Richard Gerver: [00:00:00] Hello and thank you for joining. My name is Richard Gerver. I've worked in education, human development and leadership for the last four decades. Um, in this podcast series, I am chatting to a diverse range of people from a number of different fields, from business, sports, the arts, education and philanthropy, to explore what our young people and organizations really need.
In order to thrive, not just survive. In times of increasing change and uncertainty Welcome to the learning bridge So today well, let me let me take you back I have just recorded started recording the second season of my podcast and if you're listening to this Thank you. And in a previous episode of the second season, I interviewed a man Who I [00:01:00] described as the real life james bond There's a theme in this series, because today I am interviewing a James Bond villain, amongst other things.
I'll kind of leave that hanging in the air. Um, he is a, an inspirational guy who has achieved extraordinary things in his life. Having come from very humble beginnings and continues to make a seismic difference both to the world in creative and artistic form and particularly in the area of his life that he became well known for.
And most impressively to me, he is somebody that is committed to creating a legacy. So it is my great privilege to introduce you today to my dear friend, Sebastien Foucault. Bonjour,
Sébastien Foucan: Sebastien. Bonjour, Richard. Thank you for having me. I really appreciate it. Thank you. for your words.
Richard Gerver: It's an absolute pleasure.
And [00:02:00] look, before we get into the real meat and potatoes of our conversation, very English meal to discuss with the Frenchman. Um, What would be great is for you just to let our listeners know a little bit about yourself and obviously i've teased a little bit About you and just tell people about you your childhood and you know what you've done with your life
Sébastien Foucan: Uh, wow So, uh, um, what about me so i'm uh, i'm an artist first But I grew up as a as a child.
I grew up Uh, in a small town in France and, uh, My, my, uh, journey, my educational journey, because I think it's a subject we're talking about, was not really great. I, if I do a quick explanation of my journey, I started with school. I didn't like school. I hated it. You know, I absolutely didn't like it. And I had a kind of a [00:03:00] An idea of what school was based on the trauma I had.
So for me, it's like trauma, this, this doesn't work for me. Uh, school is, is not, is not correct stuff. Uh, so I went to a journey of like. Thinking education or the school, the school system I was on was not great. And it's not this way we're supposed to learn thing. Then I've been to a journey with my friend.
We, we teach ourselves different things on a different way, which is our core. People know about parkour is global, but I started completely organically with my friend by playing outside and we use using our imagination and using the environment. To just to play, but through play, we learn a lot of stuff like physically, mentally, and also about life and the behavior.
And that's something like for me, I cherish a lot. And, [00:04:00] and along the way. Now, it's like Steve Jobs say you can only look. You can only connect the dot looking backwards, you cannot connect the dot looking forward. Now looking backwards, like, oh, I realized now I've got an academy with more than 200 students.
Where we teach and I, uh, and, uh, we inspire even more than teaching. We inspire, uh, children. We plant the seed to play, which I say like we play, uh, because that's a superpower, something I really, really dear to me. So that's what we do. So I realized, Oh, I thought school was not good, but look, I'm doing my own school.
I do it. I do it exactly. So I do now what I wish I had when I was younger. So I went from. Student, didn't like school, become like a teacher, having an academy, and now become a student again, like I said, because we're learning all our life. And, uh, and that's the journey. It's almost like a Joseph Campbell journey, you know?[00:05:00]
Richard Gerver: That's amazing. So listen, I want to take you back a little bit, because I remember In a previous conversation we've had before, you talked a lot about the impact of going to the library. Am I right? You used to go to the library. Tell me a little bit about that difference for you because you clearly loved learning.
You just loved learning. in a different way and in, in a, tell me a little bit for you about that difference of how it felt to be the student in a formal learning environment and then having the opportunity to access learning in a way that, that interested you and what was it you used to study?
Sébastien Foucan: So obviously in school you learn the basics, you know, how to read and like how to count, like the most important.
Um, but after everything for me, it was a bit too much like algebra and stuff. I knew I would not use it. You know, it's less like I'm wasting my time, literally, but I've got my superpowers, my [00:06:00] imagination. I've got a lot of imagination. So. The thing I've been, uh, attract me first was, uh, um, manga, comics, or like, like, uh, in French we say la bande dessinée.
So it's like a comic strip. So that was my first. Uh, hook.
Richard Gerver: Mm-hmm .
Sébastien Foucan: To, uh, reading. As you read, you see image and stuff, right? And there is some, some, uh, writing. So that was my first introduction to having a book in my hands and read it and use my imagination and being completely captivated into the story and getting to that.
Oh my God. Then after I moved from this to other book, because I was with my friend with, there is a time when looking for master. Like, uh, for martial art, I was looking for masters. So we go to this place called Budo store where they have all these books for martial arts. So I thought that, Oh my God, there is a secret of the master somewhere I can find.
