The Traffic Hackers


In this episode, Brent and Glenn discuss the power of Boolean searches on LinkedIn. They explain the difference between AND and OR Boolean searches and how they can be used to narrow down or expand search results. They also emphasize the importance of getting specific with search terms and understanding the different titles used in LinkedIn profiles. Finally, they share a helpful tip on saving LinkedIn searches for future use.


  • Boolean searches on LinkedIn can help you find specific profiles that meet your criteria.
  • AND Boolean searches narrow down search results by combining multiple keywords.
  • OR Boolean searches expand search results by including profiles that have any of the specified keywords.
  • Getting specific with search terms and understanding titles can improve the effectiveness of your Boolean searches on LinkedIn.
  • Saving LinkedIn searches can save you time and effort in the future.


Introduction and Overview
Difference between AND and OR Boolean Searches
Using AND and OR Boolean Searches
Getting Specific with Boolean Searches
Understanding Titles in LinkedIn
Saving LinkedIn Searches


Dive into the nuances of LinkedIn search strategies with Brent Stone and Glen Martin in this game-changing episode of The Traffic Hackers Podcast. This time, the spotlight is on Boolean searches, a crucial tool for anyone looking to optimize their LinkedIn prospecting efforts. Brent and Glen unravel the mystery behind AND and OR Boolean searches, showing you how to effectively narrow down or expand your search results to find the perfect profiles that meet your criteria.
Learn the art of getting specific with your search terms and understanding the different titles used in LinkedIn profiles to improve the effectiveness of your Boolean searches. Whether you're aiming to connect with CEOs, founders, or any specific professional group, this episode guides you through using quotation marks, capitalizing key operators, and creatively combining search terms to achieve precise results.
Moreover, Brent and Glen share an invaluable tip: saving your LinkedIn searches for future use. This simple yet powerful strategy can save you time and effort, allowing you to revisit your carefully curated searches with just a few clicks.
Throughout the episode, The Traffic Hackers share their expertise in a way that's both informative and accessible, making complex LinkedIn search tactics easy to understand and implement. Whether you're a seasoned LinkedIn user or new to the platform, this episode is packed with actionable advice to enhance your networking and lead generation efforts.
Tune in to this episode of The Traffic Hackers Podcast to transform your LinkedIn strategy, harness the power of Boolean searches, and connect with your ideal clients more efficiently than ever before.

Follow Brent and Glen on LinkedIn for more!



Creators & Guests

Glen Martin
Struggling with month-to-month finances, I reached a breaking point in 2013 and contacted a mentor who changed my life. His guidance shifted my mindset from an employee to an entrepreneur, leading me to create various business ventures in e-commerce, digital marketing, and coaching. Nine years later, my wife is a full-time homemaker, and we've been blessed with success. I'm passionate about helping others escape financial struggles and take control of their lives, aiming for impact, influence, and income. Let's connect to start your journey of growth and change lives together!
Brent Stone
Overcoming early turmoil, I've transformed challenges into resilience and success. My journey includes: Escaping legal trouble in my teens. Achieving national recognition in network marketing at 19. Transitioning from managing a multi-million-dollar dental facility to co-owning a Dental Service Organization in my early 20s. Launching a lead generation firm/software development company and starting the “Traffic Hackers” podcast. Undergoing a spiritual journey and creating the “Changed Podcast” with my wife. Today, I'm an entrepreneur, owner, connector, and author, inspired by my encounters with Jesus. I founded Funnel Force and developed leadtether, an innovative lead generation software. I focus on helping professionals streamline their business processes. Expertise: Advertising/Marketing Strategy, Scaling Systems, Dental Industry, Software Development, Podcast Hosting, Strategic Business Consulting. Looking for: Collaborations, partnerships, opportunities to expand my podcasts, and speaking engagements. Join me for a transformative journey in entrepreneurship. Let’s make an impact together.

