Wake Up Classy 97 The Podcast

Wake Up Classy 97 with Josh & Chantel from Wednesday, September 11th, 2024 / Campbells will always be Campbell's soup, what’s it like to order room service, Luna the wonder jack russell is afraid of thunder, Josh is killing it as a parent, Chantel makes a wicked good sandwich, confronting confrontation, we had a really late dinner, a step by step guide to making taking a stranger’s photo even more awkward, what’s your emergency prep plan, a dad gets a rad tattoo, and Chantel holds a pregnancy brain grudge. 

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Wake up with Josh & Chantel every weekday from 6a-10a on Classy 97! Missed the show or want to revisit your favorite moments from the show, enjoy Wake Up Classy 97 - The Podcast!

Episode title: Wake Up Classy 97 with Josh and Chantel - Wednesday, September 11th, 2024

Episode summary introduction:

Campbells will always be Campbell's soup, what’s it like to order room service, Luna the wonder jack russell is afraid of thunder, Josh is killing it as a parent, Chantel makes a wicked good sandwich, confronting confrontation, we had a really late dinner, a step by step guide to making taking a stranger’s photo even more awkward, what’s your emergency prep plan, a dad gets a rad tattoo, and Chantel holds a pregnancy brain grudge.

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Full show transcript:

It's Josh and Chantel, and this is wake up classy 97, the podcast, a replay of today's full show. It's Wednesday, September 11th. On today's show, Campbell's will always be Campbell Soup. What's it like to order room service? Luna, the wonder Jack Russell is afraid of thunder.

Josh is killing it as a parent. I make a wicked good sandwich, confronting confrontation. We had a really late dinner, a step by step guide to making taking a stranger's photo even more awkward. What's your emergency prep plan? A dad gets a red tattoo, and I hold a pregnancy brain grudge.

Thanks for listening. You can hear the show live weekday mornings from 6 to 10. It's wake up classy 97, the podcast. Enjoy today's show. You gotta gotta be quiet.

Why? It's national quiet day. Great. Let's go be quiet back in bed. Shh.

It's national make your bed day. I know. I wanna throw back those covers and crawl right back in. Quiet. No.

You're being too loud. It's hot cross bun day. You can't have hot cross bun day and quiet day. You know why? Because there's a lot of kids with a lot of recorders.

Playing hot cross buns. Hot cross buns. I see. Dang it. We used to have recorders in here.

Do we still have those, or did I take those home? Oh, they're not in here. Dang it. No. Not dang it.

It's quiet day, not recorder day. It's hot cross buns day. Josh? It is also no news is good news day. It is national sup day.

Sup? Stand up paddle board. Sup? Let's see. What else is going on?

It is Patriot Day, and it is September 11th Yes. National Day of Service. It is, it's a big day. Yeah. It is.

I do like that, in a positive light, we've taken something that is clearly not positive and said, today is a national day of service, a day to serve other people, a day to serve your community, a day to, participate in different activities, events, and ceremonies, all in remembrance. And I think that's very good. I like that that that's, that's a thing. And that was declared by, president then president George w Bush in 2002. So, really great.

National Day of Service today as well as Patriot Day, here on September 11th. There you go. It is Wednesday. I'm Josh Tielor. You're Chantel Tielor.

You're yawning because you're tired. Good morning. Yeah. Good morning. That's the right thing to say.

It is. It's an end of an era. Which era? Oh, the Campbell Soup era. I didn't know I was in my Campbell Soup era.

It's just barely getting to be weather. No. No. I can't enter my my Campbell Soup era. Campbell Soup era is that it's been called Campbell Soup your entire life.

Right? I mean, yeah, it's been Campbell's something something soup. No longer. They're gonna drop chicken noodle Campbell's, tomato Campbell's. They're dropping soup.

They're not dropping making soup. They're just dropping soup from their name. Now they're just gonna be calling themselves the Campbell's company because, quote, we're so much more than soup. Oh. You're shook.

I can tell. I'm trying to think. Hold on. Let me check my my memory bank real quick. Okay.

Nope. I've only bought soup from the Campbell's company. That's I think you're gonna be surprised what else Campbell's makes. Okay. Hold on.

I'm gonna be surprised what they make or what other brands they own. Because I feel like similar to Kellogg, who owns many, many different brands, I think that's where we're headed. Okay. Yeah. Can you guess what else they may they own and make?

Soup mixes? No. I mean, probably. But they make Pepperidge Farm, please. Totally different brand.

So that's what that's what I'm saying. Pace salsa. Yeah. They make New York City. Prego sauce.

They make Snyder's pretzels. They make kiddo kettle potato chips. I'm not finished. No. I know.

Also make Goldfish. Okay. What? Let me, let me tell you. Campbell's company needs to stay in their lane, and it's soup.

No. Yeah. They have more than just soup? No. They they don't.

Much more than soup. The parent company is more than soup. Campbell's is only soup. When was the last time you ate Campbell's soup? I'm trying to think.

I think I tried some. I think we had some in the cupboard Yeah. Because it's just one of those things you always have in the cupboard. And it was chicken noodle, and you were sick. Yeah.

And I Probably a month or a half. I think you maybe it was post surgery Oh, yeah. Maybe. That you made it, and I was like, no. I don't want this.

I I think that's when it was. And I vaguely maybe that's when I said, can I have chicken? And then you you got me chicken nuggets instead. Yeah. Is does that sound right?

I don't know. The point is you hated the soup. Yeah. I didn't care for it. So it's a good thing they're more than soup because I don't necessarily think they can just make it on their soup alone.

Campbell's is not more than soup. It's not Campbell's Goldfish. They're just Goldfish. What's the brand of Goldfish, though? Goldfish.

That's the brand. Smiles bad. Goldfish. Yeah. That's the brand and the product?

Correct. Goldfish Goldfish? Right. What was the pretzel one? What brand?

Snyder's. Snyder's pretzels. Right? Not Campbell's pretzels. No.

I see what I'm saying. I get what you're saying. Campbell's is just soup. Yes. They're not more than soup.

Company. The Campbell's company is owning too many products. Has an umbrella of products. Like Kellogg, like Nabisco, like etcetera etcetera etcetera. Etcetera etcetera etcetera.

So it's still Campbell Soup. Okay. Then you're still gonna call it that? I will never not call it Campbell Soup. Oh.

