We talk about saving money on auto insurance, homeowners insurance, and - yes - we talk about life insurance!

Unknown Speaker 0:00
You're listening to locally produced programming created in KU NBC Studios on public radio K, u and v. 91.5. The following is a paid program sponsored by your insurance connection. The content of this program does not reflect the views or opinions of 91.5 Jazz and more the University of Nevada Las Vegas or the Board of Regents of the Nevada System of Higher Education.

Unknown Speaker 0:32
Good morning. This is your insurance connection. I'm your host, Donnell Marquez, on your insurance connection. We talk about saving money on auto insurance homeowners insurance. Yes. And we talk about life insurance. Welcome to the show.

Unknown Speaker 0:52
Good morning. My name is Donnell Marquez, this is your insurance connection early Sunday morning. How are you and how all my listeners doing today. Wonderful in the studio. I just got back in. In town last Wednesday, I had to attend my aunt's funeral in San Bernardino, California that are so rest in paradise. She was put to rest at Riverside Veterans Cemetery. Amazing cemetery just absolutely beautiful. I mean, this, this cemetery has to be five miles by five miles long. I mean, this is amazing. Big, the biggest cemetery I've ever seen, you can combine all the cemeteries and Nevada. It won't take up much space. And the Riverside Veterans Cemetery. Just absolutely amazed. My voice is a little rough. Today, I don't know what's going on with my voice. So hopefully we can get it all out within 30 minutes. I might Yeah. Again, my name is Dawn Marquez, welcome to the show. And just experienced in life as it comes. And of course, I had to bury my my aunt. And she was in her late 80s She lived a long life and let her soul rest in paradise again. And again, my condolences go to her immediate family. And let's move forward in life as we all have to deal with losing loved ones as mother, my mother used to tell me, the older we get the more we have to have more frequency, we will see losing loved ones, family members, friends, I hope you're prepared. I hope people pay I hope you're not procrastinating on the right thing to do. These funerals today are very expensive. The funerals today are extremely expensive. And if you have to come up with the money all at once, I hope you prepared because the average funeral cost today is going up every six months in cost and the preparation, the emotional drain from it all. Not only the funeral you have to pay for but if you want to have a repast with food and and you know and it's that costs money to some people's I just want to be cremated. That's not that much money just 3000s Whatever it is, I don't know. But if you think about the crib does another 45 to $5,000 I don't know. So you had 880 500 Then you're talking about repass family members of friends get together and have a have a break bread and talk about you and your legacy. You know, that could be another 3000 to $5,000 just depends. So you know, right there we had 13,000 on a cremation. So just don't think oh, you know, I just get cremated. And you know, I don't want to say I might add on that. But that's up to you loved ones. Everybody wants to get their life celebrated. I don't care who you are. Everybody feels the need to celebrate your life. And two way to do it, is let's take out a life insurance policy. Stop waiting on calling me to take a life insurance policy out. If you currently have a life insurance policy. I'd be happy to review your life insurance policy to make sure you have the right coverages for the right price. That's very important to make sure your life insurance policy does not run out before you do. You don't want to live your life insurance policy. In other words, and I've seen people do it now. I did receive a call from a gentleman. He wanted a term policy. He called me up said hey, I want a term policy. He was in his mid 60s. And I explained to him that wasn't a good option for what he's trying to do. He just wanted a small burial policy. But he thought he could get a term policy. Right about $25,000. No, that would be a whole life policy for mostly don't understand term at age 65. If I can make add on 20 years, maybe now I'm more likely I can but on average is going to be a 15 year or 10 year but you don't We get a policy 35 $25,000 life insurance policy, and it only gonna last 10 to 15 years, or you just don't want to do that because you will outlive the policy. Now once that happens, that older age your health could have changed. And now you need to get a get a another life insurance policy. When you're looking for a small burial policy to cover this expensive final expense. We need to set you up with a whole life insurance policy. It's very easy. There's benefits are paid in 24 hours, a life insurance benefits are paid up to $35,000. So you can get up to $35,000 in Whole Life coverage, no health examination to apply just a few health questions. One page, easy application and most people qualify even with health issues. So don't Don't think because you're on dialysis, history of diabetes, history of cancer, heart disease, COPD, lupus are Come on now. So many of you out there have lupus diabetes, with no life insurance because I understand you think you cannot get life insurance rates and benefits are locked in for the life of the policy. My contact phone number is 702-236-2624 702-236-2624 My name is Don Marquez, this is your insurance connection broadcasts and right here at K u and v 91.5. Jazz and more. And you know and we're having a fundraiser, it feel free to give to K u and Anytime. And we always give it we always have fundraisers so just because if our fundraisers over, feel free to give to keep programs like this on the air, K u and Your insurance connects and broadcasts right here. Suddenly one is from 8am to 830. Oh, think the customers that contacted me. Thank you so much for your continued support. I love it when I heard you on Kanuma v 91. Five It was early Sunday morning. And if you call me on a Sunday morning, I will call you back to schedule an appointment. We can make that happen 70223626247022624 702-236-2624 My voice is a little rough today. I don't know why, but just bear with me. Hopefully you get the number. And by the time you call me my voice is cleared up. Because I broadcast I pre record this show. Just to let you know, my business hours are Monday through Friday from 10am to 5pm. And my location is on a corner Sahara Rancho. In the US bank center, one block west of Sahara from a 15. One block west. Palisades is right across the street, tall brown building with US bank on the top can't miss it the work by appointment on the eighth floor 702-236-2624 Let's talk about guaranteed acceptance issue is guarantee for members. You know I received his junk mail, I call it junk mail, in the mail and they say Oh check off 10,000 5000 Whatever you want. But, you know once I read this is information. So when it comes to this receiving these life insurance policies in the mail, they disguise themselves very well as a life insurance policy. But what you're purchasing more than likely is travel accident, airline insurance, or travel accident motor vehicle, motorcycle, common carrier, bicycle and pedestrian accidental insurance. Now what is common carrier that's if you're on an airplane, bus or train. Or if you're riding a bicycle, you have accidental coverages, and they make it look so attractive. And they're in a race of just almost nothing you must understand when you are in a situation. And you know, these are your last days on this earth. And you have an accidental only life insurance policy. And you have $300,000 worth of life insurance. But you're only paying that for $9.99 a month. And I'm sorry to laugh but and you pass away of natural causes. And this happens far too often. That $300,000 999 life insurance policy is not going to pay out because you receive this junk mail. In the mail it look very attractive. In Europe, your senior and that's who they target. Almost senior. They target me too. And they say hey, sign up today no health examination. You know it but it's accidental policy, everything has to be accidental. No matter what happens, it all has to be accidental for this policy to pay out. And it comes from well known companies that you recognize, let's have a real life insurance policy. So, so it will take care of your final expenses. When you when you go for natural causes, and most people go for natural causes from natural causes. You know, it's very rare when a person, you know, has an accident, and they say, you never heard this. If you don't die at the at the accident at that immediate time of the accident. If you died four or five days later, then it's not considered accidental death.