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Welcome to "The Traffic Hackers" podcast, your go-to resource for mastering the art of lead generation and demand generation. Each episode is packed with insights and strategies to help companies and entrepreneurs skyrocket their business growth. We delve deep into the secrets of increasing sales and revenue, transforming the way you attract and nurture leads.

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Brent Stone (00:00.906)
Welcome back to the traffic hackers. It's Brent and Glenn here with you again today. And here's the thing. A couple, two episodes ago or so Glenn mentioned how we were going to come back and talk about the, or in bullying searching. Well, we're here. We're going to talk about that. I'm going to kick it over to him and he's going to blow your mind with what you can do with free searching on LinkedIn without sales navigator. And then if he wants to, he can throw in some tips if you've already got a sales navigator account. So Glenn.

Glen (00:25.266)
That's it.

Brent Stone (00:30.498)
Thanks for being here and being our LinkedIn search expert here. Why don't you just take it away and blow people's minds.

Glen (00:39.57)
You bet. Well, man, it's always fun to go into some stuff about LinkedIn because I like it a lot. So, um, excited to share with you guys. Now we talked about, and bullying searches, and we talked about not bullying searches. And, and so you guys are probably really dove into that. And if you're like, man, I'm aggressive, you probably Google search and you figured out some of these things that we're going to talk about today because you care about your business. Well, if you didn't.

I've got good news. I'm going to help you understand what this is. So you might say, well, Glenn, what's the difference between an and bully and search, which is what I call positive bullying search and an or bullying search, which is kind of also a positive bullying search. What's the differences in really those two different styles of searches. And I think that's very key to understand because you will use them in very different scenarios. So.

I'm going to take the and one for example, and then I'm going to take the or, I'm going to compare them to each other so you understand what I'm talking about. So let's say you're trying to find a CEO, but you also want that person to be the co-founder of the company or the founder of the company. So what you're looking for with using the and bully in search is you're going to search CEO and founder or CEO and co-founder. And now you're only going to find profiles that have that exact.

those two words in the same profile, CEO and founder. So very specific. So it really brings your search down to a very specific group of people. And or bully and search actually expands your search to combine different audiences. So you want to find CEOs or founders. You don't really care. You wanna have either just CEOs or founders. You can work with both.

And now what you're going to see is your search is going to get bigger, right? Because you're going to have CEOs that drop in there. So these could be people that don't even own a company, right? But they're CEOs of a big company or founders, which are actual founders of a company or a service or a product, right? So very, very different. And you're going to see a very different niche of people that you find a lot broader, a little less niche down, but depending on your audience.

Glen (03:01.094)
So example, let's say you're a coach and you work with fathers, you wanna find dads or fathers, right? Because you don't really care what they have on their profile, you want to have, you wanna find either one of those. And again, your search is going to be exactly the same where you put the main words that you're looking for in quotation marks, and then or will be in capital letters, and then your second search in quotation marks again.

And again, you can string these boolean searches together. You can put and searches together and not, you can put and, or, right? So you could have a group and we could, there's, there's more, there's more that we can go into here. It's definitely, um, there's a lot with search in the LinkedIn. Yes.

Brent Stone (03:30.178)

Brent Stone (03:43.886)
Question. So, just to clarify, cause I remember on, couple episodes ago you were talking about the capitalization of the and. Is that hold true for the or? Okay. All right. So, if I'm listening to this and I'm getting ready to conduct, test different bullion searches, trying to either do really narrow down audience with the and search,

Glen (03:58.647)

Brent Stone (04:11.99)
then I need to make sure I capitalize that. If I'm gonna do more of a broader search and use the or, I still need to make sure that's capitalized too. Okay, got it, thank you. That's excellent. Yeah.

