Clydesdale Media Podcast

The Crew come together for a lunch time conversation about Roman Khrennikov and Alexis Raptis withdrawl from the Rogue Invitational and we prepare for a great competition to watch this weekend at Crash Crucible.

What is Clydesdale Media Podcast?

We cover the sport of CrossFit from all angles. We talk with athletes, coaches and celebrities that compete and surround in the sport of CrossFit at all levels. We also bring you Breaking News, Human Interest Stories and report on the Methodology of CrossFit. We also use the methodology to make ourselves the fittest we can be.

What is going on, everybody?

Welcome to the Clydesdale

Media Roundtable or

Thursday lunch with the Clydesdale crew,

whatever you want to call it.

But it's Mamie and I today.


we'll have the full crew back next week.

But what's going on, Mamie?

Not much.

It's my off day for work and

my off day for the gym.

And I just had a massage.

So, I mean, I do maintenance, body work,


But it was timely because

yesterday I had a hell of a

workout where I met Pukie.


You don't usually puke.


and it wasn't like I puked because I

was working out so hard.

It was that I got framlung

from the workout, and then that made me,

the coughing made me bleh.



so yeah I uh I was kind of

leafing through instagram

and becky harsh who we know

works crossfit hq did


workout and I was like that

is an amy workout what was

it and I will do it so it

starts with you take your

rucksack okay and you do uh

forty shoulder to overhead


Ground overhead.


Ground overhead.


Your rucksack.


You rock a mile.


Then you do it.

Do you take the rucksack off

and you do thirty ground overhead?


Rock another mile.

Do twenty ground overhead

and finish with a mile.


She did it.

She lives in Colorado.

She did it as a hike.



So she hiked through the mountains,

came across deer.

She filmed the whole thing.

That's cool.

You got to go watch it on Instagram.

And I was like,

that is so Amy to go out

into the woods and do like

a rock with some shouldered

overhead every mile.

I love that.


I bet your shoulders were like,

I bet they fire fire shoulders.


I just, I just thought it was like,

I've got to tell her cause

that is right up her alley.

You're always looking for

something to get outside.

Literally in my car that I

drive around with all the

time is my weighted vest

and my hiking shoes.

They're already in the car.

Cause you never know when

you just need to pop over

and find a trail.

And Murph can stare at you and no rep you.

Oh my gosh.


Did you see his eyes in that video?


Lex is in the chat.

She has two doodles that

know rep her all the time.


I mean, they're so judgy.



So if you do it this week,

you'll have to tell us next

week how it went.



But go check out Becky's post.

Cause you'll, you'll love it.

Like she's probably.

Ten feet from deer.


I love that.


Yeah, that's pretty cool.

nice well this weekend um

one of our teammates

carolyn prevo is going to

be competing at crash

crucible in spartanburg

south carolina so we are

rooting for carolyn that's

quite a far travel it is

yeah but it's such a well

put together competition

and the way jr howell um

He uses so many different

odd objects and so many

different things that you

don't get to see unless

you're at the games.

So they have a sandbag pill,

which is a very taut

sandbag and no handles,

and it's kind of rubberized.

They have to do like a

hundred thrusters with that.

At what weight?

I don't know exactly.

I know you asked the details.

Let me, I'll pull it up real quick.


The workouts, where are the workouts?


Let me share my Instagram screen.

Carolyn just did high rocks.

She did.

Which one is,

I think it's midline sadness.

Maybe midline sadness.

Of course.

Nope, not that one.

They have all these like fancy schmancy.

I don't know which event it is now.

Let me go the other direction.

I don't know what I'm doing.

Okay, well.

If Lex knows what that one is.


That's it.


So it's fifty pill thrusters

at a hundred and seventy.

So a hundred for men.


Fifty chest of bars.

Then a fifty meter pill lunge.


Then fifty pill thrusters.

So a hundred pill thrusters.



What's the time cap there?

I can't.


Eighteen minutes.



So a lot of people have previewed this.

We don't need to preview the event,

but there's a lot of big names there.

It's what I consider to be

probably the top tier

mid-major in the sport now.

You know,

if you're not Rogue or

Waterpalooza or the games,

like Crash Crucible is right there.

is there,

do you have to qualify to compete

So if you are a games athlete,

you may get an invite,

but there is a qualifier.

And so there's a lot of the

semifinalists that we have

interviewed over the years

are competing there,

as well as Colton Mertens, Fisa Goffey,

Carolyn Prevost, Sam Stewart,

Chris Ibarra, Nick Matthew,

Olivia Kerstetter, tons, tons of people.

and it's going to be fun.