Unknown Speaker 10:43
Wow. Okay. So as an insurance professional, you know, I ask the right questions to make sure you are insured and most policies are right, you are day one insured 702-236-2624. Very simple questions. And here's one right here, up to $35,000 in life insurance coverage. Now, if you need more coverage, I can get you more coverage, but a simple, quick policy to have the take care of that final expense. So your family members will not go into debt. It's bad enough, they have to grieve for the loss of you. And I've just witnessed this this week, you know, grieving grieving relatives, grieving friends, and I'm grieving too, as well. But when that happens, you know, financially, you know, that's another you know, episode did you have to go on take on when you finally finally immediately your loved one passed away. Now the next thing you got to do is go to the funeral home. And when you go to the funeral, oh, my goodness, you know, they they put a list of what the casket cause service cause the flowers, the limousine, the Hearst, I mean, just line by line, all these expenses. Oh, here's another one with a death certificate. And most funeral plans only have one death certificate included, you're gonna need about three to five. Because most banks, the banks want a original Death Certificate those of us roughly, I think they're up to $49 a month, if I'm not mistaken here in Vegas. But yeah, but you're gonna need more than one. So keep that in mind. The more you own, the more you're gonna need. Because, you know, financial institutions want an original death certificate. Now the thing about a death certificate in nobody can just go show up and get your death certificate, they have to be a close relative relative. Well, let's, let's talk about that $35,000 life insurance policy. A final expense life insurance policy means you're insured day one. In order for me to qualify you for the final expense, I need to have X a series of questions. The payment method is monthly, or you could pay annually quarterly. And you can select the due date between the first and the 28th of each month. Now we can add that accidental policy on to your final expense policy. It will cover car accidents, which I do like motor vehicle accidents, it will cover motor vehicle accidents and and also you're going to include your child on the policy 17. And under, you're going to add them as a child writer. Now some of the questions we're going to ask you have you smoked in last pals and the past while much in the past while much as advocate use any form of tobacco yes or no? And think about these questions as I asked him, as has the applicant tested positive for HIV, or been diagnosed by a physician of having AIDS, or a life expectancy of 12 months or less? That's a yes or no question. Is the applicant currently bedridden hospitalized in a care facility or receiving hospice care? And what I'm talking about if you're just tuning in, I'm talking about a 35 up to $35,000 in Whole Life coverage up to age 100. So this whole life policy will take you to age 100. And here's now these questions are for the last two years. Disease of heart including heart attack, heart surgery, congestive heart failure, disease of a circulatory system, including stroke aneurysm, or been advised to have surgery to improve circulation yes or no cancer other than basal cell skin cancer. So if you had skin cancer, you know, that's a yes or no question. They're not going to disqualify you because you have a history of cancer. Even if you stage one, stage two, with more than 12 months to live. I can get your life insurance policy, in most cases. 7022362624702362624 My name is Don Marquez. This is your insurance connection. And we're just going over some health questions that will I will ask you to see if you qualify for the policy up to $35,000 in Whole Life coverage with accidental enhancement, and also with a child rider. And you can select the due date between the first and the 28th of each month. I know a lot of you are on a fixed income, I'm on a fixed budget, I hit it all the time, I'm on a fixed budget. That's why we make it simple and easy. Where you can select the first between the first and the 28th of each month. And a lot of you that get your check third, Wednesday, the fourth Wednesday of the month, I get that, you know, so we can work with you, we can work with you and your insurance connection. disease of the lungs, including COPD, or emphysema, other than asthma, you can still get a policy which if you have COPD or emphysema, because you probably have been a smoker or you're smoking cigarettes now