So I went in this place, try to figure it out. Where [00:07:00] is the. secret sauce to become super strong or find something like Miyagi, Karate Kid show you something, whatever. So then that's where I get into this idea of reading things. Then I went into like more like philosophy and stuff like that. So there is like a lot of like Tao Te Ching, Aga Kure, the The book of the five rings, you know, like a lot of stuff, very martial arts.
And then from martial arts, you move straight away with the philosophy from other books and all the things and so on and so on. And then I was hooked with books. So now I've got, I've got plenty of book and I always, I read less because I, I know I'm a visual learner. So now I love, uh, and also. Audio. Audio, yeah.
So I've got a lot of audiobook. Uh, so it's still as powerful. Uh, and I use it almost as a mantra because it's just listen again and again and again [00:08:00] while you're doing other stuff. But yeah Did I answer the question?
Richard Gerver: Yeah, no you did and tell me what I'd love to know and please I hope I'm not crying So tell me a little bit about your Family and the influences your family had on you because what interests me about what you've just said Is that there?
And I know it's something we'll come on to as we discuss later. Discipline is really important to you, right? And in terms of, you know, disciplined approach to life, to, to, to, um, mastering things, all of those things. And I'd love to know a little bit, because there you were, you showed great discipline in the things you loved and the learning you did, right from an early age through to the stuff we'll talk about.
What role did your family play? And who were, if you like, the, the guiding lights, if any, for you?
Sébastien Foucan: My parents like was did their best. So they were great. They're not never really like, uh, [00:09:00] it's never perfect. We can always judge or they should have done like this. However, uh, I had a quite good education, but quite strict from Caribbean.
It was pretty strict. And in terms of, uh, doing like homework and stuff like that, it was like pretty forceful. So that didn't work for me. I think what I. Remember the most from my youth is being with my brother and my sisters. It's like the, like the, the sibling things for me, it's like, it's everything.
Because together we were creating our own world and our own imagination. And we were doing all this stuff. The discipline I've got come directly. From the thing inspired me, which is like all the manga where the, from my era, it was among us about training. It was training, training, training to transform themselves, to become something, someone better and bigger.
It's always the same. Jackie Chan movie is the same. It starts from the, like the, like the guy to the side, no one cares, stuff [00:10:00] like that. So, and then finally find a master who helps him become the, the, the guy who saved everyone. So, uh, the karate kid, Rocky. All this, my, my era, uh, I would say late eighties, uh, early nineties.
That was the time of training. So all my. conditioning come from that, that, uh, moment. That's, that's where I get everything.
Richard Gerver: So did you have, did you have a Mr. Miyagi?
Sébastien Foucan: What do you mean? If I had, yes, I did. I had several Mr. Miyagi. I will say the one, uh, stay the most is a Bruce Lee. Bruce Lee, like the total package, the physicality, the philosophy, the wisdom, the energy and everything.
For me it's just like, yeah, there is, it's unmatched. So sorry. Go on. Go.
Richard Gerver: So there, so there you are. You are a young, young man who discovers a passion, the thing that makes your heart beat [00:11:00] faster. Um, and then. So when you go on to create this art form, this physical art form, exploration of space and movement, um, can you tell me how that, where did that come from?
And then how did you begin to mesh all of those things that you love together?
Sébastien Foucan: Uh, so how this come from is. For me, it's a, uh, it's a circumstances. I just was at the right place at the right moment because I've got a friend of mine, uh, called David, David Bell, and, uh, he, he was driven, uh, he didn't grow up with his dad, but his dad did stuff when he was in the military service, like kind of, uh, uh, some prowess prowess.
And stuff like that. And he had this kind of little reputation over there. So we always like look up his stats to his dad. I want to be like this, [00:12:00] but when I met him, it was the time of him trying to, to train, to become, uh, to become, uh, stronger and better and to be seen. And me, I was in a time where, because people don't know me, but I got vertigo.
I was not, I had vertigo. I was not really bold. I was like, uh, Pretty like, um, I wasn't, I'm not tall, you see, like, I was not, I was not muscular like I am now. So for me, again, I was looking for, uh, someone and then together we went, we embarked into a journey of, of doing what we're doing and parkour became from, uh, a lifestyle became, uh, our tool.
And then, uh, other people joined us, like many people came into this and then it built up and built up and built up to what it is now. And, but for me, my journey is not even like I'm very, uh, my, my name is very associated with, with parkour, [00:13:00] but I don't see myself as a parkour person. I see myself more like, uh, um, Versatile person, which everything I've got come from my surrounding.