Caroline Stanley, yeah,

a lot of games athletes as

well as a lot of,

but they do the P scoring,

or not P scoring, Z scoring,

which is where in traditional scoring,

you finish first, you get a hundred,

second, ninety-four, whatever.

This one,

if you finish way behind first place,

you may get seventy-five

points instead of ninety-four.

they look at the gap between.



And so if you dominate an event,

you can really get a lead.



I didn't like how it played out last year,

but we'll give it another try this year.

See if they need some tweaks

and see what that looks like.

And this year they've said

they're going into the negative.

So if you are way back,

you could actually get

negative points for, um,

for an event.

Corey Leonard says it's

pronounced like Pez.

He just made that up,

but tell everybody else

what started as P scoring,

it went to Z scoring.

And so I get confused sometimes.


Oh, shoot.


I just heard on the TTT

podcast from Max that they

are going negative this

year from Lydia Fish and Sam Stewart.

But Lex says no.

Maybe that, maybe not.


So that was my source for the negative.

How about our boy, James Townsend?

Yeah, so bad.

So was he in a comp?

Did that happen at a comp?


And he was away from home.


I knew that part, but I was like,

I didn't know if he was

just training with some

people or if it was a comp.


So we had to get on a plane and come home,

then have the surgery.

I reached out to him yesterday,

just sending him a message.

And he responded back and just said,

it's been a cloudy last couple of days,

but thanks for the perspective.


And that sort of thing.

So he's such a good guy.

I know his post was so sad.

I know.

That's why I was like, I need to,

I want to send him some little love.

I know I'm nobody to him,

but I would want him to descend.

And he,

every time I message him about something,

he always responds.


He's, he's really good.


When I interviewed him,

he said he viewed himself

as the people's coach.

People had questions about

how to do a lift.

He would answer them.

He believed it was such a

gift for him to be able to coach.

He would coach anybody who asked.


Online or whatever.

And so, yeah, that was crazy.



I hated it.

Well, with Corey in the chat,

we've got to say he got an

invite to Legends.


It's official.

I guess those video

reviewers agreed that his

reps were legit.

So he now has to learn how to swim.


He did a swimming event at MFC last year.

Not his best performance.


So now he said he's getting

a month's whatever

membership to the YMCA so

he can start working on his swimming.


Maybe you should coach him up on swimming.

I told him I wish I lived

closer because I would.

It's just tough when you

can't see the person.


And videoing in a swimming

pool isn't the best.


It's an odd idea.


So, but super happy for him.

He put in so much work this year.


it was good to see him make it to


So that's pretty awesome.

I mean, to get older and get better,

that's pretty, it's pretty sweet.

So props to you, Corey.


I did want to highlight something Chad

Schroeder did.

I thought this was super cool.

He put together top

performances from the

Masters and teens at the

twenty twenty four CrossFit Games.

And he also did it for the

adaptive division too.

And you can go to his

LinkedIn account or not LinkedIn.

It's on his LinkedIn.



Go to the bio.

He has a link tree where it

has all the different

things that he's done.

but he, um, and there's just an example.

This is a list of the all first timers,

all first timers to the games.


And then like,

he does a thing on Jason

grub consecutive gold medal

tied for second overall for

most masters championships.

The most to Susan Clark was six.

And he just kind of explains

everything down.


Andrea Nistler being one of

four CrossFit athletes with

multiple division championships.

Rich Froning, Samantha Briggs,

Lisa Mickelson,

and Andrea Nistler are the

only four to win in two different.

So they've won team and Masters.

Rich won individual team and

Sam won individual Masters.

So stuff like that.

It's really interesting.

I really appreciated

everything he put in to

this and really enjoyed

reading it because like Will Morad,

greatest margin of victory

with eighty eight points

ever in a Masters competition.

So pretty good.

Yeah, I love it.

But yeah,

really fun to kind of read and

wanted to highlight him

because he put a lot of

work into that and people

should go check it out.

So check out Chad

Schroeder's Instagram account.

It's in his link tree and he

has adaptive teens and

masters all listed.

So cool.

We got cat in the chat.

So here's my question for you.

So Rich Froning put out

there that he thought the

coolest idea for an

in-house comp was to take

the five best people from

every class time.

And then on a Saturday,

have an in-house comp

because you never see each other.

Yeah, yeah.

So it's a way for everybody

to kind of come together in

a comp and cheer for your six a.m.

class or your five a.m.

class or your four thirty p.m.

class and kind of cheer on

the best athletes from each class.