Unknown Speaker 15:52
you need a life insurance policy, disease of the heart and disease of the liver, or kidney or had an organ transplant, um, say that again disease of the liver or kidney, or had an organ transplant, you can get a life insurance policy, Alzheimer's disease, dementia, organic brain syndrome, or L ALS, Lou Gehrig's disease, let's sit down and have a good conversation about moving forward. You know, when when I went I've been this is my second funeral this year. And you know, family and friends show up. And you know, and the two funerals I've been to this year, you know, and the people did have life insurance, I'm so happy to be there. And one of the policies so to, to, to the family, for when they father passed away, he had life insurance. And I sold the policy to him years ago. And they were able to grieve and peace, they were able to just put their father to rest without worrying about the financial part of it. And they had money to do all of this. And one of the benefits of having this policy up to $35,000 Whole Life coverage, you can get it up to 80%, the primary beneficiary can receive up to 80% of the life insurance policy at time money, write it, you know, so when a person passes away, you can contact Lincoln heritage life insurance company with a policy and say I want to take an advance, I don't have the death certificate, I want to take an advance up to 80%. Now just think about that. If you have a $30,000 policy, you can take up the 80% That's $24,000 you can get a immediately without the death certificate that will pay for the funeral pay for the repairs pay for a lot of things. Maybe family members coming in from out of town, you may have to put them up in a hotel, because your house is full, you know, so there's many expenses or you may have to take off work. And the balance of the money let's say you took I'm taken out of a $35,000 policy and you you they advance you up to 80% of that $35,000 life insurance policy. Once you receive the death certificate, then you apply for the balance of the policy, the funeral homes, they they have lenders to loan you the money while they're waiting on a death certificate with a life insurance policy. But when you go to the funeral home, and you use your life insurance policy, they use a third party, the funeral homes to take that advance right away so they can get paid immediately before they put your loved ones to rest. Keep that in mind. My name is Don Marquez, this is your insurance connection. And we're just going over a few health questions that I will ask you for life insurance, a whole life insurance policy that builds a cash value asset up to $35,000 in coverage, and there's no health benefits. Here's another question. Alzheimer's disease dementia organic brain syndrome or ALS, Lou Garrison's disease now if you have Alzheimer's or dementia, we need a person to come in to represent you. Now if you don't have a power of attorney, or work with Christine Barnard, she's a team member with your insurance connection. She can help me help you get a power of attorney for your loved one because if you have a family member or yourself with Alzheimer's, dementia, organic brain syndrome, or ALS Lou Gehrig's disease, you cannot sign for the policy or we cannot pull the funds directly out of your account. You're going to need representation I can help you with the representation with Christine Vinata. Team member of your insurance connection. She's a paralegal. She can help me with the power of attorney medical and financial hub comm tag number is 702-857-4040 1-702-857-4401 if you receive a speeding ticket before you pay for it Christine can get it reduced down to a parking ticket. She does demand letters and resumes, promissory notes. If you loan the money somebody to someone get a promissory note. And she can help you with the right of a survivor. Grant. bargain sale indeed of home quitclaim deeds, she can do all that for you. 702-857-4401 Christine Bodnar, a team member of your insurance connection, I just mentioned again, if you have loved ones or yourself, what Alzheimer's disease, dementia, organic brain syndrome, or ALS, Lou Gehrig's disease, we need a power of attorney. And Christine can provide the power of attorney, but we can get you a life insurance policy. And we have a loved one to sign for it. And, you know, make sure everything's taken care of, at that time of need. Now, don't say if something happens to me stop saying, I hear so many people's and if something happens to me, if some, you're gonna live forever, you're not gonna live forever. And then when you do go, who's gonna pay for all of that you may be