No matter what they tell me. You're so The label is still gonna say Campbell Soup. I don't think the label does say Campbell's Soup right now. Look it up. You look it up.

I'm pretty sure it does. I wanna look it up. Campbell's Soup. Looking at the can. And what does it say?

What's the verdict? It says, Campbell's Soup. Condensed. Milk. It says condensed Campbell's, the little seal, whatever the brand like, whatever the flavor, vegetable soup at the bottom.

So condensed soup Condensed is the what it is. Campbell's Condensed Soup. Gross. Condensed soup sounds gross. Soup from concentrate would be grosser.

Yeah. You're right. Imagine that. It's so gross. It comes out in that thing.

You just add water. Well, that's, you know, if you have, like, the cream of mushroom when it comes out of that can, it's gelatinous, and it's got the can rings around it, and it's just one cylindrical I like when refried beans do that. I don't like when anything does that. Really holds the shape. Makes you think of cranberry sauce at Thanksgiving, doesn't it?

Nope. Happy holidays. Have you ever ordered room service? I have never ordered room service. I haven't either.

I've gone to hotel hotels where they have room service, and all I ever see is trays in the hall. And I kinda get grossed out by that. I get grossed out by that too. But that's not to say that I haven't wanted to order room service. I just haven't ever done it.

1, because I just don't know how it's done. 2, because it feels like special. It's probably because it seems fancy and expensive. Yeah. But, also, why do we we have to put the trays in the hall?

I don't. I don't know. It makes no sense. They Because because the maid service is gonna come clean the room. Yeah.

Do you know what I'm saying? Yeah. Yeah. Well but maybe if you order room service on the night that you're staying there Okay. That's fine.

You don't want the dirty dishes in there all night. So they put the trays in the hall because in the morning I don't like checking into a hotel and walking past people's dirty plates. Yeah. There's got to be a better way. There should be.

Like a like a laundry chute, but for dishes. No. Or dishes chute. Or like a when you're done, you call the the front desk and say I'm done. I'm I'm all set here, and then and they go, okay.

We'll send somebody up. Or maybe just walk your dirty dishes to the front desk and say, I'm finished. Thank you so much. Yeah. Or something.

So there has to be a better way. There's gotta be another way. It there's gotta be something where I don't walk past your half eaten bagel and a and a paper Well, there's usually a thing over the top of an empty cup of orange juice. It's weird. I don't like it.

Hotel.com released their most unusual room service request. Okay. So can you just order anything? I feel like according to this list, yes. And what's the difference between me ordering, like, a DoorDash versus ordering room service?

Yeah. I don't know. I order a pizza. They deliver it. I go get it.

I got pizza in the room. Yeah. Room service. Yeah. Fair.

Some of these, room service requests, I'm like, what? Did you fulfill this request? Right. Fresh goat milk. Uh-huh.

A caviar hot dog. What is that? A hot cat a hot dog made of caviarized. Or is it caviar on a hot dog? Oh, gross.

Probably that. That that makes more sense. Hotdog made of caviar? So somebody's gotta sit there and mold it? What are you talking about?

It's a good thing I don't work in room service. If someone calls and orders a caviar hot dog, I want you down there scooping it out of the little jar and trying to make it cylindrical and look like a hot dog in a bun. And then to take it up there and go, here is your caviar hot dog, sir. And he goes, what is this? I just wanted some caviar on top of a hotdog, you strange woman.

Alright. Here's some other things that people have ordered. Burnt toast, £4 of bananas, and Evian What do they think? They're a band showing up? Like, this is this is, like, writer stuff.

Right. Right. It is. Like, for artists that are, like, only green M and M's. Right.

An Evian field bath tub so their child can bathe in the purest water. They think Evian is the purest water? Do you know what Evian spelled backwards is? No. Spell Evian backwards.

Na nay v. Naive. Naive. Naive. Naive.

Sound it out. You got it. Naive. And then a high five from a team member team member just to ensure that their room request had been made. Right.

That's why the, whoever the band was that put the, like, no brown M and M's thing Mhmm. That was just to make sure that the writer was being read full. Being read. Now I wanna order some room service and see what we can get. I don't want I don't want the caviar hot dog.

I'll tell you that much. You can have that. If they don't have that stuff in the hotel? That's what I'm saying. Then they say Can you just order whatever you want?

Have that. Yeah. Fresh goat milk? Sorry. Fresh out.

We'll go talk to Lucy in the back and Also, how much wild. How many bottles of Evian water do you think fills a bathtub? As many gallons as a bathtub is? That would It's a child. Yeah.

But still So you wouldn't mind a child? 5 foot 7. That's a big child. That's an adult sized child. I don't know, Josh.

I don't know. What are you looking up? What are you googling? Standard bathtub holds around 80 gallons. K.

How many bottles of water? Well, are you using 1 liter bottles? Because you're gonna need 302 of them. It doesn't matter. It's 301 liter bottles Are you kidding?

To fill a bathtub. That's insane. Yeah. Don't do that. No.

That's wasteful. But it's the finest. The purest. This is a very nice, good news story about a 94 year old woman who got on an airplane. She was having a hard time finding her seat.

Oh. She appeared confused, had some difficulty navigating the narrow aisle to get toward the back of the plane where her seat was. The flight attendant noticed that she was struggling, was just about to help, this woman out when a man seated in 1st class caught her attention and with a smile asked the flight attendant, can you please get her and put her in my seat, and I will take hers? No. And I just think that is the greatest thing.

The flight attendant was emotionally moved. She also noticed how this thought flag changed the attitude of everyone else on the flight because kindness is a little contagious. Kindness begets kindness, doesn't it? It is, it is fantastic when it when it works right like that. It's so great.

Yeah. The flight attendant guided the woman to the front of the plane. She was moved to here saying never in my 94 years has someone done something like that for me, which is pretty amazing. It's a simple act. I mean, look.

The guy obviously paid more money for his seat. Right. Didn't, you know, buy a coach seat or an economy seat, whatever you wanna call it. And, and so it was a a small, I'm sure, sacrifice for him to be able to sit somewhere less comfortable and whatever. But what a great thing for her.

And who knows where she's flying to or, you know, what her her whole story is, but I just think that's so nice. I like her. I'm gonna try this tactic next time. I'm not 94, but if I walk I'm blah. Yeah.

Yeah. I don't I don't know where to go. How though a must see it is. I've never flown in 1st class before. Right.