I like that idea.

I like that it's a community event.

And doing that, um,

how are you measuring the

fittest once just by what

their scores are on beyond

the whiteboard?

I mean, like I would have,

or whatever their,

their logging is and like

over what period of time, like,

how are you coming up with

these five people?

Leave it to you to,

to go all into the details.

I like details.

I like the idea.

I'm just saying that brings

up questions for me.

That's all.

Um, yeah, I think, I don't know.


Because part of who I am,

like in figuring out the

details is I also, okay, sorry.

Um, part of the, that is,

I also look at like, wow,

I wonder if there's other

people that will feel like,

like borderline athletes

that want to participate, but aren't yet.

So I just, yeah, that's all.


And you know, if it's a lift,

you may have a stronger athlete.

If it's a gymnastics event, you may have,

that may be a different group.

Like it would,

it could be different

throughout and you could

even like have a team where

you pick like the strongest person,

the most gymnastics person, whatever.

and hell you can make it

whatever you want.

You could have like the best

scaled athlete, the best, whatever,

and have different.


but each class would have the same

opportunity to, to fill that team.

I don't know.

I just,

I thought it was an interesting

concept because he's so right.

Like when you go to the four

thirty PM class,

you don't know the six PM class.

You don't know the six AM class.

You don't know the ten AM mother's class,




But I guess I feel like that

we kind of do that in the open.

Yeah, I guess.

But even that you can

schedule times on Saturday

morning or Friday night or right.

This is like a one event.


One day everybody has to

come at the same time.



I think it is fun for sure.

So, okay.


Well, the only thing I've left is, um,

talking elite fitness did a,

an interview with Mitch

Bragg from the PFAA.

And you know,

that's my favorite subject to talk about.

I know.


And what's, I don't know why they do this.

So they do.

Pause for a second, pause for a second,

because I would like to

speak on what Elise just said here.

Rich isn't worried about details.

He'll have his crew work

those out for him.

Yes, I agree with you.

But what I would like to

work on with that is I also

feel like I'm going to say,

I'm going to say it right here.

And this it's about their

programming because we've

been using their programming.

And while I like their programming,

there are a number of,

clerical and errors

constantly that I feel like

impact and that they send

out a lot of their

information and it's in all

these different spaces and

it's not like a streamlined

way to send out those details.

So I wish they had a better

system of communication and

they were more concerned

about the details because

it does affect my daily life.

So, sorry.

I hear you.


I value your input,

but I think that that is

not exclusive to mayhem.

I don't disagree with you on that,

but I think that if

sometimes I wonder if Rich

really knew as much as

there are those challenges,

if he could get things to

tighten up or make some tweaks.

I just feel like, again,

errors happen and things like that,

but I think there's a level

of professionalism and

there's a level of when you

are purchasing a product

that if you're constantly

having to remark on and

point out where these

errors are and challenges,

that that's really frustrating.

Jay Burch says,

headed to Amarillo to judge

it to eight Oh six classic.

Rich is supposed to be there.

Would you like for me to tell him?

I would like to talk to

Darren myself sometimes just to be honest,

just to be like,

let's work on communication

styles and see if we can

tighten up how to clearly

and effectively communicate.

Elise says, please Jeff and record it.


So back to the PFAA, my favorite subject.




He was there at the tier cup.

This was done at the tier cup.

One of my frustrations with

Talking Leaf Fitness is

they release everything audio first.

So this is on YouTube,

but it's audio only.

So you can't see anything.

And I don't know why that

bothers me because usually

I just let it play in the

background anyway.

But for some reason,

a black screen bothers me.

But they asked what their

role was at the tier cup.

And he said that they, that he and grace,

their chief operating

officer and some athletes

not competing reviewed the

programming and gave input

on like positioning of kettlebells gave.

And he gave a couple examples.

I find that that gets a

little murky when you have athletes,

even if they're not competing,

looking at programming

because of camps and

friends and that it just

gets to be like a weird line,

but I'm not going to dwell on it.

I think that whatever, that's fine.

He also did say that they had talked to

about what their

positionings were going forward,

that they had talked to the

top-thirty athletes,

and they learned that not

everybody is prepared to

talk about what their wants

and needs are publicly at this point.

And one thing that just

caught me is they've talked

to the top-thirty athletes.

Why just the top thirty?

You've said on Brent and Pat

have said on other shows

there's a hundred and some

members but only ninety voting members.

Now you're talking top

thirty which if it's men

and women you're talking sixty.