listening to this program right now, saying to yourself, thinking about family members, or even yourself, I don't have any life insurance policy and don't think you cannot afford it. You cannot afford not to have a life insurance policy. Alcohol and Drug Abuse is another now you have family members, without out there in the streets. Or yourself, you have a drug problem or alcohol problem, but still get your life insurance policy, no problem. But if you have a loved one out there in the streets with alcohol or drug abuse problem, so you can take out a policy on them. Because you may be that person, they got a call in the middle of the night or late at night, I was to say, Hey, your loved one. We found them and you know, one of the streets dead. And now you need to have to go take care of their final expenses. At least you have a policy on them to take care of the final expenses. Now, here's another one complications of diabetes, yes or no question again. complication of diabetes, including amputation, diabetic coma, blindness, or kidney disorder. Now, if you do have diabetes, you know, and you don't have any complications of diabetes, including amputation, diabetic coma, blindness, or kidney disorder, you know, you can get up up to $35,000 of coverage, depending on the other medicines you're taking, whether you're type one type two diabetic, my number is 702-236-2624 702-236-2624. My name is Donald Marquez. Or you can call me down Marquez either way, and I met let's make it happen. My Location is on the corner of Rancho Sahara. In the US bank center, eighth floor 702-236-2624. My business hours are Monday through Friday, from 10am to 5pm 702. To three 626 24. Now, if you had work, you can always text me, I'll call you back has the applicant or had been advised to have a diagnostic test related to any of those questions I just asked. Except for those relating to HIV or AIDS which the results have not yet been received. Those these are yes or no questions. And most of you do qualify. That's only we're talking about. We're talking about what 910 11 questions. Yeah. And here's another one. And these are replacement questions. They want to know, does the applicant have existing life insurance or annuity contract? Does he yes or no as an if you do have a life insurance policy in place, and you decide you want to, you know, replace it, we'll just let them know you do want to replace it. Now, if you're not replacing the company was like to know if you're whether you're replacing your policy for the new policy, it's okay to get a new life insurance policy. It really is. Because sometimes your policy could be outdated, or no cash value asset or your your on a term policy that's going to end soon. And you can't convert it over to universal life. You know, think about that. You cannot convert your policy over or your policy is gonna run out. Now you need something because the kids are growing that they're gone away from home. Now you just need a burial policy to you know, for your final expenses and we all going to have a final expense one day. We're all going to have a final expense one day and don't think you know, you can get around that. But Diane and someone has paid for it. It's impossible. It's absolutely impossible. Now if you're in your 70s and 80s with no life insurance, I can write a policy up to 85 years young 86 I cannot write a policy. You can be 85 and nine months young But you're still at five, but you haven't reached at six yet. Now you got to be at six. But within the next couple of days, I can write you a policy before you turn at 6702236 2624 My name is Don Marquez, this is your insurance. Nick. Thanks for listening to me. My voice is a little rough today a little hoarse today. I don't know why but

Unknown Speaker 25:23
maybe because the weather's changing. I welcome to Cool weather. I want to congratulate the late lady aces. Our aces basketball team for the championship back to back UI I suppose a lot of pressure on the knights and the Raiders come on Raiders let's do something today. But yeah, look at the aces. They back to back champions una they may do a three peat that will be wonderful. Las Vegas has has grown up to be a sports town. I I love it. Be careful out there. You know people are still driving the way they drive. And I offer auto insurance homeowners. Yes and life insurance. My name is Dawn Marquez again. My number is 702-236-2620 470 to 236 to 64. Everyone have a wonderful day to day. Hey, get out and take a walk. Hope your football beds come in until next week. Just keep it crispy. Thank you for listening

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