The athleticism is from my brother were very athletic. My brother did the Olympic, so he was like very high level sport. My dad wanted us to be like football professional football player. So there is this physicality here. But like I say, I had the energy, but I didn't have the body. The body type to to succeed.
Uh. And the other side, I've got the artistic side, which my other friend was very like into drawing and stuff like that. So, uh, that's why I say like, without being too much, I'm quite a balanced person. It's sometimes it's rare to find someone who is balanced because I've got this creative, creative side.
I've got this physicality, but also I've got a very, uh, structure of mind. Mind, like how, how I think, uh, yeah, how I think and, um, and all this stuff I pick up from [00:14:00] people, you know, like, it's like, you've got nothing. So, so it's school of life. Everything I've got is from school of life. So parkour came from my friend, David.
If I've never met him, I will never do parkour is because I met him and I went into this early stage of something become a fashion phenomenon, a subculture, which now is all around the world. We touched like the entire, uh, show business and it's everywhere. It's everywhere. And, uh, but I was lucky. I was part of, I was part of that, but lucky and maybe not.
I think also I'm a bit, uh, I'm a bit, I'm literally, I'm very spiritual. And I think there is a reason for that. We're here on this planet for a reason. And for me, as I say, my path is through education and inspiration. And that's what I'm going to do. That's what, that's what we're doing. That's what I'm going to do.
So, uh, yeah, for me, it's very important for people to see, like, often I see myself more like Forrest Gump, not in a way, like I'm very limited in terms of thinking, but more in a way, like I end up into different. [00:15:00] Things, you know, like he does ping pong and then suddenly he's running and then suddenly he's got, uh, uh, um, an entrepreneur because he's got the Trump, uh, company.
My thing is the same. I've got my academy. I'm a public speaker. I'm an artist. I've got so, but all this stuff came from school of life and the stuff like come to me with all the different, uh, companion along the way and the mentor and the master. I met on along my journey one
Richard Gerver: of the things that really strikes me about you and all of the things that That are your passion your skill You know the things and it's funny because one of the patterns within This podcast series so far has been the importance of people finding a passion finding a purpose finding, you know Finding their, their, their reason for being.
But what really strikes me about you and links all of those things is your ability to almost slow life down and [00:16:00] observe it, right? Because what you've described to me is whether it's the physicality and athleticism, whether it's the creativity, and if people haven't they should look up some of your art, you post a lot of your art on, on social media.
You are an extraordinary artist, um, you are, you know, in so many ways, so much of what you do is connected to the world. And I wonder what your thoughts are, and particularly given the young people you work with. Whether you know that need to help young people to slow their lives down just a little bit, not in terms of, you know, kinetics, but in terms of being able to take a step back and suck in and absorb the world about them.
Do you think that's an important thing we need to help young people learn today?
Sébastien Foucan: Yeah, absolutely. Uh, I believe like, especially now with all the social media where they tend to go like quick, quick, quick, quick information, quick, quick, quick. Uh, you can, we can not. Uh, like we won't [00:17:00] change the evolution and the technology is coming.
However, the, the, um, the life has rules and nature have rules. And there is stuff for learn, craft, craft something to become like really good. It takes time. And sometimes you have to slow down and literally let the things get mature. It's like, uh, if a woman is pregnant, it's nine months. You cannot just like you, you cannot accelerate the process.
This is the process. So there is many things is a very similar into the teaching of life and Things take time and sometimes you have to let it mature. If you make a meal, you have to put it in the oven and you have to wait, you know, you put all the ingredients, you have to wait. Why? Because it's like alchemy.
He has to, there was a transformation, something happened. And for education, it's exactly the same. I know it's as an adult, you can understand that super easy. Any parents can understand that for children is different. So how do we do with children is through inspiration [00:18:00] because children has. It's all about vision.
This is how they learn to stand up and walk. You cannot say, okay, make sure you stand up, uh, step one, uh, one meters long. It doesn't work like that. It's just like they observe us and then they try an error and they. And then they succeed by trial and error, but along the way they forgot, that's how they learn that it took time and then he tried an error.
That's why I say failure doesn't exist. It's only trial and trial and trial. And then suddenly, now I got it. And, uh, uh, yeah, to answer the question for, yeah, for the, for the children, it's like, um, yeah, it's inspiration. The key, that's why in my academy we do, uh, like I say, we play the superpower is playfulness.
And I always say that, like, with passion came consistent and with consistent come result. That's why like people talk about discipline. For me, discipline is, is, is the word exists amongst, oh, this guy's got [00:19:00] discipline, but it's more his drive. It's not, it's not, it's trying to be disciplined. It's to, it's, it's, it's drive, it's passion, it's the burning desire.
