ideas for a reason. Either God's trying to speak to you, or if you're going from a nervous system perspective, and the God spiritual things.

Rebecca Fleetwood Hession [00:08:19]:
Don'T speak to you.

Rebecca Fleetwood Hession [00:08:20]:
Okay. The nervous system is almost like whiskers on a cat.

Rebecca Fleetwood Hession [00:08:26]:
Whiskers on a cat are so they.

Rebecca Fleetwood Hession [00:08:28]:
Can sense what's going on around them. You have those same sensory vibes as a part of your nervous system that we get these ideas and these nudges on purpose. Usually for a purpose, they mean something.

Rebecca Fleetwood Hession [00:08:45]:
So I want you to pause the episode and ask yourself, what kind of nudges have you been getting that you've been ignoring and. And setting aside? Okay.

Rebecca Fleetwood Hession [00:09:04]:
So I hope that you're going to plan to act on those nudges as well.

Rebecca Fleetwood Hession [00:09:09]:
Sometimes it's just, hey, I keep thinking about this particular person.

Rebecca Fleetwood Hession [00:09:14]:
Well, every time I act on those.

Rebecca Fleetwood Hession [00:09:16]:
Nudges, well, wouldn't you know it, that that person needs something that I have.

Rebecca Fleetwood Hession [00:09:21]:
Or there's some reason that I'm thinking about them. So I would love for you to.

Rebecca Fleetwood Hession [00:09:27]:
Actually act on some of those nudges. The next question to reflect on today is, what could I celebrate about myself today?

Rebecca Fleetwood Hession [00:09:37]:
Again, business is human, so I'm all.

Rebecca Fleetwood Hession [00:09:40]:
About the human side of business.

Rebecca Fleetwood Hession [00:09:43]:
And you and I both know that.

Rebecca Fleetwood Hession [00:09:47]:
There are a lot of things that.

Rebecca Fleetwood Hession [00:09:49]:
You check off your list and get.

Rebecca Fleetwood Hession [00:09:52]:
Done and move on to the next.

Rebecca Fleetwood Hession [00:09:55]:
With hardly a heartbeat in between. And what our nervous system needs for its filing system, the filing system of our memories, is for there to be a strong, positive emotion attached to something in your memory so that you can recall it better.

Rebecca Fleetwood Hession [00:10:18]:
Anything that has a lot of emotion.

Rebecca Fleetwood Hession [00:10:20]:
Gets filed at the top. And so if our emotions that we're always attaching to our thoughts are worry or negativity or frustration, that's what's going.

Rebecca Fleetwood Hession [00:10:32]:
To just keep being at the top of mind, if you will.

Rebecca Fleetwood Hession [00:10:36]:
So we need to be really intentional about putting emotion around the good stuff.

Rebecca Fleetwood Hession [00:10:42]:
So that's what comes to mind when.

Rebecca Fleetwood Hession [00:10:45]:
We need confidence, when we just need to be reminded that we've accomplished some really cool things, we've helped some people.

Rebecca Fleetwood Hession [00:10:55]:
We've made a difference.

Rebecca Fleetwood Hession [00:10:57]:
We've made an impact.

Rebecca Fleetwood Hession [00:10:58]:
So what could you celebrate about yourself today? And it doesn't have to be an achievement. Maybe yours is. I didn't lose my shit in the meeting yesterday.

Rebecca Fleetwood Hession [00:11:11]:
Yay. I'm growing. I'm evolving. Or it could be I'm really glad that I had that important conversation with my son or daughter yesterday, or my colleague.

Rebecca Fleetwood Hession [00:11:24]:
So it doesn't have to be something that's on your list of goals. It doesn't have to be that you wait to celebrate until you've accomplished something. Go ahead and celebrate who you are. So pause this and ask yourself, what could you celebrate about yourself today? Okay.

Rebecca Fleetwood Hession [00:11:44]:
I hope as a part of that celebration, as you were reflecting on this, that, you know, fist in the air, like, literally give yourself some just outward emotion of how good that felt. The more you do that, the more excited you will be the next time to celebrate you.

Rebecca Fleetwood Hession [00:12:06]:
It will become more comfortable to be.

Rebecca Fleetwood Hession [00:12:08]:
In celebration about yourself. Okay, next question. What can I let go of to bring more lightness to my life as I rise and thrive? So if we think about the metaphor of growth and we picture that growth is moving up, sometimes what's required to move up is to release some of what's holding us back or holding us down. In fact, have an entire download about this called releasing burdens that's on that same website you're going to go to to get this one.

Rebecca Fleetwood Hession [00:12:44]:
So what can you let go of.

Rebecca Fleetwood Hession [00:12:47]:
To bring more lightness to your life.

Rebecca Fleetwood Hession [00:12:49]:
As you rise and thrive? It might be an action or an.

Rebecca Fleetwood Hession [00:12:53]:
Activity, something that you're.

Rebecca Fleetwood Hession [00:12:55]:
You're doing that isn't providing much value and it's just a habit, but it does.

Rebecca Fleetwood Hession [00:12:59]:
It's not helpful.