Glen (04:19.93)
Exactly. You just put O R capitalized and then you're good to go. See, if you don't LinkedIn doesn't realize that you're trying to do a, a specific search and they will actually take it as like one string of words. So to them it's, you're trying to find people that in their title, it says dad or father, and no one talks like that. You don't typically see profiles where it says husband or dad. No, they're, they're either.

both or they're one, you know what I mean? Like it's, it's not going to say both. And, and so you're going to find that the search doesn't work. And you're like, now you're mad at me and you're trying to find my address and send me hate mail, you know, and when actually it's just the fact that you didn't capitalize it. And the quotation marks helps because it breaks searches apart. So you quotation mark, capitalize the word quotation mark, second search, capitalize the next word. I typically recommend don't string more than two.

maybe three bullying searches together. Otherwise it starts to break down the search. It doesn't do as good of a job. So one, very good, two, very good, three, eh, four, you're not gonna be happy. So keep it short and just use creative language, right? You know, if you wanna work with attorneys and lawyers and you want it to be attorney and lawyer in the same, now it's gonna be very specific if you want, and if you want.

or where it can be both, you want to use the or. You see where I'm going with this? Like it, you got to think creatively about your audience. So, you know, obviously for, let's say, you're selling a service to financial professionals. Well, a lot of financial professionals use the term financial advisor. Some use insurance. Right, you see the difference here? Cause you might want to find insurance.

and financial because people put different things in their profile. So you got to really get specific. And so if you're doing this and you have no clue who you're actually working with, your bullion search is going to be ineffective because you don't know who do I exclude, who do I add, who do I try to put in? So I would say go get specific. What's specific titles, keywords, whatever you want to put in there that your audience uses.

Brent Stone (06:41.855)
Yeah, that's awesome.

Glen (06:42.566)
And hopefully you've already done that because like this is common sense stuff, but if you haven't, this is only going to make you more effective where it's, it's like, well, if you work with CEOs, you could technically work with like a director or, you know, well, director of what you got to get specific on that. Right. And, and there's, there's a lot of ways to break this down. And we might talk about titles and stuff like that later. Cause I think it's important to understand titles of different parts of a company.

depending if you're working B2B or B2C or whatever you're trying to do, that's a very interesting topic in and of itself. So make sure you keep following us because we will talk about that later. I don't know when yet, but that's gonna be fun because it'll just be fun and you're gonna learn a lot because there's a lot of interesting titles out there that you may not realize that would fit your specific brand, so yeah.

Brent Stone (07:35.658)
Yeah. Well, there's that not only that, but then there's also the, the idea that there's companies that elevate titles. They have more weightier titles for people that don't really have that level of responsibility and vice versa. And so there's all kinds of strategy when you, when you're doing this stuff on LinkedIn, that you have to take into account all these things. We could do probably two episodes on just that whole thing. So maybe that's something we'll do later, but Hey,

Glen (07:36.446)
Pretty cool.

Brent Stone (08:02.87)
This is awesome. Glenn, is there anything else that you want to leave people with when they're thinking about the or search before we cut it off and move on to the next episode?

Glen (08:13.17)
do it. That's anything I'll leave you with. Now go and do this, build your audience. And if you want to say here, this is actually really helpful. If you want to save an audience that you search, you're like, you go to all this work and you search it out and you're like, man, I got to do this, but I'm in the middle of some other stuff and I got to come back and then LinkedIn refreshes and you're upset. All we've all been there, every single one of us do this. When you search it and you've got it exactly down in like you want

go to your search bar, copy the full URL and post it in a note somewhere. Then the next time you go inside your browser, just grab that URL, drop it in there, bam. That exact search will come up that you'd spent 10 minutes putting together and you're happy, I'm happy, everybody's happy and you can go and find your audience. So go and do it and we'll talk to you soon.

Brent Stone (09:06.198)
That was worth, I mean, the whole episode was awesome, but that was worth so much right there. So that just saves people like hours of their life over the course of like a quarter trying to do these prospecting searches. So hey, with that, thank you for listening into the Traffic Hackers. I'm Brent, this is Glenn, and he's Glenn, our LinkedIn expert, and we will see you all here very soon.

Glen (09:08.947)
I'm sorry.

Glen (09:16.319)

Glen (09:19.973)

Glen (09:24.926)
And I'm Glenn.

Glen (09:34.11)