If any teachers need to be good storyteller or good inspire, inspiring person, they can plant the seed or the fire into the guts, like the guts and, and literally spark the imagination of the kids, which they already have, not to like suppress it, to spark it. And then just let it happen. Then like, like flower, you just like.
Put a little water into it and you'll see it's going to rise by itself and say, Oh my God, he's never stopped. Of course, because he absolutely love it. He's just not, he would never stop. Once you've got the fire, once you've got the passion, like even someone says, Oh, he's been a military stuff. I is really disciplined.
You cannot match with someone who's got a passion with someone who's like dying for that.
Richard Gerver: Thank you. That's incredibly powerful, Seb. And I want to move on a little bit because, you know, again, we've [00:20:00] hinted at it in places and you're quite humble. You know, you have done some remarkable things in your life.
And I imagine when you were a child, if you'd written a list of who you'd work with, what you'd do, there would be very few of the things you actually did that would have necessarily been on that list.
Sébastien Foucan: Yeah,
Richard Gerver: I want to just touch on those things so people know explicitly and then I have a question for you at the end of that because one of the things that strikes me about humanity and human beings and a lot about human nature is it's very easy to be creative, to take risks, to be a learner, to be a self starter when you're on the way up, right?
When you have nothing to lose. Yeah. Then you evolve and build a reputation and then with that reputation comes an expectation and with all of those things come pressure. And so when we get to the end of what I'm about to say to you, what I want you to do is really explore with me that idea of how do you maintain that ability to take [00:21:00] risks, to be creative, to do all of those things now.
Because now you are Sebastian Foucault and there are a whole list of people out there Because now you are Sebastian Foucault and there are a whole list
So before we get there, just to get people to up to speed if they don't know. So first of all, you know, Parkour became this global phenomenon which gave you incredible opportunities. One of which was to appear in a James Bond film. Where did that come from and how did that feel for you when you were doing it?
Sébastien Foucan: Uh, wow. Yeah. So James Bond is like, uh, uh, it's, it's just came up like for me, it's like the ball's rolling, you know, like you start to, you're up the heel, you just like makes the ball rolling and then you keep on going a bit momentum. Uh, I've been contacted basically in, in my journey, I start to realize.
Who I was, but not in a way like, Oh, I'm Symbiosophical, it's more like, [00:22:00] I'm someone, you know, I'm not nobody, I'm someone and then, and I stand, I stand for what I believe. And that's very important. So when I start to stand for what I believe and what I want to share to the world, um, I, I'm Put myself in the map.
So I put myself on the, on the website and stuff like that. So, and then we did a documentary called jump London. So fast forward a little bit, and this documentary has been seen perfectly time where, uh, they were ready to do the next James Bond and they wanted to bring something French, French, French, French, French, and new.
And then they had the, they thought about me and say, Oh, how about this guy? Like, that would be good to, to have him. And I've got other friend who does, uh, parkour, but as I say, it comes from me. So, uh, then I ended up being in Pinewood studio and they explained to me the project was a little bit secretive at the beginning.
And then I realized, Oh my God, this is the [00:23:00] project I'm going to be in a James Bond movie. And, uh, yeah.
Richard Gerver: And so for people who don't know just, and if they want to catch it because they can see the clips on YouTube. That was the first of the Daniel Craig films Casino Royale. That opening sequence which is unforgettable.
And you will enjoy the way that Seb reaches a particularly sticky end. So we'll leave that there and people can watch that. And then from that float, so there you are in one of the greatest film franchises. in the history of the world in the relaunch of one of the greatest subsets of that franchise. And then you got to perform with probably the hottest, biggest pop star in the world in her generation.
Um, tell us a little bit about that.
Sébastien Foucan: Yeah. So, uh, the same period, like 2006, like I say, when everything is really like the oven stuff happened. Um, and we talk, we can [00:24:00] talk also about patience, be patient because The future old for you. Uh, I've been contacted. I got a message like, Oh my God, we have this, uh, famous, uh, singer want to work with you.
And so, so I didn't know it was so fast forward. I realized it's Madonna wanted to work with me. So, uh, for me, it's like, Oh my God, Madonna. Wow. And, uh, yeah, I am back into, uh, the first thing I did with her, she, she wanted me to be. Part of a video clip called hunger. And that's where people can see it. So that's where the first time I, I been introduced to her and I start to work with her, uh, to my surprise, like for me after this, it's already, it was already something, you know, coming from where I come from, but then after she contacted me again and she wanted me to.
She asked me if I want to go on tour with her. So I went on six months touring, uh, a confession tour with Madonna, uh, as a performer. And she asked me a lot. I learned a lot along the way, because also, uh, uh, you know, you always have a [00:25:00] different level, but she, she, she asked, she gave me a lot of trust, but also a lot of responsibility.