Right. Right. The simple act of kindness not only was a boost to the woman, but was also a reminder that even the smallest acts of kindness can have a profound impact on everyone who sees it. It's great. That's great.

Yeah. Good for that dude. That's good news to get you going. It was very, very frightening. What?

There's our dog. There's thunder. There's lightning. There's rain. There's a dog barking.

It's a whole thing. It is a whole thing. We have a very scaredy cat dog. Yeah. So I've been trying to look at research this morning.

Now what can you do for noise and storm phobias and anxiety in dogs? Because, me just telling her, like, to go back to bed didn't work. No. And then she, like, was like, no. No.

I'm I'm gonna be in the bedroom with you is what's gonna happen because this I'm not going out into the living room where my channel is because that's not happening. Too scary. Yeah. I guess so. She stood outside the door I know.

For 10 minutes last night whining and barking, and you just kept telling her to go to bed. And I said, listen. That's not working. You're gonna have to try a different method. Yeah.

Bring her into the bedroom. And she, yeah, sure enough, was like, yep. This is where I need to be. Thanks. It took her a long time to settle down.

I know she laid at the bottom of the bed and kinda looked out the window like Well, she saw the flashing light and didn't know what was going on. And she kept looking at us like, what? Are you guys gonna do something about this? What? What?

You gotta make this stop. I'm never gonna get any sleep. I did take her out this morning. It was raining pretty heavily this morning. She needed to go outside.

I took her out this morning, and she gets tied up on a leash so that she doesn't run away because she's a flight risk. And I tied her up, and then I went back inside to finish doing some stuff. And I kinda forgot about her. I didn't forget about her, but, you know, she's out there longer than she probably wanted to be. I mean, you're talking 3 minutes.

And I hear, like, whining, and I'm like, oh, I gotta go get the dog. And she had finagled her way into the garage. Her leash was so tight. Maximum of her yeah. She's just standing there like lead.

Hey. Hey. You've it's raining. It's still scary. Yeah.

Well, here's what it says. It says depending on, the presentation, treatment of storm phobia, some solutions. Bring the dog indoors during the storm. Not an issue. No.

She was inside. Yes. She was inside. Provide background noise. And now I said that this morning did.

Whether that's, you know, leaving on the radio, some white noise, TV, whatever, the show. We were heading out the door. Oh, the show. That was kinda my thought was what if we just leave on wake up classy 97 for the dog? Maybe she would hear the voices and be soothed.

We're calming. We're such a calming influence on your pets. Right. It's Listen to Josh and Chantel. We're just calming and Yeah.

Relaxing, some as a ASMR. Sure. Just just relax. It also says you should offer a safe place like a bathtub We're a safe place. Or a laundry basket or an open closet somewhere.

Basket. That's what it says. She's not gonna stay in a laundry basket. If it was over the top of her? No.

We're not gonna do that. No. I don't know what this it's probably a smaller dog. Like, she's only £15, but, and she has a kennel, which she's that's her space. She's protective of her little space.

Yes. She should be fine in there, but she's not. She's no. She's too afraid. And then it says, if possible, have an owner present.

Oh, whoops. So, yeah, I don't know. Then they talk about some therapeutic products. Like, there's capes and wraps, that like an anxiety wrap, or there is something called ThunderShirt, which is, it's basically like her harness, but but might provide her, like, a hug. Do you oh, if we get her a ThunderShirt, and then we call her kennel the ThunderDome Yes.

Can we put her ThunderShirt on while she's in the ThunderDome? Yes. One dog, enter. Yeah. One dog, stay.

Stay. They also, Josh, that was funny. It was funny. They also laugh. It's I haven't finished Mad Max.

So one day, I'll get that joke. And then, they also offer, calming bites, which we got some of those for the fireworks. I forgot about those. I did too. Oh, well, do you even know where those are?

Yep. In the treat basket. Crud. Yeah. So maybe next time.

That mighta helped. Too late now. I've been kind of an absent parent lately. Why? What are you talking about?

I just feel like I I have 2 jobs, and it's a lot sometimes. And sometimes when I get home from those 2 jobs, I kinda just don't wanna Play a lingo haircut. Well, I just need to like, I just wanna zone out a lot of the time. And so, I wanna thank you for picking up some of the slack. You've been doing a lot of the laundry, and I appreciate that.

And even last night, we were talking to Emery, and you said, oh, hey, Emery. We got an email from your teacher, and she wanted us to check-in on you about this report that you're working on. And I went, yeah. I saw I saw that email from the teacher. I didn't read it because I didn't have time.

So I Or weren't interested. No. I was. No. I get it.

I've usually been that parent that's been on top of things and present and reading the teacher's emails, and I've just why there's 2 of us. Come on now. So busy. So I appreciate that you're picking up the Slack that I'm leaving behind. It's it's not Slack.

It's totally good. And I'm trying to find the email. There it is. It just specifically was a notification that there's a test at the end of the week and that they don't let you turn in any Like unit work Ah. After the test on that unit.

Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. So I just was reminding her, and I know she's on top of stuff. She is.

But I just wanted to make sure she didn't need help with anything. And that's what I asked her last night was just, hey. I know you're usually really good. Are you good? Just checking in.

And she was like, yeah. Yeah. I'm good. I went okay. Well, then you've been picking her up.

And so you you 2 have conversations even before I see the 2 of you at the end of the day. So I'll check-in with her, and I'll remind her about things that I've seen about school or activities that she's involved in. And she gets mad at me and says, I know. Dad already told me. Well Alright.

I didn't know. Jeez Louise. Jeez Louise. It's all good. You're not slacking.

Don't feel like you're slacking up. You're busy. Nah. It's not slacking. Thanks for doing my laundry.

That's nice. I did our son's laundry too. You did? I finished his. Yeah.

And then I sent him a text and said, all the clothes on your bed are clean. Oh, no. They're gonna I bet he went to bed with those clothes to let him check. Oh, for sure. I don't know.

We'll have to see. That's slacking. Not putting away your laundry after somebody washes and dries it for you. That's slacking. You're not slacking.

You're just busy. It's fine. It'll be all good. I hate hate hate hate hate confrontation, and I know a lot of people do too. How much do you like confrontation?

I hate it so much. What's your favorite part of confrontation? I don't I don't like it. It makes me so nervous. Do you like when somebody walks up to you and they're, like, already a little heated?

