The Power Life Coach

In this poignant episode of our podcast, the host shares a deeply personal journey from being enveloped in fear and anxiety to embracing a life of fearlessness and liberation. Despite outward appearances of strength and determination, the struggle with internal fears was a constant battle, intensified by a traumatic experience of being attacked at home. This moment of profound vulnerability led to a radical transformation, fueled by the love for her children and a newfound courage to face life head-on. The episode delves into the nuances of fear, distinguishing between legitimate concerns for safety and the self-imposed fears that stem from our thoughts. Drawing on the wisdom of Napoleon Hill, the host explores the concept of controlling our reactions to thoughts rather than the thoughts themselves, likening thoughts to transient soap bubbles that can be popped and dismissed. This enlightening discussion aims to empower listeners to break free from the habit of fear, through awareness and the practice of questioning the validity of their fears. It's a call to action to live powerfully and fearlessly, encouraging everyone to embrace the gift of thought in a constructive, liberating manner.

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What is The Power Life Coach?

I’m here to guide and accompany you to your greatest potential and give you the tools to create a life beyond your wildest dreams. You will change your life’s narrative, transform your limiting beliefs, and you will fully own your magnificent power. So that you can go from lack, to making your life one big authentically yours mind-blowing story.

I know you want more than your current reality. So, let’s unleash your inner badassery. Let’s explore the Intersection of Pain, Passion and Power. You don’t know how? I do. I have been where you are now. I suffered, learned, awakened and succeeded so that I can show you how.

With me, you get an unapologetic, powerful sister and guide with exceptional skills and a fearless attitude, all in one. Think "Sistuoso Maestro".

So, welcome to your POWER LIFE!!

Let’s do this. You have waited way too long already.

To the outside I was always perceived as strong and a go-getter, but inside fear and anxiety has been my thing for most of my life.
Anybody who suffers from any of those things knows that it is exhausting and sometimes even debilitating. We create our own limitations, like prisons of our lives and the potential that could be.
There was a point in my life where I was so tired of living in fear, that I felt like I could not take it anymore. It was right after I was violently attacked and beaten in my own home, when I was asleep. All that came afterwards was so scary. And that, on top of me being already afraid, was just too much. I felt like I did not have it in me to go on. However, I love my children too much to actually end my life. But weirdly enough, once I realized that, I became fearless. I wasn’t worried about dying anymore. I felt like I had been through so much already, that I just kept thinking: “bring it on, I don’t care anymore.”
And then in more recent years, that kind of fearlessness morphed into another kind of fearlessness. I went from not caring whether I lived or died, to caring again and wanting to live, but because of the inner work I had done, fear became almost irrelevant to me because I realized the following that I want to share with you today:
First off, let’s just be clear: there are two kinds of fears: there is the one that ‘s an awareness of the outside world. One that’s based on a valid threat to our wellbeing.
But that’s not what we are talking about today and it’s not the same as the constant background noise, the fear that is made up of our own thinking.
That one is simply a feeling of scary thoughts. It is something I create myself and that I scare myself with. It’s fear that comes from an experience I had in the past. Or it’s fear I have over an imaginary future. And it’s the rabbit holes and the worst-case scenarios that we create from the thoughts that we have.
Napoleon Hill said: “You have absolute control over but one thing, and that is your thoughts.”
I partially agree with that. I agree that we don’t have control over the thoughts that come and go in our minds.
However, we do have control over how we react to those thoughts. What we do with these thoughts and how we master them.
The truth is: there is no such thing as a scary thought. Period. There is no power in our thoughts until we empower them, we give them a feeling, we make them matter, we let them stress us out.
I like to think of my thoughts as soap bubbles. Thoughts themselves are transient. They come and they go. You can choose to give them weight or you can simply pop them. So I learned to see them for that and I started popping them.
So when you understand how powerless thoughts are, unless you give them your power, you can choose to not be anxious, afraid or scared anymore.
Being afraid or fearful is nothing but a really bad habit of empowering our thoughts and scaring the crap out of ourselves.
So … let’s break this nasty habit. It’s not serving us. It’s like I said, it’s self limiting, exhausting, and avoidable. It’s another misuse of the gift of thought.
Now that you know this, you can practice awareness, because like I said, you will never be able to control those thoughts. They will keep coming. But awareness lets you recognize those thoughts and lets you dismiss them without giving them any weight and letting them weigh you down.
As they pop up, ask yourself: is this an actual imminent threat or is it just fabricated speculative fear I created myself that doesn’t actually exist?
This will help you eliminate 90% of your fear and anxiety. I really hope you try it. Start by practicing with smaller issues. Flex that muscle before you encounter the big stuff. I promise you, it’s truly liberating.
This is to living powerfully and fearlessly.
Thank you all for listening. I wish you an amazing week filled with explorations and joy. Talk to you next week.