So I have to think about the choreography to cast the guy and stuff. And I was not ready for that, to be fair. It was like, uh, wow. But it teach me a lot. And also, uh, uh, it was, I think, one week before we start, I fought and I broke my wrist. When I gave my words to her, I gave my words to her, like, it's gonna work because people were a bit Afraid that, uh, it can be risky and stuff like that.
And then she contacted me and she like, I need you to give me your word that is going to work. And then I say, yeah, you've got my word is going to work. So unfortunately I was, uh, I was doing the rehearsal and during the rehearsal, I did one too much and I get, I get tired. So I was doing a handstand like quite high and I just fall and I land on my wrist and I broke a teeny tiny bone, which is the scaphoid bone, not the good one to break [00:26:00] anyway.
And then, uh, then after I am back into a different, different journey that just, uh, Perform and enjoy the adventure. I went on a journey of a wild journey When I give my word to someone which I had respect and uh And I have to prove it's gonna work six months
Richard Gerver: Wow Let me I mean, let me ask you Uh, and by the way an observer just an observation from an outsider One of the things that's always struck struck me about madonna is her incredible level of professionalism and discipline You know, and people don't see that in the outcome.
They don't see that in the performance, but the level of discipline, professionalism, commitment. And I suppose that brings me to a question, and then I want to come back to what you said about I am someone, and the clarity that that brings with it. But how, you know, because what you've hinted at again there, is there have been moments in [00:27:00] your life, and particularly in those moments of high profile, where you've made mistakes and failed.
How do you, how do you respond to those moments of failure? I think it's really important because, again, people will see some of the clips of you, hear some of your story, and they'll go, my God, he really is superhuman. But actually, one of the great superhuman qualities is the ability to fail, right? And so I'd love to know your perspective on that.
Sébastien Foucan: Yeah, that's something also you've built along the way. It's like the resilience, and I think it's probably one of my strongest attributes. Is I'm a, I'm a very relentless and I'm like incredibly resilient. I don't let it go. I've got to drive. I've got a fire that I cannot. Yes, I can explain. But it's like, uh.
It's, it's incredibly hard to match for other people, which I didn't understand at beginning, I thought it was easy, but we can talk about this probably after, but it's always linked with pain, you know, like tell me how much you suffer and I will tell you how much, [00:28:00] how much you succeed, that's something I always say.
And, uh, and the thing is, uh, you develop a kind of, uh, It's like you become like a warrior, so it's the same, like, like an athlete, you become, like, you got some good attributes, you cannot succeed on anything without getting through, uh, uh, to endure stuff. And the more you do stuff, at the beginning, you do teeny tiny chunk of, of difficulties, but the more time goes, the more you're able to handle more and more and more, that's how you work, you cannot handle big stuff right at the beginning, you can only get the teeny chunk, and then after, you built up and built up and built up, and that's where, after people say, oh my god, that's it, Incredible what he's doing and all the training I was doing with my friend, which didn't make sense at all when we were doing it, because we were like literally copying what we saw in a Japanese anime, which come on, like people like just carry rock, uh, like you see Star Wars, like, uh, he's doing handstand on one hand, but we did believe in these things.
Like [00:29:00] funny enough, you'll say, Oh my God. Yeah. But we, we were, this is, this is where. That was the exciting part, not to try to rationalize and say that's not, that's, come on guys, this doesn't exist. We were like, no, no, we're imaginary world. And we can move rock, you see, and then all this training, like, uh, it was super cool.
Like, for example, you say, oh, it's like minus five. We go outside, but we go outside topless. Uh, no shoes. We go to the forest. We meet whoever is brave. We meet over there, uh, doing like crawling, but we crawl like for like far, far, like more than. 500 meters, but not on the hand, on the fist. So you have your fist is bleeding and stuff, right?
But for some people say, I don't want to do that. But for us, we were like into like, we're in the movie. We were like, we're creating a movie. We, we tried to get like super strong, how, how old, uh, how long you can hold, uh, uh, how far you [00:30:00] can go, how much you can do the jump. Uh, uh. Could you stick it like, like to the perfection, you know, like we were like, like all the attributes of greatness.
We were right there, but following a script, which we, we have decided. And, uh, that's where, like anything happened to me afterwards makes sense because like you break your wrist, what are you going to do? And I said to the guy, watch me. It's like, where did this come from? But it's like, and also now I learned because I've got.
Uh, it's not, I don't, I've got different personality, but I learned I've got different, maybe it's a Gemini, Gemini, but I've got different side and, uh, you know, said the nice one, the guys stuff like that, but there is the other one, which is, uh, Sebastian, but this one is the tiger and the tiger. I often put it in a cupboard because.