No. No. No. And then they're like, hey, listen. I gotta talk to you.

And I go, I don't. Don't you wanna talk to somebody else? I hate it so much. In fact, there was a confrontation that I was not directly a part of. This was years years years ago.

I was not directly a part of this. And, there the 2 people it was there were 3 people there, me and 2 other women. And the 2 women got into the argument, and I just quietly slipped away because I hate it so much. It makes me so sick. Bystander of confrontation makes you All of it.

All of it. All of it. All of it. But yet, you'll watch football, and you'll watch MMA fights. And That's different.

That's different. That's different. That's confrontation. No. That's different.

That's competition. That's not necessarily confrontation. Okay. So last night, my other job, I part of my job was to put out a fire if the case needed to be Right. Put out.

If there's a problem, go see Chantel. Yeah. And I went, who? Yeah. I don't Solve the problem.

This. Well, the you wanna know the cool news? What is the cool news? Got to solve some problems. Solve the problem.

And then, yeah, my boss said, I gotta go I gotta step away. She was handling the confrontation solving, and then she said, I gotta step away. You're gonna need to do this. And I went, I don't want to. I don't want to.

I don't want to. Did fine. Every time, we didn't know so there I work at a ticketing company. I work at a place where people have to try to be as vague as possible. You're fine.

People have to use tickets to get in, and there were some scam tickets that were sold. Correct. And so we had to monitor to see, like, if tickets were gonna scan. And And so if somebody had a scam ticket, they had to go see come talk to us. You had to inform them that they got scammed.

I'm sorry. You don't actually have tickets here. Right. And you never know how people are gonna respond. But I was watching the scanners scan these tickets in, and I would hold my breath every time they got scanned.

And when it, like, went green, like, okay. That's not a scam ticket. I went You'd exhale. I saw it. And then and then there was a scanner, the my coworker who pointed at me and said, oh, you're gonna need to go talk to Chantel.

And I went Right. No. Yeah. And you did. And I did.

And those people were lovely, and they were kind, and they were fine. Because it's not your fault. I get it. But people who often get upset are not necessarily upset with me, but because I'm the person there, I'm the messenger that's telling them bad news Yeah. They take it out on that person.

But, again, you weren't the source of confrontation. You were the messenger of bad news. Yeah. That's that's not like you aren't like, nope. You'd you have to leave.

You just straight up said, unfortunately, you've got you got dupes. In Missouri. Yeah. I'm sorry. And there's You spent your money on not actual ticket.

Hey. And let me just say this. If you are buying tickets, go directly to Oh. Whatever venue you're going to see that artist. Yeah.

No matter where it is. No matter where it is. Go directly to directly to the venue. Don't just Google the tickets and buy them from wherever comes up in search results. Exactly.

Go to the actual venue website and get the link from them. Yep. Always. Always. Always.

And, also, be nice to the messenger. Yeah. True. Yeah. You're not the, cause of confrontation.

Just the bearer of bad news. The people that I did say sorry, they were like, oh, well, you are you're nice about it, so we appreciate that. Thank you for you have a nice smile about telling us the bad news. So here you are commending me on a job well done when it comes to a teacher email, but I'm not the one waking up early to make lunch. And you have been doing this for now a couple of weeks.

No. Just one. Just one. A couple a couple of weeks. Yeah.

You're right. So for a couple of weeks, you've been making lunch for our daughter. It's just a sandwich. It's you're making her lunch. She's making her own lunch.

I know you she's packing it, but you're just making the sandwich because if you make it the night before and then it sits there for 8 hours and then all the school day till lunch, that's not gonna be a great sandwich. Be a great sandwich. So You've been doing that in the morning. And then when I used to make her lunch when she was in elementary school, I would write her a little note, and then I included a cheesy little joke in there. Today's joke is so good.

So I've added the jokes again to this high school lunch. Today's, yeah, today's joke is good. What was it? Why are people afraid of trees? Because they're shady.

They're shady. Such a good joke. Yesterday's joke was what was yesterday's joke? Know if I know. Oh, what kind of shoes do chickens wear?

Yeah. Except, she told me the joke. She said today's joke when when I picked her from school, she said today's joke was really bad one. And I said, what was it? And she said, what shoes do chickens wear?

And then, she said, Birkenstock bock bock box. No. That's not I know. And then she got home and reread it and went, I messed up. It was Reebok bock bock box.

And, and I said, yeah. It's that's a good one. And she was like, no. It's not that good. So I'm sure today's joke, she's gonna be just as displeased with.

It's What kind of shoes do chickens wear? Reebok, bok, bok, bok, bok, bok, bok. Yeah. No. I can't.

Listen. But she also sent me a text yesterday and said, dude, that sandwich was fire. Okay. Thank you. So what okay.

So so you've been you were doing PB and J. Mhmm. And then what was yesterday's sandwich? Was ham and cheese. Okay.

I know. And so she was really digging it. And then last night, before she goes to bed, I said, what kind of sandwich do you want? I go, peanut butter and jelly, ham and cheese, turkey, tuna fish. And she said, tuna fish?

Ugh. No. Oh, it'd be great. But she did ask if we had any tomatoes because she goes, that would make it even better. I see.

She told me that joke was bad yesterday. Yeah. Sandwich was fired. Joke was bad. Yeah.

That's the text message. She didn't like the joke. Rude. Because she didn't even read it right. Well, no.

No. She read it right. She just told me the joke wrong because she got stuck on Birkenstock bock box, which isn't even the bock box. Those are in the rebox. That's fine.

I make a pretty fire sandwich. That's what I've heard. Haven't tried one. Must be nice. Would you want me to make you a lunch?

No. Pack a lunch for me, would you? You want me to Every day. The boots when you come home too? Now we're talking.

We ate late dinner last night because we got home very late, and we were all tired and hungry. And you said, what can I make for dinner? And I said, I'm just gonna take a shower. I I'm just gonna go to bed hungry. That's what you said.

And I said, yeah. Right. And then you're gonna feel sick because you didn't eat. And you already were telling me not 30 minutes prior to me saying, what do you wanna eat? That you were starving.

It was 10:30, though. Yeah. I understand. We had a late night. We had stuff to do.

Eat past 6. What? That's what they say. Who are they? And I've never heard don't eat past 6.