Rebecca Fleetwood Hession [00:13:00]:
Let it go.

Rebecca Fleetwood Hession [00:13:01]:
It could be a negative opinion that you have about someone or something.

Rebecca Fleetwood Hession [00:13:07]:
It can be either tangible or a.

Rebecca Fleetwood Hession [00:13:09]:
Mindset, a thought, a belief, whatever it is for you. Okay, this is one of my favorite ones.

Rebecca Fleetwood Hession [00:13:17]:
What compliments have you received, and how did it feel to receive that compliment? To be seen as who you are.

Rebecca Fleetwood Hession [00:13:30]:
Your gifts, your talents, your help, and your service. Express gratitude for these compliments. Now this was an assignment that I received from my coach just before I launched my first book. She said, you ain't ready, because I was in the habit, which many of.

Rebecca Fleetwood Hession [00:13:59]:
Us high achievers are, of just moving on to the next thing.

Rebecca Fleetwood Hession [00:14:03]:
And she said, it's going to be.

Rebecca Fleetwood Hession [00:14:05]:
Really uncomfortable for you to receive accolades if you don't think about it intentionally and practice.

Rebecca Fleetwood Hession [00:14:14]:
And upon further review and research, after she assigned this to me, it was so ingrained in our nervous system needs. That act of gratitude is important for how we feel. It's easy for us to say, I'm.

Rebecca Fleetwood Hession [00:14:35]:
Grateful for what someone else has done.

Rebecca Fleetwood Hession [00:14:38]:
Or something that's out there, but to be grateful that someone sees us isn't our natural tendency. When somebody gives us a compliment, I often would say, oh, it was on sale. It has pockets kind of vibe, like just dismissing the compliment because it was so uncomfortable, I didn't know how to receive it. But what happens when you deflect the compliment in that way? Just dismiss it. You unintentionally diss the person that's giving you the compliment. And so the kindest thing that we can do is to receive it and to practice receiving it and be really skillful and intentional with how we receive compliments and open up energetically what we need to give and receive of the goodness that we desire.

Rebecca Fleetwood Hession [00:15:29]:
So what compliments have you received and how did it feel?

Rebecca Fleetwood Hession [00:15:34]:
Okay, the next one is check in on your dreams. Have you made any progress on the things that you dream about?

Rebecca Fleetwood Hession [00:15:46]:
Is there something that you could take.

Rebecca Fleetwood Hession [00:15:47]:
Some action on, the things that you dream about?

Rebecca Fleetwood Hession [00:15:51]:
And if you're saying to yourself, I don't know if I have any dreams.

Rebecca Fleetwood Hession [00:15:56]:
Or I don't have time to dream.

Rebecca Fleetwood Hession [00:16:00]:
That may very well be true. Because when your nervous system is over.

Rebecca Fleetwood Hession [00:16:05]:
Activated perpetually, like you're just constantly on high alert stress feelings, you block your.

Rebecca Fleetwood Hession [00:16:16]:
Ability to access the creativity and the.

Rebecca Fleetwood Hession [00:16:20]:
Dreaming part of you. And so we need to implement some.

Rebecca Fleetwood Hession [00:16:24]:
Stillness and some nervous system regulation to.

Rebecca Fleetwood Hession [00:16:27]:
Get back into that state of dreaming. So this 1 may be, ooh, I.

Rebecca Fleetwood Hession [00:16:34]:
Need some more stillness in my life.

Rebecca Fleetwood Hession [00:16:35]:
So I can dream again. But hopefully you've already got some dreams written down somewhere in a journal or.

Rebecca Fleetwood Hession [00:16:41]:
On a vision board or something. So check in. How are those dreams going?

Rebecca Fleetwood Hession [00:16:46]:
And guess what?

Rebecca Fleetwood Hession [00:16:48]:
I also have a download about dreaming.

Rebecca Fleetwood Hession [00:16:51]:
Look, I've tried to prepare as many tools for you as I possibly can.

Rebecca Fleetwood Hession [00:16:55]:
And if you could, on my website.

Rebecca Fleetwood Hession [00:16:56]:
And just peruse around a bit of. You'll find a lot of good stuff for you there. So check in with your dreams.

Rebecca Fleetwood Hession [00:17:04]:
Go ahead and pause me. Now, the next one is related to.

Rebecca Fleetwood Hession [00:17:08]:
Your goals and your dreams. But what has come true since last month?

Rebecca Fleetwood Hession [00:17:14]:
What has gone really well? What has manifested in your life? What has God brought you and blessed you?

Rebecca Fleetwood Hession [00:17:20]:
Whether it's related to your dreams, your.

Rebecca Fleetwood Hession [00:17:22]:
Goals, your family, whatever it is.

Rebecca Fleetwood Hession [00:17:27]:
Okay, the next category of your personal reflection is what does your soul need?

Rebecca Fleetwood Hession [00:17:34]:
I call it soul food.

Rebecca Fleetwood Hession [00:17:37]:
Soul food is an activity that makes you feel more of you. And in this document I have some of the categories of soul food.