But there were people that

that didn't want to talk publicly.

And I think what's happening though,

is the more that they're

ambiguous about all of this

and the more the athletes

keep coming out and saying they,

they don't agree with what they're saying,

like Saxon, like Ariel,

then Chris Ibarra last

night on the spin said that

he was a rookie.

He didn't really have much

say in what they were doing.

I think like the more that that happens,

the less impact they have

as a representative of all athletes.

They also said that they

pressure test some of their

ideas with sponsors.

So if they have an idea of

something they want to do,

they're running it past

some of the major sponsors

to see if there will be

kickback from them before they say it,

which I'm going back and

forth whether I think

that's a good idea or a weird idea.

So I think I need to think

on that a little bit more

because I just listened to

this maybe two hours ago.



Yeah, I think I need to digest that more.

He also said that they were

called out by the

organizers of NorCal for

putting out the three demands.

because they had made an

agreement to partner with

them on their swim event.

And the organizer said to them,

when you guys put out a

statement like that,

and we have published you as a partner,

all of that then comes on to us.

It reflects on them.


And he admitted that they

did not think about how

that might affect people

they partner with.

Well, okay.

That's kind of a big deal.


Um, he also kept bringing up all this,

like a storyline season.

So like week one,

you have this and then week two,

you have this and it just,

it moves systematically.

And he doesn't mean like it

has to happen every week,

but like event one to event

two to event three in a storyline fashion,


And Tommy actually did a

really good follow-up saying like,

we all want a storyline

season and that's been said for years,

but saying it and doing it

are two drastically different things.


And he said, well,

we're just trying to get

things in motion so that if

we can't go down this, we need

And then it became a word

salad where I just – I

don't – I just jumbled

words where I – he was

saying stuff without saying anything.

Yeah, yeah.

But then the final thing I'm

going to bring up from this

is he said that they're

actually in talks with

events for next season.

That if CrossFit does not make any move –

by a certain time.

And then they asked him about a timeline.

He didn't have one, but by,

by a needed time that they,

they will have an

alternative season for

athletes to go through.


These other events.

Alternative season.



And season in, in quotes, because.

Like, I don't think it would be a, hey,

you qualify here to go to here.

It would be events they

could participate in to fill the season.

Sure, sure.

But the more they talk,

the less I am encouraged

that they're truly

representing all the athletes.


And not that they don't have,

not that some of these ideas aren't good,

but like when,

when Lauren and Tommy were

asking follow-ups,

they didn't have any more to the idea.


it's one thing to come up with the idea,

but then there has to be a

solution to get you to implementation.



Yeah, so right now they're just ideas,

but there's not solutions

to back that up.


And we had heard rumor last

week that there would be

the investigation completed

and nothing this week so far.


and I just saw something that Carolyn

Lambry posted,

but I didn't read all the way through it.

But just, I think she was part of,

was she part of the,

she contributed to part of

the investigation or was

that a different thing?

So she's one of the coaches

that work with the PFAA.

Okay, yeah.

So her and I know Justin

Kotler are big in the PFAA.


So I don't I didn't see what she posted.

I can pull it up if you Yeah, let's do it.

Let's pull it up.


Do you know which one it is?

It says time and it says

October eighth mark the two

month anniversary.

of Lazar's death.


This one?


The day before that,

I was speaking with Controlled Strategies,

the company hired by

CrossFit to investigate Event One.

It took me three to four

weeks to set up that

meeting after receiving

their contact information.

I know everybody wants answers now.

I do too.

But I also understand that

everyone is living with

this and will be ready to

speak at different times.

The meeting went well,

but I was nervous about

reliving and discussing

that fatal morning.

To my fellow coaches that

were there August eighth,

your insight will be invaluable.

If you were on the fence

like I was about sharing

your experience of event one with them,

DM if you want to know more about mine.


to all the fans,

please remain patient and respectful.

We all love the sport.

No one wants to see it go away.

So that just made me think like,

it's not as right around

the corner as we think, you know?


If they're still trying to

get eyewitness accounts and stuff.



That was very well written.


I mean, again, I think we're all just like,

we just want to know.

And it's because I think we, a lot,

so many people need that to

move forward and move on.

Because there's so many

unresolved thoughts and

feelings about it that

people are looking for that to move on.

But I think, you know,

we've been talking about it

takes time for it to be done thoroughly.

And it's hard when you're

not getting to see all the

steps and processes of how

that happens to kind of

understand more about it.

You know, you're just like,

what the heck is taking so long?