They really say Listen. What? The only people that shouldn't do that are people that are doing intermittent fasting. That's their own just like, that's their own decision. That's their own schedule.

No one's ever said, Chantel, you shouldn't eat after 6:30. You'll turn into a gremlin. I really was gonna just go to bed hungry, and then you Then I said I'm not pulled out some leftovers that he had. Making food. And I went, oh, yeah.

I'll have some of that. And then Emery was like, yeah. I want some mashed potatoes. And I was like Yeah. Yeah.

I'll have some of that too. I know. We we just had, like, a little buffet. We had a little smorgasbord. Corn, and there was mashed potatoes, grilled chicken, and there was leftover stuff from our date night at 18.

So we had the potato wedges, and it was good. It was awesome. Great. It's awesome. I'm looking at the clock on 11 o'clock, and I'm eating all this crap.

Cool. Yeah. Cool. Cool. Cool.

Did you sleep well aside from the dog? I think you probably slept better with a belly. That's what I'm saying. You slept better with a full belly. Next best thing would have been, you know, some sort of warm bath.

Nobody ever gives me a warm bath. You're an adult woman. You can give yourself a warm bath anytime you want. Have a warm bath. And I do.

Yeah. Go wild. I'm the craziest. Yeah. Dinner at 11 and a warm bath following.

And then just slumber all night. Sleep. Yeah. And I just hear that noise. I don't snore.

I don't do that. I'm gonna record it and bring it to the show. I'm a lady. Okay. I don't disagree, but you're a lady who snores.

We were walking out of the show that we went to last night, and we saw walking out of the show that we went to last night, and we saw a couple and they asked if we would take their picture. And it's always such a weird thing to ask strangers to take your picture. I think it's only weird because you have to then hand over your phone to somebody, and that's the strange part where you're like, here, hold my personal device and take pictures. Personal device. Yeah.

Right. It has my passwords. It's Yeah. Everything on it. And you and I think depending on where you were, you may or may not trust people.

Now you and I, trustworthy people, we're gonna hand you your phone back. But I think if you're in, you know, different country or even a bigger city or something, you might be a little hesitant to be like, hey. Will you take a picture? Yeah. I missed It it just always feels awkward to ask.

And you kinda do a scan like, how can I ask? Who can I not them? Maybe no. Not them. Well, we just happened to be standing there having a conversation, and they they waited patiently because they were standing there as well.

And you were talking to somebody else, and then, right then, she was like, oh, hey. Would you mind taking a picture for us? And so it was yeah. It was no big deal. You got a little bit, into it, though.

You were kinda taking portraits and landscapes, and you were down on one knee trying to get the angles. I was not down on one knee. Bench trying to get up high, and you're like, okay. No. Make it look good because they're not gonna ask again.

Yeah. They're not gonna ask another stranger. Do you know what I mean? So you wanna make sure that you take their picture appropriately. Usually, it works out.

It's nice if you also want somebody to take your picture. Mhmm. Oh, yeah. We'll trade. Right.

Right. So when Emery and my mom and I went to Hamilton last weekend, They had a photo set up so that you could stand in front of the backdrop and take a photo. And I was like, okay. Are we just gonna take a selfie? And luckily, the people in front of us were like, hey.

Will you take our picture and then I'll take yours? And I was like, yes. Thank you for asking because I'm too chicken to ask. Because of your, version of confrontation. Well, that's not even a confrontation.

Oh, but it's you're get so you're gonna have to talk to somebody. I know. What if they say no? I can't be rejected. No.

I could then be told no and then ask someone else. When have you ever asked somebody to take your picture and they've said no? That'd be an interesting thing, wouldn't it? Can you take my picture? No.

No. No. Thanks. I don't believe in photography. It also would be would be like, look.

I'm gonna use my phone, and I'll just text you the pictures. Ew. Ew. What's your number? That's so gross.

Yeah. I'll take your picture, and you can whip out your phone. Right. Here you go. Or you you got a disposable camera?

I'll call you when it gets developed. Or you just take their picture and keep walking. Hey. Can you take my picture? Sure.

Yep. Click. Click. See you. Have a good night.

It's That's a good one. I like that. We can make it super, super weird Super awkward. Or have a a couple of stools and be like, alright. Now chin up, turn, feet together.

Alright. So look this way. Yeah. You look the other way. Right.

Look off into the distance now. Alright. Perfect. That that like, we can make it really weird. And then people would never ask to do it.

I don't mind doing it. I don't mind they ask, but I like I think it's hilarious to make it awkward and weird. You can costumes, a trunk of costumes. You'd be like, yeah. What do you wanna wear?

We just truck around? Yeah. Like, why did I ask? Anybody want their picture taken? Anyone?

Anyone? Yeah. Yeah. Selfies. They did ask.

The people last night asked, hey, can you take our picture? And I said, no. And then I said, yeah, I will. But you should've stuck with no. That would have been fun.

No. No. No. No. And just laugh.

Like, what a weird interaction. Would you mind? Yeah. Actually, I would. Yeah.

Mind a lot. So Quit asking me. Yeah. Good luck. September is national preparedness month.

Is it? It is. What are we prepared this month for? The government launched this 3 years after 911 to encourage everyone to be ready for any type of crisis. Okay.

Good. So they're asking people, not them, but somebody asked people, what are what is the first thing that you would grab in an emergency? That's a real interesting question because, again, it's gonna depend on the emergency. Is it like we have to evacuate our home? You just have to leave now.

You have to Right. Not necessarily a long term evacuation. You have to get out. You have to get out of the house now. You have 5 minutes to leave.

What are you grabbing? PS 5? No. Obviously okay. No.

Let me put it in some grout. People and pets aren't an option because, obviously, you're going to make sure they get out safely first. So things, items are what you're grabbing first. A PS 5. A PS 5.

No. I'm not grabbing the PS 5. Because then you'd have to grab the cords. You'd have to grab the I know. You'd have to grab the too much time.

Here's what we need. We need, a football, which is, the the one big document file. And we have We have that. Have an important file, but you know what I'm talking about, one of the the accordion style. And we don't have that much paperwork, but that's where we should have, things like, scanned all the photos, hard drive backup in there.

I don't have that. Our pictures are I know. That's but that's what I'm saying. Like, we need to be spending time getting that stuff. Maybe.