I don't, I, for a long time, I didn't like people to sit because [00:31:00] I think people, it's almost like a incredible or you won't like me when I'm hungry. So this kind of personality, uh, I put it to the side for a long time because I have, I had to be the, the nice one, the polite one. When I go with the children, hello, how are you?
Like very pedagogical. Pedagogy and stuff like that. This is my, this is my natural, my, my child, the child inside me. But the one from the pain is the fire is made of fire. And that one can do absolutely almost everything is the one. Like I say, like I broke my, I broke my arm when I was a military service, open fracture.
I didn't faint. I didn't, I just hold my arm and this said was gone. It was the other one is the one said no exactly what to do. We go to the front desk, we show our arm to the guy. Then after we go to the bed, we lie here and we breathe nice and easy. Focus, focus, and just like stay in your bubble and wait, you know, all this stuff is, it goes through a switch like that, but through my training, I've got that, but now.[00:32:00]
Time goes, I know, I know that personality and I know I can, uh, tap into it as well as I will, you know, like, you see what I mean? So, um, so yeah, I've got those two things and I, if not so long ago, I realized like, oh my God, the stuff I've done, the, the person who allowed me to succeed of everything I've done from James Bond, you name it, the big stuff.
It's not Sebastian. It's not, yeah. It's the other one. You see, that's, that's the, that's the funny thing. It's like, oh, okay, I see. And then I saw, how do you tap into that thing? Because these things can be, if it's not controlled, can be very Uh, destructive, you know, but, but, um, but, but you learn. So if I explain my philosophy, it's the journey.
Okay. From the cat, from the tiger to become the lion. Once you're the lion, you've got the power, but now you're wise and you know where to go and you know how to, [00:33:00] you can, uh, Transmit your strength and give it back to others, and that's the, that's the processes.
Richard Gerver: I love that. That is such a potent analogy, and it leads me really, you've already picked up quite a lot on it, you know, this idea that in a way we have to strive to help all young people, particularly because we're in the business of education, right, to realize that they are someone.
And to help them find their clarity.
Sébastien Foucan: Yeah.
Richard Gerver: So, I know the things that you're really passionate about now are your, your academy. Um, I won't give away too much, but I know you're working on a book that's kind of linked to some of the philosophy behind the academy and the learning there. And also advice for parents.
If you had to, and maybe you do already at the academy, how do you help mentor young people? To find that clarity. What's your advice to them? [00:34:00]
Sébastien Foucan: Uh, as I say, uh, The the problem often with the when we're parents because I've got two daughters the the parents Which we want to give everything like I want to give the best wisdom.
I've got everything I learned from my journey But unfortunately doesn't work like that You may have one kid to listen but often because it's not we're not in the same journey of maturity It's maturity level. It's like age of Age of roots, age of, that's my philosophy, age of roots, age of fire, age of water, and age of air.
And, uh, children like their age of roots or age of fire, teenager is fire, you can see them like. So if you come with all your wisdom, like water. Like functionality, listen, you know, when you do this, you should do that. It just doesn't work because fire talk with fire. That's why my academy, if I, I'm not doing this way, but the quickest way for you to get the children to listen to you, just do backflip.
Look how quickly they're going to listen to you. [00:35:00] Even the things you say is stupid. They're going, their eyes going to be just like that. Listen to you. If I'm to the side with. Fantastic wisdom and say the best things ever, they're going to be, man, you see, it's boring, you know, because it doesn't work like that.
So to answer your question, how does he works is through storytelling and inspiration. That's why also teacher is not that easy. It's a very, it's not just like, I've got my certificate and I'm a teacher. No, no, no, no, no, no. You need to find out who you are first. Because the kid, they're going to see it. You need to find out who you are first.
So it's transpired to you that you are as one. Okay. This person, when this person's talking, it's backing up by everything. His action is his way of moving. His behavior and everything is do is, is very straight. It's like, Oh, I got it. Therefore they listen is listen. If I dress like it's Christmas, I'm like a dress as father Christmas, but I've got a cigarette.
And I'm like this and it's like, hey, the kids come here. I don't even say [00:36:00] hi to the kids. They will say, it's like, this is not Father Christmas. It's just like, you're dressed like Father Christmas, but you are not. And the children, they see that super quick. So it's an analogy, but as a teacher, it's exactly the same.
So for the children, you need to make sure you're in alignment with, with what you do, what you say. That's why I'm very comfortable with my daughter. I'm sure I made a mistake, but I'm sure also they would pick up some of the great stuff I, I gave, I give for people and it's up to them to pick up. It's like a basket of.
Of stuff and they pick up, you cannot choose. No, no, you need to take that one. And that one, no, they will pick up, they will pick up. Okay. I get this because I need that. And it's maybe later something you say to them, like, I don't know, like five years ago, they're going to figure out now they're going to say, I remember what you said to me five years ago.