And we actually talked about this Sunday,

like when it comes out,

then we all have to relive it as well.


Like those of us who were there,

like that means if I'm

going to read this report redacted or not,

like I have to relive that moment again.

And it was not easy to get over.


And, and,

and I wasn't even a major player in it.

Like she was, the athletes were,

I can't even imagine.

I mean,

I talked to Boz a few times that weekend.

He was devastated.

I was hurt and I was sad.

Boz was wrecked.

I can't even imagine what

they went through.

And now they're having to go

back through it.


It's retraumatized testimony giving,

and then it's going to be

released and that's going

to open in the wound again.

And then there's going to be

chatter and opinions.

You know what I mean?

Like, I feel like we've,

although there has been

some differing opinions, I feel like,

you know,

CrossFit has kind of come back

together again, kind of, you know,

like being supportive with each other.

And I feel like it's going

to open that wound up to

where people are going to separate again.


Because whatever you feel,

I think you're going to be

able to read that in this document.



So you just only,

it's just going to

strengthen your opinion.




Cause usually these things

don't come out like super definitive.

Unless you watch the McMahon

documentary and then some

of that stuff was super definitive.


I haven't gotten to that one

yet because I'm still

working my way through the

Menendez brothers.

Listen, I have to consume the content.



Then that like, thirty years old now.

It is.



At least I completely agree with you.




Can't say it better.

Going to Pennsylvania this weekend.

Visit your mom?


Oh, okay.


She got a new job,

so we're going to celebrate.

She got a job in a private studio.


I'm driving to Athens today

to pick up my daughter for fall break.

But my only agreement into

doing this was that I will drive there,

but she has to drive home.

I'm not spending three hours

of my day driving.

I will go get her and then she can drive.

You can make it there in an

hour and a half.


I'm not speeding either.

It literally go look up on Waze right now.

I'll tell you.

One hour, thirty minutes.

How long did it take you?

Two hours.

What the heck are you doing?

I'm just kidding.


Been watching MLB, Scott?

I am.

I've been a closet Mets fan

for a long time.

And the fact that they're

actually doing really well

and last night clinched

their spot in the NL DS CS

and LCS champion,

the nationally championship series.

Super stoked.

Francisco Lindor with the

grand slam last night was awesome.

My Pirates are still number

one in my heart,

but they are never going to

make the playoffs run by

that clown that owns them.

So I am just adopting the

Mets because Bobby Bonilla

used to play for them and

he was my favorite player ever.




Well, that's what they just won, Elyse.

They won the National League

Division Series.

Now they're in the National

League Championship Series,

which is the NLCS.

And they will play either

the Dodgers or the Padres,

whoever wins game five.

She dreams of a day when her Reds make it.

Just like us Pirates fans, Elise,

you'll be waiting a very, very long time.

That was an echo.

All right.

Well, with that,

I think that's all we have today.


get outside and enjoy the beautiful


Yeah, do your rucking ground overhead.

You know what I'm going to do?

I'm going to ruck and mow the lawn.

Not kidding.

So I got that new mattress a

couple weeks ago?

Yes, Elise, every Saturday.


I'm going to lie to you, Elise.

She starts to watch it and

then gets nervous and then

just starts walking around

doing other things to get out her nerves.


Scott is a hundred percent right.

A hundred percent right.

And then her husband and son

yell so loud she can tell

what's happening in the

game and doesn't even need

to be inside the house.

That's a hundred percent also accurate.


And just some cleanup items.

Episode five is out for the

behind the scenes of the Masters.

Episode six is just about

ready to go for Monday release.

And it's a good one.

These get better as we go.

And I'm so pumped for you

guys to see that one

because the conversations

get longer and more

detailed and more fun.

um so yeah that's gonna be

fun and if you are fans of

haley mario and her husband

josh they're a big part of

episode six but also

they've both been asked to

participate in the masters

division of crash crucible

and I don't know if I've

ever seen josh compete he's

only ever coached haley or

haley adams and so it'll be

interesting to see him out

on the competition floor

Uh, yeah,

everybody was making fun of me

trying to get the guy that

didn't speak English to talk to me.



He was warming up and I'm like,

what are you trying to loosen up?

And he didn't understand.

And he just pointed.

That was it.

That was my whole.

Love it.


So, yeah.

So that's coming out.


Good luck to Carolyn this weekend.

Kill it.


We love you.

We want you to crush it.

And other than that, jump on with us for,

it was great content.

Like and subscribe.


Like and subscribe.

With that, we'll see everybody next time,


This has been fun.

Talk to you soon.