Maybe not. May is it that is that that important? Like, I understand they're irreplaceable because they're moments, and they're really important things. But I know that, like, when it comes down to, you and I are no longer on Earth, and, they've all this stuff is left behind. Like, the pictures, there's gonna be a ton that get thrown away.

We're just worried about it right now. What's the story? Why are we worrying about it? I well, you took a turn. No.

I'm telling you, like, when we talk about the like, we gotta we gotta evacuate. You go, I wanna grab the pictures. I wanna grab the files. I wanna grab the important things. Well, right.

But then I went that's a lot of pictures to grab. I've got a whole bin. First because that has everything I need. It's got all my contact information. Would already be with you.

Yeah. No. You have to grab that. Like, I'm grabbing that first. Then I'm grabbing my purse because that's got my money and my Social Security card, important stuff in my wallet.

Then I'm grabbing that file that's in my nightstand Right. That has The important parts. Certificates, our marriage license, all of that information that you're gonna need. Then if there's time, I'm gonna grab, like, any kind of medications. That's important.

Yeah. A first aid kit. Sure. Stuff like that. But, again, I don't know the emergency.

Like, why are we, like, are we are we evacuating because the the everything's gonna be a total loss? Are we evacuating because No. You just have no information. You say you have 5 minutes. Grab what you need.

I'm grabbing phone Yeah. Purse, important documents Football. Medications. Right. Those are my top 4.

Like, pictures? Sorry. You're gonna have to Well, that's what I was trying to do. Because that's too heavy. There's too many.

That that's the point I was making about photos. Some people would grab clothes. Yeah. I mean, it would be smart to have, like, a bag prepared. They call it a bug out bag.

Yeah. Right? It'd be it'd be smart to have something like that prepared with with extra clothes, some food, some water ready to go so that, you know, in the event that you had to pack up and leave right now, you are you just grab the bag. And you know you've got at least a couple of days' worth of supplies in there. Some people, Pat, said that they would pack their their jewelry, which could be a good trading bargain if necessary.

I guess. Yeah. If you're out of money and you're like, hey. I got these jewels. Yeah.

Look at all these jewels. Let's make a trade. Yeah. Like a pirate. I got all this blue.

Oh, shiny. Yeah. K. Here's the plan. If we have to if we have 5 minutes to grab something, I'll grab the top four things that I said.

You grab water, snacks, and some blankets. Because who knows? We might need some blankets. Who knows? Who knows?

That's the plan. Got it? I got it. You make sure the kids are out. I'll grab the 4 important things I need, and then you've got food, water, blankets.

That's your that's your job. I'm thinking that we'll be out of there in less than 5 minutes. I think I'm probably gonna have a couple minutes to spare. That's fine. I might be able to get the PS 5.

Get the car running. Heat it up. Heat it up. Alright. This is a really cool story, and I love this.

And I immediately teared up after I read it. So this the one you were reading this morning, and you were going, oh. There's, like, a couple. I read a couple because I'm crybaby, and nice things make me happy. Alright.

And, there's a dad in England, and he has a son who is who has autism and nonverbal. Okay. His son I don't know how old his son is, but his son is just learning how to spell, so he's slowly starting to learn how to be verbal. And his dad got the alphabet tattooed on his arm Oh, interesting. That his son can point to letters to spell out, and his dad can spell the things that he can't say.

That's cool. So his son will point, and his dad will spell as he's pointing the letters on his arm. That's fantastic. Amazing. I think that's really cool because that, that opens up a communication for the 2 of them, which I think is so great.

So it's just a square. He's got, like, a square on his arm, and it's got all 26 letters, and it's just on his forearm. Did he did he do it QWERTY? Did he do it like a keyboard? Uh-uh.

He just went in order. Yeah. He just did he does he has 13 and 13. Letters across and 5 letters down. Well, then he's missing 1.

Oh, I guess the last the last line is 6 letters across. So he squeezed in the z in there. Boy, I hope they never change the alphabet. Start adding new letters. He's like, oh, no.

Oh, no. Where am I gonna put that? Plus, what if he breaks up with the alphabet? Then he's got that tattoo forever. He's gonna have to have it covered up.

How embarrassing. And then people ask, why do you have that tattoo? And he's like, oh, it's for my son. Right. That's really It's for me really cool.

My son. Yeah. Am I? Love that story. That's really, really cool.

Well done. What's his name? Do we know? No. I don't I don't know anything other than that.

That's alright. That's a cool story. That's pretty cool. Right? Have you ever heard of pregnancy brain?

I've yeah. I have. It's Have you? Define it. I would define it as, not to any one particular person's fault.

For some reason, things fall through cracks or are forgotten or things get confused. Look. There's a lot going on inside a human body when, a child is being created and grown, and, and it takes a lot of resources. So it's not A lot of mental capacity. Yeah.

I mean, there's a lot going on. Mental capacity takes all of it. It's there's discomfort. There's there's plenty of reasons why a mother to be in pregnancy would be like, you know what? I'd space that.

I goofed. Yeah. And that's fine. Tarry. Yeah.

Do you remember any instances where I had pregnancy brain when I was pregnant? Uh-uh. Are you just saying that because you don't wanna get in trouble? No. No.

No. No. No. Really. No.

I don't. Okay. I was trying to think of something. You being called out for something, but that wasn't the case. Right.

I did. I've been on the side of where you were told that you had pregnancy brain and forgot something. Yeah. But I know that you didn't, and so I agree. Yeah.

Sort of made you cranky. That made me so mad. Rightfully cranky. And I went, yeah. I'm Because this person glad I didn't say it.

This person was in the wrong, and I said, no. That's not what happened. And she said, yeah. It is. And I said, no.

It isn't. And she said, oh, you just have pregnancy brain. Right. Because she didn't want to admit that she was wrong. Right.

And I stood on that for days. I know. Days. Let's let's be real. Years.

Yeah. I brought it up just now, and look what happened. So, yeah, I I can understand how that would be the case. I did not really see that in you, through through Or maybe you've just forgotten. Maybe.

Okay. There is a woman in Brooklyn. Her husband posted a video after his wife said, hey. I'm gonna order some groceries. Is there anything that you need?

And he said, nah. I think I'm good. She's like, deodorant? You got deodorant? He's like, yep.

I'm set. I'm good. So she proceeded to order her groceries and have them be delivered. She ordered them from a company called Fresh Direct. K.

Grocery showed up. There were 99 bunches of bananas. How did that have delivered. That's a bunch of bananas. Bunches.