I didn't get it, but now I got it. That's how he works through inspiration and storytelling. That's how you touch the next generation.
Richard Gerver: [00:37:00] Wow. Wow. And then that leads me to another word you used earlier, which is patient, right? And, and I wonder what your view is in, you know, within the formal education system, do you think we try and cram too much too quickly into young people?
And if so, what if you were building the education system, how would you build it differently?
Sébastien Foucan: It's a very touchy subject.
Richard Gerver: I knew it would be.
Sébastien Foucan: Again, like for me, I've got my academy. I'm working with a school also. I would love to do more, but maybe it will happen later. We'll see. Never know. But, uh, I, uh, let's be pretty honest.
I don't know. I haven't very investigated the school now, the school system, the way it is, but for my perception, I might be wrong, but for me, it's outdated. It's like, let's be absolutely honest. Sorry for them because it's a massive institution. There is a lot of, it's a massive structure has been built for years and years and years.
So [00:38:00] what I say, it's almost like a bomb. So I cannot say that, but I think the entire education system has to be transformed and changed. Uh, uh, I keep saying like, even to my daughter, I say, I don't think you need to go to school anymore. Like school of life is better, uh, it's a, yeah, but there was always an excuse.
Yeah, but I would not interact with people. It's not true. There is people in other countries, they interact with each other. They're confronted to real life straight away. I'm not talking about the, the hard labor for children. I'm talking about like parents to give them like responsibility. You do that, you go get this.
My parents, when I was a kid, they say, okay, you go get, uh, to do the shopping. This is the list and stuff like that. And I was in charge of the. The money. And then I have to go back. If I made a mistake, say, why did you do that? And I have to to sort it out. And I was like a child, however, the brain. So you are who like you are, who you think you are, and also who we think you are.
And then if you decide like, oh, is the child is incompetent and stuff like that. They are like this. [00:39:00] If you listen to me, everyone sit down and listen to me. So I'm not even listening to listening to what, how you think. I'm already positioned myself in a pedestal. I already put them like what I call the glass ceiling, which they're going to have years and years to smash this glass sling, to become who they're supposed to be.
Go back to that. Yeah. The education system has to change because now we've got. Uh, social media. And I'm not talking about, uh, uh, the stuff that would procrastinate the stuff was unnecessary stupid stuff. We've got incredibly incredible tools, like, right, like for us, it's like Steve Jobs say again, I use Steve Jobs a lot today, like the computer is the bicycle for the brain.
And it's absolutely true. You cannot match with the, with the computer. If I, if you give me the, the opportunity to create, I cannot, uh, program, but you give me the opportunity. Okay. So what is your idea? I say, okay, you know, uh, uh, old fashioned movie, uh, Superman, when he comes, uh, with, uh, um, Christopher Reeves, when he comes from [00:40:00] Krypton to earth, he's been instructed by.
Um, AI or something, and it teaches him everything. So it drills him for stuff. Okay. Until he arrives on the planet earth and he's got all this stuff in his head. That's how kids learn different language. Oh, you speak five language. Of course, because we spent time here and here and here and here. And did they have the teachers?
No, you had friends. All right. And it just interacted. Now you can speak. That's normally the plasticity. We know this. The plasticity of the brain is crazy. What happened to bring the age of development is. Amazing. We come with our only tools. Oh, maybe I've got my program. I'm going to teach them this and this and this, it goes faster.
I was in the school. I look at by the windows. Oh, you're not listening. Probably I'm not listening, but my brain capture something. And now he's in the Learn attention or something and want to learn something, but it has nothing to do with the subject we are doing today. But this [00:41:00] is for me now. We're not the same.
Maybe I want to learn gardening today. And maybe tomorrow I want to learn about how a top athlete becomes so strong and stuff like that. And tomorrow, no. Now I see someone who's got a nice dress and how did you make this dress? How do, you know, you can cut stuff and like model. We can learn everything.
But this is the plasticity of the brain and school, unfortunately, is not designed for that because incredibly complicated to get everyone like, if you think you are special, I am special, everyone is special and different. And we've got different way of different way of. Learning and thinking, you know, I'm learning by watching, which is learning by, by listening is learning by, by like touching by experimenting.
Oh, okay. How do we create a curriculum and stuff based on that? Ouch. That's it. And that age of AI, now we're entering into age of AI. People will be scared with AI, of course, obviously, but the same for me, we're tool makers. It's the same like having a fork, a [00:42:00] knife, using the fire, using the phone, uh, an iPhone using a, uh, uh, like a computer TV, all those tools are bad if you get, uh, the slave of the tools.