Rebecca Fleetwood Hession [00:17:52]:
I call it the soul food six pack.

Rebecca Fleetwood Hession [00:17:56]:
Rest, create nature, laugh, play and connect. And so what soul food activity do you need right now in your life? Do you need rest? Do you need to go put your feet in the grass? Do you need to go play, do something that just is fun for you? Connect with a friend or any.

Rebecca Fleetwood Hession [00:18:26]:
Just someone that's on your mind. Maybe watch a comedy and just laugh. Whatever it is, you know, what it is for you. So pause this for a minute and just ask yourself, what soul food do.

Rebecca Fleetwood Hession [00:18:40]:
I need right now? Okay, next one is a little different category.

Rebecca Fleetwood Hession [00:18:48]:
What are you going to stop doing?

Rebecca Fleetwood Hession [00:18:51]:
Because we just always pile on and add more and more and more and more.

Rebecca Fleetwood Hession [00:18:56]:
You only have so much capacity in your life. So what could you stop doing that.

Rebecca Fleetwood Hession [00:19:01]:
Would free you up to do some of the other things that you do in your life better?

Rebecca Fleetwood Hession [00:19:07]:
And it could be something that's actually.

Rebecca Fleetwood Hession [00:19:09]:
Tangible, or it could be I'm going.

Rebecca Fleetwood Hession [00:19:12]:
To stop thinking about something or worrying about something.

Rebecca Fleetwood Hession [00:19:16]:
What can you pause or stop to make more room for goals or relationships or soul food or whatever it is that you need. Okay.

Rebecca Fleetwood Hession [00:19:30]:
Now I want you to, if you.

Rebecca Fleetwood Hession [00:19:33]:
Can, if you're not driving or running on a treadmill or doing something dangerous, I want you to close your eyes.

Rebecca Fleetwood Hession [00:19:41]:
And I want you to picture the faces of each of your family, close friends, who they are as the beautiful.

Rebecca Fleetwood Hession [00:19:50]:
Humans that they are. I want you to think about their.

Rebecca Fleetwood Hession [00:19:54]:
Lives, their dreams, their families, just in.

Rebecca Fleetwood Hession [00:19:59]:
Your mind for a moment. Connect with them as the beautiful human.

Rebecca Fleetwood Hession [00:20:05]:
That you see them as and as you do that. Who comes to the top of your mind? Who do you need to check in with? Who do you need to give some.

Rebecca Fleetwood Hession [00:20:16]:
Praise, gratitude, prayers, encouragement?

Rebecca Fleetwood Hession [00:20:24]:
Okay. If you choose to go and download.

Rebecca Fleetwood Hession [00:20:26]:
This PDF of the monthly clarity day, there are a plethora of other reflection questions related to you, your team, and your organization, and a recommendation that you have a journal dedicated to your monthly clarity day, where you could write down.

Rebecca Fleetwood Hession [00:20:46]:
Just a handful of actions that come.

Rebecca Fleetwood Hession [00:20:49]:
Of this reflection time. And if you dedicate the journal to.

Rebecca Fleetwood Hession [00:20:53]:
Just the monthly clarity day, you'll be able to see the progress that you make on those handful of items by spending this important time in reflection. And it's so energizing and inspiring for.

Rebecca Fleetwood Hession [00:21:10]:
Me to go back and see that taking a day each month is progressing.

Rebecca Fleetwood Hession [00:21:15]:
My life and my goals more than.

Rebecca Fleetwood Hession [00:21:17]:
The frenetic activity in the day to day. So I know it's a big shift.

Rebecca Fleetwood Hession [00:21:22]:
In how you typically do things and.

Rebecca Fleetwood Hession [00:21:24]:
How you see things, but I can promise you that the return on that time is significant.

Rebecca Fleetwood Hession [00:21:33]:
All right, well, I am so glad.

Rebecca Fleetwood Hession [00:21:35]:
That you've spent some time in reflection today. And if you just didn't, if you.

Rebecca Fleetwood Hession [00:21:41]:
Didn'T pause, if you didn't reflect this time through, good news is you can go back and grab this episode anytime.

Rebecca Fleetwood Hession [00:21:48]:
That you want when it's a more opportune time with your journal on your back porch or on your patio and spend some time reflection. All right, love you minute. Make it a great day.

Rebecca Fleetwood Hession [00:22:08]:
Thanks for listening to this episode.

Rebecca Fleetwood Hession [00:22:10]:
I would love it if you would.

Rebecca Fleetwood Hession [00:22:11]:
Go to Apple podcast and leave a rating and a review. And then you can go to dot and join the Badass Women's Council. And if you really want to take a deeper dive, join the movement of a thousand thriving women. There's amazing thrive tools there for you today.

Rebecca Fleetwood Hession [00:22:27]:
I'm not coming down.

Rebecca Fleetwood Hession [00:22:32]:
Hey y'all, fun fact, if you like the music for the podcast, that is actually my son, Cameron Hession, and I would love it if you would go to Spotify and itunes and follow him and download some of his other music. My personal favorite is tv land.