Yeah. How did she end up with bunches of bananas? They're calling her her pregnancy brained, both husband and wife. Are they suggesting that she did that? Yeah.

They're saying, yeah. You you did that. You did 99 bunches of bananas. So then he thought that he would might be able to get rid of them and sell them. Nobody was taking the bait.

And so You think? He contacted the company, the grocery company, and luckily, they ended up taking them back that same night. But he was probably like, listen. I'm I'm impressed that the store had that many bananas to ship to 1 person. I know.

99 bunches. That's a bunch of bananas. And if you figure if you figure there's, like, 5, 6 bananas on each bunch. Sure. Do the math.

99 times 6. What is that? It's a lot of bananas. That's a bunch. It's it's a little less than 600.

Who decided to call it a bunch of bananas? Oh, look at this bunch of bananas. What else would you call it? 594. I said it's just about 600.

Oh, you did? Because if you had 6 if you had 6 bananas per bundle and you had a 100, 6 times a 100 is a lot easier You're right. Than trying to figure out your weird 99 math. That's why I said it's close to 600. You're right.

Pregnancy brain. No. I'm not pregnant. Yeah. I just I hope.

Thank goodness. There was a 20 year old in Alabama named Abby. Abby from Alabama? Yeah. Abby from Alabama.

Alright. What's up with Abby? Abby got pulled over. She was speeding. Oh, no.

Abby. She got pulled over by a state trooper named JT. JT pulled her over, and she started crying and said that she was struggling financially and couldn't afford a ticket. Yeah. So he spent a few do the crime.

Don't do the time they or the other way around. There you go. If you can't do the time, don't do the yeah. You know what I'm saying. I I totally just screwed that up.

You got it. You got it, dear. Good job. You're you're good. You're good at stuff.

Thanks. I talk good. The state trooper, JT, spent 15 minutes talking to Abby about different career paths she could take. Okay. Turns out that she didn't necessarily have any supportive adult in her life that helped her after she graduated high school.

She didn't know that there were options and student loans that you could take and different financial situations that you can do to help you get to college. And so JT was like, listen. Like, let's figure out what's gonna be a good fit for you. Turns out that she was like, well Race car driver. She's gonna be a race car driver.

No. Wanna take another guess? She's gonna be a Nurse. Oh, a nurse? It's got nothing to do with speeding.

Oh, okay. Well, that's cool. So he said, alright. Listen. I'm gonna give you a warning.

Don't speed again. That's right. Attention to your speeding, wear your seat belt, and, also, promise me you'll go to nursing school, and I won't give you a ticket. And, also, again, slow down. Alright.

So when does nurse Abby start her schooling? Graduates she graduated last month No way. And said that she loves her job. She is now working as a surgical technician at the University of Alabama. Cool.

And, she invited JT Yeah. To her graduation because she wanted him to know what a huge impact he made on her life. Awesome. And he said, great. Now pay me your ticket.

Yeah. Yeah. Now. Now. Now that you have a job.

Now. There's gotta be a statute of limitations on that. Yeah. Owe me something, Abby. I think she made good on it.

I know. I Good for her. Know. There's some nice news. Alabama Abby.

Alabama Abby? Alabama? Yeah. Yeah. We're killing it today, you and I.

We talked. Good. Good. Hold up. I gotta find the story.

What is it about? Sometimes, when it's time for us to talk, I Well, I I think this is the story that you were telling me about, college kids Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Who have partnered with a nursing home.

This has happened in Holland. Okay. I thought this was somewhere in America, but that's No. That's great. In Holland, and this has been going on for 12 years.

No kidding. There's college students, and this nursing home provides free rent to these college students in exchange for them giving 30 hours of their time each month in assisting these elderly patients, keeping them company, making dinners for them, eating dinner with them. This program has also helped students feel like they have a support system. So, like, these people that they're living with the are living in the nursing home are, like, helping them with their homework or helping them study and just providing, like Life experience. Experience and wisdom.

And many of the students and elderly have become lifelong friends, and the students have, like, surpassed the 30 hour requirement monthly that's required of them. I mean, 30 hours a month is an hour a day, give or take. Right? Like, it's not a big ask for you to spend an hour a day helping the community that you live Yeah. Right in the same building with.

Free housing. Yeah. And you get wisdom and friendship and meals, warm meals. Is an awesome deal. And Like, really good deal.

The the workers there, the employees there say it isn't uncommon for for them to hear I love you in the halls between the students and these elderly That's awesome. Patients, which I think is so amazing. Residents or whatever. Yeah. Yes.

This is this is really cool. This is a smart idea. And you have also said, like, one of your ultimate dreams in life would be to operate a preschool that is directly next door or connected to a nursing home so that because the young kids would benefit from that engagement and the, elderly residents of the nursing home would be incredibly benefit from interacting with young people, especially because some of these some of the elderly people in nursing homes don't get visited. They don't get, you know, all of those things. So it's a big deal It is.

For, for those kinds of things. It's like great. Triplex, though. Yes. It's a preschool Yes.

Nursing home Yes. Pet shelter. Oh, is it? So all 3 of that. You have dogs as well.

This is great. And cats. Yeah. Dogs and cats. Don't just credit cats.

I get it. Yeah. I, look, I think it's a great idea. And then now what you need is, also some extra dorms for the college kids so that you get all of that in one facility. I yeah.

There you go. It's like a community. Oh. You know what would be smart is if the community just worked like that. Banded together.

If we just talked to neighbors helped out. Talked to them and spent an hour a day minimum, 30 hours a month just engaging with our neighbors. We just help each other out. What a community that would be. It might be something.

But, no, that's no fun. Let's run red lights and honk and be angry at people instead. That's more fun. That's more fun. Would You Rather This OR That with Josh and Chantel?

Would you rather have butterfly wings or rabbit whiskers? So in essence What? Would you rather flutter around? You can't necessarily fly, but you can flutter. Or have whiskers long enough that you can tell if you're gonna be able to fit through a space.

What? Pick 1. I think I'd rather have butterfly wings. That's my pick. Alright.

Here's the situation with rabbit whiskers, because I needed to find out. Okay. What is it? What's the thing with rabbit whiskers? They have you know how you like to pluck my eyebrows because they get a little wacky?

Yes. You can't because that's where my whiskers would grow. I would have whiskers over my eyes. Oh, no. I would have, deep follicles with sensitive whiskers in my cheeks here.