Richard Gerver: Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Sébastien Foucan: But if you're, if you're in charge and you control the thing, now this is another story. Now we, now we're getting into another level. And I think the, the, in a very optimistic way. The society, if we manage to, to go over all the institution and the cultural stuff and so forth, we can make a massive leap, a super quick to go like, this is who we are.
This is, this is wow. This is like big, big, big level, but it's require imagination and the will.
Richard Gerver: Honestly, your passion is extraordinary. I hope people are getting this because your passion and your philosophical way of thinking is so inspiring. And we're running out of time, I [00:43:00] could, we could go on for days, but I've got.
One more big question and then we'll start to wrap up. And one of the things through the podcast, through our conversation, that I think you have both at moments explicitly and then implicitly talked about, is the power of collaboration. And I want to know your view because one of the things I find a lot these days, not just in education, but in the corporate world we work in as well, people are looking for the secret of how do you create collaborative environments?
And so much of your life is based on collaborative moments, what's your advice to people on how to develop a collaborative culture?
Sébastien Foucan: Wow. So it's now we're touching like a very, because Any generation, any era, uh, something particular. I think we're in an era of conflict and everyone are very, very passionate about their agenda.
Like I don't have to name them. You can see [00:44:00] this. We're right there. The age of extreme extremism in a positive or negative extreme. I will, I want to push my agenda strongly. The only power I've got. It's through inspiration. So for me, like now you say, Seb, I'm going to do a podcast. Do you want to be in it?
Yes, I'm in it. Because we, we root for the same thing. We are like same energy. We know what we try to leave in this planet before, before bye bye. And, uh, and for me, I'm an ambassador and I'm a strong advocate for living together in the world. Next, everything is about separate, separate, separate. We have to find a way to collaborate.
We, we should, we should not be ruled by fear. That's very important because like, there is so many things happen, uh, even during COVID and stuff like that. It's like everything was ruled by fear. It's like, it doesn't mean, it doesn't mean be a reckless. It means being fearless and being fearless is assessing the risk.
[00:45:00] Okay, and then move forward. And that's a very important thing. So we need to move forward together. Like when they had like a thing, it was in Thailand. There's a tsunami and then it's like this. What happens super straight to start straight away? People collaborate. You don't know the person, but everyone helped each other carry stuff.
Okay. I've got this for you. And that's, that's what we've got. That's our, uh, our G that our genius and our power as a human being in that we've got something. We're very negative. We can do war and do terrible stuff, but on the other side, our best stuff is collaboration and work together and find a solution.
And for humanity, this is the best. So how we encourage people. I think it's, it's a, Just on a small level, like stop things, stop label people, or for example, I don't know, I don't like the American, I don't like the French one, I don't like the, the, the, like all this stuff, division, division, division. Okay, everyone's got the way of thinking.
In my own house, my brother and sister, they're my brother and sister forever, [00:46:00] but they're my brother and sister, so we can have like differences, but we go together because I want the best, we want the best for each other. And, uh, it's, it's incredibly hard because, uh, again, like people are very sensitive to that.
It's yeah, but they did this. And yeah, that's where it becomes very emotional, but try your best to show. Like, uh, the togetherness, like collaboration, and that's the only way for us to move forward. Otherwise, we're doomed. This is it.
Richard Gerver: Wow. Thank you, Seb. I think that point is really powerful, that idea that it's okay to disagree, but remember at the foundation of everything, we are one, right?
And we have to find our point of connection. Yeah, that's so powerful. Um, listen, all I can do at this point is thank you hugely for your time. I know how busy a man you are and to tie you down to one space for an hour, frankly, I take huge credit for. Um, how can [00:47:00] people connect with you to find out more about you and your work?
Because I'm sure they'll be interested from this. Uh,
Sébastien Foucan: people can find me on, uh, Sebastian Fuka. My name, uh, t ie n, it's a French, so it's Sien Fcon, F-O-U-C-A-N, like November. Uh, I'm on social. I'm on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, uh, LinkedIn. Uh, very important, different, different audience. But I'm there. I'm, I'm.
All here and uh, and then people can can interact with me. They can send me also email. They can find me on info at fucon. com or academy at fucon. com. Very easy. I've got my website. Sebastian Fu or uh, FU Academy. So yeah, easy. You Google me .
Richard Gerver: Yeah. People will find you.
Sébastien Foucan: They find me. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Richard Gerver: Usually do it.
You usually doing stuff that make ni near mortals like me, frankly. Incredibly jealous. [00:48:00] Um, thank you so, so much Seb, and thank you all. For joining us today Uh, if you'd like to find out more, please check out my website richardgerver. com And subscribe to this podcast so that you don't miss any future episodes But until next time here's to the future