Oh. Then on my upper lip where my mustache is, I would have short whiskers, which are for object recognition. Those are to go, oh, that's a carrot. And then, then the ones that come out the side as well are the long whiskers for spatial awareness to let me know if my head will fit inside of something. Okay.

So I'm gonna have a lot of whiskers. Are you gonna is that what you're picking? I'm just trying to decide. Or am I a beautiful butterfly? Exactly.

Just wings, not the rest of you. Not the rest of you is a butterfly. Just you have butterfly wings. Same body. Butter.

I'm trying to process right now what my same body would look like with butterfly wings. How am I gonna wear a shirt? I mean, I'm gonna be shirtless everywhere. Velcro. You could get Velcro.

Uh-huh. Like a or a paper doll type thing where where it just hooks. It hooks over your shoulders. I'm not gonna have paper doll clothes. I'm taking whiskers.

Okay. Because I'm not gonna be the shirtless guy running around town with wings on his back. Normal body, wings, no shirt. You can tuck them in. They get tucked in.

No. No. You'll smash them. They're delicate. They are delicate.

You'd have to be very careful. Every time you shower, you're gonna have to sit there for an hour fanning them out. I don't have time for that. I do. I'm taking better fly wings.

Well, good for you. Good for you. Well, better sign me up for another surgery. Why? I mean, this one isn't, like, medically necessary.

This one is an elective surgery. What's it for? Well, there are cosmetic surgeons across the country noticing a trend that more and more men are getting a surgery. What is it for? Think I need it.

What is it? It's gonna save me from doing some hard work. Just tell me. You delay. Delay.

Delay. It's 6 pack surgery. Oh. Yeah. I'm not opposed.

What? What? I mean, honey, you don't need that. Stop it. You already have 6 pack abs No.

I don't. Surgeons are seeing a spike in demand for this particular cosmetic procedure. It sculpts the abdominal muscles and creates the v lines to give that Instagram worthy look because that's what I wanna do. That's true. I wanna get a 6 pack surgery so that I can post about it on Instagram.

So you could be Instagram worthy. I know you. I know your game. One surgeon said it's all about confidence and convenience. Convenience?

Yeah. I can't go to the gym and eat right. No. Go ahead, and here's what they do, in this particular, thing. And I just just had I it's gonna be a lot.

Does insurance cover it? No. And because it's cosmetic. And how long is, like, recovery time? Listen to this guy.

Okay. This guy is from Brazil, and he said, I bought this belly. He's 52. He obtained the literal cut stomach operation a couple of years ago after hours of exercise failed to yield the desired results. So he said How old is he?

He's 52. And he got the surgery 2 years ago when he was 50. And he said, when I see people looking at me, the sensation is incredible. Instagram wore the abs. The sensation of people looking at me is incredible.

Yeah. So I think I might need it. What it does is surgeons remove fat from the vertical and horizontal lines above the belly button to basically create a fat void Okay. Which where the muscles would be. So it isn't that your abdominal muscles or even your core Yeah.

Is healthy. It's that they remove lines of fat to make it look like you have 6 pack abs. Hey. You know what's an easier, better option? They make T shirts Oh, yeah.

Sure. That have 6 packs on it. So you could just wear a T shirt to make it look like you have 6 pack. A full, like, like, rubber bodysuit thing. Hey.

Yeah. Look at this. Not that. Those are like that's that's like a Batman suit. Now I gotta find it.

Let me see if I can find this thing. Yeah. $84 on Timu. Hey. No.

It's not Timu. It's Yeah. No. The stuff you order from Timu doesn't come out. It might.

No. Plus, I can probably stack a coupon on there and get it for cheaper. But it's basically, like a like a whole torso, neck to waistline, and you just put it on. And then, you put a shirt on and boom, physique. And it's it's made out of, like, like, you know, silicone rubber stuff.

So it looks and feels like real skin. $84 in 2 months. Like couple of things. I feel like the skin tone is never gonna be matching. So you're gonna get You think you're gonna see my neck transition?

Oh, oh, yeah. And your arm. Wear, like, a scarf. No shirt, but a scarf? Yeah.

And it it has arms all the way down to the wrist. Oh, gosh. Second thing, you're gonna get trapped inside of it. You're gonna get stuck. And it's gonna sweat me to skinny inside.

So I'm gonna fake it till I make it. That's what I'm gonna do. I'm gonna wear the the bodysuit one. I'm gonna have to get, like, cool wrist cuffs or, like, a watch big watch band so you can't see the transition from my hands to the rubber suit. Gross.

When I bend my elbows, do you think the skin's gonna do that, like, foldy thing? Yes. Yeah. It is. So don't look at my elbows, and then I'm a have to figure out the scarf situation for the neck.

It's gonna be completely hairless also. Smooth. Smooth. Your skin feels like latex. That's because it is.

It's because it is. Anyway, $84 on Timu. I'd take the risk. No. No.

No. No. No? No. Timu is sketch, bro.

But it looks cool. No. No. No. No.

And it's that's way less than surgery. It is. Plus, I don't have the recovery time. I just wear that thing. Alright.

Maybe I won't buy it. Yeah. That's a good idea. Today. Maybe for my birthday.

Sleep on it. Sleep on this idea. It's a good idea. I kinda want it. That's gonna do it for us.

Alright. Fine. I'm gonna go shopping for a bodysuit. No. Yes.

Cool looking abs. You imagine I show up anywhere. I just wear it to work. Everybody's like, woah, dude. What happened?

Like, new bod. Been working on this for months. Yeah. I've just been wearing baggy clothes. You couldn't see it.

Just walk around with no shirt, just the skin suit. Everybody be like, woah. Look at that guy. Woah. Woah.

You're gonna feel so. What did that guy say? Confident. Look at him? Oh, I'd close the Oh.

I can't remember what he said when people looked at him. Started with an s. Alright. Awesome. No.

Anyway, happy Wednesday. Yeah. We'll see you back here tomorrow. Alright. Oh, are you just bye?

Yeah. Okay. Bye. See you. Thanks for listening to wake up classy 97, the podcast.

If you enjoy the show, please share, subscribe, and rate the podcast. Wake up classy 97 is hosted by Josh and Chantel Tielor and is a production of Riverbend Media Group. For more information or to contact the show, visit riverbendmediagroup.com.